Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jul 1919, p. 5

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- Lmm!i'YVTLLZ lUI PlCI1Ib>ItP 'tWl!I~FiAV~ 2TTt~V 'tA min à De::1 Dooe Trihe en feuad d u.Doh a d konws dt b arefdomg gowogI Mmd l pSa mi im 1as qi WL.urkbq~ r e, Iidut woa* n.le a a .egmuchas duu.wi s WCK 7- e,"49Min nommd qu*.mm h hi unmd se Aqahe, kopor e dm . - " so rnifa h a~~ m lo uéeone a isse ur ii sai f."wd fin.eslmdw go overschpn" ue bu maci Yoingb o i a in ur ut iag What 'Wi& Schanck -Hardware Co. GIRLS WANTED Several girls wanted for faetory work. Light work---Good pay Pleasant working condi- tions. Steady Employment Libertyiv The. M.HIL dnuday Sehool le la anta*qa picule ia tlhe mar future. Mies Edua Hanse., tormerly of Liberty.. Ville, le viilîing friende bane Ibis veek. A number trom Uherlgville aliended tlb cuert at Bavinia Park Suadoy John 0.,Allua, vif, andIson, Rusenîl ef Mlwaukee. vielted his brother, J.. AlueMonday. Mise ladys Sudîa. effioperator ai 061 CbloagoTuephoueo&S.,le enioylog stbru es vekvacastion. Mr. Mdam i.William "deatt«edlbe @dv, er dl e lereurof t i. aud M1118.-Ffflk Ne la Oldogo Baury. Uts.W. B CeamI En.mmEarry Obeaort i olO U i, emotond e 0Librty. vile .Tueul af lmimouail vieivisa Mm e.Leklu ale Mr. mam à" it aisead lir.j Mdmm Mi.P. Meof ethmoat motome Io MISvA" eo*w *a md aepeus 1*0 day Wigt EMdmm am anyeue,. S Tib lise of tbLahesidM. .Mel aeuadaa. vUhold th.ineat mie, oa PVilla,,Joli 25, as ù» home of mm. Zlgar Welle, Or., on Nevbmynry evu. 1mm es.m gsondMd albereson, Donal Ml aure veuie lor Set Paul, Mien., 1o01oli ber bubail lb.'. a;ï lbey expuci b remsala 1Quefor ou. lin. L . l ckhod bad bar macinae1 overtanw"tiueh@ wse drlvig l Tuuu. day elternoon m»wr b eenhuouse. Obe vae tortunage tb escape ulda miior f.lbert Suider, Ldbertyvfle. Cor- loucly Ileai lier hoepitalfor sOme daya in btter. Mm. George Renebai la 8e,111verY 111 but som0wbat lmprove&I Mir. Fred Jucbbeltn and dangbier,c Claire left Moulay for au eziended trip ta the eout ubée u iey expect to bviilalu New York Ciy, Nlagara Falîs; AtltiaiM Ciy and other placeeof liitenet. v Mir. TboumsDoudan eived'a radio telegram trou ber Snu, Robert Dowdeu an Frlday, mealg tIb u ould land i1 New York on Saturday. lieswaeonZb U. 8. K. hoyau, &bout ivo bnndred miles A good suaauy of îLe 5:15 eommuieng tram Liberiyvili. wltDe.ued the fatal uecl&ýO t f te dirgible baiolauCblcmg Monda, uerMos. Au tht. bappeuil là be ibur e ogolng ta lb. depat ta caieh ibeir train. The folîovng books bu,. heen ed tbu tbe LibertyviluPublic librury: F.cttun-"*Tie Arias, et fflM," by1 Joepb Ooured; "Tut. Cltyof Coarade." by BaiI King.Jueie."t1Alse by FOrbae.iIal"LîttMleeGrmbpper>' by Jobaanaspyne. Non.Fi«io.--'her- voué" by Alfred Noyon.. Enormou@4developmeute Ilat.aeebolds ID tbe Tex". oit Boldo. Lease Ibat soîl for trou il to 82 per acrea yjeago are nov suilling aibîth aie $».000 p. r acre. For tull paeleul gose0la Imms. for sale by u ddMe.. WS. ilarrisai SCde., erpeetalqe of Edvard..Scapp J C... hulEvillz,r mpeter sünday ln NI I Aice Mome .frn m .bnt,>n. le hfme enjO3 Îng a t1W ,t.k. Vaeatlun Barry Meyer@ hali returrjed f ront a two' illie fttb807dm ",a CI; v-k-Vtetiob le l.Nortllwrn i irus5l. 1111IellN1W1d-eday .% iry\,I.r. of ihicag. lm Fpeild. Mie MteNagau tpeu ii~ ibt lh* , ".e,i,1 willh4rherpntPfl ere. Mud at blére i k. dthîr v ilig ani dallgbter aie 11Mn.Jua ole » au er l 'at IeflbTaeeda orisi.w ort. .Uý R Ni"tb&Witited wyuL relatie, i mieMiIlred Evilâtizor "iont the week. ait Prairie Visw lmet ucel.i end wu ites!