TýR DAex -y Pageof Wonder fût Barge ms for Monday ana Ail Week - W omeu's 76ecB51k1'Lisle Hose lu &Ul colors and ises, t pair48c. Wpmen's 81.00 Boot 5111 Hos- Womn'a 11.60 a il clhose $1.' Boys* $1.25 blouses. 79-- Women'a Women'a lace knee,4 womien's Atbletic u a suit at $9 11.50 Silk Gloves, 89c. 75e Knit Union Suit, 49c. $1,26 union suit, Mi.E XJrWmi'an G o underwear for women, L4,La.ke179 Coun t'y 9 ateat store frWmnaadChiIdren'. Apparel Women's $10 RAINCOATS $0.9&. Women'a $18.60 RAINCOATS $1075 Woei'm new crepe KIMONOS.- vey peclal $ f0810 $8 and $8.98 MARABOU cape« *ud marfa 00.00 $12.50 aud $14 MARABOUS 08,76 ]BOY$* WASH SUITS ln the JulY Sale at noc, $1.00, $115, and 01.00 $1.00 AUTO CAPS for women 49c. 2Uc.double ise Meuueu's Talc 21c Beaded HANDBAGÉ to $5 at $1.98. $4 HANDBAGOSat $2.98. With Manufact uring Costs Mounting, Higher ai'sd Higher it is Easy to Realize the ImPortqnce of - Annual --of ail warm w eather. apparel for -women and children demonstrating, more folcef ly than. ever ifore that here you enjoy purC hasing advanta-ges impossible to secure elsewhere'in Waukea ,4ap es,Coats,Dolmans teduced, a Fourth, a Hait and'in Some Cases More than a Haîf $13:75, $15 and $16.50 coats in serges, poplins, mix>ires, novelty fabries in navy, blaek, rookie, green and tbrown in bclted and pleate<l style in a fair size range at '$10 . -8 and $12.50 coats in novel- ty fabries in good styles and a fair range of sizes special to elean np at $698. *30, $32.50 & some $35 values in the finest fabrics sucli as velouîrs, silvertones and gab- ardine-, in belted and Pleat- ed styles in green, Pekinc bline, rookie, etc., silk lined, very apecial at $21.75. *37.50, $35 & some $40 values in a variety of the Most popu- lar materials and eolorings, very specially priced at 24.75. 1»2.50, $39.50, a few at $37.50 and some $45 guaranteed in fine velours, tricotities, boli- via and srvstal loths with Paneled hacks, shirred waist Unmes, belted effeets. Pleatedl and button trimmning at $29.50. $16.50 silk poplin and eioth mnats in ffull lenztlî specially prie- cd at $9.98. *19.50 xl"th anîd silk coais, ex- celent quality, goo<l size1 range in the July sale at 13.75. PToqmen 's-J Wash D~RESSES Values to $5 in wash dresses for of good lookiug styles and misses and women lu dozeus materials including ging- hams, pure linens, voiles, etc., lu a variety of colorings and most ail sizes at $2.95. $10 to $12 wash dx-esses lu voiles, lawns and ginghamns as weii ~aafew pongees and iuen wanted styles and color cf- fects, marked for immediate clearane at $4.95. $12.50 to $15 values iu gingham, organdîe, iawu and'voile ing array of ciever clor dresses in a most bewiider- conibinations and pretty styles iu ail sizes for women and misses at $7.98. WashDresses -$6 nd. 6 values in pretty wash dtse for the young ir0o 1t16iinp ber of very *oeuimg tylst close out Waal, dumss-1 Coats up to $25 in wool jerseys, velvet corduroys, w'ool serg- es, velours and chu cehillas in plain white and Moors and ail sizes but of course not in ail styles as this is an assortinent of odds and ends to-close out at $598. $16.50, $18.50 and 'some $20 values in a good assortment of reliable fabries as well as in wanted colorings in nmost ail sizes to close out at $10.75. $22.50 and $25 auto coats of wanted mixtures with pien- ty of style, yoke effeets, pleated baeks, 'poekets, Dlcts etc, at $14.75. $24.75, $27.50 and anme $29,50 values in those fine new im- ported mixtuîres, gabar- dines, serges, poplins and velours in ail colors and siz- es.. Most remarkable values indeed, now clearing at $16.50. ,27.50, a few $t 29.50 and somne ýVaiîîes to $12.50 in vr'y fine materials and most be- coming styles and colora wvil i)e elosed ojît at $18.75. $125 auto mants of an excellent qiîality pali beach eb'tb; hcavy, durable and stylish in pretty belted -styles .with two-way 'collars prieed lu the learance sale at $12.50. -Oe Sik DRESSES $10 and $12.50 silk dresses in a special assortment of odds and ends at $7.98. 