Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jul 1919, p. 6

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I~oeaTTux1 NIJPENDENT, THRSAY, .juiy 3, 191. Ly MIGBAT P. a. PISBANDT, cor. CýmTakemi for Job Work. A*Odgrat* onsapilcation. ai EUt. sund Uta. 'Lar> ai Chilego,' vii a"te uisou b ore ats enterbalnlug the daugilor tliai.esk.ý tir. nd lits. Jo. 'icbhoee, ic,81.1 Melieeu sud Ut.. FriotWalier m' Wamisgsavlieapr, Tueedsj'. Mr. saiUts. ZwIcauelran Builin WlI&, voue caliers ou P. 3.Hilidebtandt ut lBouday. Jetala Daly hus puichaeed a Ove pue. mo os r vé q esths es. Mr. saMd ris.UIlie ofRacW»,.Wis., Wveisitas ut Joe X ogg'ehome ave& .C uebauon hbave monova p tu the lIe *.e lu b. houes vsamti UtMr Sillibreek. Mr. bsue viii do relai an leM book bue, bhoaraidstm, U a w ie UAlebesWhite baiéBwud haons koitWl vieitou lion sboolmil"a, 'J4 lBii. ha beeaIlIt Ihie home tage is, rdss Ilisdat. von tleb.oalgan. ut Vausoada uaiy. l uale an ,)OF* Dr.- Mvahhrs apeul lrm adya lu cil>' blust vuSivisltiug. ?~W Cfi vue. Cicago passangat 0 0is laalag so a bg day Iie 411 hu*r. Thore viii bhlo inauls *01ouand a bilgdamnc eiul ibal gyevmi.g. Ail vlcan.. t>gdamest aIy>'Bras, pavillon, DnadLaie, Juiy Jtb. 1 il Mr*. Cuunlngtan sd chilidren $pnt Fil&ais e Rillasiti ber stoer. Warren White auUles Etbelqf oms. %mears aidlu narriagafous W.dnoda>', gu cThons, le a Dopular youug lady lllagoy a short dieasce lua te coualîr' sud Warren le on» of ont Grays. faite iboyms ad bhrigbhy toeemed b>' ail vio iaov hlm. Muc bhappinees sud good viiiisaextend.d 10 tbem on thit lMes 1t.yjtoglter. FVasai rman bas neîutned ftom Uacle &&a' service oversesa and la nov enpuM y b'te Inderrieden Cannlng Ci. tacotiPeck ia enlenrtatang bi@ dagh- tar sud baby fmon Chicago; tlile 11111101v va, laken suddenly iiiTueoda>'. Oft nov hakty i ii b.oopen for huai- as Juily 8d. Uic uJesule Book vas home Bnda>' vitàhehr parente. Jacoti Peck sud hie friud froua Chicago le» visltUg9 et hie fatber'a bouse ,Iat Suadasy. ýDo't forget tb order aur suppi>' of SburtLiWfe ile rem for Juiy 4tb as th. drug @tore. INGL ESIDE . Hindricis sud famlly toge %ber vltb FuaniLumber sud son motured 10 Sulcn, Wls. ou Tuessdy evtning tu visit vili lwaLumber fail>. Aàsica shaver of tain laid lb. dust sud ielPed crops and gardon Tueada>' even. lu.. veI"On. vas bus>'Frtday notnlng, *ilIlti urg vwu aroused b>' lb.:cry otite, IItvas an lb. Iugiead abats lu the 0111 Win. udge hatel, Iis need tu b aihôehluaolden lime sud onu of lte fuel blilnge. h vas ree.nllypur- cbhsed hy Fraik Mine, vbo hm. a ch&in ai collages aud tente them :10 party 001»1» ont for lb. aummer. The cana. W84 nlon a gasollue sluve, viteb bidlug91tseil von doomed ta tbe cou fi&attes.utlbnelgbbors togtb. vlthb ib Fox aie Ors departimont doue gaod vaut saving sdiolning buildings. On ESiiday aflernoon sveryou, va, es*ao Ih trnSeis la iô1 mblot .g bemuyasmou avinl àuoic ,pies! ovor, ývu il whb i blilm Diziq foe ab i rlds, a olir i L .AKE VILL F. R. gbheww» a sCh=s' lit lweek Wid" RP. A. Wluin tsusceW bousinesvitit lii.Wetern Dalry Ca., lu Chicago at Mr. Corpeaber et Cicago, vas a guese of P. B. Sbetoodlesut veei. Deuhati Wciens la spending a 10v yacks vlthe lb. ucesifail>' ,st Ua- Tb$ Ladie' Aid soulet>'y wil am Wsdneadai. Juoli9. ilbIdUra