~PAG~ FO~~I - LII3ERTYVILLEà INDEPENDENT, TIIURSDAY, JTJNE 5,1919. ILL94 S RPORTI D LUNIS DEGRIES VOLIV DUIW Ol IN Cort ntthe subcommittee appointed OREBYI- ta investigate Zion City was given r glenout tonbtlît b>' Representative Wil MEN 011F À K fÀ liani H. Detrich af Beardstown. chair-.V UK EA man cf the subcommittee. Tt bas "ta been filed ofilcially with the bouse cf representatîves or the saae senate, No Longer To Be A Joke And ' and k rstili requl 1es the action of tihe Children Wil Be Taken To t fu investigating eommtlee. The Police Station. Go()[ ROADS FOR MILITARY1 The repart carnies 3,000 worîls, nuast , of which are blistering refiectians up- t 8mouth Mlghwaya Imperative ln Prop' an the ways anc mens wbereby Wil- THIS IS THE LAST WARNING or Movement of Army Equip- bu r "lenn Volva contrats Zion City'. ment Along Coaat& a s disekard b>' evidence ta ýen before Waulcegan. Jone 3., 1915 t he subcommittee. The curfew law ln Watikegan le It la generally recognlaed by gnp The repart Inciodes tlie statement na langer ta bo a jake. emnment officiais, especialy those of Ilîjt 'oiva "ls condocting a course ~ î h el(igi uue the army. tbat one of the most im- cf intinmidation laid oppression by Il's I ctera h nftr- potant phases of real mltary pre reascîl of btls bavîng contrai o e b~jTue parents and kidîlies of Waiiîle pgredness that can posslbly lbe unulor- i Tv govrrmntat ZMon CIy. Tt artenl!egvnan aeca taken lu Iis coutry la (bat whicb 1s1 alec finds that the public scbool s andthei going on lander the Impetus of the toi c f Zian fCity 1,; being condiicbcd 'ne girls' protective lengufe. wtil. Sundi ronds movemet. The feleral lii an'n-î5î-îcnt inanner and li reach. Miss Ilimmnelreich humane soeiet>' aid rond net whiîch uns sigîîed fi>'es othr findings reflecting on thie Vo- secrî'tary. bave reaciîed a decisionl President Wilson at sommer wll ila -(,'iie in geiîeral. that a large farce of helpcrs wiii lin probabi>' play an Important part. ln The Recomnlendatiofla put on ln the Immediate future andil thissanme lnterest. An appropriation - lifater plhaealun tsdet of $75,000,00O0 bas been provi<led for Thi' foliovwIi#-rl ecnimnidaliiins ai,,olbvearan-tadgs la hlsactforus incontrutln ad charges are mîade: -tbisfarmat wrning ln fa'iay'n Sun,i rl bis atfor s e ltheonsrosct tVlv i lealyiaini? ' iey are te' pursue a ncw<ourse fori eaerel otg ro-os, wbtele (ho varloos" 'temaenbthi l nw."iforcinîg the ordinane" --wtifch saysy atats ae ( coapentelu rovdin us o'fli niuls bah i lîs nws-jelîdrrn must bcoaf flice streeto ar- a lire fuud. i', r ublîîTications and in letters. ter nine n'cîocîc. It la plannesi (bus for an expendi. Tliut lie is caîîducting a banliîg After tonight wh.'n t le workprs ton o 10 .000,00) on sncb ronds Ilisiiicss; and eaiitingi. depositg find eilidren oni aflter allie, tlseY are within the neit rive yeara. Atbough wlion lbe k Inslvent.gin tahtknt teplcst th ronds are Intended primaril>' for Intimidation in Charged gtin t heir kpaentspolice them. tbs Purpose of developtng the re- TîTai ic is condîîcting a course oftiohn a cail or rnsw them hre1o sources of the national forests, aud intimiudation and oppiression,. lîhy nutctifr-e teeo lb heInterest of agriculture and otb- reasan cf having centrol of the' thevl uuiend the ntght in jal. 1 lu pe O î 'eprsssie tdyl Parents are fa Indifferent 'wc et oacfu enerpiss. ain sudyIscity goverument of Zion City whiciî T have round six and sevçn vear <i'11 now