d~ob1WY DiLVrON lu "*plu* MIN in DiIIartEWt LILALI Il tue L boa. 22.2 wommm lbo Laub ieg wg ud lita 09 , local. ntIntob nit,"m ora oe saud tai, Izeu or au re int kir n ait an f baw el onf ant isl thOSBh' lot leo fo i "t@M foot Hurt You? Dr. . e.e t 10f fn acbng fe m a". MI n ow âiak uh.. le.. affli etuc owblte g COmforbi otoo veulam be Pim 811.0 per pàlaitu. bitb r ia 9a8=Lu buln.o ec oli.a oriMd %taumil te» rom mele. 2ii g am- m0l" am" havia me. vte.uees E.mtiu a AdelmaFr". Cd to& de o» a' cmiFSipe.. gtneDWini mplla e ouvhi àe"fi hi s bu m wee. e t lM n md ao mdIhea RAY N. SMITH L&mstg'Lt~lt Services wfllb. laid *uz$ Bandl ab thei M. EÉci*rcb p 1IoowrSBndar -boot aM10 oinéloek orelag ptiaddmg quesI. t h 'e 0hk, um01of)w The Udd, Yuilo9,q qd, V18111110WOFk.rO Witt Attend t. e ue laa hot. la the. eveaInqoais 8, wéwk tler viII b. au IIimmitraa4 gpa*uby léi. Resu o, *u~Jg i-»'~q ChUt.'.CbrinV' la abry bsud Bornai n.willSeb.aut 86ji.at#u4i~ e icmii., morne.of 'ji. l ris mthe 6emunot MA IDom., A ordiasln,«SaUtoula exeid.d jo tü $ducatti" wviiib. lb. * .a Nldàq .eag ait ,ocktonMm ma uTaylor wli lioded b oti U'51. iiib.u miet of @i&l aI am So II roungpeople of Chool. and Cbolt.n*bm W Mslvib. beld ila* om rtdar ev"alagais 8ookloeL Dmp mumbers m'pd ta attend., 2. Sonday achool viii b. boldonsmn»dal qmy@IolaOedmJL A peIjnpa wU b ivho bithB.DgiMwm, Ftlmany and- Junior dipantimeniof ibm ooot. *A tb. mon4 , vlpnBel. Resu vilà Pmbtoels. Bandai oool 10 &a. a il a a. LP&msOb1. Tlopin 00f emon, nU . SaoiBU&." Spenlassume. Pneaebmg 8:00 p. m. Tot*I of monuon, t'jeu,,memBoit." ObbuImsaReevot 7:15 P. rm. Tapie, -,Çouos Nmomiaqfo, Worid Pm. ]PareimU.g, Wdmmdy, Jamm. Il. Tobie. "tourd« gomit al." Tb@ebhoe viliib. oba@M mi w7;80 p.m.. S%'ae.. Dotheiubood v m Bet jean 12 lostemiaifJeu. 4. me orlglsUl ipammd. Sol Scoute ab ibm eburcb; Camp Vire Oirle as thm pawo.agi. Ftlday ivinlag, Choi r sctlèb itiilsy .'emna, Juni 6. Mrt. Madison, ehorltr. lit.. Durand, Sttnglng Crltou Saisi the facetioui tiller. Trbei. oU ame 'cchoot techera May bave bai irme fanaliIdeas about teechin', but you gotta give 'em credtlI Qr 4kngfl tht a gond substantial n¶ler wkts rghtlr applted to a stupld "tudn vobl aube hlm smart." IAgKVm S"in mi arae"i. Tueofl oi e iblack demSwi ta> donialm la utMiliait 's a ometif tu Floid. Viien pregmed e MWk 1V bide sud bung np the cMa vIii uni beua of mobstuse aethle 5&aI IndIce lion of a tom .TheeIndications o0& CWeOMsllyOmcu smetel houmi befoft thei aMrvaI of ltheatmMberlc dutuitb-. BLAKEMORE STrUIO BULYLEY BLOCK Open Tuesdys and Thursdays WwiIlmbepimed to have your imtmoage WATE-YtsigW-ms t oBook- Wkielg= . mi1 flework. Col Iudepmadmntofce W. L CillaiWb@ i w vaukeon1 - 4*&ýTffla.1 ,G4o.Albebhtot North iCimag,vlgted1 UbmflyvilhWomeaia.1 D.D P. HIsnl* hsem one asilwaukee boepi foasmiopu"aio. Jaqê Wbaisa, of LaboForet,vlultmi poline bmd. @Md"y. %' Va.. J.