11~ j RTl.,Y VILLE IýN»D Ty Lake Countjv'"sgilg Weekly EPEN-DE WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN' VOL EKVL-N. 2, SJ~tNPAGS L1~ERYVILF4LAK-COUTY4LINISTfUR6MAY; TUNqe 26, 1919. Myeho~ê'I nsoe Tii ~1iiL5~ iJEU~ MLI ~IlllII 5~I~II I-'IÇ If V WA I~ I Event? s IiLibertyvi. ~nSaes, une 6-28Lincoln Chautauquýa Jne29 to J% Law-Ordw SY.thea WILL OPPOSE THE RAI The. 11v. Thua R. Qualye. ui«' iteadeut, met momday wltth laia County Law and Ordar isagne la Se Mrt session a" j saMoood t th retorm body: "You bave ail heard about the horsl race meeting lim Oiiesi7là' golag to rua at Llbertyvhfle. WelI. 1 have booM offerod 81.000 If I eider the lemmee 10 hepfs iha"$a off 1as! that you te a vote on IL" The nsys von s&dAthe slleged bribe ofer was rej.ctd It was ilated U(Losryla paylng the J.ake County Pair association of Libertyville 1100 a day for track rentai. "We'1l show 'em," snapped Quaylu %londa± niglit at Highland Park. "There worint be any raclng or gambli ing if w,- bave anythlng to do about Mr. Quayle gave a defcriptli of the man wbo had attempted tu lbribe hlm. **Ho vore a beard and posad as tiieheaet ofa detective 'acay et Chicago." ha sald. "He didnt veai any emokod glanons, but lie iialance<! hiaseif omcaionally on bis rubber At Jim GOLorys omPortum, 4183 SouthiHiated.sîreet. bis son said! 'leverytlilgvas net" for the ULberty- ville hors. races. DontaIl'vas made th taIamyee conuected vAitthe. Ot.eary oud of the. mentliai attonipt- ed to brbe Quayle. INÀNEW BL LegiSlatUre Provides that the JudaisShal B@eve W,500 A Yuar. DONNÉLLY IS PNSIONED. A 1gw pdopted tiy thc eglmlture' tisaveet providea for a rats. ln *au7 for Circt Iues la Minois ,» .. saU fituliSiduesof fils digrtrif imd>Dnnclly MAdWelcb vMi ndir i elav vies ul4P"by tic Ém ror ressA "M050 ateai cf «M si, ver. foweyer. t, kv a nuo oertive110 far as fiay ate00& .MM04 fSr tvo yasU slbpit fle. le enjeft« e t ar the & Umaret iue tdisY.ar. Tins, ab lm moom la two e rim ee. fia juil aR fils IuioUVO É efM @* advmse et tfua rai»tassi UMV MWftom beaun. ArnothbillE pffaad b Ythe LegIOa. a ý,m Md fier. ln que 11141Mla thii dWstict vho vIl!be a9sffctsd p fi la mueiy, chate.s nnefly o Woodsoch.i Mr. Donneur. htitih las beeu nous 'ton gond and vii a pession giron tu bbhl m os fic service lu aving licou on the beâch <cr rsW ixteon-.years bils frieais veMnufot lie aurprised ID eue lhe dedffl tu retire and take advantaigé et 4»s pension. ru Oook Vonty tic Circuit Judges hiave e hes rcetving $10000 & year. the» afo lpaylog hait and fie COUBtI lait ader thie evIav tahe Bltef wiii th% »W - meanount, $6500 and the CU iCoiznty Bord nm obi vil!ftftie «a contribution te 1350%~ Mokleg-the total "4ln l CeaiCons f7 UId. siney, 1000a ya e. 8iotmatfea. bsE igemmdoh- or er9 ff l a he ie lluty of Lais Mnuis.~t m l-ai.woter[ai S mai , a.Ie SloOVg te asM - by let, tbm »emmn or es ~ rsun a* ~ lui' Il imâ5 TO OU PATOFSUL PLAY FEARE WO uve t: akel'IN MYSTEROUS D&S CalS. johnom Ift.Home on or- VImilswtlig for My deda t! N ry30 * îs#or 1U*1U~ H. fot Son hon since., R PA FOIAUTO IS BAMDONED HERE. ADVANCE OTHER THEORIES IF BULLM 0 ~ ~ ~ A É - AT ',tzyWaniegau. lune 23, 1919. E Un fR111 A It was Icnid laisaternocea thaf :. i« Rulof Company Pro- weZ te à point nerthofM ivn TonCon. roi Hao. sislprlIid thaf lhiareatives hol To ensfom Hm hava' mop.otrd foui play or have ovrhieabsnceas he ld KEEP AT IT, YOU SAVE wha. thougaf they knew where hi u Dii en mv tat aacePosîa. TheWaukcgan police -vere aske<l ter Burelson lsuai thorecent inan- toda> te soir. the, mysterv o! thie edate vicreby héau 5iffl thedUicTi.