Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jul 1919, p. 5

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.1ULY 17, 1919. wri mIdJt. ~~mume aud ê~isoy £* P.o.m » acins WL. aIgu~àp.~eeh.amaadm kma"a aisfa.I ***rhsrg Ldfaes saMM.s '0fr oquh~uusa ~mqdiogLfrmn amont. Lidby lu. dt. co - arel5ui bdo.mlimdiaecwauyq w êsdusgmecgli.,~4tSlal ou eut m CMa e urhwimgo sA mmd om m Win «"dme"m mduo fn dadsi idps.e at dl ;= cmm.,wu ipm mmaenme S* t. orem.dEta e bout=WClv.yoeme.t m o uflW«fu Schafick Hardware Co. FOR SALE BEST CASH OFFER Eeceived vithin nezt 15 day. buys a beau- til modern, Libertyville, Illinois, home- Elght rooms and bath, large. beautiful grounds 80x248. Fine«t klnd of gardon land- Fruit trebertNea,. Garage for two cars; barn room for three ho"d stodk. Fine chioken houme, chiokenu, growlng gar- don. Owner going west and must smou. Part #~me cam b. arranged if deulftd. PropertY ltedorUer Iincoin Ave. and Stewart, two blocks from elettie station. F. R. SELLERS%9 PIIONE35 UDERTYVULE.tu >UBERTY TIIEATRE SATUIDÀY, JUVLY 19 CHARLESRAY in laws Of the Hun" mm a C.medy SUDitAuJILT3 CECIL B. DelmiLES "TMl 1 Corne Bk to You" SrvicsvIR 1bel a oCtSumay et lb M. E&ahel a. mfoliovs: suodmy Sciool at 10 olaek. moalag preachina oerloaCtIl 'eock, oslncs J So'elocb. Epvortl aNM ste7P.un, Prayer meetig net eVeîn- 4Ias m0ealoek. .. -. Osaitr aheasi vii. ebll Ibis veot ceThe"smy venln fug o'le "f Daord yl have chaige. I mn -tube.are r..qnested ta Le pteeent. j St. Lawrence Episcapal. IThe R..v. Che.>$C. Bill. PnlessCincharg,' IFlih Sunday after Trinlîy. Ner at 7:80 a. m.- Olurclechoal 9:45 a. m. Maorning ptaysr andlsemontut11-00 a.m. by MIt. A. D. Kolkebeck. Evecnug prayen mmd mrmon et 8:00 p. Choir practice Frîday 8 p. m. LIIRUYVILL fiaR WI3IS4iI3O. LORAN Waukegen, Jul>' il Mise Ploreuce Cale, daughten of [Mr. auid Mis. John Cle 0f lbertsy ville vas marriOld ta George LArdan At the lame of hor sister Uts. Chap- pie Tyrrell an ]layacI Avenue. Rey. Mn. Chideste,- afflatcd. The. bride's slîter, Ulm Jo Cole vas bride& maid and ber other aister Catherine played the veddiag mai-ch. Mr Tyrreil, ber bratb', vwua test m". The home mua beutifufly decorated with Oak leaves, peints sd rTm«. OUI>' Immcdlate relatives vere <w. Liberyilet lirs. P. Wlikl.r of Fox Lake, @peutt h Week-end wvltbUr@. D.d.t. red aphoin t o!North h icago, la vl.ldg LIbertyvIlI@. TheI Ma»anmud Rens Millet sud friand. motared to Kecomao aeOTcday1 ovation. Mrs.,Job. Dorard 'and UMisaAun» IMW Wto bladela ifaukogma on 'M .Sm tbiof DeerO.ld. vluls.d S$tdIu.y vlth ber @fêter. èUts. John1 Mm.r C. O. 81.1. Mr@. Duddimud Ur& Anthuw " o f rayoakb, vWstod Mmi C. M. ft lut&m May. boM l a a MW a. aPa mty0a blonsi. quea bv daly. of h. paij 111 0111ut a, lbDOdh et wisecal 9 «M111111111, * haM bu r izd sa datr MNorfuI, 4Va., lait vou. etaud on e b atUa.hlp Wyamlg.i b.v.yT. IL 11am. eba wlCh his Mail I mre mmdua tva .0.1 vau» FA O in Upouih.sptToudoyaftem ou Knumm it iI.aiabi aMuI. 1maI laiétt abwi. BeH. .atmd h. UIaue laihi Wb artm, go la MM un do lb ijob love. - 'Dr. mal Mm. 9. H. Smth yUlims,.P lbd>rsg of h veek for a 1.eek' lait. mrlP,OxpwalgtovistCCl.volad, Niagara Fallu, Buffalo and otiter place sauote. Ur. sud Mms Wordoui Y. W" ii and -2. Capman of £Wui, viste