Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 May 1919, p. 7

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c'-,. T. 1AYI~MAY 291919. ..9raysake I P.£ M.IILOESAND, Cor. Ordars Takm. for Job ïork. &4vdweisng veto& on applicatîpo. *ptoi- kat the d over er of a Iwhen )fan line »k on AL Lat Saturday tbe remains oi Mr@. James Clark were laid ta rest. She bad uffered over a year vith rompicaiedi diesate.. She vas a faitlul vile and a lovlpa mother. 8h. leaves ta moura ber hueband, thise boys, and one. dangh- 1r. lire. Clak vas ea very paut adi kind sud reapected by ail who knew ber. Their maiy irisudue tend thoel iers *yunpatby to bereaedfamly. 1t AEVLA Miss Harles Mdilletrsturned let veek fromn ber KEutern trip sud reporteae dligbtfuil ime. aroli Danel@s@pont tram Fridey tii 8unday vith hie parente boe. Louis Sllers, a navi boy Urn m Gret Lakes. vas a Suuaday guest of Mr. sud lire. Daniels, vbo are relatives. Fr. R. Sbarvood spout lest Frlday1 IHEINRY JANSSeN stergeu etaysdEuduU ee Tm leutmm.4Oma Waler. Esansse ut11 sud Uturdîde#mlChiago. Mur. and UMisJan»s Atvehl etsrdied a rfl ! rou the ct lm# wveh. 1 J. K. Duu'nq. Who vas opagtel on for appendiei#s lest vusi la doing aiely anti bw is my frlendahope for bis speedy recovury. idgoies Alt Autb of (3,ej'sake, calied on f rIsde hbers M4ondag .vsaing. MUr. W. 6. tHuchýer spent a fev de>m fesautSklu the tp vîthi ber clo, lu george rcket vas a week-end vistai Mmre. choîb)er ha. gou,» ta euh tber pairentse ev veeké. Mr. Poitous vill MoA, 'bis faaîliy hers thieau. .l Ur. Mud atmrend Ford satertaIned the latter& broth. r acd ii. eof Cicao. Sendey.1 Ch".s.eoir&hsrecsntiy ueipoid rom Uftbâle sesrvies, vooassvier lu Dssplaeme. Suudey. fge ba* now tae n a position as fumer vîtia Chas. WrlgbSt. PmiSuteoà vlstod hai s oes @uà- in smJeB ook lesvieitinoc ber persats -oi a y da"s& Pfeêr evhou u bsPerebsaiW voeàM nýMrd fo bm 8»" W@ msu#dm.%*0- -- h @@à. wu" e thé Upsl lb sItesl lm ofI% u uÏM M m P. ns, Etflê9sbut.vécri*» 10 eaicom bu lio t shwunlsihl a"de *0 lse e Vs yur le Mli Od Ame - hospepèebforhe boi. re, l Veis Peter Ne6lla lisMdu'="y W-uIla p. F et abal. u ggltmp bas nsu@Is . Nepuifboneut On an ahbler ob1,paoilho on v0"s ut 0suour Partle ue eosof rsenal cf and rpuod bonev 4 et bdroots hn a m acdfo he lfbu a te8 P. E. Hlebr edi, D$stuge 111ba tbougbtthde Aiiy erdho asdepDotpsr busi besforbociasi. V. Nwforoe. On sd dall Jun 1, peervIl.ouMGsais et drug Laos. l eh 'di 1 N .1 fi f t e e s t AMiD ., MAN PAS SES, LEFT A NOTE CIIOSINE BERERSi Mis. Charlty Raught, Original Coity Prohibitioniel, Dies at Age of 84. PROMINENT IN *W. C. T. U. uira. Cbsrlty Baught, tormeriy af volol and on. of theorIginel proui- bition vorkera onei of the origina W. C. T. U. vomen of Lake <loutY. lied et the borne of ber ma Cbueles Remplt. West sud Clapton Sreet. Wau*.faf, laise Wednssdsy. e&»d 84 Fumrai trou the. ouse et 1.80 Pin- .lsM et two . fr the10M. ILe.ourb e nut. t~ar et vtfflcUeetr umai i.m ait veoue cf thé aime meMer.Vi bave obaffleta tUs. awrmues et Oakvoosl ces.tsw. mauv àW ase oerfulivo lie. &amlutaime eu b«lp laber fMe br 0te» Le sIlul 5-1 te i. UM hm sqpnber relalvea, l~.B, B#te Sm Fbs. hu -tes. xREM itoi ~M& »Alit bal iss u iVith àbalm e ftat uis~«olme igt Tus. MmsMiv lot bar ebnltlqa bat. neaaV arsroma. Ber mombig .Obsm M lmm ae eeetserl. Mis lugs ltte er uhhi she unI heeOU lavbkh Méais fadles the IsUearer g