Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Aug 1919, p. 9

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TYVLL NDE PE -NNT L4CE~ONY J'P~DE¶ Lake ConiVs. Big Weekty AW M U Pýli.. X9-NU. 33. PAET TWO ULBRTYVILLE INDEPENDRNT, AUGUST 14, 1919, FOUR PAGES 01.50 PER YEÂR III ÀDVAN42~ Pl:SmIPINTO WIISOUl PATROL BOAl to Sait Dock and Prepari oInffection Tomnorrow at Nine O'Clook. STAY HERE FIVE DAYS binarine UC-97 miIPPed loto Wou harbor t 8 oclock withk battle gray submarine secci guarding on ether side. Th, ofrom Kenosha where the) vlewed by the admiriî.g public rday was recelved by Hatrboi r Nidk Laru4on who pliuted tileul e Sait dock where they lied ni ,te night and wiîere f bey will ie to, Inspection by the publie at Ir tomorrow morning. &Uk'gan People wili bie aurprised lame extent when the [trot viî's -~Ex-German Submarine ail it is tact. Photograpbs andt aloriog 'failed ta %lire us 8an accurate con- on the. oye 0f the submarlne au Who go ta aee the boat will oh- e. Borme, al 110 will be surprise<l the length 0f 1h. raft aïd If Uley thought Jt;ould be very ite*aant on th Atlanti- ln a aslithey I@due for a change in opnion. bout la ta remain baere ferrve beore leaving for the MqMciiaI *Ch icag. The colnpamraveî st7 a.,ai been made necessry ~,repaira wieh muât b. don. on englune and other Iechanical equlp SL This morning the crew were Pied ln cleaning up tire boat and Iring the batteries. According rmembera of the crew much trouble la been expi-rienced wiih the en- ýtrand il 'a doubtful if Zhey wil] trer thon Chicago on their 04e ah pson5 are ln ba4l con- oaand a number of Lfem have Imon the trip thrU the lakes. The merging machiner7 lIoflot in gond ,uh condition ta permit the craft ~ebmerge. te 1 1797 la 221?feet long and hw, 4< tact draft. Mont of the boat Is r Atfr. Thé' Scout patrois 41q *411 the type of boat that did such 1nt wort watt ta the danger boff Europe are 110 feet long and eebr.d te, be capble of much speed. reln a crew of tonty-five men Ingç tbe tires boats and Lieut. hwocd iln command. CIYEVR 18 A801..VED Paul B. Berger of 1000 Downer ave- iMilwaukee was abaolsed cfliamie 'he deatil f Burton MUsser ai mCity at1 the coroner*â inquest held bdnesdiay afiernoon in the HolIund Welltaking rocîns. Musser died of pireceved on Au&. 5 when hie * uck by a Ford toUring car 13e b Beg r on the Ferry btill. ait Inqu eait wIl brier as Berger ilyetbihc< is innocenc-i. .,lits- .as deaf andi apparenriy became ifsed waiking directly lni the uoaf the car. After fifteen mîin- et consultation the jury returie.I a rdict that Berger had used 'all ne- lary care and caution in operalîng machine and therefore was fully C erated fram ail blame*' loger ,It seema wasa followlng an- Wp car rather closely at the sV,)ed f teen miles ain hOUr whtO1 the before hlm swerved out lot pan usser walking aiong the rent paveme. The Ford was boat upon the dea! jmanri bfore r aw hlm andalathough lbe did best ta turn out of the way. hie ~e man who ad becomie corifuiod te trot car. Musser vas fiee feet from the edge of tht.' pavemcn.t anthe Ford ]it l1dm zicordîng Io aýtateItient male by Berger lneay. Levidence that Vite driver did lts Pt to escape hiting th3 mrinIl was MIed out ibr.t onlY th - frerîz wheels P. car and fendero stracli hlm, t'te * wheela flot even paasing av'r body. t as seen tram îthe rat tLat Mis- vottld not lise, and upon bbcbg Red ta the licapitai in Cour-i and ~l'a ambulance this dgclciino as lid y iý'*doctor i't charge The ilvas frI.ur.'l ctsing a bi.i 00eor0 the brnaie and the ribil ~crulhed iIn on ane aide inailcat- Interna!iInjuries ga il It% thougbt Ibr0table that th. Zon man lived Iah the haspnjtal. lser had liseci for years ln lier.