Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jul 1919, p. 3

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24, 191. 'Safegua rded fn-vestmen ts (),n lPRAiL r lt ' iNM4I ' s,1i 1'l-1%i ma il iteasy ta l"vue t. miytdffat-laly and' lu accunsulate high c@s,% secarities paying goad dividend rd4annm and capable of lange inentages in vaina. Let us explatu this plan 10 you. 'lu au ou mach you can pay dos n aîîd ho% mrich you eau pay rnthty. T hI usne-hal seourîtics you have, if you have aaty, no vo may advise you s e th eir pi-osent valuse, stability and future. Wo wiul make ap a epecial invastimenî suggou- lion for y0uu aOorditt' ta wh&t YOU eau aèord t4) itive"î on ihic partial p'Syqpert plan, tither on.a 10 payiuant or 2-pyment béWio, Write teo i- Departmont A-2 for our papar, tOuarantred Inv.-simenie," giuing dvoe on thse mai-ket oeuditîanoi-It viii internât yo«u) ISecurties Trust CompanIy 10 South LaSaile Street CHICA<Ô0, ILL. WOODS' WITRUIT FOOD OR WATERI f er , nme n a ocom e lahlm a itryimgta s et bock home 112 ttjiarontty ilti mot lo "If heahâdbeen ane of aur Anteran h oys he certalnly vouludant bave been there that long, "The vay th1e grass vas starnped dÔwa in athe UtIle vaod lot viiera 11e 'vas foutu flaicates Usai ho dii nat imove vol-y mach tram the spot vbere ho vam vben he found himself lbat. "He oes aoe aseem to wanltt ta .k noI even wte bumother oranaiybai>' Oise. A Reticent Lud '-Re tnevas wmuch of a talker bofore be veutt hri-agh bis expeM-en- ce. Thse boy ie luel six yeees aId, 11e has naelight foyer nov but Itlale fot serlous. Nouesof tho bts fl-oi Dos- quilos. bugs, ile.. stc. praved ri-al aerious and eo fan as I vas able ta lebarDwu asDol bîtten by snalem. "The boy vw» founa mat aven a hait imitetram t-be Bramon boue vhero b. vap taylag vidi bis modier vhom ha laeeti mgr. bUtions .aim dthernysteriaua o! t-e laWe aboeomala m lasuli-Ihge au «we a" hie absolute retîceuce a"l retmual te 1.11 about viers ho ha. beau mai vhat obeulasdoue al lh b lima-b. as avaY lin1the cnl- ~ bu' fturaorcfth.e e& Dr. INVIrMaa tbt"the "Y liI o o uli came eut ofh. b ii «e a&trlght [mi voul ret-atumoaspermanent affecta trA L. Rb mober la gaini ta ha aI Gram Làk m i lm umtilho inIu il 1.Ii.tjvf sd Lake Cmy'se t Mailsr.uds'~Le.I of Iils eskus. W. have roduced the Titan 10-20 price$25 You Ca nw gMett. worlds standard 3-pIo*tactor for $1,000. When you buy a orignal price REbno "Joker" in this price. W. are nf' teling you one story in this advertiso- ment and thon Ieaving it for Our derniers to break the. sad news that the advertiaed price won't buy a tractor unless yoei pay extra for a lot of rqecesary. features. The Titan dernier won't charge you extra for "starting and service" bofore ho can doliver the tractor. H., wo d ýhCwyoua machbw e tcipped ofMMnay mertW àrs-bitp1üùey, fendersplafforma, 9vernor, 'rar, >to0la-aa* thon teilyou * ýyo can have tbese things b ypay-Ingexa té - Ihem. The Titan at this advertisod pric. je a complote 3-plow keroMe- etractor.-ý Friction Clutch Puiley à bege, vIls ma"c dM" puly, MW$binSà Tim «ww abe fà lily.. machs" bTIssum 1.»m be @. hachadiInithe s boi of bea"m a theb pelley unid *0a hitdosa the ama yhag wmiieepar ta h mctae by agà es umenl. h t i tecoey ot 5 ofbis Sont vbeela ta pet bol dauam. 