Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 28 Aug 1919, p. 12

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_________________ LIBERTYViXLU~i, ý', rjIRDYAOT1 8 9 UAL 'Cw'Factories Mazking Desserts MjSUIN>KA Ç for Hotel's PIe-eatinig Guesbs, «y P~A i~i WITNSISJUiI K. Ma LÀNDIS < J. . A UorowTefs ~Zion Leader's Aida also Are' Mntes Suoh a Combination Smmnd1Aparn Would Se Impossible.. Beer Case Fight. PRICES AT MINE LOWER -SE ORCVRTUK THAN LAST YEAR1 INýTY u 7.3bcni ____________ were.r r last ni»ht en Witturi Glenn Voluia Theodore B"ýck'-r. (hiýf ButMoer Grades 0 aeAvne f Potiv, at Mortf. CA. Brune, Aais-c but kLng er rade* Decline, tant ('lii, aF a u ?itiCasperson, con- Il calgAvrg f Ail [tabie. JDi. Oty Urîted States MMar- i Gradeslc. aal il -çc V111ut lZ!u'n iast nligirI frount a~t~ id -iiwith ii wr-a. Washington, Ana-. 27.--A comuieina- 1 sOnue Hlé tl i r.who 'are colins., ta~~~~~~~~~ USnal rf nu î~u> fer thý b r ailiglern who'sc [.3e"'; tf antîn itutrui ics ilol iwituex. Ilh en i 1b hýZioq poliu"'. lot, andi wuuld ha Illierrihe If n- iitt V.LCris ni, h Iii Iîyovethý temfptai. J. 1D. A. Morro i ca1 eii .orwyamit1w .aitr il te i th dent of tise National ci association, tIalon~ni b-Mia» oZn toitd the 5:e suheconiiîtteî' la ita ' lastil!t [ uI ii.stiit.d 1ha' [t 13 thti firat dny siiquirv here Il thle enai .IntOlntn Io try andi ct Iho court toi sItuation. PIies nt the mine, Mr. oriier a e vr for t he t ru.> 'gan Morrow aduleul. la ve iecline-tiunderIt!ttiii oh rtn"au[î'"! te coin ,tilion whieh previis. snd 0',i(r [o fico oir t') t-s l"dri ers. 1I are iowerDow titan [ia- et-e a vear Il-sa d'I[lleliauOW f bcatru hor "There nie ahout j5000 separate luttýl,-noti ldhwne eomtts cia1 prouiecrs opi-ratinga- p-i to speritlntir rultiýecfor hblg c!ieits, proxillattoî3'sevru tîîousanuî itîluas,I'iiesi ' ri[rau pea frram which ituniiinons coal la ragît-a'l 'lie trai 'îliran atha ri1 leriy shippeti," IMn. Morrow Raid. --lu[laya. Jri: t l.,Wilibur CGleinnVolilv.î addition the orre ruine [no thiîusîind vias li' iithle sblpuinas 5r operatora îs'th about tlrtnte iuusanil nioreti7i ýii t.i aiiliorilc-s can under r' mines. who liegin preulucing anti ".li-: 'ta]](] ls hIll' i-ljils Io haîve had;ah- ]Dg coal mitant-s-r the price gîtas np - . .SoliiiclY fih t-) (tI o with tWth ra!d.> - a litile tnd offers a profit [ to ... h.-"..os I SSaidl ThuR In 1917 conti production mita re- Ioit hae %h n s I f was s-ilionn « portail tn the Unitedi States geologiclcî Itla the anly bot in the world blakery. The "117 took this over ibriugit il,îr'uu authoitîlca. ovnr.' nVil f ront 10.6M4 mines. Mlýoreoî'ur,' .-h«t Ueps two factorise working andi tus-nei lt Into, a pie plant, Neit Kerr Voiii :î,,ii,-hod a sithi- notice tral there are hundreds of thoustunds of; seven day. a week tiirfing ot ds donrto the pie plant la aiieofiCl I Stved ilpon Miî. Thse t'ited Stat'ls aciesof coal lands aiong ralîroadg an terts for. Ita guesu. building which the "Y" leised and Depuy larshal was shown his roomi wblu-h new mines con ite reailyi andi When the Motel Hobenzollem e t trnfomedInto an les creain tac- andi-xa r, civud klndly and wlt quickls- openet Ilhy nyone s80 dispoucil Neuweid, Germany, became Unele t **Suh a condition ohvlously duies not'* %ami's Motel andi Theatre, a revalu- tory. 'Os creani and iePICniaers ami-a. tend txeluaf to restrictive eoutbinatlons tionalso took place ln the kitfihen. were Inatallel In the two buildings, As sauil as thi e rali all hC-n amusng prod'icars. In f1fl4Ion, tha op- Apfel Stysidel" becrnhe apple pie. and soon Uncle Sam' wau the Mec- .