@@Agetha Tiu'mmon of Mn. eemeI Mouanentertaine,: >tbel à~. aliter 01 Tbr Eà Wwd Workers clame wiII meet u 1eàday é grasM. Juba William@ ic ~Frlday Mie.Ogimmé S a e a pei,iig Itergnoon ibis week. .bis Mriii. G» . d eil Weà - vlp. d The Epwortb League wil bold iboîr ire. GM. O.111b. aid c4ilnte Vhi<,. reglar basIn... Mletinx and socialu dlioW. vtB ItIOtCehruL r rldalf evsniugai the SM. E. cburcb. Ail lai e»Mbers ad trissnde in vied. lir. M mm P". F Riche were w au. mmr. v.L. Ripl.y, of Chicago, wbu l* sOmdi VIIM 80@luda wib relatives vi@îiig Visk Mn@ Nicbolemnedenj a rew lbers. vocal seluction I the bbad comS Mr. ad m 19 . Dorfier andd ci.strengisais by the bond on Wedneu'i.>y iem viwe e m Mis. >teParent. ai lVO[ii.,e iog wons ppauiatod bv a large audience lmn *. ub1 Wo attend the rone, t. ~hnUok, s t nd ireMnIl 1iwr Accoeding tu t"telegraledc .:eporîn Book itmmtimme rou ovemeae@,r. trom Washington, Rolly Churchili of ve.à BWe. JtratIae awflkow tireo pundiDg tb' 'bhat place, was recomniendeij by Rani U.B, baihe 01 Preeet WIlson for po&imaster of vuest &W vlu *a ieue. f eni Gray$lake, C. J. Whlpman reislgneil Relie as Llue Euleh..àone 11w'. go ID orlon to devote bis 1 Ur- Ideb-,JOeeph Pedle of Lax e at tentiou to Private «lutereeta. Fohsoe ameU usel arivi a 1a aby Day. Flag ae qulte serioely lniuned boy boa Sie, Jey 2. a 'b the relpibs gtîurday .noaing, b. W. 1. Ceume a4 uaamlly molorid tb1 site uiflng a luadtd car and u Grain Lm" e11mude to visit the Lotus 1 utendlug on the truck wyuL a ce a acwz bel& wbout ureelmoei IDfull bloom ail stop the car whene buovaated It Wheu th51 Place. the jack'ellpped caneing the movlng car bad the i. fluitu ce to e'rlk.. hlm avrue. thebreaut and iofahdoraedsblunonnngiuningrunnlwc rover the lotfoot umacljini berueh. 1'hOXMetof the injury bau loi) a polp Tbeyy ixpef t ti tae a Dot hoe lmebw . .x-ray pictnre of the iujurpd meniber 10 0. B. flibàme', @On 0f Mr.and SIrm. L oftow budly i lu ininiirdThat h.dld D. flnbbard. mesived l@ is deboage We n ot los* hi-. estire foot lu due to the f..ei neuday, elle eekvlaIlu the Il. Q, . vy bat ho was wearlng bi@ brotbon'e urmy for tvo er,.lgf.tubmoltbu eho0"ai the time..of tbe a.cIdentand overomee.thei, prerenled the car ftrnt eeverleg bis biu foui.RislureetIng eayai bisboue. Mie. Daotb Doanc. -A Sjvismrr îM., Howard Fiagg expeets to undorgou siuerai Mr&.W. 1tuli,,and i s..operablon fon the removaf if1his tonsfle Bulh urmgtob, "f malta, MI., are tIbis wek. And the rositoM the Flaig v Uld simlbhon.. of0'. < 'ln or fumilije IIIlu lnRomo mann,.r or anothe- Mer, aoeompmmlulby Mis, t.rnell, out mv. inx Mark, L ] IfL Bia duàfamils and Bers ChambetIlasd tami.v, of ivanhboe, vieibed th batuladbede wa' rmueLake lut Snday. GeorgeFalluttit molved Word Wednýq-. day ibar, hi. brothesr, Perey Folitt vae ai Camp Grant,emroiteta da Franci,u Cael., 10 Le mustereoui. Mv. Folitt emiluted iltero lu lbe aviation corpe atîàd à"e beenID Fraies offl vo year. Ai.a meetimgaioflbheuaantors elit Le Lincoin Chantacqua Momday ulght it va. deelded to pia" lb levlngg oftu mueument in tbhhbande aofIbaeuucretury. Tbe guareniotes c a dscit of uven two bnndred dollars »dual limenau' Issusmeui 01 over four dollars@jper guarator, uoIf ana lte Chautau4uai lovere vanlu ta Le llbqW tlb, eau e j a donation to the cuse. m»l tbeiety len the expuse 09 lbegurmtors your entertainunemt i amI boul bave soe eldarasoep10mhe Il oe ellfat .C j., 78mll arional lBank Building. Tber emetngt, bnehsa«leof dm. Clao, III., Or MINil.