LIBERTYVMYJtL, INDE PEND EKT7TmTRSDAY. JTTNE 26, 1919. ~ Mf?~ ide No. Genesce St. for indicated 1bougbt 20 Acres in N E %/ froxn Min- other litter, if the ronde Ie,"din,- Juao NU&ES ;~I1 i'E 50000. ne E. R"Ilng for $5000. 0 that town are cieared of iuv't boxes 'T e at laas0 poorty oin. Ili Vernon; Richard Relmera 1'ýf hl Dictilers. Ineei flot say that uEIUCpriae the old *arren Eflls piac bought the Victor Sauer farm of1 that Impression would ho a good one.-' U nslAiJ IN owned by H. M.: Underwood.. about 97 acres In Sec. a. Long (irove New, wha, can we Young people do .,I __Walter H. Larsen bought the Chas. for $12650. io gise our visitors a good Impression WAIIV aAW!IN 'WV lnLo oa nwstsd o hr Barrington: Charles .ipf <~wihidrectiy wouid benefit Wauke- oeu~ i~ YY UIIUIII ~dan Road adjoining the new Masonic bought the Nlax Fricnd properv fe gan. for the reputation of Waukegaln il i , Temple site for $7000 and gave a of being a big and beautiful city wtt) A.~wuu K.ioe sLSceaySe rs dfr$00 be impressed on ail the visitra? IlI A owe st.Scrtr S ru de or800.1 Cleanliness lika charity miglit be- 'curity Title & Trust Co. iA lien A. Mlrick and wife baught tK.,jgin at hom.Stefr hngw Pithe tweek ending .Tune 21, 191!). aide Gillette Ave. for Indicauted ffloil ,an do.' we might 'aisec that'our 1. mber of conveyancea- 08 Caro iu .Jus tte Rose Y09 I P E SO asars ketan d s alo our if .PWt~b, E~CS "OK .xNumbero! chattel mortga- Taylor house on north aide lOth St.wedn'ohieds avsaI _WQRK N~~~~~~~~\umnber of Trust deeds andI mort Just east of Lenax kv. for 83<100ýà-S w p hiwes ea n eut o, ttmn geq-25 Catherine A. CraWford bought the III JI ~ 1~ ail sorts glf rubbish till callect and IonY Sn' tthl mnt Number of Arnsy andI Navy re- Amauda . Lubeek lot on west seJT I L S the very foundation of that good im- Wo Oaii 1un ibis W torn lotla es l Poplar S. Just south of dEward St. pression ls uestroyed. 0. W te'ln ff~ ter h et. Toa îbro nstrumentz! , îile for nominal considéation. Wlat can the Young people or Vyu Secondy, we might free. our aieys ~~ t a l j i n g ~~ o h l m u t W a u k g a n ,P a r l t D i s t r i c t b o u g h t t h e ' e g a n d o t a m a k e W a u k e g a n a b ig g iq rw h c r a n y w u d i m r v ic gkes L e~ e i wa tol Toal nun of .on-4 0 Sair Boto property on wesî aide and better city? a lhacol ati- 0f ich itertl b oxes, ba rr an '11ls Mllther bld sald ln Chiea- Buiesh eutikadIa. 0 ar v.J si o ut f aho the looks of Watikegan's 'bae'i door." whan aPplying for worc and about the average. tnSt. for$1edetan agtroCutyJg Alhs ltetig cngoI sobut the circum&tanoea. . The follawlng are the more import- ln Lake Forest: Mamon pheip3 den. Pan ,iik dag ter onf C ot fle we youug people cani do these littie la Win reply to the aged Wo- u ni deala. heUgbt Part of, the, Lent F. Swif thingt la ta #Ive vilitor a betîe i but Important things, white we lease 011à etatoments: "My mother la In Waikcgan: A. P. Besubi.ii prnpCI'ty lni S W 1/4 sec 32 on Atisa. itresian of tfie cily. tn an t'51> he ligger thlngs et the grown ups, l'nv aNsa b sure that tIIs cil>' wll leave a good te ttalnqwih Mto*acoldhaught 150 feet frontage on ot e Road for Indicate4 $8000 and av submitted ln a recent conte t cou- impression andI therieby, be more Put up wllb ber ut my home. Sheridan Road andI Douglas AvP' back trust deetI for 14000. ductedl h> the Watikcran Chambepr (If -h» nover mode her noms wvith oPposite the Sexton place front 11- In Highland Park: Ha E Commerce aht tald kc ft the thiws ______________ 1tIhave haiped ber «ech mentit, .M. and H. Monîgomée>' for $rS(00. Brcmnat le an ..e On e 1 hoped er heneer he Fed . Buk bt*ht111feeton aracmanand itebought tlle Ir]that cotuld be done ln ibis way. &sh d e fr t. . end he amr etd eW Bc S boid and1 f i. o W. lerY Place on wel ide Wade 1 Her essa>' cotains om(- good sug- X-tayst le Ifduaty. a nhd mwil ortnu i t. od b.on we t ide N.xerdn.,o an 81. fo nt? . n orth of âfarhmnan for $7»0. 