Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jun 1919, p. 2

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j~tn Ir *s Cel». esvafoinc LAcal 1.b- It ver. baoci on oteTd %qagiteir motb- OMld -e b reagbi la, 0 ,r #t a daY b6cause. Ofthe ek tierfomer tceEu . od ce DOLAN irk o everi soSt -L TAYLOR Nidý.i4UsaibU tan toi p... LyaE t i, ~b~mik llinois I SmWlidime *1mw'0V. COLD AVLAW. 'ino LegatuE t* Two Im. 1 COUERS SEAGE DISPOSAL1 Vembers of the Nortýi Shore i. Sot8ur Dlmlt are«m VOIT mei Mdiithe Sonate bave iiuOO tic ,Seni- "aryBIH vhlch ProU«esfothte ex- Imm"afcteet i au#lM»D istit morthi ,ta thc WlmotaBia tte imE, Iliumlu.i 4ýclud»9 AI' Zio $Mad tarftor? about a al vet rion là the North atm*remùmr istrIitl Thha, ttc tottut about a thilt1 Sterroe l lded tu 10éiNorth i the& ir masfor 1plgc valtci, bmu9l cd bjr t149 lk1k ué iC dive h li lic~t ari d taihr Ity 1 : J. Allen a tlE Cam1~mtbs aldeinia UinIheslobYlngm ati btu dé thé, bil. VVpuvs*ïttar. cis adea & âot,bntd'40mt ta keib Zmou -cltitâ r5rtd7ar uo the D ow mm idt m~u ato4 I to, hait ticéNortk h me Saitry, IBoard' poliy0 t thé mnttiDue a_ Waukcian Tovumà4i, tth" linxte aul Bouton township. , ovever, the nortiers a t e.l coluutl W»1 oàvo 'ibi inc p~aS? Meer*l5iytice *Vu 0mai.i prvldcm fI' Wa*suPlante WhIlc the Stfirm là la Important trom Uice tud»pont ai Incréeed 1e. ritaly. lié e mecembilà laImpotat- 4iemuse t givea Uic board pover i nandilng wgeand v,1ei, ,.Leuàk lui ctixea vilicci cunoý jiudle Luir FonollOvjila a digeat 0ft tcelatter Sonate Bil 494. For an act 10 eumdOpi moa tour »ni acven af t:ie orignal bl ta L roe Bantgry Dumutle ue 6. 3:1911 aud - eW0 1973 Aieniment" aVpprovd, v iù iI Mot oIde thc mewdoUilEaiectlng &aprem tfethe i district. Tge hW1 dot-the incubera, mali elect licir President troumuin dabeWve;,alma porer tu treat mai lb purlfy sevage by rnodei1 tiW pc sevage isposai workLe forthtic ep. -aration a ortié a ud 1%"uid aidé leterloue mater front Utceliquida Lud shail treat Mi purifgy the refliee ofLac sevrage go latiât vhe;& thc smre shah flov lut &Dy laie itvi Dlot lnjurlouaiy comtaminaté Uiceva& merm ihemef. An Mayar dpt amy t"eaie m te 0accompllah thc ob. Ject formvilch Snmuy Olatrcta May be creaei and. rnay 41ï0ovide mnisnabereby Uic ail Semtary 17District rMay rem*a" nprocurémisu> pileof vater fortillutns andE flush- froflded iovcever, that nothing herein catainci &hall be commt! t. empever. authorise or requlre anti board of Truate«, tua aponte a -myuicuof Watcr Wcrks forthUi glurpome of fnrnilmga iellvery vater 10au mc unculte theUi 1 nalamtec liu the pi. Mueut tierof t &sno" rates au mch boar ay icternl-me vmica. section, 17: Whenever 107 mc cSly or viille shai! de»omit e cause te ho depuitei auj gaibago or o«al la u aci Slutm Distrct ,atcuti Plaeq'or la ,.gncý marne o t toi " tlas iii.