- Harbor being very ellknown 411l8 city -ana ZI(î,î !Je Waukegan police receîved a caîl fronm lb. Ciicago Hardware my ait North Chicago Tuesqday <bout ten o' elok. Prom the ~t4an 5upplied the Police it ap- Mtseevral People ver. gel- eoa t~id4 Assit. Chier Tyrreil, .Irf Gren and' severai police lo ito autamobiles and hursed ai plant. There lheY tound three haes battllng. On. bhaua -b- WÂUKEGAN TODAT GETSJ ITS FIRST SIGHT "MEANEST TIEF99 Man Who Gave NEW MTUJI n 0~~F THE GERMAN FIGHTING "SUEB," U0797 ETAT OIY Waukogan Zt. ia T ILAJGE r RETUNS WALLET PANS CORLE e The acompanying pdcture of the Uc. Man Who Found Purse of Re- Federal Funds to Pave "11ihnd 97 w«s taken st ont. of the Oret Lakes I Rue;T rvd pore hee hisetiknqspecimen of turned Yank Mean EnoughlRue;T rvd Gemayl geaOb wlb.p, h to Keep $30 in Cash.J Faster Travel. ~ submarine, docked for a short lime. -. I.zrf noS MAILED TO SUN.i ce ROUTE IS NOW DECIDED ON silors. Thousande have Inspected PURSE I ALD'oSN the cl'aft in varlous cile.. PrIvate Ray V. Tilly af Waukegan. If neyer raine but 'it peurs. Tisl a Iho etuneda fw dys go romsommer, for tle.afi lime after yeare lithservie in ne ar fe aseaafa thm Orbad going te he nortlsvard, Chi- t vic i o n e fthe m ove s t e is igao m oitorlst5 have fi Sheridan rond c~~~~~~~~~~~ vitmo n tIemena hee irlually unhonken botuleard ta y Imaginable. A few days ago Tilly îost '-Nfllytukee-and nov camtes the. con- le the utile brown purse tbat ho carri'-d îîmmallon af plana for anather Ir wilehe as oersas.Il C . taied aved hlglawaY In the Boante direction, whil he as versas. t cntaieilevea mare désirable toîfataa uborna in$30 In currency, lagelhcr 'wilh a dirait bile Iravel. p on the Security SavIng go"ntof Wau- This la the nev "lnland roule." pro, kegan for 8240. -vlde.j for In lte apportionmentt of 9lie notified the police and then It- federal raad funds asaigned ta 1111. s-tda "Lost" ad In teeasddnibtdlyda ecntuto ('olumnofo the Daily Sun, offering a lbtdaedstacnruio reward for the returno f the purge.- the lnabillty of varions per. The Sun ad, as usual, obtained renuits -e spute ban been settled. If a for lIt resulted in the return of lb.' annocuneed yesterday, and bide for* 1urse but the thief, unmindfiai of thé paviitg the Bnttre strlitcb vîli be re- 'a Patrio4ic service that 7111y bad ren- celved today by the. state blghvay de- ______________ dred overseas, working for a miser- partment. IFW Iably amai alary wbile tbe Ihiet prob- rnhsOfa i' y sjE B XES N q UrM101 wW abîs earned thrée or four dtes as BrnhsOfn If IRilIICC u xtrjiidthe o.g. ArEWwAAN IEThe new road, as fnlylctd wuuuu~ O PSIOAL T F RP MANCÏWo3&( ~ j uhthextrs acldlb ANOIW CANEInbranc~hes off tram Milwaukee avij>ue 15 GOAL E E N T E R -kean 't as maied t1te0 un Lenoîý Mas. Augr Il-.A idre v Car- ln the o wlo r0fNiles, rans nortil lima e ~~~ ~ ~ ~.