Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 Jul 1919, p. 3

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auru. o e i we~~v re ee.ota footu4i. te ltin hsllu jurie teded te tic S They gave their niqmmeagaste lows, RUS01 TE HSPTA I A PI 0HOT?, ageil 23. O Taloths uink out Tvo non g7wnJrnpn -sir. 1c, nI Ffty Who Had lu Cream petrcyte entlu~ lie it il phd tic d4" et A*ttool. Tise TW ~a>Oe-e mla orl~hiIrg ierllgmoaioaheHivucTWO CHEAIARS TAKEN tOS Thde &tmg sabdvr venus, L Aut outfetGurnee wv ba Sxutlo~foalt ra ae -ce. '00 <tntiS Welas end Petere tisit machne. truck, a rut * Six SOS f l ruleccOaaentu thi nih.aer ut ditch, humlila" hbi t W tenvr. Isisceunder or- vletl.s v t uBiei e .Jane me rdera' th-dtgit the air and ltotatise I"-t hy the Wadlteran Police Satu,- Ultean her bab wre fnce Th ouche w iy nieit andi weeplaced ln celle St Abuer oeplaa e. W uttgan wh t asb It n e . 'ie mcIe vntie rY Joli. Finr ere charged i lh tiee-eelvd milci atenion j et amaei.rolber, 'andt - wl wth disorderly con- dur-t. Tise> gave I'lt naines as fol- 'il PRANK S-iUlAT, ag;ed 18. PAUL GARDANS, agesi 1S. lt.H .ADAI, eged 17. Fi W. 'WALT.ACE, aged 17. S4egua rded8.a e - In v sti~ i n ts harged viitt rbt,>'.Te last w UOIC asreates i aI10,50 P. ni. and ver, eharg(-d with diaorderlY conduct. (»JR ARTil. py»NTle. Croti s toi.lSne Oa«it Pa u v e MOTiUKrJQ, AT t PLaie SportlY isefore il o'locî ltseIpro- maks busytaeae ny îysaumcally and. urlater of the lton crease store At tlise t1 *acmulai. high isca.e@scqrities "jing ge corler et 0enebeecandi Watet street1 diviond etur âddcapale o lare inInf ormel the Police tinS hohlid luit v g nu e u n i d a a l f l r e n r e o se" n t vo sa llo rs ma k in g o ff it i a value.i 54eSallom tub ot tee cream..The.lgo un eplai thi P" tu Ym.e"O han00tiuth ie seene ansi locat-t LeS uexplantls~apIeate 70. - 4 a crova of et lasat fAt>' asto.l Tell ut oe mach y« au psy dova ad boy the ms-itvhet Ileaest thle Columnbus mach yen cm psy mouîîîy. . asitatet. ?eur voeae il u nser a> c ,tel un hatsnntot, lthest aklg go0d thoir oe.- Tel u vatecurtie yen have, if yen have <iffe. Tic tour vbo vire arregted b den>' that the>' tailb.thelet «gain.S c"Y, se v May &d«" cyen s AMto thois' present l'bey seart liet they merel>' tQoale a vaine, tabllily aMd fature. .d ohhersastlors btis te creek vire tii,>' ielpositeniielvçs te thse las 0 WW iii Mamie op,&aepoeoal IeiluenM t saggea- cream. The. islice "Y 'titat tie ave tien for yen aeoordtag ta vhatyoa cen affore te gallonsa vas haIt sons when the. tub c invot on ibis îarlpaymenî'plan"; iherOUA .~ Van rveftvered. l 0 - p a yM c u î o r P -p ys e n a . T i Sa m i A rt A n io y e i. s Th wter v r- .i Writ toour op«Uuen A- forOurp rstesi on the 0qýýteeeatreet viauet b Writ tecarDeprtasnt -I or nt apor, atter wvenshaiodOmîlsinesi tisllise>' m lGaai uvetment," giving edyjo. on the va-te b--tng annoyesi b>'mnaiks direct- tt market eo dtous-It viliiinterat yau. .cd1 ttie0 b' 'îot it ve le a c-bcd on te raiIîng of th,- bridge. et à,.,An Infor-maion vaq OBled la countY d Sec ill s T ustCom sny coSItItoila>'agaluat Bdward aust andi Secu tie Iru i ~Rose tehulze of 'oxLakp Who areB 10 Sonth Iafflef Street CHICA GO, ILL. area«red lu enrnty rois-' -l'-adsi j Igulity .and voeerecognisedin labon Pl - __ ~or 1500 oAci. _____ -'---' - --.