Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jul 1919, p. 5

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DEERING and MéCORMICK KEYSTONE mnd DAIN beRkes, Ttdders, Dump aes Forks, Carriers, Rope Iwnck hard~yare C~. - - - - - - - - --- Open Tueuda and Thur*clays HOME PORTRAITURE AND COMERCALPHOTlOGRtAPHY W. vil h. pleasselt. have your patronage JBERTY TI1EATtE EYANT WASNEURN la SAUDAY, JIJLY 5 S1JNDAY, JULY 6 MINE PEECUS n l £ilurah eeruwces Presbvteram. Boay echool 10 a. m. 11 il a. m nabbag. specIe mueby Cii choir. Pnschlag 8:00 P. ni. speil lmuelc hy IM choir. CriiaiBedeavor 7:15 p. mi. ToPlc, "OUilltian ho Othera; Toverd£ne. mIa." Rom. 12: 17-2L. Prayer meeting,, Julry9. laopie *Wbat Do.. Worîd Peaco Naeat The,.vîil h oameeting oi th Camp Fie OIrl. cor th. Bol Scoute on July 4. Tii regelaimeetings valho continuel Joly 11. 1 Methodlt-Fkpiacooeî dirvi.aevii hbe ld nez Sand"a$ e the M. E. ehurch a. follove:SBueday echool ai 10 n'douck. maruisagpnasching Iervice at la'clack. serviceaet 8 a'clock. ROy. 0. F. Nattilaa ai Evau.toe, viii presci botb maralng aidaveing. Epvartb LMWagut 7 P. ni. pray,er meeting neiWedneDay levea. lng as 8Ocloci. lu110r IR omut~~~ ECI4TR* NOTICETERUSTS TO BRO. Il me onu onyBord of Ruvlov av la aesaion. AUl porçons deair- Waullogah. June 2r 1ý Ila oumplainti vith th. lourd À ate.vahp of tventy-tiiree 40 o cor n hforo AuOuat1, yoazu va. dieslvol today viieu l vUa anonod taday hat J. C. Mor- 0. . BARNUM, Chie! Ciri. chant ha.d salai oui Mb hteat ln the WWkhyu Mochant's Coas and Peed tore te - bis brother Ambrosa Monchalat. MOTIOE TO REOEIVE SIDS. ý J C. Merchent vas taken i1i vith Obuonla lelat year sel the ofects itiho.401 Round 14119et t h. icknena havo praventol hlm > ,DIlao. ii reciveblaflue taklmg an active part le the et opmba- thanof fc Cithe ekuaimsne the. timu or i. illasa. of ac addit ae eSahool It la hougit hat hia la thh renson lu alIW vâilofaiRoudi for Mr. Morcbant'a vithdnavai froni Mi apdaiou lere onucm la ..Mr. Morohant a i ifew et U. Q ed. Cmse lak ci W urohbl'y go CteCallora v ýh«eoho sud cmn haoliai ouappmisilshop« a10 regain.h eetb. vil %haopécmel ami publlcl monayevcle Jli71919, .YOIJ- CAM -IATCH PEM 'UN P. the oIRM 01 U. C. M US 4 IÉ jÇa.ko ai Bor- Ithe anki Essai Lie, hMois. AU bila lA$DrËOY <PaqMOrif ndUeae an' lad hiacerdffleldu*ait uuncul rlday uothiug vouil b orlsofo U. 0. E[Mm doee lastop thou Jui 4 home raclmg tspai out ofithe amoeuat h&at Libortyville. No Lambina viii b 00a Cem te rght tla e &ovel. Invoatigatous trou Bruil- mu ieohe Vin ,in sboadlto...o lobe W. Haot,'bm à» ». Qesyle cf 0 la Cu. M RichaElirdaon, 'ty Lav snl Orler leande vii aMo U. 9. Biaisabave opratlvus ai Che ru«. 9*qsi 5udDistrit No. 44, ItICy 112 62 DOUBLES 0F JESS 17.C ene, lak. AND JACK TO BATTIWE ~. ~ ~.AT LAKE FORlEST t1e ' 9« a raBRt* a ble igi. hy lbse aleep avar the Dempsey M* W ig là -h i, Èldihie .Willard fight? It viii ho praticullr O19gTe obarsaMMedby Retsa ittledi ln Labe Foneat tolay viien Ro u» Oclc4ulhat bha Jlrn" Goronnsanthie &lovea viii mot ua bv ab )Wl ~me j"A ifoiuma. Gordon -la oxactir peft twb lC I aa «. t h. sain. îlze anulveigbt as Dempsey te r" JeUI. He wil .15w fl~DPEND?