JFonh. at bar Foi Laoteibone. R. A. Dangise aent lust Prday, fttuî., dar sued Buaday as bis home Imr,. Uts#. Chas. Douglas aifadl,On, Wie., la vitlag lb. Douglas fanili.. bots. ilume Rutiy sud IMatil l" ar »pendag th wve. i viliCiesgoites, Luelo Sellera af reat Lêesevas à 0 guet if lie Dsalole fai>'on Suada> belote losvlug for hie homa la lotes, de ho hue ftv"ehie dliaugoe. UvM. and Uis. luit Patr c iade rWoods, Mw. v àea&,à,ci*MU. sud mm. H ?a>sî. kms es mooana papil aunhmi tbopsvtrasouilaiet Angesliq>ou biII lsbi hua opsasdmsu ste oprep sud mmusea.'shop la lb. Masuserboild SuaMday. mm .Athu, Bjsu sd ie Bthliosun inud fortex ivdelye. U".,. M. Doouasd lite Osmar Douglas VIII enlerlalu the Bmut Foi L14b cmeler>' socelsy et belr home Satutdua>sitanern oliJu>'121h. Liglit rsfreebmante viii b.oseted sud evetyous la very volcome. àUn.. B.Culver, ec. 'M'h.mortes vihi btigluagaho Babnmda.v oknil nw vek, Juhy 12, W. have nol bai lihnwlot tht., vee ois no plI>an caaing as a gond progran le assurod. Illhired Summers of Waukegau, le @pouding a part of bis vacation vlt bisl cousin, EduI NKapple. Cifford Simth and Mises Lucy Plots were nartled st Wauiegan lest Thuom day aud bave gone te, Niagara Falls lot a veddlug tIp &fieor w v hlcblb.' ih reale viti Uns. Smth@ Librtyviiis for the preeut. Botsre Wei inovu, Ur. BmIth'a fan.iiy haviug mods their home ber, for sometdme sud ve offet beau7y congratulations. Luti Wednesdsy ovenlng, June 251h, Lake Villa ,ntertaind lie returnedc soidiers ai harustable ball lu a noyal nannér and note than tht,. bundred peOle esPreseut. B. P. Lovwry gave the. vsiomlug adJrees and the audience joinsd lualnglug America. a girîs' chorus sang "The Soldiers Chorue" vhicb vas fohoved b>'a addree b>' Liut. Col. A. V. Smth of Wsuiegsn, Who tohd Q is von among lh. boyq sud Impres- t ions rtelved. Bupper vas then servedP sud B. P. LovrY acted ns toasîmaster.P B.verah of lb. boiy@ reeponded lu s very pl.aslng imannet sud Ibis vae s ver>' enjoyable Part of lhe pnogramn. Tii. hall vas doeorated lu týuo nations] colore aud tb, tubie. vitit carnations sud rases..Ats a ltsbout lte tables vers leared ava>' sud thonee vio cared ta, "tripped the hgt fatastie"lo tit. music r aiof UcCormc'e ochetra of LibettyvlhIe. S AUIni aIil v ansavetyenjoybe casion sud on. long tu obe rmomber.d. The. returned aoidir. present etthbe receplian at Wdnsday eveung are as follOva: Paul C>', Wm. Peoeen, Osar u] Dougfla., Barry Borenson, Oliver Wlton. FrOd Boebm, Fred liartisît, James lIeKenule, James Leonard, Aftd (irod, Harold Daniel@, Cifford Smit, Roy Wootoa, Rdgar Baldvin, 000. Andrson, It - FPr. iet]AzhNoien sud Usdttci v Rusa>'. Others about tIvabi verep nustle ta b. present, but ve hope 10 have thein as a laer teception viten th % los os« e eithome.M I ---MlLL8UlN il hiepliI amlg IomÇMcgo~<> Uie Ruh~1a IluC&MID aiChicago, le kew'e home, théiseWm, UsY Iljeinla stva î@veaisatlon vith th. ge the eeclng thipot too os bons 10fuit. kiy ride et $15 for Olteen minutes Uts.Adev Truax returu.d home éayoce vlehbututairakalook et Sund"g from Chcago sud Indiesa viere tot, snd vlcllty. Con. on, you site fpuit the PeutI veei. Ixt. Ur. sud MUts. BainuelLarsen are te. MIr large auto tramle pass.d 4Iploin.over the arrivslai fa @ou, But. gib aur burg back sud forward, day, Joue. 28. te the. uevroad la nov opeun10 lit, sud Ut&. GOto oresesuare enter. 