being made of their practical use ta injuîrionis lafue cnnîmunity andd la girls aoît aller ton O'ciock; we h,-e la the Interest o! mlltary Prepareil. donc for the purpose of.maklng thel found girls af ten and twelve oui after Ibn& loatingr and operaiion of factories la elevea; -parents thînk I LLa a jolie and À jÎood road. well haUt, well -U Zian City- by an>' one except imsei. so do the cblîdren. So we bave dit- facci and welt draned may be, Tt 1tu extrcmely diililcuit. cidedteua otuhepntc plantesiout. of Immensevalue from a tci9fri tiepbi cho oputa tptabe rcîe luto oato l svse9 foZion Cilthetablic 'once and enfarce the law. fly taklni: chu-' Ulitar>' Point O ew I h* 0at tsse ifZo iyt lecnutddren ta the station and maklng their cd ronds. particularly along the shore, in an ineulicient manner and Is parents cati for îuiem the parents; apecdal attention ta mlitOi7reqMutrO- dnying the chldren the edurs- iwuîlli e pîînishio tas miîc ak the s la i the layug out and plainning tianai nîlvantages lu the public schaol." 1 ilreýn" said Miss Ilimnîclreicb ta- I ea htgbwsy May prove O! Inestimable lis lactainlng mono>' and propert>y. ~ilet sonne Unelu the future wheàby renga ofdnegae Ydy that bigbway becomes a -mlltary rond. b>' prligns a onieince ameplby, ProM an economic tandpoint It la liîî e rel is conctin topla mtbuated that it costal 23 cents to bau! opon thefaîis of rcertin mr- & ton a mile on thc average country sons, as a Mes o iowigmnDelly Tftought. »Ud under proet conditions& whte ev. preperi>' and securities ln ex- Caionîny I i nu'liiithenoise <f mi. »"i proper conditions the colt would change for is personal note or as a mea.-litogenps. bu but 13cets. White tbome figures free wiil ocerjng snd piacing the mon- mamie a direct ce there 19 an e>' thus obtaiued ta is persona] cre- omteaI. indirect cost to cousider dit- lishcd attacks, includlng the one ln gafa la roade wbea the farmner must The report tells of lis alloged ta ict ieh called the Legilature an pmn bhie operatlona accordlng ta these chemne of colljecting tubhes and other "ànarchistie and iawloss gang." Tt vieatber. 1c methads o! ralaing fonds, and con- tells haw the school treasurer and It la a mater of speclal Iterest tinues:- the tty treasurer were servesi wltb JW t thei premt Urne roads on lthe *According ta the testimon>' of sabroenas. but refused te attend. Wulc coasi and those lunsnee ofwtncsss. lbe was unscropulous ini Th e port goes tt the "birth" of **cImportant Alanticeallâtes whicb the mater o! collecting money and T Zion City and refeira to John Aes- _________________________preyod upon the widows and upon ' andor l)owie's regime tbere and bs - hose with whom religion had lie subspquent financial troubles. Re- came a weakneiu."* The report recommends the con- tinua tienon f(ho committec after the zadjournment o! the 1-egslature, or the appointinent of sonie other cern- mittee. "Bought City' wilh 87 Cents Il retites anunmber cf Voliva.qpub- voud b. of particular use for efféee tive militar>' purposes ta. defending e«r cassIs are already lu ver>' good condition. There la one lruuk rond wilch rune al the way froin sautheru tialfornla up Ibrougis Oregon, with inany amaller roads branclulng frout It. thof lasamid ta W ln the best of condition. Tel il la a mater of regret (bat tbe unurfacesi road» of (ho Unted Slalom If laid out ln a stralght lise sould, It la estIniates, girdle the earth at the equator more than etgbly limes,.wbile thse