Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 May 1919, p. 4

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'.4"> r- ~ repedet iMWOals ovn oIu APPlicMou 8TrRicTLY IN AOVANC .........I .~............... .S.SMIT ....... ....... ... Z~ior"ùeEwMolmaaem* *0td'haf q hax for 1h on. bo ui l W LTb0o à"a», Oï as, 9600.D may tr !lu4wdySlaI b0oS 1 ow an gcit o be adélo aPPlytO AMl hM Hum auaeIligmr h B ssu vaut uay Of th.énusmdli4 ,bst4to tbà 1ot Imokhig oser *9 P»"-icl conition of jgçuo »Ad- *iUUi< u»Y: ADD TO t1h tom*. ratie lia lii av>.TJiy m'l b. »Mis mverenomg I tla lm, 2 i..maàlcint mTSO loYer L mm it he .gmaam btvvht t-aveuoid sYni wILL SOE lifE 0F Raj H*nmkamp of akuf Lu IliWs FledsLan WAS NJUED.MINFRANCE. * @W aepl"t tia M dm* loue i mbse- bt r" m to X094 Ic Wauis vil ecerligl i:I t" uWimcfaEu sta b&- tm ltur tài Trt Seruma - - i c ra W ta- e'in a lM daf va.m mer a lGi la emt *0 lmt B a b svm a Yeatm et bom e la N.les ver 4mmot tditu msfli lu tr«Me M, cN ou"gdetba vebiSiam l a. lipelNoa ~ gvulme eimalu tBe caua ue iM&mlai unal Il t iul lhmiB a- l lE mbt b 'uom a av ollm"m d iel IL le mai a t at Mmt la te i PLNTIS LAff mm FAS R onuAMP thb 1met vidé vent th new e «4tima, WDtfm m"11 Miaou acousineiBdmmis vieor Roubai»4 aalteri4'ar. ian wov sa mOeUlaM. Ub naqzmother i aetly pur- Ciamed a lue etate ilu Oatlmua a"i vu i e ilafel ther"iiby r dlu. abtsbu mte latter'. royami'bccel Ibp emis t fcmry liraI lI Wâwauicm. «Siourt",th va. beSn arUfUows% Lae ceaty Mdl- .. fie itIs mil. cors mw11 Smith la bieI NATir4-WIDE CONTEST A Ntowml~ae Sok.U I&MsOM40 4I Ve stock lapodUos dUh'.g Bs lut vernila Dme.Nior. £IW.adus eese ci deEé.et i I~M tffl-Mcka . il!b. set f. OUb"w W ô oiéefor gkwlehmgbOM bia._bh uulng baIns vwu s4ls~éSunm o nulathe d.1*B a~slqdmm1 t Agubaihi aSsOma ot h le omlu vil "UeboaeI6mwtteoa wub pst..WO * i amuta théfortumats Chatue SU15Against the Mey- ers; Codr Takes Case Under Advisement. £m100" M B m aum isuqui"% -- - a-O lia pusce a eo zuly for lb. puvrosof loWngtâte AI-- lisgo b oGraurand sa"$l bsir a&fat% e, y)jj to Conoer Whioh wlII EmpIoy VERDICT IN A FEW DAYS. Aute .mm dacWt 10pover bave not bom able 1<> 'ol 1200 Men "PnhasedF aueun aid l.oksm u a m If tboy have faflen dovu and Sik rcT<h~> ~ le harge oconsplracy againatt B" Wanie 1511<lb.pretextltIti trfiaetoo severe TO BE RUNNING BY FALL Attorneo J<the u e udeaec l vi tljitn thpe Dd prayr plaanl viii ebaevasa D1e1In -theebearlng butr. Police MagItrat. for ieWtng th. A111« bring ordS ou-Lof chaosors l b ut eul e lu mdt tliv. bscon uWalter Taylor riday atternon. 'Mist -preigthe ocatib la tva vel cof aet$=n uàà tuleon omtlon of At-1 eenngt oionry lch walu-cf ou- My IL V. Ornvls e oreproected anuen.llar bibvi o-the statsa attemrs office. Tih. 1ecaUMeof lb. vave 0 o f lUioU and the geUerSi trucl a Plant enatng uwo <>aorebarge wus alled te stand acanstt chap nglupule ic se n , i t ,i L OW M Yee u11<1aprx L 1<> bu~Samuel Meyriand bis son Joe..Thue1 'PprxImtély120 bans, ergcourt hock the malter ider adritse. obols liI Iere lis a SIloug cance that WiDiam T011- made publie hoda