9 lske It makes a ver>' short cut. tMBIDg compan, tram Wauksgan this cé lime your scýribe counted fflteen vees. a s eisuh ai other hoaded for Ur. aud lir@. Norma AdameofCbleago, ban. <sonstramfe.) Lavu, apent Bond" w ltb .reatlves lu Ibis viciait>'. nsd liMs F. Wsl.el eterlaln.d H.tILDEBRANDT campai>' lo hcgo Bonda>' su Mr. and lUre. IB'. and son DRIJGGIST notaved t Ci-g Musi. Ut. sud Uts. James lMtchell and Ut. ~ ~ sud Uts. W m. Anderson of Lake Foteel, vere visiteraetsIJames Donne. 'Per pownd ........6 & Mrut. Cav ofaiWaukogu, spet P« . Pun ... s3 e veruiaae "th Uts. W. B. Stewart. UPOII.- A Commennly song servie, Bundsy tene Oof La" PO.-- eveniug, Julâr 6. abItu e uri.S Per "S"d ........6C RUSSEL.L rsIcIAIU' PROIçRPTî7ONS ~.A ie ee~s CMIUýYr-ù" n d Un-Minai@s Bavard sad sou @peut aj MWdeyst R. A. essyse. Noura liaeDougalila spunlugsomei îf- RE L STO E *»tinwlhh LAura Coris-.' 4 ff dwlh r Prets. Ut. and rs. L. M. (orham a Fdaughier ealled astlMrs Corris', Uond Henry Raiusond lanîlly aire entons& Mdra. l)ve Young and family caliedi Ute. J. R. Corrne, 8aturday eveing. Uts. Katharine Bonner sud Robe sad U. an4 adts. W. M. Donnertanudes cafledou telaîltee s uaday. Uts. Rd Bergtrom gpeut Sunday wil a.8. Howe'. famlly. ii.ol @al sud enlertalunient vas wd obtfl ane sd tSb@ slaging vas very mu( *ujoyed byaOU. Maup tbha@Io 10Mr Alen and Utc. Bier for sudr service.1 hsl*ng b malte the entettalcment suc & MOcu, sethsais to G. A. Bier Ic the n. of bis jpiano. Ur. aad m Ue Y . "Mal", MI Illile. M "-li~ aUyerad AdoifMW, à lormaot Làisaéaî ofthon..A74s00 Vovpelof romp fuloa, vio le 4sugcta * 1. * W Lo *,» to» Udsv i Id 10à . &mi and fIiy. Oses P. Us7ir prusideal of ltieOum y àgikéé Br"eiUngCp. ai MfsUp alas a WqOi, W f Ms. ami.- UIw" $ssI<. ux tlu , " bute D@aut, viior ci"attead.dl t r uldug brasofoIxirveu astth tiBat IssfuelenRuosi speut a leur dayi 8 " weSi vtth reletes s LaboForest tr. Arthaur Johnson and cbfldreu Lui Uv.. Tyler sud bon &il Of Chicago sr 1111111159Uts. .Johnson'@ Siothor,lUta, Ana Lsthrop. MiSs Evlj*n Hull Ie spouding th. e elk vlth ber cousin, Ulldred Ry, of Liberty. ville. Ur. and Utsu. Paul B. Harding, o1 Risvarden, 10o&,an tevlsltlng the for. metrlPenb. &DOn't mins th. dance et: Ray Bro. PSvlllou, Dlamond Laie, July 5tb. 1, Mies Hele" Utehuleld, of Waukegsu who bas juis teeently rNtflned gtou Washinmgton. «Peut the week-end viti iss@ Baeu eBrde. Ur@. Cl& ana sBorn hss returued to ber home in Paaitu.. MISe Grâe. Van Born vili remMan over the Fout vitt ber cousin,.Mre. Ruth Word. lire FrsuceS Braîvder ettended the Christian Endeavor convention et Laie F'orest Thursday evenlng. Sovrra from bore attended the lee cre6m social st the R. D. Cook bomne Thursday evening. E. Il.