Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 May 1919, p. 13

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*LI13EJ.ri-XVILLO IrNi>LIENvi2jN:, TÂuULIMI.1, MAX Ii), JI.._____________ ----------------------------------------SU ~ SgU . * a as ~ . : a .::a ------ - -- ~ ~ Our Store Wiià Be Closed Ail DayFriday Memorial Day Our Store Will Be Closed AUl Day Friday Memorial Day Beautiftil new kimonas made of fine quality crepe in a good selcetion of. patterns and sty- les: vcry speciai $2198 tu Id 9~ Mnin ide oir COVIRLMAPRONS Extra large siie Coveral Aprons made of good quality percale in light and dark colors; reguar $1.50 values, $ 1 special at................ THE LAST TWO DAYS 0F THE The last two days of the Em ployees Sale offers wonderful values in Seasonable Merchandise in every department of our store. Many lots of goods have been entirel yclosed out, but we ha e substituted- merchandise in many cases that are still greater values. The sale bas been a great success so far and the -employees arÏ determined to make tIue last two days of still greater importance., if values j» mercbandise wilI do it._______________________________ New Style capes. 8.o89 -14.75 )K$ The vei'v icneet styles ini w0mcu 's"l capes arc prcsented in these grotîps, s peially prieed for thc Enployees' Sale. They arc full sweeping styles and are made of al ool Inaterials, 4 neatly trinurncd with braid. Every woînan in Waukegan slîould'view~ this I f;l snblage if she is interested iii cape styles. ~ More New Silk E Added to Our Assemblage at Stunning Suits 18!5-02 9 t5-397 'I'iî<e three groupas of Suifs presenit (veiy wvanted style, eol<'r and rmaterial. T'llestyles arc so varied and the values so iiiiiistal that vou arc sure to find just Nvhat you want here.- Special sl1is\ ing of niodels for stout figures. 4~ \z.i~2 ( V Silk Suits 24.75 ' Womn'sand misses' hîgli grade Silk sîits in a good seleetion of styles. ilion v~ery specially priced. 247 .......................... ... . 7. )resses 1 13*75 MNore newv dresses maide of fille qualitY silks and silk PîOP- lins in the verv latest stylI(ee hav.e een added to our large as- semiblage 41peeially pîiecil foi, the Enilloyees' Sale. The valuies are most unusual. LINGECRIE BLOUSES 98C. Pretty lingerie bouses, made of flne -quality eottoii voiles and strîped iameauis, IN u lePiiii t'cn.'. uttýý regular $1.50 valuîes; speeial values; speelal fol' the1 for the Employces' 98C ployees' $4. S a le .............. ........... S a le ..... ... .. ........ .. Main Floor SpecialsI SIL&K PETTICOATS $1.98 Silk jersey l)ttieoats iii mli the ne"' and vvauted voloî's, siLK GLOVES Good quality silk glov- es ini blaek, white, gray, tan, brown and navy, ai gizes up to 8-, vcry spee- ially priced for the Eni- ployees' Sale 98C pair .................... L1ADIES' NECKWERR We have just reeeived a new line of the vcry newest neckwear for -%o- men dont fail to sec thein. Prices range from 50c $2.50 down to SIE HOS8C Ladies' silk hose in brown, tan, black, gray and pongce l sizes; very spceially pî'ieed for the Epir s'Sale $1 .25 WHrrE- CRECPE t'7 inch white crepe for iii,,ztgowns, regular 35c valtue; very specially prie-- for. the: Enmployees' Sale at the 271c yard ............ TURE IHTOWELS Extra large, Turkish to'wels with colored ber- ders, regular 65e values; ,ApeCial for 1(h 39c Eniployees' Sa e. I - LADIES UNION SUITS Ladies' envelope style union suits in white and pink; specially pî'iced for the Employees'_ $1.25 S ale ........ ...... PILLOW CASES Good quality pillow cases 42 or 45 ineli size; very speeîaily pî'iced for the Employees' 25 Sale, each'............. SHEETS Extra good quality sheets, 81 boy'90 iici size; spccialiy priced for thc Emnployees ' Sale $1.49 each ...... ......... GINGH[AMS Plaid and stripcd dress ginghams in a good as- sortmernt of ècolors; very sjýecia1ly priced for the Enployecs' Sale 15C yard .................. FEATHER TICKING 32 ineh feather proof tieking; 'specially priced for tic Employees 40c Sale vyArd ........ Fiai- 1.98 Wornen's and Misses' Uoats 12.5 - 9.75 -24e75 Womien aud misses %vho prefer eoats to 1)olnînîîis or eapes wvill iîîd a good i«'lection of the very nws style goimeiits j hei'c iii all the wanted iiîaterials and colon', Every garmeuit shjeeially 1)ried fur the Ettnployees' Sale. WOOL DRUSS SKIRTS $2.98 Onie lot of oddls .111,enîds of silk and wool skits, ail gw) 1 niaterials, iin a g' >0<1asoit- ment of styles ad size; ver * speeially prieed for the Fu- ployees' . $2.98 Sale .............. CHILDEENS COATS AND CAPES, $4.98. C.hildrcn 's ncew sty'le coi: t s mid eal)es in a good seleetioml of volors and materials, sizesý 8 to 14 's. vcry specially prîced for $4.9 the' Employces Sale ......... 