Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jul 1919, p. 3

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3, 1919. £ION'S GUOUN ?Ik.te tet nia omne Ment ProrammWUmS oploted last nigt. vereerVc4vs as present and defIv«edsias&bort sres. to tIi. suocoodustul udeuts before pressi», f ng tii. certjicteosand he apoke vords o encouragement and com- mmedation. speclally urgini thc *tu- dot. ta stick te tlteir work and go torvard, «Wben a man Quito hais dead. nid 'the Oveucme 'Afte omue âletion by'the ZMon, Orchestra, and tme pImansd vomal solos bY sueeful studentà. thern vas the0 prementétion of certificstes tu, 47 grade pipiis cft tc piano te- partmoun. Tien foUowed the Âa«deml e- partnient viti seven ior Certifi- gatées sd ane senior ceftificat., vhieb latcr vas aw:rded ta Evelyn T. Uhluk. In ,vestmren ts Pal'., fro.. 6% go 12%. 1OUR PAUTIALPàvuxT N r vSvXmvv PLAN tuakes it essy ta myve money symtcmstîoally sud to aocumulate lalgh o"assecuritie payitig good divldend raeruas and capable of large iaonesses in value. LeS us explAin Ibis plan ta y.. Teli ns bc* mach yen o« a py dosnansd hos macii yoeaou psy monthly. Toelneus hat iscunatiosyou bave, if -you bave. sny, so vomsy advins yeu sas e their proet value, ssabiliSy sud future. W. vil ma"e up s spécilal lavoalent sugges- tien for you oerding to vkast yo« eau &tord to inveet ounthi partial psy"et Plan, îither on a i0.paymmmt or »8-psy»amt béase. Write teo1ur Department A-2 for Our paper, Qurmtouu lavsstmssta," glviag sdvioe on the maiket odltou-It wiil iutsret you. Ws. la. 50. 19 te 23. 856 te 19 te 23t 27 te Sauke- SHlgh Ccci cf R"oodOpealicf liembees1aiah *Ma*Se&mdi Boume vie bwve bien advoostin perasuse covasintlovnershlp cf ralrostk are now buglaclog ta "dras la 11.1 borna" a bit. due o atile dielwoeaifigure. ,..ybu - beenspl'e la &OÙ e11 uxs i ; raîroade lIna sàsulgyner- ewé4 atü. io. fousrpalang ASure bave b esa o p b' b. eivotigatlng iaflI"ol&. la lthe Senate Ih sas brougli t ul laI tireare15O.0O ure employes.o lb. psyrols af lie rail- ronide oergoruatonl managlement thon liberees fre. nsou nalaraliy lis questien la astmd as ta hes ua'mare More viliib.uIf Unele Sam teepa lbe train siesis tumnlg for jeansla cme. Wben lie elads s&emr Ot takea over, lie lim ast u ot Be bigi salarisa lie ralrood prosidunts aud osher igi nalrone offias, sud the Salk vas aIl ttisoaoul; Sbut among lie flgrese tbat bare Oame$0ta I la l eosuliaI on Sbe *tue 6ci Si trealar genersalai Zaiway but" anfIreafcissWho ge% 040.00, gai oncm down -throagh Swooiss, ho iras amarl>' 1,0.0.Thue figrcu stmtlad Sens- tam vis tpasa u smaie slti âbambm ua usd"hi lion la alauie., U.sioslfdiy the proslgkalle Win ac bu usdm5,lita opsrallomOf Si ril roudis, u&eailelgas aS lb.Capia buildingfail. 