during the Vinter vifli hourdafias uutILI Beiter. et 4ItIwuàm.. t n",ma Who S~ IS Pull the wild ornb-gory up b>' ÂNT n SA U1 i* o*g go the abrutisaaN TA gyL j 'k A . em ............. har ilsepat. Uhi1J YP~~y ~ ~ 4# tole wbo" worfiln the at -ý_- ilapt Bocomaes ClOs.Together ~wki ,i nè it h KI l u dwn ban ttis TuEeNlanST f:: and lwhich'lie .souglit 1.0dodge aOR6 R E ih ow lose tbeau rs u h car. OTO S LD89___ THviQES he ie .ran ln front of Eerger'a img- 0e ~~ ~~~~~ ~~lie t asily Protected ini case of an ,r ec Tr tn lwe hr d. frost.tity bUt tte Proaecut#r tis ipossible cuuin*ers Ought ta be Pick- Uso penty et water on i.ny r .îDriggists Have %husands Of! FOIL l n Effort ta get 'Autoist 'the>' can lie iocated by adveruiig. md Olento btan te Vry cuswatIbi lie; t cii at ail asthe MOsQUItO Pest 1 Who Rein loto Burton Mus. lýetitinks they miglit bImportant gemnainan t pte o tý itnassa.at thz, inquest and lie dors Bes ofResits ~ is'îro bcng urîcdo j Gro~ Wu's. 1 ser Tuesdav -Mornine. neloike ta bave the case cloaca un. lhe bot sua. - -tii thet; star>' ia told. NAY THE ATEvPOTTOES raiIte ad iaoly AND NO RELIEF IN, SIGHT STATES ATTY. TAKES HAND MuskegoÔn Fare 7 Cents; thb îsbarp aide up. Somtcone is 'lb Hieaesni tagttpfo n-tu tunile over titeni. or ri1ildrn Waukegan. August 6. MobWreks20 ar *ler, ardesin stagiprare îay stcp on them inwtbh teir barole I bcisquito pegt ln Waukegan Te Waci nulega n. gt 5cfco!. uktnlk. ug .Ami Pe orcucunbers as soeniand as IC-up a!er te tlss c iI.W, ' f r.s ng suiseifactrit r ars b"roingneea Of eNtB MsugnrMeiAs.5- n Pick~~oc jor rnin are.f sr4 t iin tetSer wiUo deatbe ai lur-of i re tta s 21160 of tetr owigt 5ftn u a.the>' bave develoPed te a de Wtlq rCed many complaîils aud possible. Tite residentM iui.15'uaeof thenstc eui f rckd a r isr'tcr li otr.ýle sixe. lise some ar thetina il ro,.t r aou uttti5 iesL i de, espe-cially t!îose living ont 'dutîrieti recelved wlten hi wis struer a dnmage stimated at flot Iras titan -u. o péick I, udbae,,, ~l~vryone wli gwlivr iîîl ori-el 'Vriilsn Road. weite rst la co>'ut1 bY an to 'iiOfble on Sheridn R'tud eqOooo. The. hait dosen itatrolaien Û«#-O 5 40rtable use. Dy contiiiuall1 lbthoci')'ons sud egg Imasses on tir ir "'-'in c ilite swarm i na'îosnP .t'VTUiîytai ofW55;vàîia Irie oeîld do nshing witil the »kbà, the cucumre 4~Yeu wiîl g.* trrs'.ý we ciii soo.texterniilî:tiî. l-olicit sweplutepp fr0151ltefilats. 1.k.' 'Iad UdAh'rojlrorTpleraIb is i nŽ.Taeba eust ne h 'ý uelîg an ttsmorning jTihe compan>' reecntly rultcd iLs, rat 2s chanc ta dvclo new e5t. v tiis sa 'a b ut ~is5 adiouriid in order tbat Puni tu'7 cents. 4be Visin .a chancaedte oivetap wem 1Pt'8ver wtq-t out and now envelops the n- 00« Md titus liirvest a larger ci-op aeadyoftsw C turiect, bqnjour plants. pillar. Tî flisno place fre frointh lit.-- Sbuida af the flowering ciic,îîîter il,, Itsis. Tiey seent i llie t lan-I b** mciis ela tomataca peppvr tajr l ithe i eleishe reens and M d4 squash are very allt ta d rop b u E E C k l 9lîer ire tlîo îsaîtda f resi tlent0 w ,jo1 . linf thy set their fruit;fi happens 1TIiRILNLJ &ii UU»&, aîî liboke ort teir reat îightiy. e, , PlnI o uhate.a ae.trgiI, rhnaccounî ai 100 muct rain or'giv n ,, Andîl renquito lotion! 