a fine, ig:bdi liBre the sweet &trains of the violi or cdl. fwet un an < rCha.< 1 thlak noting bes a ra"odous male quartet. .Yod IW llqve rand Opera with it gohfeous - tu m d reptummusic 1 lU.e lecture rnety aàd mWIrdf 1 Uh. -pmmty of fun-.well doue iImm e w w toimoka Ou town ' k sià No. m ihe Word" <o<leChNiauqua! Yow m m lTick etsNw et Iom the RAY rW ture &Pai2 store Rit.INO Mad mem%'us go oubtta" orttwt eb,~eve.; min a few t colore acost- Irai% fàm "oiore Iusi.00 au $.96 01974 "- au-ehiàs sdooUse slo rsa ..........s..). .. ... . . . .... md 5so tsmpsd pillov M4 w!ith bobs, eldwg 0a........190 ible frIt aubber, 15u1 0e rngsper 'Sa..........OO r psfI, white vida color- Instisprpeo30; 150 pair voem'. 54.00 aud 56.00 sampiale h ai d slip- pos ;ll bonght fer îhiaX-0 1g-eut ilà" aid letteai boots, lu -bFsh Md tai kid, paemt leahea, white bckmdk J sauvai ifrtstleauMdleadiers. 11toarfly te s00are- froua 2 ta o ysly 8a, 4a"a wj i 1 b. 5cm for ..ý.. . ...$1... six". 1,2*14 nSfor. -i. XeMasWuk and -bite enais oxlo.4s, tdo WOUalI ko #,Red#;" eiaarl$*0 Jbey' 5 u " acobrand, 4*.......... Womeu' vhte aua. lmc cocsl. with rubler soles Md ~uidrubber heils, 'W Wouîeu' vh% to "svss battc Lot cf eildreu's hitadresqs, lighi eolorei aprons, âlght. Md dark ginghain dressep sizà 2 te4, lust ymes goode, vorth from là5 te $1.50, at ...........3ft Fines iô15elinen envol"pe, Paekageof 2ô for....6 Metallue poiah, for cleang ilver, copper, brasa, tin, s., a 100 atide, per bot.- die................ 3o *CMN NOW BSE RAM WJT JEUF STARTE-RS la Qm D" " mm- A" T" C"M as&pais.d Esaflmm. PLM m Umm zAT OMmEwmT Liber viteis- 'LIRTVULWSTWQ SK ii~srlav.st am-d&~ -;~~ V;~ ~. MNAL SOCS Thcse NATlONAiL BANKS Lave ccnbined -resoures of neary On. and Oce-Ilsil Uila lollrs onj in Lut t in WIIpeY SavipaDepostm i n exces of Pave ThSum4 Fi,. Iiundred Do"lashl semnu-annual Interest on Sovinga Depaita,. Until july 10& ehw llreme vavngs DepaSits on wbich thjey wijll u ix ufm onStliw jtsrsnjanuary lit, 1920. Your deposits in thes. wo NATIONAL BANKS am carefuly afégusSded undler the supervision cf the United Stete Goveranment. Your busioes widu, them deevste careup.netaing attention dthatis supervison impels Whs. Yeu tu* of.1Savms or iudlhamomey, thiuak Of. aNATIOAL BANK .,th" o f e Liheryvile Dhn TE FIIST NÀTNAL BANKX IM1 ZSfOR- LAE ýCOTY NATIONAL SALE Odd- Saeh, at 76c A F. SteelFence. e9q041,at 22c each BrimSr, cvd Stie. M Wheftdu frin m I P ood' 2Zpackesgnf«...2 Kisk's WU*t> F"lak spfflperbar .06 SWS tsPvk1. Soi P« r ...... r à..2 pkg.fS O, per bar.,....a No" bSoup ht Iwopi- . ..3 Rasboery,> PgaChper tb" ... 5 Pli N13$39 sMd M4 DRU GS --TOJILET ARTICLES Colcateu Tooth Peeti, A. D.L&Mfpi.b, l sýà"ieI for Nugnosi ~ 8c lxaIonorbsturud dre. .00' ao s:topaoh Utd asadeti- &JkaDa israuoznider slla n.xid, t é4 lest ade, regalar p. e 1c-6 200, 85e, a»d '0c0, .ale pria., foidio old Crsm. 126c aid 47C PSl%ý3-5 dutu~&assd ed Vempim PowdS. Dutk inriaFli, ge p ia.?O Laera-Pirin. Tie. laxative Aprneficin l an md TolotPaper. Mine quality hedcha bete IanAi pqi, oyai uase r é.. Q' C Mer,.a pi,. 250, saoe f9t 160value, sale priae... prica.... ..........8C for 25o FUS.LOVEZL 0C. T.Wl 11lIC DERMIOSTANO,'A»RlSCr PROOF SM0 Famo <>the Pound 11M Som tTwh ifîMd. PER.PQ 4-,23c 33x4 Inuer Tubes ........ .. $Z76 No. 2 Tram Pîpe Cuntt ....... 2.50 24-inch Jointer Plane.................. 8-gollon Galvanized Garbae Can........ No.l1Galvanized Tib............... 20-quart Setter Cans ................. Nieke Colfee -.Pots.......... .0 to Large Wire Rat Trps............. Wire Fruit Can Ho"ers, ec..... 3.75 1.75ý SCHANCK lHA»WARE g O.ý phome39 ,Damag.dDoors at 10Opounduý Bakd ;4 T.. S LRUM U.SMA.l Landr" 7 d e. Fui CLUI OLIVE$-ý SYRUPS' DUNHI 1.4 PO". DE(