Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jul 1919, p. 7

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COUItYSeat News RICII, IAPPINESS mI ir-C IDfM DdIÇÇRA&rH v but b. Io I LII...> I E\I.JfIY I mftle 7*LAE~ua u!q~1 . HIOME;, NOW IN COURT1E3S NOWO0&KL. î ikogmu and L.Ake Co nt pe- bach was rePresented by Attorney tC meral>' yul rend the. clippiîî, Wnte. £ront a les Angeles apr Zi M.csbcl t i.raîeut i.Former Waukegan Man Who sa ýaern becanse it refens io li-aiý thre âte r1a1eShlnt" James9 Was Shot and îassed and h, m'ita troubles between Iwo for-1Heury- Smithi, multImlhonaire vio, ToId He'd Die, 'Fooleda rp.i knnov Wan~kegau and Gur t lus deatii ieftt $30.000.000 whici Te ,adits-Mr. and ldrs. Victorl is oncle George Smith baSl lft hillS' -m P «h. 1 ou ý,ars previousWy. 'Sulent*" Smillth AmffR PR SET *tr f Inherîbod weaith and'ý wa, .rn t Milburn, Laite County. 'à________OSECT imelueus un'oided in Judgel Ris nother lu hurled lu tie 1111e ées cort yesterday in the case ceniry lier,. I lu s vilI. "Silent" Bab Marsall, formerly a veli- ac RUty "minet Vctor A. Rossbach pro , ded that her grng .ke , pkuowu Waukegan young man, viho 1 «hldmr. Rosbach wanled her and be loft a smnte thie cemebery for!1 durlng thie van van reperted at on. ai bnd reatrained frm mintenter- general improvemnents. He hiaself tlue te have beuklied ln action, wiii lier, an excluding him j vien a bey, vas talon by hies nuce came te Wanukosan lodmy and 111e N s ti famiiy m.aldence In Hloiy- ta le itwh b hlm and h. left MiII- Mark Twain, iiesaiS lthe report vas bd. burm vien he vas about 12 years1 quito eagerated. From general ap- r. Rossbacch was a raiiroad man I ld. 1Pearance Il proved te be se hecause h Ik In Iowa He and his wife ived His sister, Mrà. Rossbach,. w îe't t Mi.rshall vas Ieoking- fine and de- ,, 901y tegotater on hie smiry. On. a quarter ot a million cillars by clare6 hc lasn'l toIt as vellInlua-n us ehlnherited a oceaidemabie her rlcii relative and the Rosshacia 5ood mani> yeans. huie. hey lied two sofiJ, on. liveS ln Evansten aitheii tinie, se' - Hovever, the, tact that Bob la net tarauid- The. Ressbudlebs heral years go. Tiey bild mat pro- numbered among tiioae who iaised pineeée fpioperty la ibis coun- vioeshi'moetofromn Waukesmn 'be r hevo Unlein adue la the tact liat westl ubenlt $I11SI>, and Il»ivn the>' liteS ou Park avenue mmny he vas able ho come eut of soute l«q*It ous In Hlollywod. ya . nurios In fine simpe anShils vas a0 Wfteg menthe oa dboe A son o et i.Rsbacis vas la- eue n! i ere "it mlght have heen." 6@Whoer etamhler bueberAm adeS Whou a babhaS" h. bu Bob -vue injureS on Septemben 19,p 1 brM I ltl m t h Oe prpmegey , A^ ie » Ina a heel ch ir mucliof thle 1918 t Thico uart, lI the.St. -M iehI w~a flilet t etie t a uttertissam ince,., Hie motter hAs haut secte,. At thie lmo h. vas InjureS, t 8 te Iodiag. IMemtime. Ma. m i thi ler aU theii. tandmat er Bob vasasiatlng In "runaîng up" solla.%e vidoe m sor N-eitihbas enabled ber, ho camefon ammunithlus tethie 122 IFelit Ati. C buthe hushmaito drinklng lslohlm lu a snllmhba mausner. ýery.. A (lerman plane came along ch IIchaimigei ultrsimsnt "Vlc" Roesbach ton yemrs vmsa oeen ila anS dropped a boab. lHe niuo k a riunbse o yeume. telegrapi oprator and agent ton the received a concussion anS a garni fetégrtesouaglt às oei or Bt. Paul raliroad t OCeea. Me thon froin a plece o e i.fitag bomh la- ý xl.,ittu 4r husband from 14e liveS onilPark Avcee, jurla bils spinal coluumn la rUtci a Ï17à u*tflftrmnied tlie oce'dâ tler afier thbe jishoitace came vay tiat le, ot coulrse. had te go le riinle Mr. Rossbachi from Inter- te his mite, lie ongaged tu the auto- the hospital. Tint vmun'h bad eongit v itlita wife, but -erdoed -mobile busIness anS toIi. lterl>' haut for atter h. hail ho.» InjureS, Bob OU hoe hould cecespy s bedme not boauengageS laa huieas.His as"amengthies. vite aultred front the endut cthe boes, " e a ite vas familmrly kaeva hy hem gai vich wasenoert.Ae- ,»y troun he vif..Mré. Rosa- 7"Rubi.