Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 Jul 1919, p. 7

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~jSNCLIROIL rAIRLANE CAUSES N4.0. Mod vIONOfl oce ~PpmhI oe ~ J ud vhand Walter Douglas epsu#,'u. Sdur viéb Mr. "d Mr&s. Ia. uou0s dY>iru.sta -e rsod gr& .Athur Wlllonof K.mobe, Ïg y 'ilhave mouy f06ude bsre6o viii be L 11..PSSRÀNOr, Cor. t1Dý!W10t1ev cw f lb. arrivai of a t~~des Tlsea fo ,~,~ fini1e danghitsr st aboi home r.costly. rohUEPtos qfl application. * i.Géorge in b.hd se goue ont liun Joursb, ber doler sudbubad, d tidrNe. Cunnbarn. entertslned Ur. sud Ur&. ird UNr sud Ur. nad 1'49W anud faclly, Saturday and Mm. lorDISO ! Chicajo. Ur n fd NU-s.JaumsLorard euJOY'd -106110khotsr tuIàeralerIIng ber & fâmlly reuvlon oven tbm Fourtb, alec hukm Lberty ville. ohrfrende f roua cblcmo. hXî0Bk- bal kam deleated Lake M r. and Idts. Thsyer etrtinIed 1.1., b*r soef sto 2. iivS from Evastmlula@% veel. be#Waks bàd a big turD out tb. John Lundd i vl if. î beaMgo, ar@, 11. 19vetr'body «»yd 0s lb.is15vlelWdg hieparet. 00A mlmbï. Ioos1es Ufl r " N. Cbas Esu>ep va. taheuta OtIq bogv'*e bail lmt. Autloeh uuety bo.pltal on Saturdop for lu$". 00e>Isab louuda bors Ib. Fourth. met for urnuae poleoDng, but *ammd wI -«é îougb te sasy Nonday, iesvlg be u benu.d O**' tbré ve, m.daughlme, ones a bonly e kw be *17*»Tn.daY. old, la mouru tii. Iesf a sdwoWm beDa.d.L»b.(in Club villi U boIdosus~r àwb*rnemfbrof v. mad mreUeblsbe nmél berm v e bil oado.l b. c tr lu ulito t a[ke Villa. Bundsy. P .T » doUh à** Etu netsd famb O 9m l.,piu T l. d Ioa bs 0» o ucler.s.. bud sud déanistsr.s eoser ou, dsPeSl .D"VU& sof Wa.mik. wuObvai mlaalia. @h" Iflor as Jo. u.rr. Dr. snd lie. H. 4. lms sd amofa We CoaSon froua oral w., W&. 1.cbimwo, ua pSdlug is cool sîaÇ.. B. MM Dr. L. 13. Cosloo a fmn M". Ham's. WMrM- . EAdam@ ansd daugt BarrieS sud Wàaao Wan, Norma. $Vkm mbsgu thpe - l. ourth vItui L amd Bort" SeUbots ois campig 4 »V. 1,-M r plmon eli -k th the ab ba a Dowa»whbIc hob eol1ýnAutloeb, dM&aY ala. em eS"ditiailt Ila. 02 1UW hismore of LVbrtyli&s bd hWaersu, MmJce.Peter lb. k4ad. lm iMy Horeubergsr etertsiued orsi«wlb.e oua-l. Mry "ad Ternêr IIus oved to vWi' Colo., liey saqrlel inday. les" iof Vlcorgi, Wln.;' va@ sa O W et MeiCandm' aver té ouà' ..Ivistg t ds ber*. leAOSe d aiWlvarth, Wl, wcama Offl.dlIr At lb. Wtiaon boni. X NDclub tli l i *sa lb.s ars bon uay Aitr. t-. 28-1 I sg.tertalaed relativres re.n -Ia *I bO#lt e .proud posessor k4d MM. B. Ford of Orsyolak. lé bmslasblaaov Ford. le hm unarlir. J. fEnhua leon ieohlauwrad to a bea*our if cAld la lb. MW ,future. Obs pkoturs vIl bu shovu as the Siim vea rw ida lnslad ilèdey AS farmerl s"d s ood MMvll be glven.0 I. wqla s"d "4 lof Vaukegan. P« i-Pod .... 5c iss.t. of Load Po.