~TO. 0 10 I 1.1.Not Chicago. It wag pi deîl negie agcd 53, the steel mangnatteiVeSomrvle'n e In an envelope without any nete or dled ai bisgt.encx ouatier homo, fild, and Ition panses throug thlie 'N r îj ACEBY I crpofpaerlaeplinlb iCEet.LLadvBrook" at 7 10 tht5 morning -clQen country' vest of th. norlt h ore, AS FOU tà I R I Noefr had been made ta cash tbe aftcr an iiness of legs thon,., thr..1 seburba as fer as Waukegan, viters draf fo lb thlf cidetiy as aysvithbrochil peumola.Sofi t Uusaeuan5id JainatBSheridan romi Policeman Fîres on a Suspect ~1 Iaisetenoughe thiefnow hat sl n ue wsbsdet1Tatbsdu h iis route la desisnedt0 pt Ovite a "Dne eetrefr mg~rsl i ret. Tilly ter, %Ira. Roavell Miller, waa unable onr> l h or th Oihl ~IBut Although Man Fel-he from Naval Station, Locat- bi tpel 18eto hedat oge abrfterabdiebeoectrl atlebl tv aoa b ed Ater eve Monhs. Tbse ail 001 been removcd. What Wauuegan'a splendid Public library Bluff and the Green Bay read theires BULTTE ____S AKN WISCONSIN, REFORMATORY atuated the thief In keeping the mua- as a gîft framt Mr. Carnegie. Mr. - tvieen Deofldeat ovafeetil, vier. enowil. 13~i net Caritegie bsd spent $t3,000.400 i Il. te odl - I WaukeganandAugust il. the purse braries ahi oser 'he country. anvrs uta b. lai ouI msg df Ihe Wupa,-uuti.9n hp beWLscansin stale refarniatorv StPaul tracits, saorlening lhe toute * Tbree norlb ide homes In Waukc- 1__________1 - and avoidinfg tvo raHIvay OC.ffsmigs. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Ga eeetrdb uga8Tes r<reenll ay, Wis., a pasty faceul. P atweeetee ybugab us olhas cheekeil lad cf 18 paes bacl, AVFAUE TFI 1REE AINCAG day nigbt aod one robber supect 1I And forth inATbisIRccli. Be tIEashaCtARG waa tred an by a policeman In a ir- -td orthi bis cutel u tH e ae Lake Countys 661b anoual fair vl Once more Lake Caunty bas beon jJtll Trsutinof dpédatosusd th oicemav esusookb,'i5s erter from tu the ceopen Seplember 3 for orday in-1 druuged Iitto the limellgbt In a senF I R R Traesof lod ausd he olcehpeus h Isa esete fom he.9truction and entertaininent. sa-tional cage ibat La attractlIng vIde IIL'L ta belles,' ibat b, bad 'vinged" Uic h.'nIttd States 05t y. Hia liameI' hi The Fair Assit, bas been comlyletely atenîlon, the mysteriaua murdor ao- mait hi shot at. The tplaces entereal Adolpb Gerds, allas, Dauniel H. Tolmuin re-organized. the bulding~s repaireul, Lawrence Citîgston of Macomub, li. DESIN h[ ILASbre 5 a ~- le la the boy wba tricked the an the premium fliot revied andl 1h. pre- vbo dled of poison, ana the arrest of P.D %tLAg oe 5 s honities at the Great Latres -Naval alluma increased. Dr. Frant .L. Alverson, a.formter Wau- l AM ;li "F treet. tief frightened avay by lte Training station Into bellevIng he' Througb the kindness of the Lake canda and PalaIie Phyztcla&tta-e.-- - ~ ' -~ - 0 akego aydot is Willio am5 ate8- esPam as thte'oislng beir te the 84,00,NoOuDtY business men $1300 In epeclal gother vith the vif, or the'murdered tair eîn g t.seWlmpa!U.urlars t ApAf -Jle at ad Fe Minuster of the. laterl e etate of the ae Daniel '11. Tolman premiums bave been offered. Any tuait, wbcare charted vithll h e 1f~'lra. Btacli Ytiuat i ônIefdivMu* adletibes lm s ftbrl and nd go *off la ha allias the offi of Phuadehba. fone,who dneant receive a coy of lt" ýslayers. of ]K. Eç>.Ifflougd,ý hlOd 4%. (45 Au deAcrîng i s engfitAd t&haloeMay lie revardmd vtiltt The wbereaobuî!thisf ble)-uth, vWho Premium list In the mail is requesteil Clugatan, a farmer, dled suddenly gehea, Cli!f. oi*g'as gU weainga cp.prosidency of France 110 sucre bad played tag witb mlitary and po- te Write lte Secretar>' for saute. Ail July 21, atter b,' bad bn Iretl b>' Bbc vas born la Ashtloid1L.m BERT NETiLIS ilduo, 1017 Hick. lic*1,, ce ohttciahs hraugitout the. United special liremiulms IbIs gear are of a Dr. Alvtrsotifor typhuitoJ<lflVr. 