11ev MUe Rsai the Prcsiaitt Vibe administration dose sa su ta Wtrut aPostmamses, OmmeralcBrlmeuns Importat documeta Io usmbVil- se la rance. hmieua i Bitres WM betbave bon. pesmsd by bath wosat telie Prmuiist, vimever ho uai le abrae, so am to n.nslvm bie mgnatere liai.maa hcomo laws, 1201014 ct placlnthuma lthe hande of POostl od ais sspuw al usager la dWmateid ul*theliSImprtant docu- mte. dlvutiy Sa Nw York,wsie.$bie> arm turami 0,cr ta the commanderor a spmsdy itshlp or [te ommerce etsaaiehip. whichmver la dus for mrost departore. Upon resmarnchomuson saotber speclalmeusager remiu. het ad la oas upon bis uay la She isad- quplermcfPruiduolWilsonTie mom- Mst tiat the Prosidet appraves ai lb. bill and affixe. hie signaure Iotahei documsent, woam'a t& laS.U.t la cablsi ta ile Whte flouse lu a hlaglon, sud lie e e laSien ent tthSe.Captal tbat Si. bill basbecome s laW. Johns snd MM*y Amoxig the mazy cdd thiage liai lie Bureau of War Rlacunersacesla bsarnlg, lu looklm ter the fusas.M cimu 4,0O,000 sodies eand sallmr, la *eat "Joba J. U'Brlen boa asetn sth. ment for àar." Thifss " disclo rmetly. wh a foratr elile r aithe loRsgoi8ag"asme umie rgardlmg bis Igneorance. He bal$0taolive bis us«wa nunhor ai policy nauhor, but salitae parerc soald ho mu to t dealfy. ne bis slJs'manee as Mary A. O'Bren. A ssarch through tie bureau lsMu name lie usne 01175 John J. O'BrlI«»ansd mach ai su m'on f ty oaithaeu isi a WIN nammi MaryA. A WId$-Awske City Wamhugolao-gad fila , t"d» Senatare and Cosnrvussn sd ail gov. enmmoabu-ii-m abhgmbuletWed lu tiir lspduiilvmoasksboosus cf Si. noilftiai bc se ib> lspe D.alnbah" SSorilnlih,'v4i.tusi ls sebulipidý. MW 1" 8» ebêienlai S. ohstrie liga lag B. Mistm*$k. VI* g-9 ruiessee uaite n f m a uauni liii powem. Reme Q Inmssas ou~ . andmlags a" m ,c mumai, orunle s aii u i mer ds#* *ad lie éoplssiass orlu ailès b bot t e e ilalM g~~ lu emIcès t chance te pohamtohhgss pu boulit for ths unaiof thesmur b" »nv no longer .umdsd. CinulaeisBM»as nalug ont ta svery, samdioobs a" met imlersd uniUais,'uéSaslslpm sudchartable Institutions,, chsnlAg tMi 143,000,000 POUR&m a1 caai' ue nov on bond. Individuels gos p bu perisltt4 ta perchas. mI liot@ aS*6i suppl.y storesla Chicago, DaOWOr ad tlel.miug. Ohio " etso ioliUMMi sien e esurplus la séorei. lt vus li mhh oa i on i MU Dp,pu.te ofproe;a is. a ,lr ileDsolus = i .1 -- -abdv tahe fubie lie e Uu eSg «#e -a W hui,. M I WMA. - Bs, e. ,« 06~ cep ord k'0ft meg IIM IIiR LS i-ie, mail#oeuaof t at mor were îîot potable, and vu-e thereforl AR ÀS evcluded as intaxicatlng drinks. AI Tu WS PPEAR AS ongh tbeY contain a higii percet- AIJOIITJC BOO S beila ultcisnt quantities t aus But the otier 10 per cent-"1camou- Automiato yd m to Supplant 1ftaed ilquar' vlibe treatedex- Wrt ýAto in Entire f lhe iarcb and seizure b Chtoâ Distic.C&n't Nove Wth AiCohol And If you've sot a boütte of Yydia EFFECT p'I*E 'IN lIME. Pinkiam's an jour dresser you've got tu leave it tiare viien yau move un- The- auton lcit telePhone wilil re der -the search and seizure bill. Or- place the "hellom" girl In Chilcago juet dinar>' roat beer contains more tbai as soon as lie Chicago Telephone 1 per cent of alcohol. Compani eau iiise the change. The Home made moot becr made wltl aunauucement wvm ade Wednesday 8Mt per cent sugar, as per recelpt, by B. a Sounny. preident of the co one wevek old contalns 1.63 par cent pan>' ,. by volume and 1.30> by welgbî.