-dnsb>'the Grmans. According 1.0 Mrsiall's dWscarge papers be re.- _______ -dered 'menltenious service" ea hTlo-1 N ~Ïa long Ime beore vo have a amlar court on leplember 15, 1918 ven ho agmîn," a certain point ah a tîme vien lb vwu A modern hetel tor Waukega vas fetIt ilould b. Impossible te Se se. un WÏAn eofthle thixigs vilci Mn. $ollist.r rom lthe lime lh. vas injureS until set ouItle gain vieil h. came tO May l3, Bob vas nlih.espita lun Wmulegan as secretary ofethLe local France. Durlng hieta ransfer b. vas BR L ciamber. H. aya he feels the. clty laken care of in at leasî four Amti- -noode a fine holel teaviici Il cmu»ecu hosptals anS one Fr»ucb bospi- gW HoliSer f Loalpint ili priSeviien isitons come tl. Tint vasn't eneugi seoviien WU" oFe*ster Oet ol bore. Bob gel back le lie stalos ho had le ~W Fois tht Of TrhesChicago hotel man who has pais tirougi fi. Siferont bospihala. IW Eer M de HM. oferd taInvet tw-ihids f lie He vas a total paralytcfo traSep- ~Ev r M detiae, capital neces8ary ta Put up tho pro- tomber 19 unlîl Jauvar> te nlath - -poseS hotel la a min et vide emper- vien h.s began te regain hta strangthi A PAYING INVESTUENT lance anS tatea thint i.boas cou- anS feeling, and, aItlthe present tIme ducteil an Investigation haro and la h. toels as gond as ho h"ainla mm> Wankegau gins te "owv ls op- convînced fiat lie Proposition vould YeaSTSvibi lb, exception liaI eoc cat te slet a modelm 150 roonu be a payixig eue. Urne afler a itemvy mein steri holas '~ à e lip by hecause hon.are Secretary Holister thisi'taI the, lie pleasant aenaton ot being aile oufflent peoiple hon. wlling >te esîlmated rost et $300,000 mmv ho a te taste thie mutered gaie vhieh lie i0 oe-thlrd eft heoseaI litthO huai. About $60000 et tie en Grmas huniel devu. - . d Hollster. cecretary of thtiire coat voulut b. furnishhng:, accord- Bob vas an ld army man iaving bM88m Chamber et Commerce. Ing teatthe suggested plan. seen service In several branches. Ac 8i'tbat sncb vwiI b. thie cas. untii % corSungly vieu h. vas luins lu Wmu- a h ve. ba.confidence l inte suc- Mra. Hill vie has been 111 et u- kegan anS Bather>' C vas launched O suci a proJeol glep forvand berculosîs aetihetake Connhy Genaral Mrhalll vas a member of 11e bat- ace andl offor te malethle luvest hospital for sin. lime, pusseS ava>'tory and vas lie fir51.unuructor for t.FriSa>' nigit. Punoral vu hel t listshie batenymlen hotore their regula ,%là us realy the mn lniboaterneen. A dagiter Luuuan, died ehlce.'s ver. elected. me Wankegau ever bas bai for t lhe general hompital oft hie "me. Bob has heen mvmy frona Wankegsa IM, uao4muiotel," lIr. Holister âdis.aae^about eighîeen mentis ago. fer the past four yenMrsmd hig home .aa hAd a mnaiS idtaIrf e ai-1 Ta-o sinsîher cîlidren are at thede.- ah Present ime un In Cnnecticut. lHe ltsU tu slipb>' hat i iltiib. hontion homge. Is mol nov makng a trip ever the _______________________________________________country amuS vlllspend a oupl, et day& vîsitin bils olS fiends in Wmu. cewm.uAOKMSkegan. ait. off ef 1UC« NaturalI>' Bab foeoha ery luch "lt- momie edoSaI at is rement*phgSl .condiio fon the surgeon foIS hlm d1hat i didn t have a chanceitathie venld le » _ t'p ýliv. 