Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 May 1919, p. 3

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for Tte" VqmrIa Tbf. xtisTest s-n n ;=d7til pt=.. trami welghIa idte the cmoe" wm .Tise. macine Tire ae famed fS ÉVULU*JNIISVIS.Wtieé miluepthey Muileu _& Wtb. - Ogur $ e that M" nthon t--- u w e se nmey. This etavol»e à jMaieunt"isbythei rnay exltra to ta nad=luse Tmire ubJectod. e-A fine exampe of thda extra cure i thie factoey that Yi"ld extra Wear on the rma&.Thie Mut-bMe Cord i the owd tUr of true extra tested quality. It's a mUllegemiacle. Every user bc- cores a Multi-Mile Cord enthujiat. W.Carr a complete tock. Sold By 11BERTY VILLE GARAGE JOHN N. BERNARD, Proprietor vug Tron om p bwdm ectl Sbw p RacInTim Ta au ey uaTW .Name Rsa" Robbs,, RadnfubWis. b. il I A ni1.. 80 te LA, 27.< ..37ý t« id. 23 ho Mai. ayainke, 81 .7. aie. 24 IL0 ta. 22. vacaie, 23 e, 19. dree, 26 te Wn. 22 I DoouI5 k., 24 te 1% IL Ris ean legalîr i.ltce iuàbaid of tw vousi n«dth lega! fter Of tu neseof cilîdren sv tholiaul parties tht [litf 1199PARK BOARD TAUES TALK about smokes, Primce Albert OVI3R THEf ENTIRE igeared to a ohnutsxW BLOCK_0F. BOXE that just lavishes _____pinw n every man game enough to make a bec uine for a oTkOvrLnonE tid ed in ad a Piny ppe--oldor nw 1Side of Park Ave Betweer Oct it straight thiat what you've hankered for in W ater andWa hngton .. ~pipe or cigarette makin's smokes you'l 'find aplenty __ in P. A. That's becauseFP. A. has the qualityl ýPARK PLANS ANNOUMCE You can't any more irake Prince Albert bite Y=u Tenative îîî:îfl, et theWatiReç tongue or parch your throat than you can make a homs park boarri for adding 10 tic cil3 drink when he's off the water 1 Bite and parch are cut sti0fpkalen kivato outbyau exluiv ptelledprocessI Tue puni-iseof thlie old Wank.î ou y...ecusv ptnbrverY prnperty a few days ago You just lay back like a regular feilow and puf ta, lbeat but one af tiestep onepa the cards and wnd why i ahily dit naoo a leprcniahpl wonder n s~nhll >o ~on a fott fo rset le ngoet iva section in. the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care saeo yccd aainpoced to renembe batk1oi hie entire row of bousees on. Abot e ouPsùu r bYMemt aide of Park avenu. trainM u!Z= . = = Nfl55 = fi ~r ei loge. 1der treet to Waqiiigtoci atreet. -it ocler, P--"dc poçqucant bia gassi.sidor usth spenge As aoon as tir park board acqub uowaner to.p flue kt he olo aon vch penfont counditio..thia landi the bouses vhiRl e remal ta anolier section oaitlice dT. B, MÀR. J. R.ynoIls Tobacico Co., Winaton-Salemn, N. C tiing thie numb)er of avalible boui -fer reitig purpogae lvii iciha t~ei decreaseti. - Optînieia hsu8. -DmIy Tougit. nesta RU~.~ The board have bat under cons Uic tieymn oe.o ieails o really lent mainoes egit Tiic S mu hla. e i Adm Docrationthie purcinie e erad Me e îtin" Mi mann. irétb wouiscMh's esrdMIS & preperly ycig ain the a ide blifl m ischlda-ea-Mu . " West treet between Waler a& RCÎE lm=ran Meeting Held Fri- Fa.eenngand Plans Made Fo 0BiUnie Here. MANY THINOS PLANNED. Altiiough hoa iweet present, May- or j. p. 1Bdingof 4W Waukpgan vas eleceffl regidet of the forth shore citheg As. at a meeting held ln High- laid Park rUaY nlght. The. other oJosur$ Vice-predet-Joln S. Miler. Mayor of (lgnage. Secy. B. A. Warren. Counsl-JWm- D. Mackienzie. The. ofiliciai. deeided tint they viii hold meetlnÈs bareafter ln the var- lons towns alon gtlie laite shore and the. firet meeting la Uine witbtis ude- clalon vil le held et Waukegan on JuRy 2. Tt la miannedte t have aohut 300 guests and o0cials present and it vii be àa get together" meeting for the purposeeof getting acquainteti etc.' Thi e rtary la nov sending out requeste to Mayore of variouse cties, aeklng tiem te sund ln names of members of their councils sa théÈ commtteecmi lie madie out. WIFE AW*y TO BEAÂR .EIDfBUS- Arthur Lun*llen Bad Mess as as Seop *ýýWoman Alto Wifl dosmie Mther. MAN AND WOMAN TAKEN. Hiow oas a man Iegally b. the huabond et1w. wm.n and how can ho logally hi the father of twe aieo 01ohidrnt Arthur Lumi.y i. tryIng te figure it out white ton. guithing ln the .Lake County Jait AnmweM ?MaY berSent to hlm thare. care of the eheriff. Arthur Lumley. 38, and Mrs. Mamie meirs. 33, vone placeti under arrent at Mian Thursday an a charge Of a iiaiting vIBth aving gone thi the. ceremosiy preacribeti by the la, Lumley vag employeti at the Niet Motor Car tailory at Kenosia and liveti at 2906 Oebucl avenue. Zioî Hie hat been living vItb Mra. Meii for some time aid nome of the neigh hors even tiiongbi;t1hey vire mi a.nd vife..The hBniounesmOf tI crime mwas made more repugnant bi the tacttint landiers Vite w& dowu In Bloomlflgtn, Dhmois. vue" éhe boati gaiee tLv.lUth tua cid flome af the nétabormsot ange e chin e I.mley aid 5ey reportai bt Moo.duet vkth m.mmet*' ta Il ZIM zplice, hA avumtitiéi'» madie and tiit ' MReabluBt un meira vas a divoiffl Vien. ai vagliving vItIb £*U1w. U»s-9 beng absent trein 5. m sta M fl4wa of Luclmie eli. ver. lvif viti the unmartf h»». Aid now a ide ~tt &»oB trapl o teture et tw àup11wMm tui*a Inc imovuaiW l* ta i P nise and tbat blu »ik . i naît lods"d tu me 01111M mia mm VU laLumîey. MM UmmSuêr wveoi Mes. Lnmiey te mOOS ta le««m mmier, hte act. ci en MWm*W ber plana for b« r ooWtSvego oobment- Whusia itr. Laide vue bannit the grand jury beamscue O tir CM dmton msievau mmt Plla lan au idRley viii mt le. e.uaectl untfl after thebiIlbure. Lumey la hi the Wm*eg a] isibonde havlng boues phicé.ai aI$5 nie nov la trylng 10 fiure out bu, tree rener»I a8i Vubstas e4«eebut have "I'prac.TOL fi _ý À tiffliy a$OOmm *e len becaume àv J A OL 3 -A nujaiuer et valuaMa bouses are tout. ed tiare andth le c o f the laid ,would le almost prohibitive for part Lf m O 'Se e nteb tkn hrtyta "COOLIMILUION" t«r ow he relwry uilingandi thie vork of grading the land dowi to the. guîîy vilii hi tarto. it la pos. éverseer to D)emand Satisfac- Mai si that a tennlkcvxrt vili be to sReuto heIvs placed an the site of vhat ia now to sRsl' h ne- -L the. brwvery. tigation Against Hum. Assurance lim been given buneýver that the.alendid s"ring on the breJ~ aU m i iC U U e pr4lerty vwiille retaineti. Analy- ' ~ s han sbown Itis vater ta b. 1h. i 1flunt obtainabie ln thie city. -Thi. (By E. W. Crot) sPrlng la to h. mede accessible ta This mornlîg at daylight was te- L thi. public and at the ane ulie the gun one of the. biggest ights thnt ît water that trickled dovu tiie sideaof bsee beiu u