ésAPPOlnmeut tuer Grippe liensaUe lu yvlfl.leai tte '0 melyo or md lu Llbertyvlle preenni tie. tibis le p-obahly does gotthe ' lt802 ina. ebot vealber w, a@e havlrîg. T he roulds M ïffing C o. A nuber 0f Our Young Libertyville switumfng parties «d lieshili Of tLe boys yen take. et a dlsativantagge early moroluN a,g od«ett llau tebead Tuesduy elternon uble tbey- vers. aid nostalgie paidb. Tbe dalflar pars APPLY AT rACTORY s elumaàoila thb, gra'i pi b, uyquug of ibis nev diueaie la tbotél eetnstu, iii lady. vbo Ine ituon bloîg Der te votesai certain ilm if ne teday, sucbt lme boue.. Thé, boyesvr.tourne tae. ek as painntlaibe haI folovil byoenve e ebelter la tlb lm homte t. ltiir beadacb«exteuding trouis be temples ---------__ i eeee * - seimmie, lotbeseoi oui the jounuadown tbrongboebas 0of the bead to ------------ l dy bécame tiretlithmine. Wevorndi r tbejaw. and neck. If yop bave tbons mc Iftbe lm boune. vuessne bily, thonsemaa sympiomte consutl your doctor sud pri. R ~ ~ M L - ::::::vn:,îéatth oang lady gva. lenaidlare aenz ine bol o tut.bûju.The ire deoat mnt va.called ta flue Bunday va.a buuy dalla Uhersyvlle. Ward fort» Wednesday la extitnaneh a Th 2 sFoot Launch Nt rrgsa otbutb la iblaze ta âie rf anosmâe ___ lêsabled cars. ah.ooeelrj mesuaita la th1e barn. The lineommuanntutlto puf Aw» vo laser »Iaiylns about uaebiae ctber ouibnlldlng and auirawetmec ail I. p Il M IWU Mmen premedulfuta e.rgie, l o e thé aeay ail grain hide. Thes prompt UVU EUvers so liraI bilturamalUgllt' éat lbey arrivalf ef ie ndePaitofupi pruelslei 4- - juel felIl "p llu d0ao!vllya »d à esrelou ondagraliom vihi vie 4 cylinder, 4-eyile motor auto- grima andu lbi lb eueumie ai the fort ..atg owlng 10 lthe1bhw" l Ty, cOJtrOe uilleq i lail- oe dlfdspointa gu t I iepina lb. lire to tb enulbllg. TÉ.. Fu y eOI tT m uoféastodteamele,.ofisWor-d famiij se.uet u hsbaulu awrnde s. ï. paper tiatihoebbai a botte, bid-t lt puip o iape iutely as Mm. Word bas bu. a i w OR. la Chh bt mi.yei b Ptudwred lbbard alusosi an lnvaild for tlb pont jour. sione Ioorway of lb'.s auble for hie goal Theé building and ouibudillM r e m bed. ovrsl by Insuran.. bpt.1jr. W ord va. (1Tii. reckîlmegneg e o fOur drivsra iot ture wuber lb. ot»vr W»U U~V oar ~ ~ ~ uib tbeir parente maobie. le golog taeovend. The outbulldÙag vers à total. IFox LAKE, ILLINOIS.à,lotsdeysewo a coupeo tbu'.I About ties montb soolb Arov drive@ almosl rua dowsu MeuLaIlA. Motor lUne made is te tn trm *o c ilan aquIre at thsoffioe . berryie. lb hépeformeme.of bie ClleaO toLlbrtljvilie.A$ liat lMt or « , an ïïdaty. Tii maniami bali varuel- thes they pionne t10amuée dty tips front boae0ashort Situe ugo aboieIbs îh ettbfyville la Chicago. Wi oas or lrlvloit, but on 1h15 pêrtCuler lbeteaSe wo exceptions tbuy bave louetao, ait Mr.Mass ve t~eaeuâeui , bast r »"oe tahmdovu, f15 vau 05- Sa b prenant lime tbslr bueIt asa and a Iaety otaeUem vus touzn by hie qul* p«smaes1ai salêtat h.inumoesue :ub an edtent that lb.1 essa">. esea* lajouirslé Ir"élis , for basba! 