Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jul 1919, p. 10

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T 'rnwi~nwvit~e ~È ~11rn~,Ti-a~Mv1'. ~~nmT~rI AV .TITTX 24< 1~19. 1? "ÂGE .~TWU £lAIJ.a5Jv#. - ,mp&'i, xidte..M Jee-; -e*- - LibertyvilleIneedn TQfIIt Lai Coun*yInde> endent -Waukgah Weekly Sun 5 . A j J>S né Rockford, 1In., IRepublican editorially co00 aPOSIl ANT I R lprmuitvé Bhtieff for the nomintiôia for- United '-7 Sta*$ iwater l*t if- Goveruor lowdoî should run for Give TMts As- Argument toCiti for "arèident, thon 'for gOvernorb ' Not ho to rco Ciqaning WeU, either disposition of Mr. Shurtleff wed uid t Sn6rptSw h. un ad akeOouty eadrs-~a w»ae~WrecrdTHE eity is uNiMPRESSED by voera f 'h utie; h baiexpadod eyon ~ gu. o ean:,JuIy 21. trlc' ludesr~in recgniion.- Ita conetrttct a sewage disîaosal pIpt Borne»"* people are trying to ridicule Henry Ford be- cause ho stilli malats that he la for uniri;l eace. Well *hoes la tere who reafly at heart cisaprees výth hlm after, ail don't we wish it now after we anu1 iwished Itj *ad if it can be had what a fine wor1dtJuz viii be' lu which to live. 1fr. Ford should flot be blamed for *tbinn just Uke-practicaUly everybody else lu tii. vorld thig*Ï withi W.frence to peace. Thie only thing la uenof them oon. trol themeelves and smre do not. The state's attorney of lake County muet b. a strange admirer cf music if ho cn, flnd. consolation, t n tii. md-night buzz of the mos.uitos ove» thoug1i,it la juil outaido of a mosqufto netting ublch col ws hlm as lie-roclines. It's the. derned noise that botheps us iiour olmbers equafly asi much astbe ot* -as nathorIjie »muse'. attorney nor the editor hià'o quafiÎdfl" on muslc the decision as to*wheUier a momqjnftos mt rAusical or otherwise deciaiou viiibave tobli ýpoissauo DR.UNKEN DRIVERS. The. accident last Sunday night wheremn a drunkon automobile drifer crashed into a small car carryng sMx pssM. mphasies with force the. importance of arrita -hgZad of a11 mon who are trying to drive an auto- it*Sl. whon te eitemi appnd. dierl Nobody cares what would.hpe otedrvr-n o*za ase. If ho la drunk and wants 10 drive Ii ar tW onubI 1 suIfer tho conaequences, but It, la the lana. nul pauoer-by, thoeirnocent.iver who don flot kll*v t*e condiion of the mai who may be approaching hlm, laitheo on who suffers. i,The law provides a heavy fine for a man driving an *automobile in an intoxicated condition and the law ought :U b tht amy, person Iinding a man drlving a car whom uner thei nfluence of liquor 10 bave the. complote right th Âbrrut him,taeim bore a Jutce. It'ismore ibui da» 'meto the public that cornes from suob a situation h ip to Wconsidr the driver himself. ITbe Iamiy of six had a veclOise ajutbm e ofe .Obicagomam bavlug f111 hl2self up igith boomo ittba.t wouldn't bave been mach oI an excuse or satin- fscUeon bad the famniy boom serioualy hurt. fuUAWYS ~flQ, U -- WE M TU I>PURCE COMRT upwaras ef,$50.000, la thie infcrý*don conveyed ta Commisaloner Petèerlie Dqrnitt by Edward P. Kiernan, geun et-ai manager of the tannlng cota- Pavy tlp response to the Insistent de- Man y the clty that tepe be talion Inxediatoly ta neniave the mnenacq rosuin g rom the clagged aewer loaiiltrotnthe plant. Tii. Bever became diogged as a resuit et tii. refuse poured Into It by te taxwery. Ctty efficlaisut-yod notice on the. taunery peuple ta abate th1e nuliance Ibnmedllteiy or Jegal steps WaUld be taken by thee cti -tetabers or the clty comniosaln on Manday aight voted tu Inait on sm Immediate abatemeat of the. nuisance. Th e tatenient of Mr. Kiernan that the aewage disposaI plant la planaed came tu Caniilner Mcl)ermot TuepdMy in the. tarnu of a lïtter vblch Stated tiat theu vork of prepèrhig plans for the. proposeil disposa paug have hem underway fer the lust al nionths. It vwas stated ttti ttal