i ieiS! lf thie bluff wiii add mucb to the general It vas a fight of on. man against aan beauty of, thie ecbeme. Otate Legislature. Accuaing 1e thein The laid latthe ravieettbu fcoavlra-v ta try arid destray andi and point In ta b, heautiful and one, per. heaireh a chcîj"h and a businers,,e haxis twxn, hasebaldiamanta viiili e communlty of*hc lcieb.Io tihe od,/pi constructed. ln tact there are tva Wllbur Glenn Voliva, Overseer of the r naturel ba@ebal i dmonds tiers Chnhian Cathalic AlostoiieChOurci e noW ln Zion. started the. hall roiling Ibis h "Thie Park board ia trying tc .1t- mornlng ta faake steps ta show even e 1minaIets t.eback yards vili face legilators tiat they Canneto boid a mu t th, ravine for fitha almont Imposible so.cale.d Investigation of a man Or vîc te malie. n beanty spot of the ravine an organisation vien viieu ai the veh au long »e lies.bacl< yard. are a bnc of tuat Investlgtiai tiere la Cou constant eyesore," a member of &P . renmand spte-c sekng- for rO 191S cerk board iaerted. "Wbat vs vant venge cIte part af anc senator 'bo M t À do. Uo fir as possible, Il to bave dit fnot have the poltical b&Mhng of 5trea tront on the park! Zion aithtie lent generai election. an f Mllchi voit viil e donc lii.s um- --l-11get those felloucysut as imre o 6 er te beautify Uic ravine betveen es l'm on tbls elattorm," aald Voliva w Beividere aid Wahngton streeta.- yesterday aternoon.» and 1l11 malte« - them cry for. uercy. T'm equal tew» E going to Ipringfleld aid atartInfi a&n I1~ARrtLTdaliy paper and stay there ml'nt . - Ol ong as'I vant in. 1rn lear tReie v. OY R A OY 1 C M« «.evry me.ule ft tnt eu OVER M KIhAi. tii. Pliaov lieu tbat t BÉLVtRE PAVIN6 lion. Tlied te dtto tey tl eau iLake County Officiais Rather meirbers of t1lat Làgilatire 1«Re Anxiously AwalttlepWord tieir facho daUi* From State Offucrs. me Wsim a Milli91on I ni euens tint Qoriitte. lfot o»a ul lion dolars, anti me hundred and MYT *BIDS OVER THE ESiIMATE. tMoussaiforeooap lrac cim a ber for being coconepirators. If bo Chares DAmsen, countý, superin- do't get soin .1a thos feu."v In U Stendent of roads in Lae county, ho- 3011.1 t v ill be a surprise te me. Sgetiier vwitii the members of Uice "d l'ln net afrait ta litt hem talle Mr ont 7aid Bridge comnnthee of thc Board record tromt beclnnlng to end and c 'of Superviaar% are someviat vorrieti face any Jutige. or even face Godthetgel over the fate of thie Belvidere street 1 Almtghty. ,r've got a inancial recordth ~pavIng Inpravement through the tact 1utat an! mai might envy. rm going > that lhe bide subitted are consider- ta go for theii. llentsaegislature and v Saiily aver the estlimate. The bide have rip them un> taore and att. 1'm golng ta et ben ubmitedta te sate epat-ýta ga right after it et daylIght tenter-le c.ment at Springfield for approavl andti as111rin o tii. ltorip, aan ma m yard la helng dvaIled mare or essisr sr nti aafr.adr e W, anriousîy.1 male thein cry tor meraW! Tiiey tb bl The contractors w anîrnbittedi haven't any autborlty to do viiat tb k10 id bidi o upytecmn put ln are attempting ta do, and an! ordi- an, 'n proposai, vMh it was fan iit vere nary ayman ought ta inov l." t ra raier igi. It vie thaught1t laI pas- Tc Sue Mm. Amend i sie the