Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jul 1919, p. 6

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- j.:~ taebe rthe treatant o< ove I 400 ilagrg i moiers. Mi mallo= f Vieatu* Uew, or.5leg iaaled bx te,. tior o is fathOrt Rôe uiten ii md11e vitici et al] Uthe liai.. of the a - .~u: :.yg sî: * _ Thé b4sigliboord orvocatlol ad- I U(IDW I VA IN 14.4lUtitc1 avii oen branch illSe«. Mr. Rice, ILta recalled, marri ed. 01R D M YYVM4ý Dir. WWrn vibave Chamge-or HMIne Dose iddlecom of Waiaegau e the; ta1.woiteatmenit anudaiUca- wlII hile ho vas uperlntorndernt of the iin 1W 1O~ tli 0f tie ênire terr1toyIt' i vil 1.V Waukegan mli. ilaier ho deciddihoLVh à »M,«,>I1a, b a buis 1.duty1t e e "théth ~~ <.~ te retire from fihe Auericul steel p~e gwqiion uWho have -beau disabled by thé H ( oe n LL~ auci Wire Comnpayandi look aai-os ON u>À JI1K Ulm diasethal they bave the .Proper in fi OLL tin wih aNov Sotiaconern traain butheklnd or oeccpatlona - Mr. and Mlre. Mie moveti glace flore for which 1107 are auited. Ife vil an tel om habom uIb M Wacegan uly 15. 1919. have th travai Ovor the country. viat- 3 gginwsFotar 0f Them C»adïan province ever » , ý f tret oim.eside thl729 T.ning tu e vrtous districts. C e UiollveMr.c ad hMrs iM P.g he » I ng et bhoi e by turnlnq on the Befoais tue ar 1r. Watterbou hll N ont 1f. nd ira M P.Elilo es gain her roses<&%.c oarefuily pdlligcharge of> th» Cook Coufl&Y 1boapItaI. t! in Wateaa a fev yeaim mgle. Mr. down thé windowseand 01501110tli her W5qie çualmb T WMODSIdCE 1915 Rice contlnuod 3aa ouperbiiomiaetmtisf on 18hoIe e4m ber11% e theUIC u'Ohe e h amlnlatrn tatieOti±* - ~~~the plant for nmre years but iSOBitlYl O0041blêiiall hlIbis a1i aist urathon.Ateo u- I o AM ettr t bcreclve inhoe vný promôted te -th. position of OnotW»~brsdl «I- .fflrrt loteta ho rece he ine:IMu m h qMl u one donuu i, ho'cmmdI u'l cupiei a large -place ln the medicai & Wau tomGermny nce ue ene:.1 imigor.Ticn>lI 18110 ee ddmem.dW n I partloaaiar j departmnt la the south. Who e ti have bsn reopeueti canm e Ét o ,ii.large (oes llu fitairteuof the ,@hon 1 <nd IaI ue t i 1 OW< arSIOmnouti Victor.v street <c<>n'>*. bprometionEla one of= olatis l lvrtruh1govemnaat henit ookaiarount for la lmp.rLaftCe and ibi my ftbiais ~~lie tugborouosi@ expert, Dr. Wattor. b big touzin Terzia 01. thlu nleo b.v&tni h evewsi GennanjE. Wauie<mvhfl blaiiote arof bis UOUeSfSl.mnvo.teiteovo.a gond Iortuae. ~~~ra. Pekey la f»e moiher o f W eid uo.Hbabenbhg-1 M'o Ont word vblcb the 01. g<>OiI f antuber d. th lathe second'e tru n.he ord~ er n dl- 108 la rocelveti from'their taleoetubrIm asbrb-careofite am n rdotites.mi OU dg Coranay ince 1915 gbfge. ma, a eaiienter roped d hum-ochargýteào e v ffico. n he ,l efe bIb amnugled out of ur NIYthe airdets of Wukeganabout fires r atro eleu htl i M# by a Oant.h captain. years ago. mai Narol from an attack ne 50ltiOn thord are groat oppol- litUer wva.short butfi told1 Ille IMor heart troubletmt~friile tvueetl cusinh of Mr.011e, fou r u1U]r RI rome that t ,I re uMM iea Choinnapr0fOulouopen for hlm.c U.h ahlA - mifl'iiidiveU amII i