1gestions and was as foIowm . A art from euir une la omnlelit% i doinè thl@ owever, in daof dOi $900 or A. Undotrorn bougbta lot 1Wbcn one goem iutoatown new ta X-rR a*re tail xedB hi *whop f-was 8nyti etad hrdnRa o ni a o 2750 and gave back truatiparks are weil 1-'pt, prlvat3 -wn hn.. Uip the miliutest 0maw la s tour. ad thïft eh* let me drlft forr cated $4600. deed for $2000. nttytkncr f ftesr's ic thickfiess of steel <an ho pro. Ovin solf for over ton years and AI Brumund bought 111 feet on) cast l Grant: Peter Steco andI othera are lept clear of rubbish, paper and ducad.-CLNcago JournaL Olvr hourd fromn ber et ail. 8h. ________________ Ail report a mont deiightfui lime. m ot ln touch wlth me gî "~, 5 < The Waukegau Y are planning ta ti &a came te the Point thr 4'~ifI xend Ihl oswrcmaNrti nesded mon.>' and Csii c.(hicago next year. They had charge Il, thun i hurd f rom ber but You corspnet a. Jua fiih 'of the Gi'ammar - chool hall league al oui>' becaus. &ho needoded oacu h col osso n bis year of whlcb thie North Scîtol W IE4« T ..IG S A 1p have neot tried te provid: e uah g tide or eantconu on Ti the wae, a membor. The hall league lin- EGV « T A IG S A home for fier bore balcons w. dert ther management was vhis salih- Id flot get along wlth ber." territor>' north of lGth mirent. There de-hi anagtemn boys iii mafk ia- W I ho via. sickly himacif, Mr. 'are 3397 eepieo f ail Mges lu thir pleasre oud ti.rhery exten:lon wif 11b161n, "id ho vial flot lnui disitrict. This la a gain of 132 pel ate o he r exe so tgood biaith and added In ans:ie oser test year. lie found lSGF. The ow eber o!te La> .toqlUostions that hi bad enough ilîdren under twenty-oue years aoaf re wmera. Roe thelsonre- Iaiong en and keep bie famiy ugo andI 1199 between aI% a»t twdhty- bad aeM-.Rs esn e memu crcmuaneu Tiisagnof7oer aaPPoluted; MIrs. T. H. MeKinne>' and cmnOfrtabîe ciearianeagoi This mosa tgato 77 aire Charles Blanchard. The officers for not ga>' that hie mothir had eraoThsmnstt77m-th nun eratMiIL0 1 iofl g " led for a permanent home it children wili draw publie money than! b uun eratMs .O asti t take for aboia year andI mesus qUlte an item ln Thouupsou, chairman. chairman, lira. adseetetisifoorn-iRose Nelson. aucretar>': both or i tlo $h. realized that @ho could the district as the slatte gîves O. hmwllacedteusle.M about $2 per head. District 64 hbat M o e Nw Dre,%sA rv l Ta r a large amaunt of terrltory ta the Ra imrmpwh wttoud naval sation and no doubi wiîî net ed ln Franc0 andI ha&. beau at thl, ewal; ver>' old--qG tat May' 21- bave qulte as muuy jippe as last hoajultal at Fort Sheridan for the site. was abb>'. The bat tias ycar. The report wli show howeed plat few enth, wiil speud Sundav tl -than tbreadbare. sa wss thb" when It la fiflishbt w Ith hie parents here. He wili only E ounW i hGdS e utI she't sud. Itather be able ta leave the hoapîtai for the r ln fuel, as site trudged Into the The Bail B3rothers laid 1100 yard3 day andI will corne ta Nirth Chicago T îe .fe jlv F a u e tI fates Employmenî Service of <oncrete Tuesday with their twa by auto. As acton as his wouud beal3 t..r.i G r UP JM - l êa u a. 116 North