as soa ase these plans are complet- ed they are te ho submitted taOie North 'Shore Sanitary district for ai> dt-aval. and If appt-aved Oie work o< puttlng la the platt viiihb started lma aaodiately. Suggestion vas miade that If' Mr, Ucceriuctt no deired ho nilght ini- spect tfieae plans vhlch are 0n file or sugneut soien. lous of removing the preent clagged condition of the. oewer. This suggestion did flot set very veli vltli the commJnaloner and hoe wrot back at once that vhat the dit>' most desirea rt t ituUie la ta, have the prement sever clean.d out no that te menace ta healt il vil b.- moved-tiien the plans for a sovage disposai can ho taluta up-but the city doe$ not purpose ta watt unt4l the dispoai lant la puC up ta ihave the aewer cleaned out. Whatever le don. lattur about, treating the sewage the. se*ugl muet be cleaniedeut lnstead of belng allwed to romain la its prWatlogged condition. 1OSeâ"cVI3 TUE DAY IIY mis BA:TtN4 *y KIRK i i 4 -l.t~-a ~ -u-u-u w Ie1 ai iat as t tbry et a ebîItejfk6d romnce toiM la vusng tlie-tbat's Mre t4t lir. Grant Clarki offeetlau akag for a divorce. t *U5f 4S iu té '1Mtar u afWrtm peu&à» ait peYe !aks u Se bth f tv~ ~e u4es'ata ues Aknimais that requbsa ppt speed la. Iecurlng 115hisafoodor setapini their enumes, have m» eollarboaes. The uiionidere are ftued te the tuik by mâuscles. TW*prevefui jsrrlng ai- terg s ong leap, or, la wle ords, if ther bed *a colarboeptb te ioul- du -*imip Ixed t'thare voulfi be a h*eiadsdmo 1 sb*é vte. a a ulu I éàme té' ,te es1th sarleaplug. fNa- tre bwai aeked ater At la aom o t4FIFTT 'hi' ý j 'é The slk sport utel apr*u agJ*it, dm atnpd awr rterbldn fusd t dlivr autelal. uldî21 te Criactm eAssciaiedbutave StPurhed ai ornte f0 bilding and carry away hin atorlal, for, dui lng the. shut downt, Waps.edan. oe tractera and building niaterili me: chanta are under Po same reguli tiens as the Chicaga men. Meeting Tonlght It Is atated , that oQuTueaday s materfi yaids lu Chiceago and u-pi tar as Lake orot b4 .ban clou for 90od until the SUnie le ever. LaU Eforeat is theo llrat tep tih. aorth shoT viiere materSal cat be itouglit. Provlding the. atriko la neot adjun ed by tonight th* 'material meni Waukegan, sud towflu dovn te LaI Forest wili cos. Up tomerrav mort ing and titus a complet.sliitt davnd aIl mater]aisales tvliIho made tnt Chicago ta Oie tate lIno. In case titis la dons, It means ti the. brick niasona and other tradeaj . . Watnkegan, July 21. weti as the varii9iAers wUl De o"~Lut Tii. aeed far some aid îaaitioned vonk because wMtbut mnateriaýl the yx q),iftit~ gaodneaij,i ttItig ; cannat keep an tbe Jobs viiere na been uvideut for some Urne but 1.1t strîkes have been c4I.ed. Sunda7's &%me vas the trav that Bot WiII Wln troke Oie caineis back. With the When asked today vho bc thouglit hardest achedule of games' befone vould vin la thte clicl that has thelai ver faced- hy a local tesm It corne between Oie strlklng carpenters vas *b$olutelY neceasary that, 1 - suad the contracter-a vitehave abut Waukegan teate secUre a coupe of ne- down a proatinent lumbernian sald, liable Ibtemen. To meet titis situa- "Bath vauli probably *Iin" i tion Uansgr Hutton Pufld off OIN4 i5ln neipi5&n ofblé bstatement Of 1h1. biggeOt dealu staged la the hg saidt! tat lte carpeuters vwouid senil-pre varld tie eanan. Faor a plobably ho grated' a lctoased cash cçnsideradea bu bas uecured scale but -lu retura the cotracters the services of Bill Johnson, une et voutd demand titat union men saha the Mratent outfielders pt-aduced on vork for no on. but contractera ln- the Sand lots of Chicago. Bld lied the contractona' aasociationi. Accord- Ormaby listened te Huttan's pies and Ing ta present regulatlona tii. unlono reieased Johnson tram the. Sheelians deitiaid titat the. cantractors oif1the for a vad of coin and the promise of association