1lgU r Wlnf Tôomuc at ifaI afette Wain gan drOSPITAL are FROM IOSPTAL A L un-ivof îturchaqing thls ln bar e areway. Be careful î,at teart Itff'E r los.Theit] ilof Citronelia aisr.a OWj ton, muci waler, and neyer direct LIN IEIII INEI) lERE 11,10tt 51os favorite aleapon lit âe.secloti trealIl heip ta rttlthse a kean.werig1%'tý a n dte artma-oe titos t 1 ibbut.A sfrofite n or ,Žiatei.Fî nr anoril b lat bypeople who appi> titis 01 Cll plýçti rei th inens bet. ift rnrým- an salor frnt ji1' -tir tilatthey are net buthered bY R Kteep up lbe, battie againsit 010 GraIti.akes lîcritaI were enî,-rtiî~ it- Pc' W"i. Tiis is the best fiitlkill cd 1st nicbt a i te Wa' C:.ntp (ont 1:. tr Iotis Year tvc used te abîy- tems, horare tiieýy deveiop. ueceds thal lnuîîity rronîs on 'Waslington St. ityltitis ail a t-int ail a tinte." ane Wau. r, elivery to Any Part of the City WOl Propagate titousands ai ne-w yaîîng ladies oi the city ln tite so- legan druggist asserteil toda>'. "rTe !fflà.cn!d party for lnjrîred sailor:. itar- ieflliand for II was not ver>' brisk. Spray Lat. Potatoes inca or soldcrs titat bas been ar total sumnier we soidtltout a plot and KKOW'ING THE N MEED F A NE"R lTeisteilt&ttoeBs bOUld lie sprayed rangcd by the local brandit. a liait. This year the demaud hig 1 àkfhlh It athuroZ <d lofteIl'ut depI a miuderalading athie, we have sold Over thres galle.. and ieu.station oni, oift> came Up but lte probably will "il mucli more." HAVE DEOIDECD TO OPEN,1 A BIANCE h cool lulgbt1S ad hat days are fa party was augmentedt b> twenty riv-c =l9'exprience af ibis druggliat piable conditions for breeding l ong ther saiio's wha were on leave. The,î tald, truIe aifter druggiasgln M'au-- "'OI A G T 8T A T È 'aT- NU dieafs. Examine tne leavea et men aine up liere- on apelail train ati krgan. .-'li assert titat tite> bave haci MM' Planta, pick off ail fltç drcayed à 'clOck aund were served supper ., l cnemenîal sales. The chances are 'W'EST CORNER0? WATER AX» SAND l0 n& und the i te a li al the by te bosteases&fiter which ha:'i tat as people learu îow ta conmbat tspores. cere "-ive for__a__short__rideln__1___the___________________________bc ______ "M ilo Plants an lb. stlnulated automobiles vlrînteered b>- restleits1 t-nîîpiainîa. SU IT,1W - « L 19*aPiYing a liquid manure. Titi.,, i ô. thIe itv. Upon retuming front the MU smme cas te-me unip ttiýnetertaiiment was lieid ----- G U G A IC PLOUR AN»D I1 biljbusket ful fsal au nteule o ! ftuie War Camp wss compoaedl of: Helen Niorrow, KWDSO STOCK AND POULTRY FOODS. Nèb a baZi'el of ain water, stlrr this Comntunity bufldinig. A ganse leader tbsirmsn; Margaret Ot, Ilazel Clarke 8111ta? once erery a o hredy renCiaosuperv:sed the futn adBleDreGrrd ost lr Md thm applytqi d o h rotUicew ýih-ddsnced. Pritcitard ' ThoreHnTorsen , ahrn . o M ta a good lime ta atart your duriog tihe vealag uad lte men Veme Gene I)ixan, Rat IR sey i4i MUyersguIyofpeeaid lo. aertaent tePtainh aspct Rurey, Rager Adarna.Nellie 1Macke', P o R '0 S IM M O N S IM ms ged. If yu tbae me for aa ry-utcen 0fIhe j taaEvereit. 