wvi he b.aunoune- ment on" viîî annountea ubisiant »7,m Eran iii"<iMs buk" as a'Scndidùatefor the ment that tbe leal bas been Coued1lua atgv lays. AtueCln fuiri lie fo lb.nomiatin fo p~i*iit 'Wble w-e 0fr construction l@ <O bus n l-IChieff Oflro bas aakeulMlsle &a'ttliIn lhe has a clânCe, it vold b. a atrange Iimg, modiely. ,The big plant la t ho b put ofciais ho ive hllite namet and Vo-M wollIl, if li lnded lte job? 8&M1oesnoverCM ell.uP by le orun Aleu Vo. Thecon- aBi effort viii tic mde ta brlng them cern manufactures steel producla 'cf t ~nmafrtil --fo dlu't . KSteeua f Wakegn tr lb 1eR~1~ mliilu. kCaserlu bas starled a $10.00 allen- -'tir Ibre orjour times beforo ho fI=afy g t er»? 0f lThe aite of lie -no lnt is the 'allen suit vbich yl bc Iriel lu cir- platf« h tenty acre traet of land lyig lust cut court. oLusA.K aa't runlng on lte prohibition plal 4wm t of lie relnPlegei- tannery. Atîr. Miller today denled emplat- or Ucket--bl, le won at lutI. 1This tac Avs 00 asclOf ' ca)elty that any offer aven vus made Tii rsieul. ecmmudalo ttatbie rtimne gan.d by tie buling oet B ro inetary basais.H: ail lihe Moyens SaIdstreet thruuglu MeI.tannony com. have conlendel from tie rsItnt prohibton acl b.. repealed, brlngs neooy and li111e Cen-' pans' pagerty. ThOe lyemmd etiy veuld net puy (lameta a dollar. man lu Waukeganbecuse il'sdry aulywny,, KenIosha have mlinl b iOen OhIs treat nuldJbasabrauglut against the Mye» iu saloniss ae eale- -bcaiae heyse.a posibe rnevltle tannory peuple lave givea par- oeeof lie inost sonsatlonal of lie -of ie.If al* ffl ad loos te efectwog bemission for the use Of thein tend for , lied ever made burs. Caserlà -of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h 1f. fWa eanhd abn eefel oudh bmpurpase. ltnglneers lu the em- 1charges <bat the Moyeu lcllberately 'more apparent. Bt.U t si 18Wankegan look8 vithiindif- plav efthle itgin, Joliet and 1 e i o cnspirel flot enly te gel iis vite freun utle mafler as a vitole. TalIIOS bave been on the scene en!,: way from hlm but also t elt him tl1mut ev,dayii snd lbe vork f'ta mîgn a release sop tan as any da- puttIng lu the 5viteti to st O Iat usmigt ocaerned an lhe l lInte condemnatlinProceallun immedlatoly. IThi 1 tru nbc cf the proposition et an aUgenation suit. arDIN TO P O e as toilera: sr_______nc c peed co» M ATION PRO Catherine IL Musàk, Vencfl ?diz ,As sacnu a, is le, loue Mteala CI3DI(iNA ES7~ John M. Rlileym. Auna h U Mkey, vIII be aippel heu e a hle Tna M RElEX MNS R DIQ ÀK S70 Alhert C. 1011 Truites, William Tltl- tiens tor lie 0fant -vIla t bofe T man, Tberesa Tlim Ad litne L*hé?. fiePiOOt cMlOutruellan lirOngboul v ilI A FNÏA Thoas» C&rà be oCa sn thnt. In sou. placesa u hoviBuene.