Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jun 1919, p. 5

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"IN~y' JOEu15 Ceai duelabl 4S* a - bve sonlav h. mrUvmI Med enfL m d 2=1-1. M. l De. aou" ! e 8C-OMit RAY N. SMITH Llbeayv aUL 14 la à-, The. R.,. Cb..hrC. 991i. Piaa.nha Trisly Sadar. UoIy Communion as V:80. 9.1u Chsub suhooL @M p. m. Z Igrs.wsd armôa. aliO u Dl.Phoui. 21 Moa. foi WW@% tIW atm m OuaiW>.Jeu.15. TIme vM bu no *uudsa shool sot aaesbg ptesuulu mi.. Inaid VO b. 0mo mi ui'Chwmo t.D" y eama e logeas.M.. prauptIr. Kiudir note thé ehsgs labour for m"taoune rvice. Chiblim use vôr 7.15 P. M. towt, "Visbt e e ansd Hov 10 Psr I., 'Proeelag 8.00 P.. mFrst 01 Obm»ri« of mmsa. TosAc, "Th.T.asolcllaa- donc." speelsimulea. Prayer meeting. Wadamasy.June 18. Topie. "flacdo NMm Ssiitheir Bortage?" Choir prsec ti day.veming, Jone 18. Mir. Mdlbon, chorlster. lira. Darsnd, organse Tien *fil h. no metiai of theBoy Scoute of Anerica nor af the. Câup Fin. G3ri. FrIdoy. Jane 13, beouaoraithe. commounsebool There viii b ii.o. @&Wrdsy. Sa.Oudriy. NFASURMNG SOCIL st.Ltasce' Puah lb. WEDIUIAY, AINE I& 810P. MW ADL FM C E CUTSPU FOOT r FH E'outosadiag automol laseuufu*AW ii h e .aae inteme cOU&. Tave mhu y oomthemc fi. rnotor uol, - noddon d cc vcnicaou by ordoing your M* 90 me onm » APPnraum Pa'fuumc Cowlon, Sa>k. sud P,4ce SmIANCK HARUWA UNIETYVEJA. DLUWU I~~OflSes.. -; umm-:smsm.m.:uu!g~~ If y@U2kaowIof au item QIlocullutereut, kindly t.lephono NO. 1 Non sud ais, oe15, CbPUln'a Day aamtlmovl b obaeva asetlb M. E. dmmai bth aoreulg»d evealag. AI Il o'aloi a biW b hdesceay amW o viii b. pre»W adby lb pailr sai i ChIlVea'b * aexerimiii*91bu gimos by libeuhdmofai b, uueday acooL.IMi W11 bsOb aMlamâe uido b bsa OlUib. apmpaslivdesarali cl fSoafat l9»osu. lbpubis le @aoufy lamla. ~f ~ ggbs~. »d ouOtvlas" vi b omdk outest eo mi u. i lum l,a h aIbe hiid. 0 sId&je"envma -Nu, .'is.k. DW - ce TI. «yW b* urbom lb 'jsukWb.l.aulatd ug7,ai trbd Dr. Fr . MitU$ asa. aviallor itu s10tusy. Uborty Villa os. luth ivilausor ,iaited ber aloter la 1M1" bijou# halar le viitIng ber Evs.ton Suais>. parentase" LmagGrove Ibis veek. j. 8. OtidS> le apendfng îLe vg eek on Moris Phost u rturned homne bill Mmat eDrue.lits. sitar belon ovaeafor its.. monhs. Mm .W. LgMisaeentattalad botliera.-Flots Dumsd loft Tueeds- Doon ilaer, Lods ilarimtisit. afor an extaiaS vWsilla New York. She àm . E.P. "Wlear Îabtlud bercVU' omm ai01 D.'Katherine &@à, m1lir&, a.IL Dekieond .,,îy Tbs 1919 .aulllusiede ha cr ngaulm à meai te sac ba k '*tsdaaPle ay s at ý Mu .JMaPWlueDelîsye of Hlgilsd frOm hu8 Di ie>bbrlagïlu l ài. d is iasal Uotvll. D D.W masl le dolaig niely allar as No.dy sim.@î pereliapaakwoa4 by Dr. P. B. liarda Mr. Md' lira George Mssied f Us. Mi'.quilla Mil wakee,j Uu d..jopes Suais> ý s e h 1sii> juihidu hêflSoe Mun. f . Pl'oum. OfChieng". vtatod9 Mr. sd miit.Jo. hidi. of Uhlgisd telsVWu lw lrld7m". fret mth.,, ?604, badiresop buakeplit d lir a Cg. gisaao.paed lberlom léusgmidihomme cli t K. Esgl. fbtsaBivdïgwvWt Mmisa Esea mdbegag d beri .1.1., lMa.mue q.aemdlra.Hs elh uabUS Sq dmg lb puS. ceaiPhaasa« = put eceai.He *M âmhe., retuista 5htu 51, rhome la ipemcte Sg ol. vas..horily. Chisui.Thuaaiay movfng. m 9u sr