-- YSICMA 'PRESCRIPTIONS Nt. sMd Drb. rau Nadr sud fsmilly epsulb.e wtb Kmtouha rois- lires ad atsnd.dthecelbraton. lire. Jemmie Jobeon and UlmEs dtb of Chegco, eput the Fourth it ih Làke Vn& fre..i IPr.k Carleoa. w uo aspropriseor ofi ib. "olaideClub'foraïulajours OU "fitlag na icompelshd hi so retire wue fond lu Ivo fées el ater as bis borne a# Foi Lake lait Tberiday mornlug. H. bsdreurnhd fromCbefajo vbere h. bsd- be. for Irealmesl for sassa,0of lb. lla, onlp à euhor au belon bis dmih. 1TvO dengtio and th"0. mne bo liv. la ChICajO, survive. The fanerai wau bsld nt hie bomne SéLur- dsy atternoos and bualvaaet AUloch. -MILL.BURN d lMre& (2stseu oek M i slanud r. Num. dSaebaDdge ai Ubersyvili, @peut #@ekss-ead citb Mr. @ad lMr. J. S. Mir. ad UnK . RV.saonaend eoas of Wbieso, Ilu., visi.ed a5b. penauag. laiSs veel. NIesRoHesafford .-eturned from SterO.Ii, an sd wvii p.nd pau-t of ber veesicavlth ber paimale. MisslmMande Clevslia4 of Chicago, la spsadinaa a fudays clIh the home lir. snd Nim. W. J. White, lNa- Chi Webb ad lira. sBavie .of Vaulugmu, ofpln tlb. rourta asIÉNUCruel. - A daugbt.r srrtved et lb. borne of Nr. sud NAtm Vilmer Ro, (nes Strang), Mn,. sud Nm. Caddoel snterlld carnpsuy fom Chicoao ove, the 411a. Mms. Chas. Nasbovs of. Milwauke, epensalbe day. cha Muids.,.. on- pliainud Jeunée.Malimece, iohort sonner ves a Robueter, Wl.., vietor Sunay. EUWelPollack o! Lake Bluff. le aixSd.q lai g Ible wes ber a lo iten- mie ]Ruth Ul NIes zP-ollocà- of Chicago, viled hum Tburedsy outil Bandol viii ber nain, lthéNissi.Wateon. Nr.sud NMm. -Lybur Stewairt sud daugleire am ienfdlug a Ivo vool1 ýv*lti. 5 etlb. h.oe01bis fâther, A. H. -a o6s K»oz of 8bath Dakotts, ce"i on Mi soeummu he .pusé co %céel. A OM vu biles lly 4, ta Ni. sud Alir. Jqba Davuon a! Tbrae Oaks, Nicb., lOvMerly o1MlUbaum. alw oldis. a ervl doja o N lougW bwb et 9110 lie-S . 17bmà nosored a. te d, id Rd Aepoe'eof l01mooniulon 4 M& t tW ndttL01 tt, Bmmt. fDlas iUuo0bs etotheb. 81h lu, 1019,a m. t b uio iPbieAron.o bet lesourees ..........u...................................... aS1 ........................... ......... . ..... î ý sue.... .......................... .....4 8 00~ 09la ot sud ....................... ...... ..... 9 .-.............*.ii ..d.ol ..... r ....................... . ......l . ........................................ 5 ~ O~ ~ ieber0f the Virt Stste Bank of Rond 1., do UUNo.u le atru tb lb. bit aetu0 luovI» m Or ILLISUI, CUNY OF LAKE, m. sug d 4'wM o bd belon. blo 11h day of Jil 19119. N. B. Wbher, Ntary Publie. Tb,@ Ladies' AId meaj w Mire. Ustbls Palnasrtî,n u &lteruoo,, iuly 17. Alilnh There vii be a communit ib thcbureb ou Frlday evenim nu Thur- ntenemeild ly aieaîln Ig, july inesuf n m. a hrt-u are icyltp 0. A. fiver ha@ umsîly rftooved tI bis luilasm. Xmrs NcDougaill aturnd to îhoe Saturday.. C. M. Gorbom sud faanly cslled rslsllv.. Ssturdey ftru>oo. T4ti. Mies.. usyle o! Oak Park, av lias foutb vltb lDrs.. orrl. sund Isuilj lir. s"d lNi. Chare Clby and bel. 0i gone suinsa fors foleurel im- L. N. 9Qukins ani ebildren Wslvonh. Wlo., vWated àdre. La Coýins. Uoseday. . unfW.IsLarsCorne, . a sud Naayeard SiBmhlomror of Tot Oies,1111a1oM o ilibourus. Wl. , fourtia. b urned Suoday,*'t Viled M- n.eti hIll.t'bel W '~ j W. .Ui~R L~ fJj< MItAT I Ft2IC WAUKEEiAN OIL