Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Aug 1919, p. 9

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.~ '~asr~ - w- 1 a, LAUV ( XXVI.-NO. 32. KTY VILLE .- INDEPENDENT IND't'afl TLake Conuny'sBig Weekly W AUKEGAN EE -YSUN Ckf.u Ul e oCVC.hhsi ___ r rnnnnr.m.. .. -- -- - -- uWiisiçiVIi.aE 1NDE EN)E1NTAUUUST 7, 1910. PÔUE PAGER £1 ~a P~ VIlt A 1> T~T A 1W A ~3iW PILNI>PARI( J>ÀRAYSI FATAL BIG OFFER MADE BUILT VL&DUCT SUBMINE IIRE ,ý»L§ SONE PIECE TO OLD RSIIJ T OR T1IOUSANDS IN John Wheeler of Geneva. WoaUG. 14; WILL WAIT BATMING SUITS 1rs. Cora DiethomnaZangl, visa TIE NAVY RESERVE BPasses Si Vadct'ODES N eABO wol aebeen 73 yai Home;dne7 silived untîl October 12. isse Funea oday. .tf of Police Zays'4no Bald- awey Tueadey night et tihe homeof Uncle Sam Wants Reserves at l n MilWaukee for Three Days 0W On the Beach erpson, Michael Diethorne, 131 Pili the Naval Station l*re to ' einn u.8 a,~ flNa R nth Ba h lippaavenue, death followlng a troke Jom Regula NKy einosa n d The8; ndr WIII Be Permitted. 0f paralitsawhich alle suffered abolit KI& Nandvy. Hre three weeks aga. Mmr. Zangl wu' N UEM NSROFEE ITBEl' AT LK FOREST the United States forty yea~m ago, UceSn etehetan~nv WELCOME TO BE ARRANGED She had liv n Lk County ail of! nl a at i rienv lead.pleaeo for Chief of Pa. that tinte, tinet et 1-Yemont Center and men back ln the service to bridge T-cprrdsbaie-a et Edwar Maroey 0flllg lalter et Grayslake. Site came tu an Impending gap In personnel î 'jetTh atrdsmrnehtl 0 Martney f, Hghlad viit Weukcgan on Aug. 14 is antici- à new Thomes Jefferson of sa- Waukcegan to ]Ive about live yeerit threatens the efilciency of t3 flcet. 1itn ic ieUi or htte W etorcwaga. Itl lo expected that the fuavrel Ordens rt-eentiy recelved by lisr Ad- 'aePning t a ie tmaie h re Iet.e > tnray ho hereby Pro- Ivie be hlli Fiday. %Is. Zanxi 18'v. miraI Fredei-ick B. Baeett, conîman- finitpîy or et least untîl tliey receîvu p these one Plece bathing es the foloving children: Mre. Ed- dent of the naval training l-tatian * frhrodr twslandtdy arand by .ight cugla tat0lie, ard Weich, Chicago; Mm.rAi. E. Zeiîlihere, have dtailed the ternms uuGer The boat laeon ils vay dovn the rZnl Independent suits." of North Chilcago: LIrs. J. W. Blrown, which reserviata who buve baen re- laite and ln a short tinse wlll steeru, of Libertyville; Mrs. J. . Sullivan ilaetd Ceanlie taserejta t liereg- uoreerfytseyntWaî- ,byhktake it fronit Ed, they of Glencoe; J. P. Diethorne 0f St. Pea-ilarnv drto fva"ihu.gnhno.I eoe o a 01u1ng te be. and the rrsecuted ~inMk fWuee.Wfimmenti, lengthcned and cerain trei-uar pion anr t i ll f ormrdep e n n npho Io nhabi til 1eru, more orofof funiasuWillia -mhrenferle mhrcsorvof Chicago and Fred of Mchtenry. navy men enrolied îifr'esit, big grei-.4eto n h fre et el tuente ld hmevàiiities, iucreased pay and Iti gtmahn yle examined wîthout the' Nmnldfrtepruto ie Àj R A Kare, given me%~ taking udsun'a,.- lfaast fear by the resîdents of thc Lmmead f happ rsuionthe Ilak F RM RS RA V iisoffer. r y O H i a n d h P p i a o n h" T h e e r m e a r e î hh.! r u 'î t ib t r i -a l h e r r it i e a r e a r r a n g i g e lc o n i- stockings. no imkrts, no bloom.