Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jul 1919, p. 4

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[tr J=14 -.Building omt $e . .dwitbuU %osé uadkoovlioaA. lou .... ... ... . ....Lca, DOCTOR MM M IELPLESS WMYAfloi, JUDO 1»0 b» vvork»dID ta Vaumo a" 3<0110Bet 4ebev. ltesti vIls ma ema it - Ï»a eatrp Ou ce toau t*eta B Tise ommtukcw.ta icone et Orm san a owol Bai mormiu mer %tSot l Lerorsta «mo tus .ebMM a m 0 dw flb.01*6pesOStOUSbydk bkOmme At Mîa .i t mes ofit Ai~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~M $MW*li DtIIuIBWS OldlISiucl 0 ,mtwee Dr lv ti U WokÉwiidelmté a e#na 0MdoAMM laiei. l le Nm sfimstreat tu b" bumffi lu s i me *0 asBbou-ttbe val IOW to Wniek Md 4-h" sà ad siol bahwm ber Z.*0 mautà ls t! ~tblal Hu dreda qumu es uuaem M bt vw s iu~acI ouIt. ullein bud. ligaw. dupla- YPe bmornt eanilinita tc ams.. Yu 1 co11 l em tok but ha Ou r.rtheeity. ___ ite @»W wp Nov 1Tma%'lpe- ably expoct hl te arriveboe, ahbfltr ho rem> .If mt, lors Pont- th FRURdom'otiYt i i* lad-%0 pfflIt or ab vlthaut mc-" ~P' S~ Ut~ V 1l~i-A"im blma0, n lawstal tIc ut ki hm"~ bmw Jn.tbeço tbe bel'wu aliS ~~no à~Ur& tOit ho shouIatho c'Itiise klssp utld baUSllIf th deStee bd* 8 o bauovewrueala ,**d%«.» labo lb.Mý 81 SieUSc la lol; furtheorw. heo ded mut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~k U~4~spuus A~jj3 ticifbe Ioer cid laay lin I IMM »tvwqz&woaiomsa hellO. mDU roi " goal--th u UB Md Idkuq vs ltk or 1lýIaIly auafiff outa tron the Phsiciev &M aU 'e -e t.1f -1meber- othe stau e t mtter at ý. -1TIIdoeBebest t est estala ~ ma lse ontbctflow but yeu o mé 1w rmafg sot ceClos t brim e T i y j p~j Vfamvii JEtCSe homteaidl min wt!,.h w o t et timtCme Ce imi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a whb~bo aelsa& 5 iay. onî tyou thlak! aikal tIsa Sp.l Wd1 Umwa m a a 0Aai. blut foe AwwéM U mm 1utSe.di Fm evar bor et a c«se ha- uni£ v~ dli ut m~ huir tre vku tIse stck Isas 11.1 OP 7 bîm-es mvIheubocdaltO ectiu of Wau. orz ~f r k5~g b oommal"bell hom lat hla grlpNo yu'Im'~iluie *0 *ms I1.0 uy m. if ho bal i na lova. 1 _________ Simhode ale mtaed v Wro& cDr. Kiik uit IM rove in mmèt ou'u à e«à a a tri OP n font 0 o aka Sos. Ho I tg -lahu . BSSI& 8mctlofl tet la mmuer « tBe bond- ID cor.o m~ustbo8 wime î0 h.uI ,bak hoishiou uo anetrytng t. pro- 1j Mt»u outb btla 0Gmtywel Ic g omQqbt ao a ut Ise f oiO Mo,, t.-osmeday t.bey»%U lngbtm tabn liet a iattbdyyArd.j fl H-PUcIlsi ut oebuîiuL al]D»«, vsunt banoble,lit Màbgveop»dtbe doo f mtiii. &a* 58*pd u be p46iS adwM4*f t bé tats. Sisn,2%1 YmrsCid, et gi'" oues, F*Wm MOY IS !ECOVERED hm h aebm ome ls30 &dtwj muo Iner vui touaI leai la lthe d* t 0afoot et Cb*sapett. luà tisoughl hat thé chili lWpa atres. MoibroCher. John Rlu 4 oura tai . ilamiltmn, hoc 00 ü e etIoM et Chapel streot. t.e ébUdch Ibal beon la tBe mme tty "iut« vIson. Ms. m floo itpent Ceprmandcl oe n long mtet te the moine et ad mI