Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jun 1919, p. 5

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ÂIÂÇI and McCORMICI( ~IeRÉsTeddpsDump Raes Forkst -Carrier, Itope eLAI¶EM0RE STUDIO i oy ý"B6lckLloetyvUhh Rni.' Open Tuesdys and ýThurdays HOME PORTRAITURE AND CO)MMRCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY W. wlib. phased to bave youm patronage sud a vaman, the nsa's w Ife, bas th table ort tc, hlm.- BER.Y TIIATRE pn Uic Moment tbe vife baisn patient, and ah@ la laughlag aet-ber busbnda coanvrsation vitý th. sol- SATuIIAT, JURNE 2 Tbe man ani vaman are huaband .ad vifo. and bth are blind. Thoy are Mr n.dmilins. Pied Bolotin of MMY PICKICOD la 2247 Nanthe 9»"l avenue. Chicago. They have boam .mploysd by tho goyonamot te &id la pbhalcal necon- IIow otmtact.. 3'rsBolotin vas baril blIni and bis vif, bas been bli simca ah u vas Hcr blid Coùld mis vus duo to an accident. Batht îin. andM»ir. Bolotin grauiuated from the ohm iof pbysiotberapy eonducted AY J'UI P. J. Peor c leacgo. j [iyi>pime motivelIn *employing intéhins. "bas beaunapeychoiogical ami a Cmensdy ou.. I1 0.1 thet the example af thîs of*cieat couple la avercoming thir limtatIons viii ba fornolchimg inl 1 RIDÂT AIDTISA effect on our patients." CLOSED Lady, The Lake Forest Cops Have Your Palamas on A«," OfAu automobile vas travellmg' at a tes fat clip piang Green Bay rond. lu Cuauwauqua 14kbs Toret, vhcn the door apened sud a sutcase. fen ot and oporzed othe rosi. The voman diving the -' car as lest a pair af pink all pa- jaa.halrplas of severai Idi, and -much BUbon ligeie-maly pink. ~~ro11»ePOU06 w vilve the suites»ao Pfesbyterian iNcBME aCAPITAL STOCK y, Suas 29- SiuitageliJoue. U-The Steen no sohool l0ok. n. oasnblntio. Locb Company of Wiu n . Precln. Toplc et termes, issan eertiied t. the accretmny, af .miora of the KintI." Siilo a"to tday te au lucreuse afcapital stoa k mo 4e, $ 100,006. be,srvlerissunng 5h day, tdu t th dey girnoven ta th. NOTICK aqua. agar ussdug Wsiday, Sn Jliy2, Ibbe @Couaty Board .0f Iovlcw >i du c5ha*a.qW. le me la sssion. AU pomersndesir- - lastuta me Ic" Wante vith th& Board MIM*a'&eseseI .Mwst do so ok or beos *ut1, me VM b. boiM t m n WlietaiMI. IL obus& auS Icenv: 5undar IL 8. BAfNWM, Chiot Clerb. et a 10 aock. Moro*mipiascins est Uo'dolek, «bimct i01 Mo00. fer onDa' By. mattimon vii »ssb.5 Oci,"la tdu srslag on Iran 6:45 ta 7:15, LcDyalty tb Oui Ca» lor." m« is'ounld coli n ai *eg a tb. u»set Monah« btarma lem tbe a» bieseS- o t -si wsumEsmmdand ctnlcty. 15 ie @bYstl-tharpy van. e~t cin corlbhéroon ar e Io ~-tMeamo a thougl fr a Wl--t NOTICE TO NECE1VK BIDS. Uchool District No. "4of Rouai Labo. Labo Ooffty, Blunis, wvii eclve blde tg du bour a1 opaning «Ibeef or th. canetructian aofan addtion ta iSshool hones eteawodlu saMiVWfMgs of Round Labo, là*@ cony Diian,- PlaneMma peullcttou e on aiele l due o111ce001 U. 0. Rei.Clark 0f sali District, aid cau ho bai an applition. Bie viii ho opoe amindpublcly declrsi lioniay «en, Suly 7, 1919, @A eo'clbek p. n. at th.asoffie a . 5esmhs, Clark oai mlibardla the fBash Uiuldl<rLake, ltnole. mi bide Mut n y paali by a eertil fbscb, pyble te,5h. arien aof1U. C ei Cisyh.fon tan perent of th. amant bld. Dinotora reervs the nlghbta orejet1 man aIal bld.. John W. Hart. G.orgs E. Rihadson. U. C. Rend.. Diractorset fSchaol District N.4, 'lake Connsy, ii. 1 20-2 C.C. Xend.o, Clrk. - -- I!LOTSôF ICE Liertyv 13. . MAIn', 01I #Bud@4 wua buelausesilor ln LlbertjrvUle We.dsdy. 