-- ve ofered U. S. ls..v min,' ejtd lIng partie', and Il le e question taolbe . .A~ ~ Admirai Ilasmecitt0av lty ,mîeýn deided upen scion wehrWuea W-eil, anyway, the cief bas À H e L N) e" ttd vklto polcevoînen, %Ira. Bert Iliat ,rInoed..tieors Wiii Cet Caneti- uheulti make any arrangements for anti ghtra. Atri n ley, to LACK 0O1F' LABOR caablacive servi-.- svîîîout oee-sujr-i TOday the euh la et Manltowoc, Wis- P oye lui case any nf the suite are îlv being tied to lounîniîtîîien, pari - Consin andtie itinerary is as follava: id linder'tray mnail sheila. os -lwlae u.8 9, 10; Racine, Aug. b. women are entîtîcti ta thie Say Thai Short l4ours; ad Big Baftd on Appropriation 11, 12; Kgan ntiofrher orde13 nd re revt. i ghts as McMbath on land and 1mS ES flgnutlfrbrodr r ecvd w ater." doclareti the chief. PyAr"Irl0 h Teintucinsae eedi Two scout boat. accompany the cor- thems ta enJoy the svimmlagi City. lise naval appropriation billDUCT IJIILUE mer lion boat whicîi ls nov belssg They can't If tbey have to vear by (7ongres8 lest niontb. Soute. 4o00, A U BUsd in connection witb a recsultiag 0f.camouflage Contraptions that, OIT TO DICEPNCE. nOaval reserviiiseaajoneare a fec- tdr tcive thutthe oat llaunvei r off lot reéolm f 1POIN TO DISCEPACIES, GENEVAdrie tfor the bnat .Ifi thouughtof otfedn fmovementa. Ail eti the oiferaa, of w!îans robabilî DIES ATIh ratLk 9la that they dont do any pos- - one-thirti are regiidruls of the ninth. _________ And say, put iln the paper thet J Cen the prIncipIe of the eigfit houtr ents andi eleventh n:aval i dtrir-ts, t a-goin' to allor Do baldheaded dey. with lîmled production, lbe main- thie erritory from avsafî ,reat L.ukés Waukegaa . Augit- taincti by the' unions andi city men. drawa most of lis iti'f. John Wheeer of Geiseva, 1211.' w'h «Bulabl" etLak Forst hite -the- fermer worka front devn ta Iteserves eei.i, ran-ter t> thse a few yeerl; ugo bult the concreie WIFE PREFERRED ile Prnt Pessedi an crdlinence dan In an effort to produce te the regtîlar navy. - - li tu hil'-- 1-1l- viadutiti ln Geneseesatreet. ls des IIU Iday providing thet "outable" linjit of bis capacity andi leep dova atiage .of the order, reci-Iv'"tihe fol follewing an lîne8is 0f six month SA ILOR' TO 114 Os suite muet be vo.Cote? 0,4 Ing:He wis 53 yeasaoi. Mr. Wbepler ke1 ta deline "st=bie" AIder. ' Tis w ax brouglît up et thése.for- 'The sam ine p', rigbte, privileges vus bora et Geneve andi hall liveti Chase Frye sid: "i-f Il vas ntid- rîson Hotel et a meeting of tis e xc- regulerly aisciserged andine enliâttl, Itier,. ail his lire. Hie deatb Occîtreti Pumîl 9: rindis of North C'hicago to-1 et erydar mdaihtand1 olve ommtte o th Ilinis gri an ulît 1owancc..,in al respects as nov Mouday, according ta word rec-lva dtiy da Ilea bill for divorce againit li 0 sut lry da fINigaht he 1jmîv cmite ftt llnt pAn-rovideti by existing l1 efr inen here today. The funeral va, beldi tishire lîMra. Frances Sprindis. He c s .0sut ftra ayof14 n he ulural aessociaion, vhich has a e , witbin four monthe lapon expiration arig ste eenerit o 1,11 n -anYbody else cean do thse saeaoro ha 1e beener aiset