Page, Eight "LIEBER-TYVILLE, TWePENDENT. TRUJRS'DAY, MAY 29. 1919. _ _ __ I __ _ _-. . - - BUSINESS ON- THE AVERAGE WITII NO REAL BIG DEALSI j Jessir P'. Blackmer et al t" .J- - Paekis and wife. lots 1 to 4 Waqhn burn Sprngs Annex Waulegan. W.~ D. $550. Thom. Morton and wfe to W. Il. Corrine Thomas, lot 24 block 5 Iiih. land Park. W. D. £10. FIrat National Bank of Waukegan to Lee McDonough. N. 23 3-4 lot 10 blcek 12 Original Waukegan. W. D. M1. Leïtoy Hornbech and wile to W. F. Wandel, lot 22 Iblock 1 Kirk and Pow- eus Add. Waukegan. Q. C. $50. Peter Pearson and vife to Tho- man Cole and vife, lot 21 Pearson.- Litlei and brogana Sub. Waukegan. W. D. 8100. J. E. l'hrosel snd wife to D. P. Cavley, lot onat ide Elni&-ood Ave. S. of Waabiltan St., Waukegan. WD00 ffmes l. ix ehe -Woftmm l AizxÉmG&AFTER DECORATINDYSEAL Specially purchased new dresses in tour great featureI 1 groups at sensatiorial May-Sale pricings 1 A. K. Baves, Asst. Secretary Soeur- Jty Titie '& Trust Co. Business of the Itecorders office for the week endlag May 24, 1911f. Nuniber of conveyances-109. Number of chattel mrtgages-15. Number of Trust deedsanad Morts. ages-18. Nunîber of Army and Navy di*. chiarges-4. Total number of Instruments fled- 146. Total amcuat of loais-150.12E. Business has bee n brisk with bcans about the average. The following are the more Iimport. ont d.eals. In Waukegan: Lee MIcDonoigb boughi 22 3-4 feet frontage adjnining the Elite Theatre on the soutb. on the east aJMe of eGnpsee St., from First National Bank of Wou egau tu- ln'licated conaideration of $10,000. Helen E. EReardon bought Part of the Hull property ai narth east cor- lier Cory Ave. and North Ave, for fD- dicated $2,000. 'Pheo. Goldsmith bought t» e Sel, bouse on north aide Massena Av.' 3ust esat of Hickory St. from Frank W. flowney for nominal constder-- tion. Thon. Cole and wife bought tho Peter Pearson place on easi aide Palmer Place for indlcated $4500 and gave bock trust deed for $I0WO Nellie Williams bought the Harry E. Tureîr property on eut aide Chest- nt St. north of Beward St. for $2400 Rtoy A. Outhrle and Geo.. A. oGuld" bougbt the Clinton C. Green store building et north epet corner Grand Ave. and Hickory St. for $2200 and gave back trust deed for $2500. Margaret S. Conroy bougt2lt on bos-lb aide George Ave. jut ve of NeAlster Ave. froi Peter Jansen for lndleated $2000. In Shields Township, Great Lakos: The Unlted States took title to the Thon. Byrne 90 acres ln sec. 9 for *17&896140. , 'Ms ida ruprfsW djc1ns the oDwney farm on the soutb. ln Highland Part- Mary Tipton bougbt the Chas. M. Schneider place on West aide Second St., north of central Ave, for $7000. In fleerfield Village: Milton A. Prantz and vife bongbt the 8nyder proPpeîty on Deerfield Ave, for $2660. la Libertyvile- Oeo. A- and Einas M. Maton bought the Fred H. %lartîn place on weat aide First St., South of HTUrîbut Court for $4600. lu Lîbertyville Township: Asa N. i«leet and rIsfe bougisi the Wm. J. Dllon farm of 40 acres ln NW 14 Smc.8 for $6000. ln Benton: Jas. H. Ferry bought thi James Y. Ferry tari n l Sec. 27 aiea a lot ln Lake Ville Heigbts and 2 loftsln Cannons Sub.7for indlcated $10500. ln Wadsworth: LeItoy Alcock bought the Thos. Strang bouse ln N E 14 Sec. 34 for lad icated $2500 and gale bock trust deed for $2000. IN GRANT- BTAOIN SHRDL S lu Grant: Paul Locklt and wife bonght part of lot 13 Nippera mi' Club Sszb. from Conferse Marble for $3000. Minnie E. !tlslng bought the Edwin _L. Harphan farm ln Secs. 13 and 14 fnr $8900. sin Grayslalce: Guy W. Thomas and vife- bought the A. C. Johnson pro- PertY on Hawley St. and Center Aie. for $4000. ln Warren: Alice E. Jones hought the Bostêdt far i n Sec. 26 froin Thion. M. Gray for nominal consldera. lion. James U. Swayer bought the Henry B. Wlbur farm ln 62 Sec. 21 for $1000. In Wauconda Township: Harold and John Blomgren bought the Beagle Wlng farmn of 100 acrea lu Sec. 15 for $ 15000., In Ela: Geo. A. Thies bouglit the Mates farm of 120 acres In Secs. 2 and il south eaat of Gilmer for $16800. OFFICIAI LIST 0F REAL ESTATE TRANiFERS Furnlslied by LAKE CO. TITLE AND TRUST CO. Abstracts of Titie.. . tle Guaranteed. Matenlc Temple Sidg. Phone 4. Ini the greatest