- "- Becua tqy$p g~ro~ Boe~.weKNOW timrre tire&. B.caweow uPmdbc.hW taughe us tait tby Win athy - The eare UuIbd -$tu"s infor .*rl ue d <if prce or ume.' - e - eCa protie egàcythe amusfor your car. L~eu~I.9;<gm LibmyvlJ DL Fm*f bisI~ U .Wmbm & 10,. Lake i Lak- Ê 11< IE~ S~E Ç1D~ ~S &bar@ et the profit-Bornme octradiffa oow ti tweplan ]DOW but the asfeua îVh&1ý'WINIProidet WisonDoL developmuent today eauned a feeling Ml a.stSo, iud Chf& lnc]ndm con. tc ftu eh' 98M @apedaIW, le and pecu. tc f hsmetato. or MeIa te oelâ Pruldent Wilson wol Hutt nWr H&louvireb. ereuat h wielt10pschr ttd oeO h laly. Vh Noho dnila see arlin-cnrcertath n fBy planMakn, panseteoa,,h ailli rma,, bave hmlu e adasu.Btdl i nbito.tegnrllbrstain hyhv Hue. Of Coitre., ave lieea @0 satanaI. delayed plans and hesttatf. to ,tart W~ et WeeiM hae ccurplieedolaARqE SEEKING ASOLUTION. heir plans. Mathin 0 »" Was, I a ompqa.!THEiWORKMENsSID1E The statements as given 10thie ad ivoly WWO pmU~ad ave 50p Whëre do ali the drunks conne tram iJlning colîîjag were furniahed by a muse lu#gtflW* 0 e . olut where th For a "drY" citY Ini a 'dry" coun' contracýtOr Who saldt he didflt know DeIBODaatM 0"ea 01 the Prealdent le trY, Waukegan hia hadau uiflusually liow hoe wouId corne out onn his work DeeeeuaYia hteOlt, tIbaut vii holre flamber of drunus Of late. The as a resat t O the unexpected situa a armet di»@ORO*a.en, to the "edorseooicerpr for the manîli or Juan tien. However, the carpentera' aide bullh Parti« li ýtMPreildent don. net shows à total ef twentY-lx a&JTftiofthe psituation i% ýIven ftrm a dit- romnilaWumosô forsa full tbirtylfor drunkenness and savon arroaled ferent view 0oint by the prosidenit of de~ aSer lss$upfrrn brod.Tbere for disorderly conduct whlch 1in50505 the Waukcgan local, William Sabin lu go rol ga a on Po whmcb tla ts canes inctuded drunkenneas.sho Wwho mode a statement ta the Sun an The month et JUlY shoîîldshwafle@ tea th h.pne%'"t wlll irn@dlately decldod talllinqoff la arresesfor <>Wl~~Bbn bsglnasogesheganî~1 Pl i' OSdrunkennese in vlew of lhe fact Uiat "ea akguadLk on the L.gâ c eNatiom@ Plan, maklng the. national prohibition went loto offert tyr o trike an a resuit of the etart .rmdlitdrfîer hoeste foot on juI>' 1. bat litad ot this there la ae eOn carpnes n8iag.Te U. 8. mou,6aitoUllit t eemto b ha tadecîdeti Increane in the numiier sand W ientot hrpe ns n>'. aoT tMA ta-I" lehf.ation" held bl Beute if the pr*eant ratio ke u ort~"enouChre litonwd hae bok 1 Who PrOlm 1s spe he réel"dope.", test ofthei.Month June will i he.e- Auagreement wîî itte loaltcontrac* Tho génerai ogaloproveuli btihe lipeed COMpleteiY. There wveo lt Ours antts at u gemn Pr..ld.nî vigidm and already reaiu 9» a dozeuaraTesta an drunliennees char- wlth the local union entier weiose lot.i orateur for hi. ginc la Waahlngtongeai lut Saturda>' night aiene. atconw opatlabenveI for a Ob M O§ à.,* îd af ire, te cars Are thm e., n drinfk ng uP t int re, sp'ctn fer o r y da st b y te n iet E for th$.111al1 ihlet require bhi.