'anS furîher they gavebhlm the -, proalins information , hiat if ha diS lite h. ventS navor bc able ho valk JOLM19 ut àý1"but veuld b. coMlhely pureys"e f romt bis valat 5ev» SEmW N HWmJIOA A INOLVEI.>MNav t " ,suusnaL.NVYCNA m'. eac..sornacli trou- gnrolchatellfal ýre * t e 1 1 1 0,11dlowr ab. th»amo lU. 1 pee.dIficulty whnBui. &Mthacre* Mot Oeeitu u satt. setatica end lumbago ed au x[>Ma u s" a4 trub.ýit yur kt otsttutoa lubue qieWU& us S C41 aarsm (ll*gos. Aton ldro Ore doreID4#4srst. Procidant. W. a. Smith. vice Présideunt. F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager TELEPHONE 81 OURITY TITLE & TRUSTCO nItACTS 0F ITrIE TITLS GUARANITED Cwpwal$125,00.0 WUGAN IUOS IfaVY, Dept OR Trà I of reat Lalces' M=sl$60,000 of a 1 eOfPhotogra1nloSuppies SAFE ROBBERY ON FIRE tu Il became knovn Monday a triple e- tecuttgahen la nov being carried i onathie Great Lakes Naval Train- lus station by cîvîlian anS nat>' IntI- 14 ligonC. Separîment alentis labo the I avaterboua dîsapipeanance et funds vblcii -Yvapproxlmate 860,000. Th f invnshigaion starheut three veksmgo vien 11. vas learod ag- *proxlmately $50,00 Wvrth etphoto. mgraPhic imatenisi and auppgesvas ir alsîns. Tir.. chiet pethy olilers vere arreiteut by the proveet marchai anS questloeo. Tiey vers released bu't vero notIfteS tintt ho>'aresuni. J.01 te fortiion cal. Graji VYer Oid It l a afoie hegrafttitath. pio. lograPhic Separtment liai been bing OU for noarly a vesr. Piovost Ma> abal Mle malS le vas gatieuing evldence loly andelcuectedte pDo- ,ducevitdence la a sbori lime fiat lacrIimimata setea iue fore. IY MPloyed lta hat Mt It hM aSbeau rmorel s««"ndtle statIonhlie.hlaS e,» amela Iaadv» " otnte departmenit for iii. lime.j A inaiority of fOcers and men Who are detallod formerly to handie Un hrancii ef station activities have ew booeis charged or sent ito sea, t Il iwss stated-yeaterday they wii arecalled If discrepancles are dis- *vered. The. Investigation lotoithe $13.000 afe'robbery eoftthe Naval Roliet no-F 4ety, which lok place in April, ts 01 "on tthe tine." *Meier Mite* e tatement A Great Lakes oafcor said Menday thas been discoyered a civila n l Wanitegan hald for somte lime been ulling photographie material helieved io bave ho.» obtained from' salluus. Re han net lben arrested, but Itlela mld Investigators can plac- their bands on hlm at any Uise. 11. vas sald approximalely fIfty ton- mer sallora vho ver, ln the athlette hotograpie, and nnvy relief depÈÈet ments may hoe summaned btfore thie Iestigation la closeS.I A report vas cornent today that a caudal hait Sovoloped at (Groat Lakes In tho Na',"itellef Boclety's flnanced and liaI errent» vere Imminent. Comomder Doyla t ln charge of the Navy Relief vas aed about the. mat- ter. "Nothlng teoit, the. Naty Rellet bau lid no trelible of an>' sort ar- reta therstore are pending. TOn cas- not mmae It ton sîrong-terything sa man rlght, absolutely," said li. Enslgn ÂyIe.vorth, In the. Navy Res- 10f office, saidtouther ln oxplanatiom: "The. rumnorn"myhav.arIsen bocanse of the. tact tbat 1 pmronmiy moleS te ani s.cooutlng in the0 Ihotograhie de. partment of fie ljlef Society, no se- ount battus been made. for twe or thre. fact I diiinot #noer where the. departtment vas belnt o>- orated admat« 1 fetounS that 11. VU operatung nim lie bellement lai Wmu- kegan et Roy U mao, aet-7ry the sctety. That la m&U tietro lan1.e,1f- to Set an accouailtiag ef the suples In- the. departient