Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jun 1919, p. 15

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-_aT[YVtL DTEPE14DENT.TIRDY J U-N F.2-6,19-19.- AEW EfiHjil IiIa jsc 'lu! DR. A. A. RÀDCLFFE A teer froni Springfield todar 6ETISÀ PAU T ON .-rtd that for the third time there UE NS AUIONS ei . ldes oONe n1rclo SUPNSO PLINT Q? Section , route , sWte'aidrod ;Gurnee, and the department of pub- lie' workes sud buildings willi have to Waukegan Physician Patents a advertise again for bids. Devie o whch e Hs ,A fire.started ln the lofutuof a barn DPacon Wbich He HaseWoy ar na Bac S [n* byhl fi7m ht acid' 1. or rée.~ tiee Uwokiflg everai urday but was cxtinguishedl by neigh- YeaI8. hors hefore It got beyond cnrl ir n n u aTle delinquent tax sale is liti 'v- greei t utlire court house». l!ddiiig la - ~~~IT HAS MANYADVANTAGES. mit vPry splrfted. rao oble Mrs Mary Walish, who conducts r&A Rlielas recu'icIuî or r lI emuipa asoninc bleah boardinu, house at Geueseand Clay- Dr.iAi A. noilce from )asulro, r th~ced mipal biv ong uro iw ton sireet and who't da ;ghter a yeq * hi al t liP for Wa paInt, )nlh;ll b V. Sd alltrro oin, tu ago filure'd n an elopuient 'with a hs application fraPtn nhý James V atro o ii.1,to .so lersl r" Tes "olil _..KU."fpension spilt" bas heu-n aIluwou! out a raurriage license today tt te d town presuin;ably fravcainti -4 t'luff- tuors been working for a noum Milton Rackiorc North hiucago wa, $lnto~~~~~~bý :orgiT red jnuh n b erf êar4 and t was onlv âneltd $740 lit police court in % Wauk.o -noMchgn that hle brought Bitle a Lt.tu "f lp, gan tuday. le wa.,; chargod 'a 11h Inredllty, shu- went to (iluicago ('orporal H. PIlsake -rut wuur witiu Edwin (Chanmberlain, aho ha; .I .lit . . .n .10reie torpo u-'rel a . liilcute son t o ýboardeti ai lier Place for sreitne, faTuespof thea Bowcr litto ri. t u o %I rmdeNrs. yof thpcityof LtuB'; andi ln 1th iirty theY Prucured amur- -fracturesnor t l in5,Id, Frsttrnr yfhscl fht rnage 1<'HMwhiî'b;thîey Usou-tei ta it h air aching or0f !v'arrivai Bn New York from overlcas. wheà (hifýt()PristUntedt4tn inwOuglut';te tbe fractured ilb 1,u Thomuas W'. Sw ofNcw lHa'ven, mara,.And tho-n they w;'nt on teo cnso PllY4 e ep hi n t iColin., and Muss Maire] lK ibck of Miciga wlrr thy wli ist CamhP flebroken bones n posluou iuuuc ,,k,' Forest took ont a niarriaze Il- berlackhn dtlboc' t;' xpc tly eana cf aprings. The Publie Service conipany con b. ac 'lhu'td>.The' device s arrangeti Bn srtcl;a. denination suit contInues to tIrL M Wle waY that the braken 11mb B.9 s p'*wnd along in counly court. A niiun lur of 18 1 '"!, - ,,,in lu 1) ,yvueans of bandrige li; witnesueos have been heard arc;ady. nu conly lbolise'helinîb hijr;;t'ci A social meýettng-of Thîtrs(aa> '- SI ligrimut but Pernits Of greautýr fro, ing will be belli Thuirstiay e'veniluj, (10E011t1 oWJrEI 3ImW A f lcit;' Bnjue imb wut l uuu,ît b h e t h ý1hles i 80 iotl veunn.I apîuî.uîJn'ifha the PfbBOUea'uveli bandBage f roin il)% uou-ock .Ail mriebr» are requeoated trl n ii relative position. L.C.