'C. J. Hstshebrgor, of Badt Dmp, va. a busInessviutor la Llbertp viii. Wodass. d"~. Miss VsssWboeer pent B fsw dairs kmst v.k la ruesIake, vsteff is lrnanrls 1bààm y ias Walrond' -toresBter- dîj 2ps. ifu*lbbsndebl the 15. ulaar.btsb MooNmswM* i» m o thir &dia>. %p e .holp Caithe phmm Sue fr the ibsa e l« IWla veq bud. Tb oUoidmW.Vasham cemtheMIL Uumdyabord vwu mm et tb. boes»0e Suw" W. WUIm Lsm]ELc ad md Use BaiC. DymM. 0etJak- s ion s' tte l. tP. lui. ta^Wv.idMmon as the born e Mr. amd i ms. Ho Golng, as VWe-1 a«v. Vague, of Ham Dm7. v"a brilo Astor la liberSlfls vbsfthob. bob 5h. »Ma, trsla fer obicago Io attend sopua Importntbiusies. ý L 1The grand opsui0nial ~Brs. pavlil lion, st Dlanond Lako, vii i te. »Iac on Smturday, june 28&. Good moade a Soidatinsleasmursii. KmisOuthrla.Woodimrlneba bomvIs. lua as th. bonse oflira J. L. Chambon. dua, st Iveabo, adother fMande st that place for the onét fw de& The Bo@s Scoute and Camp Pire Girls of UAbertivilis ae plmaing to juila la du ebrtoa vhs ez Pm lesgned. NO dggiglte arrnpsmnte hav eauss pide. Up to clodogtinm todaylvo vere un- ahi, goacartuauathlng &bout te ssrvloss for Su"a a athe big Chant&*- que seat. If vs flacd ant anything vs viii posl a bulletin la our wiadova. Mir. *ad lirs. BOY* Wrght retaraed romx a ton day@ tnlp ta Northerft Wls. eanne. About a year Mgo Mr. end Idra. Wrght vers an a edalla i p vhsa lira Wrlght vwu trlckoa wtb paraboles. And nov th. rumor perista that vo art going ta have ruaitn a rueetthe 1 id fair grounde. 1h'b i w behoa <90 thlax for the fair assocItIon, but vo Iront bellv, st until Uusy are actuaiiy st ît. The annual peule Of the Éverltt Pbnlah wili h b ed on July 4th et Evett. A good pronran hbs &-a rrngd la th@ iteraon. gamee and prises viilbhohad and dancing la the Ovealg. A 19004 tilmes urai ail who attend. 9 The LorenI Drog tars iaokod like a Cbkfagobargaln store tbaorulag wbn th. purchasere af Chautauqua ressrvd »sta vers excbaaglag thoir coupons for1 the resorveomt. BY 10 o'elock a&l th. choiS eseorve moste rstakm-n. 1 11ev.aad lire. liorganvsrsChicaga visitors Tussday. Thej accmpanlsd1 Ber. liorgaa'a <abher. Sý J. Mors, vile1 and daughtsr, veho weui retanng b hsbir bonse la WlIavlie 1. vhss ho la ea et aith.Canmaty department of te.AmrkcanShot and Tia Plate Co. 1 ras groundesecanniSSensaawanded th. Libertyvîlle band th st"ud prIvlis<m at the big Chiamaqu tt. 'Ibis l9 cr. t.lay a good tig for 5h. baid ahouid bavs cOosnmma oY nlatnt moaeyfor thslr support. Every ceat you speni ab theso tvo standa yul go for a oondi eaues. Sa hlp tdubaud..1 (rireake vii hia grand old 4*0o July celebratian thîs leur. A parai. wili taks place at 10 o'eluek sharp mai a prive viii eosafor dhe beet floa, gn speaker@sumd a basebelilgamns la is ettarnoon; dancingta thb. en.lag st tdu opena houses. Bande viifara muaie &Il duy. Tbs sais of lichete foi i. IG"aunaqa la a"S progneolag rverrmpdly. UMW@ yon bougt yourw y«g? Il jou bave mot get buVs asedu ommtteasun vcrklag> tooti aid nail ta put thlo tiMet "i aven 5h. top. Bbov yaur apprsclmtloa by buylag your ticet toiay. *onorrov neyer brnag amiy resuits. Tbs Librtl