Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jul 1919, p. 6

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»«ot adste*esVuiia ê ami o e = ehers admit doe mot rog*c iis, rahtsng snd tacts t I 8- kt t thestrfie demandas mow bSOoo< o atonalles tré mllo d!!argEID.ROSE oui matq a»t building OpMSUOiIB.tlfmardM, in WamkghntbW :ive gt to d, tt sofothe ai- ln order te boute witb n the i ew law lid traies out et work and Increae YÀLUE IN jand also la order to provide .iddi U NF N F teetb ailuwscnand1 tinirvnutor Wauikegaun l it NUla ttêe Oat àmolby the Carpentcrj Moral R hini sudmeail the narth bor « OeMtte i 115 rsB SCompÀ» H Ing Isregr or M R so f i a dot"answihz eOî rChicago tutif vesotuaath nur ce,~B M 90 OeCM n Wbd. for Ai ____ _14W a Pa ns. CUT IMféàJU P wluoHoos&> -~rThe Waî,kegsn trouble tb* UcevtU7 Of the ve'hW eI, S ON OaEmHAis1n.NOW you'II Have to Pay a QurtrDON'T B A CHICAGOAN. tamicsehOtrvesing Jrle. tel O! M tei.lWauk1er Ot e ttn I1M~~~~Uwitelim bs b« hnterS Lanre alîgan . Alhti.'oui utW. foraiShave and Hallff leUIeba nhardo li$àdYte tah ourt. Tahe 19 dote heU we bv e ro - bars- of the lake County i -et it derelopea litIIndignation rue, ntaxos .'7h bsofêepiue t t lb. ng *0iare- iétffle8,iame mat Dow graup- DMarIff« i' * t. hixlî atoutGrand Avenue as the r.- l es"~ akealiaBrn t at Ml te blgcest problem that j ult of a Chicago uman who owea a uCseto.rm taeen u 'lms âmuae #àaIput aga bai te bau*e ince the IShavets andl balr-cit.aare ta be ad-:lot West of Asb Otreet, on tbe north O*01WtnentTilthmart«buoe Isît latsewtion nomer wo.e.s ded 10 the inereaqed rost of living ide of -lhe tret. badng erectei tvo After calIag attention tathe tact smat buciltai.Uvn ir pt*Uentby Iand looking ulce when. îomorrow, the new reeldences v«7. mchiout ot U»eltlt li i rknisars-ti b~ lrbr*oprc j doaint. Sura s l ben barber" or WaukeKan ruise thel, v!th te tier realdenen liat ve dntW4 J*utatan .Joirf, tnas- ftmi SOlgta a bat Se eOU tii pssetLime., canees prices au follove: bult -on very'Lueas &long thé. stTe9t. reta7 mdWdy t topiov ntw more mgi hep 1leaeedvaluation w iate liafr-ruts fron 404Io 50 cent>. rIwTe property lie mat eutet otbhe t~ u i iim ea ir.î ebe r .alpý ih rie b h te rou 20 th25i nl- oki Ru-38Price Place Madj iaceent etriS ailenli upno tvnllbo br.s àrnIeta os- l t tixcar;-L Chldrena] 40 cnts: z I Coleraoto Waboiaeen lthe Cer twffl lorn bs0PoO!tilete IOueeiOt pWankeanaucity for lt inezpihiined tint tiers la but 011- esai nte4e delg t. lb. r a Po b no allnes Wt qalma:05.U i c' evenue as the resul of in- non-union $hop In the City. bidn l*n lh ie ulest Î. teuinCrines wrD»tw:Au tt vages, cWofo!material and "11gh Cut 0f ,labor. itigitcost of bud im tfh us il e tithe- bhomiers' buaT ai' min immwg f8 ueat.tten«U.wàm »tnn Us t. 1 rsoap. etc." as given me the cauae of!t d ie tieyslaain ti s or àeutes, ad lO~v nmmva te*- 80 mei platcft Ie emy.w.