Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Aug 1919, p. 12

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-; LIBERTTVIW& nm pu~i1%T. TJFMTR&A'V? 11 .1 9 1 5-c Bar Jap Ro se'Soap -at 1lc The large 15 cent bar o! .lsp Rose Tolet Soap, spectal at lic a bar with at lirait of 2 bars toacustomer. ALEx H&W Co. We Give an,Redeem Our Own Tr-adiug S<ala'.pa Continuing the Special Sale o- 12.50 Serge Capes, for Women and ,Misses at The resulî of a vPrY laRge plmmctflie. Serge Caprs for wonien, and mss- es as anall as 14. Gocd lockirmg styles, sizes to 2f. SSale of 16 Dozen Wom@.n's 1.50I SUR11Gloves ,Womensa double ilk gloves ln ail ies and colora are Inluded ID really wonderft'l sale for the one day, TO- bMORROW only. Wvomen 'a 6.98 Wool Swealters VerY Special Ama]ll r's samplea wre of!ered us at a sensatioflai reduction beeause the ne- ber was llmited. W. took thenu ail. 9¶ne thread. ow. s cave, ail coiots. introduciing the New Fashions Ini- Wamen's FalSuits Ver Attractively Priced at 29-9, $35, 49!--50-962-50 -ditinctive in lhe, handsomne n fahric, delightful le color A fascinat- Ing varlety of àsplrited models develoPed i serges, Iricotines, yaa cloth. ilvertone, cashmere, velour. Jackets are long or medium lengtb wihb bloused Lacks navelI coldrs, pockets, blets, embroidery, etc. Corsets in Ail Sizea Digeontleued numbers in a limited as.ormfent for im.i mediate clearance. $4 CORSETS 2,79 Front and-back lace styler, ln al izes and wanted modela l. a grest sale. $2 House-Dres Aprons In AUl Sizea Ligbt, medium and doitk colorings In hous4t.dresta aprons of ilalses. 3.50 House Dresses 2.50 Ginghaan and percale bouse dresqses la man.yreally prez ty styles ad éoorngs. ClosîÎng Out Children'- C4*TSanid, CAPES 7.50 valqa $1relues,' 14,50 values. 16.50 values ALiXIfrIo Northern i'.G.t..t Store For Women-.nd Children An opportun ty to. save a very liberal amount is now available A Sae of More Than 400 ýN-'ew FaiI Dresses, Are Advantageously Priced at- 16.75-28&75-29.50-34.75 If you cars 10 save a neat auma on a new Fal l ress here la your opportunlty. We have scores of the most stylish models in crepea, satins, serges. tricolines and tricolettes In navy, black. browe. taupe. etc. Ie draped skirt effecta, redingotes, vest1eea Of georgette and tricclette. Many are elaborately bralded and eh broidered. You wdili finid it wise economy to buy no* for next y ear in this greatest Clearauce Sale Cotton Dresses Values to ,7.50- Values to $15- Values to 22.50- 40 1 m 0 iIi m-9*75ý The thrce prices quoted above represent the seasonas greatest dress bargaina at $4.98. You mzay chooao f rom gingharns, voiles, etc. At $7.98 tbere are plain and figured voiles, ginghams and cotton crepes to 8L.- At $975 you wili find many handsome dresses ln cottcm georgette crepes, voiles, silk poplîns. linens, etc.. ln white and colora. A Sale o"f Coats and Capes For Late Sumimer- and Early. FaIl Featuring Sensational Reductions at- Many wo me a an d misses have been waitling for-just siuc ban opportunity as this. There are coaLts, capes and Dolmans lfi advance Paîl styles for imumediate as well as for wear way into cold weather. The assortMent lecludes fine serges, tricotînea, vejoura, etc., lin a variety of coora 20%o/Dis8*count o>n ait new PIish, Fur,2 Mv'JO~p FrCot b~gtSZ0%a ~/ A very stylish hand bag indetd. cornes Ir' taupe, black and navy. Tassel trlmmed and bas, large, plate glass, beveied Pdge irror and coin purse. A ,Store Fer Womon and ChiIdren NW. Cotton Waists In a Speclal Mondiay Sale at $1 ! 25U Yci,'Ii look long and !ar before you tlnd éuch pretty waist4s as these at such ,mall lwlCes.- There la a large anld varied f collection nt each prko lin plain white or weulte wit'h co'ored trimmi1eg. Many aie trlnkmed N wiIh: lace. embroldry buttons, Imitation tattil1g atmil fluting. Silk and Cotton. Waists to 5.98 $3.98 Pretty styles ln waists of cotton voiles, lawu b latisfe, :and voile- snd-orgaadi combinations as weil as tub silkis. :c .l)e dec ,.iiius. geog9ttWecropea la ai lzmsani colore. Silk- Waists to $ 10 at 6.98, A manufacturer'a sho* room sample togetber witlm 0cr own walstst UP te, $10 in handsome georgettes elaboratel" embtrodcrei with beads and silk are offered la thîs greal clearance ai $rU1 i. Othor Waista 9.75, $15, 22.50 and $30 $2 Rompers & Dresses Mai 1.19 C'hildrens cule littie rosepers and drPsmç-.;in su.iz b C1, m6n white aad a variety of wanted colorings aert ityles. 2.50 and $4 Waf4I Dresses fo cilr!14a nd 2.98 Here are two large racks of wash dressa mi n mot almies forchidre to14 axceniWtquality gieghautn and percales. losey haing belted, pleated and pocket tý-%ùmed. Sale Sili and Muslin Underwear 1,50 values, S$1-m $2 values, 2.50 values - 198 At $1.00 you May select frote mualin gowes. chýrniise. batiste bloom- ers and silk corset covers. At $1.49 and $1.98 there arr e afly jretty styles la muafln gowns, chemise, petticoats, flesh colored batste bloom- ers sndd 811k corset covers. SiIk and Wash Skirts to $10 This spe clal group% inclucçs akirts o! wool, silk fabrîcs and wash materlals in wanted styles., ,Izes 'Înd coloringa. Skirts to $15 lar la anfd50toeaRsOrtmet In- deeri. Skicts o! woo plaids, serges,. velour, ir. ai essalines a»tins, ioplîns, allk fa.Wea as w ,iP as the baller, giàde -%4ý akýrýa TIhe range of Colorsanad lit>les tg aapecdali %vide. 4, t M4l t 400M4 by4 t. éui 19f.7%- 27.ý - _du 1

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