- mysterlena ilsaposarance Wednes- piohOeCMPaMY te tucrefse heir ra tes day morng. lJune 18, of Carl 8. e t WaUkiegandamiclier chauges luJohon. a p l>.eous ouug 5ar- -the. local diabtb ave vhaf fe>OeIl11br living about one aile wvt o! M il- a »ePort charge? lu Otipi voria. bhu.m ri lstrcr.,r. et118 Jeu- tiare i. another case ef viiere fie kinsia (purt, Wanieuau. father- in- Tek, Q» Ceaipani "gOUla 3' ,lav of Johnsen,tlis moring Identl- viar.'lu lie Pua.t Ofre Mr. Oural- lied fi. Perd dlivcry truck vilcit 55iudherembesl cr.tlb.O<>ee vas picîrniup tu WÏaukegau b>' the r puwM J« a Att M ais a charge Police Thurauymonig as belong- àeft bila ibid. lng t10bhuamsoullav. blsons bride BeHm la lia nov nul. as Il voris of but Ivo mentheis israutlc vith ont. grief. Shclas positive her busbami 1 Uf you Put tla along dluancc oCal, mnst have mct vitfoui play. He lo 1 a BU t Chicago Ppd the e- y-siaresali te have itai belveen $400 and aiag lbma Dot peu ihm telephSone »00 tu hif pockot viien b. disap- bll or soma elier renom hie Phono erd ' bas becu dilsooW dami ficroore loJohn" recently Purdhased fie you osunot gel oonsetlons ith i Id lierry, tara vnet of! Mlburn, for fie operator chargesi von up vlti tonu12,00,thedeal being madoeliv T.f coei viclaeltheeut ot lie "report J, Stahi aud Co. Be bsapald $7,000t charge... .n the purchase prie in addition Tien If yo «mii a prty ami th, te stockiug i tara vlti abouta garty i. out a"i naturaly .you do douen heai of catla ana sererai nOl get lu bni h It lm LIMtere là îorsBd a charge of ten cents on putting lu On «Tuesda>', lhe day before hts rour cmia.disappeared.lie btoitls fatier-in- Hovover, Mr. Burelsonha. sema lit iaW tat h. itneiitopurcisse te lie a aille. bit geseronu, and pro- saieraI iteai of cattle. He bai bor- vdiug von asie connections viiticth rovsi 8300 from bis brother ami Mme »arty nomsUie inrlng fie par- had neari>' 82900cf bis ovn. haring Uicular day yeu aro creiitei vifi liaI mal recelArci pa>' for the miii h. ton contesviich v7«bave -ieen liai sli. Ne liai bunuod ho Pur- cbtareled priualv Ou iL he rport chslie catie ef William Cols. charge. -Bt -lont fOrget if vOn Put Onu Wednesiuay aornlng belveen An-- a-lfor a Prticlir Party ami 1- four ami fivw&occi. Ithout aaying tic party happons to b. ont tating a a yerd te anyone as f0 viat lie drink fiat cunie, on Put n fie 0311 planci f0 do, ic got 1010 bis auto- liter amidgesol; m nyou arm te lie1mobile and drovo avay. it vas lie ciargetonhemisents nfat cali-tiat lut evor acn mof lita. il va tîoglt I drink coul yen Mouey. fiat lie iii goné 10 fie Cole tam ite vuts noae Oapplylng fie rep>ot purchase lte cattle but vien Cole cblha m a Secsàta ogIera los no j a-cafd np on lie telipiome l1s-.81 for,9m1OUf Ivo veeka but fi. Pubie ior lic laid ic bai! @sou nothigof IN naemlly la Wauksgmm dii ot iuof< lohnO& m shoot It. t vas ouiy vica fieSuu Since Ilion lie relatavsnbave beau ettlmleud lato fis mcv rade lutI even- condncting tiedrovu uesrck. hqpbata tag fiat fia bacts vers