Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jul 1919, p. 12

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* - o- ALLRRES TO. BE OUT RYAg IEY WISft IT' LW*s Man in Reserves at Sta- tion to ho ,fflfList by AugiastSeventh I Accordiug te Information trans Great Laiteg Station arr mon who on. ligted l n the reserves wil!)b?' releas- ad trom OGreat Laitea Station by Ait- Suit seventir or August eighth St the ouside. Every man of thre reserves bas beun Ir len a chance ta transfor bis ea)lsatment t romn the resorves tatrie' reglar navy service if ho désires. Itl l recalled Ihat a recentordfr vs, line.) wbereby It wa.9 possibe for i s maen te enlist ln the uavy sirvicej for a short perlorl 0f tua yoars If he -desired. This la contrary te the for-' mer raIe but uS; put into opoation1. by the bureau of navigation lu orderl ta encourage enistmnent St thls tiuf-. I Itla deciared tirat rusny mon are noiv trangtering tram thse reserves tti te reglaiar navi' servce WAUKEGAN LOCALE4 C. T. Heydecker wha uas ln Chi- cage on busi nesyesterdaY witres oi is Elmpdîsster trois tise 'lx -.e.'taMitis. tory of a building but a bock al. "Ih uathre mi s clnlugi ileehneadPne efr tàl»g 1 czar saw," héu aad tslay. 1leehnu u asspiar "WoreahodthuuidouJus bo-1together in Une ac iBre., wlld mut- t"WuBiImpchahe dow m iatrio roaf mal circua comin's Juli' 31. . trie-bank. If il bad talion f ify, teet fariber eust the deatb tai t llhae 3 eunette Almira fHentleY wusabura Tlre police today gave flUtI notice a M Maie New Yarj, Aug. 14, luI la tbose ubo are delinquant In_.the bues machi geater for tIs.' stnets Passed Sway ai Miliburu, Ill. Juiy 22,1 l-yment of thoir wbuel tW. Thuy uer.ulthpeole a th 19u19;$s Shib- wasrarried ta Chas. Mat- wore notiflod that errest* ViII start trsaedy. bous, l>scember 3, 1857. one sonu a4 toruortow unless trie tas la paid. litet stops t0uard the constnuc- bora ta thora lu 1865 Sud dîed Janu- Sergt. Robe Tieruan arriveS at tion of a concrete viaduet ever tst. ary 22, 1895. Shu 'United w lbth 1 m e'lt .J.atrsyassr raviae on South Sheridan Road wNere Conregational clsurcb lu 1853 at: vice ln ,F'nance. f takren by the board ut local Improve- Brliport, Vermont Sand uitb the Con. SuN.. 0f Trall Merinau cf the mets Monday igbt uhen a resolu gregational Acircrinluitiliburnailu Noth Shore ýUne announced. today tiewon proeeted. calling for th- 1896. She was res*diug lu Lakete alt a 'theatre special" car yl buo constectlcn ef sucb s structure a, County for ity years. She lcnvs pliaced au the unth aide rua startlag as estimnated cou et $94,642.63. TIt" a brother Mr. J. D. Huu;iey of Chi- toraonraw night. Tlai car will Içaenv rumoltice va» passed sud Mouday cage sud, s stop daugliten, .%Irs. Alice, %ahiugtiu aud Geneseatreets at* Aufflt 18, us« set as the date of th( Clarke of Beatrice. Nebraskra ,nd a 12: i0 a. ru. Sud wil go toe(Gien Plora pau1bli uarini. 1 bost--oeftrleuda lu the Miliburu coins-i avenue aud Sherkda ;road. Wauke- t, Mr. audlIrs. 14,w iMarris aud chlii munity. The funenai wulli be bell i ganites ateuding theAtreà ln Chicago dreioct Wanecda are vislttng lIrs. Thursday St 2 3u ait tbý Miibunu bave compalued that they wcre un- Sbsumway cf West Wsshington Street. chnrcb. Rev. Saitord ofiiciatlng. Bar. 