Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 Jul 1919, p. 5

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-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --1- -- -- Liberty,'...News, Dooe ww. k . 2l ado, 14,1 Mm r iu- I. 8- *-t am .10,4 vmt amf k un ST CASH OFFE R Eeosived vithin next là days baya a beau- tâtul Modem, Iibertyvlle Ui% iois, hom- lht roomas and bath Iw, lx.besudl «Kaunda 90x2»&. Niest klad of garden Iéand. Frut trou, bernies, etc. -<Uirage for two cmr; barn room for three head stock. Fine chioken hous, chiokens, growlng gar- deo. Owner golng veut and must .»IL Part ie oan be arranged il deslred. Property located corner Lincoln Ave. and Stewart, two blocks from eMettrie station. F, R..SELLERS- leUDERTYVEL, i- 8uisut Ckli Ad$ Pau. Askaug user of them wà;t Natiqnal Bank ljirtyviie abiois mt ibertyvminluthe 8tai o theom « bm cffl ~June 191 l» ou ..................... Bonlsc sioman ceoe U .ore DM L)................... 1 iase , e4n >&Munw 1 Bon" 8,%t or.r.t................7 tix or 9 atUB ortio . t .ber &ud. fl~t hc.... ..........o ms ' 0. ttu» t u brU DlM . d....... .. ...f.k d........ ... Md ~ ~ ......... ............... 10. 8-1 . f ud)'f f loslure,. lUffl 4 snd 4 . ...... tf eabove staU.l. lsr....or...............A a er t a ........ J. ...... li» ABUnaBitta., '1.10.1 frieude la LIbertuvglo csr lb. 4s. Lavrmc. CoI. o1 WMOMn. iu, lited frlnei aLbrtyvm. Suaday. Mm..C. Oprins vhb s bwn 111 for Immr tirnle0 bble 80 Il. arouAi saiue. Mmra.p.-lu-leu vIitdber emater Ui. in. Pouls lle Lake Fovnî on Tussday. rma4 uttsrild sud Roland Millerenu. loyedaObpleasent visite irglu Mr. Md lM . L .Protin. and friands cf (clto, onut the poarth vlth rsla. liv hmr. c hr.q. Wllig and daaghter, Mise Maris, of Chicago, apsut the peso ek wttb Mm. Fred Jachiielm. Bobi Luahereompan"oaluLibertyvhlIs Viii ta lossd Saturday afliernoons until floptimber. beflunlng $atnrday Joly 12. Dr. 0. P. Baitsr*ld atiended the Siat. Convection of Vetsrlnarlanm at [rbane, Ill., Monday and Tuoesa of this vok. ra. f8. L. Guyot and Earl.and Edue returnei Tugssinght Iroan Wseontin, vhersttey havo been rlslîlng for thei eocom su eciecyOf Dre.,. mciu When 1iisM~m«,e, 01r Wk. wauneede& am *~ ~ ~~~w uphtqunenemu udiYoa Deedng impwe ment. epby "itais eS oenfimued * enng umsra macin.cogayoe t heir expoctagio= .Nota msmsse u rie pet-ta£?oDowuewmactao u hebuidt bea iet aredog godwork and to maie t6atmor«e &et Wh.e#er e s.grai or or m Amoder inpgae ooto comeiio hm uig r~~~Srk hite hOe.aos sv due boe-i * . ~ profit *dIooa mmo. OGS fciliaeafor vm"s mlui am nevp A vume rom ypou Wia" ss~~Do Machinepoint by point, olnto biiFoW -galuga wWin Let sve your na SSchanck Hardware Co. J. Majestic and J. IHueij, tva o oksy *b the Lbertyville vae brackg vera suspendei for the duralicu cf the. ..s by Judge Wlles. fitôt emnbla IbOh ihîrd rae. Tulesh'oys liaIt th" Are trY lut l a ougci is vecigat 1h. fair grounda. Accnu edlspatceeafrca New Yark, Lleu ol. Mot ld Caian of klahani Park anui Leut nFed Mon e>' cf Wauýkoganver.amontghome Who returovi frot everseas service, ,ArrivIair th New York on lMonda>'. Lieut. Dean>', vis> lives lu Wauko. gan, le nov-aimtent rcyct etr.s shal ai Greet Lakm e.. . lkssbthe Place cf Walter NoGuire. wvie receal- IY w vsgiven hb i dhabsr. Wr.blMe Oluire Mt oua Ure vas chiat polie et lake Foreit. M-- sarh leohin l t a ouba