48 dresses to $25 in siik taffetas, satins; uarty dresses and crepe and taffeta combina- tions, a most wonderful dressopportunity. These values to $25 at $10. $18.50, $20 and $9-2.50 and some $25 silk dresses lu wantcd colors and styles to close out nt $12.50. $27.50, $25, $22.50 and a few $20 dresses in a wouderful as- sortmnent of temptingly beautiful styles lu taffetas, erepes, etc., party and street dresses; ail colora and sizes to cloie out at $14.75. $29.50, $27.50 and some $25 siIk afternoon and party dresses in the moat favnrcd fabries and newest styles, al] colora ineluding'white erepes et $18.501. $37.50, $35 and $40 street, after- noon àud party dresses lu a wondortul array at $23.75. Tricoletto~and paulette dressesinI beanltidu styles, values to ~JD5 34.75aiad Mid-Summer Miliinery! $5r.98 and i$6 v nnh1 .rt v~i ribbon sports bats in white, navy and sheil pink at $3.98. The ncw bt'aided tailorcd bats in white, tan, French blue and rose are priced at $1.98 and $2.98. Values to $12 in white georg- ette hats, very dî'essy; - many patterns, some com- binations ofribbon, taffe- ta and satin, greatly re- dued ta $5, $5.98, $6.98. lalues to e.50 in trimmed sortment, -many with crepe facings -in turquoise bIne, and sand at $3.48. Silé and Muslin Underwe'r Glearance Sale Night Gown s $1.50 musli night gowns while they last at 89c. $1.75 iusnlin and erepe gowvns at *1.39. e2 soft longeioth gowns uicely trimmed at $1.89. $3.50 silk finish batisté' gons in white and flesh, beaîîti- fully embroidered at $2.98 $.5.75 dainty silk gowns $4.49. Env. -«Chem ise $1.50 muixsin envelope chemise at 89e. $2.50 silk or muslil chemise at $1.89. $4 silk chemise embroidered and lace trimmed at -$2.98 $5.75 Italian silk chemidse spe- cial at $3.98. Corset Covers and SBrassieres $1 muslilu and siik corset cov- ers 53c. 39e mualin corset envers 24c. *1.50 silk corset eovers 98c. $2.00 silk and muslin corset envers $1.49. *2.50 siik corset envers $1.89. 75p, brassieres at 49c. $4,00 brassieres at 79c. $1.50 muslin* brasmieres, ail- over embroidery and lacee - trimmned at 98c. Petticoats $1.50 colored sateen petticoats at 98&. $2.50 white sateen or beautifuil eînbroidercd petticoats - special at $1.49. $.3.50 petticoats with fine heatherbloom tops and deep silk flounce with dust ruffle, good colora in the July sale at $2.29. $5 white petticoats elahorate- ly trimmed and exquiqite- lv embroidered, special at $2.98. ___ Women-'s and Misses' Silk Bloomers $1.50 uear-silk. bloomers in flesh only, prettily «cm- broidered at $1.19. $2.50 Ttalian silk, satin and silk crepe bloomers at $1.98. $3.50 and $4 Italian silk and silk erepe bloomers with rîîffe and lace trimmings at $2.98. Values to $5 in fine silk bloom- ers of new styles and dain- ty trimmed at $3.98. Jujly Clearance of- Corsets $1.50 corsets in elastie top and athletic styles at $1.00. $3.00 corsets special $1.85. $4.00 front and back lace cor- sets $2.89. Women's and. Misses' House Dresses andiAprons $2.50 bouse dresses in good- looking style s aud colors - 2at *1.98.ý '-$4 aud $3.50 porch dresses lu *ail sizes, light, medium and dark colorings at $2.98.' $4.50 and $5 bouse dresses in new styles special at $3.98 $12.00 housc-dress-apl'ons in al siizes, very specially prie- $1.49. $3 values in pretty uew bun- cd for the July sale at galow aprous in al colors and sizes specially redue- ed for the July clearance Womnen's Suits, In, the Season's Most Favored Styles Marked for Immediate'Clearance, $25, $22.50, $20 values in wool suits and values to,$32.50 in wool jersey nuits rcduced to '$ 1¶9 5.