oîstg nu, Wçl màgýoeb Md Mau. Frak »Ondissous. W. is, iNge. iraltapote JI" &catub"*6petiorasace aiofGMilaueft iAIow 0e augbt sasoyenor eCuraitse lb auditoiusuaia"mdegit poumipierdntthe gtsvel pli, tmeuila bCilsa ali Mondel. thonyou b»uep as skine &boutilt on Howsard Morls, saonaoflit. » m . ial th tesi, * jeu dedea it yau QOig* Morta, lmnda b amp Deones, Iona n a and go tu Mmaa., Nonds> Morntag, Jane9, md hi. place of bbWas a aumchlm, be la cat xpeeolis heon bis vsy ta Csmp Grant la @ om M r itse ap Joar ltbiy. mand tha b hua eostracted the llahing NMa A. B. Cook and ber lter, lir aeâ gomn WbliSaudsv for Ibeir smmrer lim. C. ]ML FtHis, Wlted reativea sud bome la Netidmo, Ne* Hsmpebire and frie"da e tuyaMIsia, .'Wedmeday. Slb Dr. u mir.Smitb molored ai fer, a sttendedsb pae mse bhaone oiArtbar Chicaga clt thêtm. Richa hr.suai lf b Rich»d Mr. nd rs. . B.Ulo an Dorthyalotera wMVa eintPeter Roeh of Neville, li.»d Jh M:DorsF.E. Asud atroîby (1 *Chaiu. 0. Weh af Giraylak; Iram. md Jhn lii aveta rsaion st . Pottr Oi'DaIUiad, lMo; Idra. C- day. lira. Allen, Dototby and John Farrmuud aiSuaner, Ioa; lir. Aima expeetta tea.stuern trip aller vbh FnionofGa " Teai@pu Umis Dorothy expecte ta attend achoalYn bl a f e yalet.y adlave nl ait swumwieurheudbo. TU@ s th e iret lime Mmr. A cantrselh& Fafwredt Crs olet b.d suph, ierih laIntenuj F. Pelerson of Ubertyvlle, for Stryms A var ojoyaible dey va. @peti. BonI. aatvice beceen Bondant sud OMuer 01 thlb uatyville Townshpe Lhbertyvilta. Thiala tlb route ulBgbSiao lam aacahn lce mateathe mrly lait mail at Bondoat falhb .uaubg y at Assoc eting ailt sd courus ruai for fontrJeara. FM& lc nlbi r: Euaail Fiagut, press- lire, C. Md. Faller received word Thara. dont; Clti. Maya. ,vice. proaident sudf dal thai ber graudean, J. Ruaail Clark, Chultins Anderson. aeretary sud b.d aatved ait Nec Poit Nae, VS. OBe isairer. liaa "th Sandbuerg vs ba ist oeaumaaasaose jour ad cill non appalutadi fullj sivisr amd C. H. ruelve bis disebsige and raftra ta Bock Avenu vs. éeclai lbosaraty mommber. fait. LIL, vt hla@tsaUl y cer, e dwli ablp. Follovlag lbobuinscationg iasch ltai@ l.thebenmsnd.rothe be1'auk gVai apent Naioladsy sternoonMt i 8o'clack, In garnsa »d canilaae0"dareebimate lbe gravas 0f the daeamid àlbleafai ce s erved by >he ueuaheuof ithe lb oepl l lb LiideaeeleyWil damaatlc aclence cléo. About thlrty bi dacorsejiby tl b m ofeta i Ib pple ues poaL Zpwotth Ljaue of h L LM.E cbch. Il The llbrsry wcliino% booloaad on Sat- laast o e tâtUa a thaaa "Saldier. ai dsy ai prtvlaaaly sanoissit ilci lb Croe,'aoaiud botinae membead. laie mpossibla ta aaou e orkmn ol Anambeo i paopl-eudl Charlsa maie the neccaasry repaira Wbn thi. Suai., sud danuglea, lMr. sid lira W. bai been dons.hlbtry viii ocupy lhe W. Carroill ul"U. lMr. sud liUre, ctît. laaage an lb aaaaad flaor af Barry Olendori o Deai'fild, laafllasnr lhe bnilding. Tbe' Ubrsry Board fi, Smith ai Chcago. UMa NaionPrestan planning ta utai lb »o te enod- ai Lska Farea%,and Foruet Bmth, cpeul îlu mattmr comevb.ldublgtha asommer 8andsày et lbhe Saecotag et Drues sud a greater varletly ai bois vwii ibet Laie. plsced an the chelven,, poctry and boaks of ruisease. AIpto.. - ~ meut tlb. la greait snemofas m ailng tabla ai many