- o.. aleoa fi itrtiilngber Omme. fo Moatawhhie v'.k. * " CUa aphil, of Notlh Chefgo, ie ,loMm Mmi la Libmnuvllh. .8, am M. A Siekipai bmweik Mdi et *0 hommi o 11%t. Agn.y. Mwa.<Vsmalm 5.1 bu bai el dber positloa wït ILE.. Langsnoth. Va. Pific;Do.Mai familî"Mtaentl imiek4d sitliiihome a luLbmrtlvUill ùM Mm lls Msmburg, of Chicago, vas vlclUagf riendi ia UbervUl B8aturday. GO.C.Owdiay ttaded a hboup meet- ing of theiiBaukiri Amocailon et Aurore 8is . P. Evllsar apet the week-end vith ber iaughtit, Mmc.B. Colby, of lit.. W. W. Carroll returned Mondai fro, Clnlnnali whmoi iii.bai bh.m k- tas a midi wth ntllvi. Tii. lmonai Day ixirclmeeei. el attesDffdai$lthe bigb achopl. An excel- lent progtam vas. ujolmd hi aIL MimWIlaa Carlson, erbo tm.cbieet Batavia, [IL, m@pet a fev daym lut et v vut b« priai., litandi Mra.J. 0. Caricon bmw.. Tiie vhifleg marihai bai a package 01 lmdim vmang apparat hlch va. found onIb mthe tet. The omr m&ayeiMcme by caillaien th. maehaliandtildentlfy logsmme. Sirgt. J5... Sage. of Lake Fore, fnrm»il of the 182nd lot. (Prairie Dilv- won)) and Richard Monaof Wankegan, won. gtmte of Sergi. -'Wb.n Attrldge on -Tueiiay. W. 1. Colineansd farili viiteti 51 lsycar oaer DcoratlonDs,trte 10 Librtyvltl. Mondal. lira W. Davis MifunlmIloi Waukegan, vieteti wiîNO?1C11 I etigf reltives Tnmm'V. Therp i tsi,'a elsnrtico Mite Jpiblai Doqale of Hlghlaud I Ltortý tIIe*Lcdgý Na 492, A. F. & A Park, rUdcfoigadebhm TueMaî. 1 . ilaturdujyevenlng, Jute 4, 1919, at H&rvy «attMbée neivei i dlimoarge j8 a'c!uek P m. Work. from te oaruy *01 tumedtiLbrty.,Ch. F. aele. Jr. Sey.' ville..1 .1 Watd Davlm is.09bDmt, 1Il., la visitte g 1 A IItY N( ab tb. borof » bh lir, M ru. Vtank 1 DIS jW LEAH5h nia, la vlmlmla$90 ibmJhbelm'o for two bien . 1 TO IDU PEDDLURS ChceooIdpi ee mtrndLabor Dpt. Finds Soldier A gooti m.y, iiruywe peope.are fiferthe Big Money; Some vlmtlng thé stummi-Carmîval et Northi I 1pot vae Found. Chicgo iii.~ IWahnton-June 2.-41'le charge Mmt. iqGngos', Iormerly af Librty- p l dleable4 ».04es andi sailore iille» lm*so ~n uDodge cltty,!.are tbs-te10 iii!baunersandiPut- Ma., la '.4.11g ba..1 long In order t e ae a living Io Mn.. M. A. moUaiMai son, Phil, Vho 1dï1nied iu a deplfrtmest oj n1llbor reentiî rulrbmi <go. overmea..@puti statement, ,whlch asserte that men en. Saltaî a »mi udar vlth the iormer's taged iis ua ractlee are frequently bon, L. Z. Pone4w.. farnlly IDu-Chcga. "Iians maciiuerading lnu nnforrn or lAi .is 4'ikgCpt. Pratt,a are d1mhargeti slera who di) lf Civi Wa Votran qmi a rnm oblce idnt tfrom, necesslty. rii heurt *5 ii "'a ihappy The lober department,'s dental wax boua alla .vqe aid lime. wih E. F. lssued fofiowlng an Investigàation et Apli inth iova "sr.de iccon n any complainte wlth regard te the durlg ti. avs ga. . mPfoimbllty of getting jobs for soi The brotbmnhgaof Odd Felloweansd dýers. the. 