~'P M~T?, JULY 3, 1919. I Libertyv 011 Motiion Rubuiard « Went ta the cuphbmd For la quenaibertitat- Whèn the lot thone The. cuphord val bar. -As it va. July iret: Mmre.Cha"ira oetaka le an tbe alek 1111 BReoey rturmol ridal Imm ovimmamese. li».Mn Kupph »d l lttie aonm epame uula ed IDfthiee Park. SMr. m.liMm- WU HeuChorus ame tii M'O amipetaoie a by boy. Mms.. m y Fimes mtrww elrd&s am bo O'eusil b e l'a V" ULa PifL. Pmdiofa cfoeh.o.viieI US. Nu Evflmsertoudai Ci a b ast berbo e Fuley*vade&~ pdà..Im. m ed tU ~ li lmasVoué if elarvlitod vith liMe S ophi loai Seimoi le0e e r Mi h nea ay U Bre. Attorney tend lire. R.M. WIaI oi Chicego, a0@03tCtievwekend ai Ch. E. T. Laugvothy home. Tb* . Aud eceay 0ai eIdi . E. cioreavii w thm ueit Wedoseday, Jql 9, et ïaa home ai'Mrs. C. là. Fouer. Mlir.tnmuthLoveil le expueng bar brother Capein Jeclon, vho la Dow la Washaington la @pend the fortb vlth ber. Dr. sud lire. Elvarde of Evaimton, ver. Uhberty villaviittoraseaudeyalaie. nean and evenlag la attend tii Chau. tauque. Mi e age Fmoderlckeinla noyiega tva veekaý vacation fr0. dusy, aiC th. talaphona elc eb. vlth ber parait. le liilvakee.: àr. aed lira. George LI of ai hco. aid lira.Dr. Amieaid daughter ai th- F ue Place vielteil hore a 1ewday. vltb Mir. and Mns. Robort LI Chas. B. Aches af Ferguîl e, MIen., eb formner Libertyvîllu boy. vho bei racolvel hle relee tramntidm nevy liaaîay, va. a celer bore Thuraey. Brygat Wabobhr la tii liar lia the photo play, *Tb@ Way af a Mai vlCh a liatd." vhlch vii ha ahows a& the Liii. orîy Thietra, Tburadoy, Jul a (tuae eveaicgî. 1W-r. V. .Jacksoandaifsîofai inglesîde ara eaoYlngaevacation. Tii la h. ret vacation i uhaby bave bail troe.ho. bualméea.cerS aid Chîy motard to LihortyvhaWide euay. Dr. Elvward Aimbai Ott af Wauke. gi, la idie peeker for tCisi.evsalag lot Cha Cheutauqua. Dr. Ott ipoke bore a lev moatu.e&ga ile Intereet of Che Otatu Cauncl af Dfea.. eand viii îeroly lieSrait YOD at thle tîme. Monator Rodnay B. SwIitaIe e hurried tlip Ca SprlngfLid la th. etaet o! biasanitery bhUw-hicb Gov. Lowlen va. xpectol tovato. Atiara conlaenc vi th Soealar Svift Mail aura ho dcilul ha vouidaib. somu a"Y Chait the Chaniauque tae. money avay trmmLhherCyvîla, bat 1 am qulta aura Chat ail do Doitpsy, for vu kaao a1 a1ev viahoa. more Choa reievel teCii pceofhair «Maon ticket @ tram ti heuisutq» uaotartelnoe. Dr.liFred Maige, wvi at Liberiyvllleà eomu0timu mgo la pertor ervices for theo U. B. Ârmy aid bth o tuijwiel <U ty. ô ville a"tr reiviag hi.eIcberg. louly la i go to Mulvauakee lie.resa la Llbety. 