SOCIATIOlN IIODS -A Six Months Have Been Coin- pleted and the Results are Very Satisfactory. COMPETITION 15 CREATED. The Waukegan Cow Teatng Aâla ciation lias Just campleted six monthe, work. A m eeting wBB heu Auiguat laI at whici limîe records of the meou b-r. isore Placed -on fila. Bert i'artrldge. the officiai tester, lias given out thie following records. lligliest pr oduclng cows complet- tng i; nionths testlng. Ownvfr !tref-d 11Dit B-Fat A. FI. Lonnftt Il. le. H. 6675 267.7 .961 iennet G Hl. 7150 22;2 Tutil ro m G. il. 690ô 229.0 I~l. rî " ( G IL 6360 226.1 ltoy Criilli G. Il. 6371 213.2 Win. liervit- . G fi. 61,45 247.1 Ilîgl '-I't produclng bords complet- i.i , y 17)n t listest: 0w.r No, cow$ Milk B.-rat L.'e i1-c Il1 ()5800 220.1 Toi Gralîsîn 21 5200 197.6- Win.hon I r 15 5130 19M.5 loy (rilfin 15, 5100 170.9 John Gt.ldl 26 5300 185.2 l 1 -wiwero ttold durlng te Oral t îîtî.Tloy werc bourdera ln- su-d tîroducers. :I-,.-rîlitabi- cows replaced tliem. Fnir pare- bred sire have repiaci lerub aires. l"et'l Coss ranges trams$.25 tu, 1:1 .oi r 100 lbs. tallit. ehit ara10 Ycort.(i .utrodlag ta equipnient aaz rîi-iirl used ln the produCtion Of As i n.-sUlt Of conipetitive testIng with ' (cal mllk dealers uaDY tar- iirs ire receling better tenta. i l j^ inned ta test the milk troun ail lr:,i deniers ta, etermine whal of inîik they are delilerlng ta Ili,., l Coniplete data an these varlou, t-lq Witllbe Made Public witit* ln Iîh'ý- nxil2 weeks. A specilimeet- ing or înier,-sted dairytien wili ho 'of, î,;t 18 at theo uniStreet Sdaool Zion (City, Ill. H«reIS afeguari By vrtue oft Is autoadsti etbU the heurt ln sfeguax'Osd aolenIt'mt- ou% dialurbances to wicb ter Pasts af mans analoni> are subject. At à1l events, et should be a great matter of consolation ta hetlers, opathîsta.ý flougtnts, nature fMmeansd doctffe an weil that t"se«caillent sud no"a automatîr action of te liart MUSC* mter ail le Dot dlaturbed ln dileme or ln heath bir maltothe b. smf tonirs, cardlac stimulants aid othe medîines levelei with mildrected en- ergy ut the heart. Il abouti Indesilbe e great consolation, bacillse 1mw of tem ever reach lhe bear--E1xehange. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Towvn Bond Rond Contîutlon ou-La i ereby gîven that sealed itroplosais for te contructimOf t a teiglite.-n (il', foot concrete Pavement ani ti d-C me îxprovng Wasiagtou Stret-Lf noni te Cty Limita of Wau- kegan t Green Basy Road willibe re- lultt-d b) the uadersigned at the of- lice of t'oiiity Superintenitunt of IHigIt- was, lin Waukegan, Ill.,.uaIil o'ciock %. sM., August 13, 1919, ln accordance witilîplans antd speciicationz prepared tut-1uefor tay sâe. CaUnt>' Supernten- ienit, and lie toilowiflg estimatË.' Quantities Itemsa 3175 cu. yds. of excavation lnt eatt. -,6 cu. yds. of cIag.. "A" concret.e in enod walsa andi wing wails. :. s ru. , is. ef clas- ."A" concrete in clvartat. in-udlng endi walls. nIlýIs. of relntorcing steel bars. ;115 lin. ft. of 6 in. vtrifiait unier draila .,q; ian. ft. of 8 in. vtrified under drain. .. ... .lin. fI. ni 6 ln. No. 2 âewer pipe. 40 lini. fI. or 8 in. No. 2 sewer pipe. 110i lin. fi. ot aid culvert, taken iw and rtlaid. (;o) lin. fi. of new sowor pipe exten- sion. 2 stone catch basins. 1îi:I60 sq. yds. of ccrote pavement 18 ft. wide andi average 7% luches thick of 1-2-3 1/zcancrele, inciudlDg expansion Joints. 