magainesunatciming placed ai the diapoasioaithe patroni. A donation ai a table. cblo coru b used fort bis pnrpoae vonld b. pmtly appt. clabted. At lhe mesîlagal lbogusanorol the aitheaLLibeoin Chanisqua bat -Iueday fi Il vs. dccided ta paelpomc lbthe cticg, untliThnradayeveniag oclng ltic laiftt thal anly seven atcndad. Eacu anc ai ticac @aveu cet. appalaed a caa.miteec ai one ta bring In six memnera ta attend " tii. meeting asaa @muet b larued tla pnsb the cale of ticket& aa0lbat tbe tuer. t &ators ea maie a reord for Ibemacves ai nos ieing ecaIled apon ta mage ap s daficit. Tic. moima le bea lot ai oppo.1 i itian ta tua Cbatauus bfoa the bninua men ai tbey cIls. e %injDme. tbclr baoinaes. Nov ltle up tlatlb bl. noasminata miechis a vombiaetaltai tive hargaina In theloraom fa~ "hl bnsinesa liaI tiey viii bem lu té SOi noane and gel tbe vlatote la somae ber. bfle la &bu morning and do tliai hiopplag. Il le, ai conrse, nndarstaod thaitlb peo. Mm V lasaaie w111 nat iebola sa boppInut mood aller standlng lbe performancelu fa«e the alternoan, tiey cii b m a ians ucm to goel er cveiing madlanud netbock for tlb aveiag performancs, Il la sifo a by maya ftact %batltelb@Ciâisqus viii tek, a certain amaunl aI of 3*«ouI of riftlocn, bat lhey aieuaolflbs ýoeilyose. arn iat taie@ money out ai 5an. A good 0fl tueur roldauta ai Llhuogrv1Jbattend 3"l performances at lb Cheago, Iheal i esus lby cannai get thes hig.. Aima di 80d many do "br loU.ï #A Wsn. bagout becaumie tthl »éeau do boter hboe t Ib h sojl r,4 t lel upa l merchuta %0eow'* ue Ibîm Wat trading 1 ta 9bl RECQOLw Our Sale K eeping Departmd -AFFORDS THE-. Best Obtainable Protection Liberty Bonds. Our services in this depattmnent êe et i- tirely FREE and- are of exceptional val- ue to ail holder of Liberty Bondi. We invite you té take advantiage of them. Thrirst NatioiaBsk RESIJURCES 0F NOIE TRAi4 SALr 4 NILUQON DOLUt COIJNTY COMMENCE. MENT EXERCiSES hIteregtn, Program te be Reid Mmu Arum Next Saturday Tb@sua»%W commencement exarclme ai lb@ E:lbuii grade achola ai Lake -oaaywclb bld on t. s ILake EBan4 MsAiea, mBu t = ycou. smeulls ai 10 'ek a. im. The. atlbleie sieftflasicladlag agRama ai base bail, viilhbold inlabhemombig. A baya' im»& ellber from Alieudals, Daalald or lUbe tyville tomii. lu aulasi. "«.a a na it dameill, bupartiapat là »ud ev.ayug twviilho dons li n mai lisday masamfbl aits. ThIl s~slgexeralaetcill h. bld lu iaa* mom Thé prindpsk' sddrea twli b. b43P loa.ei à V.âmiii, cho wci hl'Mi. « ral bselangeioed bimaiftla tlb Varli' var end cite ami. r.caly12 roermd kmou rsaa. Tb@exrala. ci bh lu cbsig of opsrltsu4eas ai eboolé Simpaon. etsud y 8. là. Nelsa*, of ibis et, md oalbiInaiructora cho aaelaid lb auperiaiendent la holding thb fnameamleallous. Bverybady la coedlally Ibvltid ta attend libece osrjs Th@sltasepar. :uaatY adaptid or tlb occaon sud di favorable vesîher conditians, s record breka necocd ahonld ho la altendane irom every pars ai tb. roany. THEY DIDN'T GO FISHi'NO Aatomublle irsiiewu. anaaualiy baavy tlb lasser part of tbeyack and thbe irtaofthleek. With ta@ ruad a litIe rangb and canalderabla repaît corn an baud, lb. vws ptobabiy more than the nanal amoant ai trouble. Enfialcs, Jack Bernard amy. liaI hoeovs aa bn.y