ge" MJTO Tu ETIIEYI3 ARE SOIUIT ImifRe; POICE HAVE CLEW Four Men Seen Walking Along Traclçs, each Carring Tire Around his ,Neck. 17 TIRES RECOVERED Searchin lai;bgnstituted in Wamk kegan for the thieves Who tosaci hundreda of dollar, worth ot new automobile tires from a freight c« In transit throtigh hier lat Smhnrday. Seventeen eoftth. tires have been me covered but the. police are efth*ii opinion that a mnch larger aliiqnlit vere oblained. The. latest tip receivid by the. p@ le ls that four men wero seen mmii log their vsy down lhe railroàl bracka. ench carrying an muto tire amound liis necit. An effort la being made te, learu their udentity. Tiioî are saiS! 10 have ben seen at four o'clook In lbe monng but It hasn n. ,yet bean leanned viiether tii.>' ere seen Satnnday mornung or Bunday monng tollowlng lie robbery. iIve of the. tires vero recovered by the local police and tweive were found b>' railroad detectîves. 1 Jnst how man>' tires ere stolen bas not yet heen fonnd as the. tires výere part of a shipinent et 800* tires on the. vay front Cudaby, Win.. te Dallas, Tex. ltbhas been impossile as yet ho check up on'the contents of lie car vichini.being helS ila the yards at Chicago. As soon as the. numbers et tii.sto- lon tires are fouad, for they mII vere direct fron tith.facto"and number- eS coniecutiveiy, thoic. e l ake a semrch b Bu iiolieter ,ahi 0f liiem have been disposS e01ine. MIIE AFTER IELP* 'M ng ' s i a s a o a s i. e r- e mi H&D AU EXCITINO TIME Anhhur Beimon, Wa4 kega hgi achool 1W 1917 n retunA home Pniay afler s8"4ag Ieulvone monlis service lu theuatY. fHe vas attaceS dte iBubmamine Cliasen 344 vbici js credffleS iti one sut>- Marins. Beamai enlisteS at Oroat Laieg ta Beptemben 1917 and mter gelastir» lie radieoachoel hem hlewuasOsnt te HianarvIgnee ho cmDleted hma traning. P'ishlng ha course. i. vsu sont te Murope ta lie uni claer ffutiron and $Demtmont et IlutiMe PatronntIbo liesh ceu, Buere 1- turig hm lboat touchaS Pli. moutb. Brs,uiIb*mitle AsbreS. The .umhartne ebaer Oiýt*o le vwu radio opezator sot %lIeeu- Maria"cfl Iet u ceel ML. m- umm su tIeeffsbot aa mmmlii . German uMeor msa lisais" a t vex efti leS Iiibuto»as sblas- WaA i ftb 4û a1.410 1 , «-li ORPMN ma Iwo pesass CENSES AUE ISSUED MEE IDURINEJUN AUl Records Broken; Marryino Justices Now W11I Get Brief Respite. lIAS BEEN VERY sTrRENUOUS Ail records for mari Inge lUcenses Issu.eS Sening au>' eue menti inthe histon>'oet Waîukegnver. irolen b>' lie menti et June ldis >ear vie» n total et 321 liceuses ver. ssued. Tiie neareat approachIo ethis record a-as lieeuîeulb et Atgusi, 1918.,viien scores axiS scores of men seekîig te evade lie draft lav rusied bore front Wisconsin anS olier neanby states te gel marrieS * Durlng tint menti a total of ais licenses vere saned. hé follevhng liât, sioving lie number et licensea laineS during 11e -mentit et June fer tie lasIt ev years maires mn lnteresting com¶ianison: Tean 1918-292. Tear 1911-299. Tour 1916-U09. Year 191&-206. Tear 1914-187. Comparn te luterosting becanue a steadyIincreaselatahle numben ot icences lAned in thecamne mentit oaci year. 49Tut i .regarded pa lie menti et brIltderiSIl t nlWy iteS op te is repitatlcu la t mhi Marlm iliticu bat. beea rupin a rnet manS nov vIile ble Wte it a Utile rempile, troulteé, tlion strenuc geacllee cr tylug hasts. Thlrilr4e Marrieb S, u nss eto lama hmr bast daturdar. (0f lia aumer, orne lIca9 iutn die haaiste bave pemrmed ivensti maniaffl . gh laexpeetod *the Ilonil l e a alisît-luI!Surin Jtily mud ponaly Auuast AEU ROIO OP. ERATORS