CO.!RtIAYAÀFTERNOON;P re t~ ~>r InWheeyCag Plane Cîrcles Around and Then! "*o Admjtd h hanga I end qpbonTwdPc n."TlireB iI "'nrsipMay Be SOOS ow Twad ic c . Od1Y JI%= hMade. nicers; Brought Floht. ciyExtras. A tire-makers frst problem ais tu decide bo LO FR O AS IS COMlNG? f ive for the Morley Ti, and cvery alter1 len Wukga Jl' SUN GAVE.THE RETURNS building, depends upon poncies. pon til ao i beamegkan. va Wukgin ui Z19. reducciA super-tire such as The Brunswick, can be SOU both ltuat OU COMPenies îoday dcl1Consternation vas îhrovn ml o a COCftwihkovweladarcaesti :. thes wWlae price of gesoline two c-mcd of Picniekeri On the Southt aide Îng exclusive in the tire industry except high a a o centseàgallOO-that makes the wh, le- late flrday afternoon ehen an air- Since .1845- the House cf flrunswick bas hel loIs U u as t arage:mn 21 cen Plane,&fiter clrciing around lte pic- evey une it cmtered. Brunswick Tires. asi âonl 23 #«1"s t55the fPricqetof koro. nie groundoa aesiral tintos, evooped imotoriats cret n% ten icertainlyk r t h e l a e M k a u f - t h e d r m t b t r e v e r cr i a . o f 'L t h e t e f- o i . c a v e t ed - ! ac e h e M o b y t h e s u p e r fi n e . thée ses.e> "sl e galion bombm" and the crowd promPtlY sclal- Motorists who buy one Brunswick usual. "JI coepselt grade, 14 33cents; Ibeet 17> aered In ail directions. ru.hlug poll- complcte equa-'ment. Ycît tis !*S aot sîrange, ers ce.ues, tuo place@ of fancied. eCurity. The one so completeiy provesissproiy A repaort la corrent tbat lte Si». i-tpcole wam ht the May street plcnîctesil Uprirzy clair OU Cmpaiiy have losed a dciii grounds and w.a belng held by lte If the Mne of Brunswiçic certifies 10 you. a fortI l uibtue.ont rlght of lte W-t- socals.. an extraordinarytecat no higher rree. wosaj ksS" - S coopany and,lua, - No bombs cere dropped bowever. business to test cric ci- îwo -Brunswic~k Tire,? cordistg 1 dut retailer of gazoline In and the plane did not land, for a fev vesteis n [ab County on Sunday, the mioments later Il sc circling t0 tbe THE BRUNr7 WICK4CALKECOLItNi lmpendln g irlt between the Sinclair West. Preaently it came dlown In a 623 S. Wabash Ave-, Chicsg. a and thdeb Stadard 0i11(Company lia, field nean the Keilar honme urdale cous $c, a geint wbere, as the resîit',-oad, near the new Norih Shoro cen of!tlb,- arcisse of te Waukegan 011 îery. The aviator tnsd olIt a Iarg. luComany, ti. Sinclair Company isc Id bondie of necsaPera. ineut lb. pn-ée of gasoline today dot, n t theooe ta j. I. Price uit thé. Sun &y two cents a gallon. Tho reduet , i olice Jusl as quick ase yon can . i lm. however, wa« fot nù.le p ta olate i_ rled ta Nîchola. l:eli-uii c ijon-] OU day. noarbv. The -Ianding wa, made ai lin iuu ry ai tllb e office oft h e W autu j :Zo8 P. im . A few flo we t lt a er th e [mgan OU1 Comnpany broughr forth a airipane was rugbing over te grOqItdi tu &aternent tbai no, deal hadt as %et'-and soared gracefuilymloite ait ro heen couelnded with the Slnrluýiir land was on lieta wy sorth. r-Company but admissions wert