- 'he uing bas flot actualîy been Home made rooit beer witi Ut per voted on bir tic directors,'* eald Mr. cent molssea instoad af augar, siieu Unuy. 'Inbt lt proobi>'wili bc in a lis laone veek oid, contaîns 2.87 per week or a tuonth. We 'iave bean cent b>' volume and 2.29 b>' selgit varking ont tie plan for e long tinie, 'Home made rmot heur vîth double sud nov it, te ectod" tic amount of moasses shen one Mr. Ounby zplslnod tiat the plans *wek nid, contalus 4.84 per cent alce cal[ for lie Ipsinlltion of the new bol b>' volume sud 3.87 par cent by systeta in C>SDM oflrst and then l~it lavelght. And Wthas an awful kick. tu b. tmodlouto thecountry cities Home Srewlno Under- %n covered blO tliefr sysem-wiilh , Au> parson or persons in Chicago =sans tha tb4tlime 1. flot far dlat. brewlug root boer Or anytblng sise sut iwhon WauÎkagsnoperators vil oontalulug me thap a balh o(1 per sima, b. supplantid b> the girllese ex. cent of alcobol, evdn for thefr osei change. cOlSUmIPU01 111 ilbe lable, tau hI- ".Wlat wig-q«$ce or the 3»40 priscumeut for; violatlnig the. scarchl girls vho ;Wuis eut af vork shen ad selslala," mid M. Hbbert. the lcvtoSt. fea i t l- Tie>' VM i lecimged vlth 0vning Elr. =uaY an,.sd opemU aths'tin*! No . meebsul. "TeyjâI~iirled." vag the cal aparatus is requhicd ta make il repi>' . A~t, * e ur girl arn technically ' s t*Jll. getting ms*< a ian b. <ornqeb.. fore vo gs tbhtomatles lustalicd.e tP'n And the ocnes wi» reminin luthe asr- ILIX ssttîbc~u~~eAirli s MC'i bi di Lake Forrest Was OnIy Place FromiL*ie County Repre- sentd at Oulnoy, 111. NEXT MEETING, NOVEMBER A meeting or representatives or lie Varions Ciambsrs ýof Commerce ai Iluanis vas hbeM recenti>' at Quine>' but Waukcgan v«U not repremed aI the.assion shiPoved ta ho a ver>' Important Me tkfrai ndustriel ataudpolut. T1-muI>'Ly kg Cacut>' cil>' represented va take Forent. jS. Anderson oaitltMIY belug at lis Meeting as repes.sathfe Chant. ber of Commnerce of Loi. poreet, as a muufcipallty. 1ak6 COunt>' wu Disai l u district Ave and athi rcaatien of lie nortioru section are inolWud la thal distrct. Man>'importanut fliuascamne np U'blch have te do si tictheIdustriel development throughaut tlii gi-st state, ' Anatiior meeting la ta o be ld irai- ahI>' about Navemhcr flotasdii ilal tien probable liaI W&Sk.gau yl bars a representative irgomlt. Engine Crews Rit hy'Ordoe t SayTeySMf-W*,k 1 Whein l ROY Mt No preparator>'fl ivs la. lossi englusers ami .saes saisi Ilis nov sciedulu put.jrp efcet y lb. Ncsthvstern tWua. Formetftesn mne vereai- vil lear tii. trai eqsgpm CU lm é risbeasicn q am. on u .t"sAaul 00maas b>' liS g»ow eider on the Nrletr.ul inr. Tic rulng vil siah elâm0 i mploycsi Wankegau. I st rnamt- me the arder sf11 mate sfasans« et tan dollars a moti tea U n sil lOtiR OlW1xý OT BER WIL Cl qUI If Lot Stand a Certah 'TiMe It Acquires Alooholi fW1e Io you had Bettem' B@Wmn. PATENT MEDtCIWJS NEXT tims, i avrge Ch<bl 1t Mn olcabol Ibthane- , l liese 1 'qopp oud Yb>' is itelau* .i .0! fbricant&. e0xlla .