brouit eut. lfsalh e t fi at tiae onngm anm Argnuent aivanoes la tarer09ethfe voli retui[t vas not atel ted"id sompas>' belsu Irve, fie "%-Wtt&ftathleer "moite lar me. natter cm com" rigilýtét thfe servics etber liepthevios thé pâme savoban erendered aimStel Ucrner ascirs hait hiiedaugiter maihIr f iperum oamselgotbuts and loinuon neyer u MyW om«4@- i 9 @Mr ai If ho doe; florefore, Ifflohe act fiathflop' gtl ong ias f ii aloi. -, sudhe lc mirsaro uai lvs aMy couple oonad-aai <air est ~ r sot6tog 1 otStsmi i the e more otim ~o. a ~S prny a.reserd ervice *man- dilmfrione vouff l oi., vAigpd -np vmy. 1%17 umue: o. e uwit i- la is ta r vone v ma t ri m PMe tic rallréi peo10 0000 refendi von ig man. hoeam, amd narer wvas0( a tti* sUd ma e hargefor vonr inovu te lcavc home lieorm lin a m ride Ato Citicuomat Iccanse vien eslar mannor. -il 7M Mot tire fie Mmm700 5ipeted hO luat hiwthle automobile got te w @eo, vua ost oetloyaL Tic pion. ait- Waukeguu la oeo0f taie aierai ce: uationulta f-1nali la contended-te mentaetfavaler>' lu fie case. The la sekrvie mederdv iefiOer lieprl car vas plcked up about two-tlirty iI la n or eut. o'clooi Tbursiay morulmg sud vua I tLmif Talk on Nickel Phonose laieon 10 tie police station. The 0%>,0c And ville tie aboie la vhat liasIlice vraIe to Springfield, Inquiring hapenci as regaroDs a long distance tic naine cfthe' perae!i vi to bai 1 calis, rou a Ma u h»pponei ln ont tie al4to liceuse number vIdihIl Cicago Aid e*e.On fi. "Irve the car bore. Berner is morane; tI cent cmli' phonos, a Chicago paver poitlvely identifledtfe machine. . I sayfng* -..ohuio'e roincoat vasfouni ou Thtt omun yto disousses fie lit- the seat. Th«e e4vgabsout tour gai. le est scandai or«er icpion. vitiher« ioue of Mu a * anietank mnotfe lI dearesit tini ville vou case sud cair wuvM o mmuiosi fr *m t'tr, P tear your hpiria dusfur aditinct ion. &bock vies mie pets ber telephee .,the poilice&MMeathâthe liceom Mu thitimenti. . one «0< f i tpgunft in Uier lie né wMMauMaa rm st tsac elsitu fleli M" t S a la ratefi teiarMe la 8 cgiw a tt arItiflm ts tis ~ -OUf t5S»o une gmua"mifent rnaqài s pir. f0buIn'jm, molmsen reeor &*« fm gosi. 'IfXe ww fw om * . yu tait Wuta'Averth. Md tom VM tIa gI7 Maie.lat u e os w mus tery Mss te1110tathms.sanus FoiXL CamesC tflo d#9- DEKNOAUTS $ Resort kaop=raiet ii arralgned IO e?~e Walter Taylor. tOiay ý- iavtsgee«u«" .mt af fleir placs etiÉ chargres are fiat tier muchima aud. pusi resorta. Theolnfermlfs to thesatlesattorney Ié Irviehfurabtaiet hé liquor violatIons. Tie men Who w. imiedji today voestiche e NM formations vere lIed la ejm a fov dmgo0. Il vas deciied lods>' . », tbe gaabling charge» for Orier fiat lthe 1qo val cou lie hein r . ti*sp An cogut>'court poi Mx i sort keepers have sud asacit ficir kAtoAfl4OzI a figit to provoe al= L Thei. intoriln* MOU t or c = -rge but O. 1 1 = c ae se terni 4t 1 bouldiomt i e oleag a.. Up Simmeyiug. gamjsliug. AN drtaklng have become mq la fie Fox laie snmmrnr I triof, accordinu ho TR. «Intendant of the 4 Çj sud Order Iae. ie, me> returnod.yefrdy frein. tien of botes bordortag u *tiers in tic wtclaity. "The iii i. on tite , quayle. 