hEu HOPE 'Waukepan Bo;wo are Wire- of Peace to End Ian. PLONTS WERE DISMANTLED Hiope sisa ma,&* lu the ibeouta ef the mualeia dio operatons ct Wenum su lie sortit ehore athe siogmis t the peau U"eat>' ien The 1mw lImai reeuhreS hem te dia- IMaINCtiliait pisat athe begtaaln et lie va uli s1Wp realdeuww«m t WUtli b tàlillueut cf pemeI to hcu*eas «Ser pemuttls tbeeltof agalx s e eaib feurelais use. Tbie? lee leftt Pruidect val Mot lSn overieckti iu m a latusia- has set outt ho btaIn nuch a notel femi the, cIl>' If ilcan he dons and bas laken the mator up viti Silterent i mon of capItal Apparent aecena bias crovued ie efforts, for lie ovuen et one etflthe large hôtels lu Chicago informeS 'hie local secretar>' tiat bo tg Interested lunlthe Waukegmm situa- tien and tente sur, liaI a large, mod- ern hôtel would be a paylug lavent- ment. . Hie has lbobSedver tho situatuon bere andSlus seconfident et suocosa tial holbas promibeS -te Put UP tve- thIrds oft he moey necessar>' le build anS conte a nev hôtel anS tien vii manage Iut It Waukegan business anS professiocial mon vinl show nut- floleat co-peration MaI nteret te Put np theo remaling oee hinS. 1*1 could Put up te entire amone. ho saiS, "but that vould somrcely be a business liii. proposition for a hôtel of Ibisla ianaletbat. the co-pena lMon ofthle cliv la wvIl le t 8 oosted te muaeIl a apocus. I am positive tbat enol a hl ni<çud bhorunon a tery paýag bste-f1I ers net se sur, 1 woIS net lhe V4llng ho Put up tý ' tobr~ fhe . ai, Thhis eeeato mot ut p te Wauke- "~ai e, ltesay vjtetiier or sotthe>' vaat~u tp #tehôtel vhiob vilI "De a edt16heo . an of NiEW$61IW PAVIE he M= ditWet bave mpled 2r Iit mead bave tmlken the. examina- IN<i MPIO E W13 t Uo et the Iuss.owe t hr e Stla îthe LAUN IIEI> u<a'rv A&anm mm or iii mmmiv assoon Proposed Plan is to Pave Bel- On .Ouft Put up ^ai:n vidre t. e rrTracte; îax.e lkerestrictions tu th. ettof ais" Jackson Stret. penntting thi. eec o f amtour navy vas taikIns and the veather Wanuiegan, inn. U reports veïre hotus sent ont from Ar- The resolution for another ig pav- lngon, Va. .i Ing Improvemnent was prescented to *lesages sent tunCodeay b. Ils-t the. board of local iinprovemeilts Mon- tened to, but the law provides a :Jali day niglht. The proposed Improve- Sentence and a âine for tho amateur ment contemplates the patins vîith Nwho undertakes to decode mmv of brick of Belvidere treet from MeAie- hm ,ter avenue to the North Shore line 'Interest la virelesa telegrapby trackm, and aiso Jackson Street b. hébeau . retlY 'lmresaed i>v the tween Belidere street and Gien Rock Iîntrdction f tii. radio telopiione, I avenue.,connecttng wlth pating laid gays Mr. Jare, «Muet of the. amateurs as for as the higli school on Jackson are boys from 14 to 18 ýeszu oh, and Street,,The. flrst Street le to b. paved tliey areis atRE try 0680r1Y for to a Width ofthlrty feet. the. latter to Permission to resue .their use of be twenîY-iive fel n wIdth. The es- lIstruments. tlmnated cost ef tihe mprovemneDt lo Tose vea "ech W.ek $60.980.74. The public hearing le set «Thefedera! examination coters for .)uly 14. the. ahuity to, roo«tte messages and, Commissioner Atterbery said ual the sra eamd adJutu«tent cflista many p*4uipe are In favor of patins minte. W. set taquiries about l Belvidere Street 10 thte vit O[ty ie- *éry dua" odlvq ie tutet* to aamn- mita. . oh iePvn baer of &mpellcaats c oo ekY Nort Sid Pavng MaJ. J. . Dillon, vho commanded There vas in adourned public hear- the 311th dOeld signai battaiton over- ing on the. pavhng of a