r. olovo au iii àaveu tBe clI but hor et 'qn an m .Damte mmMr ou vto ie vwý is eiol lme bu t the oit ofth et te *laia * wter. The ovor the hoiy bqfor tBe lune moe "Tii. cli vai probilu la tbo vi- t«i tvonty minuteS m" ms-leaibe- fore "ie vu alksnont."»M Dr. Ne&- bit toa". Mr.0. viWo se acampl"ofO tBe Aisalam-Sted ad Vira CGr- paur la iraotisen ver h. 1.018 of his daugiter. nis uguMe viii ha hallridaY It wrai "S onuaod a,. il la kaeva vieu tBe funerl mi Itko Plac-o at vOit cemot.ny. A Five-Thousand Dolar Lons Whloh $wutsfrein nlnow CausesEa'ly Taday. Wkmeuan. lunetel Pie hia mormInjs aboutmiai eaOmO4 dostroyel a valuble cettage on tic lageidloailetf rS lae. 7Usecottage fo-morVuaiovaml by Regr Sulivn, couspknaem demse crat» peltîclan otfCllmge.but IataIy evuol by MISa 1i». Th. cottaqe la onst et tIse rel aud nobely Saevs bm tBe f&0o taet e1. vuam BsAt tla ho h tvcea fuau ai fnetiscucaidallais ani the -roum eonsu faoSlol-viti "u=mer' reoct fumnt«oe oru vWbvwa sonol. Tue vos taie le- Partmealtilel Its bout beatsuI moet * 0800 the pregroasetitBe fie. 1015e: hBe cottageth"al it. Sui. - lu omasta aI *o mba. "Du ltheobS ariver askel thée woueft c r ve setup anhm «Vomi lta stut &wu yaI aevo opelc. 'c -Tsg---tt'pail ovo sliBepày. It vue a baby boy vOicI aurivelaI 1:30 at tOc hS»uet0f Mr, ail" iMiko Dosoâ.M M20 mvool Avoano.The AuaikD. Kaloiwky vim t" o mter ailla deigarm c en a pfflor Mr. aos vaiw te malalala thismors- In mail libS. ha plans'vut sisal S.:57 o'loe-le coattea. la Dr- Kalevaku'. cor am ItvCsh i. ai 10e vhooh. le on Unva, ta Aunea 8:66-Mngag rDoemit. mat kuevla tIat ho fa»mUV n m Be i bolsd commteq,, lt &&ve a vil vOlé nay "sva homo i. O.t'bo- eau» t Be omomttie onwaa«vith- ut hlm. TOe Warrn l cOmm TlMmi ovlilag aI tBe Vairon Tvip Ruigi soIsool gataroImisel Be - vIs havl e emlimsIFbo mmw" la au about tour bu@&" lPImM~vr proent am àe tino qupoi e . mm meu t a gri . miIarn bu baute*0m. q.6 AS tisa oeor-mel m va p ste.ei o or. COLc. V. eauili uVOIF Sogan a Vavor isloru.lm &"I lavai-mai Negmiavu SbroU taiki al Bhe 0bkéom Orscm terlalnol vith valnsueba.lm cioai ald coke ves aOOtU0am W tmg cencuflci Be evaskgi fuur LIFSAV 11 Sam Gusc Avg w Im Woid Hnave l FELL FRGMI M Tf 01fPUS aOaat.aml *0l Soties Irbo vs. U~ l a lousmares k " ~i »oVs frou lrcvewedsg udmm - hi ha iftIshe pler. k"Md,-0flêas tipor bai soeere w s«t I*1 othe sentIs Pleraftet Ir& Thé- 1teat iho onlet for V""i aekot 8:30 oolok Usa tue mes vere obsorvol walIk. aimg tis 3er ose 9 W oclck kbou thBe amiUnie, Alan IXitO 9 MOMÈ WptBe beach for CbP might v 'a , eottlua tU pfilot ci Uic bmtaao., * Ohicolient, te its.t sOOu- tn"0 . Thoy maagoi te <le kiki deing cMd la tri l t.t àa Wt.oUlé,etam rund Uie laaftct ISBVire pamulmi Bhe libik a» os lIe Md 01etCh. ueuth pige m SP isoOfr a a Il ton holp t"a 0ffltheus. oh Chu ari &lUe harber alla vWb** Icl amI te lt t e Selsor tiel tPe. uO nt w uable t to m v ~ ~ k Imsubai im talBe acciioslà bd 'Be amm wu .