speec1h>.116can a hae0e e pecbttr f fullI four ypars enll.tnent. This Hi e ialteh bruite about tso yearqe liveti together util Auguat 4, 1919 Ile b ershlp of 60,M00fermera. There vas includr-s one' months icuve. extra uowe i letsnLo idrsne hto ml 70 hsya morte bas assigned eighteen Blse-nonappeas-auce of thse speaker catie-payfo e1n smntextapu o we isods o ende hrgsta n uy2 fii e polieme tokee noresient - aY er e-elistpri, etrapayforfoilowing an emengency ' rtion his vite vas intimate vith a sailor ,odIcnn taikcp norosident deithe fermera to lake up pni' pu' - c iti zensiîip, end four monthe gratulty for uppendicitie. The ehock of tlsiz what name he doesenot ko promptu discussion ef the higis cOat pas'. It dues not inclode tihe $60) boitnug osaaets fett'~ charge there wereohr dsc- of living as uit affects the man on theilernonransPorh.ation allowances for Oive Wheeler s0 eerioîîslY that he gr*dualîy liens 'l'ey have one echild, aged 15 IVEata. cents a mile ta a man's home." faileti. Early thies spring he..sulteredi monîhs Tue suit vu edlt by Atty. JJI NK Y, T LB "ecently 1 bought twa pairs a r o'pyBg tm a"eebatatak hre ak ~F~4 shoci' for my.çhiIdn" salol <'harlcs Gaut'Ps î ie svr er ttc.<hre %tt IV EfUY Iiii B orgiet of Havane, 111. *"They cost Officers et the station explaineti Mn. Whceler vas knova thruaut the - IN~ ITIJLWAIJIEE me $12.60. *Lesther la veny expén- that tise extra pas' for re-enlitment Midle weot aa a bridge builtier. i-s Two-Year Extension of R C V R E E sive these days. vwas tbise eplanation lais 813 a mbntlh anti the extra citi- hed hati large contractiglie insWa nurne re IE E et the atone. Not long after that anc zcnahip pey lae 5.10 a moulis. Thse (alitornia. lowte anti other sitles, but a Inu nc Ure RE~~OVERED 0f mv cows died anti tbcn i lest a i t, overlThe fu aC iabn mp xd usnto Ag- dfctos Simin Reoverd W e ..'ent pay a; suc is ansa!; le- imated 4tàatmoi-t reservisl.s hati at bis sauclousbaisse in Geneva. Soon of tht' war riak insmîance act vere .beSiimrycbapno,'vaétsecxVrtigsglin Ien eoutialter the dealb of 1hla ode8t son tise proposeti lit a ibill intraticed toduy thf, Il ver chap nw,'was he 6x- ain monrtins Tesvigtîî ra tjerehomestelat vas soli'anti, a feni eaat by Raprasenative Sweet. R-,pubiic glor Takes Him Int an planation. As neer as 1 cen figure fore, au average bonus o! $240 If tises'of Geneva bcame thse auuily home 0f bu a. t'ntier the nueusure Instir- Ice Cream Stoel,î earh ai My Oafliren Is veeri'ig transfer back to active aiuty. liglser for about -a year. returning to Gene- ance would continue ttto yeans after -thet' aiiIvaent ci a bide on eacis ratiugs vouiti get a cornes-Pontiingîy va this Pasî -aInten thse discîmrgi' nf a amîldier or su! ior foot. Increaseti ansount. A ciief machin- Mn. Wlieellenvas a e moer af the vithour lise joa-uent of prertihium. SAILOR IS RELEASED B ig Gap $omewhore. hits t e, for exampie, visa left ect- uluimni ofthtie Geneva high school andi_________ 'T'ziere la a greet big gasaintIve duts' et $41 e montis. voult ibe is social actlvities were conflned ta lnY Souths American monkey, wvierc: betvcen tI's produceti anti the gîven $3312 rt-yard for rellîrn to active ln is ciaurcis work at St. Petons T 1bs' Its ovner et more tlian ultimete conauîcn, andi one Of tise duly anti draw $8986 tietter. 