Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jul 1919, p. 12

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EI- I 'W, r-, ireat' j- ~J \\~~ CapesC oatsDolmnans Redceda ourhaHaif and in Some Cases More than a Hali $13.75, $15 and $16.50 coats in. serges, poplins, mixtures, novelty fabries in navy, black, rookie, green and browu ini belted and pleated style in a £air size range at $8.9a $10.98 and $12.ffi coats i novel- ty fabrica in good styles and a fair range of sizes special to clean up at $6.98. $30, $32.50 & some $35 values in the finest fabrics sncb as velours, silvertones.and gab- ardines in belted and pleat- ed styles in green, Pekin bine, rookie, etc., silk lined, very spec-ial at $21.75. $37.50, $35 & soine $40 values in a variety of the most popu- lar materiais and colorings, very speciatty priced at 24.75. $42.50, $39-50, a few at $37.50 and sonie $45 guarauteed in fine velours, tricotines, boli- via and srystal clotha- with Daled OlN hnks, ehirrpgl waist limes, belted aÏid button $16.50 silk poplin in full length ed at $9.98. $~ 19.50 clotb and ceilent quali range in the 13.75. Coats up to $25 in wool jerseys, velvet corduroys, wool serg- es, velours and ehin chillas in plain white and colons and all sizes but of course not in ail styles as this is an assortincnt of odds and ends to close out at $5.98. $16.50, $18.50 and some $20 values iu a good assortment of reliable fabries as well as in wanted colorings in most aIl sizes to close out at $10.75. $22.50 and $25 auto coats of wanted mixtur'es with pieu- tv of style, yoke effeets. pleated backs, pockcts, belts etc., at $14.75. $24.75, e-7.50 and some "-.9.50 values in those fine new im- ported mixtures, gabar- dines, serges, poplins and velours in ail colors and siz- es; most remarkahle values indeed, now clearing at $16.50. effeets, pleated $ 27.50, a few at *.5.: and some itriniming at values to $32.,50 lu very fine inaterials and most bc- n and cloth coats w gbc y sd ud colora.75 hi sPeciaily prie- $5~b ~e u t1.5 quality palm beach loth; 1sjlk coats, ex- heavy, durable and stylish ity, good size inl pretty belted styles with BJuly sale at two-way collars prieed lu the clearance sale at $12. Womens- Wash DRESSES Values to $5 in wash dresses for of. good lookiug styles and misses aud women in dozens nmteriais including giug- hais, pure linens, voiles, etc., lu a variety of colorings and most ail sizes at $2.95. 10to *12 wasb dresses lu voiles, lawns and ginghams as well aa fcw pongees aud linen dresses in a number of wanted styles and color cf- fects, marked for immediate clearance at $4.95. $12.50 to $15 values lu gingaî, Ang array of clever color uess i a most bewildcr- combinaions and pretty etiiminanaiesfor womeu Women-'s- DRESSES 48 dresses to $25 iu s9ik taffetas, satins; uarty dresses aud eree and taffeta Pombina- tions, a moat wouderful dress opportuuity. These values to $25 at $10. $27M5, e25, *22.50 and a fc"w*0 dresses iu a wonderfiul as- sortment of temptingly beautiful styles ln taffctas, crepes, etc., party and streept dresses; al colora andl sizes to close out at $14.75, *37.50, $35 and W4 strpet, af1 or- noon and party drossge« in a wondertul array at S23.7e. Tricolette and pauIit,e d réasmegqin beautiful styles, 1'val iwis ti $&5 at *29.50, $U475 and Mid-Summer Miliinery!. $5.98 and $6 nlir,i mêf ribbon sports hats ili white, navy and sheil pink at *3&98. The new braided tailored bats in white, tan, F'rench bine and rose are prieed at $1 .98 #Md $2.98. Values to $12 in white georg- ette bats, very dressy; - many patterns, soie com- binations of ribbon, taffe- ta and satin, greatly- re- duced ta $5, $5.98, $6.98. Valujes to $7.50 lu trixnmed straw bats. A good as- sortnient, -xnany with crepe faeings in turquoise blue, and saud at $3.48. SiIk and Muslin Underw 'r Clearance Sale Night Gowns $1.50 musliu uight gowns while they last at 89c. $1.75 muslin and crepe gowns .at $1. $2 soit longcloth eowns nicely trinmnedat $1.89. I$3.50 si1k finish batiste gowns in white and flesh, beauti- fully embroidered at $2.98 $5.75 dainty silk gowns $4.49. Env. Chemise $1.50 mnuîl envelope chemise at 89C. $2.50 silk or musilu chemise at $1. - $4 silk chemise- embroidered and lace triluTed at $2.98 $5.75 Italian sllk chemise spe- cial at $3.98. Corset Covers and Brassieres $1 muglin and silk corset cov- ers M3. 39e maelin corset co,'ers 24c. $1.50 silk ecoet covers Me. $2.00 .11k and inuflin cornet e0vers *1.9 *2.5) silk cQrset envers $1.89. 