'able ta ride home si suightbécans Mr. Harris won formurly iu trie Navy lai lu famîîly lot At lIlîrburu. thse laI car bas heen luaving betore »d belsdordrs te reP-rst back t lraa lr rd ng t 95 ioîarrivai. It waa to aeccolmodatet O rti t aies yesturday for reneue r*aMs re rgt 99N.t.he Ibeatro goiug çubllc tfiat a Iter Uounty Street loft tIoday for a severalcauspton das auto trip. Tlhoy wili visil, s u n ILieut. Pe Morey ubo bas heen e Ik'FoltAra n te Seretary W. C. Hollister eftrhe Won- ovuroeusreturued te Wsukugan todsy. d P o ck lof t, Aurua Sud ilerofComere ona H. luauasoriginal mumber of poins cfinteebusinr esasviaitser lf Cicmerce a. a C, traiaad aitPast Sheridan uheru ho On Saturday uveuiug, Auguat 2 lun uiesvstrl rlaotdy wu omasalonud aud h roye te 'thre gYmuasiuaM ai Great Lakes. yl b. am cf Wauksa' ho mt odscts Who eid a blue-Jaekets bail au affair CONGRESSMAN DROPO DEAD ms soliers ince tire ar e ou n. Haé'whlcb la beiug lookeaj fonuard te wsa eted for excellent ervice whie ulth mucb anticipation by ive bon- Washington, D. C. July 2.-Repre, overam.dred mou uho bave been soiected sent4tlve J. W. Ragadsla. South Casa- lames McDermott, brother cf Coin. froithe dlffèrent regîrueuts asgust, ins, dncpped dead hera St ne iday. musieeeMoDermott usa tahen te for tire oveuing. Every man on th- thre bospital ila. mnrnlng and au op- station la woudorlug ubeîbcr ho ln FAMOUS MINSTREL ýOIES traton %& erfùmedon-bisnecis. giug te bhoane, of tbe ilve bundrecl li le saiS te ho a raîber serlouÏ opera- choseva. Eacri man will be alloues) San Diego, Cal.4 Jtly 21.-George tim ~~~~ ~~~t Invite two guestg Sud evervtbiug Pirs vtan iire m . On Thursdlay tue Columbus mnati- Possible te ruake the allair a bowling, dled bore today atter a feu ueh it- 11 ,tute tocir titie ta thie aid Schwartz auccessula being done by tb promo1 ness. Rotai building. Tria records show tors. 830.000 pâldton tbe building anSd ta edear.uafo ie liteDENIE8 SHANTUNG IrATEMENT trust SeS for $20,000. Trie consiS. hbas bt-eu Speinteudent of the \ir, 1 uratlun.tbus being lu thre total $60.000 Warks lu Sterling, Illinois i.s Washingtau, Jury 21.-Pr,3aldeut 0. A. Stuart, assistant lu tire round[ bacis ta Waokegau upxt weeic, îaving Wilson Iodlay iasued a gtatemeul d!ýnv. bouasof the Norihwestera railway, resigued his Postion thore. , inga t he wua res9ssnrrlble for trie *sa leaStesat nlghi uhen a bain- examination liet Febneary. Two oth- Shantung seulemueut as seported ln -Imes- glanced sud &truckt lm-lu tir e rs. XA. A.MeMillan, assîcnant ud rdispatcbes. groin. Re wsn takeus te Dr. GavIn, Postunaster Wlghtman, Andi H. . ,Vhs> dressed tire ouud sud iruafar. fWbslock. h uhe asbeen acting mý r r-elhlm te tise hospial. Thie injm7s-yIauter since tise resignation of Mr. WAR TillE P*OOmIWTIO94 was fot serious a" St uart wulU bu 1Wightuan. -Jr.Chisrchblîîpa- selj98 UPHILO UV lu. S.COURT «et c trie ospîtal iby tomons-ou se- lu bi& examingiion. fit19 a caise Nhere cording te &. stateruent maSe by Dr. a repoblican &teps luto a Ptnssster. New Yank, July 23.-45Cauttiq>aI. <lavin todsy. ahip under a domocratlc arlmiue:tra. ity 0f thse uar tinte lîrohobition set Tue me wernng alor'a onitorins tien nsd cms e fti IfknS atrare. was upheld lu an opinion bandeS *did a systemnatie panbsudllng business Mr. Churchill won au muit. dowu ber@ today by FéSeraI Judge on Northr Genesse air-eut Sunday nigrit Word bras bren reeelved bere of Thomas I. Chatfiiud of BEooklyn n 5aa until a provost girard frein trie station trie Seath at ýEl Paso, Tex., onl July test case agaiust Steprien A. Mnury, awepared on tire scene. Tbuy are 22, of lIra. Kaiberîne C. Howaad, a