*la &. as lhe rosait of t e e lteraie.o h es uv hefon ar Abu temete g te u r SIet & a î -tïflate in-i __ luo aidert roer 1 h m t ai * iflSOt êlU cafl"boutt. Montie. arugpter urOitk&mP« nalls. *a>Md lapor - ______t__ho____dGao!mtac leue.he "pVutti. Tfesuon t erpetwew is t a inthel, »mSi""~j#p.g -lm'ys,1 Utoi Iptur ke *»e*" vuati« L., uu " À» la h9mtuu tw lâc t" on e qlticuet &uge Icrense u "sut tion ltu baving t poeted lua acomlpte, a m~e tliii' as under thic14Oh A -d~s. et the ocier Vpe-t Sea mch qr hyiitda httMý bL l eu (J~3 ma we ay a e i he erai apmcâs- . " n e ti ofI maln'that ts outer esF smecsed rejuatiou of wauke' ' anc. ndl tbey certainy bave barraci tir onot buause ttei ~ flc eew theluisiaemotu tc s- Ir »«. la tbs~ lsres millionAUfl I"1 hei.rostences vildistand on sUer btbsdter c h onr abhâ fted rýetéPn tltonannI del- fEU4 5~ ~5 Uad ~gestioni Upos 11 ibelief thatst h lnciargesi service mea. Ili e-rite se. that 4 tyth 1 gve - iThe t tat m»Y owner of a lotodthe art cm uiei~5 .the vident pubIity Sa Un a&5 orlu u-AppriKmateelg pies wva able ta go *anicjvti nth PU lft requ mford entici! that every avalleble mmey Urs. Augusta Patesoet Hig- titiseut. isregmnilug t. building A ftera ggÇe Vefiuntalyferanesd m-"Prane -lealàs htrbution. malam"W ob las-cIn U1j iAs, hm basendors a hs casinC&"Aller a t nt-eofrenca The. Ieprtust t Itaandeiat cv 9-4sinabout i ilt P aFletMks M ioMMea" Osaticaly tiarPnte CRenador9asocitIm, dol c th* endid va* that Sbu bmqo-,'i-mijtemetb*"04O& ordeiinnoovbch ouli taire cas-o0f YUemmwm 'it itliving ecos ealan l blet teb. . y Ciambers niI giveabout nilebr a sitution cet tliakinil bail. ines-meil und tiat lu aliai trudea fCmec "tP «m» adjra ortherai vlusioa Tat er uswW hro br t te la Ueperticulau , ' cor ite hre contracta bail expired Dow0f Cemrs inaiîifdie repetmm islbmn fer t~ valuationnuasuno iszev uer lite ase, '><>~ greemeaits provideil su incrase o!fetesl aeln lcsre c efty oprly. f'11-, tare Offber t0106e. and thonbu, nir i.îus-gthe putYsemr bougt 121. cetsan hudcddt le omueepoaet1fl u qt,08- âebontias been be' beat. choisI und kkkekt ber. la the bi boue fs-on John .E HaIl.At tual1a arae butclr oofr eser rulet o'sr .0 tii. renuesat tachante charge made la a ilivorese>U MMuin lutinte « Course t c mev tflwmanlarouf f12% cents an bour, . f yoU vl p*icsePoste s0 1h11 ls@ tu orier tae thfe circuit court today by Mis. Augusl t rva-a ntChrtser w vtataîidig tliecxlsting contrssct. lu messac ite i fu-tiser sllmulate pub- enai Cily et Wuukega a nd Parkes oft hlSu5nd Pas-k agaS5U berneaies, tintthic ouerof the ven rvo-ltantg v~ob u-lcIteetS f1vsk ,tebMbo a 10do tithuaol .Pre.Tealtlt otmlîi ba I e reasel trom 80 cents ta 92%, cent« Tour c".p.s-alion -vIl E .appre- kv vbicii cbangss B-us A-l loipckosJeTh4et&10lotschanepl led uchib a Od os- anhour, or trou 86.40 ta 87.40 a dey, qiated. »w tm e chcanteisaWs.a. an aenilo otd hange iatyn te DWn bot hae rmae b. ttis be effective troa Momday, îuîy Very trul, yanss, 7m Lie ess eu tubk gtâtbrhbd oee.7 AUTHMIlW00138. ho asesilvauahiuntin aaiatbe ksianl. purchase tront Mr. Hall. Hoees.'Deptet alr andi in violation Assistant ta tic eueIbs-l a b ia sh milberg~p4,vu bokn ui iebuidigso!fie exisang agreement, a delte secr-ets". SPeint, -ledL, Nowerier 14,-1907. have gone up nov hcimg ament finu nish bnigcurctel1r,-Fulvn uacu flt ets âmit' mb *laspakngorUoint. ln&..November14 90. ad.adiln cnrc teCa,,n WOig aaeu