surfaccd ronds would reacis but one-fourth (bat distance. flowever, tiser bas been groatl>' Increased ex- penditures for road building and main- tenance lu the last decade and there la now a more hopeful outlook wtb thc five-ycgr construction proglain provided under the federal aid sel. Roade an Indispensable Assît. Tisetlime bas corne when ae munt tonaider the ronds an asset, indin- pensable teo (ho well'betng of tbe farin- et ad hi& famlly. This being true, la lit fot oser>'mnas duty ta do ail ho eu ta keep the ronde ln good candi- tIcs? The Indviduel aiuavellas Uie cout>'la respansible. -'Aivatagm of Oood Roadé. aim 11f.cannot lv nas inu>'go- dWa pporttuulUes as tise Il!.of townf, bç people are Dot go nurnerous, but 'guci ronds, b>' providlug easy mens et oouuuulcutim fl viifret bep Uic peulele ab dyliving on Uic laud, an' usomd attract more peope tauiche 1am4 Uns favored. noaiMlePeo Ecoaorny. "0 bM rtM i ithen permt r' 1* teltrate k vur'Po- cc- - su ~ ceuisIàaa'upctIb ferring ta be"oZ u" fVoliva, the repart says: Hoelîad practicali>' uo fonds wIien be mnade the purebase MZon Cit(y) ; is total asseba were 87 cents. " lte representesi imself to Se thse anointed o! God and declared bis mis- sion 10 l3e thse upbuilding of Zion' 1 JUNE BRIDES- Let us plan your homte with you. We've made hundreds of cheerful homes for those starting out anew, hand-in-hand on life's long jourfley. You want your horne furniehing to ho aubstantial, in good taste, re- fined, serviceable and ecoîlomical. Our experienced judgrnent wilI be of great assistance in providing ail these essential@ within your appropriation. We are prepared to outfit your home comP>Ïe-te- fromn parlor to kitchen. We're prepared to offer you a con- venient, extended payrnent plan too-îf you want it. We are glad to give you the benef it of our 20> years experience. Corne in anld Ici. talk it OV« S9pecial puces on complete outl McAllieir Itlespitul Titcada>', lth wib 6upowdldever~ M. C,' )~ic lî'i-ferf( c a i. îvt, es iuq*îIess trip i.l 1,iil îto.i .s - leo (lalaglier tlm\ 1cIcl iîuîe about Junç ltf. M rs. 1 tsotit'if 'I.u'trliîaAIitoi4 hs oui the sick 11sf The carnivai drow . lw h1 iii ý r:.'ad a0fîeweeli l"îîcdîîv :11lt. scilol wîrveciiiiîlI il ou ' t ,'go fa Mlic liwiîîiîl <uf titittf iîîulî toi the golf i iks. Thr bEl ilbwîîiîi ' luI> w.'ro enterlinin iit.' ii rmvîls iUit 1i1 l'ecple anid I t' - aulked am a aý.erki rezîeat that ole boys bc sc'm -t theia. A MILITARV PUNHftAL The body oi Carl ReddWsg was laid to t'est lin 'North $Shore yjîmine-ry Tuisay tternoaon. two platoons off itvi boys bcbng in charge. Rcv. Mitchell.Mept hodist cflicl,iitcd.Re- uinig <lied ait te nasal ttibgred.tL2 haspital ai Port Lyon. Col.TVil WvaT wliy ht, wa4 cutiticd lo a iii. lary huril anadthe ceremony n very liiahressive. KEEP SAILOR8 PROM DANCE Naval s4tation oiicers last evenitig route4l the nanlors from North Chi. çage, andi thoir act resuîlled tu al";. lng up the lusiiiesi niiin's dance In tlhc auditorium. Speaking of the miier Ilarry Me Kiîuncy said: T'te tiily reaulin lhey 4ild this was bcauisî'thî' carnIVaIL wics In progres.i 'unît th) iî- iiî't mii the boys te be on the lstniel.'