0 ville ta reçuma hie praeihmai. Hi.e0 offices have hais remoieleland bo la g pov praped ol t%4Caeffcar. orp IN proheeloueli Wvon jor nadIfor hi. fi services coco.p I'iltwo bonnehare.rved la Uhelyvlli.b Wedaielsy for thé 9peabg of Ci e nuetl et UÀbowlvlle on Joly 41h. 1h10i. jeteC boa 20467.rec muet sud a force cf b vorimen abave bohiy. augegel ou tI "eo Crack for the peu tw.eWm . Laut y weal &bout 81,500 voiCi loi m&tt i va. howgit trou théi mui. el the prodketosa e CliaC a bout $10.000 to lm 015.000 ii ho ojast lau L4irtvMlu doriNs 6hmie s. Tii apm at &rh . t rival Weuludely aun@meoi mtuoiym i -bat nb rcsteck *Bd for Choie via I Iollov rsita and Che loyers of bogue e ahi certeluly aie mer miue voiCi @@ein. 0f cour», ibaeare an-uei Chai aliJ0éta iras, but do 'taey objat :C mulug uhea hhey am It on the s e taPl a movlng pletoi.e bov a.silafiequagy a tbe S. Most cf our ueiste aie lu el lavar ofthe race%., for Ote purpoeelc wlvi lakeuxe a.tle a oui86lbuve.M tulai thay vlL But vo vIii hate to &ihaît-tha bont Chai uhatber the rem Mr 19gal Io lavavi VU eIn fluence or nmtol te aue gois«g l ok pos omme lho ProvemeeCai 6be fuir grede vhau vo boid Our nehi anDuel far lu Sp tuh, Mal thé. ovmofatrottine bore viii bev. aea*k for t6.1w horcs Cae lira Li Smlhkla vlîltlng ber moith or, lire 0: L Cams. Slorm.aloail &Hday Frlday, uj.i Tluemd@<evuelg.1 Chi. Gooloseartaae e sanl trou ChIcup os Sonday. Ulm. Émis Ul., ilaitad relatives 1, Cljiarbom Indiena, la vIr wu SbipaÀmio e. Noel Dur»al lit.. Pub Frleke au ELuth Seyds WMMoMM ovWtlar Satudey. MWli W. T. CU.vnmuisvwlebmIiL CL lieipw-u Tuele afaisomy lel affgge Wusedadae'eng ta ]ptu Àkadwbu. -ouanlbu pol [ U O % a it m o r t Whv 0 0 5M d l Wiil m laaaa. cf Arma, cal Loci@ Wbhmaueg,0 I ftvhiDea!>ed borne front oupaie@@"te@ ounli6nday and a .UtNr *. e"ha ssucaliahoule trou Ebosi 21ele. vhare h. hm e ou vin& 1W he ii eth of hIé son, Richard Mm lis.Joebbetm la vldilagber home l a éëbChicgon.Rer brother, Fre KapiNu juatreturnel Lironi twa Mim a Ena Docter, vbo rectly ar. rIval frt, oanis. uher. miii han boet nunla& h vletlug vîti bar brother, Wm. .bIL ean sd famlly. Mmn Oai. Kil end @on. Wavarl., on P&'s ,Faarrlved la Ltbertyvll, on ddrld luht veat for a viit lth ber blieilr, Robert Liii and larnuIY. 'Cail <lurigoa, Who bai ben lae i.Navi et the Crist L4kes bNaval Training Station tbe peut tva year. nreolved hi. relesuil atWrdez and returned la bis home aie. au?1'Bibij, eon of Air. and Ma'. HenryHRiMai. arrlved horue froin ovar ~sa îervlS ai Wiuday ev-nlng. fhaving; boom la thieavcem f Uncle dain for ex. eily faurt entouhe. Mmra.Wo.B.Euiherdt and cou, vere Liberty ville 'lito,. Satarday and Sun- day. Thoyame obw1kanad son of t le menseo aiévii aper, vho wvimaire thoIr homne borae"iammoer. The man- aller Ila Ihbomietise Chbey Will l Libertyvlle a» Wun ieha dose aid mate ibela' prmaeitnCbooma bam. Refernlng tea sUr".la lulet vese 'Independent la regard lae omabody eteaieg tha atar foue the marohaI of Fai Lake, a coreboadit frani that placeat taeChat thei aleman vho b.