Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Aug 1919, p. 5

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ond Hookiz TI £,QOmd Samson Schalick ardwar o. Se , e. LONG GROVIE MILL IS OPEN ON THE POLLOWING DAYS: Giot Min- Wed"&sdYb Md Satuardays. Cider and Sorghuiu AmII-Momdlays, Tu"adys, TLursays Mmd Satuadmys. J. H. EISBIJUý, Proprietor. Overals D.gallov sal édtO vidor lis lir&.Bdi Coliuele salubaimig ber iséerami vo.slldim olova ste Carrai, Ulamor Smith Md MaWy Qe eirli #ttaaid lb. Danesdren4 m ClapIis wsst MW ,5J. Tou.g rsoessvd'vord fo, boreau, Gamme.X. 90>1, "Ibee MIMM la 1%V Yort AURU .. thsee, Tbàogme for e$ ' Toula>oves. *ql'w b~umse5. Aàgalprograé vWi * islrmd l sd 1ala nitaitoata.ud. 29 IB. eObag ai Mlugismimaq se Mor a ale agorsitgud Wmmoua b" "dea0»ucditbboeapt.bote of lb. M 8Satnray of lfl ues vet egotaS Lot.'. bosulesi, < mis efr trsalniesà SI. le afli.ed viti .@o.elbin eta Il bsoneMcif»msurs. Dis maay frisais viii regreft talesteof ho indispoiton sud bop* for bise #ly nsovery. ' . rmb n de4d* mf sw"umltese of lb.AAil Ammesica lipodot? bfiViîe tié reedes of Ibis paper taw ses la the Eqauelîiom ari vorts or baud erafle oncb se carvsi Wood, moel voit. madotber articles ai Iniereet vblcb wai I ehaructellte oflOam i ctisLape of forelen -birtb or pareotag.. sud the lande irom1 - he vhc t be> come. i9 jou kov ie oriior bave mades the article@ jourseif, vriW.'r eali for euîry cotiditions for the1 Alil Amert-an Espooition. wblrb se to b. bel front ADet Stb to S-Pts-mbpr l4th Entriées m(wib. lu hi Amignet. ZBb liaby tinge of BisaI fuierept viii he on exhibition tbei'e, and If you baie anytblug vbicb enu ibint viii be oi equai intfrest, do noS Mil Io1 enteri. Maire eppientian for entshes et the. Ail tmerleau Exposition Usai. q Casiers, 510 ilr@t Naî6lonai Bant Bldg , OILY 2 DA..YS -MORE' but b sw t b eeToorwand Saturday &a seueymu waato for the -next sk monmbat wYou saéc vvythgYOU buy. This '"m n bt h h ba, but Shosve nuho hii isohirtansd -oo .Jôrh /1the ùners 5YOMs tooe. ~~~~~-1 Note the wyms;A Isahabit. Th.ýy ail mmii. when drésed up in, o c our Kade-to-Order St. or Prie" .U'p S19O) sr eu [OOI9Pu . -'P4lown~JlO .'1'!leItheISP3OII g efa!IpJSIIpUuH U~Ue~j s..........O~ O*US~A1j SHOES M.W ork sho«. 98e UNDERWEAR ~mos e W.lUnion Se Mm'é Work pants $2e15 A4 SAVE $5.00 to $10-00 on your Ma4eto-Orider Suit -Duyi 2 Shoes cbil .M* & Uwioàg"tad family speut Sou E. A.511 a' aChicago busine s . e s U 41 a e s B m ik le y s p e u $ job 4 vas a Chisug VsuiJ Omsa buinessviator lId. ad' é[ééV. W. Carroîllyene CWneo ihhuda. llbthé %ow os is. _erg O I WrS1aCI11go, visited U tb ls o« h0ajI ard iMet Saturday. liet.Jonso"tp le on a tw<> ve forlouRb, Vid*W ltveS and finde la Liwb ,*lebIdmty. mmis. 0004 »ysIl so-, John, have goune to moitéautmbieu on aucun ns 01 ber «o~~~ Re beiag a bay lire. NeUp i4f, aJisspend'ng a fsv das fa Wl*0th ber daughter, Blanche, vbe t." eloirk at the Y. M. C. A. hote ip. Gibert T. Là*s Uaï bis son, Eugeme, irbo have bus OM99ImiD Montana, on Il fa4--es PîýkC1uy, have returned t. Libertyvilis a"&« resîde la ibeir home on Lakselasmi Mir, &Bd UeOP aarth of CbicSgao Who Srarensdimq>*s smmer vitb Mi. and lire.%U 91 Ulmsted. at Highland Park, a"re .Pftp parente of a' sou borD umf5 .Atborul VPâ iff ucGffiu aud John 13- Besmend-isftWlqedaY morning for Tbre eè le- b Nrtbern liebigan, shere they aPe %0 $pend a vsee vacation eategble " 8, C. Kreal, ouisai eisan olmaasesk. h1s11ding a fifteb day acamtian &t 11Ub13e Island& lM. ilmbaill 'toolelà.bat trip Up and mjoled le vwy esue. Tbe Simaryl Oirk ai.. having a meeting hursmday, Augme11lt litasià! les joe bine Deibes' naktie final VORU-mtt tmg W Mffopun dames for 14e coming 80100914 la ha hed some lime l Septetber. ?beauudmaIsjgop.tb@W C.T.U. FI bhohld e " ao i Mms. ). ]E. Iburebil- ou*eiuj *uusi2651.ast ga0 P m., MWsjua fthe Flb. 