Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 28 Aug 1919, p. 10

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S*EL1IJG ýCA,.NA.-^ led"trsof 1the Untultec tu vje'w tureting pints of Northwestto tr- Mi" £40rheIv, 1hexact "ttusof 'provinces' wùch- ane bidding people flot, 7 iwnfe tatea 'orne «M àto us-we hsverom $ or al. (Sy W. J. am ith) Auurf.-The National Editorial .atty ,saWw t*o ,ôrthé o nier sights 4ot OMigda'of Thuffday arnItncldenial- ly passed "he Great Djvide", the spot la the Rnckies where the satsrs di- t vie. mene >etim MIiWng 1lsrd the aPa*e, us haotler tovtàrd tht Atlan7 Our trip tok us ,o Lake Loie, àý iellt whieb"rivsas i nl è,A4U<f ét. *eneons. oxcls Raj nier or Outer laite. At any rate It Is 91115117 as wondeful and beuautifUiJ, ýOur. party passed thiough as .rn dorful étretch o maitutùiescî-néry Thurmday. morniflE tnd le ride thru J£ciking Horse Pans v wii'i leade<40 the. Great Divide prevel ia In(Vt Inter- esting one. The aflow-ra ipaà i nun- 1*111,'the wonderful tirin tRiua of rocks whch tewered blgh nto the. clouds. these femmues ver. broken by tIo train paSssng threugh a nembar of tunnels wbose construction muet bave pToved herculean and expensîve. lTh. spiral tunu.l of 2910 feet ln the. heart oft-Mount Ogden and the 'Cork- zebrew tunnel of 3200 fei under Ca- tiedrai Meuntain cauesed the members te resuis. fally what It bas meant te the. Cansdienu Pacifie ta prjeet lis --Ulie through titis wofldertnl and nov country. '.Te Great Diide. at au elevai * 0f PStesot &ave àseale,.!, ir * .i'11tiiglY 'andWitle Our 19111 -lt stop bécue, w .e r. late, vw., - YIIed tuft' au important point the tripti îad -been -esied and the? ho Mlaii.yva put dovu la our hear sýeo ethevrettiest ef al spots - hsM gasued-tbtloUg. The mouintai jtherobore th. ijtinetion o bein i. tre.Mt£Ied ian farOer towsrd * u«t viiere often -limon th. egtati rami dean te the tipa of th. t - "' mm At lb. Great'Divide. 'The trip te 4Àke Lui marvel ef. the trip i the "0m.-et the gueule. il vas a quesi la thie 00111108etfmany wheth Lake 1<use, Xi. Itanier or Ci-a L.ake uiould bt. given i frst honone. 'SùMece li te say liat there la sU a'diversion etfoopininas to vhlc)i spot la entitled ote hhgheut pold - - a 9, - otýýpoinqthat they belloT b. clasueilaeLie Abro T a ëýli o rfleuftui -te ýpiclure- --b ojdqor wtjp (or typitwri«e->- hVary pepeu-À Abusiness iman tlid ~ 1~ ai leod -tnt i aurîtr iimet01a case ,vhore a miani carne was tee -th- n furhËrfrein tbe tates te Red Deer ton years -'.91U~tiIW ttlAdho tqtite uni ao-He took Up land anid a year aso ~~6 e~.i d-i tlaî'thor re so50d bis land for $64000 and gol 811000 iilest a thbisalial ronnflaIlu fie beautilul botel. neh.trip up te lihe Su*-e wéà nmade on moa bled 10'Î eimteoia. ou hacha abd tiie route A . I) JIO 't -lI&U, oe rOblabue colored tvater, the ,wWtIUh1y wei kept Igwns and bote .» 6 ! ~aêu1meu, itthese things pneved that là*tià, Would b. a grot pace to sapoud 0 Q M N i3 - éew weks. O tlrorn Lake Louis. the party vflt L Banff, a siraugely nameti place butaRi e n. uhrte n aise. very be&utitulý Thii. bu *te n Pl ib reasi-et bice.fulphur bathing I crtain What Course WHI be - A âu simn oi spoio o Purstied by Employes. gig#s nakes -it unu Ment spét for a --- vacation. Tbe party bail dianen thhoiO aud a bal followed. At mitniht we VARIOUS OPINIONS OFFERED ealne on 1W Re« Deer, a lttie city of 20SMetls but possessing tho vigen President Wilso's proclamration de- ot a ity it ten thousanil. The. ladies nYing the ailruad employes a raide et the. Presbyterian and Metiiodistin Auege scate Precipitated n beehive churcheg bad breakfast avaling -the.of comment amoflg local nailroad men 5Sbiftas "d it l ed a Mest *umpt- loday and oaci buzz