Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jun 1919, p. 7

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s.. f -t IE?~D~Z ?mm~ÂY, ~-u~ 1~ 1919. I F. . NIDKDRNOTcor. OdsTaken fer Job Wrk. Cas~llgties on application. i.Peluerand Issbsls vers "goli onio Meds bèe B aurdoy and Buadal. MldKMIUoàmva aweek-end vIellai Mrs. Lbvson bas si l bLis resldence to lir. Csalsd, bsysfadocided jet m ta wbers gboy vil mao. lira. Sbibbis sud ebldrea rsiurnad boboaslaler aàiva o weekvil vili Me., sd lirea. xwmielaof aukegu4 sttsded lhedanes bis e ut ldaj' *s tut, lmila lBolellla.laalemoyed by Mr. Ounlsid as clsi la UnatoM. Us,. Pbtllp Vamdafn t d ois, vWWted 1dm suitmd lea hmy b a 5w dow ville s la 45v TYrkatiIy as @Omotema.r t ye. M. C. 1A. iraq évse unha. lm so. a.Dedsia aeoi dipplegsed 4,àkmisber salle Nès. &W. lé la baod il vN »bo" . asimse TMsbeasu hall gsus oadod wvtlba try ouvlSrr lor oui baya. Wauoonad koul lne a goal hm tisula peasaime Or boys cave lb o iwmuosppuat, lise vas abieS od hitiioou olsda. A gond g'ovd Ottao@"l b sm. Milan Bai* i ft srlud bous flou a«bonil lr biuuM'mea 'mîaqs RUaMouàfds, = y fastm "à U.1 Croet refuraed bous Ibis "1L.lé imr amsuagood t tta bm àgab Wb*se tu1 jors o saue. Hsrmos 8.111 lad fllcariiou ela bleeg a"sud yus bous lu a feu day.. Grsysiake uil hbave a tati esisaon#o July 4tb, gven by tbe AlbloiIc*lob sud the Firemen.0 Our mb>ol clacse Vridsy for lb su.. mer vocation.. li. ndd lru. Tomphie.4and sou, frois 1 7lfd I M iprts a" on orv wu -apleuili moe ve. yul ~ ~ W ve ib' will luafor lbe lammuer. w Ti.SSBI peopisle soommbla Ibsir Gagea laIe epsiieomastbslr colorwd xr di4 a g get ilaedshpe for their W OgeU e cream &et for la en' sdryu *111 b surs tagsMt IL~is~~ UaspileS asothers, 25epIai k ias lae vrsout Timu eoeel tsylag ont lb. boas. Thorvill puo aseeralemuoti et abous la amb abiMa hum, armud lova buflit for Us jas our ordure for nhaeerp$he for Cbiego DslIy sud B.nday paffl a& *0e drit Mm. butublârad ~ir. a , .lv , z The ladtW wmb w X li re, Que Pliss, e. aehy. Juie 18. 'A IsI vu bu pmuofuOU Who un -~umOWIO vuse0, B luos "viste, Ji. Md Il s"Ur i. mad limm Eém " t a villaUnbir me -s.e 86WL Offldrs.'sDay il he cbssrved bise uagp hadal, Juse 15, by approprais exIiémbr hecilidrs. boglsulag aet lir, mdlias.Cerf Miller vlelld Ur. illets eris la Waubuga, senay. Mit. a"d lire. M. Kaple0a Wanteffl, speai 1lai Tbursday w v i rendsand relatvesber. Tb@ svaapslistt erticem tlageaf o Mat. 0. A. Laapbasi, svsngslisi sud These Tirîes Are a Revelation The Bramzi-wick is frankdy a combination of the best ln tire building. There is one tread that'as supreme beyond question. Amd that is now on Brunswicks. There is ane sidc-wall construction, which, by every test. boldo the summiàt place for endurance. And that ane was adopted for Brunswicks. Il Fabrica differ - up ta 30 per cent - hn their strength tests. On Bru-nsicks the maximum long-fiber is the standard. There are certain additions, each one expensive, which add vastly to tire mileage. The Brunswick embodies ail these extras. There are no patents, no secret formulas ta prevent any maker from building the btst. h t is smply a question of knawledge and ski!! -cort plus cure. Brunswick standards are lmown the wanld over. The very nmre certifies an extraordinary tire. Yet