1*1 bulteve tic istel vitc r lj.rend fie Tpx t and have put ait esi te' Sunlda>'drmking, vicies. dw Otier vices mesficseà&tM ,AMy iaveagtera say' * la quiet." M. Quayle hairsofe ago 1151.yulwhite lt ind Mt Uia dar. mc6os sali. 70, -the lai ut for cemp. Ild vas inochg rM. - m11171ily t Oeyvold neotlie se protoumit. ,c»9la ieacrhbed as betna'a J33WN O3FN reamnisod, trevetet 9or 10 juchie# Y ,OW k p lie isa llght hair and vas cihan ffAil Iii AI 61aar11, wesrlg a blue îlripedl suit. Waukegan, June 23, 1h. FO9uS I'NE A Tuat Cs4l a. Johnson. the. Young farasur livIng volt of miiburu viiose1 bigVU«ftsioej d ae ave ba dren JhnSoumaker, Aged 81, A &v'j % flrig ro aphsi. a Farierat Warra no the. lhoieo on viticlithe suUmfiores MaCOs oui lTIgee a r'p*lng. They are more imcllmed tu thfs bâtit than lte tout Play theory IS A' MOST UNIQUE CASE. ABne tieOr oy vicith b lbeauamd- 1V»084 bta' loe la ltat Johnson may "I vant te boy a coa,," ssii a lUtt Il h&v*,Okb@Od out, but relatives dem>' old mam ashé etepped lutu a Wauie-i fie 1110*b11Mty of ibisîa fiey gay gumn nertsiing establisiment -% tiareWU ».reason for hlm te lesys «T«. air," Uic proprietor ansvered lie wM ie d4dM TieY Point eut tint POllteiY. 020 of yen>' relatives dead. bis domesi relations vere as happy "Not that 1 knov of," vas te repiy e a flope'id be and liat no far as "I vautt lis cailla for niysoU. i 1itov »WJOima id no other carce vant teCe vhatf li of a cWa'et l' vilci vould maie hlm vant te0 bave. golug te lie hurcd lau, sud 1 gunsetiýo Tic, *20111Play theory bas not- yeî beat vay to do tii. la -t buy il; my- bin diltuoseil of but it laflot give I l. Theu tiero von't lic any argu- 1as much credence as soute of the <th- meut about At." or theOrica lecause lt la asacrtei liat The undortaier vas ratier surpris the. upser in vhich Johnson lot ed by the unusual request but he pro- volflo nt .0cm to indicate foui pilay cedod te exhibit thc varions caskets go Mehl, as îomething @sue. In itocIr.à lu thc fret place lt la pointeil out The customer, vio vas John Scbu-t thaI At vas unusual te aay the loaI mucher, Si yeure oid. a fermer re. for 3lhOlin te have arisen Lt four orisiding at Warremlon. solocted a casiet lv. OWdOetIn the morulug te drive te tbat snlted hlm and tien aied fie tii. taEra 0 William Colo te purchase aIlier musta attendant at a lancia! cova If fiat vas bis intention as suait as the opening of the grave, the rlativesnm006Mtetbiuk. Then tee, Utheraflt. eMlAIalulag.etc. possility or foui play si such an Hie aske d fiatau itemisci state- heur la not as probable q@ it A t bad meut of tiee le made ont . been nugit flue.. ff -4olh»ou did net "Il0v about automobiles at the fun- start for t1be Col* eas nte bu> cowa, eral,11 the undertaier ssked. viiere did ie atart for? That la a O0h. yoncac'«include on " vas the. question n n . accus aable ta ana- repi>'. "Tiat stould lie-epongb fort ver. The fACf reMIns tiat lie dld thie Pallierers. Ivaut a very @imple nut reach t l i*êearm and uothiugfuncral--ttograve vililibe la OakWood was secu Of hlm mter ho left is own cometery viere ofier memhers of a>' f-r early Weddssaday morulug. tamily are liuried.". Auiother tact vlh has Dot been ex. The. aged man fseac pl~5ed ih Plained la how bis. automobile hap. everythlng sud sai liaI ho vas gladd pened te -liefounni InWaukegan carl>' that ail arrangements bave been coni lie folloviag moralag. Pleted. He tooi taie statement te bis, ln tact tiare arc verai