ý r-7.50, $25 a few suits at $22.50 and some at $29.50 in fine serge, gabardine, poplins and novelties in the ecar- aneb at $14.75. $55 Tricotine, serge and velotîr suits special at $32.50. Suits up to $75 i the very finest materials and styles; have been rcduced for inwmediate clearance to $47.50. Ghildren 's Capes & Coats $5, $4.50 and a few $4 coats in zood styles at $2.48. $7.98, $6 and $5.50 values in coats to size 9 at $3.98. $9, $8.50, $10 and $10.98 values in children's capes and coats reduc'ed to $5.98. $12.50, $11.98 and $14 coats in ail sizes up to 14 in ail col- ors and styles priced at $7.98. Clîildîren's muslin underwcar, piuicess-.slips, ,pettieoats, drawers, etc., 20%7 off. Children -'s Dresses In July Clearance $1.00 values in children's wâsli dresses, pretty new styles at 79C. Children's prctty $1.50 dresses, $1.00. $2.50 wash -dresses including middy styles in sizes to 14 at $1.49. $3, $3.50 and $4 values ini ging- hams, chambrays, etc., in al colore, styles and sizes at $189. $5.00 valuiés in fine ginghams, voiles, piques and cham- Values upto,$10.50 in children's. white dresses In a number of very pretty *styles in ail siz- es, pecially reduced to - $7.98 ad*.8 Middy Blouses and'Smocks $1.50 middy blouises for girls and misses at 97C. $2.00 middy blouses for girls and misses, iu a variety of styles at $1.69. $2.50 smocks in pretty uew styles button and slipover, all siz- es at 1.95. $3.00 values in linen, artist linen and sheer voiles in white and colore at *2.4.- $3.50 aind $3.98 -Values insmoekli of ail colors'and the most wanted fabries 1in - buttofi,-. aiflflvA? ATm.ucetgficotrin 1 $39.50, $27.50 and sonie $32.50 suits in Poil-et twills, ve- lours, French serges anîd tri- cotines in navy, taupe, pek- in blue, rookie, veloîîr checks and hrown as Nwell as black-and-mhite ehieek at $19.75. $40, $37.50 and a fcw $42.50 sîîits i11 best colors an(d styles speeially priecd at $23.76. $45, $47.50, $50 and $55 suits in silvcrtoîîes, velours, anid silk jerseys in the eleverest of new styles and ail rolovs to close out at $27.50. Wash and S»ik SKIRTS $2 wvhite and colored îvasli skirts -97C. Values to $5 in waslî skirts ut Values to $7.50 lu silk poplins, taffetas and fine wash skirts ut $3.89. $7.89, *8.50 and $10 values in silk îvash and w~ool skirts ut $12.98 to $16.50 skiitsu in satin- stripe silk popliîrs, satins and taffetas at $9.75 and $12.50. $1 8and $25 skirts <of Iussiîn crepe and other fine asilk in white and colors at $14.75 $18.50. 'Waists Ini the July Sale $1.50 waists siightiy soiled 89C. $1.50 new waists ut $1.19. $2.00 waists- handsomc new 'styles special aM $1.50. $3 Jap silk and lingerie waists $1.98. $4 and $4.50 georgett e crepe waists at $2.98. $5, $5.50 and $1 siik waists $3.69 $7.50, $8 and $9 waists ut $5.69. $11.98, $12.50 and $14.50 silk waists at *9.75. Wool and Silk Sweaters $5 sleeveless wool sweaters, al corors $2.98. $6.98,- $7.50 and $7.98 hig8hl3t mereerized sweaters at $4.98 $7.50, $8 and $9.98 woo8l sweat- ers in ail styles and colors' at $5.98. $10 and $12.50 silk sweaters in, 'handsome styles and color- iugs at $6.98. Cbildren's sweaters in $3.5Ô and,, $4 values at $2.48;- M% A .1 -lu- --l- r v E-very article in this sale is of highest, quality-carefully select- ea for the most critical clientele in this community-but -now marked down for clearance at prices that wilflot liA ely be reached again in many seasons-it ever. HEI Pl thet th. t th"e the 1 -en" betu the 1 prm wu gim- by a acts . Pro «Iè roferr thlak bre ba" but ai W mi &Wi "bon Maltai It res me.. ou1 qM th i arna m- lem ID Ulmd e-1 Be care fui to 1,uy no More than yo='ally want. .ThÎesa verY îOW prces are m ad th tue co"UsWratIon tha t thse mer- chandise cannot be ret#ptWdor exhangç'd. 00, cqý