Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 May 1919, p. 15

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lilBERTtTIl LJC, INDE PEND iN 'rTiUR A' PAGE SEVKN IS ONLY MR. a SECOND OF DGWST BROTHERS DIES-IIUSSEY fiAS LOW EITI'S PESK BUT Charles D0w8ta welknown fermer Waukegan BlD FOR CEMI3NT; QETS MUCII MORE. W~as a Successful Magazine Publisher. NOW UP TO STATE F tLate W S Keith wanta Old Friend Mr. Ganster ta Take His Pick. PERTY IS TO BE SOL.' Ilj 1 woaîllll<o li thc drekaanal MOI'l'l ha' ial t 1alatoti nmany ilan discartyia'niaasna'mtlirot-- Éowatral(<iin-ler to I iinry Koth, Ier (ifttlite %V. . Ka'h as nW moniweieo troiaw oaer the baig Shotu" tanS r aan tload. be' 'lrntter tn'attetl laea'yidhaa * -it attaarîidta;,, lia pilt hN 'tbey aient ova r tlia( aacé and Mr. h pli-kit] (tata in anv ra l-t at taira anat nians l-tieotr.: h i l a i elaa t-i ar-d In Xr ('at n f hotaît'anal whîch Vie rîtorý 41011Y Ct at0'it.4 tfhia p t-ie-nalsiia at e!ar. Ký tital 0ê faraia tra- 1,a1le otat -'asl ltI ýh t' î tt ta',1 a',tt'oher Tlnry andl la tIta rta ,r taI' tîto votg înain tial t i0,t t- il d lita la'lk of thes te Om C < F: !r,- " a7 alt Ide to fait- 'i t'a t ata "a't tot ta- hat (tata ~ ~ ~ o tItlati ar. a t c-itrni- 'jt I i-trta -llatP Ataar, - sr In Frtl-r\%'1!1 tAtd Ii. aary Koth ba 1 aa i-a attaaliartatnt ln acta tiatl ha' latai v,,nattait foraid- mala '-'t. Mt ar Eit to<ak reatan aiift'.' ttI attl IittaI an ti-t %iq s ('ai" a f'at-lIait h leiIha tu-t ~ ba !.r la " ltt ata tta' or li t' a ttaor tali wn IItro t a' -" . -.v 'an t he Kl lirniata. a ai. t ati ud lardl To F'LII Place f,4a' t. '-- thlt iho ýig li l .ip t ' - taittta fl Rn s an a-a ilaaaa,!tt p"aacr aat 01-I ' , tr. bt an w-la cana ait'.' br,.a l ithe aan MIat pna -n-'. tip ii- r;ia- aa'a fIlS FIItST VO'TE WÀS- FOR WOMEN ,Local Man wiIl Receive Con- tract as soon as State De- Ipartment Gives ApprovaI HOPE TO RUSH THE WORK., m.. it. ltatty Tumber collPant- of a Waul<eegan 'ubmittea Ilthe lwest lA al 'for tarni.ahlng the 42,000 barreta of, cernent for the Iflvldere road itat ng Imiros-oment anad WIIi 5eceive tata. contîracl as Roon as approt'al i r,'- 7eived from the' state. The talaI sitilmittped have 'heen reterred lu tht" state hlgllway departmfefit anal fat- tera aire at a ttandstil pendlng word a., to wheiher or not the prottala iFubtaltt<-d hy the HusseY cOP8tip1anls acptablo. aThte roati anal bridge conmmlttee ort CARL CiNDBLOM i atte (ounty awarded the' centratea for paîtinln Section G ofthé. iplvIsi Tt ista't every con'iesAttî.n aita1 la r'- -trooeft avlng bitS sections Il ttflti laî' tritilega' when ho'ie aitsIiti t sora' roferreai to the state herttt' voteo <n îeglslaîive <atters tan tho tidai woýrTver the ugînpor't a-a Un tnen t ort <n a iîueatlon whicla lias he-a-t îNia trc.jfr cernent rw a-t-a' <O tous netrOS00ii itiiiial ait; auari-iatthe' biaiestihnaitta'i var'for a grpat many j not liaiw(r titan t hoate atbip il led I lat!t' Tht' aaw congras.' aiain fratti I ùotap' r., ti'a sa-l a sla a l- the- lotaait i-Irict, <art ('l)iîdlalatal <hait lislrianîtns mlght hoient1taiChatagat, ln a' nntto btiti-Sun sa t-tati 1,a awatral tlie contrarts tatd co"'yNit-frqt vota on la gllatise matt al-t ithtet-road building pb' l .s asttot'daay, May 21. and it a i-a, eitred to rose Do lima- 1ta an fator of Womaa's suffrage" tarting work. !