-Blubâm vscaiied to bie bomee lu Indiens Friday evening b>' the ilums and deatti of bis Isîher. There vii b. su lm. cresm socisi beld Jujy 8th at the. home of Ut. and Ut. Henry VanPlew. Tii. proeeed are to go tovards the ex pense of repairiug tbe Parsonage. A projqram han been pre. Pared sud evetyon e I. vlcme. Mr. and Uts. Joiia Tekampe ver, Wauiegan caoemSuuday étiteruou. Isse Erma Dryer of Llbertyville, vieil. ed frieude bers omet Snday. A large crovd sltended the barn raielug at the bome of Uts. Maro Gaistor Saturds>' alternooo. Mire. Frank Dorfier and son, Alfred called au relative. boe. Bonda>' aller. Doonu. Albert Grues. ié quit. iHl vlth Pneu. -Oult. A trslned nurée la lu attend. suce. Au airolane Psed over Fremont Conter lant Saturdsy mormng vhlcb *reated quit. an excîtement. Although It va. verY hlgh lu the air sud looked rerY @mal, lb va& vledl b>'about every Person lu Fremaun. Ur. sud Uts. Frai Blronlmus, daugb. ber. Evaline sud son, Howard, of Volo, accompauled b: Misses Irons Hertel, Ksbhryu sud Betiik irogimue of Ibs place motored to Weiegau Monday. Richard Swift ftom chicsgo, la speud. lux soime vwltklU.' Mervin. lits A. W. H&111,s8 P.ndlng afev day. In the City. Howard Bull wsonul Immn tbe cltj Illfgod 'Mullac eat vesi. O.~ ~ = P.nomIsd Ue Srr Bt, erife and "ngtr put Sunday vlth tse Psldvell's. -Mies B.tb Cookibaal ber tons"ls emoved et the Joue Mcklléter bOspitat Fiday uMornlng sud sh@ la gettiang &long nlcoiy. lire. Batry E. Merwin ha rturu.d home allr s dsllghtfui viait of lame weeks at Bloamlngton.t Bi. 8 Joue.suad famliy motored to Bai n lay. Mis . Bail[ and Edua Kslth osiled on Beth Cook, Suaday smuero. Tih. social givenhliythe «,We Sovea", vas s " *~ert, untliugb ti.vejg wau 0ool. Th iie leve» set lalàsyi. ng games aud e"tint lms erebC, u»k and séravberrles on theinetathli, -l il s aussmlsUodyaiI AtihmKuge la onlb. Mev.I',ie Pj'-tiv P.,t. ccording 10 avore out a varrant Oui Alexiander Saio, his bruther became vithlagaeaulting viltt razed by utink andl set ont to 0ki. k Sherlît Green vas given his emptipnons in ceiehrat,,,n out v.t and la ln souther IA"o th-~ 'which t, hî'yver, inibit, day 10 gel bis man vito -in;g. Mi',n I., 'hrew ont.i niýil)r raign.d belon.. magisitr the p,,rt ;o the. ior and pr, t, when arresled. to Itinin? i h- iYnîrks o<f i ttc -l' mî~ hii tIia'e, . Aicranti,r iho-mb' "î3T IN i..AIE c"U ilt v u týie t i i l're n d il l u dit, d i .,u ýce .'O . On comnplaint ruttht. victin'eil,,' Ystate*s attorney Weivhi on Siiu.tay 'ndepema.uî rend«a? EU LONG DISTANCE5-JHA U, fffNRY HARTMANN, Prop- HEELNG5 ILLINOIS 7"11 --mi A ai be ileU..A .Richard&. qb.Ft. ui 1avo, un~ and Mieaisfield etertalned Company t.C-1-i.b-rs.d lu 1h, iay frua DePilnM a i te Jus. RichardpPr,...tý,ý .~. ,,r. ult'pt Ma. s.mL Butchings roturn.d t , -tu-r, lii,.... (,, ,nl.t ,, if .1îîh and, jC" Uclae oospital Suudtsy afternoomn ci c hd-ir.. , hi, t., ou Uts. P. Tovuer euterWanod Mr. auj i Di.l ,,,,hY Ri.. 11,1t iMa. the gues.,1 Ut,. M.Cuissoan, Virgliiia aud Dou.n i '.4.of ane.. lio,t î i.kelore.t, itI sud its.PaMnunsof Deertield, Budny. 'i ,n .ni >an, a to lire. L. llsuthaler sud Esttle BRuj.. n..11- . a.1' u , tr. eî,..lhe ver, clby vielloreonue day Ibis veei .... . t, i.. ,,1,ri .i-. eii,. ri,, twk.ab tit Ut.sud Uts. W. Stanclif s@peutstlie. of0 t 1 . n 1-il-i.. fa i h.ra.,rîi i.dn.eday 4th at DesPlaines. u.. eol Pleanr Pries, returned trom the , l, fli.r,1-f .1 %tiî . r,.vi..,lier $a ch hospital Uonday siternoon much lira. xîî'aelliet usn.. .lî,,ar cri Tituroda> ru. ptoved. , af,..rlu,,î lun Chus. Ktnegerand f8-11Yacecompsr.dci 111- Il.,,U..'