saloonkeepen, brougrit by tIre Liquos- s«M ta have collected considérable aged 31. beloved uafe of John j. Dealers' sasociation ef Connecticut. saoney trra the varions people they Howard, mother of lttie Jack Ho;vwrsd Jotige Chatlelda dudécsion uam Irsued1 approacbed. One alien uas estai>- Jr., sud ister of Ili ra. Leurs , lihvrî ou testimony lira eard recently lu lialaed ce eue bide of thse streut. is of Sau Francisco- The romains il, Na-w Hayon, uhere bu est lu the place comparsion bulua on thre tirraide. arrive t Waukegau Saturday riPer.of Peder.r Judge Edwin S. Thomas. TIre Sapa, lue., todayfIleSibehin PS- noon for inter-ment nI lhreg oacloc pr er incorporation lu circuit court lu Oakwoosr'cemetery. The Haswardq et Wankegau Tbuy shoyw a captl foruerly reslded lu Waukegan aand FX-KAISER US1 FORDIDDIEN - stock ef $2500 the purpase ofthtre are woli knouu bore. T-3~ MOVE concere bing ta priai, prsbilh, buy, The threu weeks old son 0f 't. arai The Itagu -J.uIy 23.-Tiýa liaicr suit sud doal generally lu ail kluds r-Ms. lHerbent Ebaurt of Archer ave. borelan oSe- ihas refused le grant of bocks sud courses et instruction, -nue Luased away this mforunn at' permision tne tae ex-Kaiser t) , mee espeeialty uoS carvîvar four o'ciock, deatri boing due ta pnecu- <ous Amerngen, tbeugr Lte hiîrelf 'lie tireromnetur lu front ait tre un mania. luter-rent uli tsk place ta- desined ta e. nd 0f hlm, une tire eflce, thusa aternoon reglsterad 96 lunruornow Sfternoon at the Nanths Shor- re' r gernisauas ti th tshootae. Soume bot day- cometery. hati falnd a suitShie resîience éIue- TIre régular Tborsdlay noom lunch- Judge Persans todsy Hlsener' teara- uhere. mmaf et i Retal section of the Chain- gumputa ou thre motion fan a rew 1 The exKalser la Iogaliy free te ber of Commerce uilt ho held Thrra trial lu tire Public Service cendemna. leave IboIIand, h la aaid hure, but a d&yý--u.lieu case. Trio neu triai uas deflled elginicant taturueut obtained tram Thée faugbtaru et G. A. R. Sud thoîn sud judameul us. ohtuerd an tl-e the atroîgn office today duelluaed te friads spent a maut dellghtfui uvon- verdict. An appeal ta tise supresue say w hat wauld happen If Iro tried teà hgnast tire home ofNlîr. and Mns. B. court uae alloueS. leave. A. Ray, 407 Porter St. Ice cream ___________________________ ad home madSe cake ruade a bit.- * Molieby a tour Visece orchestra un. torutald thre Party ail evenlng sud etalenme dauceid atiers played 5,0uiij %àe uefl Andeatn ta eher me ,th@agfitus dépetatosrtherioer.t [me aCoe ai Conter litruet, a gi554a5igter, of Euginen Charles lUy" e a smeguof Mrs. Eddie. ltoit (or Takia'.,. Wasafuteu, Mondmnv. MIes Gwea. Hayes seeompanied lion te et peut, Minapoa. Min% Cole wtq laake berhome ult r ienin 11110, Um Thèe ansd Mn. a> Mr m'popow YI ubusf85eti .... 4 Etlete.Sie, - baft ti TIhe only pgrforming iaisas lns the' -~ - ~w6rM are eoming ln Darnses ireras t^i UO50115L@ AN-% T#dqV O« ahttl"l 01 ir. Titi@ 0UB5'55e. M-14 isTemuple sida ph*"e 4 July 17, 1919 Wmn. BiSou, Jr. ta Agnea Riechi- min-,E ' loi 6 Bidon Jrfi. Highland Sob. et i-nn Lake. W. D). $10. H. C. Buruett Sud ulfe ta G. W. Evans and wifu, lot 1 Buruetta Rau On -Northi sd Gtliloîte Aves. W'tokc- tan. W. D. 81500. 'Clark Aubire), and uife ta J. W. Knoeii, 120 acres lu soc 19, Fremonj tôursshlp. W. D9. Il. W. T. Baton aud ulfo ta August Reicleoft, lot 17, block 17. Wnlghtp 5.dd. ta LibantYville. W. D. $1. Gostlave Pabstan Sd lfe ta Colura- bus Institute, SE corner. 