____________________ Pîo~ Z io P ionllv-,j n oaa--a ~ ~ ~ Th ta 2a' 't-n- Iie-n- liat anal Zion <'as' vas rarri"d ijva tata iast t -a11; ' a- ltaIký '.- t-nray thktýaiatit noton s'h--n 1110. laT -ar'atati liait t1l- the-ttIre eummiteo of 1leglslaiortt V willt -t' , , ' 'ltIt-Ir taittiig-arrlved ai Zion about noon and "lk- ýaiiit.a.c'tat-ta-r lnt a 'lot ar in a-i nier llligs" t'c-!aa -l. Thae ciatamt ltctlie,' n conai tct- ln_- ta iaring in (hitago anal Volva and bis conansol have hati no part in 3EBRUSH USED FOR ROADS tl. bing kett froint holIpaanig ahso iuteiy an ima vîen ln cItant-e --) i ui ipiseai Wec-J 13 Now Dccarcd 10 Be tht' évidence which tho commîtteai Best B.l n llattaiaî ln haairaal lia-bfore it. Westerr States. Tberp have ba'en an niany %.5w-a a - a'a~-laaah. cttiiinat lainas maidùa ttaliata\'<lita aanal elttî' 1 - I a -t ny itc tt iîalft Il. vsriou,, vrsons calliadt'ylavthe Iogi.t 18 Lii it U -1: it'ls ants- lors. abhat tho cainiatîî'oaita'Tata- ats ara'ý-a 'a.Na-vadai, coin-day aItriait- n nikea'-asperlail trip an ji ta ital ataCi, aa'.- i' hP ELS M Zon andalflok inaatvr-a ot tr fratttl'a'p Wit ita'" 'lat i-I la aIl t'e'"ihuniersi'5final han t aandpolnl. Id tht' 0-ipat twat- o~a'cf Ithe bitter Ttelr pain -aq to sLýt-ttpo Ta'aaa'r or Itl nltru-l lat, a'greit-.a' pros- stores <nota ovu-tr -gant-raIlatta-. ac' tor-, a'ttairs, ataitaa ial--liseai lt i0v,- cita' tiîtaatt atad'a Ta i clt-lt1I !ua-c Ilencuanita.ra-al tlli a- itn. Ilt-iM lia t -eqh notal tt and a Il t'a' tild i it taity f,r raitl( t Iaiaal-a'a19atCOU ln rcan Irt aha-y tIPIe -r iliaié- a arat %aa 1 triki' ar for cotyaates-ai ta tlentatheîT 'fiâtai ,lb isclalanpl Voliaat tarit'a My FI kIats halo t'iltilntî-it. On tht- oi ha-n ianti 'ahli <a ha itaa '0t taaag ago un Oregatainan crlcd back i< aih a defii I i- îttatatta a jrikia ! leita salalat sngebrush prove abat atît' carla 1- NOT ttlat iliai' bî'st rond-buijllog mulerlal aan n o at laitie h aa tatala ne0il-fl thei "est, sanys New York SUD. Ilataît argume-nt In Vte contrany. w ldnhid éaims In the despî.soa weed curt-a- of greuit weatth intlatae Soln- Vlilva Fightang Mad i of thie problein of potasia short- Orertter Voiva '.aa*t '-t-n mat-t ca i *'Thie average acre prodoctas inca fiho conamiltat- stantra iniiil, re ltn il! ttSag-irush ait n co-t Of work hiat thpir t-omtiag attaitatail L Tht' sagebrush hurneailab lntth îdomcile ina [erson, llaîir inva-laîn til 1L giss ifi-tm 25 103PO per cent pot- tata day aithasul bhi itlatioan anal ait" lie auptiiy la Inexhautll." optan(TielilIma sgîcen liiit are-a dIli tlaiiiO o et. 'îIo caîleal 1r a feel-ings al the more. tIsai "10 iftI thecurse fronttaie ýnt aiv knaass'so w-eh and aboulai Il las oitl ie iaointara--i t a citnut -e," îaaaynoîat consîder himseîf eVen 'whether The legsaîatis-a nionalara ta ha-ta th ltt'w lia jeereci and retuseai tu in Ztoat on flita'Drite asotlllamate ina ýtaiia-r vîîîahum.lho sret-as ef itin anal if thea tui > whether thhca police woaiid arroat, them. H-ow Great pbsata Were Written. ofat ite it t'ateslt aoii Ilii tae Vliva Arma For Flght %g-: ta \ri-rtri 1< ti Iy citums finlt- srayt i ilîg ctatlîtt tcla vtier in frleiitly Voiva lagtliag rad fih 'lry. 'I'li-y tintiartoitak te work i baick as hard ais IheY are 'flghtitig ast' poittaattfor six molths anal litan hlm.