*4941 et çat4 La% i l8qbiwanthé smmi pfe M * be*tIr mtq aupt« tiodtk 10eS4 $~ tit v op sobeiwo 0l w ta in eri 0 e ftm quei May exhrcMe uch u poe - cm as in he pnd4l nergveb ouII!c Stion oansetostet0;" mti 0f vct. Sa bardSeof têc*b. te« f sch anitryUisticare .#»to meea utdem i m shupo e cii re aty oubie nties anne tolayue tons four miac e tvcty-n et i toerb autiorlci maipoerc ataie amu and o ou m u z017a -1publi utilittieud eiiis4 M a se tien"tva ofsansot i si "Adunet Sciencthorizo cies oae tnlthé ce- tin irofth ova mi 0 em, Le-. gio publIc utilitnice amiblE is se hâ kt 5.10h cê415t15. i'Mvet ovtr hie ItUd uni la a'hit hura' time' la boeti. SaMly depoall.E la tic ai lo vss. le ésilmet- 1% se m kTune Fox Lake Stlrrd by Chare MIDNIiT RULEIS IGNORED Tusse are -geiig to a whte heal t nox LaIke aad i1 MM oaitbo'chanse ýin the conducý of saloonsa talîoviig tic recct cruuade ;conduoei *y State's Atl.rnei W"icta bave %#e p)*ceclocc u# $rnys and then latwr follovlng thc criera 0f icevUlagm tharisatbat tic * t. #eo'Clack hi gt aett itpat ta obco*eE. Chargea bave bons #Wied, 156K eMd forth asd Uic clmax, camce oniay even afvenu offly ater thé Nayor bai glven hlm uaUd tuite e. Il- Mo et~mcnit be . camnns ram tic village autiorities. pgI0bby t Idrclly tia. .te State's Attorueye occ, tli ai elloona mnà close, pt.rptly et Ivelve adcwi Batcrdy igittu. Tic Policemen maie the rounds of(lhe -saluons asd' tousi tire. oepe natter mldnlght and eonmquently vamenW vote evaru out iaginsat Uth oUovig men: Fred Born., Fox ("te lotei Sam Mathiesos WIlam Uhlt Ti* cases «vere sen t ot bearing befare Maltrete Neye' snd vien lbey vers calîci Born pîcseigüntyl and aeceptod a fine et ton dollars and casts. Tomp'ls apeare# for tic otluer two mcn and lie nssted an a change of venue tram Magitrats e e or. Theecame tien via cbutinined. It (ira ater the court bai looci that ?rompklumai..tie enatiol tatornent luit outolde the court roam. Foz Laie Sm la great tumn as à remult of tie lote crucade vbtch cognes nat when their summier emon fi apecing and wezven st planasliai ticen made te reai, the profit follow- lng a dm11 VintOr. Willam foWltt, Morford von bora ut Marianm, MOct. sr,188. Wlli whem ho vaa tbme- ycmoIE eMd lad linEd lero ever linoe excbpt for' a fev ysars ho ive« la North ~Nao Ho pausi avay June 18, 1919 Lt Ith" home ar biesmon Walter H. Morfore viti vhom ho lad mmdcis berne, for semeai jeans. lc la curvlved by tie follovýins chlliron, Mia. C.' J Brava cet.Joliet, William W, Walter