10 1m Tisai pufleY vasneutoamifauVe Th the am tplace o. aoa bii= emlt " et ifim knavisigsdes is. e m mmfl wmke-dapubq a 1..5ba oui> ste cbmegyom$nto50400fis. TU .Tii- lê1= Throttle Governoi Seo.tdma imivlb.woUO m m peeape mdi*0nem scanos mvsatm opaata asa W"joato at on *». mse mm" atb f.sldta bondaivaidak« w,.. eng" or let a theosds geanoe doit w"i eS t scmt? -do It antma=IW.m ,puhcl M»1 TFitnIheotisgovasm»os es Sud, pr05 grain loaaaeby deUvuis nlorjwts e theauhr am bagas. l. *: &Bd drive. ambInesY.. Mt i.aoa ,l*afexil <arm Tbm b aOmther tfihsg.We me m zriem" sbauiIe M 1ut mad î upua. w bàs itiw tit on s LUn1Othe rb i erngfpmaiablnaud tstrmnfcui Note thépe uSura wu*,de ms ;îmlovaGu mavbedog IMM fs~or &w14 yen,. N« ot aoer W,".ny ati Ilbb T oa 10-20 bus sechfpi Woffld you cmtruStY= ooak acroM tto am m msuo bo4 fmOss"isuom Th«i~ef =vrh"a afyperenu aww*bwning monsy? map.iak ~ buSiôiOi ym n "wfaLrm profila ina tueator bafitby ee;aTI4r kmknowlsdg. of fnnig ic. Mmld te adrawmg bord? . It will Pay Youto thin miIO. tinga I fi... L. ye *.e dt..., oea sprcb ubota .n. la ",it MM4 ami tebsmdhig y" Ito et liow 1et asm eh .vu- -ssa10-2 Starting and Instruction Service gUI maaconera bhoesi -Us a ag 15 le ambat vy cig &kmly fa dif A oplses iaiaImi ons pt p eqfmweo~JU p ?~ayhsg fuum6% - 12% @0 th ho eémoej teChicago. 1The boy coud apt spmkst es- eariuiy-plmned lieeeot bis ta- Mm Lake, Jujly S.-4aked,, hit. derstood and bai th. aner 01 c lion tielore b. la moved viiila ve [y a bag or bottes ln a îighi - Au shake cfr1the ileai for quustionm. hlm. outred, bleck a.cin. but ettill alil'.. "Did Yeu toErt slor berries' Didn't Move Miach i'y Nutter, te 6-3 eur-old child who the. doctor «IS&"I Cilfifot imagine 11 ev Uc earch- appecred on .IuW 6 ln Wildvoad, The bWÎoy o0k hie bond. 'No.-- ors ovorlooked hlm" sai a Fox 1*11e w ox Lmkeý vas round yesterday "Bld Yu av wteim ant, adding: "T1he slough vhere h. 4 in the. OvMP ai the edge of "No," &gain. vUs found, lt lookod asif 1be had flot woodu ln wblhh tr eleven days "Do you knov vhat happpaed to beau vmnderlng fer fron The seul bail stock ta bis body b in u eotm? grata seied varî dowu a bit bore 0e f an oudeml vhlch would have aBUl*"e (He vor, a suit 09 and Litote. but flot very much. Wbere id ha&- lhled trong mèn. khOiti Jurners and a Pair ot sho0s hie clothes vent te la thie mystery. le vasfournd by a party of berry wheu lhe wae lut Snbuot tce ow 0 w aan't round la the further Lrs, among vhom were three was round 0f hi lm 01111. or the lith, rnystery which even he e irhaps viO rmates, Rummeil, Chester and Carl blult poil wlich ho carrisi tacolloci flot salve." iderontthe barries. Ho bai promisci 1the ;eorge lhjehm, 431 N. Ilamîlinborres toe -emI Brasav, the. frimnd BAINS SIX OUNCES IN DAY. Chiffag o dig thie band Ibru, tram ubose cottage he Waukegan, Jaly 15, 1919 svsmp bepi a soiend which he dlsaPPeared.) Little Harry Natter, the 6-year-old, crb. smlbth@10plplng note of The boym, legs are no bigger titan Crusoe of Grass Lak1e vil b. takSu rondei bird Mmd vould have pas- broommde; bisi knese are bug& back ta bis home ln hCicsgo tnig t on badit nemt soimaite hhlm tatat kobla. Hia uncle, Elmer Nutter, vlth vbom saund formol plilables of hu- 81111 Un A Stupor ho lives ai 1223 Fkirfleld, et., wilI tale aspeeeh. Not Oveu- the amrvai 