- ÀS DIFENDÀ TS Im oolderg, ary Gldberg, Mai'sr- Mta11 iIn -and Ibis vil lehouen B U 9 grtMocney. .John Meeney,,Tony aI tho nomsfe the. oundations anreL Public- Service Company Pro- lhompson. Coeg" Uaben. PrakPut In- sesteConeo Evnson Haba Catherine Y ager. W. C. iiu 'The nev plant Is <o bc put up on Mus o Cnnu Evasto Bm, Uie Jhnsn, u" ohn-the, uit ystem. Tb. fret unlg vi àdHighland Pk Stations sn LfU n ldvit Mue L cver one, andoeebhit acres &Bafl Onstav A.Mai 23. LI. w iliam adi Vot er ash perhaps «00,000 ta 88000. It tav .Oson, casher of lie Th. Public Service compiny tolaY isgJmcob lArlu. elirge h leum plannel la bave' tiI. la, ogeatlen UtemauvMefluUa@bank titt Miles Snel ta eeutY coirt a candemnatiou lad4 Jobanna Erumbaci, Sfl .a by nDortell. Ttla xcpeotal h emwplo a 9ntiaCDeedl, la a1te St. Fra- proclug vbereby tici hope <o b.e FSkine, Truite,..William Rebten. - about 200 mon b h laI'time Inside cOb tia l madto« ul iferlng aile. ho *MOTOirigt cf vay batwen kal. Charlotte Eaoteuvsld.John Of a ycar fi l.e oucted l hrm» e m a ballet 'touai m earhie at. tbe ab4taliUon et vanston and the Retmw. aIIB *» e&te ,. l iMo-te Plant pul! til..t 40 Mmesnviii n1ebaubeeau ticréabes Ilurea qd o*los~,l WaiMaugl ad rk ftoei elck utcy, M3(W C. Ma". R b.hoemvla& AdiItboUuimata yUl*bits le éab mlins vWille lu tic btension Viras mrryng a voit- man Oahollbc Soclet îcft. thérivine bu allelrou lima te lime mIitBe garage. at bis lame tauiiiaarille. «P et rou 88,000 t10*,.0 Th. Word. a41 Joi lier, spd John Oli- fui number et mep aré Uedc. Tic bmeulbu Icea lucfor twa aM iiete aaint Cthrin M ve, rus«.A large numher of Be ewÏ lc~ Ulday. ville Ibw* «maluersbave maILliretelagaiat Ctielu. . re. l~naeh. kilel vorluca. beau oins ever aoaoflt& lier MaY @M ~ et Lake Cony but lier. ar Ticie tram CoolComti en: Tl laeteatel Ba e tc react qua, tIay bavre 'cut mlbe abmle th laIes omety cthi e eendantlalu ale MMryAna FinhardN pl. ntar" o fibe plat arec* mdiliaI«. mine veleW Im eaU dsip ual Osai outard, - ts@ EibaM aCMirarea, àMria Ma Pension la noit poasuhie Cal$as' au me, t Balt * believa tia imul U laI02eyaluintttel 1 iciupséhC rwM iaeuChi«» igo t. I Uiecn tiBtatuamumtev buwonlac. mamuein tI. vOBI*talO5 '3'Ccaaa~' T'istW. oUe ige«. bas bem actlatl. Renry Rugén, praemt. eauIthe"a *M e. liiitendion hues la IàvO ~Albant J. Mrin.,Ila M. X5asit, eiai eeomucmeinhe 'g.N.Wgumila tb Be erviou on thIc ortlu shore and Mtilda ciýb ' minim Mari,. au ROUetiA Oth* 01118Ucame em o _no ehla gle M vasteupsUYo te ofri.Ie foi lemands etthli tture, ry W. Martin. Julia M. 80bauib, O&Mr- ulein ab. m W a te andue e b!.ias VuuiéastP««ist 0 o fsoril fr lecuic v les1wScbué.lra Martna S M ta, theleadîng man or thee ait. Tiey dretets'mcetbg las liuklob t i a m1 arise"Ininx bcary shorms. A-uua-L Du>b, Diar &R.u11- Di' ere éGia muioU5 aitai m li for the euroue Oebot caàa iM la 'tulieWaukeg a tion mai BeC. BUebrr. Rhuma IL Usée.,,@Othue tract ovual h FrelP et &« Maldefr. the -substtim iU kO In.Bluff &B ars l tlier IUepbesu. Ulgan Itephin, Buck Olaon. sUi<lUe bolmuemaucol- «0 » fto etf igi tension Vire.rnum ILDamy. W. T. Woodlly. "lu____ofhe______ a w Oit trm uk MMl e lU otglUl Part item ils' sens mai cile tnte muicCharu tpj e m vnston theraelh btla a lke Md RumBOUM. hakculebciuplidr" t o MmaIe sstulue ie. i r- _ _ _ __IUNsU~A'I~ uni tahemeuhi. ,- .