Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jun 1919, p. 14

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_______LIBERTL'YÏTE NDEPriýMNuEW, TIfTMISDAY, JUNE 191, 1.919. W. Give Our 0 WN Blue tradind Si& mpq Sale of Waists & Smocks In Prettiest CoolSummer Styles -1,000 Georgette Silk Waists Are Very Specially Frized at 2098M $5 S,9 5 Élrobably one thegrvatest waist .rales of tIno season la this one. Thoeee at $2.98 are worth 10 $450. Those at $5 ire worth to $8 and At $9.75 there are wah5ts worth rpt let13.75 Many arc haud cmlîriodertud htave Pefflum effecîs andi pretty vestreit. tolors are white, fieýh. shadow- lawn. maize, orchid,cherry, rose, u's y'snd varlous combinalions. 2.50 Wash Waists at 1.69 A very special assortment of women's and misses wash walstsaare offered At $1.69 and InJclude many new styles among titein tallored matira, walste as welJ az nov voiles, organdilesud batistes. New Summery Smnocks at 1.98 - 2,98 - 3.48 Dslnlv comtortablebu stylish look!ng smocks of shere voiles, ar- liss 'tmens. etc. ln white., rose. green and combuatlons ln belteti. pîcat- cd andi yoke effects wth large collars anti new pockets. 1.50 Valuesj Special Purchase lin Muslin 25 Dozen -petiocae j 1.50 S~ik -corset covers -chemisea -ni'ght gowns L -at 97c Al nlc@ly trîmmreti wth lamacensd erbroidery lu pret- ty new style, anti all sizc.s. Hose To SeIM at a Pair 100 Flue sllk hose for women and misses in white, black, navy, grey andi brovu JInail sîzes. one O! the gibatest hose values fwe have offereti ln months. A Vory Special Purchaa.e Affordée 150 Apron Dresses at $1 This assorttneut Jucluttes a number o! pretty styles but ln ratber limî leti lu colors havJng very few dark ones among them. A gooti range of sIzes are readjy. Now Cornes a Great Seling ot New Wash Dresses 4.89 '& 8,75 iere are Jntrodnced mauy urmart syles lu wamh dresses o! pretty ginghatus andi voile.,; lu plaids. cheks and llgurcd effect4 dalutly llnlslted y, tbh great care to dctails- collars, pockets. beits. pleats, etc. New Sepa rate .Sçirts ot,.WTash Fabrlcs at 2.98--and 5.00' Sklrts, of vashable cotton pique,% ga- bardines, poiplins sud satinettes lu 00W stylesud aIl sûtes at $298 tu $5. Fine Silk Sklrts * 2.5,14.50,18.50 Exquisite mrations o! new Fantasl milice, baronette satins. trîcolette. crepe de chine, paulette, surf satin, georgeite, silk crepe andi donlînette ln plain white and eoog. Sèlls 3.48. Ail <iolors 'AEHI o Northern Il'a. Greatest tore For Women end Children0 GRE .AT JUNE CLEARANCE- 450 Dresses In a Great Sale Values to 18.50 at- Values to 30.00 at In the assortment at $1296 there are inany -uew iliesses or the ninst beautiful Voles andi organiles lu plait andi figured efrects as well as JIk ta.Tetaa aili satins. At $19.7, y(>u iay s.elect fronît a collection oif the finest styles Waukegau has ever seer.. There are georgette erepes, satins, silk taffetas andi pretty coin bînatlons ln plan white, large checks, figureti and brocadeti effects. June Clearance Sale of ail Our Suits Suite tg $30 at- Suite ta 39.50 et- Suite ta $50 et- 18.5 *-27.50 -34.50- The greatest auit purchaislng opporttmlty linîuonths 15 at hanti. Styles of the' moment ln wanted fabricig andi colorluga are lt.eluded at lte tiîree prices. Pretty RuBstan blouseii, belteti effects, Coats Witlî hanisome yentees, braiti, panneling a nt button triînîning. Douible *tamps With Every corset Sale Sat. Every Figure Can Be Ccrn/ortably and Pimperly, Fitted With One of- These New Corsets Frolaset- American Lady B. & J. and Mme. Lyra Make up This Interesting9 Assoj-tment $1 to $10 Each styla ttnd nnmîjer of eatch<tf tl.Pse liii if r,ýrrcts ls sýclentlhleslly bontd andi designti for contfort, gîrai - fîiî sîfirurc and wcar. There arc, tndlvildtu di-la for slefll-r. viirii awtt atiitt wo- men snd wheu proppriy fitteti by our corsetkere tilty are pic-aiant, health- ful andstfifactory. Sale Children 's Hlaif Hose 25c, 39c, 49c Corne lunMain white' sud browu or in whilte wilh coloreti stripes. ý. '25é ther.- are sllk le su... -. Metandi 49e nsercerized i slk. -sl k vests -chemise -bloomers Swat 2,,98 The Chen, seare o! allk cft*Je de! ii.,thIe. ests cf Italian Fut a nd t-lonîîîrsnof wahabl e ,aI -ttui nand .11k <repc- de chine. Children's -Dresses Gin ghama and Percales up to 3.75 at 97t and 1.98 At each prie there is a nîînibier or veýry pru-lt v shy]-- 'u1ti mr larg- est varlety Is at $1.98 ln whiciî lot yuu wil l iiiii u-, tir 1l it flue gînichama worth to $3.75. On Chlldren's New.- Co .ats & Capes 5.b98 -8098 - 1198 Here are ruais anti capes lu sizes froint'2 nIl J1l wanted nîterlals seanioaonsîrrcttiest styles in nIav,, ll:ck. colicu. rouitie, green. mixtures, checks andi plaid..irred anti unlJned. About 1-3 redoceti. j' Hiundreds of Handsome Styles In Reduced- ~rass' C oats, Capes and Dolimans Little Boya' Gin gham and-Percale-.- $15 valu«u, 22.50 Values, $30 Values, 42.50 Valpea 9.7514.5-1975-3.50Wash* Suits At $9.75 anti$1 4.50 w-e hae arraugeti excellent aso rrtmeuts o! coals andi caspes lu serges anti ioplins at and 1 9 ,Kt 11.6and $29.5é0oe varletles are unmatabl.- there are coiits, capes andi Dolmana lu nsvy, rook1s, Wash suite for lîttie boys of1t 0ho9 yelrs. Morfolka andi Oliver tauine. green, black. etc. witli belts, sashes, lose drap et effects; soft rolling pleats andi yo*4es. M nybav Twist StYles lu fine giughamq nd n percales of plain colore lnclnjdJn1 Pretty JIk linînga bal or foulIeUgth. whbite anti stripes. 1. i ~TWO ç ont CAM 1 feton tbaoeoîn te two ce viiibug VM ibe a -idffl0 VU h ave Itb.. to thea ex« Iee.«am Momy w- but stamp disuge ol atIer Aug ,log t0 ex( velope, v between Duse to the lbuge J dllng Mal ment foui the ratiss Wllh lte foreigu tmi dlent help ait of the vbioh mai 4a Mail n Mat" s bot six Montt bostle. aitud eOi eon AV amNV «" Thy 4n iltva =1u. lun *umw I& apt 6It et ai 11090l",lul »à». moi bd8» atoie e a

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