Ut. oil' pane., M..nd MIl. . We Vila, Soudai. Mr&. Wolleouid am îemalned c for a ahort yul. «lrÛotuiClu. ni the M. 9. tchar hlid a meting Wedueedmy salesolon at tbe home ai Mri. L. H. Whtn.j'. Tbe lternoon,8 vas apeut very plemial mter wilch a eaumpteun.lunch va. aervedi.N Mn&. J. CDbolleuoaaiChicao, Who basm bees vitînfi friande as Inglaode frlotmrle days.,wova s r.Monday aIleanon ouiw ber vay to visit relatives at St. Idary's0 aeadenuY, a ew mile" .outheat of the St City. r The band concert Wedneeday ngt I vas: viii attended and the muaie wae gveally enjayed by ali. Mots Interset b abould Le taken ln thoe concerta forL th. men are practlcally donatlng their e tite lot thbeeoncerts. The Royal eghbors beld a very b lntereetlufg meetng Wednesday eveunn. M rs.'Joane Cbltram, District Depety aif Evanstan, vas preaint and gave a*"."Y s lnt.reatlng alk On th raies ai ratee,c, sfteVblwhCba rotewas taben. - lo A number of Uhertyville patrons un o h. 8:46 vote joted up a littie vlan L thal train 1.16 the track Tueeday mora.-0t lngait s mitvas estg th. Union i Station. Thearouar vh.e on the next ta If tbe lust Car lois il. rails and bumped u o ver tbe ties for &bout dlty tet. fa A parti taid nue the early part ai th!Is veek that If 66 vould only raa tb.yc vanld gladly put on 61.1, Bandai batb aud go out mand gel eoaklog vet, vh.Ch- et th.y dld ort Dt 1 did nos find out for the tain Tueeday alteraoon kept me Try busy tr.vlngt6keep dry. 16 vasa glor-W tous tain eost t siltsChat. Miels. ladys Johnon, June Motealo th and Thelma Perong, ain of Chicago., vIa i bave.been vlsitlng their muns. Mta. W. ab V. Jackson at Inglsalde for aiveral vote viatore lu thiI. lty Mdndmy afwe. na nou, h.itîg chapron"d b! Mrs. IMary a McComlck. an intimaCe friand oi th. ta famlly, vho nov reeIdes lu Ingleade. en Rodney B. Swift onens ais i.recent bh tripe to Springfledobtaluicd a engravlng an of Preldent Lincoln, vhlcb vas photo. ab grâpbed by Brady li 1866., mat befote Tb li re-elecllon t0 th.ecmond l.nm, vhlch PO M. 8Svlft viii prem~atii.hehiaI achaol.a [% e I.a bandent» photogiaph aiontr o martered président and viii h. grealy appr.clat.d by t holateý . mn Thbe Boy Scoute adCamp im etIA accompsanled blJams wva lots Liberty. ,r flla Monday morntfLa g q Ibr umPh trlp to agesoLabo. Al aupplus. wo p& laken b! a.motor truek wyulthlbolayaen accompauylng l. oluithelble isvoiea takten by autos. tvIflta 10Ri ,riait pravided 11.7 brilg hir tt lunch yul thora . aexipetd tley P vtii bave a goad lime. ln no J. N. Tborgoarbon, ont former primo lil psist the bighmcbbl Whov al W* sa te lbe Colore front ber. and smmmd .yU au tt' sen v aaavf r mn. 5. ?.. Vu. Ob sont.Ub@rVtPSeluaturday m uuD y. The couple vill male theli, home M1, Tbouwmrsn oa va. lamIa réasc. lu Obcago ishe t 1e>' viigo m thon hl is forma npapila e t6h. borne of mediately eter a'short tipi. C. H. Averil on Smts yevla he che vgA.vol alulo r. M. Thornare vwu s es vWy ta TitCis a matIe et IR WILL Nov BunsIeI1L vest a Vnt m ay of tlbhors* ameam Pive hundred cltiftesof Joiet ne buaa.taek. This lu pvobablîy h. rilsed thoir rlghtt banda n St. Msi-y'i «M tbeve la no important naeiu% on ahurch ad al thse>' WOnldWt- t iot »dal isbc, mnaa 61thein amy more.,' Thc>' veobing latted grunîride ela snobgoal ihpé ébat the ino the Joliet brandi of the moly ooralt atkgtrbr Nemae soclet>'. Bab pMeGaerk, T. taye othiein latsin* 'Chair or D. Hurle'> andi AuithoDY VMtra>' ver. p0 bts.néieMare taldna oi U84 th. the principal sPeatets. iouide ai fbture datas ta kep Ch..nst .110.