dadasl M"l .s. mm*lsw Ouvemi thriete eMd gave luct. tmenme em NUs. Pou fort>' Tem" t. e v lt femili luved et Vole e nne us abotter knova tiiere. Kr. Rau*t ded thir. Itu « yat ago or neeysumsrsplat Mmra laught bal refled vitt ber son Charles lu Wauksgaa. A triend lna peellng of lir. Rangbt said: "Ste vas a wouderful voman. If the. minister vas absent et a service, abe could deliver as fiue a sermon as on. vould vih ta hear. Fact la, she vas better thar. many ministers mibo bave atudied for the profession, BIER OWN OBIT- IJARY A s SE PRE- PARIED IT TO PRINT the. privilege ofceslebratlng ber .1gb. Ing vilii ber Ibs. great-grand'cblM. ion, Crellis, Peyton. and Helen Att. bery. They marTe the f ourth gsuer. tion. AH tour of the generatione veos preient, and nienbers of the Sunday echool. «'>A bleus the Sunday School and the. obuirch" vas her last visi and prayer. liURiEWIITE OWL NOW I4IINTED; IS Rm ESPECIMREN art.1 Tbh- flouper bnildion la pearing com. pieuuiu un the brieSi workite dondand the building if i edy for Ibe lusidefInish. Mrs. B&rriet Bowling bha quit. an accient udal q~agWhou als 1leu lUws ire Iengtb of tdu.ehurchet". cultna ber hred »u bedly thattwo stitalees ve. namry te oid ths vouud together. 8h. ie doiug aiWuj etim e i.sideoi. The lAde' Aid soely iii mut Wed..edj, Joue 4. vlth isePeh Ïvery. Coma sarI,, buing sodl.m &l Sbimublesto esv. Evsom i. à@eoudia*i Iaitad. MMrs.TaIbotgt lmms.Ceai MiSerMd Uns. a Weadiead atsoes aenesao het eIet im aMni 1lbhle imia rde 1* wm i. idsb IL EP,.sivr te'iliag la vàwes Mm% . .C. Corteislob sileaiméO la Bsrsmsr, le., let vagi. Ola d ais, me rsom loklebA"e lob* grade 0nuuinelh mt Guma no"d". Msay fImm hur@ etiendeld the concer st Nortit Prairie on Wsdamdal night. Word bas bosa rscsvud frouMr. &M Us. 0.0. Deloris tbat hbsy baes enlvudc la Bunb.ack, Celif., viieru the plan tu, mais tir home. Tb-es iii beu ice crsam and atrev* bsrr7 oia tthe Russell chnrch. Frider ovecing,Jue 6. <iven b7 tbe ladies of Sb@. Mont Reutnetem5117 ociely. EveI7- body invltsd. Thu -Volo Ladies' Aid society vW meut vIth Isr. Le. Boson on Wedoosday, Jues4th. Ereryoos lo cordially liltsd ta attend. Mr. and lire. Van Beecke entertaineti compairlunday. Ur .- --nsot h eken uCi handq by the Northwentern road et SlehenUrbne rrled itbthel3Ob Sron Chracer f Lte isBeach. Simmon.s vas given a lire- ëwbe rbw rivdwih h 10t trn CarcerofLteM strtTaylor iii, mormlng. The case nfautry, In Cicauo, Tueeday morniug CnaritYý naugnt IHlustrated v"aa continued to %May 29,.imn vas wulathe. parade. in Written Facts. vas released lu bonds of $1,00o. Dorotby Serek spent the weekend Negro sFe od rltnl ber lather, Win. buhreck. jWlDELY KNOWN IN COU NTY Samuel L. PaYne, aged 48, a negro Abert Wtmau vited the De lieper living et Zion CitY, vas arrestedl Sat 1lîdren Sunday. The. strong eiaracter of the late Urday nîght on a charge of having lir. anid iro. Rueben Thomas opened Mrs ('harity Raugiit wiio vas burleti attacked 15 year OlI -Jane Taylor, ýbeIr stand Baturdal, and Sunday. et Wankocgan P-ldaY lait vas neyer also coloroti, and living at Zion. Tie tir. Do Ieer and chlduen veut f0 more forcefilly illutratel than in aileged attack too place In alirch. ruce'. Lake. rractleaiiy evory word ln her obitu- The case was continuel to Baturday Mr.andM u. ake ad clldenviet lbth fact that ah@ herseif pennea afternoon et one W'clocb, Payne bc- Mr. a ui M.. akend mcyBiiday