&anenonserve OaUPIY Of booze or have hhey mat thatthe Chicage o trca.I taasge ad e arcv& iff ced nfnlg oossw hOPed up anargumnt lwlit the e.a P-11114M t* Ibo knotty proble»ema it lbhifden te the authorltien. telo barrltietradnti pot av b ïbi., va oo d t i. h lb. Uneathe ti.Polios have ltheiiagreemont-a"iw b>opéaing t Iha bae hal~ ~emelv&ym brObif"0cal et metah.te astave bty tbe jXP, that means that the, oldmUrée. ft Wfflog110.te de et4a'@lmfoa prod . DmOike maie a atrlsng tr. ament was nullllled and tiiereore fqori Wrbt of a, ami&Inefor a0 perlaing ofaheacent» osnle e e e of that perlod wu havre heen juil ftging t Wf.mtb dkg ptln gbai la lis thecln g oiim tit."ornemem BAe0falang waltlng for a Bettlemeat. 01 Whlt aIIl. veu tte lcalpele. epataint aaeted "The. Chiceégo cotrets'1 trled te serquicdls',~a &DaI interviewo andise 1 apppe.. t in aaimont lléegaJlie@ a EP inaa Y wei! -a, iId nut sbat Wiibeho aq him by lal$4o tocharge a oMan vltthiat offense,, a-:c.,pt. 'I bottried tefo a uie t ~~ ;oo And atillwhat are Yeu &alng te do that no menuiber of thse unioni w'uulq etouae~ ci.«, %0 Mer aatliins Wv- enou recoguise ail the Old fa. dat wr ?hmeh ia i ol .Ol.ipoMO'ttraa b pron.MU&aillaoge$. lie mtghty tint er te worklielr tise ceoltral aily pleesbi iUeblab, blth oo* the M, nare gettlug the. bouse wi hihu, if a carpenter rantel ' f1 am ip ovotinioàs deparsnent. Bot viticl they are beomaing 1ftalcest. for yeu or 7our netgib r t ai 1.041# 'omtS. vbt5sPemidnt ap ,eed. Tliat they are. geUlngfit, oy.a~ei co utl nDot do a. but 100 3 0 a tt r w " .« e ýp ré id e t M r b ve e v e r. la s Mre , a Md We a re g o ln g ta v o uisi b a v e lik e a e a trsc to r v i e la D imi d en n v r p n S d ou t m oite hbot lt.-t arin vould end bis m on ta tise o .' Vahstea-MI.helbbit p. W. vroulsint atand for esuhait u*ar- th. w Na UMDM l»Uirangement sand tiat la boy matth.. courldereisée poed i iipu fer ioane have been lIed op. The. Chicago con- eho@ ai o >h statmui ffots.andtractors Iriteiltogel us te ancep4 S indeailet ie hrenaneeffot. ed JJ> VA~I'DVJ~92%e cents an heurtoou uat Bort of lnghon bou t hoeS be a. epplied te hie /AV 1BJ a plan. d ai t i a b r a d . T h e i t u a tl o n l n W a k g a n f - Two Year AgreM ent 18 Brok-course han a bsarjng on thtist i -W several meethem«o tbe U. S. Bblpplut en When MotieCo tm cage. However, nome of the. mdl- M rMvidual contractera la Waukegaft bave oard W" m.ovei trae Washington ta Chiengo Orti.Iflg SMrke for Put the. men te work at the, deelta phslphfe, oS6savouatut a "la 0af DM In HoÜre