'Myalim Woea" of Llbisiîvilli The report on the Investigation v wii attead Wilsemive@. af th. M. E. showe ftlet butten aelling lo a luera. -cbur ncb M &W oua morulng abIltIve business and tiet nmre min o'ciook. Bam. Il. LieMM viprosa maXe trou 8$10 to $26 e day et it. O0. mosrmon cm teh. uh.uie, *The Hret of man, viien asketi by an Investigator Btotbei igm" if hi would 1k a Job, laughed andi liai Siq.'*ibé . Atnldc ailb.replihm. liai OetlbU J.Attrdgeof te WVy uboulti I wark 1 made $60 lSnad InbumtePraai. Divieion reiet yeftrdsy metlln rWelorne %HOMO, is boaoo,4 dlWugm t Camp Grant buttons." iled Saun iV m e d te hie home, Net a cingle eau. wa found by the. w vbrm .i lie le aaa aueb m nceidet vie. Investi gators of e unlformed man * tian. "mr4ob.g blcold positon at sellng anything on the sînseti b. Iii. V4" 9104 la uCblcago. cause lie vas foroti 1te do go for Tii Shmythie vre nt4lslsid Jalckit o!erployrnent. NIsa Jomiphii DuMIe, 0of Hlgbland Park, Thunlayivoelng vbpre finai r il ramIIiglUtU '»M Made ion the dance to CON6RESSIONAL b. glvec oueVisi, Joue13, et thc Ulb.rtyvlll auditorIum. luvitatlaus MEDAL ÀWARID TO -The band oomrt on the evenîDgut 1LAM E1 V.une iit lbem 10oLlbrt7villefor a eaiilivsalnoto'airg short viil, sud eituthlatlle rovd. The. baud rfn- î dereti a miosourtut ofstandard sud F.P. Dymoni, Roi Wtight, G. C. popuier music. T'J mic de a. gven la G(idli, Harti Meer@ sud Judgs B. B. lb. public gnaule he bmLbirtyvilli MUllen attended lb. bankr's conventIon baud ail preeaimajoyd and appneccateil et Highlandi Parktaiet ThnndaY. Ju5te b.usiac veyenigul Miler vai one ar the apeaxers of the M oLulu a t ~ l'i occaseion. 1 Gus Nelson, motow umlaCrymbal LAke Biiot James, ativance uma Uthe Liii- Tuecday 10 attend tb. fanerai a01lMt. cotn Chaut.squm ela l ov Iodai snd Larion, an oairdtma*of tislcommun- viti bigla ork ai aivirimlng lthe Lib-1Ils-. lMr. and lire. Larmon celebrattd ertvlicunumsuq. u..n ruer th&.u .1-1. -I.usw,-.,.ry fan contract la coniplititi.Thèe lh e m ai about ton mor@ ilgnatute1 complet. tbm contrct. The membitusud friende of lb. W. C. T. U,.wvI igo te Ibm orphan st LakLe Bluff teSwB Iev a T .mda.i. eng on the 8:55 car. Thieteasu sataa asI andi ail are eoubectu10go te bilp Mead tie mMa emante fort bm'Ia"i.Oum. Pleame brlug thimble., hiami sud les. Y,, t t. ; 1.15' r' '- . "Si' *'1 *' Al~ -i0tf -$C~ACIK IJASW à A 1yearc &go an Nev metavemetat lhiem R heIn daughter, Mr@. Oui Nion, vto r'.ld,,c on tih. Chislt"anBrthuers tarniet Liberty- ville. Mir. Larman la enrylveti b3 hIc wîfe and,, four iaughtem. À A pecli& electlonvii ilb. blutaIthe r Miiler ecbool, lu district No. 68, ou Set. 1triai nez$, Juni 7, bu. 7 s. M. 105 *p. m. Four propoaîtloui viiib. oted on aunthorîsîng the bornaic l imelore lu change Ibm location of libm obool bouse site; ho locate a ite .itbmnai tbe inter. section of tbe Bnlklermd utSi, Mars-s ro.dc on Ivo &crm of 1mai lelongini ta Rudolph Scbreck snd Rici pilper, th. Pressa% ite, or corne other ite sIt the option ni tbe votera; ta Ipoa 5% bauds ta tb. amount of $10.000; sud liabulld a uewacehool building. The Lincoln Cautauquu b le uued'ai couvýehlng bone fonrliii.maon, dates