10 put on Morae eglpmst.' Rtoy pullel tbrough the oPorauem bruebl l bsooêt-. TIsmauoieff. Vithisibe puit montal b ars a ee ~~<j~P~ again ln the e o0f a tsv daim. bey sDl@e01 hliNkmeilesPr@@'*laîv m oaiell. li 1N6 1UI ~Dropplng lo tuh u auital for tw br dist.geê veSlb heumi; la u reod 1k.t ame - ~~~terday taoe. " v al-i vib ho tlk. I elirn eop, planning 10 Ineorporals mal boy mon joflng the mnstratlons of a harber 10151erdevetapel liaItby vve .55 atritlstdans euang *11*5 to la«mu- Chi oeoman ROY J. lisai, cor. ubile hflit la bed. iRe was 19 hige teh behJ lSbmaea bed ine."y Maillai trip bulb rumosllng secreari' 111the0 avy Re. uuel cbeuye oai f mimd. 1towerde lime fdIa haJI«W*y ituvlor. e.. tbbonl totons. P"V herom b ig Xste Uoe#Mty lu gOmmtalaatut 11e HR@vii h e Meet!fac tive pegel 19ai-àwsumsat vWUM.- te md li ey bave maile so fer dais veauiu a Mlîa Xcepttlal er a mille. uteoludut>'upon bis diobarge from otbê ebougima 1k. ligy b bas esplseulj gpoallivetuentfor soe. etlbma, -* spullt..About a e ea waamissth. lbin 1e .vlolit. Huuting lbrense blanks for the JlUi: ï,eason bave arrlved at the office of th@e0cuntY Clerk, h Was announced. A change in the game laya regulmv, that Versons must be cîtiezas or the Ujnited States to obtain a liceiue. Li- cerise tee for resîdeuts of Milnouis 1z $1i For uoumeidents, $10.50. à LIBERTY TIEAT.RE SATURDAY, JULY 26 "The Danger Mark" Aise an Arbuckle Conedy SIJNDÀY, JULY 27 BRYANT WASRDURN in "The Gypsy Trail" Alto a Comiedy Money to Loan oh Improved Farms and on 1Desirable, Village Property If you are cintemplating buying faim village property, or If you intend improving propety youun~ own, or If you desire ta stock up your farm ma. in need of mnoney, or If yau have ioans falling due thatyo ew to, refinance, it WUI Pay You to Secure Our Terni on Mortgage u Reasonable Ternis and Prompt Senvie The First National, of Lbtyville, fa"oi RMS O F MOU TMMAN R A amNi" 'a ILJL We have When the amount that you need isa enouuji make the uaving worth your. while, 'twill psy youI get our prices. We rare willing to cut aur mergin af profit 1e-y* advantage because it le goadbusiness for us ta o' Volume of business is more important te us than proEit mgins. custamers -(rom even twa mac1 d Dadelion wnewusemoed rotilt dotitfu celar othe sîdeboard f rea" ectablitx Monday in Chticago thu ujALEX FELDuw a rullng by Assistant District Attor- ,« ney Benjamin P. Rpçteàn, asaignod by United fStato, Attorney cùi>iêaP. LIBERTYVILLIE, tI. Clyne ta enfarce PM4obibtlom Ih le now as vl a leaier &àTicirJunk and 0#4Aà- The Lake Couaty Board of Revlew la ji 1 session. Ail persona desir- tomobilit Igtfile complainte witb the Board must do no on or betore Augut 1. R. S. BARNUM, Chiet Clerk. Summer Goods for the Kkldies Now line af children's garments ihat are different. Little dressesOf Pink and green cbambray. dresses of yellow crepe, Du" hrmmpuesof rose poplin and dimity. Little .Leys* suite in the Oliver Twist style of blue or green chambray. ail remarkably wel =a&eof the Lest mnateria uà most of 'îhemn with a- touch ofI and work that ad&s immensély totheappearance. If you want garments a"hl better than the ordinary, choose these sime, 2 ta 6 yeare, ech Children'a white .0Jacky" caps, af gooci white ira i t ........0 Regular 56e quality in childrensa fine white stockinge., mcely fin- i hed gooda in fanzy rnb. -Ail sizes speciafly priced at ......8 Childrs', and infants' colored top socks, fine mercerized gods, at, perpar...*..................................... 3 & SANDALS, TENNS.r~SLIPPERS, UMi'S AND USHO.ES W. W. ~~CARROLL & -SONS O»N 1 -. Ir -V 91

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