Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jul 1919, p. 10

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TT TDlITV'VT[.LL TTUI N.MT1. RSUXV 'JTTTY,3 1fl19. PAG~E TWO JLa~-.. ,- ,---- -- Libertyville Indqen;dent MÀ.SÀi,£ -irF~ I1~I1K $ahe Counly Indepndent- Waukegan We ekly San J ivt.l mé-an. Boxing Idled in Milnois men Of BE CLTliS;4ilL Ci1pd biacd WoHas. ciçp@rting proclivtiesl" and desires, will have to content ElE .E TasAanbc oians thmmevos 'with ping-pong and soda water-they PalcammEiUsfomte iut goJl 2 91,Y ,aSerbutternihlli very strong for now there's a cotenPaiGimEopfrmte Aldoubt tbird re uy, 'YW tinaçvanoed tbat butternxi1k coutains alcohol. To smre bu Id otaeDulig heateir nwta i: or aIt t o 8enrygneoto ad e tesitste Night, Was Beli,, De- ul hirns rmaiste ieir hssad- 1itA ine*hlygisot fiae o te4 t heyuarters if their matjng faits, are r~ts imeinth outr'nhstr. . ~reooed by statemestta of, ths*.-Vu- %tes tie i th contr's istry.berg ,taiily on North ifiokot'y,,attet. Waukegefl. JuIy 2. 191'1. Ther declare 11m a eblaoklTwUi iT Nov if nme of these ao-clled "dry leaders" doVf't Pearl CrimUW, :1 Young girl WhIo. a picularly detormad foot la sie ove te cane in sentiment in tis land aud lnformed the police that lier home was about their place daily apd tise Inter- r, te chngin Millwauke, made a i4endational as- esting part of is prelimnos le hat eUir D as by"ere t.h teise" 18118 tb cae oTuesday night -fftramthe Illnois they have sean mthoe ebird, wiIb W( bIosatiuted, with their attainntthyllb _alrt)t. Cottage whsire leowals being detaîn ts ae n itlcieYsb"~ed i ~tvthictrythirswlh abt <Viii, they inunedite- ed, by ying lwa shoots together and tooit each year for e nunero atyoara îti etmiwithviCtry teirswilha bi eiidîng dawn Ibis ltmprovised rope ta pat. It cauidn't b h ti t wpud Te n bf ore the new plan Isoperi e, corne -fOth and itate the gr..nd. happen tbat dîNferent blecitiirvU *teven homne-made JQO DIRand many sorts of The girl, who ait lrst gave lier namfe would ho passosseed of crlppled tact utnmecnethttewrdantscr s 1ot as tîorman, was placed under arreat a! oxactiy the samoe character. k ,e ng to edciltes dt orth XU l - dmts l cu ed Main th b a few days jgo weon ehe was fontl Tisrore it lsd Certain tisat t» UDeae root beer neyer m&.& anybo4_ydrunk and the thre mon. The raid was made eerty *iter year ta is saine aid haunts. g xuan 'who says it djd, is hinself drank wtth the UnoeCt-. in the rnorning. The throo mon wr givn sbstntil fneswhile the girl t ed prohibition vave that bu swsept Mie coufln If,*"~e arned over ta the Girls Protec R34M diNE fèUlows have their wish they'U .mAke hit ipelsbetotdik tive Leaguxe and was placed lu thec aýM - qien water; they'll even try to have.the AMR sterilized be- 1Illinais Cottage untila further inves 6O( I EAWAaI c*ethe ordiuary citizen w -teyll dcaim. become In Se- omd aie1~I!UU tqkicated from thie man vite breathed booze fumes xut what was beiueg dano for her and IIVI4KNFrIUlii CWmn or Japan and one w'o't be able te take a deep the Iougue was unprepared for anyct VIudA01 bgMeath. Tbey should let weil enougit alone rather ttnIn tfact lier escape wau, it discos-- Imm&eh hic may brng rectio tht w eredunti tis oriing.The ilLondon, July 2.-Tho R-34 ran In t hih bi a eciü%ta W2loe utltismrig.To ltea a og hank daring he moîrins Ma di VV4oanltbIr good Work. was .tound hat sheilo te:oved bath jor Scatt, the commiander. reported t __________________________________________________ shots ftm ier lied. liaid ied thein In the o tlowing radiogram: I 0 ~ ISTtogether and bail fastenod anc end te "oGlng through fog. Everytiing a V , Sf ithse bed. She hue made hier escume golng well." sum aIMiu ram the second etory window. The vîrlose was ime 10:05 aclack. il W~IihIA number af girls heve 'jade thoir London. Juiy .