re.pondlng ta i8. O. S. Calté for asalit. suce b. dld Dat bsve lime ta go ta cbnrcb Sanda>'. The mant distreaing cai w»vs fronm tva Degroeu, cha cliii s filvar and quntlty oifiebing tackitemada theit cas f rom Chicogo ta & point a fec miles norti ai liiio cly. Bernard ca,. liaI tiare tby baoame ilgbtened aet Barry Caler appeoaeiag in a Fard; bal Barry «ayabat a vaihoal asa ivert caaacd tbir acs ne aid as u mmover. i plnan'g theunbath andsrneatb. Ilariry f nndertooi ta 11haone aide oaithb Fard, chen a valce flon nderneath .aId, 'Ses ber@. white mani; jon bad berner 11h tthe ailier aide ai tie machine. Yoa a&m 'inctin my neck." Lifting lbaîicer aide, s negro crmvled ont. Barry aiied cher. tie aîber negro vs, chea a voici@ irnin the rosar ad, lBera 1 la." No- damnage vs. auqtained by eltber excepi a laelng ia Calot. Barry saye Ibey %vere sula> biaek vien ha lirâ aI ,achem, bal When be reécned thein the> cane bath white s.esac. Bernard taced thein Inia hocn and amade minqr repaire ta the car, ch.. ha> daclded Ihatthey vouid resurn ta theit home. MRS. ARIHUR .ÇRANDALL OIES VERY SUDDENLY M ts. Artthur CrAndali died vary snddea. 1>' lait nigit ah ber home on Second Si. ait 5 oclock. Deatb wvsdne 1<, heant lalinre. Mirs. Craudali bai been In poor bealti for the put year bah Dot canfined t0 ber bed. Lat itie chule la company of ber aister, ahe pamoed aay la au atm chair. M-@a. Crandail vas hotu la Ncw "York @tâte amer 40 lests ego and la aur. vlved b>' tva dsagbhera, and a son ats- tlaned at Seir York Navy. Fanerai oer- = 100 Window Shadi AT'39 Cents 'We have juat bougit -a stock of 1,000 slihtly used Window Shaides, aU aime, made of the lieut materiai olitainable. Now is the time to, hirnish your home with Shades at a great savig Corne in auid get your Shades whie"l ogI. FINSTAID & LYON UBERTY VILLE4 ILL New.Smocks aniSpecial Hosiery Values M1~NSME new Smocks of. fine mercerized materiai, in pretty hdes cfIpgeen, rose and blue. They ae sancked in contrait- igcolora and finiahed with good Pearl buttour, behs are detachabie. These are specialiy prioed at mecl,..$3.75 Childre Midldy Blouses, in all white, mnade of etroag white duilling. A very useful vaction garnq!Nn for.......... Some excellent hosiery values, in botir white and'bIac, are offered at..................................... Fine mercerized lisi. Houe, ini black, white snd dark buown. Tise. ae extra quality for- ................ $ 1 0 5 0 1 38e W. W. CARROILý& -SONS COMPAI .Phoui.9 p .p~ u------------. - - --- une With ail the reconstruction prCbý lems, ail the delayed building now' to be resurned, prices are not lk to be lower.' A delay may meau higher coebt for you beaides the loua cf tiras and profits to yon flou. W. wilI mve you ev.ry possible dollar if yu wii fiur we m thatishe 19191 ,H35e ALAKEMORE STUDIO Open Tuesdys and Thu"slys W. wifl b. plesasdfo have your patronage estib- tie tou WUea 1 Cook spremne ix tel- ry an- pply in ANY Miethel emai ditaty of lhe a ftoms hlm lot o yonngl men ie@r WBadieta h Paof aihl ori oS s'lc Mwa sot aeîu Me bouta ai,7 énd Il or 12 aradapted tb, -,hsome nolgb eblb malle,. wehrai up Mad ce eoutt, thez p a eho. 0f cet. enmss te. bl. M ----------- -

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