* aurkee of NMilwatikce was &ilr nA t.Kay thie aplint lias. ;';-a ta rest i lun1h;e local raîlroad yard, las' J E- ~ .u'aquat iumer 'or cases lu wakItgrîu lnîglit cun a charge of trespasslng. Ilo and1 II aJL I UII P&,bas given SDIlendid sttý 1Wns lILI tiuIhe cily Joli os'er ih O N 1 fac0 Eveh now t la bein., u'aed ilu; ant i dschurged today. B A II lfbu b SuÏlred a painful fracul, r;' been i ssuieti here today air bthtrec RouiID Ii A T - NorIoneuicIl, o 'cn Survndications are 1îcensun The North Shore Ca',companry Pr e- hfA I DeI( au e boobtained the patenu tiurecord. ettla seu i b -oe the Publut le aid Of an attorney, maluing ail Atty. Deane lodat' befc<e lulge ltI,8 In;s '..ui-", l eiago Tuca utue a;Plications, claims, etc., wthout Carpenter had the Poîkogir andi Pink 'day lu ai -tfr't îu set the commission uas'istance. 1case., .)large of bringiug itoore, into Ito grant an 111 cr'ase n the 'brent Ocean In VeSwo,-tao l erelacs oO;o The local physicien surs he lbas net, dry territory, coutinuc'd le neat faî1. ~gasccuuî u! (orpralion cns i 1m n'ot âk ,, The mine sweî'rer stoluped ut dedas yet just what" eyI nadbbrfr h ae Sasrîburw; Corora ion bau oruhr So.Watkeguuuice leave a cannc belcuginu,"0iolut placinglis splnt.on tIt,îmarket caunot proced new. wt h te 1'aymuster Swaral b0f the aa ~uinks it very probable huai belH;oNemn ,,.rescrit the , ;'- Itutrc-st. The cem- aauouwill tai; lue eateps neces..,ly te ha,- I 33rd division reluuu;d MoudaY after mîiso be til,î;,I il a t-e hat AionSH RE Ileides ¶eingthue irsI mine s-wecp uhI. devuce manufacturcu uu quantiti ZscIng service lu France. iHe wa., LAE A AO SO Er uuu. (ra' ac tu uo a nud l'ut luto Serrerai use-. dscburg(ed frei Camp Grant. lefore rio lucre s'- A ilu e gu-ntedthi Iitefir'ý,t cil humrr" sati barbor ma.i- lea% ing fur the arîtty lu' wa.a etployed tme uit lt-a,- it iir îoïuuulohl;owevtu ThI brst ocean uotnq mine swetor ur, îouiuy. At luast flthebbcfirst cil ___________Iby the Gibson brasa works ut Noîrth finit th'- cuuuutril-îue. wuil grant au, on the rO;'at Laku'a visireti Waikcgun humter thut oser camteInte Waukegan Chicago. cXeýc ) iiriei ae intlforabot fourhouresatulu. arbor Th, bout -vas oeehundreti L.t (11. I L liewes cf lte tlewea garage liet fll ivloalofcompellng the Thte big zoverrumu-t bout*stîli haut anti f'rty fuýel long, ana ;eiipd&R LS fl eweoeo h uooiit h '>onîîany to uu ru'-î- tst tltirate on à.ýlutl su.,war ceat of grauy paint On and ti i' an exclient wireless apparatua oulfercd as a re',utt 0f lite rack,, b,- 1las pruo% idu-tin tIr tutlas! order ilisuti e arrlt'd ail equlpmu-nt. It (Cam1e lnit tcame lunutr, hurbor about 11Il *clou'k JA ~ ILIIf ' I ng duoppetiIlu the roat nu-ar Fox Tea ( p.lur inug sco waycftIi te ui the St. Laý'rence river anti dandi left at ? o'clock. Bt Bs tbought I4I41IS UNDIEIICAR IikLaS' afew pghts ago. He putuettret raonzvyl-th aCopnofteWellandi Canai. The mine swc-ep tiret t wil l ow tho barges ho IBuffalo ail fotur of hie tires aud lied to senti ficials foc uu4 uruig au lueruase lu er wanon Ip5 way te ('hicago Lu tw anti retîntir e ~ ocean uîrough the- te Wt ukegan for another Car. Thlrty- ,rises, r lukuy ae h o ttoi lhirty-six governiacut barges thcougb Welland Canal. totnswr tcuigl ustrs Ia Ih '. t-.,,Lil -u low.