l)earborn atrielt, mmchinles. They have Broadway unid he wil undergo au operation on hi. ahoe rm olso ic ult hsedessso go Wednesday afternoon. lOch atreets finlj'brd andI are uaaý btp. ýHe will hase a bone grafted on 7ahoe frme ofle toe Amostulytèe rsesSo wauted a job. woTkiug on Victoria andIJcanti.hpbu andI if succesefui Ji1 311 fteMs fetching styles of the season so far. Pleasing in -Aything that'Il psy $ Sa week Streets. Mr-. BaIl stated that at the eetd hé will get around with.)ut design, with just the right ainount of trimnling, te r aclt my> board--exc, ept 1 cant life prese-ul rate they would bu out o! crutches. l-its North Chicago frientla e to apelto +hos who are dieii the are alcl ren sud more.' able 4aid aud North Chicago ln 30 tIays. iwlll surely be glad ta see hlm. atn nWLeton ed lib.> 1carned bier stor>'. The Business umen put ou another A large number of lhe men of the foi- choosing at awo prices. va worked aiuce i was 7', abe of their dances lat nigil. There was Preahyterian Ithurch met et the RcinMnpleVI.. where a good crawd ln attendauce as the-se church Saturda>' afternoon ta dig the 7.98 anmi MO born, we abways 'worked. If are ver>' popuiar dauces. dirt out of the hasmaent. The worP net iike MY> fatherà bide o! t The Prcabyterlan girls" clsub -wîl of excuvatios profeded fast and fur in ail , l'tI be ail right. but I ui like meet Thursday eseulug Wlith misa loua and a -large ainaunt of the re -G n h r À e.s3 9 tea - intie. rrne Pencher Iiistead ot Ethel GartU mainiq dii uareovd.Atsi 1JuuJ1 . aabe Olaea fr <O le>' as reptaited Monda>' o'elaek lte ladies of the church fur. or naie la AIris. Clara Cook and1 -The Christian endeavor wiîî give a nlahfp a mont elaborate -supper an t-ic For practicabqiity nothing is neater i bas bie-n living ai 355 North Clarkt lawn social ou the Ciîy Hall lawn Sat- churth laM ud th ie men dli umpltrm r , rn, ,. 1~,- te. Shl- bri.thtened at thougbr of urda>' evening of tbbti f i. justice to Ibis part Of the progra.ný or moe eirbe o s er W a tan a Job she heltI receut>-. TI fr"ck ofpe finenwthDyo n ha'sIh oe an bck î Tt. (ountY Chbristian Endeavor Atter ofva fine gmonan wor percale antio badt'» the Snef Supaotin ante ral> -lih et ria'e go Braasqch' for captalns chose up for ilîgano erae uho ked i te Slf-Sppotin Hone ýraly %il] e hld rida ev in oftheir daintiness is due to, the very pretty, soe.ttswe tth rsyeincuc game of basebali andi nu doubt had the Woe. hsWCRa tePeayeis hrc W~hite Sox scout beau Preat hb' paten and clrnsadteceel That's ai 12 East Grand ave nr.,,t would have faund ail the aew tlmblerco rig axdte lvrl -Il te me, but Itired quickly." Tue ita udn> committeea andI finance' they wanted for the seaiion o! 1920. placed trimnuings which add a completlng there wr, thp grille o! wokr weii commnîe c! lte Preshyterlun cburch It was a alugging fest fram atart tùh xetoalpie t al as site tld o! washing dishes met last e.c-fing ta look oser the was no match for the star players 'o! Rfty> persans e'.ery meal. plana for a mtanse that.they are plan- ta finish but Braasch aud bis cohorts .en bihe was a wee bit angry ut a ning ta buntI on tbe lots given b>' DeYoe's team. The fiuai score was 3 '9 0 Lttach-ection ber sou. WValer llaw- %ira. Roy' Sicezer on South Park Ave. 26 to 24. The batteries vert' Sleezer -e. Gages Corners, Ili., should utaber lirean who was operatd .d fl' or heirst teamn and Gartle>' We have a fcw Suits, Capes and Dolmans ini stock Beiaily Jus at ch of (iraysiake, Lake (7ou i athe Jaue McAlifter haspilal lm re- Roy' B-iemkamp was Duble ta gel - 3-t ini the very bcst stylos and materWas, and many of ported ta b. gettin>' aong niceiy. 