ving for heseload, clre II W&xwàMua& lhe mon 1vio' jmrffl Autou n. PUeyhal ai uskeefflng roorn àe oq t wh tie arkoln sela re - ou GuamadabouteraAI andI U'dU>IJ'e a Laies Votl mit hc aum mtu fe 1to flIml-latla ombal voutnt voman. jut o -1111 0 and cgla i iff the ilbamka front. The lMer body va. focriadla ber roue "'" * t0iie uiMi. fb~NOII y of thfe boaudera, Joe HEro, 011117 li8te heroperty <Md tus. £8ai~bs ntre u o~mm imuli lIardm hm tMoon oil I l f ltà» fieLake Couftty . GOMWa à& .i, iw fastncéudavoudeffl vlr his noonamai wue capital >à wasprlmrtuly atari ý«bd w atim" 1" WU6Cuta. ft redy. Hnevieda wvile tbb ai Bs a hopliaifor tube«rOar o ficw m" ahou tek 00ni 0 -udi «e. r. Waterson vent train Ula- tag ail bai gono out te boy ate- aestua putt lula innsota i UAfl Arou asCertain Unduoftlag fur dinner, but oM beller. vie, fie wuiau o onho Wue limfe. P inVIPW K ta returu he bagne luveetsaug iiU Uve Oon. h#%""aide b l e ruit ft Mho dElecovrei OfO eli hWl iceo %Ortoy *u p«WW$hp. * $ , a 07 lWe ibit laier l t -0tai ro omsmo 0Wauke8an qulte 01101 Z0IA4su ai -eui O¶g n iefos Dif v u blanba U d0ed.hmreWho ais -*M lm*m piigiptmui o th fluandtthme' v.aeov h u Mdd. £qd.~fflUtvri te amcoe ymil aihol lu, mdmaler Mm esaa. tu ora 0lu8 a msore andi MUR bai no lovie fr b» 0àtt * à6t . binet eMury Konciiau.ivetlve Yosm 99,IL SA Çàl NrQL h~ alawk anoihor -utile mon, vent iih ll fO~~ qo la hm% te the Poieî bousi and Maie F t ~ IL balle civilN men-m as laveem Dr. Zolley was Ibmedlatel em la s o mmm-ai N'orlt m e ltv4 a<h t eta tosen Morite fi te houae but liho yourn-IR lm Q WAIJLM AI fb*w .»Y bekmnr wtc ied hevoman bai mOsei ilme bforo. MbIl.and m~ . . wo a-* » e hb& M Iws lng aller rdeai bOy vas a Barwefl Club Launohes Move vde ceoieil.mare uoeui onwa <iletter vhich Mia. rme - r to susTa or o e a broher f Jo 0.ll Ma~saule. cu emp,, Allen aMi H Re g em. letbter use *rlttp $Io- PlMnty Of MiIk a beterof usous. ciof Waukieaâ. 81 iaa as t se. vencami vu very Motglité but ithé- imravieta i hlmCouusis. turs.i Ir031ovwm& 1 ion*mn, gdto "m . a. pst ac-.OPEN IN SLOVENIC HALL la tueéAinericau rumorat Tommaaiy ernooaet tue j dation orf h M follor tl~ im leIP51M111 olu « atthfi. loue, ev. Svamboerg *Do.ft judgo, nie feru' hmhae Wauketan le to have a ""kiistationi l. a ectaihome ulth- onelatlmg. informent la PM*. lV I dem, This ouoèei dWould hie forcell for hablai." Itlslate be one 0f volt cemetery. me *0 Pkm 1511e mt..One.laitie.fou mlii stations lne e «Matry for &lItoutb MMi.Norme lsd b4ai0118 se fefOC 1hi0t t Mth*ffiavflt cildren as hfle Ide oec f Vol, prvfle d #s lia beriott hen. l we 1.Iknuw Iodlyai Ie t fOitr.eorganisaions. reatve meot prepercifer thewmellete live In thls iofl orild. 1 Unies tie auspices of thee Servell endi llieo oo me. Se*iayTelmy ehiidren sn 0wuWïlw 1 wi Wae, <looillovahlip Club stops have beloe j afiozamo. Mu..nosma vas strk icit tm"leu 1h WnIlvd tl end ois 0w aiente provldofor fie oufabllmi- esou ltèab ife te t b hIase1 0 I .dMY hoblednd euh f tlt» UiIMent of a mili statou for babiela la ,oment.R 011t10111e alleresru'Mute 90 10 limth te Sloveulc Nationalhome. Tentu wore ultbouut av" ad ami ewu va "Ony t ho»e YOU nd Voile Wd MrBeuet ai McAl*uer Avance. 