bide fron ciment concerna e sdstln acin gantl. wha e vîî re <,n>ned odywu b illlnots Leglslature for tbeir allegeti i; lover but viien teyMeondy vo l %hesmrebing 0f ZMon ant Ilstaleader" vy as falund Bat sncb va« not theanti for holding %iiinqulry bebinti ' as. The 'bide for the. cernent asecioseti doors, refieing teo show avenà Mevers, subritted ta Springfield aima Vollvcen attorney taelie present, buti idvord l xet bkwhrgati alloving novepapermen to piabieli, a e xp oocti iaiv ii rtad te ialegeti lien and elandere givent lisoordV out by certain wituemees. Overamer Thei tctthal Bhers bas been nmne Voîva viii totiay avea Mt .awua hediacieon at Opringfeld over tRiheh ie t ia lail ont tBat tBe ost per mile on ewtaiob i' gia agl hac Ierouie abi a l teui $18.000 per court te swelov ber inteea ima e.mile, Canai'tR ' h5i pariniasali thé Overmmer Snday. 1 bat. to ticMe CCopooltiu e « lTng Delvhire arree avouai. sbut r- e--«M" mbt ewvi!met Ile a ,stovil 2 Ua* teHl "0 ela 11w or the tact tBte bidserrBe~entba wm e-Il Mte b~ m-are eo.sidraay «e e'o tRistmae, htu B. t . 4oorlisia t it PI orn eee b "baoveve BathBe bide tim-. b S'w.. î «ié m aubmilei ae n.her laicie,» n 01e0>Wm-U la e fil.,u thesate M »d hBatheB e " J a vttiare la oully 0o4euesrm eonwrdeaty ci.vii e 7»tborl ta i "ras coins te take &M. avai le csaino. Ts ~UR NMu. Aminillivue atIUvaistas.'à* B mlu; fatite l it S lR . t e h m t u c o n.i Ua Me .o i id t o u e s S i c i hl m- ruotlos lntamionfuture. .oueime aflo on Bhe charge cf mie couinet viti a5 poig mai maine ta WÀs IUUW bATii Lavili. RI. làoxpould Bat CRie on. FORT< % M~IUAN IN- ' vii iiiarrtei on ao*tete wrr a lai TAXE IS SEINO UN- da fr erao t esoer ai, O D » N j' lbloua nid defamatory hrce. 8 ov L DE IN FÀ K arme andtiheicState mnIUtin and aRR l vo -the. reat af ut. 1hope tiat tiiy vii] -o Several Thousand Feet of 30 corne up here anti arrest aOmoi! ail Inch Pipe Being Put Togethber thig norning, accompaniedbly Attor- a in Sections Here. ney Theotiore Toby. ACTIVITY ON LAKE FRONT. DRATriRDI Tie ini<e front ai Waukegan ha.aW en prisonting a scene af consiti IEN J ST-RD 1)erable artivitv far. tic !ast severnI 61V N n'a.aa,; da9 n ddltiqn ta tie dredghng haA riv» 3ad hegvrnthi;NOW MUESTERED OUT .1 formevriv was lo! od n tlb.t io Final Word Cornes from Crow n iand lyliL easloflie hariar. Ini deWhhPusLk C. addition tb fils honle have ironglit drW ihPt aeC. I t1indqi of fet <f thirty InchI on Men on Retired Lst. & O.pipe wii is ta <obp narsd for ,xtend- Ing a ,cifer main mbt the îa'ie at HAVE CERTIFICATES LATER gan Fort .,henidafl. ty'. Tbiis ipe iajeen unlondetiea, tii' 1Thr Lakte County Local Boards. vasb lay point wlucro the rreqoting plant for.. formaaiy mustèed ouI oflbthervmie gan inrrîy was Ineated. W. H. Wi.elor, or tie War Tb'PatMent tIi monntng ,~ iqte contrartor who Put i he.euhi vien the indivdual membera of tiie ted. Innkn lvre and wvio aisea lahd the honard received etterg froni the War are miaine nt thei. n i ugar refinry andt1 Department annaunelng tih, formai Mud boy ou have promuît augges- aford te her on a gr paper, * Ott thes inyý SILENCE IlEts FouS AE SARf. aunice Zetechewer Gotsa Letter Saying Uves Were Sayed but Fortune Lest AY SEND FOR THE FOLK$- wod