>orveai iwi' 'arl prîîcced-dti north. erators of each nining fildt are euh:ad kummel took a back lsat for ce for every pie-anti-ice-cream sut- JeCt [o comPetitlon froin [ha J lde ste creasu. The army provides the lng doughboy la the Third Army E. V. ori s wis driving the car andi erS af ther fields, f50 thatbpyrodhave-.More substantiel *eatabies for the Corp,-whlcb la 3ust the saneie a If wa9 3anîth-i l t he [tectir- ary.1 Man dlfernt oures ifuyers aveit boys, but as soon as Nenreti ha- aaying the Third Army Corpis. The inciudtng tIi' i.îwcrs for the heur madfabl re t suce t uîs. ai'came a l ave canter. théenman froin -Y' followed this up by Instaliiat wagon drivers, wireraon ihelr way te "noewhoa nuages [bat here the wbole Thîrti Araay G-ps. com.ain- tewhc providea the boys Madison, Wieîonsiu.. Jitat what th,-Ir iAloa prisint the lst, Zuti and 1lad Divi. with movies anti shows la the. ho- Batlon-wida comiination Datong hi- sions, begen swarming f'[to towil tel. misslion wv;s iii the Capitali of the beer tuminous conl productiton anti tistri-i hy the thousan Idlis, and there was "Thé Desserts that Matie Non- statelauIjwn]ut It was conject. bution. mêea ves-rtisalis own Ig- such a rua on desserts ait Untile weid Pai'aous" are a "Y" enterprise d'Fe(' îllîcît[1eY inay be going to la- norance or convicts làil.insitof deib-' 3am'a Motel thet there nover wes that a paylng big dîvidens lni con. teret Wiscnî'uîi gisaIot-a, In the -rte anti vicilusmgsattemants. hi ILoug. entment for the boys who ae co» hi-wr casc, O and sou-k heir c"-peratio-it "O te ve tliousand separate biJ.Appeared. then. on the scene the pelledte t remein overseas fer swell la Inta h i [ if i t t te hghiy chargcd tuminous Coal producers lante Unied, i 1. LC. Â. Back of the botal s ae £Mmtzieandsaine. alCiioiic hevelrinr toIlilinois withl- Btatela, 2.294. epproxlmately 45 per!1otflhrmIý4ain res h cent hitlti memberthiP lante NatIonal ý-- - --- - CoMI association. Tbey produce about! en per cent et the total outp-ut of, hl- tuminouB coal ini the country. "Oherges thst the National cool as. socition la a combiînetion ta msialan __ pricesl are witbont toutîdation la tact - [bey doubtiass praceati impiy traon lVîorace oftlits purposes anti activi- l tiec. The National Coal association Distller buys nor sella efols;neltbar doesa*It have anYthina-, vlitetve-r, te'o do wth the liricas which Its memitbFmersorIn i d0 .yl -k or saeli at, ner with the territory 1 F m u ô niiul nE cuieSye Ioto %-llch they shlp their coal, nor the qualiiy whir-h [bey prttduice." I 111r. Morrow sttatd tlint Iitltninu coal prie aedcl ue[a Handsome New- amistlce, ant Inlagenarai ara Iow r'u t te i cara o ita cofienitieI ies e Btates fuel admnstration. le tî-' graPIIIC911Y sbowing tha prîce, at wiuh . bltssmlnous ctai sutil i at ha mines In Ç~.. iTioie differant districts of thaeUitedl Statem o Serge, T ioie froen April 1It[o Alîgust 1. litîri. In ">Ec cOietinwt teerahq r Satine, Tricolette, Crepe, E c Morrnw expiaiui- lit witen lic pnie- ~ ~ restrictions of tua fuel adminitration S e ily P ie were ramovati on Feisruarv 1Iliast, [hlie bett.r. more desirale ilaias want [o IL rmium ln tite open comptîtive f decllned lu price. 1 6 7 3 7 _1!hîs tas te action tokite e îtacted. has nid, ln IL markat mhera the abye-r2 9 53 4 7 exerelis hlbischoice nti a ti the blindbe preters. cAs a hisîîttl- stend of [ha unîforni Prices lunuI!,er- fyucrt ae etsmo a entditrct, hih er Iati Y li ""' 1 ali Drt-au here ls your eopportunlty. We hava Unitedi States fuel admlntiratin.If Pricea promtply epread ont. Ronme rsiores I b OrC f the mu itstylitib modelas lncrepea, galng higîsar anud - soute laiet-t[han i i satinshi serg-es, tricn lues anti trleolettes [n i lole.' r Mr. ai,"h il , lck, hrum upeetc.,lu drapati akirt oint f e.l Mr. Maruw st. tht- i/ o.ffct-a rdingotes, vasteaes of georgetta anti bIlhtr 0w [han Ittwas a vr i gn, triccIette. Maily are eiabor-ateiy itraitiat anti were o-rta .1ly a wei-k, andulbrierd ln manY casesa ow