~ ueu odu ai.of Ui" Ne- niLM a leuter roeivelw l»n Umée tern»V à*nnis, lumew, vOmuahé la aaamol iI eepium ointe. @Pmntlm h ba iot fla, uaqIsviola tu Cmming mli.on" Be rouaMW#î mooer hrw3iod hot a mcc lirsi bon botM& ea. mtuntmm I -l lmg lue- rbu onhA. w ta gtom f - o kits m o m lurmieiooe»a510vU' bal ha b& e ». pomerufA Anisesmm am Mr, MMg. mtm m, aam cbsouckdu 8111. imt me.t im ié timm Obueseun*0 wwl t e w* pi I.d ili lu Plu 1 hai hi ne se jet UATES A ARE ES. WELL PAIO Rb -Vr u ». Ubé M110 40,9o1 1JW =0"' Pb*vemb*b. sWWk% WANTID-( Wauhuau tes"o,. cal ipm e t" g* . pi4 , ý" . . w. , 0<s fuhoM BSUtEbave beom et- "sr%@ Law in - ,PL Pb .é, oboOOi.p togooolwdwb, tha Put t #îb 1 lov e tt. * e. Ptares0<pas- *r o Vq ii lsIvs1111a -. tut imee aise-mime vin- "W eef& l"in e inico W cm e PflP& AY __OMM 08ioIO . m j I~WWhaTcLama 0ile olia »09qo' ANX- Ugo.w fiéibslaa T11c Unsmoi '00k e- ap.. i ,fs 101 tise g8W MacI - 11111116il NU1%ual «Seris. tamauhol tu WVu- bw * hk Ma hog ab out asFyMoc r S 4 . OUtmi â..8"iMhdiIMItMlhau MI0'tAL ethera ta gwec uoWity tb O é- 011 te. la th*emia«Scarta e thir .c,.~t~wm oaicuo et""tua irebmat the umbr i-volscl., SOhool Boaid0f Wahm aa e»o _ _ __ _ _ _ _ the few postera th"t have boea put PUMIAsoutWgmbU up mt vitIs au equanimt, Oetee)ë- lak gos§I,,WU bulue. O.I.Lai, ÎUS but lteol vith a fOO.Ug tU at mebeo, M09IL.ouais i, Volu ca4t. io Je a vory imllmreet motbol ta trY ta 'v-1s, brime about a moumutmomt ef the probant condiiojn&Fer AU.L. »fou in lT.atope.. RevoE.- fi stbormwre. il ltg fait la Woucr-iw don IL. alas sas tht tib pester leasouthlmg M1e ________________ a red fg% osbuig vel la trôM t e thoco vIse bave eorge oet Uic mheela eos!ause i.troubla. ,bute inla of Watogo ndmla diame t ta Appcrl lle ticoe OTO Cfan POsitiona aacoU*slh acarparticular rosite, booutille lmintituton te cM»nait Waa-PoaUce. Il flhie ta te roma m tifacstmoaa kegma te a k.tIsthtachors 11matiw Sand 1alons samome tho te&cllne sadm« c wme- fài and onlosor t ete kathe. mohol 10e tcthI uSw. Purtharmore. tIahe ialty 31v- bocrl bocal salariés; ththh1e MR- ovOr aàc os la mèb a circuler erobli tena teniion Service 00014 Olimi cradllt for- urnbramo tho redton b«wa venIavimg brougbt tIse thime aboift. vW toachouoad pupilo gamItheichmbol rybody isevm that the mohool boalt il bout. Ilium restIng cm-ta esme wb»Ovr tOsy raiemhlSmr MWy diret rmit dil cma train tlii mokatIse tai-mer ditg lowm tuirI- B8 aMPalu. thor gala bis poectal te« ee icus Tenscera Wore ftmled penses, for, Inreaeed nbmairi etc. The a&iver vlilch theO chool Boad moue trom the tas payera. Anl, nô :nattes toth bi ort of a roI Oducir. fer as tbeha 081isord momboere culai la that1th e achers la Waubke. ceoned. if thé 1mw alloeaitheicla- Sun today am emot Uic mont undor- dividual imouheri would met as mna t. pol et ail prorteme., ii tact.psy two or hica buaired par cent Sae duri«e thse 1et