- of The PM 0svmPiF Cscu W U yaou cl and btuB at- O1211104OU btwen vaeezi - mUm Park Mfacou iséte leu*ac singer Sent te Oulu*h TrTofD ELATIVES 4mnce ilfvie or '0101lit tBS umpey explaimluissue Singer. Beél'osas muam iffo ' tUTsP~ i acnet mn laorBeix s" tti Il ec. m noble 1toreacl Ie rat poiso n auanefor tle culdis s w'u - l m l 'e n h 'vMeOl ie uviiet Mf it e l oun v ay bak esDlut. T RTmuINiii. S@for smue lune. NIf* vs aherIela te6B.à& uh aiVpie.mina. Jewbsl pople cf Wgao<BA - reolver. OM OUiS oihuaband hit cotrbuflte ea tunI and pteebuici a ErantOn relatives c Pi«e, I *r twrIgbtt YaaunI U" or*fe en# mua ho id@u lonie uai 0f Biagam, iemarfr NiasClies Den < yen 01 ou af lm ' - num ti b esrt h hTb@Jc'6w» Peplé àduo yuddhWWI Anillasearar ream ezea e 1 lu au- ndmai ii.Riaimautd ] et vuutm-bouffi bl 1. Singer vus Isponlefu lortala tB. ltter 'ia viMtEhlalidpark, vas lest for foui Svir re m l o ba hirough lcsiag a1l bis money andtfuir thiicountry am u ita her l»eaclii. lours Moulai. 1NIà VUIDU wOI'iiO. e te« Mfflk..oulzlv4vPe .1hbu oull ol hoab*.le oraturai n. lite gclice, trou WiialeLii 10Mil- oumatet adrouste là hobme' TtIl u vile mus lx T inc lues ituifor tie vmuls., vo*ll. IMMuti ttaumIy 'lIsestuvrs aéte tillleuma tliaIth*e Jevi*ipOPle UniedlBlu tfor au, extealel ilst fond lie boy esrl? latbe eleulug. «Mis. Ma r-16f.1Singer l fe r Mith ber Muthfer; ins. Jeau de Baait, b alcali.d ou a IoctOi and mis- ýdaiaé.ale mmm- Duat Kar ay mbmraum. CYr. ilov IfJames 196MiSmith talon ig ls lgmle M R MIIRS LIFI! ibis Dleveimpd MFrlnjthë Dulyofrayluof. $TILL PLANS ý SUICIDE. ïhat maille Deiey a b" âteêm me. lte cf beumutn' ird»4ad bal homw utel bl tiug mbai mmli tif momume.uiful s te I anouut uiewme t is e.u *pp~b peagvomu m WuWi or toq - -I.Mrsi cMai. olu via. "M lèanem u tc W ~ hm Dmbi.uIMW ausli *ÏM àtmm wdh : de a4m ter *M be*p-w> Wl ToVm a - - uneh.» mou ffl Be em à u loeb bm Wb ber "Muinr "t&te hleveioed *at Over elmai *e 4mi a p u mtrm the lés k #à maillrthat 'tt Ibu us oeism' là vatèb ber almeut eo---nt#» mle mure *nt mi04I st vieber 0"v gom m muer. The gir le but le years cli-. Weil, the WaakugmnWomn u Ç club bal Ittu daWtoday Uti eé vounld anl a f ront Fort ShbilU"- they dId MIblgs up %»wu" andIMTOv miety4our b"».140 ai uMen@or- vice overuca mmwvibore tee- ueauu cor bat., oeer e tc awpei laya of thidilives. Net smne 11er boutd-the namtint the anutice bait beau signed bave thc ftetovaenjoyel thbcuacîeemarc than tbey III tay. ýAnd, ltenls part et It vas that the *Oundel cllilors. tint la part of tbem. vurs drIven trom the peutt o Waukegan vlth vamen at the vheele af tbe autoq. There ver. ln ail tventy elght Btofi tahe ic Isultton or' the aYnlcs andcf thoes. nine ver. Iriveni by wamen as talavin: Me.. dames Will limeman, W. 1. Lynu. Charles Balrstav. Thon. Kbuhne, HarryHarrington, 1*0 Farmer, W. K. Ptt, Roy Tlnstuy. Maude Heydee1k- or Nevltt, ?Ai" Helen Cooke. And the men, wpll. tbat doesn't matter- the Yaiein ddn't pile Into the men'x cas lkg they diI In lie vomen's and go vo vill gay that 'mer. mon drMve theotier cars." Thbe boys voie brougbt to the Mgethodist chureti vhere tbey ver. serred vlthia most substantlail in- ner, membhers of lie club and loin. log ln preLarng and uervlng tbe food. Tt vas a mou vwbicb lie tel- lova «fll le" vti a feeling Ibat tbowed keen appreciatlan of vhat lied beau prepared for lhem.