O#fia-rate of $1 an hout but te date noute Mi setrters Iu lie uspiel City, etca coul faI ae 1.200,000. -No*##l lie o ho TMods Affeoted; Slxty Jobs ofte annclton entractara' me'. rail ockeshave signes uts or have accegted gain, et an iilslansi expense oS e Are HaItflI. the mnon It the new rate. 0f course nillon ollas. iditarm of mplis«w, are ndir orders tram c te0 orae aadtteroess mploitTe At leaBt two hundrea andIflfty mon and inut await ondere tiers unies. te otue l Wahluon llbil.Tf.dil net reoirt for worc thia mornng thecontracter8 hero dEtee tea sip pd *ee.ty of :hs Mpfe ha. linsrlouIn tj kffln andi Niith CIIIOBI.Andet the rate meeioes l 0~çeeba ift e utBtli ft1> building Jlbevers tied 'Thorn are about 200 menon l ur Or. g expoetu lvlelc iai e b" théUp sn a remultofet n rder front the local union and as It; extenils aIl mo e t.u0 curatr sent CpeuitChicago hoadquarters c.1 theCargen- în ienrtaas lIea iatg romoe'union recelvo4 et il e'oleoc mei%. AU lhe work la tlsd up exceptlng that wu -daY tilgit ord.ring lhe carpenters teavitere men have goestaulte Jobs un- 04 The$e"l of go verllesî property andi strike for $1ian houe againot a oint. der agreement from the mmea en- l ~pleecosrctd -orinis tie t e Pt'le they lhave been recefvlng PîO>'lng ttem thst they vol ay ýna' 3plecnrmelrdrn h it nder thoir ontract a be ar wae on. gos moMl ~ajoug. bat 'ieodr u roseeltdy a te ____________ prims fer belaw lbthe, o-peld by -the huadresi carventers voe-kiug IlWe e Ba.- A Biui lJ4spir.0f grey tis commanltty dld not report forFALT I E IY %se held Intaarmi gtie!boee, nomne vomitht. mornin& . am ev million yard@, vla 'eolJ teai The etrice vae callesildsplte tiseth vals caiiomnor O maard. The tact tisa!t thecarpenters' sgroeMený ta mt te lthe gavermmnt wa. 10 cent a with te contraclm-. dosnot expire bl] rd The total recipla for ai&Barplus tîntil next eprlng-a contract vas ver @evemillion dollars, rangmg froni the carpenters agresi te Work for that 9 )cent@ for a remntSoe -cenviés ta periosi for 80 cents an hau. a Ch million daîlare fm or w" mitéu. The THE CONTRACTORS MIE Sailor la D""stpai plua af Aéroplaneue apid t the'The contractora vite-have been hit FOlIoWd ulPFnI I B athAi Wes art. Company et 12 p. er ntuaioflbhen a vulnérable spot b>' thesetrike î,.oe ,nar have songht tu gel te carpentera te Q uiu v ve .. agree te this: .- o - Te work until AuOUBI 15.1etu. iWauega, Yl>2, 1919. tic lonces Mnay fl uemraWho cent prlce; thoien ta 1 an heur . .Grasam, a seler at the. Great fat er marketing tiieir ,W2g2 -thelr position belng that they have LIeo Naval training station, va sa- leracpragram nov beg .developed talken building contraota at qilgeneti cied ifter caiteslng la police Mait- Fi a overmgmn, i wla dg fatro"deprie, butins thir fSunes on te trats Walter Tarlor'. court Wednes- f dey afterneocu vherq h.afacmil a uiole the Mgees haremehul visas9la centbouîsle;aI ttho @4d.t l l chrgeet baving stolen an automoble anatieus htastomy. Tâ.e-m