Brunswick. cma no more tllan like-type, tires. Buy ONE Brunswick. It will prove that a better tire can- flot be bought. regardless of pnice., THE BRUNSWICK.BALICCOLLENDER CO. 623 S. Wahsa Ave, CimicagoML 7TA.,'.'sa fr raik Tire for'Every a Cod Fabric - Soid Truck For Sale by H.B. Eger mimd Liertyviile Garage Lib.yf ou ml r ie Hoaord. Mosul dlmsetorfors bégeacoïtSUd, li e uepl* 50 a 1 dpefosed la tboir fluuf 7ork eud vil SO ulgiiet twboumLstr. Mi. sud Mma.Fraskniradr dutertainsi o utetelmUseaarelatives oier Buiday Miatu» 11el&Vame sud Uts MIUli Eauâmr oaines., attmudsd the miscel JêSsoua hower given hi lim. Masserti bon«of Uilms illadyo Au»s lut Thora Of&.QI.Brmtable attended th4 avàduaiu exe aiUtthe Pamesaul lisoueal bospital la" veek Thuridaj svsUlsg. HBeralmc, ias Avis Nelson 'VUS Ont fIe greduttag BclaS. M% sadlira. B. H. BShrwood and d r. UR4 lita. Le Sberwood saieuddthe gWtm ln 44g oreaaaof Audoeb Town. èWdP Eleb Sebool least ridasymaiag. Galas bervoodvwu au. of tb. grade. Tredfl oulait Und Jiam àeKeaui r. iVsfd lbqms 9uads mouslng. Tbsy bats 'niedCi*. ITberadoysUnd Mr. s. a. »tsi bom a.ibi. Thèse lIffl ou 99amaié là Tranev for MmO aqu'op, t snd vo aus glad tu usia#bahome. John tlE;nard ouopp pv hm ovsasathe gietof ou wow "à offs asfev day.vith. bis E~UovNagla .fl tory IIL Hlé dis Uta»..Davs» of Cicéro, <sa 41481W a Oserdéas thélbad of Sb* ras Dt oxLae s camatery aladei U the i ls lonavlis amool b«s» AubwéISaoo,;t» .14, for slection aoean sd allas, biualm.Vistais os5 er voleanas snd uspere ams Mwergo ho bpresses. On Bonder euimsig Mr i. sud lMra.J. Brovn of Calum îAve., Chicaga, vois us Ibsir vagbous ln tbolw auto, Mma Biove, vho vas diviug sud trymng to &VOId a rut, eospped on ths accmllsrator, ths car *bot s«rose tbs ro.d, turned Obbout sud crsmbsd loto s'masltre. lu botte ofP. a. Dsulsl'o houas, comploesl valile, but dalugdttb e sonsdamnage 1a tb. car sud ouly sabaking up the. ocupant@. P. B. DasisIeand E. L. Wald ver. at 3sasa Laie eburceB uDdal mornisgglu tbe lotere of aihb. entsnsry campalgu. ,Mra. Herbert Nelios 3and children etsrted lise t vsek far& montb's visit wlth ber paents sud othor relaivea at St. Louis sud other places lu southero llitnais. àira. Richards sud lls Belle icheards wve Su-day guestaaof lhe Chas. RicLarda lamlly ai Antlocb. EaYmOqd lscbam, second truck man Ut tbe 0oafilne deoaibas laken uDot hbusIft a bride and go ta houaekeeplng Immodlatmly la the. Geo. Burnett cottage shlch bus boss mad& ready. We attend congratulaions ta the bappy couple. M . MsàMaam la vel mou boe, havlug beu hors for -soma tIsa. except for the lue w."vsUt Great Lakes. EBis bride la étranger boe but v. velcome ber to our village. The following prograsa af mottes wulU hoglven ai the M. E. eorch igaturday vealng, Jus. 14: Salt Indutry ln *lcllY, A Postman'. Adventure, (a) Ruine 0f Wlsby, (b) Removing a mountain vltb ynamite, Moblmilsationo French ileet, Tbe Vagabond'@ Gratitude. Io 2 part. At the bomne of tbe brldesparssts, lMr. and Mr@. James Ktni on Wedsssday, us. 11, occurred the marriage of iheir Ildeet daughter, Stella, ta Gearge A. Mitcheîlllu thsesenssa f thaleanysd a ew Intimat. irlends. The oeremony w1as Peniarmed by Bey. E. Maydsw of the M. E. cburcb, aud tb. bidai couplsevais ttended by lita Rli Kerr and W. Weber. Ths