67-JO ai. yds. of staneeshauilders. Plans and specificatiOns uaY Ill sea,and callîxates and furttler in- formation obtaineti ai the Office Of the uàdersigned. A ccrtlfiei check equal ta rive Per l*ctaI(5%)> oftie amOunt tof jrOPotsai. Payable ta the Tuwn Trea.9urer. shali accompany euah profloal. COntracî -will ha awarded in ca-el>- eration with te $tate Hlghway De- partmeal ltu lettiag BSttle AId work an Grand Avenue, 1c Lake Ca..,iI. RigItta ta rjec Ï an>' or ail bids or waive techaicalitles are hrmly ne-1 sentrved. The estîmate for the p)ropoed worit look1 INDEPtMDNT IURSDAY. AUOIUST 7, Ma19. (ANTICLE ONE) Ediaonlon, Canada, Aug. 2.-Nefwe. 13612à Monrn tra thirty-live states af . - th. Union, aocwapanied by thelr wlv- es and chitdren, ara makîng n trIumph. ai tour Ibra Canai, triunphilàat ln teir minds and gîso in the aId of lia future for .Caaada whilcb willcame an a resait of te now nterpretatlon. Of CaMadlan tacts whilh these- pubit- cit l>' i-tsIers wllI have wien lie finlenestlag tlaerary Im finisbed al; lte end of Ibis atanti. O te 261h af Jul>' tic part>' at nawaPaper mca comprislng the Na-; tionni EditoriliAs.88c f the Caltai States, starîmi for Canada, varions delegatious meeting final>' in Win- aiPeg wiere the0 enîrance Itt Cana- da Wu$ fOirmalIY marked! by a wua- derfuli>' ine rec0ption on the part Of Official Winnipeg and Ibm Canadian govrnuent. The aillons and their famille, wcnm sitowa ail the lnere.î-' îaa aii ala tto lWffis lng Pointsetlnte cil>' and te>'wenaCnda aii alwySaina inp mnot glarionalY fbled and banqueleti toilaI Speclal Train arrive b> thie T. Eaton atone caupany wba slrved a fine banquet ln tIteir store. Frout Winnipeg te Part>' wenî on to Portage. LaPraîrie wbérc lte>'wera abowa about tbe cil>' anà surrounding' terrllon>' la auto%, teated and ttey' ton went on bo Dauphin witere a sim ilar rocePtlon was accorded lient Then camne Price. AIbtrc wbere te, Party' atenai a couantr>'tain and de pare i ai lbI for Nortih aîllofond, wliere an auto tour was made 'and.i larne wonderfully picturesque coun- j try waa showa the visitons. Tie next stOp) was at Wainwrlgbt whene Uice Posle sw bende of Buffalo living in theIn native state: they 58w ai least Seveat>' ln oneDe trg, te>saw a terd~ of Etus. deer and moose numberlag ln ahI at lcant 100. The Isa pictunes 0f thoese native animals la a bugel fünest preserve impressed tpon th Mlnds of lie vIsitons sanie ofIthie grandeur aft tus nortbwmstern caun -_____________________ try. Prom MWnwrbtlîî RIte Party, camne ltoaEdmonton wbere lte>'wene. shiown ail lie slghts af lie clty and Vou 81111 Flnd $orne of These In theQ surroundlng country and were formal-f 1>' receivei b>' lhe acting premier o. Albsi'ta aidlb. mayor of lte cil>'. cellent tarin buildings and thse happy Canadian1 This evettlng thhy are guemla aI a lives of the people shows thaI aCna- latter palo big banquet given b>' tbm chamber of da las pragressed during the tuaal Trunk Fac commerce. dozen or mare years ta a manner nadian Na rTe grain fieldis of Canada show whiciastiaulti cause lIane of us la hon. Esch that in noune porlions there t la be the maîtes wlio have tek tînt oaly wc offleens al( a wanderful yietd tht, year; la thi-haeusan p tslw pabi ens hbere bai been a drougitî wh!ch and give othens, our Canadia a i oth- iplain thiev wi- cul down te crop -fifty and cv- teftr on uevent>' per cent in nme cases. ers, creiii fan smtilla the pac ia he iefiutu Peoplle of the t Bahes have a wnong man>' matter& The Brlton là ne-lidlhc iden of Canada, itlisa ot an 'in- garici as slow by saine; weîî tuai and tie pi May be but it lui na indication Il:at pas i fittri broken country; t in flot a country h s Canadian cousin bas anatoiti lhi icluls for made up of n slrange pople-instead sm pc H-l ulo e, el fdnl il la awonderful country,. anc wbere sae spae. le le ; a ufilcfry de ~avod t tiere 1, nfot