bas fled a suit deuanilg ilverne trou ber hobsen, Jasep IlalnJ. The couple vers ulrred St Wakegaon Decomer 3M. 108 u »4lt.evif. chare@ thaI lber usheul issartei ber lu Februer> of tibs renan" that aieo ieha. counbuti uothjag te ber support or te tlist babY ditei ter. Prlvate Arthur G. l'er. on onfetMr. sud Mre. H. J. Myero, bau reusus brioacemia eSter tysiveMuathe lu survive. fSe lauisi lu New Test Jus. 28. aud reestvd i hcuorabbmsooop aM Coup ant, Juy 1, Soris, loue. *0oua. uo, aI 6:15 p .W Ihel 1 reumaIto my boue ui-, Robot Heen, ro Wu M"s.* o *8-vaMo diio tou lb.0 aw 4k B rIM lu f I a a *Pd luà,a t, Mi by aiiotlulb ru bm ho bai aoar.amuaé, lauveo~h «iAeàà aiSheWbu.rn4lOqb em .omàm u 5 oeéo MieIs Wif BIrown, of Chicsw, 4 qsuS tb 4 v1tb ber father, Mr. Jamews Brown. b.7cuaa0PsuI Lel fora low dosysI lasi 'Wkdàrtheii fiscal seoir ending April 30, ThUX.11o01111Labo (u,.Club wlIl bah 1920, for the respecti. e purpogelg above obootiuÉ atb&frap Buuday afteruoon, ut forth. iJaul ., gu.aasitYYODnrlk.28-1i .acos IL. That tbe gariounssums M4r.aedi*w. RIgard Bubiierd h,.Iu set forthidte t rloed by taxation te trs-d', *b rboa their son, Glenn, i'aU a mOea09 of vla .08,025-001 sByb$a, . epecta tu got hi@ <dis. are approprlasci a« proportionate 0 hewgam b u uejvy luaboula mong. fractions of said total@n, of 812,52600 11,11110 i. qeMd Androv Batun.,,Sc ln cassof tallo'. ta recaetre or eofiftt eo.pab.bp II..Darobby Bob. and " la fagregate sua of 812.5250te FiliayJuîy er autdmobiieo<>datoce7@hall be deducted pro rata arorets vbl 4 were tbe ntp., ro, salivarsoussuas-.' the dei. SEcTON 111 Au other approprîatiop.o lSud cauh balancs for the fiscal year Mr. "ud Ui,5IL.J. Yaung and Mr. and endung April 80, 1919. ar. coutinued for lire. J. J. Wl.a, sud chlldrnu, motorqltî, upse o .bîl dapora b onoooW.,glgb a t ions were imade. ,,uan. . S urnlng Sunday, ty $S-gN IV, Thiâ ornlxuco @s hall b. vaY fLb s a k novnanas0Ordivainra -No. 2W) and @hall Graok Ueho aud Frank Butt.r,fid t., insu trcý" and afct alter is ,pass.age ver. uulbd kt uimarage in Aurorea ,, ,id pnbl,..,.(on a provisieri b% la..% Wdà 2» at the boune0of AIr. Pas.sed Juli 7, 191() But-Isld'a obtr. Mr@. Adam&. tir A pproved Jul> 7. 1919 Butterflsl nOued from-oere, n Pu blishea Juiy 10, 1.)11) àodyOR91NANCE NO. 299, 1 J A. Treptow, Vilae lerk . TO OUR PATRO-NSI We invite you to niake car office pour headquart- ors and esting place when shopping in. Llbertyvile,« or wblle waiting for aniy AN OEDIIIAUIÉ AKING ANNUAL APPE0I'-j"TIONS FOR TI EVit. LAGB(IPUICBITYVILLE VFORTB E FISCAL TBAJR ENDINOj APRIL Bu, 8s Sb oridb Y the Prenident and B80-d if Toasts.of the Village uf Ss~na k lotfor the necossar espsâssuglui~ theb.village ot Llb*rty'VWi, IUNo", for sud durDUg the Risoeiwbsnlgàpil 8o. ±919, there If hsraby apg. prlaed vtie. evoral noms of MOB ajbga nti<',ad d peetli- cally set io"b a. oiloe For Oe fosos. q .c n upaying 8forasal hIs the Om ot $3300 001 of vhlch appoOplatlon of 833W 0o the Ouai Of 000.00 le te b. forived froa Ilceuos, tW stlaed amount ot ou scb sourt-es boing al, #0110-el Frm i. Iliard stk.e, pool taibl, Ovll.g &aniyssd otlerlIceuse th@ nuO ff 0 .0 The .ad nma.1 12"-0.0 0 eusy pproprlalsd for t e ý purPOs O f sali ctingoul fond sud ie. baltnce cf Msa "l a i .to ta ralaed ly taxation.i Ont 0f sald oulfflmutfond mc appt.. prletoed shah he-ppbtthe uscsssarjes. pensfe