.caJî.ie 'i trW&@a ehi by Ur. sud am . F.tancllff ver. E glu thte eek --d.j gu...t ut F 'P.terwu', fot viellors onda'. borne LEuOtétog and famîîy entertsln,,d ___ .grelslutra>bU iglu Bnds>' atteio The LmIsc'Aid vilii eetln th@m,'ý:bU RMÀcR A bahsqmm TbMedsy atternoou, July 1;0 4N1OM lu _ - - -% NM Ri!NOW OPEN; TrcobM avmW as t ipledge uti, uv ZION STILL BAI> abuort fiemaboip pru. Omt ndtiim0*oornIg om pe tIfshordl n A lutoiuts Avait Them. amiutu h osv vivold suueritie. sof Advantage o h W ho bave »t boesmen viii ther klndiy New Streof e avement. aèV »oiYaj of tlimefoliavlng membntieor te hh4lasa omdttee: Heury>' Sder, ROD po IS FN Innot Obseau, Bert Bmai. ERpt RW IS FN Shrodea. Louis Uastobm, C. J. Berscb- begrR. .W.Wrrn Sheridan -Rond betveen the North Tii.suualcbueb ud Budaysehol 'Vkaifeslimitesuad the a outi, limita Theom*MeZeh nd BI.aynovo of iz e01 pen to traitle. Msrty t. clet& il ind ttis ymr at Hertera drivers Sunda>' avalled temeelves of idPari Jul' vty.-eeoud. Debalis of t le the9fine stft'tch of concrete paving re PtogrunuWt b. sunouncsd later. and 'ook t.e drive nortit. 'rcon Zions I. O« meting ofte Ladbis.Aid nortb limita to itenosha the, new rond viii hc " sta the.horne of a. John has. been ini use for soutefiime. Thii SAdet, oist Tbureday afternoon.July Zion the. road ia extremoiy bute- l1, st Ivo o'cloci. Ever>' mombet , @py and autolsta geuerally are hop. utsd taeoPreant and to brlng a new fuir ihat Zion will ai least take teps mentis,. taoscripe the road rand thus do avrrv cIIi grettable that iis unftlishd siretch 7- or rouit through Zion'exi4ts lwca,îse if M. mB Ftss vas a Ch cago visitot if aerei, n, there vould then b- . e"ý t Tbnscy ontiniint,,. tretch of gond roails ho Bead Mearhi>'atteuded the Aluinai tween Chicago and Milwaukee, a psrty ati1ldu Palatine blu 1, sChoof Wed. The ,tretch fromn Wankegan north ad --dyeelas- has heer. finished for soine veeks but NeM OII" reurne frnt Lma va, ket lcosed ln order tb allov If MoIti Illsa rturnd trn 1 i oma biarden. The. severai emali Biret C> N. D.. wbea'e she vldikdwth relatives cites wert- flnitiîd this spring; part là forthbe putsalpah. of!il Sa. put in lit year. f)uring tb' i Bla, Bthe, sud Artur Mauch sud vork titis spring a detour was, made Wn. Wsllace pent the .ekýend autbe via tQoIf rond whlch wa,. about as, iMsueii ho"n.. ha s iretch as one. muid finid any a Auna Gelda ttended tic Royal N..lgh. place in the. courntry. In fact on e bore meting la Barrlngon Thuroda>' man who drove to Calilornia lat fait 0 tene« . salitlihe did not st.i-k,-..ýiiel' a la.t 9 Pal Pehmle pening il.suimf.'r treteIl on the entire trip as that vo- PaulFren leapediu hieu~mercotntetvd on the. detoîîr nrihî 1Vacation aI blq home haro' Winki gn. Mi. Sseram., Ut. sud Uns. Fid Llpucb _______ suad daugbter are vlltlug ai the Gos.>' home. borne over Buuday. SITB R T E 1 Promotion service. vere bell i sitiie.WAKE ON BOOZE Pupîle of tbe fBouda>' achool ver, pto- mot.d inbbger ausas. The Knlgbsee Man in Highland Park Hospital of Honor bsvlag lte mil number of, Point. vote avarded a banner a@ ai Where ît is said He is revard. Critically Hurt. - (arlSalîîo!fShermnervilie. Iii., le.i Mise Mabel Bricison epsut the veek.