Joune 29 10 Jl 4 inéiumbve, proifrarn vare tefor distribution.. A npeenta- Mâvi of lthe Chatauqu s s sin ome- timi go sud b.d a a.Ulng viti tbm Commercal Club a at t b ooms ssiiIl won imoldedt bat the elmou od coopan- laIe viti me (1 kn.v mOàïa1. shootllai )w a) stilirt I retlpS bi alla *Oka witÉacveai n.preamtiU moliI ol mmmi tamdo «r .bme ub1 ,v1(l onder la st 10 vork Psml bmisi unmi milog ar ailu, ub~obbt là mxTuiaar.,.nlmg5 iAU*tt 10 uti.rdl u ooa emàrit @m taie I w emnuw'*bUW lie è> *"eete mai ais êI.-. E tu etunLav b&UiveS & li' Waukegan Man Proud Overt Achievement which Sergt. Howard Short Attalned. Lewis H. Williamsc of Ash Street, Waukegan la going ta Chicago ta- morrow ta niiet a nephewb who baq ',Pen deconateti for an act of vAl during the war, reefrence te whlch i. maie by Rachfard paumera as followsa So.rgt. Howard W. Short (a nephew of Lewis 1H. Wlliams o fthis city) of a Rockford company, 125th Infan- try, ?.Ilrd 1)iv. bas been given thei I'Congressioflal Medal ot Honor" -ýor which there are only a fa-w lIsued. ',flrlg a heavy gas ttack he ré, niovPd hbis owil mark tt replace tha' damaged' mask of a wounded coin- SAYS lIE MAD13 IAM 13T OUTSIDE; SLEPT IN A BARN Claimlng bis vife and son wouli nt allow hlm lu bis ofl bouse, 1h51 lie vas forceti tao o.k his own miels lu the yard and sleep luthe barna. that bis son chaseti hlm abiotthle 1place wltb an axe, Charles JouuMOil, 318 South Caunti Sttreet, Iodai oret out warrante for their errest. They ver. to be tabou belofteJw5> tice Fermer late thus alteruaom. The wlfe'c naine 1> Mari. lithes 'la John, lie la 18. The bearing irai contiuued. News àURING the war, of cours 1building patriotically, wasrî stricted to essential construction. Today, it la patriotic to build » extenr' sively as you will. Trhere is no reason for delay at this trne. To consolidate the PrOppe;pty Of Peaoe BU1 1000 Window Shaià AT 39 C.ents' We have just bought 'a' stock of 1,000 hhtY used Wkndow Shades, aH sizea madle of the beet atàral obtaiùabl,. Now jà the tie to, furnis your home %.Ath Shades at a peat sswig, Corne in and get yolr Shades whiIé ther 1"a FaiSTAI) &LYONW LIRERTY VILLEILL Sp~c~1 mbrella end' ParàlValue Sê ,puaimos andi Umbersols, tainand ,smm prosEm' Pronty Ibpeinflypdced at .........1...... m.; 1ot LAdOU Umwelas ad asnil ous otba * Ud................................ Speis lo - toclose but ailthe ootto-oeverel xaola W. W., CÂIROeLL SONS COMPAI - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sale Keeping Departmeni -AITORDS THE- Bçst Obtainable Protection foi - YQUR- Liberty Bonds Our services in this depariment are en- tirely FREE and are of exceptional val- ue to ail holders nf Liberty Bonds. We invite you to take advantage of therm The Firs't National Bank RESoURCES <OF MORE TRAN HALl 4 MILLION DOLLAW9 m o oi*1 an tem oi loosllmtrest, kindly telephone No. 1 ~iz Il mPal X ------------ ---------------- ------------ --- ----- ------------ ..L ----------- M Y---