~Luanyua auiqmp0ot~~ farisbg 'utia m -'har Se-on t, ffiu' t<h oo iss o lrbtv ta L«» MM time ta tine. iews pIéileLorraine Hubbard le on the a .1iir. John Mitelaîl WB@ a yieitûr tI Lobe ViulfamesTriday. IMi-. àîa id Mm Fred Byre uai cîkgo, '@pet Suuilmy WltbhtJI. and iUta. .ha. Mi" Jomaphie. Delhmye of Blgbl.nd Pmu.,apms T XÏday flé uLberts, lJe lb the atyl Gr.meigWednemdaj Ioda! I Svlî imaking sousqemteu- ire mpevmeat ouhi. nev addition epsliM Oie os gmade galb thes, Jousph'g (blujlaJ. Th.nid veodes SMW g aee4u111aIWPkd by semant. Platim nowewabsi, l.a njoyg bie rMagOWMO mu#". vasua Chieag 'wbhià 6010MiDr. Graliu TaY loir 09 CMiagli, ýê sà l Bail Day Sunday O*iTWmay JuIy 22. as HersaiPlt 2. . mal ",q., Jack Bradford and, daagtv~~ug~Uîay venl t rous aM est a~~y tàre. Brîsdford'si Pareat.b =efma IMs Garni U.m uabais baenvieit. 11« la làUqtgb Uefor tlb puattwo veeba lI MaUMd ta ber home lu ary, lI. MM NigaTresldoracaopaaud lir fora elaCa Qu ber rmlunatrip. T. he bll"isand Ibeir friend, vers deIiglU.Il*, «I@rWoond bjythe aMise. Mllir aMl a b omo on Wmsdueaday aema. A lcloum luuebeon vai urvaled " vb"cbth. pa&ty mtbored ta 1vaabao e aeJoyed thé danos.' Laits Samday a partîy conuisuul.g ai M1110. Blehai êtapîn celd lier titu .OusI, MMs "rmi"sADavis at.d Oliver Doad lof t fo an 1ma.nt, Etx itaua. iTue petT Weug by vW" et Cataal, tna. blug the ODIYWe vmy y ould rceve puieesporta te gail. Uns. Stapilu ha. been a relidmu, ai Uhm@rt.vîiJo ott epuit twvevee.rmmd vas vrii baught ut An tbid cammuuisy. Just bl-uno tber -;e- plirture bbfisade aurpri..-1 her m itb a biandante»gOh mia remenirwace ut ber- Lîbertyville fride, vheh %vote gi-ati> appreelatea bliehr. 1 t la @aïasat the enitre parqylagas aa b.rtoeirfture bone u tu igiama. Md. Alalular C utan>, a Wlegau, opened a fator; for the manufacture ut [boIt produeseleIuetvil10(iîe dimy inoriiing. %1» ienmpany expectec tu abmarlatWitmtlfsMY Operators, Jlut' vlins ta 6h. efatt "bathlp As mce ýn. Liberiville tisy vite jobliged tin begin îperatioll s uL e.. p. At pre"u i tbey curnid use a lew more aperatore. ýu If alàkune iromt u .vicity la lo"ing 'or @mPIO>mtut un a-good edeadailipcùî aâctor> t1iey shouldcMlU end Invembigate. [he fuictory le locabed on the seond bion) of the Sahéïncbbuiling sud rie boures are Ironie 7:80 a. mn. ta 5:8o p. lie. wutb an bout Off at moue for lunch. The ann-l stop »lcair of the mfunicipal Ilngineerlng oany ut Wintlîrop Her, vusbellon Bat. udAY lsst.The PÎCuija vas held An Ben Jahuon'a g JM mLednih of the ta'wn, aud a vuy egtjoyable day wuas pent. Ont vury na. efeasture about the . day's asslg wa« the tact LbAt thcem-ployce cf. the plant do- na6ed. by meas et m- aubecrlptlon mang theIclea, aufeeuit moncy LO 11-1(16 Ice arutm. lemonade, Macker-jack and ormgea tfree of Charge. The Austin, Baud, a local sand? suppliait the mà«e ofor the day, and thera vas ea pert piogrant vhich Biso created a goaldemui of Atercot hubre ver. foot ta», bal grmes, atato race, martiel and single maes ad vamen's raon, egg acs, and oth- or