foulures attorney no that thero viii lie no slip of the. case viCe ane bard t0e «plain wvic u lepsesaa»Y. and the authorhies a&M OP against & *IuI it ller unuual for a maL atone vaill Uz tg lie grient tim. tu purchase his casket and ie a il arrangements for bIs lamerai vhon ILLINOIS 15ho appesi te lie lua s good hesifi as ILLI1wI IS TOYeulok1 W ie.e" a Sun represenlatlve HAVE D IIN "NeW; a t ail,' was taie'ropiy.11 UP TO U VERNOR tmean 1knw tii. colpruD House Pum Soate Bill; it 1 Mr- Bebumaciier bas maie bis homo a Appears UIofyBxlgWii -Heowvs a obxty-4cre tar a t Warrn- b. AloiWd. .ton vhich be vorksas UnM b a shis Springfield, ni, .1ië 19.-Legallr- advauoed age vii permit So drora Bad lioxlug lIMmola tgnov up te 00v- te lova today la bs lag vu« agon te erne îLuwdm. maie Uic arrangements for is hm- The Housle ilts afternoonp. eral. scd the. German bin pormitlng feu- 8t 41. IODON PROSE -a W As a result lie fat@ et boxing la et Dov squarcly up to the gevcrnsor. E A T D S A S fTcre la reais te Weve ho vii'A L W aigu tie2mus r permit Iteo lie M a lawv u t viot em Th- ga~rn ~ fe 8emfate VedURjyu ea.dti lHers ta viaf 'fe bbi psaae d&sa: Shurtleif lbi,]oresflg aoua t Creaf e a atua0affl .Uo d. «f10 uulbeia te eonhiaau tclave.in Sion o et fure Mai Mpoltai liýy ligatioliet Of 10 CR? ad Wiliur the gorior t. e MM vitbonf psy Glenn VOiiva. t A ecretary l'te onainel, alm y H. B. des (Appt. Cou.). Appro- th 13A00: lieaiugp *Igli, priat-s 6,00 t«,,ie fJoItalg- Thecubte'h sps U tic lalive soumiSe. pl[,-taie%#a i sole direction, Managesiet sud tigte Wllbur Glass VoA4&Uami lou m omtrol et aIl bomg a"i sparing City. t matches vAlthic ae tate, and no edc auci match or exMlifitmenau lie heu j (fEJ IA7'a .'ihhont bite aaUthoray. ',LUIT U IIaSU S ail Hovover, thee omuisaon Cannet h Isu iesste organisations In C~7Hfil timcipalitlec viterela the. antiori- filEIIII F.44 tie bave Prohibifed inch contesa by ydeu ordinance. I EPT&mr Pees for licos" range from, $2.,' îpvard, depeniing on fhe aise of lie city, ami a t«i of 5 per Saut of Liquor for thoe FamIIy or ouest lhe gros rcOeptsMuet lie pali te HeId Legal by BSmndge. thc stute treurar.4 The bill- reruParticipants lie Springfleld, nt., Jome 22-G1ov. bh 18 Year 0f ag. sd be lloenuei- viiiLowicu toulght anmmomd at ho sI th. coaalnmll reucnt a itak slgine teso flIW «e &asua ihyicln' eqtlat, <acers osac sureo hUl. Tier«e fIvin ble- ae iontea ;tiaPo '$M bu maieecousalvcfDloa nyL moreh- is u en '11 =4ade ci- Thc formij ,uiafcm e t o Go,. i$n bu eniàera. i; Lf<thmrs4, b. a ov e t s omisdby as omW la sait eue mialeutoemla.ieo lie-opinO-Ion, tura 096e over WvAt- de 4Lsd r01111118 M l- I %6 mt b. loer CM"Gearsi d dJ. indae 1 :- adwlsi lie uvere i tm~ ams Tic ~ ~ ~ bs Has. a~~ U M inr ait Of tic u4r0ars&Mastac» OUst ould uM leu a Iâos.àagalijenet mai e At vevin dorsparuete oM UP. serre* lntmbmmg ltguorte uit f ef #rnill ~ ~dg iaoaa *muu.lv or ea 8 ta g eai atm et ~n8dsT . ..44sdul Ibideos or aruf15m ns.etS iid 59,ý cei ut ,75 L suit. cteint>' [or-gar- 0 1 UNt 1 U tOUHT. $1.50 PER VR All T Bnudage Interpréta- Law Tht. declaration froni tic attorney gênerai la cxtreurelyimportant, Ina. uci as tuea Icglasure pasods compaulon l1ý ciat expressiy olacea Wpon the attornoy gcneral the duty Of entorciug the seman scelsuru ncet and girces b