àd tha fortlitde te tailie esam rira.the policemaen, iuddecîpable erve diert. lm ire htCame t la ilg thuestar on thie table et the foâolloi board meelâg, miih. promiaap te do. It la cerwal asveiy« aualioril that w a eliving in. line. RDaA. avklit, tii. JanIor liuperiaten"etof Che Lîcoîn uatauqua ait Llbartyvll, la a naCIve, of Kaiaei, and la teàina over aven Is louaid tbat @ha lîved lale samo towa ie Kagouashatlvawuraud ln.'It certain- ly took me bsck la My boybood deve wben, 1 louaI aontC C h.C ooianhî hool in the . iaechool Chab 1 attonde la Liebi@on aed tubl ai1 louIont Chai ana of my teaehrsuepricipal of the choole at $hat place. It la cartalely enrprWtogbow UmNiaiil A. Haube, tha Junior Soperiatendet of the Lincoln Chautauqab hm*00 Ch. cofidenteof the Junior populaion af .ibeniDllavth ha vodarfolhalisOM vier tbim. Ber ciassesame growlDfg mou dal aid ber vorki.e aomlng more ratilyinme auheiieloéahg aye dencour MW. Hevklnebu Mau# i maU h . i tàe oie aaDwlaPasvltb vhIhta, paq avay ChIr rne mae idgosma-Dot lt b au »0» emovct.6W bu fotbaia.M te laya progrem.. AUil II119Mamnfull 31 m It il" i ataiior, Who bas ka Chu cmre i fRusaansm BOue melr'habita la agas ii esaom. il Fou lathora ai nd oChai.mal only, eW alîttis of 70ur tliMd lgo la the autanqua etu iésari@a* nthe »mbrnligaisue4thed ud liSlawklea "tranc the youugateray M i l vent mes Chanteuqua la came " FM jan sd g rouEd ha more uuiilog la hep the pguwa m edo Choir bit lab ivlng thrm wme year aller yea. Lava Social The L Y. P. C. ai St. Joinsa LoChera ibrd WiI s erve au haoseaft lava =Wis ou Che qhuroh lavu Welney Profiltable Investnents for Your Fu nds THIS.BANK gives. particular eftt" b plying individuala with well-seCure4 PM.U investrnents, If You have idie funds or fundi on W"I4 demire ta ancrese your ernings, we wifliW to furniah you with high grade Municipal and Govemmnr.t Bonds Yiokrg 4% % Fu-et Mofteage Faim sudC4tPrepvmy L Yidding 8% t. 6% Our advice and moo e io . So< JmI makingoof n tou.siabua Md Pm Your ivsnns The. FirstNaoalBa Ldibon7etyflsDL TO OUR PATRONS We invite you to make jour office pour headquiart- ors and leUnq ç liscowhen shopping I'àltingor"-y, R RPANT IN NORTII 9 CCMO JUST NOW Five Priok- nsFroM th.éCitare i 1W PMats aHhtse o. IIUR8EýWERE IMMUNIZED. Typhold lever la ragleg la North. Chicago, ln tact it look@ as thouguba vary simbu. epidemie has broken out ia the. clty tu the. south of uniand today thore are five patients. ail tYP- boitd victlms, belag car. for ln »ec AUapter hospîtal. The. victinis bave ait beau tairou thora vithin the Paat govoral taisandU are as tollova: Mna. Anal. Mallinia _MnU. Martita Brnowalcy John touaba. Paul Birabas Jo. Tlch Mont ail of the cases are vhat rnmight be termed mnil w th the ex- ception of Mr@. Srnowaky wbo la naud ta bc ln a very critical condition. Wlth five cases ln existence Dov and with a knowlodge that ana child Alice Black, age elgit yèara. dIed recelY of typhold foyer, It in quite apparent that the situation ln Nc."th Chticago îa getting, verY scule vith refèrence ta tire apreading of thé. tylphoid lever germa. It la generally conceded that thre epidemlc la due ta the Pollution af th£ lake water and alaa ta vellu whiéli Fare used generally thraughout Northi gChicaga. North Chicago datea 'fot itreatlits vater wîth hypo for wlth chiorine gaz althongh there lian been inuch talk of dolng au. Waukegan