- miai-a i--iats Çents trent Ic ie Vo-l"'liva's counter-taiow an tho logis- le tai!,jVttta aidwrate "Endymion, ltir ae aI Springfield Tua-sda dbI i<atlt' sîl 10 Marlow andI. lyliti atternoon. A bill watt fiied there i' a haaat itithé' Thames, wrotc "The thoe(Circuittcourt which heairai iha voltaa cini.a." signature of Wailier E. Greenfielai or mon ia-,t y. who, asalvthatt Stati Attai- As Mater of Duty. t ilniy 001 lieours 10 ullor convinc. arguments, Lýît it msy bc ours 10 bloy ives. lmay flot bc ours 10 isubie andl learneal andl logical, but amy lite ours to be more noble and et anal oare.-Canon Farrar. BrIdgIng Suer- 1iee bridges have been boult acroqs !Iuiz canai rt Kantara, thus Uir.k C Egypt nud Plnestine by raliroed Id rond. lntroduced Chirjaanthemums- [t #as 0 Inte autt on f 1808.that tiratI Iiaiiit't ofcIîr-saaîalleums was au InlParis, brouglt bit a Firench- m froua far-oft Jaln. BlI firaI re wsns 1 prescrit thcm 10 the Ern- U ,osephine, ho was dellghted th te floivers ana iintrouluccd their tlvation ln French grdns-Chris- 0,,Ieace Monitor.. tor Russel and Sltat' Treasairor Fred E. Sterîng h- resîraIneaitroan Isstalng ans' warrantq to the nrm-her,aof t- joint investigatittg committet- of tite bouase anad sonate to carry on -tia investigation oft he Christian Apos- 'olie Charcb of Zion City antI Wiltiaî" Mlennu'a'liia. The reooitalon calling ancrage iioatily e\'pPndilure for mvi for the investigation was uaissea April 17 andte pptiutior chtarges it, l, "vold anald ielt Fran.tiîs S. Wilson. of toiaa cetînsel 'talai a"Wae taîko ite position that teconmittebaq no jairasailcaion over Mr. Voli'a"a management 01 lis charch anad civir affaira. so wo wiil r ylo prevent tha- slale's monaay bcbng paid out toer ILs aetivîtit . t anm curions tai '-now who lias been psy- tng the blls of the c9tnltee su far. when the appropriation bill bas flot yet recelvedl the govceruors signa-' Volva leclares that the charges cft tht- vites-os taîl le k otal a0n sent a re te iia.-a'taitf lit- incarne for Vear $275,00 aTrhey say tat ana,'holintgs are nata woa ah $1.600,00,', "he -atla."lutif a main ofa-rpal me f atO<iotar aty holdings li Ziîn tht s'1IwatlaIai'<tta'i îî. -NIni-t acoinit-from chutrch,in- 1 tîlitions and indaîti o, uring toe [a-t ta-s'a- monthsa maatunted Il< 1 7 tt '-,ettai lhiatuinea-on 1la-a iîtanity gela iog mort- pi-ralaýil o Il'- church aatai ajarading the o raItiotYI.a taa'-an'i rvceis'ed a cent for nay own uaP-a ,ott of tht' chiarcla. t have useai only a ptlance of th- inconta<o sa- 1Wort Iny failis - Si nao F-lara., 199a9, anti ata10 ta -ýcemîer, i liii.oy' famlly lias bei-n SI't2 andi lac raiseca it family otfise." Trht ins'e'tiagîing commilioe was te hase helai a meeting in ('hii-ag-t Monalaty.but throaagh a confuision of daî'-s no quaorumr was present and thes- met today. Numeiro-a wilnessa'a ia ra- on hanal Moaadaý-, soniaet of whiaii hiad made long joif~na-ys t-a attend the' seso.Among, thea'e waai tB. G. Sait and Superstition. "' ninn ~ Iho The aulaeratItliaa.w iflaragnrd Io sali JE ~~are <aii I-. uiqt ,Iillilag - I t la un- iucky i pa-rhapîs a t'i atatatta-tat tfnl IJ fhII~ J ~ î II~ . utterïtit 1ions le a*tandi trevaîiltal teki tchen is tva-I as i t thei table. Tlaare lire 9e( 't' la blLaas-hiaaaIdtwhere satI ltit lh-i *an -taila aooîathat Posîrnaster Grady spent two hatirathae sait ea'lar il,,aaallit the faaaaily table wth hIis son Ed in Chicago Tucaida' t nv 1311-1, tsaaatngtn I,'t hoI m aoin e of the Prairie oBys jaast ~ld' Ilacrk tram France. 