-r aftér <Ccrp. Augusi Sobaraloy, of C coinu whlch le says wcrc complvey ruine,! [Jefric u:tnul le do-s nut thunk î Ha 4h uunr, mn Ie e, trolud Ricitan. hi. 1.ster andi tha tht- cru ti rutla%.? prevullet i u, 'aiescent Itturpital ai Fort Sheridan, t,, Clulcauto girls htave spent theu wee'k Ao ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ envn Ibs uti :utl Put a h TwApoyu killet i nslf Triesday n iHighlandi Camptington iBig 1Dead river. They will rparuntg a fjr, ru- :Ae. Mvel when puit l1q t be rfiovril. Ail thea <d Testautent npocisypho l'ar k by tlîrowuuug himscîf lun front, returu toduay. Ex r. -'uh'uilll,.roxnutisuu, b>' bruelhing os-pr t sonme uîric or jfirteen n number. have been trucs- of a faust train ont tie Northwestcrr. J. It-a<h ani W'. hurson aru' ha"- u l tu the riurturl;nanc- hdoboi et inîevu nt r nîdda ine,rutthlupinîcipal crosstng of ttu' sqwitlhlng for lite Northwesiern i costs t auth,.:.s pluantt lere l'ut it lu an Itour or Nn. A hrus;h trth 1a Bpocr>-pliul buokil n soera duons of cl .'To'u-h uere crowded ut -Racine. bu--veu t îr - r',;irnony wiîî not 19e of no further mie sitidbe employed1tire Bible. TBîcy were formerl>' priit- lirete hne Il.. wis tstantly, killed. Asatant Stalus Attorney W. A pres-ur- I t '- riý ex libre'- monthsai ete as cîiru.ns Bt. The putty stibme ei under a distinêtIve leading bêtween iis stu-er, Nlrs. Auna Zack, lices Ique wili leuve îuuîurtow for a feus leatt. -fii nilcates that there wili end of te dore will ho fcututi ofrIýe4thebbc()ld andthie INew Testanuentsal! a Md 1hee ve hcg. v-t' stainteî 0IosoMa. lime. 'n ' i atit-arsas -uIf Wau';e a wlpe lBs neuu. Juan>' oltitamîly Bibles& 'lThe>'are Invstigation cf ;llegcd laxity of soi ýlrs. J. J. Cuuuiniuum lefi this gan ha ow ittchr teunîorry vic 11alssIncluded lln the so-called Sep. tuer attendants wlthî sheI1 shoc'idlia nrinut for New York, Piladeipîl.t tory. tuagisat, a version of thee ibti usouid lcol. andivarious other casteru points. Drum'a PliiCe in tiluoic. Lthe (reek charcb __ ____ Tl .Pitijnus l arelie uf runcient nga___ -- I l-Irls crrudl-' fortni la funuin- 1 lu.thn i- tu-Inutuer le uîveîop BloeAwfui te Think 0f. i 'u"ruuý. Tl. iriaularu:luk-lng piteis. Thle whaie Bs sald 10 Jielti a barrel Irîtue îislu'rul 4- xpresslon, nover- 'if mllk nt a.mIIIing.- But what lisp. ri-glser.4 hvthm.t luete is te mllker if sise gets caive- tu-etcuil l ts lnfunicy sas de. 1,swith lber bal? Ge t ve oR oe I nh ' -0 IIY lliutllY rjttilstur hrh. a-sG e i e To allit a peu tisai wlifl"rte wttb- mprov. Lfghtahip obi. ontink, geta sollqusntltpotor W A ew îBghaup sise-harra , let"meierm a drug store, and wicislB madete b ring autoMatirsîîytn omre gun arable. Dissolve a Ilitthob> menus Of a highly 'Ingeniona detce - ao W atkîarl Jue 2, 110of tisegin n warmn water, and miX whlcb utilises the gris as Bit passe A uurîutt .cltol ctitutcu crlneB foruned.. Appily t te bbc inside bol- tc tire bell clappfer. The llght Bs not et this uuuuuunug lien MNis-i Ilutlow cf a new pen pib, just abova bbe Interfereti with lu the lilgbtest degee jrye, a îrplr îîîîiuu y;u tttr V iuu;gau soit To write wt the tukiess pen hy thce oiernîlon of the bell-striing y eqC ý11r wita luariecltt u, lred lang Of It taou' necessary le diP t n water. citvice. ItleBsouly set lu motion, how- Crt