-in t( Highland Park hospital wlth end ut J. A. tryit's. a hutte' 'i in i, cheot as th,, rt-..t io Twenty-fout menther» ai tbe U. E. atinozo wke wviici started eariv ~i ond,îv niorning. lt. oas .h,)f b, chutch, C. E. eocleY sud seven of t.. hi, itrothîýr. Aexander Saio, aller aà Preshylerian church at"edthe count>' figîtLui, h , wenty mrn nof She- iC. E. rsily at Lake Forestlast Frida>' ovenlug. F. B . Ueyerand famly vers lb. guets e »of J. L. Gibeun of RV&atoln, ou d3unda>'. lira. Fred Homreritleomnl the Jobn Baruhof famlW 01 airiago, on suudsy. MCi~N~ t ieu Edvsrd, af Touagtovu, <iblo, MIH1ÀN Nu ile apendiug soveral delàys vth Mr. and 1 M". MebOoeiI. litsud lira. F. Christoason of Tbeo- dore, Ai., vere the. sueste ai lte E. B. JOHN H Jorda home lte putl eei. 1Uts. George Vettet ai Chicago, retutu. .d borne Friday, baving *peut several dallé vlth te. A. B. Muhie aud .J. L. Vollet familles. Mie Wlnilo, vWho le manager of S. P. IerSr Jobustone fara, brolta botb armeasa lbe vrisesMonda: lbY eoon vii wen lchorn feÛ U off slasda bs*" bln- s.aeda dudtrini luE. The tope bruies;ad "b isehlmta hle n oeii lte ground. Be vas lnmedisicl.y laien liolds many gcod thi Dr. Bergen reducsa'tb lwt& 1'Teeatro H. J. Aliardt oi( smw6,wiktheunees know.' When you af hie sister, Uirs. 1PhMp ft mi nno sufliclent, you wîii The young people'@ LeagoaiSt. delibrately mlake yo Paul'e chutuit badssocislttbep&msn. importance; your wi &go on Tuesdal eveag. John Kiemp, vho vas aversea for You may make your a zestyea relutned bome the paeî the time to take Life Bd Jobuec u s urpriseaiMonda>' isko are not Wanted. evenng hi, anuniier oifi blonds. oit down wth you Ut. and Uts. Raéie a nd udi'mily accompllsh. Let hir aeutn Bunda>' vilhimîleagofmse Be..and Uts. C. K. Orsbom 01a River has made 4 itfldy of Froreit, spent *,esto ai ere al Ooo .wil serve you beet. Bsra W.. ctst ier en k bis désire to Intervie ai ier londsStrtais'ten an lu go EIM!iSos t-Motho lafactm n hich they yield, Ratine 7i1m now tank am eaogm rela - ulrdeman& Rtacla.CouafrY Roed Tlr Mmer e 1tire upegly dmmlgnd and -whratested for ctyutvy roa service. lî'm bthesfl.araund chaos. vion. Ue 18m and meo ney, oui stock la complote. SoId By LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE JOHN N. BERNARD, Proprietor Do, You, Own PmMot ion. De Certai &mur Rtacne Tirel'au ùy D»«M 0W Nwa» RACINE RUBBER COMPANY, Racine, WW«o JTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMANY DETROIT IODCE, District Manager, Area, Ii. the hast fifteeu years your life-work baé beon iued. If you have prepared woll, yýur future àmgs ini store. insuring your life h. ai-imiportant This you iacquire the, property which yon feel will be go to an attorney, ôit down, and quietly and îour will. But pour Life Insurance is of more -iii simply distributes, but your Pohicy providea. ,wilI at any tinmmdUûring yt.ur natural litfé, but fe nsa.rauee h. whon 7011 ean get it. Impaired d. Let your Life lnstirauce Saleeman qmietly iand telli hlm what y..u want the insurance to lm 8ye your insurance attorney and advisor. He ýfthe buFiness and eau expiain bow insurance No higlier eompliment cau, 8e pald you than iew you, for y ou are supjtosed to be of soand dfamily retiord, and of good standing among i"our. iýfe insurance s'hould not be neglected. îe mnarket for more insurance, please let mt Yours truly, JORN HODGE, Istrict Manager. onL =m v .qru 22 moesor

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