0f bie moth. hlm ta the boat landing near te Go]> Melce Out Childs Cati or brought a llght ta the. unnaturaly derson cottage no Lake Ntppdiimlk. L listestedlâiteatly and heard the' large expressioml..s gray eyes.. Viere H1erIy Q been cars« for Dd agalu, I Mrs. Leviton vwu notified ofr1the einco be vas f.and ln a svanip on sounded th. word: Ifining of the boy by the. Herald-lx; lb.e eleventh dar of bis purtatory of Ern«t.»aminer at 5:30 YemtrdaY and accot. famine, tht-st and «expeouro And id ho rentebeesitiie lbat chO, panled th1e reporter ta the Ganderson Henry. slroady mlratdoilcmy reviraci ba ba h= ive. up as demi by cottage. The motiier left, Chicago from the. torpid cadaver bis adven, flot ezceptug hilo mother, Mnr. about 8 Woç<k Thursday evenung. tuxe made hlm, vll be talon ta hls me LevItos, 4844N, Oakley hîvi.., K.w er Boy Was Dead own bei ta complote bis asuured con- cago miii -gba,7 -Yer-old brother Bitte b.d been hystericai ana trig- valesence. tt bai -bom kWb lut -capan ion. lly mute by turna iurng Lie mix Thi. convalescence le not ouly s- ýha aè fwa' he saw ti3t -mlle ride aMd kePt repeating "I1 aured, but bagoa- Henry gaiai 6 ek monk«.ey.oeekon of a child knov ho la desd, 1 know ho l4 de"i; ounces la the ftrot tventy-foutr. hourt pped lu a 8#91138 poature again9t mY 90Of boy." He remembers the. lorce thunier- et huuuot e« the swampy 811. refu« ag ho comfortedl by stai-m on Jaly 7. the second day of und. Thé blit ë WU Mcovered vlth auveaites dthalborboy wus mlv. bis wandeZlngs. warM cfgmalt whlch rose lu a lvea after aho bai cornuita t heb, "ft rsiied and the vii dblev--idl id sa ho umol. Orne, a big bine- partio h 0 1e Gideu home tee till the trne," lie rsmembered vaguel, le illy, bit thu MiDiSnth1e beail epete ta AM the deai hody 0f ber ad from titat remark and the faot he 1001101 Tb* boy DOTer mOai. son. that he caon remember ho more tan id fDomthelb.UblO-bY cottage Of Ohe migbt have embmaed hlm thon b. deduced that 1the delirium which Guaiersea h.lJy as rseiid mand but the. body, bIllon by poiomoum la- le inlmnlu lrcles la th. tblck aMW boy broug» gp g1d. sects of the avami, durtmg lthémamy fergrovth begsn on the àMounai ught Paft teiltit « kif. daim b. muat bave lta i r cravled. 0f the storu and kmt.d antflho r. -Wr«O (Ft ruit 1*11e î.orenbsagalitgmmlieme vk -as WUfound. pWeUAttag 1 lMo «%" s Sedndiwai ableme h ncreeenemy - 111e mosmuito, col"u mot bub.aa i. e'f omifil lenomeman of siemi.' - 111 09 lire still la tbotousched and&ho mie ua per'forces.stand thunder snd dovupour In the ferest d'a body'. e mmHea'y Wili ve. inactive boehlbisbot phillo sisal Craves Clay Dationt teass0f ient; relIef giutei dovsi bep "What do'ydern - a« e unt' face. aX«l WueYoung imeule aDmp.ý Her test wordm uèe: "Candi - boaame - autp - mm- "Nov 1c=nhave thieu bath chris. de&*!" eauueratod tke châdmaloty tened.", He doemn't vaut a steak. The tbougbt Nad Giv.. Up Hopie of rosi food le carlonsly rpelve. 8he expiainsi belveen igobe that Hiasmenueof hunmor la algbc. T itan , ber tva chili-en vers te bave mpfl,. He hanem .sbaiov of a 14r 11 a vek ln the country wvthiliM.ra. antie, of Bunker, thei0 '10-20 a-v and ere thon te bave corne psp. borne ta the long-delayed ceremony Unci.'