tvro y« thUi «h"oommreth»aUithe chers arc bolag ILo board bu ai eathe vaioet tectch- @Mdl nO, but If Uioy 111. hat mon- of.V oru 14 Waukega n umel tulay a torno- ey would have tco eout of thse ta% or vIse romains for tie naît year flMewl pooktt vill ho as voil poil bore as eie&- if a circular ef thissoertta constat- 19 MI t hare. In tact. ithe tseosu& estlih th trenSdof ithUm, w vhaeo novarc te Uic 00110fthe Uic ght expectot 011r organisatioos LOThe il 1Waukotam BoutI lea ine ai vitbla Iasue siWlr cIoh'Ou l i ultuO091W a. v iii ls pover 1ta pay thom ptoerly for ver ta miii up samntcati hbtaOt Milwaukee thoir services. lacludeiauagietation tg raise. tie0@W- s iontlD neo position that mnassme ola misaila -diltradeand Professinsimiles ot l& that thc appeysorr fsncb a cir- luit aisvoliau thm tcaehlagpruté: -remtaining ta la Walkesaa la luit au mac en. It maehi oapply to the acavon- bavo Parte latoalol tealimrupt thingo as Iflgeas.thse nevabOYS. tMaephyuica&m cal 11dirae Che Bolobevi postod a "ilar sort oven ta thse ofllce-holders. If It veUI borne eut1 ieo a cIrculai-dil about tho wiru Worka vork la one ond brIng Umîpoctolomela. la Wakfu kesaagmIm e Ucmon la routi. ourely oter limai voul adent Agent doa"ihiser va«esIf. that le It andIla a short ime circulas ev- about h. net Uio purposeof eticcircular vIsai orme ailliUnos voul ba li@Playad oblue e aiec could h bacelt fIl? a&lovar oui oommunlty. le mur 'beIl e voe th TIse vordlng or thése laular ins qa pocUliai alecoft ooabody te brilaiheon "la." notbiig oiopt la croate llssoipon. about a chpf>ge lu condition by aucIs For mat tIt mayelit in a teacher' drivoeocm. a BolahevikI campoigu yllot bring bave ende epin but le le apparently a campatin rasulti for nyt>ody.ava ynorti te cause thc toachars la o imatis- -ad- oUtCeIt1 Rol and lemand tIsat the tax-payers ge~mm ou u reat vmli give theu more meney. TIsr ai R L'IJB-I orCIsshoi yot no erganlzeldomezand for radl. ebtainel a MIl changésinlathei.salaries J lwau- fl1J 1>EU nifl eai Ienoot kogan for the tbichonro ocames lai LIUM N A M I5 811 ft basmbe hob lailiio brougbly wvith e vay Uio noeeff 1 te achliancsar bai ans haîtlleU*TU Jfbl(Ç buibacu 5 Net Reriel lÇimdly £t5 iwuoanaC orefth D Acord~gy thee ~rtby vIsaI la -Waukeffl 1 acle "he»dctimùzz»11110%OnIy Colorod MM in Detitie *uie31t th *6e teooboiu cana tbe10e" cI ua. Fàro OVUftSBSP =remft kldl b Ybdyl te omut B aok EXOuloot th" yvo 1 vh is h acomplotesIarmony toe hat ofthtIe ramb betvoeu 18e tocrm. pupîla, and WAS AN INVESTIATOR IThe Mg scesolboad. - lisevus ltimb?eroftb@ic soook board ar C <rstepher C Covblmgiabc 00aI SUIY the w@@ if lit015acirculmi la balmg ono Urne vas a SPèpoicllen1900110ven »QQý,gmerUtre utetUi oun- eZio City sadI&ametaiont U»mevos whit Plg tior lit Wmxkoessla the aonue"daitant premmans it theDm117 SouChaeo' - ubas'. itla I.boisw-ust l mni,. c e tum n « mel im k ommea eato loe e m e fcotefl vuit » sY