- AIl KIide cf Womun Theru ver. tellovi ther. vha vere se veunded that they eouild't est of the table-eue man beld lus plate In bis îap al Ibm lime; Ihere worm oîbers vith a log bld up by suppert ef vanlous liaIs-, licro c mon tbore vltb an anu lu a s1ua- und one fell11v uo boculdn't usée eIh- mn arin. 'There voesfeltovs vitti finguns in sel suppots. they vr lier. vithb milsorte of injuries but ~uc~rlhlc*hors fwere ,tov liat ldn'h bave smliem ho show boy liei moere enjoîlus lie dla eouting. lmone vmm an. feitav bovever wbo bal beun gsssed oveisou andmlba ba neyer recaverel front bis expenlunce. Mo @et ulli ishies l« Irected tovard bis îap ail duing lia meai. Ha' uev- ar lokel up. acerding ice the U0 men. Mc vas soil and sanovffl sud vine bu taked l al rimbl, lie effect ot lie gas vas 81111 apparent. Moloving lie dine, iu. Munln. preuldeot ilu1b. 55ve s short taix la vîli sthevelcome thic guestsald ail liaIte-emen ivould be amvli ?evalI for their effort@ il tbs ycutng m oncly apreculod au M"di vit tha lai bal brouglt forth u Ibm oues enloyel loins g tuai bal loue. Meawus foltovel hi remarksftrou guter BSpai ubo gavaelieboysa bemili veleome and tlt hem- a 1ev ~« i, wlicb brcocchl berty laugtus. Min Jane P'%muaysang for lieu, meoompajulcl hi Mrs. John BuBocel "0e atlmteck -hbe hio ock adte the fort le4report t fine c'cleubk éail as tiuey vent Ibrougi lovu Il vas »W iotesaie lat thig bal bal a The veather wus Ideai ves thosgi the 'smd wus a trille chillî onftBe buMe. INovev', lb.helleous liu't miiedIt&L abt hic Ams. eneraiel a co<iwd et ucueml matu malmnlar manier a tew 'vweekelô goand tins Wan'kUs = te m lvatwv yn uceusineta- fare cf is sortftrnthie boys ut »'art; aienidan. ricbnegs of a man's awn seemingly nar- ou lte.Pbtlips Brooks. e jr -- - - - - - ---- - - - I MIESAT-10 cmb PMI .a&%S"é Iuusm. FOR UA4rt-C<>l rsufumulobi o llcKnIivy Ai.m'ro. ersim. 1 baves mosTory 0» ms*te.utbumu et iprie.. frou, UAO. 8I»o0. 6,GOO4 floG. 0.00. #TOMGe> h W,8. AUl bu phaul10 Io"w yon a mmh ivis Âgéi.. Pion 1, INorth Sbom ces.' mm1 SAlal-Massa, lotmam bainla nousecf *ioth',lagir I. 0. WUMMli 6 mwadmgtký. EL A à m 4g m et ame wwb Vow umAZD il d 1...t1& fi $%Mr Se N UISe'nom sq , m Ob@& et b ver ».«lé& *,Um se a«. mow 4' VOS ~ ------- FOR 854-4v. (jual u00* ',Sumodl W. 'Ecmmsj. 50 auasm ua lie Porsit. 290. FOR SALE-DImmoude, v.*i.ue&ma Jevdry on ersIl. 90 par Mt dors a"l 10 pe t ta mommI. loi IL Yeoman, 111 North etail, Vamba Tm cdUIntyvl epuim am " mc ausuousmluala &me m UNTl AN RON Pu.E fOU L-u Corn bath vbIte mad Sysito#. Neriy perfect germiflatlofl. IL Wflhoz. Arum, 111. 204. f5iLE-e.1tdaeln Aiea by Q0W lr. #OS M.u-Ce.ut t" alu loir bou 'bin; samollg aMd %merad' iSm ostettutloni ual IaW*l. emtnelNO. 4. phome ~~4lu auLIqDh.14 d Suuhiqau Rom. ua~g mal 1 moitis. Uuim huttmuU..e £ I~h.. Dup~4. Usa tlty. DL NIe.. 0UnGly. sel WANtS~-4oek ami bouske.poe hi We.