soii, 111. at tehicoulet' tf Mis.; Shako awar thse drops, but do net wipe evcr, n s-cc>'f<ggY weather, when bishe Doccia uuother rut 126i lVu au treel. te peu. Âfber a few moments lb wUll lîgîri cunnct bc distinculshed aitauy Thie weuldui waý4lîeld nt l;: rltk be possible ,tQ wrfte qulte weli. erent distance. and iti 't-r <avit, ofllciateti._____________________________________ Eiýghtu-u il gu'ts, inludlng only thea_______________________________________ ucaica ;lfrit uîd'uandtirelatives acre _mm m-:.T e r pre.ý-ent ai tiiu- ceremony as te lbcrie~T~1 flroyle, the b; ideus sister, was brides- « a 's W ie C a a B l mtaiti surI A. t'. lltuusou, Miss t)oyle's are oùt O< f**e brohtucr-it law. wa. est man. Cater- ,ers s-rved ltebridai brc&tifasaitaIthe ,.bo t ne w b -tl i w us lu)e zuotifully u e t'o ra f - t.l a - -k a s a l a g n o éd lu pluS anti white roses with smili, iTisa bride uas a graduate of Watt- fWe orly ask a smll magin on kegan- lîlgîtuchool lu 1907 andulshu' o tye o a h C m i g t i ripent ta-e)cars ut Illinois, state nom- sy e, com fort and Iqualty (tbat ~mal ochool wberc aile mut Nlr. 1iaug Gradpating iliere lu 1910 stie returneti' h e )y u c n s e w y w te Waukegan anihuis iaught un lte;soe) andcanh e e why we pimry deiiurtnsenta of Wa'ukegau Il t m w y R i .grade schooiLs for tan ycars. Mr» o e a d t e e s n Lang Bs a akilicti mechanie anti bas' OL i charge of the farrainacbiucry on onue' .Widths A tol -- h se Be -r Shn es for of tise large faonas suar l)eKulb, 111. T o e B t l Tihe bride anti bridegreoni lcft bece (tss moring for Proctor, Colo. whcrc ,Will spendt lreir boncymeon. The o n aro ire trip s te, bc matie n an auBe- t e. it e unerso(% tha th /0June 28.- Rein couple wil eturu te lte newly fur.i3 % ol-o A yPar f Itishei Iontie, M. Lang has prepareti0 for te bride n Cresten about Augut l Man> béautîfu ai gfla were eceveti- K ia sCier 4e' tise couple. 0 1 te'Syls$ b~ t11oLýay ettts a ller, trBan. sa lu e eous eer, n utlStmnglaid:h .ie ~2e7 South (<; oý eeSt.ST R End Shoe Sale ey, June 28 efortand Qiua1ity Go W ith ,, Shoesl >u, pay for our shoes -saving becagie we 6high rent district. iour shoes, selling small expenes with F oes in each pair of fer you more shoe rLess Money 1Shoes in Our Store member the Date. thers Waukegsn, Eamoi John A. LeBse of Porter street lia., chnrge cf cusing lte cash section of the ttalît u;lldimitgorfW. il. l)ow uuîuîîufrcturing conpany. The soi;- îîertiig tilobeca rotteul away consit- erabtly andi the building basat tieti 10 ietes. Mr. W. A. Thomnas, principal or n i.ikc tBluff srhool has taken a posi- titon as uigbt clef', aI the Y. He wil bu-gIn bis 'würk' loday. Milsa Edua itemmen of «Jlettea as-a I. iJohn Hamm 'en, local pisotogmatber has -recenly photographedthiasdufse aioug lthe laite froui the south edge of the navyrPmea>erty te Lte AmenBcàp Sheel anti Wira compan>' Baud., The bluffs are belng worn back b>i te was'ea euuangerng buildings on thec edute of te bluiff and the navy tiapart- me'nt will îurobahiy make alteuipts Bn. te rieur future Io prevent ts agas. Bug away of tise ]andi. Tise photo- graps ara being madee b record tise -

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