. Affection a Milracle o f cilmeatng. Tbe boy's boit Pal la blmahcle El- « But 1 bau given up hoite diat mer Nutter, nigbt firemah on a sltcl Henry voud ever be cbnitened--«d englue ln 1the nurington yards vbo nov, vbon ho gels troll(site turned vits the slender salary of hl& Job, tae1the doctor) Sai he'U gCet vol! agala suparla lhe tvo Natîter boys, Ni-liet inT doctor-beU be. cbristeneit--' and and Henry. bis invalii indier auj me- rs. Loyitan brole io*h. thor. Durimg the early boue of the after "M7 ululer remmi'ried Ivo îearm 550l noua Henry bai hold a Jubilation re, and 1 bave heem keepfmg her chlfen ception for lt.e folk of the resort. ever amnes. l'in mot uanied,' ho mii TIT N tM Te Jubilation vam ai doue bhe bm Meialfection for Hernry ina-miracle uemtm. lieuWs ouli Jubilation. for f islntoresteido dvotion. Sitig on -)ncludnes: e-uie hedoctal vfth:n aiqoat maternai delicacyuan- Some-ûme flve M a & amAM ge untillie hboothedi.feint cati, 1121 got thetrot *ign of luterest la et-ner, anihela bock tate boyln- r-taireof the vorli. staatty. 9Tiiereatter Il vam the Popumn Pau- goy Celle Hlm on Wiklng,, -. ime ta gîve Henry a dollar aMi get Fenry returns the uncle's devotion. IF l sattue. aHlm Ont rs y wviln hoeakem tu mot W Wben, liera lon ires, Heury for bis motbor, but #ar dt.egurdia ry recogulmed hlm uncle fHenri Natter. and fblend.ber brother. UMMr et 4is test greeting vus: "rve gaI six make. It cdean the chIÈla 11113 Ai lollrs,"no otbere uliha Jeeloum insisanme. "Wl-at viii you do vlth theuT' EHuer Itla W ho vill nurse Roury * - -.ha asked, -but Henry's brain doms bacî ta heotl. * iignu A dmd la oneeaet ta qustionm. "I'd do oaytling for that kW " Ut- id ibi Vary oa. What eau have kept Henry silvet mer sait. "Whou ve set ta î;b.i lammedy "M eror MW,,, a Thedoctor agreem viii hlm Patient liou tomarrov, ru Coing tae Wr. a in _ bat h.a bai a no f ood or drink for tm"Cab ta ride hlm hotu. W eloyen dais. amettln 51 A pbymlcal heroismU 1ke diat of the Heny wvnms rvoli moepting a tvo- Brahulu vbose religionmsffut@ m eoundi box of chocolat, drape Fnrida; erperiments ln living deaiii? Or the aferuom'rbat make. tht..." ho r C ' stolcimu that only soliers mani ex- sagravelyIlnformai itse group pond e porees are expectod te bave? (» hlm cat. dli h. have Onu>' Part of the animal Hie mini belag oun1the maler et * instinct te UlV@? business b. pieceied lobh a laiVa 1-Had Soon An ievalid t«,«__ pbaeno id Ne bad no lnberitodIinstinct for O v-lwq-"ha couatui vooderait Ibat a normal bemithi Cliiita téve e " 0led oa.-tolmnbblta a ~~~poetiebses. A clty-kid, bo couhild t i~u ut bha ilat.d la S eensm ercise the. Intinâtc oth1 ' 1e bbaqakflwàorislmalgt -o w alet' vhlch drivos anJueaksuid imeb ive h i c.n.t..lm orlst n dia dosert ta lcis h -ndil ' Nom. of lt isomb aie et leavee for dis fev drapes M& g~qepter-. uate-a quarter- mobture diat edIng, a nikel--a nIcl--tva pentIes-S? lielaa ea cil. He à" >ffl csnt&-hbeclecéàiandfrounnthatuno a baif.lnveli t-irougb t*I4m96mo 711en uscolavawu mlun. oe bis hlirf. Te live thmrOhe e pee Be leu-Vary obvioumty matimd ieyu ed lonçe Of elevon daya OC bmmrl. the, prospecta for hl& new MoartIDl lar, sit" thelon-.5olDsuU 0914dt' e ilfe-p387, and ha knev his modier hlm gimost ho th point orImuln* ' ý4 bai Sonieta die cli ta tbu* hlm moue 011 !eau. aut vlth a hbody tM., b0 ciodes. A fortune and a nmwev iI W- 'béa'heh i icatas a it or tl4m e le sse testa,> pratonson =. 