. Thes saîid Ihey coîiid ail cornel' acl tiioîîr dance any 'i'iii da y iereafi r blt lie- catiso the carnival was i ntlîev <as9 fil I hem al tiinablit etn <'lock and Pliat of course ended thie dance." Mros Herbert Townsend and rbild. ren are'yisiting thse Shumners home. The new name for the GIrls ('on auunlly League o! the contral districi.. le the Amorlean Ace, the girls wiil have tae'worc f0 Ive oP te that tite but froin their past record we believe that tie>' will mnake gnoou Ulleven new menîibers wcre added 'kt their meeting -Tîesday nigbt. NIios Hill' expresses herseif ae being ver>' ntbdsatlci about tbe wark of the nowly orgnnized north aide obapter A.i paoked bouse greeted the Hoiy Pamnly minstrlohmsciwgîven ai the Auditorium Wednesday ntght. The catit bave heen training for thoeetn giveu'in the cily. Tlîe costumes wero elaborate andi the whole affalr wss a soccess ln ever>' way. Mrs. Mary Sheli. aged 2S, of Laité Forest, was à[ilged Insane ln cout- t>' court toda>' and was -ominitteid ta the instane asyiîîîîat i lfn. Sb' Wvason vînictît ihtialit, lîad ta li iiiaced in a slýralitiîjcket white hc ing hrotîght-to a ukel<gan ln an auto- nmobile. Roport,u frc'îi Fix like are ta th-' eifect that a woll known resart lcoep- Pr at thnt litnie s'as placcd înter ar- rosi ast ntght on conîplaint of s mian namod Keli; wlio charged that ho e liat m$20oiuwtulo gambling ln thie pia('p. bTc repart wss denied b>' autharitios f) fîhe village Ioda>'. Mfrs. - Oîîcaîl îîîîîed mtain a flIai on Sheridan Rlii;d. The relatives if ('arl Redding-1 state tisai bbc'>are etirel>' satisfied wlth the treatinent Cari reeclved it the Lait 14.nLmm hospilal. Evcuy bhlng was doue that couid bie doue there but the diseas8e was toofair de- veloped lwben lie arriveod to get s cure. Walter Reckenwalii cousin o! Mrs. James Welcb andl Mua. lewrence of lIth St. bas just rctarncdi froinoer s1eas. Sopt: T. A. Sumpson beld thi final oxamiîîatfons for the pîîils Of bbc Stb grade bore Tîîesday at the Cen- tral achool. There were .13 piipIls talcing the exarninstion. The fIlaw- ing are the pupilg sud the schooi the>' represent. Souîthî chool: David Peters, Elmer P'tiner. Joseph Ilolin. H-elen Niorrissey ('ai bi'un<. Morisde>', DorIS>' Ptick, Ji anet" Winter, Edna Wakner, Kathertu, 'Motran, Jahanna Richier,. ")ha J<iseTIhýiin. (J'odagh, De Malure, Hielen Siuiilffla. Centrai school. AI'uia lorinein, Ell- zabotti leyoi', IL, - i i liîlc', Axe ý-.,fon, Howa,îl liviq, ltiro'd Knuît Nt -'i Ariur 'fonv- â,7polp*,iPisca ' -brIen Hille, Davidson Mary Bruinet, Anna Biager, Walter Kairea, Charles ('erk, George Dackte sicz, jennj'tivlle. John Kavnic, anîd Stsnte5, Wieehec'ie. Alice %1ack w,îs takon te Iba tan,' Specially purchased new dresses in four great feature groups at sensational May-Sale pricings i -new ginghams, lawns, voiles, satins, taffetas, silkI poplins, crepes and combinations in thisI I res Sae o r seIncluding values up to $39.50 at 11, ttue grcatest dress sale of the eîîtire seasoîl you %vi11 fiîdhid îîîîî ncw ginghauis, voiles andi lawns, at $5- and ait $10, $15 alîd $1 oInav;i citoose frorn fine new silk dresses liketiiose illustrated. In Waukegan's Largest Waist Shop -,] These May Sale Features in a Gigantic- SwÀale 1,000 New Silk -Waists -alliStyles, Sizes and Colors Included $5.98, 58.50, and $12.75 Values in Three Lots at Styl 1 bh new silk georgette crepcs at $2.79, $4.89 and $8.75 that relpre*- sent some cxtremelyi important savings. Maxiy new styles with bcaded, braided, chemile enibroidcry as well as îuffled and friiiged collars. Al colora and sizes. The Only White Prout on the Bridge 9 lyl -u 'o. Q. lest lai s 'la, --w Il k In Tai 'la' 'n I. T -Ibis TOT -pi Dm 'Il Cou T toi bas I le. boa kg I 'ai b, i ,I1 te ALEx HEiN Co4