hure ofly uioni men bu;t a gre at Waulkegan. they resorve tle ie thit te vork for any While perliapa most of the tans man evea If h. la net la the associa- knowpo DBIhJolingn. Oiey probaly tion or even. ît i. emploies scab lab do not reallze mat iW ov' mîcli tiis or. Ail that lu piessar Yis tat lte deal mensta Waukeg"l. Dscaver, employer pay Oie reqnlred sal5e., <id onl the andiats hiBy -11Nelsen 8ev- Mrs. Mke Peuoiaa, 205 Eijnvood eral years 9IQ% he. vu lnlefted laie Avenue, dled Tueday anigiit uthOe the itneup of the (lunthera sand made. McAister Hosal.,Site vas thirty- go0doti t is frat appearance. The aine years of asp and hesîdes ber great gine Johanson Put up for Net- htishand leavea Ive dausittet'a and sen atts.acted lie atteutièn of one et tbree sous. Mrs. Arile e(lorge, Milly, Connie Maks scouts -vlo igned hlm W4s'ond .jetei ~and' UMopa HM, up -Lthe Phuladeiphia Amerîcans. death follovsaua operation but w*a oa'lack la recognized 'ta be the Indirectl>' dq. ta a complication of getedoveloper ai ybung players lidney trouble whiih u ad for thegaine Ilias ever sesen and bis stamp reine tire. of suppoval an a hall player. la the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kranier aad chil greatest recomutendation knovn. ren ai Pt. Wayne ladt., maotered te Ater atryout hy Mack he was placed ibis clty yesterday and are oetedlag ln the Piladelphla autféld as a reg- a fe wdays villi Mr. and Mrs. W. IL ular util the var broXe Out Over the Grant.. clvilflZ6d orid_ Johnson thofi enlilt- A social la hanor of thie YOung eo0- ed lit Oie navy, piaylug star bail for Pie of the Germaa Cengragatidnai the Gireat Lakes champions. chcrch viilbe gven hi OieCivitian Reeanee Oiua sprlng hgv. vas un- lindeavor Sacety of the 'flrst Conuru- able -'ta coma te tut-Uts wth back au gation-elcliurcl ftlday nîgiit on the, the salary -quetea, and vtile stîli church lava. iii. 'pipprt oet the Pbàladelphia Re. JhnP, Halinatein, formet- Aeri % eÔ u tii pi ut Pre astor of the Geninan. Cpngiegational ein apay sentl-pro haIl ln Ciii. church. vite lett Jlily 4 for hie homte cage. lHe bas - playeëd voader cil for Itear Akron,. <lôo. vrltes that lie 'la the. ' .@eh5uâ ai seasont, la fact la now able te take a valkevery noita- on t thI-e greatest»Il1 round.athittes îng andi that ho expeots to be able ta 111 te OeUhiY. l04 la at a aleven ride ta tovu (six miles) In- an idto second XUtan, bits lef: bsiied, a great shortly He lu sontI under Oie 'dac- ilelder I dbitter. lMg star baskettr' re bahall 1 Johelnson 'vIl ho la ieft f'cae $*Id for.tIh. locale. neit Bttnday viien_________ tlieylMalhe PU J3 tremipil and It. iOi.Parks.. ¶Te 1 , lh arWeM& IO ane Mmee Ob-9* nuii. rre. --Boa= ait. N o w'sSthe Tiîme _-4-o look your boilers over, and get nd*» thah liter when thé rush 10 'of. a, 'inè ùan is the anc» who'-pro- esbéd~'ethe'e nierev arrives. *é~flIbok your boiler oveér, fil Y'oUiw~ it will cost to get It in shape -AND DO THE WORK ýýSÀWlf SFA CTORILY e Asst. Chief of Pouic Tumns 0v-, er to Park Board 2 Acres- Adioiing Kirk Park. CITY TO DEEÔ ALL PARKS.ýj Walkegan, Juliy 21. Thiomas Tyrreil, assitent cOdet of, PouIce, ceauquallfy as A real Pub lie àbplrted citisen. P'lftoua yqaze , O hoý prcbaed'two effsof' land 4! Wlotntg Ki* ark to preveat its ho* log purphased #or reetéential pert. Poe«.. He vas a!s*redý et that tlm4q tbat ia very nelt Yser tihé olty wooll taxe tii, land off bige bande a, vert it loto an ,addIt!on toe ep Dwng*h fft.n "eru thbave 1bavm4tp to'nOv lir. ?TYtrl' fatb <ttiài landl vould b. tule#l-of i bande for' park purposeS 'naetC han uvred. At lasthl» coubfdne l boa m tlIed. nwTiàurmdt today that the Pr -1bedM a&il but ciasedl a deai te take ôver tii! land. It la expecteâl that the. transaction will ho cloiedi tbis week. Mr. TYrrail i. di&PosI1ng of the' land 'to tht Park board for