service attorreclymeil. honorable OIu thvel Ou belic iulea ela oug ai"i Iru- dilcheuge trom oeM OMaMtOR the transporta oUBwSà OCutnr ael. bý olg uel tvc*lze set tb4' M90111. ost tg à" v e oru- covigon tais, ratisseélatidover 10à tise Lwistosla musieto *M tBe un- tBe record ho galaca uis hWami lm t rit 3, cela Choutaugf ua aChicago amd itwloarge boec00r ont mn «el- vimablo'te vW"cwvuslauacOol by IL A. Ott ad ent rce .la tBe llmpiarto papaes oundlm y Othorle la Wakgaieenotations madeas ta obaracter bait lIoa A lt la çmoeslel Il vs thisEatemilon cal Covington b bol 00 atuhaot >n C 00e c : eO«vc *hmselocammertary oune aet sa; tIse word mmooln ted kl a 1MOba Oa ok &eM asetna lat19r te cartaon&sitar IL Other th"a s 'Wmkmaa oagamoblii tcs hat Cevinglon vu- coameoted vU the evtry Yen : If Beidui mot gay Be *ve dollars 304 lMihitarobe ombeal-D. C. I.L U»owva e tduos vOilàthe prmm.d ta w ya sud wva rasaent, ouSIne ata tmaldmach a M&go oa osuit venu ho ibougOtla cefP..R. n1ay-of<> the lo ou rtm naidied mt easa eul Tnet Covington mile gonl everses. mml ev- * be Mni adet oit Ram :The a ahas le videmoed by the tactthat Isc usatBe pioet C ýkddmat Mth e amo mt html caly lorol mm m la thc vOite dlvi. relgbt hi à te an«mmservies 081ldme mth- ion e multuouPoie. Forth. e tmaUI inO 9 'SU Ior thkmne badceupamo i .yearCovbqtogm ube-a càoU riai- sien ait t seM *bai d 1.eis MUng eviât pu-mi lnva$atlgator Id ie omacaling pratbo id alOi 1theaiuae of ldiscirculai laeoe. la t t O clt eU vasho al- am, W t or desguel .ai saver te Ciiela lain lod upea ta Procure o1t0 la mani the terita 5- lit b salaboola tmoarmaon br hd a W ON. etla M ad tu larmo Mlda te eintèresta e courue o et hlm artone dong E- 3.ald D- tc WmeUStWK-uli lesign a chrclèr ï10he bo iiiItU& thiSlb, penaud. tBe uav s.-- tUe Ibis *" aS cuWdolanotilma Iy collecte* evided kovqrlMtONrlats. ta UR9 11ché atitmavuroît l- bar4 ta toc aevor, a Be De e mon voie-b Ne 'm%*us»ha b moru cter tbey bal boom Ulvesa acourt Won4r wi oWo n mvayvI em0vtean-rél.Lt -dRi,,,, r., nom Omme ine vas leuumfet 2tt itia Idsa Loodrmy mmd le .ord Foulebd or Ius- 0" et. pool d&paif. m5. a t(moU Ave, CugoW. D* te s Im OMM&oe le Ob . 1.1 *We mal a k« u.,M» s WL ànodm Vire 1io 27-9 roueol ~ igime s uel RU on KOHAN08-U lot% WAlmboawy m eo &m l mi hm lia oom, fàs Broisboamd ?0% I àoelej Jonc80, trdm oai è- Gool:osr tir%, tube. rdu abt end tau loup a01000.. tkocé orajic& 7. AUruo. e, M. D.. Orob"k. -37k or taes olanugorntu àsergeaut la te .Mlltmry bat, ho Wàs ahi. t. muea «this limo le évident by âÎt ho vas ln tibislUn for to Complet.Rlg- Vay to the Nani. MD A LONG TIMÎ lin Joliet end Sautera rail- catemi thei boit lino tC if tboy are guccosful la the condamnnation etoflve and that la te.o*Iy obotaclo ln theigbt et vaY thcY âasd aloma the laka sboro. as à report currout toda, and by statomenta mode by clty 1111cr ofthei 'J vbcn asked 1motter mad ho bad board of 11. addOIS hat