0f Watter auS Conty is., Waukegan. W. D9. $30000. G. E. Cepithrioransd uit0 te Ellen FIlght, lot 16 blocks 1, Kulloggjs bh. Wiuthrap Harbor. W. D. $10. SJuly 19, 1919 LîliaruA. Deviesuad liuband ta A. H. Hancax, Iots 65,7 66, S7. bltocks 17, Lakte Bluff. W. D.. 83000. E. W. Buttoa'field sud Wile te Dora A. aud Jessie D. Ropp, W % lot 3 blocks 1, Chsannel Lakte Bluffs, W. D1. 110. P.' H. Bantleti sud wuSe . in ltthew Mille. lot 21, block 9 Ràvluia Highs- lands, Highland Park. DeS 810. Jane Kirk' et aI to Gunnar Gustaf- son, part lot 5, blockr 1, LadS & G1erge's Add. Waukegau. W. D9. 81200 S. & N. W. Ry. threegri 8W % O W 'sec. 22 Deerfield tounship. W. D9. $10. Charles Huike snd vite to W. P. KOPf. strlP 86 test twide E sud adja- cent C. & N. W. Ry. tirrough 8W y, sec. 35 Dees'Oeld tounsip. W. D. $Io. J. G. Waiunighi sa" uite te Amutl- lU H4. Matiole, Z 50 fOut N 130 fue Wo 1, blockt 3, lbertyvilie. W_. 3. 00. V. J. .ldY Sul e in e]P.L-4 May, ýlots 1'te 9,blocks 1, Ud*srd& Bvh. Warakegau. W. D9. $1. - Papyme sStn 0e. WIren Egypiwuaoves-rua ulils uar- Unk races, tbere WU little interest la litus-tu're, sud thse papys-u plant thal Preu beside the Nle died çut for lack Of CMUltvatien. Tt hiil touaS, hou ever, lu marahy ground borderiug riv- es-i lunls-lia, SietIp and otirer plaees. CieteObsssver. Aretaurant manager aye that VOit W h8 M90 moauy more s-sp- Igythloi ederon n d su d ou't h4ibt Il for a molseat. Thse amant «f money tirai emau es irougir thie bandaetofsayoung uoma un Irafse- Iuen1tlY Paislyffl a yoiirig Irubaird Who thceght- hoe us omutlslngetfs. lpuedthrift Iimiel. -Bouton Ti'is- - Islndem Ofoe Pirates. Rucent avchaeologieil researce aI thre Vis-glu Islands, tormiurly tire Dan- bb West Indiensanddslow belameingt t tIr, Unitîed Statua, îlnsflete tIraitirhe 02elent Indien inlrabitante ai thIr&la lande uere pIs-aies uto »ade long ""Mgesla thalgcasousla MT& tic but. 1, A A FEW1 u, VOIR wo- ~flÂ- N > ,, -. .v ~. ...~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ Afte l'l enWa hn ~~ HAWRUTS SIXTY COM CTORS ý CENTS AND. SHAVES "MAI DWN DE M.jj THlRTY CENTS; NEXT To"whabita willt W doarer nexi Moutirla Chicago. The new MER AND DEral le: Doria get suiaveii on Satur. i days, Sundays, holidays or the dayrr Siko s Opportunity to before holidays. Beause- e-Tac Peasure Jaunt into the centsand shaves 30 cents. On ori- Country wmth Families. rîary dayn they wlill W only ents' l iouoewlves: SELECT CROOKED LAKE Waurkegàn, .îuly 21. POLICEMEN TO TAXE There are varlous way of obtainlng vacation. Same are given It i oeiCVLS R IE XA gt it, nme taire It, etc. but Wauke-CVLS R IEE A gan: contractora have a. new way. A strike ban euatsled theru te take s 7he Contracture' as oclation of Civll service examinatlon for rýo- Walckegan tg planning 1i) lente tn bho i[cemen wil lte given by Justice of Ibid ai Grady's ressort aià Crobked thc >ace Havt next Fday St the Lakre Baturday. 1-eav!ng tbs'lr bain-, Police station. Three t~ our arppli mers, sawsW rueaqiirin, tape.,anul blid- cations bave aIr.ady been. rte.oived iug lueplements whPre 1.. 1, deided, and It la expected there will be a te lot tbem lay untIl labor trOe, few more betoro the qaiz Is adanin. blo wover, they are go!ng int.1 lstered. their eyes te e5heir familles for a The physIcal examination ulill ho change aud gather thera for a day's elven at the Y. Mý . . b hi' pysîcal OlatIrrg St th- 'uiramor rrsort. irector, Mentie. ConMIractors Sanhkîtrom and 9pc' sMost of thie menu aho wqi ttk,' thse are the ruoving s.