-The firet Bitish n escape tram the Illinois cottage of tep aiyacoeteAInl A country Worth fiUh-lC ud ii ateai mr r- Ocean In a cirgible baloofi le under t rk- way oday, with Che' great R-34 pugh- il lufor 1TeM WoAK inD* NLIY lg wentwalrd toward Amorica aboven drove rivets In a ship or DCE the Northis Atlantic lano.v a akwa wdg teleaving the East Fortiine aerodromec f', bosmaetithe ro.> in nCloswere diored ind onton H narboonths niug tial :4eg o CheJorcy.)is lsk onteblfie S andr.TCemarging vocdandy. The g Britsh dire),ihe R-4, wc alon at tewhihr as _wi emared Ge. a lt assigRthFaitneIsland t1:40h siugte btas wad an eattack l-ar . a udtaeyaar laC er Tuttle co m ofng Carela hd, 50 odegrees bdthse nluna, in the fa- ,ie canryiedcdthem. Ho cni eJncd mins rhlaitud, 1 eroaees 12 torane Uta bo iek ieon oro wMeh c 'l Igt1nuhmine utwest lor ngu, and 'lcv lana Foi-hope t 3, 1912boTtrihey eo maried ny au.Gonlhma Cm 7olctC I~n.BIda> iebodwtha rotnthet, callMd "Inte " C ..he w r t em Darid Ciceago the dACile atraeedI as.ih ~a ave ra blndamianactve l youinth c en c e s. al le, as ebor Mhe .sec uttîn t.l i e ret es agpoitccsh hall e~ sfII-whtAerk l Teema o l-chee8 Cd w phoneBumb91 esr on si inMe. Th e adeCat rethirî-iele anhatim q~d ~wig fver Ailoria ned i trahogmen.mdas wel a fpockeet. Sho rci eenarbornthat Intialktng ho ten hoar thwih a onett eomn ations of n huand of knewuttle anha goe lac es a shI il 214 hc ~apedrip Ua eutfity eas.It u gle tor ica'.=GoSdn îC hm. Jud gesC. . EWards fTEasitotneoteR-3lit 12S ~dgaDleoer, ni auhobaelntbeoiut l ta rgWuea rne h wt eodo'clock, Greenwich Cmeas approxhi- *us.t 60cent a ial.It ha te ght obrination off he In divorce e te tates e matoly50mlsws !Puzne tobrng"ax,"viorial.t nt vgr o lien e u ubsd ilObecinannan.inictlgtiaItiebi 1r bav taen r. ier~' Godenofdca thieovar Talasuewil feal e- i onard Mabonyhi ttHes aoney. mnute1) harle atituiswgrester0 lji rei bondcouslg ttrogitvais u ai-tares, Sud ou ite litskdved w lake unycourfgt Wonee. dirue tlo ngituheoat o! lrsland f cll fr rspnsbiltyoreftomnc. Tha insutheoW_ betgrudifa sactween ie gat.ed e 'lc-Gnwich l ime. 'lokCi Iblod crpucle ar Moed y parioismsheAgrpd nd alried)bin tis tete 1-4icrodssa ti~ktomçtablI hu ira uteves or hrdahpe, imd n inere t e eren an rttedtaInswrica ihe 1Artramnti.t Poidn WU-I tr Bive Pipthe l. Be sàu rentoi abl or DrPIeroe's. chrges. Te motiSallel o heardWilson Big Sdle of Fine Suoerner Shoes, New shipment just arrived -in the latest,.leathers and styles that mon Ùey can buy. ThWnk what-a,,reli fmhaea ue, soft pair of oxfords or.pumps to slip on-yoiur sore f eet otna ,,hot morning. *We hiave them in stock now-in browi vlci, mack..vli, patent, Palm 'Beach and white. Also a 'big stock of- sand als and tennis shoes. Corne .in early aùd makeyor slcis'o r Fourth' of July outing. Our entire stock of summer footwear will be sold at- 25% Off on the Dollar -during this coming week. We have to seli in order ta màke room for large new sliipmqnts of "MRi and winter shoes which we expect in a few dàys. Klas rs BIC SHOE STORE NVID u sYM-PAThIESTO êI U NESS is henolyelctdo r P5?ai of- lhc No EXTENSION OF Mrs. Watrous was farmnerly Missalilo>i Hawkins af waukegan and orUe' LNESAYI~ BANKS1 heha been teacbinlg 1.Celoa chools off and ontar some "ime a"d bas nw e~i gien he plnepaihl' ~.Waukegan, July 2, 1919. f! the echool which le soon ta bo r- The flslly Sun wae usiable T'ses4aY modeled Iand wt,.ilI hbe readyvfoir ucool 'PrIlt Aimna Luid 1 AboutRouer Skate'. trOika. sâates were petenteden HEY ARE PUDE 'FAKERS' er ne nEgilna ee y thein lu