bride was vory tteil reased lia' a white george cepa diss, wlth vel sud orange bloasome sud mrtied white brids's roas. Rsabmeuto mirs ervsd sud tb. couple fai t ou the, SAO for Chicagoand fro. ibere wvil 'trt the follovlng day on su auto trip t the(Wesita b hogoDe for SomOthes. Botb are vsry usîl knowssUnd popular rousgi people. ths bride bas bsen a mbcer for Borne lime sud the groom ras caLler of aur basi uitil bovas »Dis Imb service, so bava mogay frisuda to visb tLem good luck. Mri. eud ira. George Walton of Ares. ipsnt Sdai yuL lMr. sud lim. Jobs Wallon. Miss iartbs Rouseutuebeor ofWauk». tan, @peut asteral days lasi ves ivtbh brne folk@. John Brovn la vary loy at Ibla writteg. lir. and lMms Harold Rulberry amre Piaret@0a sbaby girl, bore Jus. 8. Mies EllIabethi Oeffllsg la *pouding ibis uSi vitb ber brother, John ai McBa.ry. lira. Albrs Kattenberg sUd dauglaie )*pont 5:100 vek villa Mr., bais. Jobs 15aiV5Paito Thé boopl la t brse r ay» Miss on SSdayOO Jen 15. l.b"; gai wr Pa à1 be Effective Juiüe 11, 1919 A ae uattt. , la lvajM5ft- tractive feuture of a"u egasaNa ailier type af musical Uflisatlan bas mare acceptably profaIdSvltety lu entertaInment. VTh. WWtma M le Quartette le primarily a sloglug argus- IzatIan, eacia membe.r La eau baia sen with the. view ai Ib1=rvane as Individuai sololats sud gaecuallI te blendlng ai their valcc la çpsemble wori. lila also a vur v7tsigte eom. pany sud tanks bIla uaieelIr. Md- vand V. WInigia .la suager af the .conpany, firet tenar, PimIalogist and renàder. Mn. Willlama i aopays sax "bpone and la knova la tLq lyceusa and cbuutauqaafield as one af tLe beat and most versatile entertaluers. Thia ailier members ame T. C. Anderson. Msead tenar. and E&t4 Weatherfatd, batitone. Vii..enabes.of the q*VAr tel ars pIlais. Mr. Bidie. fith aso, ta mlgo a very gocd violUMt Thd programs consul aof meny beauttail ensemble nuimbere, so10sduetà aud trios, as voil as retding4,$Psou*aYe sud instrumental nombe. This COmw- pssy, app.snlng on fias secod day et the Chautauqua, viii b 9Met ils. attractive feulasorafthe pscg*a WIll appear ou the aeanida VICTORY FOU&S By direction of the Postmaster Generajl, whose authority to fix rates haa been approved by the receut decision of 'the United States Bu- preme Court, the followm*g sohedule of rates la' annou.uced for Libertyville, Prairie View and Âre>a: BUSINESS RATES RESIDENCE RATES Individual Line ...4........ $4P0O per manth....... $2.50 per month Two-party Une ....... .... 3.50 " ....... 2.00 Faur-party Line..............................1l.75 « Eigltparty Une (Rural) 2.50 «, de..... ......2.00 Twelve-pearty Line (Rural).. 2.25 " . ... 1.75 Extensions ......... ...... 1.00 - ... 7 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE RATES Flat' Rate, two-way, Trunk Unes ................. $6.00 per month Flat Rate, ane-way, Trunk Unes.................. 3.00 SWITCHBOARDS Cordiess, includingOperator's set ............ .... $1 .50 pet mont&a Switchboard, imclucing OMartor's set, Cord (non-multiple type)................... $2.00 ta $9.00 per montha Switcbboard, inclucling Operator's set (mul- tiple type) pet positian................. ..... $ 10.00 per month. Multiple stations and trunk jacks in excess off anc pertlige per @trip off ten jacks in use ......... .15 per month Terminais and extension stations an smre premises................ ....................... $1.00 pet month om The foregoing sehedule. supérsedes all ex. isting rates, We will be pleased to give details per- taining to the change upon request. CHICAGO. TELEPHONE COMPANY, District Manager C. T. FORD. i 7ted (oha"Fat i horne folk. fI I' E 11un pick a persan la uhcbwlace dsu vré MmlreaSu*vai-laylor sud mou, or PLAN ToVI E 1T1Il or bave tibm take charge af thsean wEoIILD BI M Il Ldly aasnLsd lire. Edna Penaàber. ~ * or report back ta ithe bead officers tu P.E.HL È of Obilq. as, spedlng a ev dosathL SCU O ME Ul4 .u. akgu R G> 1 "ir Ititer, A. H. Stevart. I h vas also decided Io ]end every Jean Blooser, dangbser of àMn. sud lMr- rACO E LTI Ma"r Possible effort toalad lu the enforce- jPrsGen Clarece Sobasr, bà« been ver, îîî lîthe lIHu mII . &AXW y ~i~ ment of the ciafew lau ln Waukegan PrsG en past vet, bsCle Dov cornevbat fr.- sud cooperate aloug other Unl ina.ula. Per oud..... vrînus organisations. psnu.... &roed. . Rev. S. W. Chidester is Elect- VA Ommlte, uas named ta o wr Per -pound ... élevral fias edattended tbs gradu.. ed Prmident and Work is 'out .amefinla.. 11acbeme n hrey Blinis exerelasa01i îe Antiocli * ab Outlined for the Year. the saociety vîll ta ou an easter Ilnan Arueaaate off Lead Po.- 0achoal. Lui - clii bas. Pcpnc. ... A ebouetrvas giten on Saturday ut TO AID CURFEW MEASURE..1Rev S.. W. Cbîdester of the Pies- Pe i - .... Masos Wh alllubasnaofIdies Vera Iving, yeincuhwaeos pa- whoe wroýs e nnoued o *L:;Tho Laie Couniy limane Society dent for the coming year. The M-P aS. Ns PESCRIMT place lu i»betfil5 beaarehld lis innua] meeting ln Waukoë cers elccted: w hdse.Caretufly Cop on âmle Id& ôbrilatinsep lli b m gie an Tbura<ay evsnlug and beides President- e .Cletr on Wdequ,JSa5 1Il. tu inse s( lectlng 5ev afficers. autllued a sum- Vlcewprepslont-M.-iP. 8. Gradie. wwtaoonL -Tb* wveddli< wilii Mât ber of plas for the comlug ysar. 2nd vle.primsdet-,-Mrs. Mes Relu THE DFYAIî pUMesiWlso%, ie. Congaulatiaus. 'Then,et.lug decildedwvue iatth e @y-Trsai.- -Russel Eduarda.E lira.C.IL . Dmasasd grsudaughler, vok af thes elty sbculd b sxpsnd- DirecoltarsinercyClarke, Mrs. GRAYSLAK!, IL*O1j Etbel lieuhaN u$esi londai in Chicago. cd ibis yesr end au effort vfiiib made T. E. Morris, Mise Relias Johneu Jass Dààma 1W., la spendlng émoe to have a YsPrmtsaatlve lu each dis- lira. 0. B. Ingersoll, lirs. .. D. tilu yuLh Méson, CE. l)entaau. îlt lu lashecoaty. The ainaller Hutchlnsos, lMra.A. K. Baves, Lms Uldre0jl wuvasobserved hors,BSn- tof aun, a sy ese$Lave uabody McDanaugb, Kdvard Canrad, Itovardi ' day. Tien gi four boys bsptlzd- ubo 1l a terented; nov tLe plan la to E. Gausisi, Judge CL C. Eduarde. t"asW88MeaI *oebin.l 1 Everea. C. fass, Borner David White, Havsid JO"ais uer sud Llayd RobersI lie. Jasais Irvlg.$alebury wussine Obfrs4, 0 a ta esber buaboa&d ftd*e j ; eclwy. I L.Jsak.lilpliairy Jack and Mires Vota Iruvinguns Ciluego tietona, mou- Msv ,asi bts losaî ra lisBell System Bluen, a1 t* d bh1aiEress, theias 11w mon of Eau. Polool,&Red 9 lents. Tbe fum"rai Ioabm u is orne, Wed. msa 9a Bp , us lu termeni folcuw la« in lc*oty esussy. TH ALEQARET N ewTelephone Rates MAE UATE ". c

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