1ci'urch Smbd e e tolen -roms.the restaurant con- gr'ut difficultica le astib neference to Lentsmen anti mess atîcutiantsa Tliere are le! t te couru bis deetb "On whaftt, rzy. j,'loubon@iyW 101P -. Short bouirsln tht' City .tt uoithird clias. receiveti the loveat er< hie vite, :tbree chiltiren, itetherine, Self-resipect?" (lon ttil i%-, f auppi.p 1by Antirew Anton oy,.Nliwau- pay as4 companeti vitis long hour,; tii Tas' lu the uavy, $32.60) a niontis, but Mary anti John, tvo broiltera, Michael anti demand."-Fntiil.lfe. I t veek, vae recoveneti ln Wtau il, tsfnt, et smali pas', doese nttend resertists of those ralings who conte fnd Thiomae, anti onc cister, lins._______ Tuesdey nighî visen it 'wt 3t-3 keep mon iln the Country. . back In, ceni drev $130.40 as a bonus Julia Wheeier Mennu. lni tise Possession of J. E. Su '"Net long âeawe hir*dueti re mci ant i 819.46 a montis as eguear pey. - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- amp Farragut, Gnreat Lakeb On our place andi i asked nty brotisen Anothen point visicis the Great Training station. ButIna e tol vat kinti ai vonkers tises'vers Laites sUthorlîle emphaalzed la that temkeganpfori tatis hai ur,,Oh, uses'aneolti skates, iuts like Oily thse unexpireti portion 0f teT U lis mnte' or 2train a sailive are, ait la." hce.seiti "Yeu cen't 'uroliment or enlitmnent need i ie sEev- 'MO sa .;) PE AC E b lait been tIlscbanged trainstise findit ns' one euse 'clu ili stand thse edtat get this extra mones'. Tise re- 1 hat seinte mopning. gtff ai ferra vont. servistq for exeample. enroli for four L N ! came ta Weuitegan thig Marri. "emi kc>i u at ut<- sears, but as Most of theintenteneti Tsr aefu nwhYse an Sientiliei is pet. So far as sprting l pan us n Teefr 1917w ose.ben s onere te oinifcaio rea9sc'production, iJus' aîît idur- ini the srn r11,tises' 'oulti av- but on. Lincoln Street betveen iltis A L f ncesrnetirtshie mnkietion îng the van. We alC;Imers are tîse-1 erage less tisan tvo yeara active ser- anti 16tis streets. nI. C. A. ýSankie d hlmt immediatels'. The lttie tas lU ve don't aran" Iow long Lie tity UleI hyslc riýe aterg we aPtigu w oss n t pi'ang Juba his arts, leaiset us- b ut t's dlffert-nt vitis thse îevulr t'.bt nonti ai lishonte and tiseOtiser %houtilder andi ln his chattering generation. We can't pay tise wages Te Regulans Have Chance Juet South of tise Preattyterian mania ld hlm bhoy lt lewsto ses thiuarue astedt tise ays--not i c 'h donation of wae" mon get antion tise corner of 1FUit antiLincoln tain. glt vs act ta keep on farrming. No »-it,.e- similar benefits bs' requeeting exteis- lFrank Sisrvin is putting up a bouge. f in saiti a aaitor halli ceeutisecaai pas' $1 an ho.r for labor atter alun for one, tva, three on tourysears. Thia viti tise mernse makes four novF IE r~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i ant ofeeit îe im sh> iuited. Ve .ncw of 10:,; et Thiir gratuits' Or bonus. hosvever, ia homes. Y, and offered ta give him t15 te lie a ~monlhs