114 ________ ili 1<Ogive M@enmud 1i lo ft oa ta liely toopentr battagemthe lat- wiliallcireue of MY ehilidu'e." ter part eo! lts eek for a commlttio Mmi MuiMin lur ole.ielO io fe Âorim .fiuacfN' eh eut te Chicago tblm morang tu Pur- .. GreOat Laes Naval Trelmlug Station ze as a .aays flling *ft m50e. éhats tie necessary- aqulpmot. 1hCnd.1p tvou!lmenthe", u èretdarebdu va<fer ber anid *6 -mert Tie move la launoebs heBare mueiua. ieiouEmebrV t eet fiat fitvwu beut for borite irait Club becauae ih ta feittlaat la mego vpe o-day ac .Woer ueaao .ln tub vicke s ori.d oet have enough ilul tar. MMwle otasi. -lar lu the store aid tenioeihiM Accoriluate frledm,, uoiMy wuh i The plan la.te maint"lamodinoi l.4ib"has bonu pro- ment a check for $16 mIi "A.. w flir rieht mini vOeulv nis il o hbe m lauml o paio f Goneral Mau- Nelem.' basa tumpi- a îettir lite it Md olm a y ghiliron ubo are able lu drink h lu seM IIIMMla Nova Seo- cloueandi Calbl d.Detetiv e geut apparent fiat smoucfl uuîg utu vo fat va>'. Anomirnalcharge vili Ibo veut iter ho retired. Arthur Jobnaon. Werley sdmlttroafho tmg ber aleUe, b. ho oWed on a gisas of mià. ai oe _0< tue local Wre w«a anaval dserler. Seconate tToiv Stebiay mie malti: o vocents, but vian parent& or "T vouder viat liey àan < t am children have no 'money *0 paie fi. do lt m5atnivpMd 1,sPui'chase, the plan'la <o tuiinlsh Ilt t do wth eý_>tuw,? thrà iom thout cool. ___ thon ho bhan orosiv1a This year the goverumeat hasmun ~~ ~~ , ~~muant. Joici, rlmdaise ha ard trr oi vlia UkTo flb~er nl . ' e»&Woik among tho babite SUaicifli ~ ~ ~ nd hlm la the tittangible stelp rCutiy "Toin 'i - 0 ae osgthuejin<w eaaieoaani h bt arou M Y onMcouèaiUU TM 's i.10 b hoqulte aadititn«itl0» une t. liv. 1tbo iiss u15om'l' iin- l lu a big Citylita Chiesaiuthe cant but et the te e adU 11et ai. raent Urne thera la lut . mlii telâton tait. 1station of btai n in grtlOM Thé - 'nlt lins. Poilai .bonasvortl'ptiroiers feol it «,thyblve doe laig a.bout the upport et hr a a a 'bigtuain ahavlug 0Matlog. Ma- - am evidant fuolmfie btfaotuails 1ethon.Vea7 fte-0Citss, bà<501, 5mes Diotuhg mIe veut ara'si 4,f»&an. Itue alez of Walltasma ave omamawn bur of ftortua meel.g dUOMIbo*ad thale mlkitaior nd i hérillre Blp e r ar iuâgi17 m M-.Jtfe Wauiam à prOioora f001proud * glament May have £$uma i utg te,10 filu liai therhave boom able mnaietheo admdebizle ota Md1r oo l The provost m u.*Ut re t Iake e.U nie 'g t tum odi v- mgo fivor e t'hfe *auiea ln Stwo girls laneInuit il h hed ough e. um set aiCa»mp ei, lvai Sation. W Bs moven oeioct at the uniortattmi os 'lTh. girls gave tédues fo1. as tabllmhmeni of Josepha J. troualows: Cil.aTisbon, 745 Tenm aene semb =1 111111&1w FEUJoseopim Jorgten, 4310 Norh DMIat MIL a a OUtamini ie.s j §OMMj¶JJ<J Thne girls ibis morain e oeturuiai 't'M 0ed. e. taié, ve t fi dv hebydgnfor tlb" s4riffl"ra. Prosidmat. W. 9. bntVI f. W. CuvirchES, aSetry amd Manaer TELEPHONE 8SI ~~ITTLTI LES QUN mi $12500000 -ýIL mu VIlol 1107 viii letenusi oveste fie ~~ ~Fomer KakiakïMan is Ap. i viii4fapperemtIt.Et1l > polnted to Position of sj estos et Ila the berêk i.. ~ I Responfflity. eathefieaval mfto. IS 'TuBERCULOSIS EXPERT f ' & Od Sea surft'u'n i». . i, -thi - b70* o 50* tum l D.W .Wate.n. a forlie th le Mlerr ut tb 1e '..