vas of a ditter- a" »eal deOtait h.earlY heur. Theo1ent tone. àsWsiEl athhr cialu ;welcomed Bredeclared there Vas no doubt the.. uents in u" uncertain termse5:d] u11w mids ot anyoue tiat the rail- tii. viitos ell a teuch et hospitsllty rond men would sîrike ail over the ilci ivaled lu litensity the. efforts' United Stabtsaon Sept. 2nd Or ird. diuplayed b? lthe larger cilles vhici "The sîrike ballots have teen sent have largen resetirces tacatil upen t In and the dlegates at, Washington « silites. The, breakftast mas - oi. have Power ta eaul the sîike on tiîat lovéd by a short prograrn and the date." declarod one. I'There la littie gfestB vere iteresite Iin hoari-ig doubt liaI they wili tolorate sucli a about the nature ofr te Deer daily docisien.' Mutine. It vas shown titI Ji la a inlxd ag-iclturl cutil-y n .hc . Aother expressed hi$ opinion that cTep failliTes are neyer ex a"e the rail meu would abIde by the do- Te prove the tact tiat the 0crop yiel are obuattul the. party vas - takon 1In to lie counryAu autos. There ver. sbee fiue stands et, catis ad .~ I A ~ W I bley--a mcmlii later foi- haiveitlît thait lu the states but equsily h0~ n eavy. MTers are ne poor tol% bere aboui P;e4'Demr. W. nover, durlug the. var. And when you do ni b8id -cause, et .destitution:' laid ou tlyn bott~S I -busintesmn. tl otaott«S I Ee« tl1aer ilaridway between Csj with TI1READP ILU gàmy'aud Edmonton. It lies on R e Deer river and Atle here that rnem. ciWwcffI ý5orag bus etoui- psrty sa vîbolre rca sgwebMral tection fer maay days, lie6 ùd 1i1eMup4sofl « 'tWe4 of et le mountains and lii *-umbgeýifadtily wnouitt a3 ou. ~e.'6 ~iieralandi brokeneuntrv, e be,~*bole vôrîi gong. AI ý* tit re grqwu aI 1.ed Deer T ftz. poetoflce cal batk are< »proui >eoe ~ i. ee cf fielmn o ran estures Ofet ticommni it sud Jedeluaby 111<saneiddspirit o cOpertion t1115< eistu between th geo~. .<gte a-musd ofle h The Qomn of tic Rocke&M' 1for bis stock. He didn't havei a cent e hen ho reachod Red Deer ton yearaè age. Mia experience la.rerely a de- oplicate of many others. declare buri- nain mon. cision of President Wilson. Shoulgi the vages ho increased a rais. 14 freight raten vould Imrnodiately fO- 10w so the cost vould ulimrately re- turn in the saine proportion tn the men thoinselves. 1 *'l believe lhe men viii uso hisi point and wiilho firet of the trades te atternpt ta bring conditions back to, normai," said the man that offereil <his opinion. "i arn no lover of Prosident Wl- son," reniaiked one man, "but t be- lieve ho hai tlaken the righl cOursd noiv. A raise in vages wii lust re- '-ert to the mon Ini the way or in- creiisd cost of living. Should the rail mon strike, a1 believe that the govornment will do everything in iti power ta maintain lit declsion. It Ig lime tbis race hebiwéan Wages aind centloetlving camne te a hait and t1ils in the fOrsI check il han recelved." "Werkmen have bean crylng peor for a long lime but If treth were known niosît ofthera have more rnoney than they Ovor had betore."1 sald stili another rail man.* "Prequ 3ently the men own cars and many Iurchase high prlced clothing whe* cheaper veulti de Susi as vOîl." î 8ut no011e.could agree on lhe exact course lhe men. WOuId take en lhe Public vli ibav, te %v!*. in ctistensq. need a new battery let us LL BETTER WILLARD 3BER INSULATION. se Battery Co. ffliAhonE 9 oeoeoued----- BIakadClr 'DoIIa ?heuauds oetkil;! fikgs aved iintf ia* i@lrs 'Iu the&Irllght tq 4ffl ". ti;C. U,3 by patronisiltit h O1a04519905 Ich vere sdvetiseul VrmPsr Day las. Waukegau tiMghti ts as- tat thein utles t.AV 14.tarte 4fflk ail records for Sli ' Attractive bargalus veva ttlfed by'a y ylocal store, ýlu îthés4si"i*e- te nntdin .Tfflday uil4's ..nga-evdently @iee9 hahOý iizd clOgey by Jieuseiv9slor they f4ere ouit. gad «&057y Ibi. auii*iiM 10 o thei. nt "on the tjOb." - jmauy pt tbein vere sIttig la £muon f li.stores ber. the doorsae qepeed. When the doos .