pas'forehadionM.C ek ndfmlaepa. animal vbich te no langer titen mnn ho have gurte fi-ar tise farn.s ab ai diio-M1.Dce nifasl'aepa- -.Firg s-el Tie oiie sas I istis th ie cties, but viso inovs oZ mon ai ycai. Tise regular navs' rien ai- nlng to go camping next veek et one Mne-s'Th of ti se ît aytse Inlt i g tseoheey ectti bs'tise order are tîise wvio0f tise lakes in tthe vestern part or the 0-S FARR!LL, Fli nti refutheindnthe ffer, sas ing t Taîa fergistMour0*enliteti for four s'eare between Peb- (tottits'. &nsRehdouse phono t-n oefseeti al00lfrtht pet. Pek idet Hr tis o v feti- ars' 3, 1917, sud Nov. 11, 1918. Sucili Mn. Charles Blanchard, Will Schu. 1 tt-tlî-oSat o men mas', if the i-se'vh, change their man anti M. C. Pecký r have somne fine 13 lultan andi <'airsit8:St Sailan veat, out but returned eretion talketi ai the eight hatir dayes' aîstments to "aiuratîou of war" suai gardene ou Mn. Deckers taria et Gur-1 t Une lterand emadeda an wht I woud mtanIf te frm14 Fiaiikt n cd Genesoe tuelaerani emntil ativht t auli ea i tse '~then estend Itn ono, two, a.iree on nec. - 15 tîttilit St. anti NorthsAA tndituiae'ig sewa l acr adpttiit furf01.ees16.îaN.aitii Ave. and FrAMsltk 1 for it Aaing vent lu iase "IoncedaIl. afrmîet n o rfll artîerebys'getîng tise Tise dance gîven by tise busines 17 ;ratd vaniAs ,fr t Ato en t is "Ioceaae aprnlren ningratuitica, allovances anti extra tDay mens association let evening tys, 15 Pe-Ian anti Seeond St& Part of tise restaurant tIf) MI man ff lie hati ever matie ans' et- given tise "dIunation or van" amen. veli attenditi 1: triand Ave., and Jaonemi as. When lhe retunircd tise sail- tempt ta unionize farn labor," saitiAlrenme o u mrcn212Grnd ve ouN. monky wre one Mrl Hwar." He epled:23 t'layîon anti Couaty Sti ti ta Waukegan et once anid *1We have thought of tiolng sa. PP li ans. Fiowers.. Ace girls ettentiet a beach Party given 24 Claytmn and Weset SteL stars to isa polic-els ho ut tse moeovebothetomisat i'lpzal': lie sin the club et Posa Park vening '5 tira anti Waller ts. à BOr tath 1olie-ls tabu te mreweloo Itotha ýchersn re- la, v eek tises'plan ho gîvo anothes 27 G.enes eanti Wahn St enti, Chris Conteas,-f tise uation tise more ve realize tisat Pro- -' APli, chrryg glry cmnte ats bttil2tm7î vlGbes tnetteant ieltereSt ra tce creara Panlor. duction muet lbe kept luiton tise ferm07,IMtqu .or ninga gsltilatiedacig evionetPoa28 Genvette s.ani B iee faceand the ovrpn n edl h acigpvlo t lS312 liereanti.SantisUtia ias' night a sailor entened itie if ve are aIl taolbe ted.' asi peOtpark. 32 BtIniterant Soth UIc a-s, carrying a littIe box under "'Tisen s'ou figure tiset tise union ________________and i outh Seola tia i. -Sudenis tise electrlc piano man bas a nîght to reduce produc 234 Soth Shnle'a, Onkt 1 to b>as'andt iera va8 a shrill tion anti vork short houri, while tisa 3e 64eMarion St. front tise boxas ,tise mon- fermer vorks long heoure ta feet 37 MaSonu t. an 4 t rvAi Se MarionSt. vand o liti tciater. Chris rnmens- hl' 1 cketi. 