onlyt>'eicpramise of te e nmint c eiev la mak hi-a beun111.danedli fuhure but whore te presont lnsneanc wit ec inlivs Ifuueit ta niets atieueami ut wonderful aclilevements day îy cond ,.ncoilsthe trea sa pe1sîrtvelion y admfi day. Wbat ha% been douie ta tle ma sn lafUic epr esson'fen ta lon tjh, fI big cilles aI Edmontonanad Wlnaepeg. oeman t suinga fatthcle ton liaI of lit- oI wiat has beon ione la lie smailen nccaaomngl e alatit ImCaano n maiamo cilles of Dauphin, Portage, LaPrairnte on b ae b e nshslilateamatri..; of l orean attta lite slabilitty af tiis cli-~m i aamn nhsau tnluiOmr Il'>' it proves that thay bave buiided country, a country' af undeveioped the states forticfutreas ella5 it prie-h.anal unirnited resourcea flot nal>' in much an ti lit the fctue aaion l argthe cal- t.farming but in -*icto ~ itrala, pie. ln te cties amll o lage, he i- ils etc. poutnOZmn ( en Idit> of te construction l1, an Out- (At'0 saedlng tenture. In te cauntry, lie rTe Edilarial part>' înaveîa'-î froni N. HD A.w wonderfully large grain liehdi. thc ex- Wintaepeg ta North lIaftle.orti o.thle 111017w.) I$INTS DE VIC TO 0f SflCKY MUU New Devejpment of Mon.Skid '1h. M an Said te Work Wonders for Drivers. A new Invenion that serves the double PurPose of keeplag a tire f ram qkidîng sud at the sanie lIme makes it.pasible for the driver ta put on thte sal4 ctaîn wititout maklug hlm-1 self unaresentable lea ahnounced by a Rock Island (111,) finm by te name of thte Bear Manutacturing C~ompany. -Auttolats wUliwelcome tht. tIraI de. velopulent of te tire chain. ln 17 years as te drivers of cars rcal the ilbath. and 580w bath. and rali btathey receiveti ln tae s NOTICE OF ORAVEL. ROAO LETTINQ Notie li tereby gîven that sealoi proposais wUtl'boe iveeved aItIsef Town Hall, et Gurnee, In., at Ji o'eiack a. ni. Tlaursday, 4ugust 14, 1919 for the gfavelling of severai ranis ln the Town of Warren. Thie Contractar la ta furnisé, haut and sîînead material. Eaci bldtiçr wi tender a certlfled check of F111>' (60) Dollars ta accoîn- pany bld on each rond.1 Work Ia ta be begun witbin teu (10) day. atter awat'd 0f contract, nid tg lie conipletmd b>' D.coubor 15, 1919. For furtier Information appi>' ta lte uudei'signed tawn officiais.1 1 bated 81 Gurace, inois. .Tily 24, 1919. JOHN TISQMAS. Commissioner of lwgwyg,- irown 0f Warren. ".LPII HITENDEN, Town ClerI. Jul>' si 4ug. 24-, iLWheri the Natiînai Eu-. .ed on Aug. 26 Cinadlmn Rockles. National railroal fi, 'he ,t they 'vent on th" Grand ae t10Diggar, limacc Ca- ational railroad ta Edmon- Ch road tient lts inîîaigratioil along with the party to ex. varions hopes anid Pla--. fur e and tao xpla-n soî.e ft zittiea wh the raiIroud4 people have achie.ed Ilu the cen years. Thte railrotu-1of ýboth roade have lien ex- courteoug, they have "n. to show lte p4rty tlie best poor sido of Canadian Ille, iit the latter wbere te situa- ilies and they proudly 1ia.t rmer because thPy have 8o e opportunlly. Thp failtre.i (! thé, offlciais declare are t requent Ibm n lnsont" of es ot th- union-lt depends the push anld pep of the pen- ond articlesg on thé tnIp of the wiii appeur in thi. paper to- Wlen atmpting ta malte heIn fonce cif sait-sinon to vimîsite liard- *ieela stick ta lie ronds b>' meanna ware and accesar>' traie anti will of a ciain. The inventons deciare1 laundli an extensive campaiga la nc- ltaI lie cItain rail be attaclici ln a quaint.lte motoial and deaIers witIt few secQJtis, tial a chil can do Il lie new producl. and tint Il , so80simple liat il need flot lie put an withblie aid et inclns Looktng forn txolsmt. Il on can do go wtiaut wading Dorot>' was tinivingwith