ftelte ~dclroie ae elg aA tit h i h ie u ~ o ers' ecnoiSmail. an as-bItsar>'de- that Secrotary Hollsputout set tec d1tie vits"tavin it'Ol a-lY-MMbules. PrAligtfar u-s.he ia4niwo lesahircagoSm oiemantifor an incisas of 20 cents au Secrtarv of 1he War Deartuieut: the~ amfirm atne niptl geaSoist butians rilmall s ed ourlnisdesir pnent ntert a hebous-,or $1.60 a las-, and ser'ved no Dar Woods. m .lca eprapesty vil iplanta the stest of the, year. The busElW&ukcgun peuple as IL la atlteil he lice thiat itereafle r union cretr ebv ltrcle orpse buiI ie oues oran nvstuntmuat b. pal 88 a dey. To culoe-c.entltled "Put Pigbtlng Blond le Tour k me i da lugetax. ess bas florsheti, lEs. Parks"bthtebutnfr nl fte tils demani fie>' are nov ou strhhe. Dusinfios." We viii bp "ga ou-an i* hIs.ohIntamilion me vas 'Coand hmd bme necssmry fer ber hbapurpose and ispanaselilng thoua. "uet 1eeDidr penypn LfrFu a jcur or so fligo o! lappins band ta give up bis Inade me carpenter uIfioeesvars an Ordiance tm Wau- uiteo.Sudrs scuulyplilfrou prcent lbcrease on and ilevote aIl bis tin ta mlatlu gsaviticoid tint bouses « l a obylous IbAt ait contracta And, ve vaut nmre information in the ctY.l.mtai te about lhe green boume.Tbe Vife mmnt ho bulit aloug a certain nlan ire yl Smsamtk geeetfacyo.Wa ate iutoa 1 gDOW.aer AUlproPes-ticare& andl huaeb e rlnerm eftundes-oestiat due katowover could Bfot vas tuaisW"iitfe cas-entus-sbave y«om . t, meta1thlb.bor eltuatlcm W!ýta la ndcOQultale ta,4 the Inn nome o! Pas-ico ami Paries. tub stirantage o! fie otiter. auch 10bent sedon us.tii.w«incale of spcakSg? Marte mlu Wuuk era tie AMou au p»s-erty. lu .>cAk- fAI fie Prcent tinetoe e m couI- a srions insab Iii lie unifaruit>' et 20 Cents ans fi. Te dIferecof Se- luit', one bin uni ae&noviue. *@ mtter, m omtber ot the standing bills collectable amoutlng fie out lay of lbheiseet 12% entprofitand telo èesmns-copb. alnt10 oebaenbaufcantames au- fiepws. laI a tbetwsen S8700 undfitre M-. PXares Anudei asnes: te house-n w ee r fct oancdle fieilnani o.le oue nIe do lie sbbt 'vobave UmBtane P-ta asaYs. «be askedi ht lic m bmai lbe quetion eam realil>' teewvit ar acto s . nTcrS foratheodemans da o m ato do the g molîrti aie ~ lls-s-ivehbusaildolar enoiel ro colelln mi o lse >'unJustilei beà vu& eaI th&fienscA 1180 a day woulil menu ridan belog.a mibis localityla ufusa-nis lu &»«»ealatprobably bine, troue vtbidrgvlu '»BcY rou pesticulas- point. ta saine iuildss-u" dvitonutasooasbvna ~irsii dollars la 1mt paylng lths batik belomglng te tfl. oubenty, MOSUJDo nto, oers ame 7011 _________as____asho ant $S>t Ib t«« ti. We re going frbrm iSspooigof hbir $SM00bouse voud have lieu do »Lnw lmeu'ti rtrl odrn br oneu a i ianmd ts-yt10-or 14 tus-ndgngs, or roulterteng Regular meeting of Ils-ctog e hoTh rmuuloeudrntwbr là naloÏM and fair for eves-y- Mlii ber lu amy vayn T- acoPl@'&- DIdhau.Loaa asse. Tusiay evtintnt a ,les-e l a srplus of labos-. We voli -aIl kuovuut Highland Park ami lathe . ofC.etccus. ài-l. ic to eemaiuncate vifi cmome ta do Ibis il lg believed tlie suit hnacausai quitc aàssaaiUhiiu, Sm t oallty1vitian euffr 0 m wbave iniabeil oui vos-k Lion. D ~ ~ IIA