Tistre viiib. cloei dur- tq du Chautauqu a wMme ii opmeon Oaturday. JUIF M. i. M. N.isaa viiire ams e Vsiaesiay aigbt sohodiela. stand of Twomdy a. bretofare vben h. roopoa mit vesk. The blutre bas sons vary Intsrmetlagphatoplmya book. od for tdu snr sasnM, s0 kesp le bonsdftvIlil~e boakinge. lu *WOMM'& Club bai à Véry .ajor- aile pleutou o dm Vieday altencet IOMImlfam, ast % e of os. -Boue, am vwulargoly attemisi.Tby Mai <M«Mdmiluterudsti oae wbIeb ver-s participated la'by mmy of du crovi. Eobst MeCormick van the 9.1btbat. Emama 1itue ami JeuSchack vawn tbh boys and girlsShso eggsd race, but theo gIividod thirise vwlth thé boys. 'The polta. tcs vu von by UmesDorthy Handg. A boungtl ltuneheon vas msoan th lava about 7 o'clock.1 ilte ews IiIousEs DuT No misse.U1 1 t la Lake County Ice Houses were Mt sondaylc 10 gp There's a Shortaïé' Word bava reoirs thas Chare'PRICE RAISED IN THE CITY. Duttsrfislihbasaria .Neorak. Mir. Levanon bas ovsd bis family Wauk«gan as throatoaod vltb an agi husshid ~ o tee famino' Vlday for thc firat timo 0 ombld gSbayefr y. thpr~ Iis roar. Ait the les that wvas ahlp- 15 visltng iti iasMe md Prkhtped ln val sold by mm uaand by nlht la vtbuwu 0m *WbBagebrchtthe amaîl roserve that remained -la L. Enauflg0" i '.0f Prairie the storobouse vas used up. More Visv, fers vidêMe laé-hsville Tue.tIela .xpected ta arrive today. day. "We arm noertai n vbother there CMasfl iMos Wt Md.j for Me viliihoa a les ahortage but Ie may go Trl§af, vioreu as v 86t»4a .obeol Ma to anrm ies 518 i or," Mid A. S. saun,. * lconsê aof t%,@A. ». Konnedy les Mr- Mmd M&MWlb*MsassVs Word ' noytoyem'mtlag on th Ne TbSe aEir o 'idl f ront e tuc t a 0bundrei. "r19aopen Nov Yen. vnter lentst u0ce reveated dtho us- MarIayM Delm4Plêsbra. le ual cuttlng 0f tte on many or the vldmqg bhWeoushel aniMd UlinW ilabos tbroilhlout Labo Couaty and EOIow. thora vas nu Ss cet this yoar la Wis. VIii. .'.mu aie iecousin north as far as Maison. Wodai«S' 1 MBases.About fty ShIpplag ratés a"i ablnabgoare "om'sd.* g reaty laroasei, bocaso f the dis- tance vblch l&0 les muet ho sont. mm Ehom Jooasma t wwatis ihie -rhore la aàact;omSdanger Of tnunral ai ber 000d@- . m orencs the big Chicago mseat pachora outbld- UbareY Of N"oktb (ke *-em 5d&y. ding the snaler demis., la an ÇOsai licKsmdb"e rénsdis psi. évent of thia, tlesviii hoaluicet lia lionm a au or *9 b.Morchantel possible ta Set ani the prie viii go DsIviry mmd lalpb bolpi bus aceptai ,ioarlng. Chicago la mnferigfros the position. :he sanie oadito toa sWaubogan. lir. mmd'li re.bdmMa"s.roeunead th Artificlal lee supplie4 Chicago for latter pan r ifoit vut lioq Wisconsin ""metime and mucb of It vas sont wbers tby have hsss, psag their ta the autlyiag tavna but bot véatb. er bas lncreased the demand no much bonsyoon.that Chicago Oinde It Impossible ta IVho ladies- aitb.he aflde Cmtery enpply herseif much lois than Wou- Association vi» boli t1lolw mting Dcxc kegon and other auburbo. Vnnldayaftsimo#àet*Met 5h. homo "-Thrty of os fifty-tva lae« in of lira. M. A. Proom. Lake Caunty have tee boumai0o9 Mise Ada&Nibols leéejoylng a twothem and flt aa ne' bas tee lan1IV' vssk& vocatio lom&iDeBuimane la continued Mr. lKennedy. "Tbnaugh assiatlng la ber place t tas poatolle sauthera Wisconuin the situation ln darlag the rush boa,. much