-irits of tIhe ham fYs.flalnation have been asa'rn1her;o0' muer and'saw brigade. Tbey wont ltie h îe dopartrrie x-olliiafor Vronked Lakte to sçrecl a bulldin4, or lhree or tarrmenths. make whatever arra ngemenuts noces-j rratry fer a contracta's pieute. I Juponfée fSupesetitlens. ID an a-Ilght-eolored mouse la ,tFFICI4I. US«I 0F REMI. jthe bouts l8 a aigu of happinem V ÎSTATFE TRAIRSFEftII 4 h brgi ale, plemau, butif et opurniwd by wat a u id h té gay«? uÈat A Sensational July Clearance of Women 's Summer Dresses -ginghams, cotton voiles, cotton ge orgettes, -etc.,. i a wanted variety of new styles. TINt ,I" At $4.98 thre , la a varlety Of pretty gingrisa dresses la mont al sixup sud coloningu. Ai 87.98 tiser-e ar e haudseme voile dresses lu mauyfloués-oS and figureS Seulgnu lu iig4t and dans coianlngs sud lu aIl aszes. At $10.98 ihare ara flue Cotton voiles and Cotton geargettes up te $20 lu the masi beantflut styles of trie asa Ia avarleiY cf ua ted Scleings. Be lllustraion. Values to- 27.50 in SiIk, Dresses- ThiasmnuelaIsale et sllk dreJBus hrlnga out Borne of the prettiest rnolg o f thre easou at re- marlable reducitbna. There are atala, taffetas. 511k crepes, .11kpORUas maS JanY edminlaitona Ja au eclors sud izes. Cotton Voile Dresses to $15 at- Cotton Dresses to $20 gt- Gingham Dresses to $850 at- After thls Spanh inlfluenza bam sWeýt d%, COiMtrY almoet like the " black deat ', dlan Euiropeinthe Fourteenth Cen-* tury. after tM strm has passed, we are - - oonfronted by tihe wrecks of men Mnd WôMen Who. have been left lna a weakened condition, with pale faces am feelInUs i auneraiIlasitude and weak- nm Ws a fact tobe borne in mind tlmt the effort on thre part of nature to throw off thre Poisons durlug thre attack of Spansi Influenza resuits sometimes in Cnhitts, or inflammation of the kidneys; In vew of the serlousucess cf tis ais- S case as a remuit of toxemnia, it is mont essentiel that- treatrnspt Le -directed to- wards promPt elimllitifo f thre toxine S (poisoni) frosu the body. hmmeanatirat thre excetorY argans -the bowels, akin -and kldneys-uhouid b excited te their Lest efforts to throw off thre poisons. - Send to the dru soe and get cmtr où, IMAIM or a Pleasant laxative sncb as Dr. Pierce's 011, V DA~1 -Pleaat FPrgative Pellets, whrch are mades of Ma&, alocla sudjAAanasd tacs ticue every other day. -Tis will excite efficient Irowel action. At the saie time, if Yeu suifer from irsekaeho, Irritation cf thre bladder and the kfdrieys, ohown by the frequent Cala tO Set <'ut cf Led et night, coÜsidcrable sediment in thre water. brick -dust depoit perimps headache in thre rrorning, you should obtain et thre drug stcre a simple taLlkt which expels the uric acid and thre toxie pouùa trois the systemi. IThis i. ealled "Anurie" (anti-urie acU) and wua Put UP by Dr. Pierce. By Its nctio, on Lie oladder and kiJncys, iL cxpuli these toxi, p.uiuns. To build up' tho îrtrength anrd Lhe bloüd- because -alter the influnza there are fower of thei white blood corpuscles and toc few red blood corpuaclea- -take an iron tonice6rrch as "*Irontie"I (te ha hast in tablet3 at drug storeti), or smrn gocd herbai tonie auch as eue that bas merved th 'e greea"t urm;fùlnm fur the Paut fifty Y" au-.umely, Dr. Pierçes Goden )IW dkl Dm a~ae from wild tbaansd *oot1, ,witl)cut d Suid ti~Yt liquld tarin, 1

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