- b e l e @ td aur 1 col. W. N. Heim.cmadu ai Fort sierils, compiined rester- day tiat, as a resait of the publiait>' rSenti>' giron ta certain alieged con- ditions lu lhe base hospitai at the icet. and the asserted 'mutisouo" ai. titudeof the. .nlisted mou, the. latter vere according bita a degree or vo- Mpeotat aIvs "positlvel>' embarreas- "Everyviiere 1 go." snid thecal- onef, 'tUc tan almoet oveivigelut me witi thei ultra-mInlItai>' matem." There ver. no new developtacuts lu the, matter during the day. thr col- onel stated. 'Tiers vould b. no re- snid ofanya>'of thie Red Cross men via made tie initial cota- plaints. Oue of M ilatter, hovever, lu- tortaed s repartod tiat tihe four ni theta vere ta b. transforred. 'The reason for tliii. b. ttod, vwas that the>' vere belng ldclsed b>' theen- Ilsted menu, via regarded lista as heroes, snd bslled tieta everyvbëe Cie>' vent.e P. W,.Placier. bernE af tie. lRed Cross ai the. fort. lasued a stata. meut luviciho.sai tilt, lu ca-, operatlon vIti Col, Bdspbwm. ho isd made a tioroug Iinvetigatiou cf tic cie charges given publicit>' lu tie proes "Man>' cf tieta are aid ones. and bave susseadybeen adJusted." be Mifd "The atiiera vill ho fansted." ELEBRÂTUS 1S IilANVRSR AS ZION- MAYOR W. H. Clendinen Il Sm a Head Of ZOé ià ophl for LONg Polo. A WONDERFUIP REOD Walter Hus c;QLon a'm ayro hou ~ ~ l àt, -, îte*td h li.Je bfSea saR f lUs W.~ ~ ;7cioi~ 1hN a" merib Ziân suge là. lé 1. 'De vn* *MtI elecied MaYoi cM 11<1 1% lma sud du, tien bbin se UMP. or Ifl tues Se bégsu bis biisin «~e'11111' "in n aageret fts-hmm. 1w hadaedepsiwtueutlatm beetM. lng manager of the stores. Ee mV coeuples a prombInent gUlaintii business soi&d hw u 4Vmî~pîw5B !:y Oveser Vailia s OoamiaiU ger ïf ail Zilns inma u isfist> sud Industries. Under tllahraip cf Voliva, sud under lie muaga ment or 3i,.CMendiaen. thons bà» been wonderfuli ndustrW lstrMu made l iann.No telii t5t~ ove institutions and Industriet lave Ibsen buit up vîti a total bunes ar upwardu of tvo million dollar anuually, Tier, ila alargo dsbu- tion af food Products tirouguoct thc miuddle mst, the ZIan cau1difs n9f ,bker>' good, . Vig galinavide reputation ou accoUnt of tisir ah- saluts pnrlty. -z As a business man., Mr. Clendien vastes no tUme argilg&bout osiiI le nebssi tue fI.lp udorhi@ contrai sUd hê tstd 0pro- mate île hlp sud lice tlimaup viii 81,00000 As a clîle é s~sr aie ict tolieatci lu fhe our fe in, sseaing gall 60, mm van" youtM.54» B.db to eu e tmm eS te aletten. -A Il FOTSRD NA ne '- Complan About Food, Harsh. t HISS HIGHOFFICIALS ý col. William N4. Blspbam. command in las OMeMof the Fort Shieridan bas( bosPital. bas