hlm a titi Of 5W.00 bo do-tic Joli. (3ev. lc'wdeu's position la tiat- the comaplante f obJectors as tiey iavc ho«e made t10thfie arcia" enra aet rua agalnat tha toilerai pribiht. taon amesintta"i licJulY 1 aMet fie fpderal gorerument. Be sers fiat IltichePlinaduty if Illinois toenuorce Mansd ail lavî, prcbtlii taon ninoudd -Ti MY wEIEFm§N Mabel Stick.!5 an"Augutas uat- or hmiada nàrov ebcape freintdrovu. lt vile liafl n la .loouI*e ucur Antioci. Bofore thcy fmllzod viat tbey vers dolng tlicy hisi rev out too far ami blusngunahie to svim voil they vont dovu. As thcy caème up titey c«Und for help but thase about floughithflIr cries vere only a lOkeý Msd almIr vwactd tteamnii oce more. Uud«ly, Gladya Stick-' els, a coui avimuner, eath fe situation eas msrions mmd tnundiately met ont te render assistance, récabing tisa noma tee seon. As. the voie * bout th go clovu fie fhird time site grablied tuent sudnbon ihm thea baci 10 lthe shore. MOIIAL-Tie, Incident sitovsibe inPortamce of nover yolllug for bip wlieu An lite ater uniese you'roally icci At. Willing banda la real trage- dins mey hosltiteho reador aId lie- causa tiey aaythbink tic rîctim la foolln." DECISIOII INN VOLIVA CASE HEI. Up Bprimgtleli, Junc 3.--Judge Prank W..Burton la the Sangamon, circuit cout hm w as todar te have onu nouuccd bis deceslon, an the case uroligit iy Walter 19. Grecufltex a- sver.ef Zion City ta ealoin'tle psy. meut erthfe cipeuses of fie joAn eomimittee of the geucral a@seabi appolatei 10 Inveatlgate Zion City ani Overacer Yoliva, ovimg to the ah scalce ANMew To 0of Thios. D laisters. eue of the. attornesîfor Oro*esald. Indu. Burton Utpoued th ansouncesu ntil une 27. SMITH LO«S18 fflPIGMT TO OONTÉ&T LECTIO4 AT ^A Waukgam, Joue 28, 1919. A. Il. Smithi bas bot itbisct te Coitent the. electios heIýd at Are re- catly ah vieci ho auserted ha thouli have lecu dolarsi the aues b aii« siifefor svslidmmf «ateai of TIeuaalRussel,viaevas deeiared lectel. Smtithhicug1kAtf7. George il, Ied a bill la court aceila te mafeat lis elsoficon M hegreni ust ientl votes vers sautaMiduse tat tiare ve errer, ln.a e ouat>'. Atfy. B. ailaMllp.reseao Rurne, pOUset* ist ment listera luigo Uiwarda fiy ami is vws aDloved. Russe!! contad oI thba tit ad allowed 100 thUnie t0 elague lielveuenlicto %ni tbefIlmg et hie suit. Thc court eld 10 hie fayot. Il lu laid liaI Smithi allowed is Aie liaItto10 cloesb>'hvo or thrs lays- ERMANS SINK REST OF ICAIS!R'B WAR SHIPO Weimnar, Germany, aunday, lune 22. rho Germent varsbips wviai vre ual trrenderei to t, rallisun d vilc iae licou anchorei off Kiel. Wihelm "von anidoCher points, bave be mik li Oerman saflore mmanule auorimu te a reort receiv.d boe om a reliable antiority. Accordlng tethe repnorte fier. e seive Germa var rernsels. boude sîroyera, vhlch wve la Grmen waters. MEx OMvu v.. ueui livàltota M lie Povell koammfaim lat mm et Bisatol, KmSoa Oou%&yRi Iy ~ ~ * «fems i ma e e obas e vIflh. a 140101111F< esia ti tla muaut 4 aft of muat islmty aueri 'Keeptnuom uTboapig i Mbaht, une If. loll.' The seon amee lbed W#r ,WIlImtm M*att FreOd Kisan LoulaeDoProt itlta r«eemil fat romu we)ci IIIod -elgilecu taS ln couaty courtgala Ise if the regte. sd soue et, na tiUrneei l basV« -ne sarai Tes E, medt ue w mne iy tbi ta Mf i nair tn tig-%UT dýl FA 1-11m" 'Tr". IN À