'The six Years allier ber marnai" i4uIl or>' Street; thief entem.d tise bouge by States for seven monthe, dld flot ie- Practical nature. Valutable culis are arreat of Dr. Alversan and Mrs. Clug- Rockford, fil., thon moving Inb Waû. th,' front dnr vblch bad not bee'n - come kuiown until test week Thton it being offered for aur livestock breed- sien was ordeed by a corahler's juy, keBaî.- ocked; obtalned about $3 in cash. as bis tongue ihat tbld bis vbera- ers anid aucit things as flour, pressure which relurneil a verdict that (lug. The Blloomtfield'& made their hoei DOIN S. THOMSON home, 1121 iI JIA bouts b bbce world. canner, aluruiruum tiare, etc., viliiAton bad! been potsoned by his vite here for fifleen Yeare duinrîn hftcIs Hickory stret; thiefmade bis escape Us19 . iILJALl YLID be given bn tbe vomens department anid pbysiclan. lime Mm, Bloomfield vas la the ait I ti about $65 in cash. WkPSUL, Confides in Celmat. ITitere vilI be a boys and girls Shortly before Clugston dted a se- "trct business vitil the securlty Nliss Lilian Thaomson vas avaken. IJKUWNEU KA HIfl i, 'Yep, Inu the bird yau resd about stack Judglng couteau on Tburaday cond pitysiclan was caled i.l îHe 1Tife and Trust Co. ed vben te burglar flasbed a llgfitt D'1II Iin the papers "le itad tlid bis oeil- and Friday au 10:00 'a. iai. Valuable saad bc round no trae e'!t Ypbh*,,d te-________ In ber face but vas toc frlgittened taIo ~ î~ T~ tT.f mates. "t' almost Iad tteii believing Pure breil livestock andl frÉc trips ta ver. After tetiioaîb, S. J..&i gley> make an>' outer>'. She tept ber cye. I U (bJf[JIat Ivas the missing iteir le an es- h nentoa ietok So ahra r.Cu.ztpi cff~Jl cloaied and pretended te b. ast.eep tale of 84.000,000 lef t by a boan sbark and the Nationtal liairy Show have the coroner thiat ho b'-d hlus11 n Un111 the thief ms gone. In Phitadelphia named Tolman, But been offered as prvu-uuîuuî' In-laws deatb Iovestlgated ~ I~~I!., ~ k Soeta b Mlîamn homeelegram t mte'Sun from keep it quiet.".Thte L.ake Couiuty I-aîîuiuB'reau yl 'it The cailte he Wla ms hmevas AT 0Buthu tes couidjutleItIthe star>'mk ate Thesholugiu vlecfaa oficer look charge of the body s mamak ai exibi shvi te vlueof M COJNTY ROA9S recelved by Uic police about tIi. Thorpe Kessier, says Fun- test. The guard heard il. PrOM lt epgbte r rand tio n Olilhego for nanlsiws en ilimt ,.t tblrty o'clock. Policemen Horen, Nic- eral Was Held Today. lad h. foced a confessiuon. Tbon au- Puuaso wîih scruibs c',arL itahwing MNally, chemilat ta coroner Itoffman Dermot and Wilson responded il-)tiorities at the reforutator>' communi- otber liveslock infuirmuaiion, cases of cf Cook Counly. (Specîi Te The SUR) the cal,'bey made a tharougil cated wilh the Gre-at Lake.5 Naval Insects ttuat are lnjuîriouis te fan hreot ra.MNal hth SpringAeld, Ili., Aug. 1.-Tii. R. seamch af the nelghbharhod but vere TO INTER AT LOGANSPORT. Tann tto.Nvladcvli-croPs andl many cubuer ia!uîez of In- had, u otrace af tYPhMd-ferjPFCouvai constrmuction ompan3'c, tunable la- llnd-any trace cf te- In- telligcnce office,-5 were-selîttein-~ f terest te the people of Lake Couant>, but ltad faund 4.27 grainti ef a poison, Chicago vas Uie loveat bidr tor truders. stitution. Then the Identit>' vas es- 0f course, titere wîil be a merry-go- vas rceived and laid before the cor- constructing sections A, . BC. % md Policemen Hcrels and MeDermot, Conirming tue exclusive 81017 ttblbied.I round for lte eblidren as weil as Otb oer K tu Lako, County