leto.s.4gaMvilag ealari, cf the prasilsut Masmatra cf the board i tuo? t htessél 01sci,. tars cf th. board Of IMM I urovoaoutm, mejrY of tho vilage tes"a,,saIry of the. village cIrk., hfune he b.altorae emploi ed ou villagesa @s mlay for the moabors cf tii. VOIBDoUrtre depart. mius, sud goh., prevldoes msO6,01 pnotectIon, rspatangsuMd aldlug lu the :onstrucîlcu f 01eyaiSluNW mid vWlg,. repairlag sud mpfOvisgvlisprçperty, ehese c f tbéanbrdt'yf b.eth, sud for tho purposi Of pa.ylsg fdvpolu sprote(- ticu ci d viilu»bs"Idi.g the salary of the Village mar@halthe.Oum. ut For the Purpose ut pmYla for rapaîrs, Mainenane, lproemmtsud ODThe Lék oCOin $tactionaornce, larcvm ud cou. haySUNDAY, JELY 13 la nov la session. and avennusc aiOla f U TM 9Libetany..Jst ueo Tille, lnluding Oh.Ibou;rnustcn sud mut do go onc np ais of R Bl@$e r oa g. i e s»um i Of E T H E L C L A Y T O N in19 . R . B R $8000.00 cf vhb appropriation th, .BR Oaum f01200.00 10Oc .ta 1» i Incaou the "The G r.'Who vill ag' Oe f th@e Ipyn IP-aidd 1tabrId Ta tusud l. a i ia 0.0Cgme Baek" ld thi. faetlot lelota aind h lazijo snkiu ~tiai. sebool teacbý total for l thear. eaetion upirpom, saine titnny Ideas cf 0800.00. - BRA4Y PICTOGRAPH yau gotta giva 'nn For th@ purpo bs c p yu thee« . - that a g od rb e p e n s e .a n a l h l g t . u e c s d p u b lie r g h t l y p p l e d t plaee f ii.rWgs f .rvilleth E 'OA utehl Oum cf101700-00 &ail hc blcb t e t rassi hy leataicu. - - - - - - For ths purpees of paylug th$ testb ""ustalfth@uftbmWoent br Ib.. sud laterensg5the.MMn gf 150,00. a10i bÏo cf ybc hO . dqW ptzal Fcar the purpos cfai'qbtg vouvlael t V a h r G hall bnis f eaM vmff ci 05000lo 0"c Nos. 1a sud 14 vutI' lat eno _____________ 84M 0 00 c1 vIllgehal bouade f - i-N c as rm" f in a t' S m village, tho .umai 8 1M0.00 aul cfNiealsrmnofnats u, Wble lu ota raismi by t&glio& . mer Boitnee of fine iawn. pret- l'er lb. purpees of oà# op Ie th@,ethrisoo publie peiaaskl .i viholde U,y«Ijîe i dwt itc Îeo Mdi raklag ln.provoumeb 1is ,tee m broidelf7' suetof$17500 ail cf whusbla t e L e eu ,5 ralmei by tezatiow.nwdegu 2eaSk For.te p upo u. o p 4 gfor lb.he- aperiUtioin. abmeas 5«d topai"s cf -. Infants' crochèiadBootees, sevelral ti - v ofag vtn sysIsva*uoiua4 e-cute stylos, ermmerjin white village lot s ppg oisMaNe1, Onk S or e incarnaithe ua cf09 41000»,anaui01'riz vbblb 1.00h. iuoeisi -. at........ 40C and Skj ler valr "nri"e fuaine lm o' Y$akig th a »Bib. of wh4,e pique. trimmced Mating Meh. bite be ~with durablelace. t« " » et IJM MeantThese an re S y.......2 e woa1urovIdd ot Sb of saMisMM and os i. MI *WaiTrueies etafI iagsd O th- gf l . sed W s - U p g .* 6iOBS' voyA4i ENDS IN WRECK Two gobe froin the Great Lakes Na- ,rai Tranng9 station wa1ked into the office of r W. W. Hedgeis etMcb. Ill., tate Sunday nlght. They ex'hlb- lied severai scratches and bruises and sked for iedical attention. Thy told a %tory of havng been n an auto enmaMiup near Frankfort, 111. Thee girls, tey sad, who had been wth thein dsappeared. The girls aima wre badly cratched and brulsed. accordlng to the sallors. A frmer on hie way to, Mokena yesq- terday found an overturned auto n, a ditch. The macine was rghted and in fi was found the business card of Chester Harris of vanston. The Mo- kena Police learned that his machine had been atoen from lnt front of hl-. residenco fundy