Londo. Syere' skate <onglet- Each epmnier, a. nuinher of Young~ ed of a sandai mounted on tive perrow omen and aiea Young Men have. wheelà, in a single, row. no arftged nado Waukegan and other commun- 1(OWe#er, timt agiY twO o!f icu canld ýtis l wht ued o, e arater le-touch the oor et lthesame tiUme. Bey- les~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~na lwhtuetobaraercemîother uirnîlar skates were patent- Fr goliltallon etunt. ed ln England dering thse next 40 The lateet plan adopted le th-i Ye&ra Kin; "vote for me and help me ta get a eeholarahip." They go ahead ad tell the etary that unless theY to a certain magazine by a certain' t daethy wli ose out n the race for o' a cholarsaLp at caliege which they have been working bard for and an wic teyhaea gaod chance -to look your bo' ofwlnning.' Itsthe same old gag in the same e d for i t r ild way. red1i tr Thpy tell you one etory anmd no mat- 4vsjl~4n t. durithethgel Y 0Wey keep au tellyns th gnt hig a ate ay I' The wise man is u.'t a gag and not a competitian for £ L.. a scisolareblp or anythîng of the kind.ý ares beiore thie ex Tt les juat a case, uhere these so- ficitore take advantage Of the senti- nent matntained bY the citizen cuW e illo hep Young people along ln oduca- e il lo o laona! linos. Thus. they Impose on vnu w hat it will C the gnod nature of the public and no doubt, many people "failtfor" the very plaueible stan' whlch theY bave A ~ committed tu memary and tell a thocum -A NUJD 110 ~ and times a day s they cal! un dit- ferent cities ail 0,cr the UJnited States. Tt le a caretlully laid out SA T ISFA syetem but Il seerms as though the put*k bas Ihad enough experierw#4 euth it n fiai t alfor euch sort Of tuif. Waees thm These solicitors are worklng li, Waulcegan naw and people who are inclined ta est thom tram a son- Phones: 'W aukegai timentaI standpoint Just botter realîze that there are lote af tellats aand girls in Waukegsn who need assist- L PROPRIE iince iii educatianal matitnaseîl-,i more than Chose takes who are put- ting aver Chie talce story in order ta h gel assistance flot for their achooling Cal but for the magazine for whlch they are workung. -i ~0~ te g!. and Eofinrftident cBnk f he rE.portandR n bor ta. coimOthe wa, -plagnlng to extend Its lie north ta Milwaukee. However,. this mornlng the Sun got ahold of Mr. Banks and asked hlm about it. lie eaid: -We. bave no plans whatever et this trne for the extension et Our line north of Waukegan. 1 certainiy ivould known If we did. Theole absolutely nothlng la It 8o far as plane% along that line go." 1 heTie )Hers over and get, ,-it costs, you less bhen the rush is on.j the one who prep- nergency arrives. ur boiler over, tel :ost to get it in shape ThE WORK %CTORILY am ie o ki, 835, 1135-M or 1054 ,TORS: Lo. Babeox ri Staben IF it's a Pogrp Tbt You Want-A Kimbali is What it Should Be. Because As -there are no t~ A mai deposit neediles to change. wîllP lace e-ny A Pathe Sapphire mode) in your wilI play indefinite- home. y -it wilplay al -~ >.Paythebalnce makes of recorda - ~ ~ a . .ayou ee-rn and betterthan they have ever been played before- -there are no parts te change. A sun pie twist nf the. tone &rm will put the rop - roducer in any play- in ,po .tion. desired. model foi every purse and a style for eery -it enablesyoxù te pliay an$' record - ~ I loudly or eoitly with la the smre sapphire bal un addition thse RIMBALL Pisonograph&a-yet cogs no morai e. faue o t 1W - , t m 70 ALr See Window Diçplay ti-'st. 1 1 ý LIVI RI Look low S ihat Chu tim livir aenes<'. Hu uraha, ln t ihoigli n 'xt tu the n-c _mhl e 1 et t1w hiC< r. liread dollaru -. -- ýk

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