of the Chics»o relurned ta the ttation vitile Police- wbîcit appeared la the. Sun a fev daya Prisoner'. Story Ior cdean amusements on thte Midway olir. Cusoîwsspounn a-Wisconint Hgbtvay. Wbsn lte hl man Wilson remalned ta continue thte ago ellng o!fte deatb by drovnbn.g H-e boid he officers te follovbng for nId and youO.mer. Bistow-fla sa rib.nitutf er.pnd aa'b> ie aaat. searcit. A short timte later be heard o!RmrRslr1omel fZo tr' Larry Brao, a veil knoov aviator, years aid. Dr. Alverson 4io 'is 51 departmeat of publicevau'ks and huila aorte on,' altproacblng and tbought If Cil>' and Waukegan. te falDoving "I admit Ibat I made a ittc b J w vîîmate exhibition fllgbts daily. Years aId, had been making iti, homoe loge, they put un a conflnablon bld migbî b. one of big bralher police îlcgram vwas eceived by the Sun o! il at lbe finish, but you'Il bave 1te 'nacre vilI b,' iplenhy o!fî,usic and iiltt Cofon nd>aulga $a 475,000 for the four section& S.ot officers oila>'front B. 'harpe Kessier, son glu-e me credit for folig tbem for atoelb lt î ac u ean tthes Iny nsBiandte aodcia-lb.futltnen iavr ee "Tbaty.ouuhMciermof," hclnquire ?0Oiedcael hso îridt iie PPOrtunit>' ta do so under proper cm ebu rvtsd1 llu dfrtecntuîo fsco Instead o! replying lbe tellow hurm- tbe stale of Washintgton when h. '"The îwbole lbing slart,-d in Mllwau- supervision. cm ehdpitee nL eCuee o h osrcino eto rd and tarted in he OpPoote dlrec- leamned of bis falbcr's deatil, The kee..I didn't bave a ie un my ipock. h- Fi sa.i oy.nai J In Lake Count>' of stalle aid ronds TheFai "s. i oferng a ere- .Mro Clugoton andl Dr. Alverson te be bult of Wategan tovard Gur- lion. Wilson Immedialel>' called for telegramt follaws: et and my clottuu'a ere asimuet In ing a 14 ft, fiag Iotahe, townsitsp that ver. *remandei te lte co'unty jail, ne.. bimt btaîat. Instead of conilybng Weoarcbe, Waait., Aug. 13. rage. My pour aId moiher, vbo lises bas tite iargest nuinber of automo- hending action by lte Septemiter te fellov bruite foi a rain. Wilson b NKesser, father of Jobn F3. at 14b8 Spring street, vas lust about biles In a parade atlte grounada rneuy N~I fired Ivo shots Into the. air thinking Kesaler 0f Wafltegaii, Mrs. Arthtur living, and even tbougit I tried hard Septomber 6 St 1 '00 P. i.grafnd vn dsabbgie jury.1 E J AIU5 te brigbten the fellon' into atopping H. Brooks o! Beach and H. Titorpe I cauldn't ielît ber Alonig. 'Pa ome ou reusnda Thit.di onalowetau ispthglna butl It seemed taeilaveothe opposite et- Kessler of Kenitworîb, vas drovned "On. day a fellow stoppi'd me on bars et tite Fair.Mcmug 3 rsAleCu- réci. vh'ihe sviouînlng In puget Sound, tbe street and told me l resembled - .Mcnb u.1-r.AieCu Ile chased the fehow 'acroas lb.eticar Evcre-It, lVasit. Funeral service the mlssing belr 10 a fortuîne' Be said itof and Dr. C. W. Alversan, vbo U M O P IE sîmet and fir.d as lih, suspect dlsap- here itis, Wednesday) morîîing. Bur- thb. beir's name vas Talman. We ver. arrested on a citarge' of mur- peare<1 betveen t-vo flousesHee asw fat service- aI cemeiery, Logansport, ialked Il oser, scee nad platnneait !lIIEl'drnglt omr iubn.Lwe- and before the end of aSU UUSEI eSd nce Clugston, b>' polsantng, ver, ques- Postmaster Graay tdyrcle tite man atumble and rail but viten heomil., Manda>' afternoon. idhfrb'enlo ekIhdSTE LWREaasu vssua S~ burrled Up Ihere was no trac. 0f B. TIIORPE 1<ESSLIOR. miade ni> de'cision. I bail a godtloned loday hy State's Attorney An- bis tiret orders