madle Nrioa <lr and hi, braIsr. tuaI ltheBuliclair Company had been John, epdIt thelr automobileaud adlckenlng wulheti local concprn rushted the apers tu, the SoU ofce. er h a chia l a"~ee ail na-er Lak Tby mci, th. trip In fis-e minutel.. <0uty4 ud .4nlImnaîion mvas giren that, The ipaperoo çC:e aflglt exIn-Be sent il couldbie*àuprising If ih, des] was [o Waokegan hv the Cticago llerald CU mTheSncar opa1ha atbsud Examiner. heing the tirât Chi"a- Tha gm opnyhsetb go papers to reacit bers vîit delaili J',lited -an sgeucy inu 7'ankegan bot lof the flght. % fil le adbom MrdNat ttfe-dv-.,ire bas hi-en Accordîng too ciiedule lte Iandlng yo aèuift a 1111«locaql wholfflale cd- as te bave talten Place aetlthe golf maclPt asn b .M W aukgan oil Coin-1 ground but the avîalor, Elaner lart- 1tpanys plant afforde. rldge. did flot sent able tu locale tbis Il la gênerallv rinn- daim n retail plaue and id landed aithlb.trot place - crcles taIlite Sinclh '- (nmpanyof vanînge that preasented Itselt. Hi ,i. kl l Onld egatiatoni amistaken the south aide II îî for te purchase of th - Walokgan ground for lte golf links and Tn- Oit Craanpau aud ltatIin a sery short sued bis eanch after irttg ie lie tonb. cUwl bce it Ar nanus cornlis miske. i ei ivnbteen Slnclait ,îd Stand. Il cag lt ha tâ tme that an air- - a-ara 0i1 ltafjaa the situai ion Where plane was eyFr nsèd to bring nev.s- -- I- he tco compules opera (-. papers to Waukegan. . , - ii The Wakepu Ou Conparoy a cou. One hundie of papers bâtd heep l l I I p- pe Of Years ago0vai. purchased by .1 dropped atile Foreit. Prom Va.- . . .... bcontPanY u-1ieh Opente, a nunaber kegan te ,lane cent ta Kenoatia. ~, of sirolar compaulnes in alter citles, Sun Gave RtuinsT--r ,-i 'z - -t- r*!re for E_>i P l'inciPally iu lb. sonlt. Il bas sînCe !Th- DalSun biîlletined Rut n-e- rrr c oPerated the local conceru lu IAkeltborns on Il. bulletin board sud alg o.i - lrc -S'>zidlru Coinit,. asa~~~~"PPlled lte r-tomns ta hudredaofo __________________________ r. people Whto cilled on the' telephone. , ,vas anrprlîing 10 C inte nuberFoSaeb ci r o!omen vito calIed to gel retaras Fr b ýton te championship battIs- H. B. Eger and LibertvMfe1 Nrs. Steven aVles of Pomona. Cali il 1 Ionia. non od resident o!flHighland e ltJ<C AIjÂIiPar,. Ilîlinois, cha cas formen-ly ber,- UUVY aI~JJaJi4IJjjj In business and better knooc as Miso; S'iniily Erkixte la very il wIhithte ____________________________ Thr Ae13 giý Pra p;hanlsb lo1liienzi and pneumonna. - Thee Ae 38 er. Pema-Sie ha, 'been helplesoandsud cn nent Residsooàihan there o - Otof thte C bui bot Were Two, Y00,8Ago.. forthebest I bsma> lWUiepe.d..t Ckuufl.dAd@ ?Pau. Ae& wi BUT ONE VACANT HOME!_________________________ 1 The North C(hicago cemuss Is oc cornpleted' and the total poplation ls FouNDEKD 1867. flac six tltoucoand or te beMnore exact- biOa gain nf 138 People oame theit ceoAs sof ]' lgti% tcbquila. 