RH, 0f Wankiogaandi Mrm. C. A. Pouah. or af Joliet aIma blm mother, WmI mary B. Crapôor fBeviiere et anc one brother, Wliiley;> W. af, North Chlcago amdsi mgadichiren. --The fuseraI wam bld fram the home today et 2 p. n. REAL ESTATÉ WINSFERS Ju0c t'aile, 7 SttcOuf0armi'J 1 i.elo aSIM'ii. lots 45 &bd 44 1iodlî Ditylers Sub. North Chicaàgo. W. D M'co alealrianedEvtfe ta Zqhp Glibovica and vile, lot $4 mmi N % lot 3 SI ok 9 Wauhhiru SM lot 94 uni N % block 9 9"]O.m 'An 9 tePo ft lot je "k Oliver Bocndmi v in ta on Bam. et, lot 16 (ex W. USOL&) t"eci Î1 lbtake. Cauulrp Club uni et luitc. Wý. l. - T. W:- Pijer and 'elfete Z. W. Homme, lot 1$ mcol14 Washhwm go . i»Ü 2U I.tu $1.o S Uitavinle. lhlgilmi *5mb.W. $ Forcnt. W. D>. 9S. Zain Beiwy cmielvue le CL ., .0&. trander Ir.. lot la vm&jý or l« W. D. siooo. _M ,.H. FLBeach "diviete 0$.,W. Demaremt andi viii.-lItil6Zaél fReqo l o ilci9,lmeie i4 tAmi. Waukega. 'W U SClub Eb u *.FxLi. W '5~ Rb" Teilott Cth'U~ mlot tot Ws.iaotmw b ~iu. W. D. $00 Evetm Wrenii mi a i'U Waren, N. &0lot Ii *à* lcw4tUuE_ Zmt Lut. -te J. a. armera, lot at 1Dinela*e. W. D). . iwifta&M vute to Nora T. dibbons. i% aWrenSu' 0 W cor. N « là S W U me 5 Deortoeldtownr Drawfordl 1340 ft lot aOblock 18.11h Mo i.Wi. y * *5qu. u,twl$4tf .9p U*ç IeostI4 lot 10 bloci 12, Waub3- bura ON !Np W.kaaït 1.$50 'ft~0~* bIK,~ vfe toiJ. A. L.làmdtoi. lot 143ilet ravin lu Ra VICIA. W. D. $Mi&0 EdvaQ igâbr t JM. Simone8 lot tpot@ f m 13.»U Laie.. W. Î, I1uban t )$OWMlhUi.euh a t - ~J45~1W1* 0. . 16165 IL4OX* wti oiObok 4Ra- ao. Iïtla* uuPark. Sub . o ow140' WVD. 1830. W ,KIa d M40WWand vifs to A1 F. H.g Eaddt. aiVileWtD. $1. H. M. ta eweot oabdcie tRa. 1 ndN 33 atj (ex 105aatd) ari. H. . M. dewo and .vfe t E.PG W.aBc.N oart??alot78s 1a 2 od Sub. on o Wilae. WW.)..8$10., EsaeofIu. 16 (dee1se19 t IL gk Vil. W W.fL1l5tlt. ot I24 HighlanAd. aLWc. . . 8 . D. adorMw6adlot1and vILe t . lo. 1blockt. 249alt. (e ParW.0WL. lo a16 acrNes2lat. (eorseW 14 LG) ot luwh W.W AD. W0u5Ma.W.1.1. H.M. UervHot eta tvIeto red i loti N8 rlot o irsniWestory' Aid. t Wakegan. W. D. $10. .; 9aesasfec . 30Vleraon ta' W. hDani$1265.W.DS. Y.; .ate .S and w de C.eaniât Mmet D.Vil eO Il.lot 619 ands Z4t la ot 18 bci llghlnd r. .1. I ais, lot acre .n E r se. V14 Graco Tovnabito. W. D. $4000. iç4 attewM. Rott aid tabeandtoRkA~ odronelo.3 lot In2illW ae P W. . P6.$0. Ray. n W..Roue;ndv etot. 3. C. JEaeteH. Docer l 6 Dymanda 18. Max Friand aond, vILeg hea27, oAy.lo4 3.Ovnaer, Stb. lage 06a -tonmeW.aD. 84000. oý, ]FeM.nandtt and.bu a1papelo'ý oBne Ratelo uVille fF Fe. W.D. $200.atfrd WË. J RoAm aymn W.acon, IJeoi.34t Jenette-P.xtonerMon2, 19 to f1"@ IL lakW. M, me, ne,281 trelyn&Ilami, WUgwaun. 