tonse. àbig sumo on their contracta W liter beloig1ingte klA àit. Mthoit a e ament of thie boum* a Odoed are forosed te say the.20 cont a uuî. b.liut O IIU ng r e. noms r numment s.o by,*@ IMg tional Per heur. Thor -fiure wasov u i u u herear cithe ca, »* - wil ho hrouh wlh mon of héIra1thue G aha dmîtteil tisat h mui GrainEI potetIf. qitl técontracta by Auguit 15 and t uit belengeil te blm, the evidee agirens la cbanaed. > 'h ucte vwii n w worktc le> con figureO&crpeler van lufllclent te prove ho vas tihé 'bebli oeoalet-1 ê»4. 8 i esea c ye et the noe rate e1 $1 en lheu. tist hel forr.«ch mentis SheS Ib. visla *Up, htuacnon, lte iiton, wu Tb*camr viasstolon Ivo or tItrisi id "fr mhe isti-.mode tisat a comprcsniaevoulid . hv eoisieeago tm ln front et lte Or demi - .. mnae. ulaam theas. woiiie,,,... w , M-it. Cotiacters Nord Bronce siteuted tate ttfastle Tic WarDepartua t. és O'"l The'n.contracterae.bord iii.One car -vas ibolus driven puet. Pao', 4y" Mlu ont nov. £ver aVOI11iibls In, Petersea n 114Weekesbave a«. cerner teillaîin l b isis s*Wte wue amab B vomicok la gJ, tees or more housée nati- ot burant gTisa evieSSy elcrue 'sadiste.'or sho h 4uluulgeusetalen on figures viettooUMM@*rate tisiof fer 'ho dm" .thr eobimo om _00014110111o-,,Oa MvIn .lathe carpenter vorn et 80 cout& ane te iCourt iUve9 q«aen& a - :i:ov oy 55e depeehucc ega, V e6- Ye-icr. Fie>' emplo>' &hout 40 oupea. danesi IL.Grahtam vas arroted visn Peter' of l.8,0,oo<.Uo ytors. Preitilons vero made ladaita is aikilg suit vas touxii.ln tise Baker bau taueil crdss. ieSea"thtii.unlees persans vEto bave maie rear of thse car. 'lIougis a im- bramo f hi@ officeemues Se fea pdtncontractaevIit builders wv volunitr ctaing b. vas dsiaci but Io suever sl an t Iuqa5 qÊi)aviwu. fI>' Pa> lb, asdesi cost oethle leler wasre-arroatesi. gain# conite e' may Wký, cal vihsevemal contracera stand dissous A son et1lte wevaot the thoatre titi. ~ ~ ' pn avs oh.p!uàligl gtg broie" vere maie Iod*$ - Ie thlt he bail sean titr civi- oaoddeO4tise lerget ut .e$wq, oe, providlng lte> amrffe-edta pa> tie lians trylag te start lie car vtWtho as ,I la 40,000 osfo la« heIcrease wvitei-boa cene atter tiser liaed roomiu uodceosloung te Ahart du se a uanordinar>' lbttr hsad- wh i lb.had baîgains<mte bui l eta a peo ed but ho sd n t m eO cor Jaclgi ride t j c e v r t i g s n g l a e c e . A toes P ic e . a a e ' l I . a t b oU g h - m v e r a l * è e r typevrtis snge aoud AWu f ittla ealimatod thereteare at lent standing about. PIUemun reaec 100 ofcs. a ad 400 oivMleIt mi w. 0l 0bIdns mirv~vllOan skesi if hocouli Idontlfyt>1h. am icqulroillu Wm.btu ondmij" am uta lieaffected by bis sfte mai visa va. drlvlnglte -car visa addiionl ofimmandmonta te Ioid Seo hanq Puggg.iheshoutil te hlm and patng Co mtiaali hefcra" s . lsl1dS. Ca& ePahG rahisai .ai l 1a%0a i tegabe ls nfrmiin.Predictlons wÀorS -models tàmt lpJ#IW- a a -' -vtev orthle .siureffl et tic -otrm ct ed lue im. bulbeo veuxl