*OU 0<111 Wauiegan meAI, O=o cfllim Wab wI vIn floy laibeen u ài«kf ýbr IT co. teruon or Kaniaice .*lmfor lie Pest maimou mi 'ulees *,hIBi fIaibe pionnes, tetahfe meoil i o al, ugo a,~~ ge RAN11'EED mat bien appoitate. Or e t barI umu v..~ punasl Mcoteworlttfoers o ail<salafvlebeoltS<IP# lien .110uia asIt ndvo il, ap'~ifepoatp1~r t9 ti 4JNOIS pointmcnl as talered"o .expert f«t! utilol lubOi~IB~pti fi.efoieral bfr voMOsilernli croirem*e t mie0 cailo. 0<lue mre 41Vof0i Ot it aa rdp&Mt ii i . botýSU*ip, sations6, ech m l aie vas tee N Ih I tFmaie alouer luesthle "lm, esu If 1 cAa arno 15 the IX'YW W hIt4,1 " ilsvay two~gaGm eho e lb go. dW*dola 0ff tbwÀbel Ma l ~Tic pawieg.uývie la pl andut NE WAS -ILL BUT ONE W j figut Nr.Parker made ineva hi, - - rouas, aayingt tat h a s Ment *auni ,JUly $LvoeUi*ta pri a aride. The *~"the Mx y<fir o4cou Of mmu l hme of tIh le lemt- Mns. Milirai Wagnor 0f 311 NogilIlaed, OSully 0~e ~ arag loupty miroof, pasmoi avîai M m anali b" isg y uWt éficruocaai4:19> o'clok ai tue'Jmo QlY, btbut=bfrne Wmtuhe Moéiloter boapihildeath binug 0aitot ati fiel Ifb.. -MrMs80»07 eluli b ribtUto Wtyplali lver.F ', atii.atlirn a ii 1vocid i Abouiltwo veut. mgo tf itt11110tfoltaie fn<. thteLi Gmv lo na naltalle$ foût vile ai Wle. b wuiapfte mi Wt. >lay. "ne* vmf ibecme Inftai 4Parker UlI le l«Mh rog lmtornied lI ad if vu, bella.i iab. bai cclO=- te lheoù u nitluI.afteo. f1 teacieil laci poutn. Abftt a veet, The moortuga vers ihWrowt off andt' Mg, bowvvr, ltvu deoisi-tit hç tic, lelutnbat dicated majeuttcally le kd typloi féer ai the na in ,tato te ir1. dent aoàor'Un th fe phluel»mnbad "Gai, 1 iosItliey 104 taie, n wtths coflhiiu tedo 'viii hi$ condition. thçnà' Î1(r. Boier »noSfteon aseG ita t fgottlng botter tie. 111110 dirigile vont Ihior ffmi1 e. 1 tellow b*QNme oile mmi onOmaai YoW bole-e e o L e. mled Ni. wn'ug, la qoe4itiou va sea.crii Parker »WIoStb. laIIl aa eodelt. muihl te EyBr tin m ut mter vusain Due ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l Jts ~lae omhq.H 10om t fa*@e . . 'inos.e asiid masidmuai a kv louos Ier. "As 1 vatebid to uea pffei 'nihe chili lie bora Ct Ainarlý," Nir. Parker -si b rlatlusig Tuc. lut vitic ma"rnoheladlved hb-Uxpauhes te fuleudé t~ie 411' In ~ ~ ~ ~ o Wtia*mtu ea. fi eau fross atari hteStiob. mini uemi~~ m tton 1 remeuo lt ail& G. ipn wuld VCOit tie bore.VIII luterment lu b. tillai. p Vlev cpuler. *"Whv don't ley t*e toi tkeIrPU&r 1 - - - cute.,' mocuie sia Ttfi as île f i ins lia i lihehr. voe r *a iI1T J~ EST a eluies attachai 10 snob ecoulli t0( thmachine, ulnt< 0eOri ; J -aÀ L IerOI in o U the rai t p ue ir e NÂY uesomed almcet laitauty.3mitl& CO. ouai maeobulr hou. . 