0 f. aupenlonli ta teaie 00111200111lit* s uch a splendid haute. te- , ? - -Il hlch gel Shacltonta the Poo.and- TO &O" il mai hoLisbon. Grama lakEl, uly 1».-The 11111e 1%ehaWoods an NIt«Mla l FO-Natter boy vas talon db s OMfroil Hep" iny andered fuir êits 4w Y lte uGndes'son. home tt-ohe Broua anti One Mile long Md a htil oume vere he vas shaYing at lthe vide. ltluaOneO0f lih. mysteglerth*$ lma 1e dlsappemr nwunigvesu11 but Ifor a, week after bhlm dlaàPbioat'mo days. vu 1shouli hava founi no trace of the boy, Dr. Furlong et.tamon, msai-"The Mtbis cbathbo or the bet7 9%'mM.I boy lu a ao ry rocovered froi i lm 011fe Blondhounder -,wore brousht bat experlenice but be doemn't mA i mch 9" plclced up no frai about il. He doeeu't sem ta ho able The step-f4ther of the boy. P ho 1t.tellvhat happenei, Doesn't ne C. Leiwton vho vas td i Of ta!h1e mamber wbat ho did vlh bie lothea rnilt>la arrive on tbè somme afier aud îaesn't seem ta realise ho.wuas ~he vas founi vaut ta die pcfst viste avay se long. hla>' vhen Georgoe riobson touani . 1 hlm and came bok ta tollt laIt ters Elmer Nùttel',1h.S e arFmad boy u mtl .w eat in a, tu« m@uss 1las flt oven tbe memblenie eta a tiait Who vas reuuei tram the 01c1,m111 4jatng o-e-th 11101u.Me !t *ey -a brokot twlg o' tOra EUi-4-tOabout Lake Plistakee a4ar elevea j-e0 ý 1 a TAX O~p Reviewers ProcreLe Jèas vice to suoif Boars s THEY MENACE AND OMFU vle dev..lop tiat tbe Board cg MW, Viewof akeCountile tglepklag 6%' the matter of taxing the blllboardo Waukegan and iewh-vere aiongt J North Shnoe md throughaut LeM connty. ?he board liati corne 10 tthe c"_du iI liat the biliboagIs are uerylug asau a eortiaig ueium luat Mach as tbe itevEqpapen and ith* me. BO i-oison Wh ythe bltoan ov»- ers ahauld nat va>' taten the "mee&w tha ovners o!.f eneovunu Menibees o« t'le boauird sdy- havt conunltpu autiiorltl.,- vlIbtiru 10~~~i ii iOlL 1e praaflnc. , of the billboards ln Wakea along the Nardi Ssoere arte oe~ Chiîfle b9IB berssuàd Ui «N ou a busines rwWhlcbrue laIe dreda af thoumnis of dolin j a Yet Lake. Couuîy fgels »Do huge,,Profils ho the owbers cf bourdii. 'I1é board meubera càaC*- roumon vhy lhe b blIt heas4m Dot clam as permoai ropMJ esw mach as ne"]pser =p *m e se Ogond IL IwIutW 0~ Tii. lnform4l a"i »80m liu fta knova, hh» Sa -iAMPle etr vllla very tâ mamlgbty ieilie à*, fteuorw ex tath aeu areâ an ohtil he mencs boider le 'maUM " àe M'U~ tHo Ate b Hbardaua ing #p. fatomoetla mmy euf, arobanot oeain enium<W~ bie Fthecfie Otain Hoe As e Hm-la. enS 'Ofr wyled efl.e -U10 eU. 21, invuborle Na ;a ms v- 'sdg No. -of te o , ba 'um-ed ,le 18 199,la ca'e qrHe 8I rbotokdV trý l he testepim -oelatraece. Tt la cb "'Fb 1b. Preste. que, asW ýood avenue,"aWou * ubom hoe a bffu t Il lu mÀbà aethb. ml vwmin C .u 'if N. 3-dy la Nb. S. wm~ 1115 ooatakew place. Xren, Uv., vthbispa-ml .The uxlt, lova, ut ru ail!. NT o.y.usI'YMm S Z, ber litou vef.abS aMthe avs enTbyasuM el~ Qh. o% *HutIouoS aübaigei 0"« cothe tlng ta de dsl ef diehrd ie réa, 8108 witad1 ia lis id- "Rodab e thsC".~ brtïi.a* giou Lune1, Iwa e Broiate o. .2MaiUlm dayn, Hagvet bis ageas3 c l*,, rit ,ber mcte w tbteuraho IMdai lttt otroh e mtmw The -, qerU* "Roert . mm

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