ho tOIt il mc tantt hat ho voulU have u nme of' te Plans. àny years theB. . a nd B. lavored la secure a ilght th but bave onir beou ablc te hfbt by bit bcanhof thé le etthe -lad agonir the ore. Niany yeas Mad they a right, avay ai fer aneth ha but troum Mat Voet north m extreoly dUffecukt lanet mary land. Much législation i fqulred s0 the conmtruc- îoe frclgbt ronU north trom ai ubeeu d.iaycd. Tt la "at ss OOU aiu the L J. and es the condamnation of Uic 9 Tie rlles 0f rght' away ra broa outhe exteumlos igin jollpt can*taîn beIt exteadl te'W@Ofkoga* la is Ameroma aao*d Wlre lion and cm*,*oma outb re t4sc bwp*efenami 0& Trains mwotAdêbycl 8f âo CIIJNoq te.le faultate tgien the 1*91W« vau-on wamkcgan mwiii rlI. 's ra grov Il -vm omc@& > sedtrolght lm e "nt rthvor 0f CiMie 1- te avold tho ek010 Id OU fer .tue »ome ILc E.. m beam eafl7lagUme biot' m T Ilm eISglOlIlbuller et Vary .great' mbpotmua b t tbe vur iMatcrlaUM40o Cbfl wM rawed te tàkc r tai moi. Rspot aic ti.. lalleae 'ammtme&r m*inou. le Imoroomlne or.r iM for t tIson a anxton- &0 eD lio e llukc. ln ho. th oNoct la the thanre ot- muoa of thée buit lino teuMU- VIII umoan te Watkogauje e'P" ,,Off foi tNiSmateof &VED FOR THIS, TRI, Hom. la a nova maory for a ovondat: Ci d wvIu a cecret geil mine, li Ol tuilashat aia. nékmovet lim tuce, ouia WanueamcMavIso u tol1 01v te lad IL At tBe pro- et tieo evorything la ready for the gt choptor forer Icmm bai gene, ta shinstton te huaI for th. mine., Thebe macaaele imlab Potieof opel street. PrlIoy O. loftfor )kane. Wahington. " Twvoaty YOM s l wboiitha great rsta of the norUmtbvotote miii muchai 5msud -ain wvumpructicl- onhord of olthor ln Wasingaton or mn.p Mir.Patrie verSai la Bhe urtS Pacifo utaes. Rhomeo la ustedl l mbering Crado and mise os coanected vltb osemaealy mis- vo Tnturea la Washlagton. Heu mado Bee acquaintanceofetan 014 WU&& vIso bal sea tise oig or ie vIsite mlan te vOit vas then rogia Ccrltary cemprimime 0bouich rosent attmes cgWbahlaglea cal aegon. A trlanlihipgros up bc- soen the Waukeea mmnouI the lim ad lfinally Ch. rab man realiz- ho bc al but tav more yearm to va ColI aMr. Patrie 10e location of secret gol mine. The Indian mail Chat vica ho vas boy bis tInCIe bad gene to a certain [a os te t gol for Choir tInkots. lhimself bal beex taken te, Che lacs once or tvico a ouI Ise oribed M location te Mr. *Patie. Blace Chat tUrne.Waukogam mn a voeaICogaCeeneIs mener te une for tha mineandI lvelap IL H. ras connectad itIIsa mine venture OCt vau uniceaSaful but Chat 114 ot dIacuras.. hlm. At lait cvory- ýig for vIsicIsha 011 woIrkcl for oms valready ond Triioy ho @tort- Sfor the voods of Washingtonl te e fat tIsaloue bMilcam 11mine If tic novallat vIso renda si s tory s1Mt toe impatient porbape ho viii et the Waukegm mm ast out the mal chajiter bimmclf. It lght bc vos better ChaCth. meviliat coull acelve.

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