1= 1 tb>it * Wauke e*t Ni wiM W. Prachute» voeu rsot OP«atuaihné iMp thronai fie air. lurmnonover miowlY as be19IL Tio elebrhfroi to WATCHES TERRIBLE CRASH <ornadoo 'lcudlu tfi »orsmami -utn», i*d ox fue bm thfl ot ylIIf thle flbwb sTrust and Wau*egsn, JUIF 21. Stia "lant. J$i»«-Boulevad Wfllim C. Pa*i, a Wacauuiam 1A Bail* trnt t vuab lat réei astate bbutor toiay coneidera buildIg fiat min" people vue tilled imWof 'lb. most fiarinnate gau« lt% animauy lmjured » the City. for ho m&U but maie fie fatal Mr. Porler ioday saldbafa f lu diat lai lie fi-fat l blump" la Cbi- lune ho viiimole il a te teep cag MoMada flernoonla uholi, elu- avay furocs dWbbueulleuean oi von ptmone votekillpandaui int- filai vwil nasemplWeefSm @19M1 inJumdt, and lad maie arrange- Tue, u limp Me. mentit. malte a lligitt l Aie (Gon- Twe of the Ove couote of tGm ev a te ieggantie diriglblc fiet-aiigilomet doafi. lIer cf tho mmu taernom.Tho on!>' fllng v'tch pr- wvoaug ancbutm e, uia, %%ai vumici lMr. Parker' from matnm flMMc fl sthe Mmnw'uo plunasi ilou Biot1 Mimiav mfteruoou vas thst lie eltucut a parachute. Auictier para gondola or the ah' monmier laed lia chuteli ala apes em à ilfolIovud ton quota of gasengers. s tfle balloon tlroultheflo otyll. tIi Mr Patter lai ol tLey Bealev of mana body craille ofethe ocklmu. CoufleilEluffua. fous, brotlisu'of John A Ihirdinmmlibroie lotI legz s ge Eosey of Wacieaam andi btmqe a landod, mnd tCheailier Iwo. er. former remuent of- lire,. andi fgl' Ienoei bàloaslmle.larisil eueon a e rthfi tue aid goaa teGrant Pari roof and the othor ta Ua Salle st te ltieuoth i 11151ofcftlia"bilump"»COne 0f thme@ eaped lnjury anditie T"d'i lit taie a, rIde la fiat ma- ofluer vsouI>' ,Ilatly hurt. Tiare chIne," MUr Beilav renanici 10 MIu' vanothiug te vara fie .'mvitwea n? Parter. "I'ye alvaa Ibonafrali of liehe bnt. flIr Brultuticu et amtplaneaii ufl« dirleilbe ecsomo grmeag3vintfe leilacu 5 ami Iat T vocli have uo fuar 10 cd t îmgtoIl s ulWbhgI t algdes Ç'ug lu 11. attalai. C.ikSj U..LECED SPEEDEE 1rAK xgm c LUAwMc. ebine. W«aplwc 100dm'8 0<U Ma bun vumf" tiDued tés 4V&a. -Accerihigistbe .W.8M" am> 111,4 tba#Uu lmwcm -et the u* mm -1, at*tws lm MW. aaanthet L.bowae rifl lmU1n'd. >011ber vaut t& «MMte: ber mafoV~ ber et lk« - fi MdLu».va vusI1oi àW ln u fie tyJaut.1 O avAIt b hIêi 1*"fie dar sWlm 44 IL Mre et g 0 <leffl ueW>. ttau atW, yleu *%tutduaW arn A ebaffe « Igeiftg. et vwu rtolmh e4 la bouda 0« $W0mei VIIIa~gilà tir for a bemmq. 1secla Stoien vu em te ne , i itaiumm &a aim u ah Otoslandhk tir tl *.T".b. bWsàer « bu tmuk u m MW m0omme k .bi ousa 67A.40. I ifli r f iilu~oi e widb wvune fY lbyMay b avu about fmros rote . nn B7wo, wbo . - ..cted to amy amp W. Bal Thamen MosihIy Pa~s IPublic Service Co. of Northnim » vut anyOU "p.y out yOU ooa flly r is cigarette matfaotionan My, how you do get t in every puff f < aries bI.nded choice kmr-alldn.of the tobccdy« r- e ntebit acl rsth= m ý eany acimm vmmtlhnyooetww. ui~Io~pitcigt*yaftoreeastor. inkmpoat ckgm'tty odor. orY ,pwt Wmkmyou nua CmspwvIetsi mb* Wbla tb ',éWW et 9' ;m1o..Thon, mçmwjUb tnwbm bu . lpi hi Shtor.p IIJb SÈs mttab'tib utt sdtor nBusIng ayo omi d,1gM~ ~nL the prvld -~ ~~~m 4s Masa9";omif 18i n

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