1hoine Sunda>'. The doctor ln charj;.' o. t's not r1ipht. for be has a The Americau Ace Club -oo a -b-_, had taken thle plaster of parle as -%iil ray bcwtrn i h al al ia y.she iusisted, "andI te's flot test eveulng anti had lteir sapper hi off front bIs la>' and Il vas Dlot re- e.i h al al ia niucb." No, I don'î îbink hq the wood. This Je th finit~ lee ai pîaced ln tîme for bim ta maire the Clecarance of tiiese has brought the priees to haif and Id bi' ex pecled ta look sUter me.' tia kiti thut the>' have bad andtI Uic trip. .more so in the majority of cases. ehe Halos the Poorbouse enjoyed the affair ta the lintit. ele rest laq brie!. She mai-ried when Henr>' Kriatan la empio>'ed ai tht -William Hlwtharnc. the flrsl bus- T. H. 'MecHîne> hardware NO'sttà. dictI iW.t forty >'eara aga. Site on Sheridan RoatI. NO'asli RELEASES F - cl her î,cxî busband. W. L TePla ahlesho er in 1892. Since Iben she ha" an enroilment or 420'für the Ii'st y-'t tf kS wa s jla tt oobaue bie" heagainst 378 I)at year, a gain o! 42. Tue ÏOI uào but te poitI o' plu1kbaie, antI lt ta ellollef of th AJTERwait ARIf~ sale of liigh class samples in Girls' dresses of ice ginghams and wanflgrsvnto artàt big gain oser tout yeslr spp.ap w aesfr o c issbig tasty color comibinations are priced ex- g9.0 the aluplicatiou for a job. somle exceptional values toinorrow and-r,' Mrs. Henry o! tincolnalstreet vL3tteç asalrtibaac ofhe cc.0 fne ikfi eetionally Iow just now. -Plaids andt fieti laE AREin trltpn et-h Leb he signngof the armistice cannaI bre in coat and slip-over styles, offer- plain colors cleverly trimmed and f in- eVIEi R SIJ~T atHegrng eare big heIdýthIg wk -aie Bureau of Navigation. Thnehrc rr a xcleitîe fcl ished With large-buttons, large pocects " i E ff athNaastto atixyete&pa ta be an IpesontGators as weil as agood variety of modes.- n letsiiîxrago braiatc h SC Price the govermWent vilI piy for Ai Laites that anybody can b. releas.,eyseca t ndllis itetago bran tee tbe PMolerty ta.71eu ovor 1> tem Irom dut>', Enaigu Alden, aid ta the, cysp iaaeach 0F ii.tiwheu the>' .egan thoir .hl expansion. Commandant for demablzatlon statJ, -Alpersans not aaule wýli the etI yèdtertiay. 1119 o fi!th elinic for the treatusent ;price nel b>' the governuient bave to Enslgn Alden bas had a number of aatl aayi csswsbl pbear andI afate thIlr cas. Interviews %ilth men twhoa oulfatoti- Fandsonm georgette blouse at $3.98 4antile PraofsComce moiashet The Prebyteran churcb have se lhe signing a! the armistice andI Children 's romnpcrs &fu reepers in bChmbe o! Comme ro o ma lectedth le Sleoetr 'ope'ty on South are nter the impression that te>' m a be p r h s d h r ,a d t e m d stc l r* anibsCiP !asslal- Par'( Ave, as the lota on wbich tbey "rt"gtigot h ef r he o purc asd g ofr, n the modes- fast clr"gingharns, chambrays andi 1 n i op f Wshauld bc understood, are regulat'tepesîgo s à' bus>' examining amti vli build thetr iSthme. four-year Nas>' men, andI as suct flot - Chioose from several shades ini haud ripplette cloth are ready for the, littie- - .eguiAr - h ildren as th:tr turfi 1Frank Hlayes bas accepte~fd aposi subJeet ta release .tnder orders o! embroïderid and lace triimcd styles, follows in a variety of kinds. Excep- ieofo.Baverai ecae wrtinwh thOicago HadaeteBureau. admr e'btof h->aldition ta a large num- Foundr>' for lie mummer. The confusion bas arluen becanse and dinarily they should seil for moe tionally weil maide and nicely trimuned.