49 CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES, $1.98 Children's ginigliamlù dresses iii a large selection of styles, made iii stripes and eheeks aud neatly trii mcid, sizes 7 to 14 years, very spee- ially pricecd $ 9 at .. - ......-.....................$ 1 9 The v e r y î~vs style blo>uses lna goo d selectio~in of stvles and ini ail thie wanted colors, also somne vcl'y pî'etty lingerie blouses are vcl'y spee- ia}ly prieed frthie$28 Employees'Saet. INFANTS' WHITE DRESSES Inlfau]ts, whlite driesses iin a good selectiou of stleps ami umaterials, uieatiy triuuujjed, .sizes 6 înoifths to '2 yea s; eryspecially% priced 9 8 C for the Sale at ....................- CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES, $2.98. Children's white dresses muade of fine quality niaterials auid neatly trimmed; sizes 8 to 14 vears, vcry specially pî'iced for' the $29 Employees' Sale .............29 Employees Sale of Footwear MENS OXFORDS AT $3.85 Men's mahogaiîy, tan and gîil nietal oxfords iin the popular Euîg- lish lasts and w'elt soles, ail sizes aid widths; regulax $6.00 values; verY specially priced for Em- $3 . ployecs' Sale at pair....... iu WOMEN'S OXFORDS Woi4cn's tan and black vici kid oxfords in the vcry newest styles, 'with wclt- or hand turned soles, higli or low heels, regular $6.00 values; specially priced for the $ 8 Employees' Sale at pair Misses' pateiit and dîîll leather Baby Doll pumups with flexible soles a very ser'vieeable $3.00 v'aluîe; spee- ial for tic Emplox ces' 23 Sale at per p)air................ LITTLE GENT'S SHOES, $1.95 Little gent 's calfskin shoes in blu- cher and button styles with elkskin ees.a very serviceable shoe for sehool and dresa vcar, sizes 10 to 131/2, regular *3.00 yalue; , special for the Employecs' Sal e, , $ .e pm .... .................... ..9.5 Beautiful New Dolmans 24.75 Beautiful new style Dolmans in a large assemblage of eaptivating styles have been added to the group speeiakýy priced for the Employeca Sale. Th e l)eautiful materials, the fine tailoring and the prctty silk linings make these garments unusually attractive at the low pî'iee247 of .............................................$ 4 7 . New Black Silk Coats Eldrly ladies' coats mnade of talteta ad grade londros silks ini ail the popular new styles are shown ini a fulli une of sizes foir the Eiiployees' Sale at the special price of $18.50. Beautif ul iiew st',-le skiî'ts made of fine quality sliks, silk p<pliiis and serges in a good selection of colors also stripes and plaids; $ 09 special at ................49 Silk erepe de chine loorn- ers ninde in the very latest styles and neatly trimmed, ail sizes; very specially priced for the Employees $29 Sale ......................... .$ , 0 Basement Specials Thin blown, star eut wvater glasses i n 'lî shape; specially priced for the Einployees' Sale at 12c SHRBMET GLASSES Sherbet glasses, made from good clear, stock, iieat designs; specially prieed for the Employees Sale 1 5C GAS OVENS One humner gas ovens, good hakers; specially priced for the Emnployees Sale $1.89l ec h .. .............. o WASH BOILECR8 Famuly size wash boil- ers with heavy copper bottonis; very speciallY priced for the Employees Sale $2.79 ecd ............... IEONING BOARDS Large s i ze ironing boards with a good strong stand; v er y specially prieed for thc$e Employees' Sale$17 Extra heavy gaivaniz- ed wash tubs; very spec- ially priced for the Em- ployees' $1.19 l S ale ................. WATER PAILS 10 quart watcr pailS, extra heavy galvanized te specially prieed for1 teEmployecs' 25C Sale ........-....... CLOTHES BASKERTS Large size splintcloth- es baskets; very specially priced for the Employees Sale 69c eaeh ........................ WINDOW SRADES 36 inch stock window shades; very specially prieed for the Employees Sale59 e a c h ........ ............. -. Curtain StretcherS [Happy Home curtain stretehers. with station- ary pins; very sPecially predfor the Emn- A pyes' Sale oul.u y. . . .....................----------e~ S SS S: ------------* m SALE EMPLOYEES 1 PÀGF, Fm ir w MMII"»Rn A V Xi A V f)CI 1 Uý 0 1 WSBES' PUMPS AT $2.35

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