'ld gainpd jont 34 pounida aia' Tu C.-r l!e YLCaùb. h'. taft home and it Is truc wih aIt Oaanaa '-aJt I'aa*aa aa st'a~5o ahe tettows-ti'ey ail took on maint saaaar -a i , I .- î---. 1)c ',aad- waighl and look fine. I sat for a soid uaIiare- aof , w a a-a i:, l iaI, rytragt hotar 'aitelthte 6,000 boY. were march- mettant t ,f c-a Taa lra' nsinal ing by" @;aldi the postinaster who na- aît- a--a rras aý i' aatata'- l'ty walkîîîg arally wa.s mo4t elated aIa epitag his i Ilatita a îIl.a" atila t-apa, liai'welght t-on tasain. Mir. Grady aysah tht'oîea freo taaa.aa,-1I.tad atan istributez W'aukegan fvttows ail look fine and vIreataari'. flot one has gone doawn ln weighu This. the experiencê waa great for them. Learn to Use Bath Hands. fi t tt tlr't liwa thantialeapouleîîî t-au tt liaise taitad- Iles, a Y. M. C. A. secretary of vnîtaîgî- ta-ar riglat-ltaiaiitlfpv-aaçie l ni <anap Fuit'ton - whn forinerly had b' a atl'lt" -aýýt1 lit- zht anlii attI th taught ln Zion echbols, andl was ex-' gra-tatr athiat riglat iinatla- l.ýpiet pecteai tesshed light on the bizarre , nItajt hir aîîtralitaeaitaand tal. q a î presontation of sciontiflc tacts to gatati tlatt a atcltt s'a ll)aia nd the Zion tchool ciilaren. îlrusvng ssltb theuehfa t atia. Savlng Oiicloth. <'ilti taatli-avitcldte coei tables il attt iv a'ia talnger If th t tbles first 1at-a a-t-i'stta patper, wetl rubbed s' lI mtaactitneo tilt, akeppthe unqer- a-a1.'-)otthe oltcioth imoIst. Study Chair. 1 U nfitar Ilw0 . t ()f Ilncw stuItY chnir is :1 lraawer for books and pat i-. il l a ali-If for w rlting cain ho'-' iag a"a-. twh. tarisfrom n oe ~ala.~'at ttaar-ispüiçatch. PROTECTION' From the Heat of Summer Awnîngs -of Ail Kinds Window Shades Draperies Decorative Novelties We guarantee ail our work and material. Cati us or drop a card an d we wiII bave our representative cmli on yoii. Northwsstern Wsde Awnung 60 3. Waukegan and Winnetka, 111. -Phones- Winnetka 1123~ Waukegan 2087 ai lui , M -Lake Countys Greatest Store for Women and Childre Àfter Decoration Day Qutings We Offer Hundreds of Ne w Styles in the Great Sale of Su its, Capes, Dolmans 2 Sale Groups of New Capes are Priced Specially at 6.75 & 9.75 [Iiest- <' llaîil ]o\\ i*a' slmho l i i I te1se good -1îtýîkiii!!' îiIa lu lî'îh'ii i ; 111 1-Y. Tilv pi- lIte 1<-ais t ltaîî wIilusale if* botglit regitlar. Values up to 27.50, special at- <a 14.75 Values up to 37.50, special at-- Values up to 45.00, special at- 29.73, IlTe sltperi(>r qualities of the fabries, the silk litîingsathe fasvinathig desirability or the' st -leI(s leilis iîitliviltiilitv ùî the malîv iîi<al's in SUIfs, capes and dolmans that in all-around heailty and general worthiness surpass aîîY i-m Oli showiîîg w-e have ever offered A Qea Sae f "reSbtuilk" Ne Summer Wash Skirts Speicially Priced at $1', 2.98, ý3.98, 5.00,-6.98, 8.75 ~A salle that could scare be more opportune provides these handsoie llew waslh skirts ini a broad clollection of e-levi'rly designed modéls for vaéation, outing -or genenal surnmer wear,, featuring highly attractive values at the priées mnîtioned above. ri kt 9 ki 1

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