75e brassiierea at 49c. $.1.00 brassieres at 79c. *1.0 iualn barniersail- -Over erfoigliry aaldlace trlrnmed *t 9Me. Petticoats $1.50 colored sateen petticoats at 98C. $2..à0 white sateen or beauitifuil embroidered petticoats - special at $1.49. $3.50 petticoats with fine heatherbloom tops and deep silk flounce with dust ruffle, good colora in the July sale at $2.29. $5 white petticoats elaborate- ly trimmed and exquisite- 1v embroidered, special at 4298. W6meu 's and Misses' Silk Bloomers $1.50 near-sîlk bloomers in flesh- only, prettily em- broidcred at 89c. $2.50 Italian siik, satin and silk crepe bloomers at $1.98. $3.50 and $4 Italian silk and silk erepe bloomers witb ruffle and lace triminings at $2.98. Values to $5 in fine silk bloom- ers of new styles and dain- ty trinuned at $3.98. JuIy Clearance ot- Corseqts, $1.50 corsets in elastie top and atbletie styles at *1.00. $3.00 corsets special $1.85. $4.00 front and baek lace cor- sets $2.89. Women's and Misses' House Dresses and Aprons $2.,50 bouse dresses in good- looking style s and colora at $1.98. $4 and $3.50 poreh dresses iu ail sizes, light, medium aud dark colorings at $2.9& $4.50 and e5 bouse dresses in new styles special at $3.98 $2.00 house-dress-aprons in al sizes, very specially prie- $1.49. *3values in pretty new bun- cd for the July sale at galow aprons in aIl colora and sizes speelily reduc- ced for the Juiy clearance Women' s Suits In the Season 's Most Favored Style. Marked for immediate Clearance $25, $22.50, $20 values in wool suits and values to $32.50 in wool jersey suits reduced to $16.95. r-7-50, $25 a few suits at $22.50 and some at $29.50 in fine serge, gabardine, poplins and novelties in the clear- ance at $14.75. $55 Trieotine, serge and velour suits special at $32.50., Suits up to $75 i the very finest materials and styles;,-have l)een redueed for inimediate ciearance to $47. Children's* Capes & Coats $5, $4.50 and a few $4 coatg in zood styles at $2.48. $7.98, $6 and $5.50 values lu coats to size 9 at *3.98. $9, $8.50, $10 and $10.98 values in children 's capes and coats reduced to $5.98. $12-50, $11.98 and $14 eoats iu aIl sizes up to 14 in ail col- ors and styles priced. at $7.98. Children 's niuslin underwear, princess-slips, petticoats, drawers, etc., 20%o off. ç'Childrenï's ir Dres se s In ituly Clearance $1.00 values in children's wash dresses, prettyt new styles at 79c. Children's pretty $1.50 dresses, $1.00. $2.50 wash dresses including middy styles in sizes to 14 at *1.49. $3, $3.50 and $4 values in ging- baine, chambrays, etc., in al colore, styles and sizes at $1.89.. 1$5.00 values iu fine ginghanis, voiles, piques and cham- brays at $2.98. Values up to $10.50 iu cbildren 's white dresses iu a numïber.of vQry pretty styles in alI siz' es, peeially reduced to - $7.98 and $4.98. $1.50 middy blouses for girls and misses at 97c. $2.50 smocks in pretty new styles button and slpover, ail siz- es nt 195. $3.00 value« in linen, artist linen and sbeer voiles in white and colore at $148. $39.50, $37.50 and some $32.50 suits in Poiret twills, ve-l lours, French serges and tri- cotines' in navy, taupe, pek-1 in bIne, rookie,, vi-lour cheeks and brown as welI as blaek-and-white clheck at $19.75. $40, $37.50 and a few $42.50 suits in best coorsanad styles speeially prieed at $23.75. J $45, $47.50, $50 and $55 suits inJ" silvert<)fes, ve'loulrs, and silk jerseys iu the eeeetofI 11ew lit »les and al colors to elose out at $27.50.î Wash and Silk SKIRTS $2 white and colorcd -%vash skirts -97C. Values to $5 in wash skirts at -$2.89. Values to *7.50 lu siik poplins, taffetas and fine %vasli skirts at $3.89. $7.89, $8.50 and $10 valnes in silk wash and wool skirts at- $5.50. $12.98 to $16.50 skirts in satin- stripe silk poplins. satins, adtaffetas at $9.75 alld $1 8aud $25 skirts of Russian crepe and other fine silk in white and colors at $14.75 $18-50. WTaists Ini thc July Sale 1$1.50 waists slightly soiled 890. $1.50 new waists at $1.19. $2.00 waists- banidsome -new styles special at $1.50. $3 Jap silk aud lingerie waists $1.98. $4 and $4i50 georgette crepè-ý waigts at $2.98. $5, $5.50 ipd $5 silk waists $369 $7.50, $8- and $9 waists nt $5.69. ,$11.98, $12.50 and $14.50 silk waists at $9.75. Sweaters. $5 aleevelesa wool sweaters, al colora *2.98. $7.50, $8 aind $9.9& woo8l sweat- ers in, ail styles and coloro at $5.98. bar weN $e few0 40ev i atm ione bwe qw- 'Su .1hlm k»ýj

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