ont *esltvoly thai ha vas thc »an. Tiewe e to offliegta et-1,%e en"'cantnitors cl a>mlsv asane iled tise grosema.e Viirest SOmda>' aiewbso alu W" isthoe uIeP t" t'a '9"» Ilsbathîng nsîttla lie car b-' eeflg tic vomea Mdi thes~ e tiieetemtenider bli, X"- J~ t hMtheandsisme ocher melr. oIl lu tva uoafor fetar fhotie.1p o1~n~ & net lovaon lie tominsagboardi et tle viela vo Îereva t hfrU BBVe m la or ioemp ~-4 nirvae. n lc Iionio . l & 1>U'*,"asieêlait hie hathisllag suit #40 -* . l iS inteal ccsiibeSoe w y geSU > -de the rest doc n o w t tate cc ~u > Id. n voi batheell tIÇ&aia Young veman. Whea h. rew 0111 ý-:, ý thul ah sulit and car vaeo ahaO ~~ .. Ît o is" liten, orte gnt6 fe u>sda". vi hi- th bec f.Yfet«. I *Io gait se, prii cou mi ove 50 imus Car le' u pro proi hb" bh camp Nom"itae O LOCAL YANKS AR E T T)iaeontinuation of lthe base, taI at Camp Grant ans itli mPnt bY a camp hospltal eft CîtPaeîY, haq bee n aulthoriWp s-ar department and vifl] hs witbin lise oexlt es-days Reinovai of oves-sens conv- patients t a a-n gnea Started Yesterday aflermnoon 1. chu-onie casés were sente Army floepittaliftPort .Sie 'Pu-yîo udre pients mSecey led b>- a nieal olllce, bye cu" and six attendanta, started fat 1% Boyard, New >IexiCO te enter tise ta-y tubercufar beePital thore. ý Mafrta ta gîve vounadd s slill trip au tise lak. ht would osdtu E>' ceaI $10 are bel.5 ade bj tAN Ben o0f 'Cioago. aM1meBell bu4, -'olvesi 81.000and lope. $0 au et 85,000. Tise trip latw oa the steamer Nothf Amue" te sel aia 3 p. in., Jui the Yidîpai pler Chicago5 Wnl lie takest teaLiln.n vb'ny-four bours 151tr var taz Ia te a eu b>I t the. steamer anthiseipan' "am- achou evat.recelvb Unsa ousmm 0 euta te 3 (lsBell. 'ilvea-> 81.esu b 0t er Wvoudl éU ave agutint aou tise 1m a t, al tie $ce i lrqvsiut COL W. Ie t les" U0 Iait; one ha. te mioui lw laye lent one triai on a sleegi Prda>', a larg -MnerWt iotlav Onver Sondau,,alW4o ra ioded il ts thoen gîht camie, muasofethe giho bat lie voui. t>' Bous. ature an esui rcdes tiath"eOb cotattbe 0e ssaim% lected lte gronnl i a&el -nI te .lei, . -, 1, Ivelve o'clook toun"istaie. roundth lte scape aimant &»~ em vas à psécbot a did net counIt ihue.» led rookleas gotise>'il** s )Up tuB Ucomutag vice. li, loto titan 100 mseleras oSSg -k et titi lMe letst a t pm het Wautgaa umasVIe « eri et 8 o d cift "t. ti at la thte beal stand « ,I ad tvonty 4Ivc la>' strSael rc&U lte *vend 11edsêd" ntas ouesuer th* to#rnue vor lbc em tà m", lemcAnWorcéi1 mnstcg ue geme nIW-ii au ie S. e tsw, 4eu uspu rn teé. > ns%,Wb lg i e~~Slcw fu« fflloi euracle tothbép Um1h mre tefat CoL Ueew seboM4_dalo fiat tins. Me b« it m d ~ ie M acette i. '- Y of s t li e Atter 1nPBa M ttiv g i é tti oeftet m m o I s ffl ' r - ' . f 14 *~~~~b a V*-sfe i ntatht e mAiw or - jheâldiontTdhx a~ t> a* is. me ofl âeia s$, mu I vu Gel 'e' auj 'e-m Jet Mb cm set scd w I cen noS c tua vi vi e.' Us 1 lai Su~

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