itber tatli*, or tools andt tnthei man wio puIs oCe day when a ter wago pased on tirougla on wallowug lanlte rand. ta oros atreet la froato#*~. Tiecocmpany ia organixing a large MI 5 - kok ie t%ÇM tsaa" Now's the Tirne --- to look your'bmoiIers over and ge.t ready forW"inter---it costs you lus now than later when the rush is on. The wise man is the one who pre- paresbef ère the emer gencv arrives.. We wilI' look your boiter over, tIl you what it will cost to get it in shape -AND DO THE WORK SATISFACTORILY Phones: -Waukegsn, 835, 1135-M or 1054 PROPRIETORS: - Theo. Babcox ~LIkGCANAD"A MIoS 0f tue United States viéw lnterestlng p<tnts of Northweat to deter- zmine ýw theele the exact statua of provinces which are bidding people flot yenultfatd l te United States t. "Corne to us-we have room for ail." MRE UEARMRWJGffFPWY M. WHY V CO&C -"f ness-Qýùaahty Value, Style, Satifacttbn guaranteed. We're growtng evey ay. FPaliStylesFYou.*,ng y.Men, -They're Ready ~25 $30- 51 New% Attî11-1 styles, Caîîîpu., Togs and Kup. ,je'tiieimiîi na<ett, <istitictivt' in <design; fine ýýooI fîîlîîies, in n11w patter'is and 1colonst; tailoreit in.. Ibe Iiglittst îîîaîiiir knîîwnî; a ri'ctarîkable vaîietZ à%vW'itiO yOulll* 6tI4tioil. Fîîî' sp)orts, for e((llege anid higli schoot wear, foîr tut' IiveIv vyoutng tellows ini business, tiere ae 1l('W ideas iin pot'ktts, lapels, soft fronts; in si ngle anti doauble hî'astcd models. Auto Oapo N[cn's autonlobile caps ini a *good selcet oli of colors and styles. Regît- ]ai' $2.00 v'altis. Very spe- $10,15 cially pî'ir'îd for Saturday Drens Shirts Mcîî's eollar attached dress slîjrts iii a good seleetion of pattern-,;- al msif; specially priced for Saturday Bathing Suit& Men's wool btthing suits in a good seleetion of Moors. Vcî'y spccially Iiîçt-d tf'o37 Saitaîday ... ............... .. - $ . 5 1Extra Special Speeially pric'cd si Men's Tmusers Saturday we wilIffer one totf, nin's trouseî's, extra good -atl the very speclal i A Furnisbings Specials For Saturday IIOST BREAK S IUJRLF OMTOP~ 0f SILO TO 6ROUNDI -Fred Strand Falls .25 Feet toi Ground But Escapes any Fractured'Bones. HAPPENED AT BURKE FARM 'Waiikegan, Autgast 5. Pred Strand wlio lives il'ar Rose- up as Ibm reluit of a twenty-five tout tai froni n silo at the W.* J. ihurkc farn on Milwaukee, rond this marn- Iag. -Dr. J. C. Poli'> of Waukegan wbo was suminoned, tciund tiat no bories wene inoken o.qnt ltIappan- catI'ly thiyounz mlan hai e-t suttere-t an>' Internai Injurieos. ('liarl"a$ Casht- More ita lices nean Waduaeoti. ai- go rwaî injuredi* in the sanie accident, but ite also escuiiaed brokenIt lines. The Iwo mca mad been wonhîiag an top of te silo wttIci wa5 being con- strucéed. Concrete was icint Iîalsted ta them b>' means af a windass op- Fcratpi iy a hainea la soute manner tic cable became tangleti and lie Ont Ire hitist was tain loas. Strand was struck 1>' tti.' framework anti wns lcno-ke-i tau the grouni. Titis' wlho lairioti h lis Piue fearedti îat lie had sulferod fea- t al Injurie,. Casîmone was initunc t Ilie sanie lime lut lie seved i bmself frontlie- Ing brunheti off tic silo. lis injuries conalat of itruises'twbrre lie was3 strîîck b>' the beanis making up tle hoisl. Theatutieorn ls a fabulons animal 5'Itlih ltai>'odytj a ise but of langea qlae-titml snith o,! oaa tra of 1% ta 2 cuulîlis lie it-tglth onuis fonehieau, pet- -ît -' iî' it aIia -. wihte bas& STORAGE BAiTT.1UU' RLCNAftGED and. PIItL And when you do need a new batiery lot Vs tell voit about the STILL BETTER Wf.AÈÂR with; TIIREADED ItUB BER INSULATION. CoIwellI Stbrage Battery Co-. 116 and 118 kadison m- IWM or? .