.5 Lake County's Greêteat Store for W'ozpen Timely Sale of the Newest-I £~ô, Wsh, and SÛRk Dress.e 's -values far and Dresse ta $ above the ordinary in women's misses, summery styles Dresses.t0 $15 Dresses f0 $20 ¶hree ropist art dresases ulioce moderato prices disclose tbe requit o! expert negotlalions I 'ith promiacut manacturers. Here are dresses o! checked. i-lniped andfilgured voiles Moine organ- de trimmed; dresses o!flgured brocavd or sote colored organdies and rosof plaid ginglianu. And then there are plenty o handseme silk drsu in ail colore and a wide varicty o! styles-accordiDft Other Silk Dresses at 12.75, 18.50 & 24.75 In Wa kegan's Largest Skirt Section Savingi o unequaled importance in a- Sale of Smart Wash Skirts in three ep.ialiy pric-d groupu at- $2098 =$5.75 =$7.9-8 inc1uading ail aizes Here are itteraly tbousauds o! wash a irtq in plain white, white, with daiuty col<red triynîniug and color, d skrts. At an75sd $7.48 youî î'îay dowe !rom pretty white or coloel yî-lk popils as well ais wash ikirts lu cottosi aardines, pon>in.s.cordm, aud trlecoUne». s o. e *.0 * ' te Sale of 'Children's Coats, Capes, & Dresses Gingham Dresses to 3.75 97c and,1.98 Childrens dresses lu sizes ýto 14, secuired'in a Rip ciai P îTchi W are offered et Ibese very low trices. There 14ilt n itmer (f wanted gV.les and coloringsat bth prices with the niost ut $1 91)8 Voile & Organdie Dresses 3.98 & 5.98 Pretty littie dresses lu the new figured v ansd solid colored organdie ln unuUal styles tîat ar eci oI ut o! the ordinary.' Caring Capes,,& Cots $98,- 7,98 - 10.98 beflt~Uauigliinited, at 179 q44 Pea worth tle_81 L~-~--~-Waukiga>ila Lardesi Wiiot A very apecial purebase e R- ables une t seil this excelent quali!y oý iklise ieal il colora and sises at tii veiT l', prime -Silk 13oot Hosç M-M 75c Womsit'p silk bot boue. worthL $1.00 a pair, lu al cOlora and sies are now prlced at 75C. Womnes 1 .50 Ail Silk Hose. f1.00 This assortiment includes a apedal purehase of 25 doxen ln black, brown, greY spd white, ln u aIsim, lu 81.501¶alnem. Women 's 1. 75 Unon Suits --at 89C womens sua .Ilisses, kuit union SUIit vti French neck, tlght knee. Al sizes. Knit Vests 49 c and 69c Womeng luit vesta lu 76c and 89o values have beeil sPeciaIIY prlced at 49t o Se. Sil k-Top Union Suits 1.7.5 ,70menls fiesh coloe'ed union mats '.tfl Italian silk tops. A daluty econouslcal and durable under-gar- tuent. Wome's, Bath-log Pretty new StyÎlai' or«'nWTlf sud misses lu ..ilâtti.g bath- iug suita of mohair and wool ln the mot waiitcd colora. Bathing. Caps 35,c. , .79é Batbiog Slippert 49C Bathiag Shoes 75C. "OPOLLY ANNA" The New AthÀletic union Suns I Undoubtedly tht, Season-s - GreOtest Wa 6.:Dozxen Georgeitte Wý-aisi K4oMiï& t 9.7 S4owroom and Sa1espxinSapi 4Sucured ln a Y.*MySpoi4al Thie great wai,.t opbPrtUnitY Offerbýmde Oa f the *eri7 ptilest georuette crepe waistff in a vinrieqy Of becomning modelp lu values up té $22.50. lnclurded are waisti' trImmed with brrsld, clienite, bending and yarn cmnbroidery iu colarleso. pepiu-n and over-blouis#e iffects. Colors are>grey. tea- rose. kelly.green, shadow lawu, iuaize, copeu, uavy, fleeli sud iwhite. Ail sizes viii bu fouud lun Lie I Thrifty Women Will Save Consmdera b! el - A Very Tirnely. Sale.of-ý Coo 'Msln Underwear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U , gtsepvelope chemises, blo petticoats and cors3et covers. ,inf three Values to 15 97 Sp ecially Priced Groups- 1.,49- 1ales98$3 - lresb daiflty uaightgoWfls. lu this lot there are prettY - At $1.98 there le' éan invitiflg chemise and ptticoats f mua- gowns aud cheis fol, eormnofptiytrme lin u wite baisteblomer sot malin am blomes ~ muSlin night gowu;§. chemises. un i whtebatste looers sof mulinsandblomer of petticots, silk bloomerSiIad in flesh and muslo and sill(cor- flesh tinted silicolifle u well as corset covers and lesh batisïëte pet covers ln white aifd f s, corset. covers of silk.ceies * Stylish 4P' Coolare These INew-Sinoclis 'ForWomnen 3,489 3.50 Here'i just techar, nf daiaty garnt yý.ue been looini foýr ta vei ader tile corset. A uw"coinbtflatO01 vOmst draw0f llt"t h tii il smgut buinaIOudtt acmeI¶ These pretty -er smocks are cool. comfoirtable and etY- Ilsh anamimay ha bad inu voiles, grass cloth. cramsh. artistie in Mnd Jean lt Iswite. greeI.rm, Ie mu "sd tun. AUl dieu& -j MtH bi Tohe a"m fl4i .v Il Md al Cmai at tai the a &Peeda do" chi" at ts tedat atma ,waamà vu.on~ SEfl 51 vu air dred a le phi kv aillSr 'au. o Waîsts to 2~ q50 in ail sizea A great selliiig o! waistl such as thls alwsys attracts mauY buyers i-o corne early Iu thse day. l'retty new models a vin e plin usud>barrait and J..- = g. 't s i I .~. 1