&4mlc~ u.hldmb~ Vos lqku. ID. Ibapu A. Khg, 191 'Nové 1.0mb 85., Glus.. 3'.' *ADOTED-Doarulag pimes la or auar -boWu' h h la y-o mm v thhii.hUg -mmm mm" mt S.emnâmmt , u milg.lqis 1OST-Sdbuutbeig mmd 1No«. » uil o ii. eau érori.louis WAN111D TO ULUT-Oumwi cottage uNMl g rwU& urohefl or ma trlhiulMDM@IL Fautdepot. Il. 9 ;M 1113 (.N.d Av., Chicego, JII statu RgcverammsbaummeVer àdca. is It bauu a o. thelb amenabtOfetPprrls Mi me ubi 91e ddbvml bureu for tWer mngle, granted tii. money mmd lbu. by -.mseappropriation bism a"@ OP tor daiee. cl wiulbout ach thongb nu tu bouror tram vbom. lb. revenu". vers ta comn a ou cleens tonde ver. LAUNCHI The Chie le stimuli forage Pr( pireislun s tbimia ieno cf Vl lisesuber. The mu prcmliu. t Poicge vi par VUei1 stock amui Worll'a 6 Bi burli vilci bu INSil boo WAuekga% May 19. lachlng. The van bas hunght Counr. Roet Joseph, *More&,vus bell and tBe ouotry a Melon l inance. mand tu Be* g rand jurylà boudmoet 8500Mare limea even are tha eoffpWdedtai. vislue wa SM&guel lu P011e. Mmg- mIncI tu on bey <hein %KtitrIWelter TayejiV «Ment Utils meeY lu @peut mter It le given by tlurm monrin ua charcfassault thatO IntoUel aM's trong box. a 4cmlfly veapon viti InI 1.1111.f l'h. plalnuifwva John NeIge!. ubtle THE ROOSEVELT CANAL Mm. Bath en are emiployed aI thé 149 et a elo dl.srtluivolce.bal ho.. tane"y. Thealeged aqqtult toh" wr'eo',- r tr t gfrtu L- 1, .d i Place gisy,,9. the Iltateofu .-'York. througb Ils flpel testified tbat he bal argu- ioPirmottlvfs ltu Seuil. and Bo1Qse, to mente vli Josephi befere. al gow-change b.nDame oathtec panama canal lus eut efthIe tact. he eald. that le thal ofthIle Roosevelt Canal. Tho Joseph trlod ho I"bos, me sround' bill iiteholntroducodoearly binhe mamlon On the layIin question ho aya mad Il lu prsdietel th a& t vili iPau bot Josephtold hm to el bu Huand u«wihh a uoasigmus vote. And Jodepha b l h t e eum ialter h. change bas boen made silel 'l o l up a t hewi s no. y plaunedu hS t slde a certain dato for "I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bn hlhl hovsnty e.appropriatae eorcises le eommernurat and that If ho dldn't quit ltvllng MI-,l. ahss of etRuoqenoit la) -belping« out <bat 1 voull bit hlm flu the. ju," te brlng&bout the vonderlul ennieer- I'eipel lastified. "Whcu 1 tunnel my Ims tait îth&%botore bis tîme bad lagged baci he bit me ever tbu boad Ivicu for iftp lear.. pipe, and saib. vonl kIltme."è Felpel e4used twa vituessee to be cuitaI mwho clammed to have vltneaaed the. attacI. Thtr'testmonY bore Out the stoantouut Py Neipel. Joseph d14 not dsny strfiklng îeipeî but a aid the latter bal made a b864 band movemeit tovard hlm andIhé bad to dock. Me denied baving made the tireat to kit hlm but aI ho bad laid others thst Felpet bught to b. killed. WASINITON NEWS INIBluF MARYLAND THE FiRST STATE Marland lu the rsi .