41 MayShîngWest. t Ci P W. thcft of tise Montes'andi 41 eWashiingtoto anveandInem r plicemen, opinion, production on tise fermaeyul ty andi sallon at-re taken te ba automaticalîs' relucei because of [tee station visera tise sailor lebor coî,ditIons. Labor bsas bean r nema anti saiieho vaebs do hlmR ir lîiinaaohi toepei at'elvescace Itis us for sainetinte, but mea chinnns'ohes beenpemproaeti anti"t"satlExperienced 1 titre lave. lie sj3l is e la heineybsbe mrvdadt "te montas'. îfiatoîri SaCÎ he a keep up production, but 1 tit tforwurd suoriv ihat li. waxnot acesaca- machinons' cen h r E WltE S9% g: & CL l t i I i il c pi i p s M Il 'i I PI F Pt w Pt w I k 'P p h PRICE 0f CIOTIIN4i Ney York, Aug. 5.-What it cout. to outit a mian ta ciothins' in 1919 andti sthtie sapietogi caît ia 1911 vas carefulîs' figurati out bys one of tise lergest retail ciotising establiis- ments hèea toias'. Foliovlng la tisp nesult: 191.1 1919 sait-----------------.. 30.0O $55.00< Sihoeq .................6.ù0 16.00 Shirt---------------.... 0 ,o 2.50 0 Indersîqirt ..........--.-'i "0 250 P-avens .......... 1.50 2.-0 Sockt ........--..-......-50 sOu iNecige 1.....; 1jo l Bat (feit)---------...----.50 6.00 GIOVt-.4 ................-1.110 2.5é rVilar----------------- -15 25 ianrikerchlef............1 .25 Raîncoat----------------15.01 22.90 Tise figures tbroogsout rapresent lthe saine grade of gaîode in eci case afid lii, Outfit 19 sucli as a.xperiece ih(-ws a mrinvîo use t 10 eai' $:10 suit. oufld bus' WOULD YOU RUN If A LARE GRIZZLY BEAR CIIASED YOU "Yea Verily"l said North Chi- caqo as Great Lakes Pet Escapes Railway Crabe. CARMEN'S TIMBERS SHI VER. Wàukegan, August 5: Puie struc k North Chicago this noon. "Grizzly loose, loose." went the* ery thru the street.. EVenl the' îost staid of the ' ctieg rosidýntp humped themseIves rtght smart and -oo nthp streets were as clear as No Nlan'a Land. The "bar" from the Great Lakes 700 et.capcd. froru his crate ln thei Nortil estern freight station JumpIng iba wîndow liimbered off to the oh. Two men, a motorman and a Con4ictor sought ma1t), oh the top of e pile 0f tien viiere they ,lew. ed the great grizzly their shaking limbs shakingf with fear s he Oniffed uithéh, bottorn 0f the, pile. Evidently ln search 0f a nlce patch of julcy blnckberries the animal skirt- Pd along the edge of the trackascat- tering peci lie before, hlm like chaif beforp a storm, but who would flot mn i i e s8w a large furry hungry looking bear coming toward hlm. Bruin's was short If sweet for two expressen and a sailor surnmoning what courage they could near the North Chicago Fxopuidry and recaptured hlm. The bear was, really very terne easily giving himsîfup tu be sent on the trip that bas been, destined for hlm.- A TIIRIE QUARTER MILLION BONI> ISSUE TO BE VOTED SON rCommittee of County Boardi of Lake CountY, uring out Proposed Roads Now. OUTLINE A BIG PROGRAM. JndicatIons are that vîtisin tise nean future tise people of Weukegan andi Lake Cotints' vilI 'beasketi topensa anotîsen roati bond laina ln orties tisai the vont or building gooind oaein l the colînts' viicis L goung bs-yard 'vlttistîr-is aide8 mes' not ha stop- 'Ped. lUpwonda ai threc quartera of a Mtillion dollars mey ha asteti initise proPoseti bond Issue, accordlng ta Su- pervisor George Satanstof the ltoat