'i' 'Voit vii b u ,a.ust1"0qNotionof mdé their frisas btaaen Wu illarn Dods.qkps Mssa ru~~~ s ot ~iu a ret 'Ub5rtvvileboys bo* gril var, bas Jaséumd sse fro. Wm»a dm b oesmof b O. 8e vas royalj' W b 1 by b1W M* Wadeslbborse. La " aslsu asmpaa«s avw iq et usi Ildusi. m te o e lli0 ili. Mam os., * M us orae pu b.r guh on ns uWgbk 'ha sairaoJm eodomsi.$W bobo" m, amdm vhlnil'det %M Nw ait o etaudisee W ia o fer 7.m Nuby Stwi~qS e àrbp iievery u»la 6W i il te e aeR Wv*dey. 3m' mat , doobaote Th& AdSo Au ety h». just completed f«r U4 'ughés, l oc M. me-made of Our béat comforter acq* "0 fiome.ud.Comfpoea Lat faur Lest lonýg l>re, pitrwe tottn 41 nfnlum!% e n"mace god a&d large, 73 Ly4Ginh, mn4& a>e c1bo& rtisàdwithi C, 'ntown yatn. . Th< te llS S i S p and botact thea .iLscomfort enearm rade h-irr a~d~ano o whmc th I~I mUsociety i. famnoua. V/e arq sdulugtL"s;mpwe mlwye Bêw~ k ~JIIcqI~hematerials, pluthde ci . wLlc~aa0le L Mgoney to Loan on Desirble Village Property h - fia bplldipg. Otit p.~I.~swouId mo~uiId. Wiu~a alpahi 't - I 'ou meut oj~isj~ diat youbuiid vois muta ta ua Foe ~ -,~l 'i. 7 7 VIF" we Wee OL Sc cl >verooats. J r - ,lire. lcyd a" le eurtsrau mber u010e. Mss. MariyEud. P. 0.Norman e -joYsuga 1UV deys vacatt Iisevsek. W- IL Watios sud "fare natend. lagiha Saprieu ULe a M'i esue H airis of Grayalake, vistis la LibertyvPlleTousdy. Mri, C. IL 0Gliovay le subsualml.g boel Yom.g epel Sntmday vit1à bis male. G. W. Yousg at Are". Mr. Sd eu, Les Whiluey epet a lev day. oftImel vela inMilvaukee. mMis arfSr Talor hasrne dfrn ba tv vslevid a i uiton, 1Id. Mr. I emM. Joe Pddis' af Lâte Vrýroee iol drelatives bte auxdy rriait uber,àâas las V me of Ckieugo, vitdsetathlb.Jachiesi.borne Dm élvo gee la New Tort inon bis vay bolm . 19lsMaieS Ktapbeim of North Chiegol, i'v14lg vt« itI ber sieter, lire.Charise Joetbbhuélaa.d thS@National Envelope Co. of -Wlutasa. MW Bun iEtImer hbu retnrnsd to Chicato aller speding the peuai vit Vft l fisaiohae. Miss Jmspbine Dlhae o f Rlgbland Pari. epltaà v deys of tb. puai voit vith reatives haie. lir. ami Mns.Ward df O&t Park, bave remtait Uri. je"si.Dais.' ee-u R boug n sou ntàb Mlvautes&venue. ise Addle Mille-s-le euoyin-g a vac& lion from ber dmil sas aîailograpber et ber brothas, Atty. il. a.. iuiir'. office. Mri. and lire. Bd licCrnica matoisi to Botte umt Late. l*in., wbere gay> vgri ha jobed by Ru. sId ire. Whits; lire. Glbert lue and daugbssr.lrin* are stopplng ovres at St. Paul, mn, visitlug friende ou2 their va> to Liberty- vilie from mouana. H B EoesCo ,vill open up a elmaaf sa is at bis tore De$ Monday. i s lncomlmg f.11 stocke mate, tguscessulry fâr hlm ta dispose 0f a tonld dal of bis Ppeus oude, no ha on baud*suris la Pick wp a ew bargains at bis store nz Mtonday. LW«týP.V Yosato ReasonbleTern»sMd Ptot 5 The Fhrt Ntoai RSOUREES,0F MME RNU A SUD The nianwQ olda emm tlsltBtiIq au o reçy Tber. viii b. aa pfclal meting of Liberty ville Lodg. No 492 A. & A. M Baturdai ventg. Angnout 28,. 1919. eomomrnncqgprompUtlaI7 'cluct p. m, Work on Mater t i ( m erfolowed by e a u tsta en t Ail Im ater lisson eordll t nvted to ha prumama. Ch& P. ereap,,Jr., S@"Y. UBERTY TUIA~ 1UNA CAVA"IJ "Woman Of Imp9se 'Aho ant AbucUsCm.i MIIAT,, uIIJTu2 1151 EGUSN in woww1ood ETHEL CLAYTON la ."Womes Weamw . 1 1 ý -1 %%*Mo k* W..* . fYOU ar e mtemplainlg buyin. If you. mtend impm" propolyy tO'9&up yourfsrilW in nmaOf9EnO 09t IfA tif yoo lv Jirditý l' i

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