lec hete cnte wtau ïûnga _____ _____ ___Tom__" trly, DUIM L~ F~AA I 1 lU n '~ WfLYu3s _rç1bu m m-U~ mua 1 0* -Mn 0 fot- ii ot triS. wIg&dsita =sb.I. rsiua~ re sufrnj ff uev esathmoettu IlCmi.OU as. or touror t~ De 84mess i 0la F~ atire l ml b Ima s bis "koo- vpOvati.n bas boeau n01Ouk..w Tk=U *8 ntIinalren»iejeaet mo1.i- Ualsi y iF v.A= en trim In1496 ibé e ra- ladip eu droia vi 1h aisld granted a*theamPeL~ *~ O beer autbor znc ia prepara. u a 1 Pt Ie ehu E fBIi e re01urit. Prosident. W. S. siih. Vice Preasat. F. W- CiturChlîlu, .Crota,.y and Mana.r TELEPHONE el ~*ITYTITI£ &. ITRUST CW. ýUIi= O F TITE TMULS GUARAMTEED Capital $I25OO.O ~ÇEGAl - - ILUNOIS cranluiu*a 11N% Co*tates Say É114nt 1UH I fg î 8 MI I 'CEE ADWUSTMENT FAR Off Ti~u t Wlm5aý Wu' o '--aTo it ff Mwuaneo of q My l.ce uIe4ffoui empm-mlae Psogmu osubluIis vscirs lldtu ie le thei. Ooalrehaw ammogi a 0$. broulatu lb. ie.Sir. - e.~ ~ eusii ~ ~Thetroublea mv *t-. bomm usivei.. ihsgsuiliguhtic Acoriinte, onc f U0bo! i eatcm thelnaltia ol, iSgs*~~ la WauieguWhubmtouisi lie > lao eteet. Oms-t lot le Clieago Weinesluyn*Iaite la u bui fuIE>' a glo t ueot lWid N Cioaonuourcter so amcian to 0k peat the ftutre dbe.u ntlooekvert' bs-5bt Aeoriu a hoAlexader s liSls vif rees-nceleadlstig Ie cs'brofler becam rned #y >'drink fi 0Pos strut-ie Sm this iopit. set ont 10 ikik boeMPaIMi. euh Acoorillngo.. fia contracter anc of-tise cnt, lfie>' eywr. IqISIS' Il ts walsof0-i s ing. Wlien ho til-v que momlcr of litec Cu»otss-m' Unioela souclbinathe part>' lb fie door aàse4ud a Ibi fie itfe'vl eeta brick vitit 'nie ito Seat dm over the rt O ce dollar au bous- vii thfi imebond, Alexander Sk1 liitaiwxt I UMWdrsandiug lhat Sa eue--.-of was tint 10pull a suafmm Sr'ei. 4ff' lie otite-traies dm»astheîv osies vas inrrled ta lie 1N3kiSAuiP ark aI fisth Cus-pcteigs m ni l i.- b oopibal vicie be recefmtom itent. diatél> open for reoossd.'tlmu. Alexander vu srrsslod b u e- . e Tlilscontracto-, 1»sp«ingus e l 15.01On bonl@. At lie -eprSuat> flatters- ail is agreement vould Se iay eates Alto-ey W"U »* aicatu ce eh hoi .ai efiors coutil no - o. » b. I aea mui uren Sie cssue-. Ta bave mdiun- au, bothm ta Shakb* labO u Sisr agresuet b. sai vouW i inuta babtelat Sut 5t' ubos lhe eoSt'W105 Sbels« au"blcte unis TI#ele 10 bo as oe-iirga MW> Contractalm fr oidtn& ]por,.lutalow&MPwarkmi t Is<r*t 14 koulas the. prmsli e rs wmte p»y the arliipants e thé ilair viS i.' tes- laSer Xut veule Se esoita mud ai t fie otbm b alïîei uilio 'cm,- oveve, Se ulaei i osissst a usu, lie pusse. oi al Potesm-abaWid OU fortes - $Mmuk isStternus belveen ticlu of n am ieeuev5e*y lie>' -brellAs- vals. lioir s-aie over a dolas- msbous- -ta" One 6r Is-msibonulfiOlE.U& ul. pir m% 4 m le n W Tb*Se eoutraeer ssudafilsla aO 18T m pm- mm"outs-det gsoeutisu leSlIe «oid*S The talovin la tea utpY of tas ict- te isceivel by Mr. Hoister miev- les oua ilse offe-te fini cplepuemt haroser mos - aft-ef-tobmomm Ul bW im »,e Se mi Dom Mr.Hollir: ,Tour Ioa«Osilnglette cf lit' dl villim a0ise11%r flitaiea 4~ Urngle utat rou »oibut-.ti IS1 f ts tbb lee e euiee i cuit'ui - i itse *MW s' e0".e "abs l- Ioté mut atww a* tbacs tiO ve iffeilt t bula Dl -adwcite emvitbit selut.U "e Um> oies a!traeted 17 lu Suie or' large emmnitds. Colonel %oisfelu âtiat be MU eu tr lbre Mil b. a siertuaceof labor ove- Wheo"Smluite camIs-. I tuiglt uug ma litatIf 1yodr ooamunlcate villa lie Bureau for Re- Ima abm wldm k = b7. line d- - c.eD"st Tithi. veulQ mneca e .mrel1 lbýIera a dau auilr«ri4ssround for tgd bow besom aowe. ut Itels liai thé rus ii'ota ne »olib t t Mte tc lïew uni 'a uone.