v. ary notice as prnted ielow. Mn,. Iug held Inbbonds Of 83,000 vien lbe lu.audSubingsolfamlySnuay. Reugit vas one o! the klind of vo- vas aurraigned before Police Magfis. Dorothy Scbreck visited tbe De Mee men vho ioodi nto the future as a trate Taylor today. Payne veut to blidren Iunday afteruoon. -part of that vblcb Io in be because juil In default o! obtainlug bail. Lawrenceeand Raymond Amann vieited HF, directs, andti tirefore it vas - b.9 Kneseily biidrsu Sunday monilng. vîth DO COMPunction whatever that I A ~ ~ s OCaOOL NOTES ai. wrote dowu the facto. made de- Iflfl SU The eigth grade tank the final ezami. talled Plans for the. funeral service ation at Guan iIoDda. Was re<uetedETÂOlN ETAOI SHR fjIAJIlIRII Tii. achoolleplauingapicnlcTnesday, and equested relatives to ca"ryont TDA 6 TE U une 8. Everyone veicoune. mothere, ber visies. Barring the, détalsm o!fFGR later. rind o te bolconsan ite funeral as carrld ot, tii folIov- O __RSCIJOOL ithrs.f rend oftb ecool dos sd ng ct>tuary notice can b. read vltb_____ ls merry, gemeeansd race are plsaed ths réalisation tiiat if la luit as lra. foe ail. aud pieuty of gond thingeIo 5IIItugbt vrote it: Thomas Tokkaru who was oal Diumer promptly ai Doou. Eacb Cbarlty Suider Raugbt vas iiorn ialied on Contemoet Charge' Wu buing bis ove dishea asusuel, if Iu Copale.. Columba Co.,New Frt us ayGil Ke reelisiDermie. wvs viii gebseon the. Nov. U, 1894. Mie paseu avay et isMutPyGrsKe met bonk of the river. If onot a meury tihe n.e of bcf son, Cà S INEIT AQU. TIND las me a b alla Ul bohcl hum. RamainluWskul.aMa>'y yi M. EIT S JETUN _________ Panerai139"16W vers elemet Uleet - My M .U.Chuvuli. riura>effurnon et Thioms T»a U lo o s e s " U o ee t m T o u a ukM M a n= 1M 0 tvo IoL q1eURm'à inm - MWtalatresi me aubis sasàjl kcWW the fn ur luaiio i e itMiuntim*.u Meu.~ lr* e&suelcbcol for d&m& h~ *ai. o QàYýýrd" ofte ~ ~ l ~. ~ tais a M bvsaos ARmie ," &@nom" au la meem mid»b 4 nombav l"lerle la>'. 1ne W5 bart. or tu. mti Sais r rea.iat lata e Wlisi>'b wuihsa Mearci, and bave macboom i<MaiOuIISI suhi>' 'sais wit»tut ia Ut .15Wh fut>' yars. Th"Me y itue it - 1aIUbe lIe oSant'bu bAs1e damces hall et J asdiau bum iaiin eva an&U oe[gmà»egivencer aqq bffl, biavufer tIii evor top>u1en one ftai4b Iwomm uth * %tse trio Vers Oued $400 a«* mi vo*i»mlo t u M9»uuuareenUo uqte. eec bet.ingcaleRam te10"w>'àevus no aman i Itu ot My& yt% C _ tIeI of 1432X and a Jan entoae t eetie am as a s m t eus Ir q«»o , bs iuflt , ! M0 darowadvsalîIter ei. Ise ut te ebarl eta. 0'h .5v hrtvesa onuder Le rIlhihore iul etesce vws auspmleos Ums.r- tas vgteeviipW brbs Fou#.Eri ana.vU o Mise *07y 'voulu! close up their pIeW ebi m d o cia t s h. releelni«e Ib io vu 1m. ._"ld loue fter lir. .srsjol tS orcondiion»are favordiie. Bell Systcm SAILORS ON VIS- Il IrERE FAIL TO SALUTE OFFICERS, Waukegan. Mav 2S. Waulteganlte% bave heen noticing for -orne time, an apparen tly grow- ing dierespee on the part many of1 the pailore rai. the. naval station for' their Puperior oMfcers. Wbile many. of the sailore continue te, salute the conmiseioued oflicers as they mc"ftý tbeun on the. street there are aoremi of otiiers vio conapletely Ignore titi *"loldntrlpers" wben tbey meet therni on the street. Bqine of the. sailors do flot even tale 'the trouble to turu their bëade but tirasenly "Paus Up" tboir oflcers withont recognition of This conduet le quît. noticesie boe