2 ibm c$ E. Sciene, sogeonomrg, W lerdinhagd Waka27. pc io BoUeG Mmveac.omane.34-1 Feux Dl. ousie ao. WiB., 2 ; tarr AIm La, tac m, lmt. î18i J", U. R. P1tonionp«44 to Héý N. pi Lavauc, ma""e Afol A. Cwe ýarmc, ilvuse i1a a saEgimarne. ial, . Nertonia, 20 . Re 18 4ier, vhido. 3?. oe w,îj PrârG. IA i, (ra0",. 4 Aston 7aed fe Similin, '!à, ElICihM G. uDahlj'Pt, tesepitSi.on, t 1IiêtO1. Uý ti Griet itR a*.,ion iliu.l "ohn Pde, samem, E s31 item Bobo. Newa., 3. WU tolu Jartoane 18. pent Caru . NeLmon. uLgepole. i., Utae, Mhghiai, Obicega, 24. "e 1 . Raciner, Apgleton, 30 ta UhIl~ M haa,,26. Diviopga ~ctuol. Glenac,.28 ~*o»cqmpae~er, s*01 18 ~ion, cinb, 21 tg flirtas 3. havera, Chices, 41 taois tum M»16& me, n*3. Mary Jonc., »Me, 25. . F reai Wituecbber, AReMerWl. Obea. Eroinglier, Milvauke. 29 tc.: 0 t t. .lamu Ksi 0 3eM u, afl6 81 1* g uhtLberIr2îS 7 ta GUAd$'Jt. lo4t, mllva*iee, u j Mi!UeIOe.lî 7 Bertia ~ ~ e I3rbit, 37. ithter k l Iaaa,. Sebaygsn, 20 '10 John 3.,Apple. .à*pvOou, Mci, 21*etpio m.lP reebOrt, M., 21. aIo *o . e0DU Ith, lu to Rivi N fttitike, I ta - W*lDURàahc.24. P "ythe s~wutba D y * r" T f -. e"ui r ~ OI * ..ftrwth Princé Miel, y«.M Pt a Meu W ippe qoueti ~ i~bm *eNgmeti f ni e' Ot - is a5Upïm f ë dreloo fl mam dm aeti.bendi G« "tiibtiet tP. & a b mhgiy.v.rblnùm m - t« lWpgd ft i tOmMI Y TS mmur OI bswillig rqfl .Up portPMyWm v. i5ppsdll.moncju t OmetPrince Aibari quely Bavé'&" quullty madciaM »w e.m&eéseUmi Ton ta kW Ii sris vmains*»m au od»ibirim g l M. R.pnoIda, N. C Trips for. Over Iudepend- eince Day The thre4y hoIict6y over the* fouith wiffsive many foika m>oppor- tuaityfoi t&iir irai real vacàton of the seamon. Why not toke a trp bo ýhe wooc[ andi-akes of Wisconsin or Michigan? Many of di. ideal vacation spots in Wisconsin, can b. reaclWdby 4meukc Unes fro'mMilwoukee. Rosort spots I66, Oconmwot, Cedar, Lake, BeaveS Làk Waukeelia Beach, Okauchee. Lake. Mnekego and Phantoin Lake abford a splendid opportwiity for à short vacatio. At, Mlw#u1pç. convenigut connections cen be made witii pbme steanmuu,which a&&rd shrt. but diréct and pleassa tro e ro p5~~ini Mikip. J'N,àJbSkoro Lino mn4eidAUî çpnctan padire toi ýý id tanWm-ho r ÇIiata oin ToireSch MiIw.ul" and mÏ6 o e o e *,Iocoam orMcau point, trami ovt th Nor&i Shçzn Line. 'Trmdn hmmIMsyvfl every 30 mmnteo on &mSatu a noon, SwK&ayS sd'Hohd ansd voyhut on o&~e days, connecting at Lae Blùif with Limitid Trains to Mllwwue. For furthen informaion applY to the neurestTi" eOffiS epfthe NORTI SORELINI3 OMWO 4lambms Uied~vilh ?uw bila * PhscA*vSo 14 r:ào w m pe dil.

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