-n*ili itsoeo09r ý *WatAoa g 4" of the 5bo1atmid lia sertIt. sb0ut u4lte' Isstllt beaci la ltehe MOca tepeeplo fs-oin aIl Mmon. WSth me lmps-overnonta lhe bohiig betai Ioull be madie aIl fiat euouzbe.dosirel. wThe e ll- gopliton la one liaI hbeau ien nssd d Seemanytines altliougltheie sumer msorltefoturesla mev. Tiers ia sounil logic lathe sumugoto e)ves-amidliu e à,r. son ho, beleveW1tiinbefor. long àmn capitallat viii eteet a botlt iere or vblci hele otya" b. ps-oui 00oft t tat la conces-ned a eue- -"fstt I 1eMO la eCicago stands ready 10 pas twe.*til r ! liico&î of a linai btéIfelO ber. ovldlng WaulKe' Men peupleSiIluisint thi.e rusliag ,mo.tius-4 Re apka liaI filsbudons Aa aM" 0s9e eepemtotnia" & nSca ,tithle roougilw Iold Se Il remmei for Waukem atu, cemoe to the fore taso a th l mva-u mue> y s a " evil reumls foi, Waukegan ta conte to tise front la a %eV Une-lie aelaleiflivîi the. neaumptias etfIrai.botvmm fie United States ami Germma. fror, lis e Samhpmv~AJo la the flft mbl "ut cMt et thscatie esieuts te Gemasy-ltSla new mcel way lOmo8,4 Mien voeu SilerleS written.liaI tact wll b. oeset lise 0 lil stm e bu m. 8S3mane m go the 5Mietlil exclus. & elî ltat the mercbat.mulbe 'of kIbis coutrsy blhaît silda bit stea. amer "Waukegnu" la recognition of fite acivîl>'Wukegan look in lthe 0var, sapecils-tfiaA. 8. and W, Co. Nov s-cd ti. Ilegrant fs-on Wasi- P.lon telles maboutthe:ie mnMerWa- kegan bel*a enroule, teHamiur:- Waaiiin. Jali 11l.-Trade be Ivocu thé United Stats ani eruany la 10 b. s-osmedimeinttciolly. This announcomeut -wuvascledcby Actina rSeotary Polk o!fite i81*ie Dopas- 0ment taday. Il deveEoiiet toilas- tat tue sip- ping,.ioard bail anllicpateil Preaideet Wllson'a leclaration fiat hoeunsul- *r ered -tbe bloauitie !d b>' fie actilu of te German assambly aI Wehma- in ralifîing teé pence treati. Tii. 0board ilrseady bai started tva aips front New Orleas to Hantbu-g laie. primclpully Mli eotMton icois. The WAUKSGOAN amhlileq goDum. 29 m bithe Eaalpeace ,uly 24 monkiegasc establihment eofreglarsmovie b. Iveen 1New Oomsenud Nanbuhg. dA r-eulas- liao service between Ne0w Orleans and Hamburs lla obestab, Iiiibeil iy thse American4lavlM" otemebfi Comupany'. 0»on. t U shipa. lte Ambriigo, la' belmg boadil Sm Novw oYrk aud la acbedl to sali 0un lily 16.