@tâte oappro- pnluita meney vlîhwblch toorect aSiate Building on the National Expeultion OGroondi Bt the National Capital. Cou- structien viii start, su soon as the expoition grounds bave heen alitilo tfur. thor camplted. Those are Iccatol ou à greal reu ai rocsimol land on #.the eaetarn brmnch oft te Petoaci river, &bout Ivo miles istant framn the Nation'@ Capitol building. The expoul- lion wUil ho on&Vucted nu a permanet momenlal o hoe.pgeut war. Eict utite la laoinret lis awn building and lb. Natonal gavernat Bmla ocoutrucl a large oxhibition buildiln thelbconter ai Local 121h day steef t1I 1. Cap! 2. Sur 3. lUIt 4. Dept 6. Ileoe 1, Walter %bat the n $TATE O CorNT subie ECONOMY THfE WATCIBWORD tha&p"k.-lavh--ha lll acht-ema Ecenom uet oiStb.el. vibeord af aller orgauimilans may hl memtings the Cagie. lieu lu selon. The people admake Iboir naltonail mdquartors. auumading o lbatb.hpura.arlnp t e i.pi&ano ho milo lb. oxposition lhe et Ibm nation mun'e obll tant. Thep ehev pl"cefut heCapital Cty. nattaiai itIa national leIt, Ina ta ven expendlturs,liai rune leouaay billians;;wyul a lai huordnon Ibcu DISTINGUISHEO VISITORS TO vboi b .ettw .l h m» uit pra- COME lues 4.000,000.000 annmdly, inh y Ausgwon masl"0 Peosreuty 6luasigne tutoait on Bhe natioailau. h toprenid. and ratlfil mmrail puaco bat ule, lb. a Élnklng tond leupayoff tb. 1.11 and at Unid Sta4ss iji i tiaed ty snrma0 the ame lime puy Ibode e xpenu ofaig lndgltariu frcm ait 0cftBe ails te goverlimet, lIat Cogu umait naticns, embrmclng stataumen. irmy Pimau nextra, ulrouX lochou on th lers andi naal comadera. lb. hr.auury nuls an îîviiihb.bell le a maeau ot0»on l i vihob.the National slric aSoauntalltr, rsgwilihuoft yuL Capital. Probably thtiret le arriva *rmr pal-Il miy bu holding lb. reins etfviiihb.Général PFo1cI, uo ng bea POvsr. From ail mettons and trountl!&i XOus tu viril tbi county. Sir People le omlng lb. pies. for econcmp Donglas1161g luaaciepctud andl aBers uad thah Congrecrug slat ltftmueti lacommeraus 10 mention. Aln.ýady tBe Vaston vlIbtis plea lua ebavuhelbUnitad Blte go9vermat. tbrougb tb. vonk irn5y domi by lb. appropriatIon Btat@ D.partmt,'tIemaklpg propame- iOcmitt 01 of beSnte muid Rotum.toni malplans le lé and entertats Tb.r Plan le -put Bn terce a national lti&monfs uL.. arge prIvate rail- bulgp stieu.a ggmndI yp»m foi danosula Wmihlgton, iret tob.orentaI oeduucting goverueul affaire liai hm bY BeteiV"mal amboue. for thé never beIcro bienmand by lb. Unied 11014010 lurng thbuir s@My lu BeéCapital Statu.,&MoogitI lbebs 1 totlov City, aaupSui e ficgs 0ethBeSt&te, yul. suocem by many torelgil severn- Woran avy lePOttOm u e ilg iiib.. It lu .-,itana liby 1,1101 Behe stdtg eoo"Me BguMe dtul 4l goveramn mal wtimase annucil condutébet pm uroaon the tour cof azpendivurve, provies farntBe proper ai0 tho conmiébtla plainaI fer mipnlîlure et lieesmqiealdplin for tbo. Ii.lirimtiual amiaistrae" la lb. ralng-of tBe momer vItl hla riobin callaI upon 10 prenid. spai qulle. A noarsmnent. th mmue a atrains aMI to rIde avr e coutniMd corporation or imîlvidueël. sboul recoeaocuvaulsacu for Ibm rialeoru trots tle le Iueome andlcateinan '%mmrtele Bey reaci Bhe .hors of lb. United estimaiu t ofItsexpenditurea betare Statue natil thls obark for lb. retua maklng 11e AirPrnahiiel. The Unted o le luinative u. 1 . -ý 1 lkli M M

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