thesaIme and fit-le asiliy sen that the cifflculty af securlLugie Cari Zsrbeck, osne of tb. vorkman et ram farther north ln Wisconsin la the Bawthom foairase with an accident mueh greater. W. are uniable ta Pro Wedaeeday. Esho fe oSa wagon and dict what the tee situation viii ho la Injursi hie nati md fast a <0W'teeth. Waukegau this aumnmer or ta vbwat B. B. Mmcb or Jooln. lia, has been prices the tee viii soar. tee bas gobe vlaling hie brotbsr S. IL. M wk, lu r the ta 76c in Kenosha and North Chi- puat wesk. B@ mbea bseê&ylng his cago and many north shore towas jevoîiry stock la Chbaffo and ha.,no are aylng similar prices." rstaneodta bis bons. Owlng ta the 'Impending shortage Jacob PoIînse tti . md Mrn@. à) the tee comllany bas glven notice that Poîneit ai 'on Wane, ndinadellvery viii bc guaranteei anly '"ta Poiaesi o Fot qff, ldiasthase who have coupoad, in cae o notored ta Librtiville a"d apent tocnso r thon a e ofre poset v.ok with Mir. ad. ire. FMI 1ln the famlly." Ths bas n don Jocbalm.It le statod so that In case 0fia shrt- And thes aa that Libertyvifle le dry age the lee company eau check up bt If '-nu vs,. on Mlivaahà &va jsbous on'ts customers vho have book.- ia. taTbunaiay -9 nIg Wyou ad have wondored vhere éailIdu vos<0d cane fros. At that lme avo ladlvdui voe ragulng and tryioEg o pianotoa gght aidfor about 15 minutes 'tbe air vas blua with their choice. flgg. CONCRES8 IVES UP PHIONIE LIN«e; RATES UP 06 OAyB Washingtan, D. C., Suas 1O-Ater reconsiserlng its action etndin govonaent Ssci telegrah rtesa i ioath. th. houa. today wltbMa a e cr vote paseod thc momto bil rc- vlding for roturn af the teleatpi mil toephaas moperties ta Irivat. con- trol aui repeallng te. av union vhich thosP«e poor oa"d lb. table systemi. ver, taoen over by the pseelisat. ('lh, hil as pssed by bath hanses conttinueafor ninsty daym 5h. prca- at' telePhome rates, aoer vhicb as1 mKectag a logal cotraversy la nov ou.) Wcdnesday at Saint Patroleb' Churcb, Waiuwortb occurred thé sean rnags of Mise Ryaa. danihteor of Mn. ani iMre. W lroan ta Clrence Hlai derlige son of suponvisar Haieigé of WaUubn. Fatber F'oley 0111clatedl la th promeso f a la-ge numben 0f bloendseofte couple . About forty1 Suetteaesat doaimtaa ine uppen 0erv-1 ed as the lyma home. Mn. andiU Mi lfld«ienlg an. 50 Jive la XKoMa 'l vhsie the Ugroolado a nopo#blW iceltion vlith te ifmb Motor Cou-. CLEMENCEAU TO QUIT;'P LS TASK ENDS AS TREATY 18 410N»0 Paris, France, JUDO 4.-PbremIr Clemenceau bas exprossibig Infus liam ta esia ront oSce, as. sn m the treaty le promulgatci, fs.Ig tbals hob basaompllsbed the Saab for whlch ho assumesi th.emlersp, uny Mar-cel Iutin la the Bobo do 1 Paris'. 1t la expecei that palament vii 4 atlfy 5h. Snety lato la Suly.- A rsoptbm vashold etthbbau et lPioor an d Mun. lre Holex- flias, of Toskbuq Ram i. Flia < *mg ta Wo of athîr som Chyëm. mmd bls bride of last- Wedoesdaygv. ,ning. .'Abouqt tv' umdudt4dêp mttsaded ami Uic affair prave a fuy dongtieIocao.. Âppnapnlate oe*di ment. er. aogrved amidflhe oUaS People vol'. naie happy hi thoenues- urcna bandions and vainabi, gift tivea té then by thoir fishd. ami ne>lve. M, a"maimn., lloerlij are, ta' live la Kenceba vicie Uý. Holenigeo ldaidrnespansible po. tion vltb the Nash Mtor qupamy. RHIs bride vas farmerly Miss Eiâ Ryan of Watbvcr$i, dauhtcn of Mr. mMandU . Wl iyaa. aid thoy vli ho suplic fines. Becanseorofth large number of Ice bouses ln Lake County and becs use they have supplled much of the sup-1 ply for Chicago ,la the past,- thoîr "vacant roana" this summor are hav- lng a serions effoct an the Ice situ- atIon ila Obicago. ÎCAR; UNCLI3 5KM is TO SEIZE CAR Washington, Suite 23.