Waukegan, May S 78 le oMaurice Zeleciiover ema arsav, Poianti. rrhving Mouday hd coîtaining thé cheenful neya at hl@ ageti parents anti a eute~ hd brotbers are ail sale andtisd ren tbovgh tiey have RosI ail teIr ,perly In the 'war-sînicken country. For tour years past hee md tri te Iwrd frein there but ln vain; s bad rtten, lie hat, viret-ne Dws came bock anti n0 be haed about Xup> bis mini teY. md fllait erna to the terrible sinugiter tint etiI on about Warsav. Andi nov )mca liais Rler Tdater Match ,1. il9 ai wamaav: ly eer brthr and at«er.i-law 1 am inf.fim< lry0o w. are unlidUiv md ticuing 0q f yeN. lOoping ye. aWi wr wtt. e nobhldjren 'rarmIi.W.t " re ut la tandmtiii, doing .li " omt mil our prolaerty dus'iw B or; w.ilsh that you «o"newith e. nciel aid ae soch as Pesile. $à"'i a miney, by wiro if 900.110. Se', N$atrom fnefather mand mothe 01> Ir anmd brotAers;- Joeeph zieo. Mmly seucd Wl. For Thom The Wau»çgm n»unu vas.naeoU m7 diii! toSM thBe letter viul&M aen mo la oen ng bit vUe es - a bd neya of hi@ parents aatW, W id mic nova Bat Bey luauuali re lu bai shape. .1%9 ReltSieri» "iten on Behélatoem"et 0ft ïbcr'm former sweaterteW7e. Il ai '.01tii a quarter etfnUlles. &- un. Tlhon camne tiche ~, tien l os flnamhpy 4» ths e eever *ily. "I triedt taireiteleu money, et ice *fiergetting tis lette, bct dis =Dpemy vouitint take It Newv1119 uoIng 10 tie City le arrange ta ssaij ,cmr rait trougb saine binker" sa$04 Ik e1bher r. ~4atidi=.: Il viedt hem Monday that I1vas gotz » get belli ta tien ai once andille. ave ne if 1 canDI gst ut liroughilu malla anti make sure of I. is$MU ent my viii tu, PoRand nd isug len ber. If 1h. govertiment viii a liv. Y cen anti viii care for tbgy id il vouit ibe cisager liai Iryle su@ed tlieu sai trougi chamuoi wbici are incertain. A RUNAIWAY TA rank Gont of North Chiep0 Meets Traglo Out r te Stop i H o Rss REARS BOY CRY FORIe t. PMU Goal. uà m W, aisa cfl4r.u, the lMu inv u t W»wmg hi bisay as is us ua ov Gentri a a lere sicon miveesa Violarmaami um n~S* nie ciao decil ha soSlua ins s"è la the amot cfdonelor aa.ulb, praduee aI lm a u 33*o00%sigwa Rie &«oident iieppuae. on thé V: Mon. dravu by a Icam, esta'ni. ccr' a b sh1 on 'usiGent veut tg th make île délivety. A big trndk case Lieng aid th. teain became frimbteung. rîey startet avWay on a silgit M&. Plie boy yelled aItlthe top ofaisa1v01M ait lbis scret tii. embuaies;mre «., Rushes to Boyle Aid Geut vas a fev taonamuyai. lie respondedtotathe caii l ]O e ruainu totheb tieect antimalté* far theteain viIciva s coing M. way. Jumnping hn front oaf tiisulié, vaved ielshanta andi trisi tenéM thein as tii.y vers lncreastog lpi speet viti eci bounti. InAeM4 et' etopplng, Btnhgrbteuet i urab tis faster anti as Gent reaci4Ad> ln stop thon. Ibepe pluiged il over un. trunning hlmtievu &' 110 It afîerjuarta developeti. brokéie neci iistnnily. Then vasVt c *111pl of lire vien enighbons nwi e', 1Gnnt's aide. Tus teani vas laterstapped, as thq vers runnlng tiiemselves out 'Tic- boy on the wagon oscaped euuhat. .. Gant liat Uveti aI Northiâmét a long tme! He wu a hrd oe"- man ant ieisdeatii Menuea pè" los& te bis famlly. for, the u* viti seven obiliren on ber iie*do..

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