- siTh stcaasbp Wauiegam" la fie Mne o! a, n»v dSp 1maIplaocdlu e oummasice la the mss-chant matins, ja recognition of!vicit evcs-y remiilsul jof tie ety ll be pou. This fine steel sblp, built by the Poierai Sblp *building coupans-of Kear-.N. I., -a aldiay o eta. U.. SBl Cor- *parumtion, itasbeen turusi over tu lie Barber uns. Ti1slal the is-ml ocmn- aolmg boat *ver namei milesWanke- 'x. T. Davis. an officaI oet ose- as>' Ublbullding ' tum aypelu - h i4letter to i m~hctl>' 5h14. Ir--bS ile tbVasma ed EtaI'çolil Ptimorn f le luortunci of Wauiegs r .us à Opn*mcerUt stem preduts sinim Sit te eproululgatioof e! ie. Té OTeselesle ~grdiu a owns ose »0 e ro vlS.Mt 1haeieoos S b tam nier ansvered "Wh- -84' ani mail. if Oon 7«rer. Tm i tri&keal a "468grctous 49 týavrel - tofit, 9600.denlveet n bcer.s&hins t>'), la e. t tet lon .,merbas al tip, a o! 5 ee Loadei tr est 3% staeonber Tue wnuugan laa 26 rges os vSM àfl ua i. l9400alcoaeyoatvtons ever entered thea Wt!akemu barbon ,Mi ins"UseV"ra tom'. upr ate.r. Shie la a moisi of coniaebuea an tle oasiderd o! oftb.étMoceau -90s disctle '.levadit eus- la bS i etS ohsi 5p eemenLuuiernt. apoin bf TO -9£CLAtm- AAIàOAo. aunlu tier plesel 10t t bOe bus been selecteil me a membes- e! li "iVI o> our f tl i llma Na- hinouIrl-=oaSLeague, lTe, vidai han mal; bese lotnei ami vicoete- 1irera cou*pnlsh leaailsmen or Uni- ted 13tuttu Tiie preatd"t inSNathane Amter et Boston, Masanscta;, treasurer, C. R. leffena; Sersetary PilUp Dawas and B. Sens-sall YOUup, ilrcor 't odumttalloaiàmpa4gu., Thte National Atipuerar>' Boas- conslta .of séven aov orm or Km-. sas, Mota Cas-obms, ModsAs r-- ný vai'asu iv'sno-.I. Odliesau! ev« lie Us#ai5M sini ibel. liasis -sre, mnMe! vio itg Mu-os- BImmlsne! Wu*c- goam he agor t«roa, 4eSu'Imm otion Oor cesSi etpue seriice pnfl h i m s !varius ,me. ptlu.cient -lic thnmm on»e la tu &id ta brIlbi.. 150raSugim boo aek ivote oM$Mpal et Ud@«»c lte m Ma boots svbsrUep vis b nut aoe.ieBkes, raIsa umgeilat Mdl se *@le ite mailialu liheaine- las-I o! vans.. . Te Iame la gains ontIasau aor- ganiation of patrlotie cîtises te itelp roclalu ta. valuesoh tie rai- rand becauswie s- aIl-eils repremat nationul vesiti und as-e thc vert' on- semoe of lte tionlevsaMt lild put(Otbeux Ie even bettes- shapeldm 111e> a ere bcfos-e tie Government tani coul roI of! em.. Tt la Ieleved ltaI Mas-or Bilugera appointment on the Alvimor>' Bord vas probably due t1thtctotblaI h. la ws-"ieg of het i Nos-th Store Ma- BIAS BLOO POISN Man Who was IntePoa CoUt Flg9 RooonUyle i John Mîigu; h ba sigit wit John Kokovaki on l=leilil Court one duym *go la lamthe UcMlbier 1 boulptaisunfferlmnt it Sblood-poimo a the beel. Accordlngl>' lteesse &ansals ikoueki vil van met fer bearlug titis mosmig before MLNO- tr,*te Taylor lI* enitc-laominu.d fer tcm tiays. Tt in naI ltaI Minutiani S kokvw- ski gol te Ogiting agd fesokovui ilidn't mise Misura-but fiteadL&Yania on is istinlasnob aa>'aYt hob Iîlaeed aerere vounde. Th@ tva menu-uer. sresteti »d isant ail ite voulint mise a suai L cne unidi.hpIed Uity anI pali 111 ou the otier hand Skokovaki 90 oontiueoi anI nov Ibul MUMti10 J$ lic itopla lcla elmg msi là lis iterl« genslmt Skokovmki a" e. mm hmbasben continuai pe1111110 cation vifi relativea a flc "Uoberai sd nmhe I tii01 WMX«uiipa AS. 1M la tisE ioe . ', ý . eY, -. Fa Cmr Oling. To& Tliq May b. ars TLywok wh.m cou. Monthly Pwmmts Publie Service Co. 15 h a wi ba th aiti md da rein »A 1 vad lut * i ptat Lie ls Ca Tl] &adl las relu Mbi Btz, @vab ai WmI L A

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