-The trot slan oI the prohibition enforeement bill perîultting searcb of prIvai e homes for contrahand liquor whAn the warran t vas swarn ta "'by et' least two credîtable persans" was stricken out today Ily the House iudl. clany commlttee. The system of seurch as providéd In the -espionage act vas aubsttuted. Under provisions of the enfarcement set. teutativety malfed today ln commlttee, transportation of lntoxlcat- Ing lquars ln automobiles. airerait on other vehicles would prove an ex* pensive undertaking If théeaviter l1 canght. Thé vehicle wauld be seizéd and aold, surplus beyond thé fines - Ing o t h éstate. gou J. .W~ ~II ProfitaW~e Investments For Your Funds THIS BANK gives panticular attention to sup- plying individtials with well-setured, profitable investrnents, If you have idie funda or funda on which you desire to increase your carnangs. we wiIl b. glad to f urnish youwith high grade Municipal and Govçernn3i.n oda Yiodg 4% to5% Firat Moftgago Faim and City Property Loans Yielding 5% t. 6% 'Oui vmc. and* ervuce te investor's,icldg malcing oé Joan, coMoctins inteoreot adronow- Ma or coâlkc g pnnpe> is entirely fixe of choagr- . W. iuviwyou to consuit ne regarding Ibe- L ibtylll% lýi - W AITNGr«xsthtio, ýfor amy roapon, nover The SUCcessul'"an acta. goos aheud ispiteofo!a> Parent obstacles which i nino camesont of ton prove flot to have been obstacles at ail. It is our earnest advice to you to build mScrdin. to your needs, and don't miss a single profit waiting for better bmiiIding conditions which may newer came. F PHONI O R S A LE ESTCASH'IOFFER E.etved within next 15 days buys a beau- tiful, moderuLibertyville, flluola, home- Eight rooms and- bath, lamge. beautiful groinds 80x24. Flnest kind of gardon land. Fruit trees, berrnes, etc. Garage for two cars; barn- room for threo head stock. Fine chioken house, dcikena, growlng gar- don. Owner going west and muet sel. Part Une can be arranged if lealred. Property looated corner Lincoln Ave. and Stewart, two blocks from e;ettria station. R. L. SELLERS ME M5 USERT a£.E D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vacation Items Much Underpriced Big lot of boys blouses, ini good quality percale in neat stripe patterns, sim~ 6. to 16 yearn, speciaUy priced et......... 1* &8C Wite gabardine dreu s kirts, newest styles, in very Perviceable mnaterial, trinumoti with large peaul buttons, patch pockets 42 Nafrow width percale pretty patterns in blues, &Mes and light grounda, spe:ial et ........................... Strongly made fibar suit cases, corners and edges re-enforced, good catches ati traps, the large size et .............. 'Te amail c'nes, without straps, e a................... 16c $215 We Handacie dus. oiles iiiwide variety of patterns. Thi. mot popular mat"ra for ici1 hot weather wear. 5,t Priced per yard from. .....................5 o$. W.W. CARROLL & SONS COMP>ANY ami .11 î-

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