anti Bridge committee. Thsis contmittee tengageti ln.going Over tise situation vitis Charte@ Rus- sel. countys uffei'ntendent of roada, et tise present tinte ini an effort ta lt-arn visicis voulti be tisa Most sal- vaistageous ronds ho tave. Tisey'v111 mate ont a report anti subntlt it to tise Counts' Board iethtie next meetIng ln September. Tise $500,000 vici voteo o!Lae Counts' votati for jouit ruade has been practicaly expended anti il nov la necessars to hava mors mones' to carry on tisa vont. 'I tiink Il litely that va vil s-oin, moud a bond issue of about $700,000," Mn. Bais-stav asserteti, "Tisat voulti previde fan the putting ln of aboaut tiîts'milles of roati. 1 beijova the licopi of Lake COunty aae n layon et gooti rades anti 1 feel confdecnt tisat a bond isaue vouiti paso bs' a big me- Jorits' Inasmucb satise tex vouid ha vers' amalanti voulti haapr.ati ves- la périoti of mens' yeera. Ilwoîuld ho a ailiendid thing to, hava Ltite Conty ativertisedtat the -worid as oaaetof the beat paveti conutscaln tise- atate, We hsave bean rethen slow inla gttng etarteti on tise roat Iimpovntent maiter aant itsolsaneceemans' thet vs Imc no fustiser timO4" STise members of' the Waukogan esdèpantment nov are qquipp.r vitis régulation arnty gauipua a aet ot tbree arrlvlng thia Monning. If tisey prove Bat iniactars' it ie probable tlta tara vilii hoordéeatisoon. Thes' ara mui saupenior to th isa asaviucithea local firemen hava been uaung for- the air is flteredti irougis a charaber tisut rentoves ail nos-tous oder, inclui-. lng ammonlaieh isl tto ha more tisat anys'eks i urlng tise var voulti do. Tise nias vhicb tise firanen have heti iertofora tditi ot provide foe' ftltcrlng tise air anti for that reamon vitre nut verys' stiifactory aitisougi tises'vere greatîys' uponior to 1101h- Ing. An officiel test of the nemabits la ta tata place son, =TAXI____ RANSFER COMPANY' LWAYS ON TRfS JOB PHONE 707 & 817 ALARM. CAR DI re Department Pho!me No. 14 Drivers. Headquarters at the BON 'TO0N AXWELL CARS" O?' 'Ire marshal ne se& tvé Ain nt. ,et. mon et Me nt. et@ L ion où L flt». wldan Rýmd. Il lits. rues ets. nt XcAlléter Avé. Av& 'IN Avé. 1 . r Av* ark AV& ~1' Ave. 42 Souths Park 4..andi Bluff Bt. 43 W'ashington %Lyre Jackson SteL Ste44 Washington anti lutrick St. vo.45 Washingtosn St. anti 2tma'ood Ave, In S.40 Glen :Rock Ave, anti Viitors' 8t. It 47 Jackson St. betweea Beivitiere St. andi (Stan nocIaAvé. - iii t.48 ltlvidere- St. anti Powell Avé. il St. 49 <tien iRockAve, anti Butnitit St. a1Shberidan Roati anti <illette Avé.. s' 52 Sheritian Rosti anti tlon flota Ave. 53 Counts' anti C'enter BSt. ' 54 Niorths anti Rîtgelanti AYOs. in Ua.85 Conter and AmisSSte e 5e Etivartiaanti Williamsa Ste. Ste 57 GrndetAve, anti futrick t. ida Eod.61 Western Coai & Dock Co. Ste62 C'ayton antiSanti Ste. ica Bts,43 Matiison St. bot. Dugan and andaîtist. ut 64 Water St. anti E. J. & A. tracks. MoAlêtes Ave 7 610 Market St. 73 Werner Suzar RBeUnery. ve74 Illinois Sucer Refiners'. -v.75 Ameican Steel & Wire Co. ~fsrAveoINational Biivelopo Ca. pôula PAGES $1.50 PER VRAR Tm ànvàum IL

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