ânally 41.1 pm n ler. vas s rush-4 te b.the Oa tresch the. barBealhu ofhtess. Th Ti.sales, !erces lu the vas-i stoes, vene kept busy for bours. au Indication liai tie boÈ.lug moult! neot stop until ail borgtain, Pies sd beeu oiti.1 B fut -hbe ven ~ver. n e li mt nues Who .vere sesh$ng-bai-gains. Tii. men tee vere eut lit iliMbers ami mem's -truishing sieés relent pvh.- itomenal-s51.5. Xl wft ail-tute<eutiuig *luit We eo lie thoussuda of bargain4 huniers carnying their purchas4 - trubhe main streets. lée- W.-Cp 0 si oa sl w5UJ vhim hlm<at lu visemadi eus, and mîelte be la- dtiteed by a better than tl>yuel. rath- se ian to telle hunevma Inventions. }-Thomas a Kempis. sont lime tho famlily lsaet Wat-rlolsn Wüs., but liey are planning te relurmi bere Ibefoeepropeedliqq te Calgai-- nila. Mi-f. Ai L MillAmoro. moiher or Guy MitilmoeoexPeets to visit ber son aud farnlYin aCitlitrnia aflen tie -Liftuatue. for the murnaU. UM ftrsI book umula Ei bpriited iln ralwed or embosse«l jelteru fer lie q5. et the blinfi vas Asunid at Edlnhurgi 92 geeins aNpby jamen'ouIt. Mec rsi attmpt te previdoIlîterature for lbe sigitieus vas made lu 1760 by HauY. at Paris, wvôIe nvened a gy51Cm e prItIJnt raliséd lettens. Hauy used the lian or Siavenian alphabet la th* few brief vanks ho pubillhed. ant i bl Prejet eeded lu tailure. Dr~~ of tSUGGESTS POWGERED MII The Amernu eanpople est,pea OverY -diY. Dr. tiarvey -H. -WilO>', mot -pure toed. expert ofet icDep Ment et Agriculture, loin lhe H commilee - oit igicullur6, ai,.. nton. Th sapoison, ho uaid, tu conttfl ln vitle fleur, vbich s 4 manstay oethle peopleoret huaco hi-y ataimost evory moal. He If tint olier Iinds 0f bread shouldi esten moi-o tneqîiontly Itgood hi1 la toho i-.tained. WH-ITE FLQUJR POISONOUS *'The bigiily milled wlhie lur neW Use 1i. poisonous,Dr..-Wl nsserted, --nd tlte only resue d0es net prove disast-oua ufii Otlien feod la caten slong li Wiele wbeat Coeur le much moi-e bel ficial, as as rye bread. Fenty per cent et oui- yoting i v ere feund flot la be ln proper dItion fon mili-ary service, amm li-rg. malOrItY oet h lucan ho att olnd t0 e5tiflg ton muai lilgblymnl vient, sugar and candy." URGE* STORAGE RE.STAICTiO DWOcusaig Presidpni Wilson'5 ommeMiatioma fur tederal reguat 'f et l cotdesterage iadesli-, -vi the, cerntiee hbaundojr s&Mi lion, th. pure tond expert said ti uieuld b, toderal legisiatien le f ivent aey tood belug heid And i terage for mere iiisn twelvoent 40Mre extensive use et pevde MIN, in 1h. place of fresi miliii.t PeclsllY ton babies, vas st-n urged by tho Pure tond expert. Roi 01 Anni ber an Pestila says, i citerne 1.1iirs Ai Attorna vas lst up 1lic, the lai I* I l poultina *not tiià et ilts, tation Mocn o hem hi In alani ia.1r a tua aaav nhtlit i daii ýla a aiýr- Ai Iaffal U raiLai r ZitatIla autiiori Ziaan S i-roti Z .And =osl ffiCUC ýJ«)AE SeLE (DF ',ATIN Iô -New.FalI s-Mo dds 0 7%ýI ~J~9~RQW we wil ireh.,,a we al fS *~TQ~k& t paethat çi uft -e c ftd-elsewe n~Ig for ri 1reseet f w, 118W aad wat« hdin1dg qoç 110 'Plse in prices this showinwlo morroW O0N Waukan, Ang. 2 Guy .aMLlhljme, ansd vite, foi-merlY Graco Brand of Waukogan. MI l ave oarly lau Sepleinher viii tueuir dangli- ter fer Californis vhere they plan la romain ai lfrasi ts vnter and peuç- ibly longer. bmrs.Miltimore's heati has been Ampined nomne lime. She vas opi- eated upon lu lune andi since tint limne has been necuperatIig but Il vas decIdeti hest for ber ta go tan Calitennia tbis wInter. At tie praa.

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