tsvonts for snesa hil&me. The Firit Rigemuit llinois ramorve r militia, la nov atatiossel et camp Logan, on. mile mloiti of Zion. Tbe regiment, which,-congbtsa of -tVelte Dpanle8,la sihootiag for.n cup and mmevhere about 1,00 rneu WIII ake Part lu the shaotlug. Col, A. I. Lor' mes la lu charge of the camp anid Capt. Anderson las luicharge oftie ' Atill Range. The prim.e aooting vite tuhave begun yesterdmy, hu th1e ununiution 111 mat arrive tilat,, l the day,' go that thc ihooti could at begin till tolay. Tbae u Waa ttle prectice vitI. au" arme usyei erda> emoug 6the OMO=r, but unasa.- Lual shooting for the pions. Gener. se Leroy Stewart vas. pree nd he lnepectcd 6the mmea toi..that bverythlng vas la gMM iohmfor 6the' soot. Tiiere sa-e thlutoa.a ompanles l all et th1e Camp Leea range, snd leir titleis run froux Coenpamy A ta CompeUY'.M. TheOlt IUtry baud ta 'preseut aethîe riMe image. The re is slcea machine Sun anepn>. FIX VALVIES Alter a delîberation lýaang seven nus thet jury in the Publie Servie. ~mpany condemustion onse returni à Verdicet about gte.Wo'lck Frilay hf.f 1. o -...k.1 - u - o .-o! - rf c' ' ondnin thirteen tracts oi land t j' the . ieitY o' Highland Pitrk, th-, atlnottnceod ptirPoce being ta ils. thýý '14P il n2 r n right lit way roi gh W-ne, .Jide bt tween Evanstl aud Ilghland Park. Ses of witnes.,.ý wpre placed 1o1 th jt t testlfy to the value af t he l antd taken and h e dan age to the 1 t-!7, lat lXflM e Ct. PoIow lit t laa tiet H...da:n .4 ,aw.aided together InwItilI h (ofiensation of the remain. 1u,' land Ili each tract of ]and, me4re- Ion, «f the owners being iiuted th (ach Itnstatnce. Catherine M. Muzjk $1440 8 150 Mtiry An. Pluard 250 noue id Margout*.t wooney 2622 none W Isaac oGldberg 5110 250 Cfoeelia Habën 1M8 300 Cftela Haben 602 noue Alb.rt J. Main 1436 noue Lizale .1obîîaan 50._ noue GOrge L Krurnbach 718.50O none *William Rectenvalil 717 noue tJohn. Rechteftwald 1216 . 20#. >r.lefick Olavey 12U7 1000 t' enry Bei-Ding "80 150 M Jury: R. 14 Suart, foreMan, J. C. Rutt,' W., C. Betty Joe Horton, Sani I. Bradbury, Jamea E. Dymond Guy. ,aMILWun. 1raynor, E. Ml. Jons. Sm tHobein, . 0. Brown, . .Ligît. OFF#CALOUNCIL PROCEEDINGU VILLAGE 0F L813ERTYVILLE Regular metiong ofthe Trustees aI tIe villagi oI Libertyvilia laId Jul- 7, 1919. Prenons, Punaeat j B Morse, Trutes,. CaUila, EIsvawrtÏ, Golding. Bart, Lange, W right Metingr called ta order by the preedent. Minutsof meeing belti Juue 2, 1919. vdeorend. Maved by Wrighti secondai by Ellsvorth ttat minute. Le approvmdl as md- AYe-Cillne, Elewsorth, Hart, Gondlui, Langp. Wigntht. Cartied. 1 Reporte aofuuoelert and treanur vers 1 ren. NovaI b! Ellsworth seeonded by Golding thati the reportea acpred and piceesion aie. AymmO-Cblhl& lsa'. Ellsworthi, tilding, Lange, wirgbt. Canrieti. Thé folioving ii. ver. reati: P. W.- Moor., cars of pari:......$ 25o04 Chas.llrumm. street croseing .... 2040O8 S.P. Evilsizor, repaieiollage hall 18 58 ilaOllova>, painting vil, bal.. 25 WU BP-I Engleberry, alllng strept ... 484 10 lntersîete @andi Co ,gravel.180 8m Publie servies Ca., itreet ligbîs.. 258 76 Lakebo . tegiter, printing ....4 751 Llbertyvillie Lutmb.rCo materjaî'2~2 19 tien. Trige. ctait work..... 11ý,8(0 AI Kilichîan, salar> .............. 8ù O0 J. 