5812.1MCI(A U IA IE IS R N E CM À -Witeu i ondered Itbat lb. Navy IHQ N 1U U L IR N A CE OM I tank 27 bouses ounte mest aide of teDER I 1 Northtwesiern tracks a»àtmany oaitM IT ete cesi aide fiastée a Une showing ln bew ay o ouaid.Ttsby OHN HODGF,: DaistrctManagMArelà, IIL eaestocmans a morb mort crowded con- dition for titre hai dot been enougb 1 b ou ses bat during t l a ait year ta tlaite tite plae of thunee taiten by the Navy. Only une vacant place vas- foeind and tat vau the upper bon- of a double État. Dear Sr:- Thi. total PoPulalIcin hy districts la h utfite er tas iollovt: Durling tels ite er your life-work han be 1 Dotrict 43 Non-h isti-let men ail - haped and determined. If Ion have pa'ePared Veil, yotnr fli «ses 1654, wamen 1743, total3jI?.7 District ":: Ooullý dslset, MM ail 1301de matiy gaod thingu inluStore. au". 35F. Voma.- JI". ttal 25a. Mien bath ditriat. 3M9. cousatThe matter of insuring your Ilie is all4important This yi 2941, grand total]SM kgo. W'u yu aqui1 th proert L* s ye i fol l * t District Ç'a onder 210,bomi. si&î nw e o our U ... o .e sa 1011, total 66 sufficent, you wîIl go to an attorney, -Ît down, and quietly u I District :etceen At sud 21, bos 180 deliberately make your wili. But your Life Insuranee in of Mo 1 93, ttad 1199. Iprac; Vi îma AWyUI05bu orru7po )JibLnact 64, untier 21, bave«Il, girls Iprac;your wllsmpy' trbtebotyor ole a y 1girls 619. total 11».Yumymk Ôu ila 6,tm",Urn ,u'rntrlM 1 «trict $u, beloen sa my4ou MdaT 21, boystuallie,~ »20, girls.402, total 704. tetm t tkLi Iurn l wh yon Cari stIt. ipi Teelausu tes bettves ad 21 risks are not iranted. Lot your Life Inouranc e aeman ue mete eages tlitI dXQW lthe blic ue Money tromen liA 8te. WlMth se oit do*u with yon and tell him wh4t yoU vaut the Infarance1 âge$ lte Nerli gtret4 accomplish. ,Let hmb yonr insurance attorney and advlir. 1 "md thme 9outh DVlot U. la tohlWb Mina of as. Tite OMARI 'sen la th. haamade a atuly of t-h. business andi cau explalu Jiow- lue Saouti distriet Wvaiet 0tectli&tbaI viliserve yon best. No hlgher Compliient ocm be pld jolitvu MaFuy ailleWiall * bdse ir las takten laien acai fruits *ej by the. hie dellire t-o Interview you, for Ion are supaçoued t-o b.j of aow l Ive btre and *ad teDl 554 c outaofh-alth, wlth à good faniily record, and of good stadi4gauîo liur irngn. your fellow men. Your Life inoura2nce ahouid not b. ueglected. seitoal problem for the -future for If 70U are lu the market for more insurance, piese lot iM tbere are 7M c hidren llUdey SliX e, er rmy Lake County lo more inlereat.d1 the nec corld champion than lu au champion lthaI ever came itetore him The resson ie. tuaI Dempsey, a coq pie of yeans aMM lought luntegyn Misnumaai Fort sindsan, beating Ji Flyon, a former PrOmillent ligitte au kuocked hlm eut durnu tear round. Aocordlngly one o! bis pig liinsi-y slips tocard ltae cbampioi shlp cas laiton lu Lake Counly ai, tbe People nere cul cwatch hig caree vith veny mach lnterest. A Lot0 Waukegan men sac lte Dempsy4wi lard 11git. Toledo. Jniy 4-Jack Dempsey, - ai test oua tIth Inheight and veigii 196 potinds, togay crested t-hevo-Id' heavycelght cbampiOmslip front Jes; WIllad,* six