cafled a meeting foi ih today of bis staff and wellare warkere >for the purpose af mappltgpiano tc at rOlleve a condition nild to liordering on uiutiny, amongtithewonded sol Dr dieru.1 M Vomplaints againet food sud ai. ?r leted harih tratment of thie patienta L by suPerlor odicers are siofaith lsubWectg that milhbudiscuused-anil te luvestlgated. > voricero tate uboy have y receiveà huadreda of complaints dur- lut thé iast mcalith t atthe food-fIo flot oook.d, roperly, tilt wogaded mo-69 ave beeq forced ta use tie pick suad Éhovel, and that the, disecle *i maitali.d by 6osicera la unbearail*o n Tisse reports, hAve been turne làI t-ai the. oommsupint ocker. Testai- h MY ho rcquettd Y. M. C. A. Rsd crois, K.LcfrÔà, sd Jisi voW". 9oriierm 0% MiY to ai& hMm tu bot. J'redN. 14111.assistaat asm Mere. tary of the lied Cross, Whbu hare. cslved a majarity of the oomiplaint nild last algit: «'Theros s feMeling o!u st m j the mon tînt oihta dlu. dey lu té naits lias. VIi. Bj t9sais réfbsedfte44Yr« 4M 4t spIO cllold ta drive ties bock ""U» sciera MOu %tobo. U"o b"d lilupe a lent lstai or " . *Ore Uot strg .aa!5i. -te retrm viii thé. sookd mcm u «va*s mai red aUmmi s sa o etsàromti Tis s ladomed by COci.Bibsu= and Mient Gartiy, an aid. Admnits ScieUaru "I admit tiiore -le a feeling cf un- rest hore," saïd thes colonel, "bat h la because thc patienta 5&M OorpIajm. ing unJustly about tic foansd the fact thIiy have to vait tbltr . isysp before ticîr*diecharge papera are com- 1 leted. "Thero la ascrplus cf $12,000 ln tbe ou es nd, but it ilafdot bocaus. Jie men are nMt gettlng suzeinet fond. Dietitima us tt homn i havo talked say tiie patient& are recolvIIbéI ample food. "Boule patienta vho are valting for their dlecharges ae"M af thc cPW5 ion It la due te nogleet of theic Uis they have Rlot received tiata. The. Papei% bave to go through gomc ay obaunelo dekla suavoidab. 'Wiiat ther need la more discpline. Tbey have beeu pampered aad petted by visitors toc muci." "&ore et i8v.rbeon AKnhghts cetOupibus .eer»tary made the follovlng statemont. "It le a revclutloqary balille tilt -ay huret at.amy moment. Th.e M" -r 'Ciamplus: et. the 4wt'am aes te ho more ut everybcdy. wheu Gen. Porsbungi pictweure 'as dason cm l acren Kt s récent mcvi, show lit vas hissi b> the ise. Col. Bis.>iim also vas hlsd isaho,4 ln the PItOIWOnUsdm-te Weok- A voIture soi-ber gave, tbg Mnaes cf four pautiesvie vere sent.out wlth ths pick and gsiieL Re sld! , Privâteioy Oion. Wwu au"ase snd «M 1la »ais, ttau.wu sl« sutbs mai uE Md aithuffi di w sien l e kd for Magter ié> tr. Se «salie. dM mot have prage deusi Scledg ii tteatIos "Privats Mr SBUlesWho valm' o tii-muithesifdss. cessiaiaeib. COus le lad terrible »t» 4à- the. bac. Ho reeeve6léemtmoe 15 «M ass aas disrispctng teanu .0 Sor. «(Nui« smattiies..laapes Xeàoxt PiIate Paul <ttr asa osutb no viio aimebon rousivel m us lvera i ou havs told meit tey ame bmo f «Mses vuu-ïu".Wvie«0 ehpecticg thelr disohargeshave