'A. Treptu v, salary ............ 2rOU Ucuttuls Ltuibetry ..... ............ 85 O)( Fire departopnt. saler>'........... 8 001 Tony More, carpentot vork .. .. 48 801 M' 'lpelimati,, piaOuring.......... 9 0() Mr».. Seiler, cleming...............A830 -Sclanek Bwd. Co. utateria.... 26 a81 Rtu Motor Ca, riiti awn uîwer 1 5to B. Muchler MlIg. Ca., euppliea.....22 2.3 Standard OitCoo as)Iite..... 1() 3 W. F. Frangea iaterial .....48 la Art t.rutà-me., atteet work ....13800O W. L. 'ttridge, etreet vatk .... ai 5( H. W. Inulîh, 2 laye punpng . 500 J A. Treptaw, postage ............ 7 50 John Lester, Ppecial police...'AU. 100 Geaswir. ,4Wor Prmlr reîunrp,î' 1<n S. E.Vlliqzt,r 1.. I00 BiLust " .. 1 00 H N ltsxhanj . 1 00 àMU.c.i ty t,iluns smeeOnded by Hart t aLe bills hlLe auiowed and vantants b,. drawu on the different funds. Aye- Colline, Elloworth,,Gfiing, Bart. Lage,i W.right: Carri. (Jrdluuanee Na 2UItentltied"AnOrirn. aee making annual appboptlaîlon f.!, tht villageot iUbertyvilte far the fiscal1 year endlng April 80, 1920 vrasm ai." Mov,d by Eilawortth secndol Iy C-lliai that Ordinance No. 299 la pa-ed, epptoved add publlsbedas rend. Aees- Co"lan, E1@llsvtb, oldIng, Bart Lange, Wright. Cartieti. Thue[matter oi a lot on Bust Parkt avenue vas blid over sa next metlng , ta lie lnvestlgcated hy the vboie board. t Moved by Wright secatuded by Collinei toadmjaurto t July 28, 19119, at@o'cioek.1 ----- ----- 1.A rpa .Cek --r-----o-ther a-- o--------a-----i eai? "I nnService and Your oe p Hfrave ow Ior rMd! bouse Yô. wm ilD Ua' whm syo ud I cc esu.mb erra cam wIi y.r Ourd iamethe *rp ofewrybugm OMoe 4 the odB~CC i o Otuml-by mucuhg aàisopp Tbsy me gaed et si, wx.whistyoo.u m m a t omure swaema!Mdu pas., lmy ShoM ucoo rlimd Casques le 81mOIn, -Y« The First National lhk of Lbutyv&le]IL- a"C Ean Amne smpDepoals lame. ~- ~ Il Youri lumber and buildlin, gmat requirements can be filled"to yo financial advantage. ln other word., we wiU mmve 700 afoney où pricea. Every price advantage thmt the market eJFfcra be yours if you trade î%ith us. la NOTICE The Lke C(Jauty Bof o Revew A0 Dow u sesson. Al persoansdesir- ng ta 81. omplaints vth the Boar muit do caoon or before Augult 1, 1919. R. . BARNUÙM, Chie! Cerk. Two carloadi of homese arriven th1e Libertt le ra track Snturlaï IJiunk aend Old Ai Digbt, 1the wer o baving been abla ta luercepi 611cm enroule sitar they f tomobuik had hear-<Athat the races bad basut linali>' declarel off. Accordingly the Ow urF i - 'cF gn e3d lem an ti th - l ALEX FELD LIBERTYVILLE,1 -LIN]1 rLinens of ail aorts are high and djffir r in having good amortrnents ta ci Fine bleached Linena for fancy wo#k, widths and grades in pure flax go per yard,». *.......... ý-...... Naturel color Art Crash; several widt] purposes. A very good quality for Yard-wide Art Crash, naturel unbleac Toweling Crashes of pure linen linen, blemched and unbleached. aaortmnent ta choos from in these W. W. CARROLLI ---------- -----------* icult to obtain. We are fortuimte offer uit.pricea moat reamonall Lseveral rooda, at lths in tiis to suit, varaa kched color, at, per. yard $13 aud part A sood ýat...25c,35c an& JN kSONSOC -en - --------------- 000000m» i' j Carried. 1 - J. À. Treptow. cierk.

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