system i n frOXI «14sema.Amin ln charte as inspector aide streeta. A nov ruoution vuer Meditrc >subetituted, changing the. nature et i. h mprovemm ei oconcrete, the .n-C M I .te favor that style of Improvement K> ELT ,The. reselution vas adopted. R. H. . OtripO vms Présent and presented a DEý« 'I À 0 1resoîntilu from soveral property ovP. o rs vite asked that they b>. permltted iNI FA O BL 1o 'uselect thiinpecter vho to piaced .on the Job and alo lat they bc sup- 1plieS vlth an Itemized report 'of ail 511000551 Utelm mUinIiiChl05 ellisnditures on the wvoh. Mr. Stripe QOReay t. Stnd Twe- made certain remarke vhIch vere re- 1aented by lhe mayer and members oftis ef Cee. the. board who çehnked hlm and Dom. Waukegmn vant a nov 160 charged tuaI h. was net sîncere ini 0oo home modem hotel coeting av. is actions. Mr. Stripe insisted Ibat proximately 8300,000? h. had net aslced mors than lio, as a Foolishi question. lsnt il. and yet Pretorlwner, vas entltled 1.0 gel. tuis la mast the. proposition that la Abandon Wter Main offered Waulîegan and the. peuple of The. resolution for 1he laying of the cîîy have but 10 reacii out and a water main ini Jackson Court was grab it.. abandoned on motion of Commissioni- The. need of such a hotal bas been 1or Atterbçory who sait! i. found mucii apparent ini Wankegun for a iong opposition te the course on the part lime but the. diMeulty alvays has of Interested tarpayors. been to finS poople vii. vere ready to put np sufficient fonds.. A O-ln SecrutasyW. C. Holîtater ofthle 321 lr Un 1Y Wankegan Chambor 0fr Commerce h Electrical Cookingm um ila aa wl do varWoy, frouo4 W&9shoes, V &on am Clomner% B Hea t lkg P"&u, Ooeing TOnUS& l'h.y may be carried &bout frim 'oom b o o. T16ay ,work wh.. cou. n.ctd to &Dy lamE socket W. elaThamu m Monthly Payments IPublic Servce Ci>. of Nootomlnolës Bell Syste The L ocal Chicago Telephone Directory Goes to Press Soon Notify us to-day if you are about to movt or if there are any other changes that sbould bc made in your telephone listing. Telephone 9903 CHICAGO TELUBHON19 COMPANYT ARE FITT$Ntî UP A HOME That John C. Calahan ot Wanke- gan. Machunisl ltate, firut clansata lie natal station, vas unîteS la mer- rima. to Mien Violette KatrnnD13xr ler, daushter of Mr. and Mm. C. M. uBir f Batavia, lit., on Jannary 20, va. leuxaned today. PNr oter Av. mnonthe lie couple bave kopt theur marriage a secret. Tiey aré e novit.. foi: up a hie ah 615 North County street.-aid VIII begln honaokeeping Ua WeAL Mr. Csilahsa vas a former moto> cycle polioçun on the VWukegas tPoliceterce, being a son 0fcMi. a Ens. James Callaban ' Or. otf MeniUa Romnd, Ualy la theI. an hego Utes, UîA ie DAVY, bIlAi statoned Ait seat 1imhe. Ieoewved ivo yeareanmd 1w mSoli. reWYeit in s discbiaget» mmli. tem e . la s il At ie smton mtiongib b la tien. nov unde civil service. On Jaaeamy 20 ffles SBiner casse her. front Batavia and Mr. Caliaima tek out a marri"e. lopase e. The isUse vus eoupproeed. ,'The couple iNMit 1.the. naval statica wiere a chmpîmun performed the usE- niage. The bride lhen retu ed te (an- go v.m w er e "aidbase utam up te recmtl7. At presat sh aIe lu lt 8at th e tes cou"" behoke laymIII 0 »On. valUes mti! tbetr o0boue ha lttel a. The. bridelb orne 0f Bm, lavime popow r vouas vem. Mi. Caiabma w.*bom imW.iremt.m. lut veut t , Wkmke. bat bu liteul ber. a aumber of veau». M'sain uistila .Par seA7Fm g-' murredt f h.alut hnp&e -a« t ec bav, te psr 25 ce te ma *tu &«e Um ise mmd boLd ié e ca" m vSl rn~s. b t ig

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