on lhe sysl.m te he hlm. i John Kcsslcr and wif,e ît Waulce- stary cookeil Up antI upon tb. advice MAJIM C A T drev L Haib,'n. Balb denled kuon'. folloved Iu orderins governmalnmusp- Ifte call,'d tbe Police station andl relin 1gan a Tcv weecksago for ait extendeil o! Ibis flevl>'made acquaintanco 1 VIIrNI ONi'J S IIJ4 ledge of tte talsoning. plies Ilimougi the l" o pbtlCO. He forcements ver, sent, Thse officers trip tbrougb Yellowstone National dccbded te jobn lh. 05v>'8« . ViE TDT ,ir Cua t ifemer, t h- augb. menîtsupple Wou laIs OM%.r made a searci antd faund traces o! Part. It 1s not knovo viiether or By tlinws"Easy" UI JIUL Ohr ofn jaîlutod>an vsiebld rtat b!dura suplies hin utlOei*pla teiro- blon onthegrond ut he ntrderflot meunhers of te famil>' ver,' able "At Great Lakes te>'fell for my V T N S RX e nji oa n odbrta fdr U iitfsas*t hi blond antil haun mdbume nd hiedes- telocate hbu and tell of aia !atiter's s .tar>','bey gave me a ten ldey'fur- aile vote innocent he vatald do ev' arder cash 10 psy for the goats sud capterd10bvemd go bs Oatit. lough go I could go te Piiladelpilia A genetal strike o! steel workers eythbing d pass ibe o hem t f u Inlearcesla ont fro tiaou eil. t Mn. Resaler canducti the nid Zlq» and daim lth. fortun, 1>' t h nie Saesmy ho vauldte maey n ac25 pern s h alloe lotraté up - osiital forsanme tIloe, baving lived "At te end of ni>'furlOugh 1 came dthlrougbo hue Ult25.ate mni o hrerlping t prSeut, h e..lée ape 121 poieud B Th areel'poeIte ps Lee Hammond Sued for In ZMon City'several >ears. Be left bact aund gal an extension. Thon 1 dPléfared tefoel ants25,eUniones fuforme t>Snd da>' seboMme one beena ud. ou rly x Alleged Auto Injuries a few y,'ars aga t tumalté bis home cahed a bagua che'ck aI lb. station 'ah votlng on the Proposition, Mare 8htnday gchool leacher.peîanoaircelIle rrs in .the stale of Washington. foe.$180. Afler ltaI 1 threw- aa>- an 1.000,000 men vill b. affectOd. .The atate's attorney' sabd tbe autoaPeten 1h. axt teEstste'aiver L,' Bammond, Chicago aviatbor, and ' - My Unlform and orged checks In The varters areasking Il an heur s>' lmld on the ta>' of Clusstan's tun« dem acdvttM.GtyviW formeri>' do Charge of aviation At o* < uflNvYatCtWsigofor torby-four boums a veet, T#e.>'al- oral shav.d 1he presence of graunil Tomr-,lded te Chicago vilr" lte>' vil Great Latk'5, a $10.000daymae 1i atPrice CagsDetroit, and Clevelandl. -ilvas In Bo dentand better vankbng conditts gluasInIitoestomacb. He said he had be filled and mallet the. defendani na$000 aae ut Demh.nded in U. S. Senate bad checi' ln Miwaukcee. ployes la steel industries acar Çi~a- AI-ersan ever ilad been license tet oser an auta accident. Ms lBigot '11 vasIrleil, convicteil and ber. 1 go ylmeet lamorov nig" 4z P~,j- Practie medicine in Ilnialtbougb lè 1:1Inq du S'mO 0" M.ýcWilllams o! Evanston, Ibrougil t. Washington, Ang. 12.-Demands am." cin ball, Ccmmea8la( aveaiisnd lte doctor cWamedtela bave Practîced Ore*loo eSIDaUI m, &" blet tor'ue>- Jerome J. Orowley, laees1 at changes bo made I govermemnt Niaety-4lmsî slreeh. Tht eqtÉ-st Camey', Palatine and Wauconda, 111. "ehOt uamI fs5'- %bat achat tbree menthe ago, oat vh,Istandardsatuifer tb. price OWO*oTh&ba aedb Frn Dolec-as ofauaevliWsPirtiS4b t 0 Wocls Ridge Ave.,,in Evanston, 1}Iammond gare te I"go at , nstdente Tisu ee alet>'5an ole ero n elasJneiîle i,,pia az aOS ie sl ii - - $1.50 PFJL.YF£R IN AW"ýi b . .

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