feet six aud scallng 1f>ft POaInds more titan lthe sactor. t'Youth wclibu served." Yo canti Dent te aygtem. John L. Sullivan lried and faiut, '3o dld Jin Corbett, sud Bob Fit-zaim M013. Ji-Jeffn-1es Jack J-ohnson. I cd. Willard'aInn-n todoly. Knocked dovu seven limes lut-he MrsI round and saved only then la-or defeat by lte bell, Jan quit cold af- ter titree r9unds, of terrifie puniai- Ment sud yîelded lte cnovn 10 Demi- bey- Wban lte bell rang for lte fourth round b. îefused 10 anscer il. 14earlY 50,000 men andwvainu, cho aad'come.frointail ports of'lte vo-I. forth Ib ttle, began a riolloas cia- nor that for a lime thneaiened ser. louas esult-i. Hundreds of policé sud returned soldiers fqught w-itl tae 'rocds that -aISied toward lte riog. WIllarujcas chlpPed tram ithe aapp and neyer hadl a chance. Ai] f te kuockdowu otean-ned in lthe OPenlng round. Willard adlually cas eouated outi oce. thlenst l[me be vent don.a But te cas saved by the gong. whc rang a few seconda befoire Reoe 'ecord hadl finisited tbe count. Pe- Cmd lu hie excîlemient stepped ute- O lJeMPBeY and limfiad bieband bi token o! vicloa-y. Dempsey rushed -bock to bis corner 1-ked ander lte raptsansd stan-ted I-wn lthe sie. lJack Kearua, DempSeseManager, àd entered tha ring durlug lte mis- p.: sud iteard lte tlaekeepe- about- ag ltait Willsn-d b.d net beau coon* bd Out belo-e lte itll. Then ltere as a 1usd scrauîlsle. . Kearne rusbed Sown the bible sud brougit Denspoey ac k. Jeu Mas illy Smîle Willa-d, wiao iad been pnncited 11-Y cas ulttlug In ii corner *itit 8111Y imile sud did met koc hat vt as ali about. H. aswered lba il MOcbaulcallyr. Thon Uaoy gent itead cîhoot mach la n-agie e it- lation. ," What a PaeItlng bie sot for the next rWo rounds. 1118 rigit eye 'cas client Md his tuansd lits sud»muebiais id sud ileâdln.1, Ail over Ibe.ring bo reler duriug mat "Àd second round. chIsi muaot lave eeni.d su bour lOngU til". Ïe ataflered frin pilla l pet cîth s reunfle..uMy beaglaggmWay 1,M îUr sud accuncY. IIced le giaml citla puehes ir th lbji, Whounthe. bel ended tlbs ecolld anle. Wlllard. sà -mima voeked adly on the hem sye. Thae Lant Round Jesu came foi-lb ote»»*0ascUser k«ribîs Iummeltug. ArOI1163uiâld WSud they cent, justte 6*iou3Y -blluff outis lsIet ai -Mohan at. OsI Cas gongsMM Dewgly, mot» &OIS shtkbis boad clou - mes Culng ai blm. Orne. Willffd uigmî 0p6m«cut aoe- 1RiY iaola up Jack. AtIthlbe llvil aIr tocard bis eter and ne seM ta e v lr uitbelore be at daca,- A briet consulation ciîti bs se ùl,- auder gesnt out Word be bus %becn aa siency. jl le thtfetamlime a couids cimh". l eer lout his tille by rei'uslrng 1 S*e-,lthe - bell.- lias aat vwillt. s.b"Uider.d zlueS I-*1 la scellen coantensuce. "II.l vas »a USfl - 10 continue," saitd s ex.ebamPîOun. "»ulàrenstb veut rin me In the final roaud.» ling Mt there standards Ild firot pcoi more ae ag be awarded Iy adopt it e. "ce the « to mm 0 DER Ca b CGe uch ( MY Mre Fou Lad pqt. red té m id 'y-OMM 1 wh JULY lo, 1919.

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