03ktf a tem srtte o. inMr u in fteWar Ilt was piauuod ta bave te ente> -nd 'a d ater St. MoilitYuuhae acol fRmÇit al am ComuntyService exprebsed taiument at Cammunity Park but1 Ussite l Oeca >1 er f t)k9ppreciation Pra the excellent because of theth ireaîenîng weatlte Phone 505 ý*. I Pm ave o trme t carYl wrk o theconmtpleein ar"n twsdcddt odI nteW1r Mmm ovr la.they an beproteced th entetainmnt ' Te omte'.ipCmunyros. 0 1111111111111111111110 E are rebuilding ôoûr store-tearlx out walis, putting in a modern tçe* front, and makin h whole bu dingoe intoafrtcas up-to-th- -Vminute, moderaî merchandising9 emporium.. The. workmen are busy with hammer and saw and we have confidence in their ability to change the building into a modern trading center. In fact, we are spending more than $10,000-00 to make this store a source- of pria e for us as well as for our patrons. We Need Money, that's the Reason -for this Sale! -a sale that wilI show many surprising values The entire stock goes at this sale as* we do flot wish to move any of the present merchandise into the remodeled store. Neyer have you had a better opportunity. The price of ail merchandige is stbadily, going up. * Unusual incree ses are preditted by the manufacturers. In. the. face 'of these adverse con- ditions we are holding this big Rebuilding sale suùd can save you much money. Do not miss this opportunity. Stock consists of mep's, women's, boys' and . shoes, stockings and* furnshings; men's and boys' clothing; womien's, girls' gind children's -rea d y-to-wegr of every description. Do flot fail to - cali and- see the wonderfùl valuEs offered. Ele venth and Sheridan Road, I9ýorth Chicago We Oive Oiw 0w-n BIt,. Tr. ding Stampa - r;! Regular $ 1.98- b1ouse^,Dress Aprons -M 1.49 A very siieclai trade condition favored uli w)th a declded maving on ticîle prity bouse drens aprons 1 n ait aiz-. ini ligbt imediumnt and dark cuonn a. Mny of titelu are lîretty trinmed wltb ick-rack braid, etc. Children 'a- 50c- foie mat 39C Children '0 Cotton liose la whtite and blackin l mont ail aises la this speclal sale at M. Boys- 1.25 Blouses mat 79C Prett>' striped patterns ln a good assartnient oaibloua- es for boys. Ail aizes. bave isoit collaria attaclied. Values to S$1.501in- MusIin,'Underwear lucluded wlt t tiis sale Utroup ai muatin undet-sear-you wlS aise flnd alik corset' cavera, muatin gaina, mualin chtemise, muslin pettl- cents and batiste bloomers. SaleChildyren's Dresses IThe Most Remarkable Bar- gains of the Entire Year1 Values to 1.50 Odds and Ends There are pretty litti"ý wasl'- dresses lu odde and endasitut with aailszes1 ntlie lot. Values to 1.98 In Ali Sizea t Preity Ilittie dresses and sev- èral nei styles in rampera. botit dresses and rampera are prettl>' trimmed. Values to $3 fftyliah waeh dresses in a varlet>' ai modela, coor anad materials are marked for clear- anc. t' 1.89. Values Up to $4.50 at- Gingliams, percales, catton crasghes, -ete. in a number ai handBonte style$ in lhe most wanted cOiar-ngs are included la thii greateat ofai aUdresas ales. t s Ai Dr- *ver M atis À ti ot Ri Tihe etoci 0nsllUr boa'. -w-i ire- rn 4m M LIB:ÈÉT-YV-IÙ' SI FUM DA'r. AIJGITST 7. -iq , lit- Y le ., . 'e ý