afternoon. A de- scription of the illors as sent ta the Great I.akes station. LIBERTY TEATRE i SATIJIWAY, JI]LY 12 DOUGLAS FIBNSi "Bound in andra c c;"y . ~IM A Wise Hç ldup -Wta take your AMERICAN EXPRM TR AVEL..k, ERS CHEQUIs. They inean bis detecojan. Tbese Choue-Sefac<sture 0o ur banlng service-' are uasjnj ly to the person whone signature appears in the upper lefdhand corner. Thousands of dollars hOve basa suved ta traveler, wvho curry hen-the maso perfect brave! rnaey insurnce ever devised. We urge you whsn Planning a trip b let us thus safeguard Your ifande 7 -eefauos Cheques be- corne roney onfly wlier you countaraign themn Should uflcotintersigned Cheques be lcet or oboles, you are prîotected. Iasued in denammngtîons of $10, $20, $50, $100 end $200 The Ffrst NationilBank of Libertyviil, MI. Savi% end th.*iug Accanas f« ety d.t oam Loans, Bîchaoue, Bonds In formula oui pla1ns, our ezpérienceiIa you money anid help you to a ter resuit. We want every inirdual £0 ehi communiey to 0 to us fïelfor adjce in lin« We are here foribat purpoee and you am weca any turne. Jockey lasttoi eceved mrions lu- tlarle. about the bosi sud aulders by bis vaaltlug the fouie at t b. rffltract Wodacsdy morua«. nie* Thon. Quayle spent a ploaseas aflor»oon a% lb. races V«orday ma gusltotf lb IbrtyIls eJockey Club liberliftGros,. vs. lso thora. 19 appsairdfor a lime Yestlerday thal tii. h-11198 Iseson ol h. open for QU"ilbut the day v» aspessiby Do hoottig of tii. bird reporte& 4 George Boeksu cf Gary, Indiana, @peut1 Bundal vlth fuload inLa Lbortywille. aie Bâilter. Basél, vi accompuailsd hin viii Maile an oxteded vieil bhe.9 Ths4EbYal Nolqbbors *91 vots on the .Matter cf r&lsug tbe rat«.,ai their noguler metng on July 16. A gond1 attoudauco ie detem-Auna L Saydaa,0 recorder.1 Throngh "u ormgbt la prlntlag8 Luel la Glesacuene . vasomltted fron the perfetattonianoe, sent ut , Mr. SIOpon, luDlstveolka Isue. Lulla 1 nom toctii. Boif DaylaoeoL. Mr.jand MmsC. T. Myrmanegter, Patelle cf Bossiani, Air. sud lim. a. E Bolesa sud Biora and Willls, c Cor go vora tbe vosk4.i ust. cf their Paent,t Mr. sud Mn . RJ.. Moeno. Ksuue9t1à Bock aMdik learrivei boa.e frnca Detroit, vh.ra tbey haro taon spusit bel, lacuey.aoon lest veok.0 Tufflpt te4th viOl Mr. Bock@. Pa"n., Mrnsd Mm. Peter Bock.b Tb@ -peraca vho t bruteko tu b t ON Moereastas Garage Tae.ia8 night vast sea de notfls. Unissetus e s top. a pei at oces 5h.abov. pron yUjlieta pro.ecuted. 1Èl&osd bern a a wsrnlng n la sald Party. P The Mystie Workora Lodge luîblated a'c cie.. of aoabers Tume.ialght, situ W vhlcj, h07 ejoyed sltrssbaaents and e dancing. Tharsday ulght a dogu eslea.t and ssvsral aoatara of Oh. induesa tL Roing Oc Irsubo la conun e wii ork ocf0 mat-t." ALEX FEJJml LIDERTY VILLE, 1IoteBw sy h.E i Junk'and 01i tomobiles ods -for the Baby Baies Summer ShitsmSrewghj long sleeves and sorne with short 40c te 75e Chuldren'a andi nfats'short Socls, Pink or blu.etoma eaizme............ 5 eC ,Diunty RibbLa Rosettes, mmn on gold pLaid mf'eeypins, tvo threelmsut *P., set.I-- aty Board petRaview ILAul p0T50fl5desir. lnts viti bthe Board or before Augu i, filM, Chiot Clerb. Wkly-tt gCritblfs. ms Miler, "Thcs. ou ,hera ay bave bai 8about toachin', but In erAdît for kuovis' Itntmal r11Cr, vion ýa etupidstudent T lit :-l ;èý ai 1 il

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