le, treatlng ita vater anpply wlth chlor- tue gai at the preaent turne and se- cordlng ta Investigations thare are. no casea of typhold ln Waukesan and have flot been for aome lrne. Bsýcause of the rnany Canes of typ- haid ln the hospîtal and the tact tlaati a nur-e, Miirs Florence McKennn, waaý t.ilcon eick Sundav and Il was fearpa ahe mniglit be carnlng down wlth typ- hold ail of tie eleven nurses in the hoapital Sunday afternoon were lI- m unized by being given a shot of j aerum. It vas feared that anme of1 ti:emn would contraci the tever frorni the patienta and thla decialon vas1 made auddenly Sunday afternoon. VOLIVA LOBES POINT Springfield, June 27-Judge Frank W. Burton ln the Sangaman circuit court today denied thre petition, a!f Walter E. Greenfleld af Zian CItY for a iwrit o! inJunctlan ta reatrain audi- tor c publie accotinta IRussell and state trt-asurer Sterling frorn iaauing or paying warrants for the expenaea of the Joint committee af tiregeneral meebiy viricir bas heen Inveatîgat- lng Zion City and Overseer Voliva and dlamisaed the case. (The move ta get thre Injunction, waa produced by tIhe Valiva toîka ln order ta try la prevent thre committo. carrylng on its investigation, thea be- lier being that withont the state meet- ing their expenaoa, they wauld cease their work Imrnedlately. The rullng of lhe court thua -permit tbern ta pro- ceed. The bill ln the. lelgalature Dru- pense and thua the tate andîtor, by the ruling, ifrheld tu bave a rigit ta pay it. Thre cornehttee aIready ha. held aeveral aeasionsa'but lie dolibera. tiona were balted by the court action ln ;Springfield vhlch nov hai buen dlspoaed of.) FOR S AJ Roced withln next lg by m tilul, modrn, LibertyvilsUle. hol. oi Elght rOmUISand bath, large. besUWmitl gronnds 80x248. Flnest klnd,,o! gardm land. FPruiit trosbornas, etc. Garage 10< two cam; barn woom for throe hm& sopI. ine chicken homes, doMkeuS growlng ax- don. Ownsr mgu a ndolt aa4 MUasi Part time oau b. arrangod il deçirod, proporty iocated cornerLincoln Av% mud Stewart, two bloOku trois olettrie utaUMa Re L. E SdELLER11n' SrnaU. lo f Mimsan sd amali WormWs Dresses, several hand. smre nmiodln fine ilingham, trinrned with organdi. lhom ame muai below rgu ler'pnoe at ........ Ked's rubbe.soled tennis Oxfordis, ladies andchiMes. aime, at 9&c and $1.0o' Sunshine white kid cloaner, peltl ~ ...... ..20c White bath toweks largo Ûmzanduoodqualtyesch 25 Sip.over nighownsm two stylos in fine nainsok laS e triinmed,at......... $1-48 CoseWs tWSm powde &H odores at ......... 18C 36-inch Ta"taS&%kgood Une of cooSkan&M UI41i, at poer . . $...... W. W« CA", OLL.*ý #tt,% v-, ,se Il----------- j IHottWeaderý-Scas, "Ela =: a m.ré 1 We Are at Peac We face the era of our greatest atilonal.0 perlty. It is propr to build at thiai àe and pepm .u possible wuy to take ativant&ge of that proeperitý', The man who delay i h building todoy iml à big loser. W. will help on your buing plans;la or aneal. 1 yvuý, ummom 14". "tur"y alght V i el

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