or- dered thoir civiliancloting sont te Camp. They MW they vI' mot vu Wer the unitorra out of caw.,' Tva statW they veulE drop the ndffo u uthi laite as accuAs they coulE dot luta, PRI«LUf3 I aciý.ne papers a re iâtvlng Isi Au «MntfYoma Ulo~U palS a vwsita flMW"" ani f oSIe day, Mas a paoilg degrla - elsctic«mi lapm e i lo e ftth i sburb sas thratquM vU lime sukice ThIe d0otat> lilani Pa*S hma e adtie 01cr>'.spnlng te lIe6 OcM»on e ieoaineMd sud j bWl OnSMM roeuttat ~ugba "«d.*8PmWait" m B~ioriaouf8"0» <o N Pumt I. eia- ISecurtios Trust CompanyI 10 Soum Lasalle Stet CHCGL.I The Sjcret ofa Supelative Tire Tie wboe queston of a super-tire isan=terof prlnclples. For tIare im uotbing exciuswin v elat. ust.Noptnu no scroptformulas prevent a coosieutious makerfrmbid iug the but. But cmotsadc"mpetition modify Ideals. The.Brunswck Mdes ws to psy perfections price.snd Cet 1v That bas beeu t6é Brunswick poicy since 1845. And k ace- counts for the. growing preference for Brunswick Tires. Wmotritsepect the. utpmost trai a tire bearing tb ii. uMof. Brunswick -sud gçt it. You. too. will be convinced by your firet Brunswick. th"t bore àa an extraordinary tire, a"d that more money canuot boy a better.t Better tires of tUnir type are imipossible -or btter tcbou TIat we guarantee. Try ONE Brunswick-bear. bow kt excels. THE BRUNSWCLBAL&IcE.O±DÈR CO «33 S& Wkb I 4hao L 7wm'a"a *awick Tire for EN"y Car Cod- Fabric - Soid Truck Ubemtyv$lie~1 For Sale by praiem .BEu once Mare the ca>'te et Zion City.. He made bis anc-p in front af Dr. N. L. resîdence at 2412 Eli aves for a whil e there wau an chas,. Dr. La Roase vas at~ rarden about tAaamnian4Sho thCe animal near bis hanse. t pran In the direction oai Huae r and Sbilah lBoulevard but miorti>' atterwards and began t6' cbVîti a PuP belonglng ta the * 1ra.. U Rose flot lfied the poice * Mtler strled drave up. He i hlghipowered rifle and taklngmiag *fairlimcoe quartera' he fl E shofs aithti coyote. The albois dfti not seem ta take effect aud tic saS niali rau luke a deer tovards lIe Nortisestern track, Strici Irai otier shots, lu vain. State game vardezrKeru vhp i. assîsting the Zion poli"lei search for the traublescu.m,? a the~ animal on thc Raté « Zion yesterday sud abot tour IL. The. cyote vas Suifa ia frata bim ansd ho MIseS 0 sinit or WOWW daine' the Whon ta cpue for be lvi 1>11? at tii fecral etapîh ce for i; Meté hS 5650ti5tu 5ie fov er iaff vrlG. .Bgid erl bt ui ftirer t he on tht 'I u but lt ths samie aitiJ vautforter; tamo fi ber. us 1ýotier clld5avln0 0* vbs foM tat absv »*pwo0dq ". living up ta is veputamt the abauner montit fgr brdq.5 liing poit. te tle fact ber of MSiaglkise -Mcalih DI break 9.4 perbqlj la te cobol *prims' i a total a! 875 llomsb -bil sudS,.Vsaestl nllum a t à"»p I&M let tres days of tUn Dawg --te moufi et luis rions necul6. . Tubsti i douhlbat liai lune viiib cicer rueai-d Thai Visage. SIhIOh Jant 118 .11

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