bec»» o f the marked differunes «"er easditions that uuisted throutb- sMt Wille, the. vag vwsla proareaeS It wuasaverexcepUomal dEM tii - a u olor mass an onkw v4 t. mlthg hlm. 16 a~msIlii àfoli rebel"g mme ethle maVol station tW rémodi t»Se àpvut slgit et aiutbcvlty. la wuni sé la ie Uthut punIgbmunt bas buéà assied cunt t -offendlà& sa. .Ai s" a te e Iviere a score cf ffmets IsevithéIe dalla a t fe Mrty la Wsalegaamet' i eumfl - - ~oe~Ther allai t. eelute bise.lTu.e obm wvag Mins a bieyce u. , j»- "' . ne 1058 Irese bée 'usissi&MIordiesithe.sal- aue b*le 6s slmim. Thi easait le mi tubave boom thétet.bof the evuminlent bis 'abcrer iuberty v" tthes nhtances cf a ululer nature are a e J. J. O'Conno f Grass Lake Point*iWbt Pride to Un- usuul l ieCapture. Thi.emoset I lts Ovi aptr by .7. J. OMOM a fée, months tan At lia resert . ýMey Isand, Gises 1~e..basb9M oUate4 and il a m on zbibom ut is. 'conmors list a e S cfiss metars esometcf Ohuliirsuse t t hifle 1Mpu. 5* h atthse serseue Stmem iMncv sMoutt "M ami rare as e fh itm tbe bird for a 'A VIOXL «MO 15HEUO. Plinful f*i ale t Hands of wbcutà & tale morrlng tise mmuci> str pu &mtae cml tu'o oeBu. A uerocu.assauit bai tabs es luie .and thesomution men vanter pc mea9 e t aa that o» O e e@nomston men ibac!l,eu irin'klng ton fresiyand lu a drunken noemy ho ufl a Iie n oeeof bis fl&vW Wq*en. The. knlfe t. Mild te bave been Msade froin a eter table IsKanlsd lftb thi, deadiy yen- Von th. Italien lasbed unmerctfully at bis viettin. One tiimust w'th the luit. riPPed the ie lttm'm coat and nnderelotMnlg and the. otiier iiiereed bis let, band whvbhb.iad extendod ln an effort to eav@ bummeif. Ofliera Brune and Stried rusheti off te the scen of the assanit andi tbey qulclly put an end to the. vicious attiacic of the, drunken qection hand bY capturIng bum and puttlng him bhIndti ron bars. He vas later brougt tb Wanlegan by Sheriff Fi mer J.' Green. The vlctim of the - attacl vasq Jamps Simmons and the maen ciiarged Witli stabbilng hlm vas John Rosse. Roth vere employed ane sectionj We kno Unî5e.Sut«lires r iocàtirai 6 s1we why w. sa eh... Libertyvifle Garag% UboityvIli, I. Fm* kForke, Wbh.a&Mg~ DeerpatL Gara;., Desrat1ÊAv.., laiEe Lms F. Y..., Nort ChiCago% DL Fereet, JIL ma& .Hà e hber, Prafr VO R. L Nolisa, Rusel M. Brown & Doohuer, Wamomdsow A Good fre Year You have drpubtless noticed the growifig preponderance of. United States Tires Every one is. asking for tires of known vaîue and pr0oved dependabiity. And that Ls precisely whatUnited States Tires represent ini the mids of motorista here and every- wb.ere. The Idea back of United States Tire&-to buildLcm tire- the best tims that caneýbuiltlappmI$,î "tO rapiy.growiLO aumbms. Uýie4 sutes Tim to yoiar individiM moe. Co. I S.uke cii-dus vsl.UUimie .iied.Seidbr 'c- hlyby f à ýJ lad *W. .1 After a telephone conversatio;xisj finished and a second con nection is wanted immediately, subscrib- ers often jiggle the receiver hook violently up and down, believing thâtt dii will sooner uccue the operator'. attention. Quite the opposite is' truc. The signal before the operator does flot work properly when the hook is moved rapidly. Movc the hook up anid downf SLOWLY and the operatur *Wi note your igra ad amimu piroimpiy. 0 m - -- - , ---- - r 1 k 1 . 91 CincAcO TELDUMMCOUPANY ladepende@t CbId0hfl.d MP«. Aak..gummr 0f* .mn

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