the1 Mmne auoont he pald for itIt ime pys e go-42,000. lie. rmestuat tha leaflot much au ho baya the tfli ber alan. la vortit $2100, but rie la no0a;nxlous for the laud to become a beauty spot that ho la villllag ta sac- rifce It. Kirk Park, together vitit ather 'parka owa.d by the City, are ta b. turned over te the WWaukogan Park board end vill becamte a Part Of Sthe park district holdîneg. The Park board has a vider latitude thail this p c1tl la the matter of l.vYlng tondu for the purchase end maintenance Of ~parka sud it luacx»ected titat vide o Iipravenientu vl hanmadein& e city parka. Tiie addition of two gsacres ta the. Kirk Place site viiicli he already luau.ne0frthe. prettiost little 7e. ipsrku la the Cty viii tend ta nike it îg moreor0 a heauty spot thtan ever and e a fev hundrod dollars In ropaire are daail titat wvii be needed ta place It la Sproper shape. ,. Tiie asistent chiei of police la en- B. titled ta a large mealure of credit la. for holding the. land ail the"e Years.i He alipped In and miade the purchaise ouly after he, bad leariiod thIat Otii ail er-s vere te purehase parts of It for, as ViVate unes and h. feit It vould ho Itj a itanie toue aUdit naturally Sttr«.- âe tit'. lande for anythiaz but Park Pur- Ir poses. st-w rsasgun t- ,- 'j. - -- y", - Ispaneme Thtoi-Ici Cesirlym& la olen Japanes tbeatem-s te saue mas chumgd by revoivlug te viiole stage e a torntable. bsiuglng luto vlev l@ie coeuthe.stagebunds lied beest veing on dnîlag the.piay- tug th1e vle ast. sf e Quncottosi. Guarotton, preperly made sud ce pleteiy purlfted front "fre." or nom bined acld. luafDot lial to 0"lllu out Coimbustion, s9cit Ua ýe~ for utauy years, shows no lendea to ctenilcal Chae. hoire er gra 7, 77, -- A Nation-Wide »gttery, Service With Local Headquarters at Phone 2244 b- à We seli the ïct or tl'n q an d Lighting lecaf4e e Êý',ýÈât t i a quality produet mn every sense of the word. We know, that the thirtY-one '-ars of specialized stor- age. battery building experienre that le buit juta it ia a guala- tee that its design and conqtrîetion are rigbt. '-\Ve kuow thnt "1EXmDE" has»miade "A Sùîe Start Assured" au ticcorffllisbed fact for huhdreda - ofthîiiA ofý car owners the eountrY over, an"ht it will .*do the sanie fot you. :,- 'We 9,#er"Exide" Battery Service to ail car o"iq- * becaâisç al car owners wvi11 find It a iruly de- pendable and economical service designed to proxuote longer battery life and better battery performnance. 11EXII>E 1, Ser- vice includes bhe testing, rèpstiring, and reehargiflg of Ml makes of,-'sArtfng batteris; it provides.-for evcry individuial need .1 év.êrindividnal uBer of-ý a starting battery. 'EXIDEVi' SRVICE 18 ALWAVS AVMIL A13LE GET ACQUAINTED WITH UT TODAY DOUVG L AS ~ HA 104 County $.Wuemi I The'.an 7~?~BaïtryloEve.Var -9% à elim MiiTýr% ilegan, 035'1<13-M r 1654 PROPRIETORS: Theo. Babcox -$JLRAG(E $ATT ERES for ý ups-Iag¶ ndýRepafred MOTOR CAR ELEVTPR IA14S CqIetlStorag e Bhtte ry Co. ---------- -- - ---- --- - - - ,ýEl. J,-i !40ï ld4 t-t ï, -J, -, 1 LIE Pro Le HAVE the dî stationt naval, Ronds, for bis, v/eek4 have b kpgan gust. local If J., sitat ion dociait Iy artt, ff 4*11 M rs, ln tii, hl-, 17 iii thu- to, Ir York. hi.., t.( the foit or bt-ti Frur. p rl'an e, he iui. a'oîk Lieut but1hi-, vîrli h ln a trie nd., Ing 11 day no furlowt vice ln the ni( tra in fleîirly PICN The piole cagefil tippea r the fiii, chants, tries. Theu yoe anm the Tes ]y won aided b test., gaine a taafy e ter pIaý not bit Vartiet- if Brait bc did flot giv' and if lgCt tut would 1 the Seo the tea Jack fo C ('alt. trseas ing son cooking abntt a Ing bal ha %fat port fl andi the wretch, have c( condt wPrf g( for Whi a fine tion ln that th bavé i Atil w Ilour, s nt lent London 'bad; I. The, Ci ln a fe, thfen w

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