dress sale of the elîtire season you wiil find handsome n e ginglianis, voiles and lawns, at $5 anîd it $10, $15 and $20 you nay j hoose fi-ont fine newv siik dresses likethose illiistrated. In Waukegan's Largest Waist Shop IThese May Sale Features' in a Gigantic- Sale, 1,000 New. Silk Waists -alliStyles, Sizes and Colors Included $5.98, $8.50, and $12.75 Values in Three Lots at Stylish ncw silk georgctte erepes at $2.799 $4.89 and $8.75 that repre- sent some extreniely important savings. Many new styles with beaded, braidcd, rhemnile caibroiderý as well as iuffied and fringed collars. Al colors and sizes. The Season's Feature Selling Event - ] Value$ Up To $15 in a'Special Purchase- Sale of Raincoats and Capes -at~ Absolutcly Wateirproof salesr sizes and in best colors and styles ,man 's saxuples and our own stock. Ail Hiandsome New. SMOCKS 1i,2-.)8,3-48 9.mart looklngiamocks of lin'ns.attistp linen. voile and noisettes with hgh o low neickq, hutton or lacs fronts, wlth bits of rmocklng. beits and new pocketfi. Ail kiàes actcolora. 1.50 Values inMuslin -Petticoats -Corset Govers - Chemises -Night Gowns -at 97C A varlety of freoh nov mualins In pretty styles daintily trtnàûe. Corset cavera are of siik crepe or- mualin. $250 Muslin Petticoats -at 1.98 Dalnty heautiful styles In sonft muglin petticoatz flnlshed wlth deep lace lounes and ruffles. Silk Corset Covers at 1.49 and 1.98 Corset cavera and camisoles of sllk crepe and wash satin, In com- bination with shadow, val and filet laces. $5 Silk Blouses and Envelope Chemise -at 2.98 Bloomers of flesh rolared silk crepe and white Indestructible sat- inette. Envelope chemise of sllk crepe and wash satin. Children-'s 1.50- Wash Suits Rompers and "Over-Ail" Play Suits -at 98C The vash suits and rampera la white and colora, plain or sgtripea and the "over-alIs" In bine and rookie vlth color- ed trimming. 1.50 Gingham Aprons 88e. Women's gingham aprong in gond colora and moat ailie wonderfful value at 88c. 1.50 Waists Special 89c A ftioeclal aaiortmeut of ah-e walos grouped for this verY 'Pa kiolling and rrlced at oftly 89c.f 1.39 House Dresses 89c Women'. house dresses ln 4dds and ends la good-looking 840, and.wanted colora ai 89. 65c Silk Lisle Hose 43c A speclal purchaso lot off womnen'a an] nisses' sllk hie ho». av.*àrkety of wnnted colora and aizes. Values to 1.50 In, Children's Dresses mmt97c A realli' seiîsational evenit îs tlîis special selli of <'iildreri's pretty %vaîsl di-esses iîî îîost ail si and iîî plain anîd plaids. A Special Purchase 3.75 Values In GinghamDrse This great assortmneît of 33 dozen fine ginghaiq w-ash dresses %vas seured in a spevial and represent the inost wonderfiîI values we eveî offered. Ail sizes froin 2 to 14.1 Womefi'a $1.25 UNION SUITS Special at la u thie i 191 lu' la au va hi sm In ti £84 tic al a the 'li UN Ii. t tiai r The assortmpnt Il lim 1 I A sp-clal sale value ofj lited, whlle they Isat ai etriking importance. Ai onily l2C. sizes. A~ Values to 2.501In Silk Flounce Petticoats, In Ail Colors and .-Sizes mat A Limited No. of- MM -MW Wm Wonn's pettieoats in, colored sateeuis, broca $ 4. e 0 Corsets cd heatherbloorn and silk flounce effeets. AI Front and Buck Laced ' ie.à 2@19 $2 White Sateen Petticoat.,4~ -a t *1 Pretty new atyieg la vhite sateea of an especlafly good qualît at $1.49.-4 1These discontlnued 'numbers include 8aome very excellent corseta ln white and fIes -h la front and bâtir laced styles lna fair range of aises. Other New Corsets $5, 7.50 and $10 Far those vomen vho destre b9tter corseta vlth their added fMatures for ad- ditional comfort and vear, vo have thein ln American Lady, Frolaset, B. & J. Main Lyra and Nemos ta plain andt brocaded effects ta white ad bb. 79c Gingham Petticoat 39cl'à Nurses' stripe glag9haM Petticats Prlced for this sale at only89 69c Kitchen Aprons 43c Bib and tudg, aprons trimnied wIlh fine rlck-rack braid, no, colortage. $3 Slip-over Sweater 1.198 A great value indeed-v.omen'as and misses' sleeveleua aUjcve woot sweaters in COPèishsgen, rookl and rose. j t r il i -new ginghams, Iawns, voiles, *satins, taffetas, silkI 1 poplins, crepes and combinations in thisI Greatest Sale of Dreses' I Includirzg values up to $39. 50 atj