are opratina fnur -A C o eO tS l f daY. Per week. and itn -ore cari-s 'ny three dans Pet r-aek Thie ',eadSe- u al t elupenpe etmsntaining mines gZ onit>. tî Juat tha ema @ -beher coai . pro- ILo A lR mann duel or sot. Thele tie-day catpeesfA l e ann botave clied l[n inurea.ed ecccl per - tP. . copre[ wtth lest vuar J viien [ dsed t-carecon- oto sidered tn connertton wlbh the g'-st-i-s deer*-ze ta ptlu-e. Itt làcicar that Dis se Profit. unf ituiminni.,cni-oi Prts-, ar-e M.aIertaiiy Iras han a yesr Rn,"- ncerr[ag I ta tt'.u-nts ii R-pre- IîValues up to 7.50 @Montatiitiîdl "snf Ahattama. 151- lre., rGeenter.1 l 1e, ot the raitrosd administration sand oth,rx. [o lta ef- fect that bituinous eai pricas t tf. mins are unduiy hliti, M. >,trrew ena t 4 .9 "I orih i dny puhîluîc-a arn- V le pt 1 11141etelaaly theue silegtons [t hi-hl ale tuninous rosi lirice are.,bhang main. pt 1 tns. Boia e maiplprmsnn'.r. snd tis uduiY hinth. b am conîli, d [bat is ta[ament Prt-rd inipi' [rom 7-È Msay b. golag tese brewery urg-i lites g80aRBta line up their forces for JR IU VLefU4 eI touer battis. ZMon, police 'bave fc>ret theIssu,' TV "a,! ý [1.-...è î F11 land 4y theéirraids lbave cumpellettir oniandtws[od ta IY À~ wkié. NEiINI3ft 9 UILTY 1 Sensible Vlsw of HeIih, If a souati mît intind-ationtti hahits -O.rvis' -Second R?*iination ia do go muca ta kepI the botly sîtil, cetda nJo ii ahi! If nature unaideti can ttiCihiii SAvce ea r 0o ivil Of (Mt- eurable Ile, lta1la a fait-ir 't-aI1 SrieHaig Reiîiad, 0f course, It la nîît sutou-sy as, It Rounds tb put tenrarînulis'ttrry. itittov sitale and ,.t . t-civ Pîtlonl-hatreii anti tetsy-ttof a'Ilut. Ilut ir [bis letg dne sm-a t.t CI tO It Ourueis-C4.I>ictora cannoî1,t it tfor lUn. it] t-ealizatlon that thiha tt[e of lItîtith la largely la our tiiwtî iulitiu tîliast cotriliute ta [lie %siser- otleina- of 'ifu-.-liceago lJally Nse FInat Womin*u College. The firt-a i'oîaît'a collage lteorpo- riieti as auch. ws e Mmiru callege fuhdedIuiîn 18512. Shertest Trf. The aliorteat [raa la [ha world lel, [ha Greeninati hIndi. rf'ie1gh-t liq lest titan titrep Inebîs, yet Itcners a radtuçi ot tram ntwo lu [hree tact C-omblned Regîster. Desîgnatilfour ratait stores whIch do icredit Iut-Ciiîess la a cuîmhsinedcash regit-ii-. cv-dit 4-ogit5bar anti adtiug machinea. We Sjipeciali Farn l .L --HOG Write us for estime of building farm hc us to ao your wori ordinary contractoi FH MEA 'NN ANI) U- L -. Lonc Distance 'Phone Winnetka 1226 ttmony tram ia" inr*o glie con-i-nng rmnq' »ytýp aM iepcnrrLgonlWy.rv'A'wiytj ain sies epLîgo duty.A f tBC Ca" eeas conetiu,> lart Ia Ofi W'aIetotifhe e* in;;iiofth1 rIn uet te he iie nc; ut ta Igin uttIdesclîat h aa t agnatIntupaticla deriof the -uloyes of the wale ok.Tt reryic rapt It so Orvia demanded thu catse conltinue. George Wortit, Caflu, liatb,1 FIRST DOCUMENT A TIRADE tuons anti Stewart trrili-ul ai Each boreo ot the chargea titatý Waukeg iis.Artg. 27,. vis hati teonl4eeýping suwa:i . with is vork andi wae urgligai lByron Orvloi andi the City of Wau- the> englues. Orvisaiase mai KrIgan liave partout Company. lengthy stitenrut-it of his wrongs., t0irut. livion ('rvis bas tanduiru i ls iebn evurythIng wmscompI4 raiiigna[ioa. rOrvis dectdod titat ho mantet IL , Secanti the chargea, of sleeping oiliga, su Waltî'n Biliiorz cousmito uîuty, iopinots luwot-lu. nti ngll- er (of tia Public Soiks, peritted 9ance tficeae!ofi'gine aanide ity1 et-n-aet-to do so A '---h-njation Vidlr!EMigincet- Wor[t of [[t,- 'anti-t-1rawa i)i> t lyiS- [rn-c t and 1C wnrks, have bae iuritlitin,,d l ieliracti the docuiicli. civil servitce board. - The tnibens o! t hi. civil selt mI coieiaon wio ii li[horaseaIr Latnigitt ltea &coa part o! the FIroi Funk, E. P. 3 illir - aind Pl iteariug or tie ecase wblch wns1;. ut>Nculuin. Corporation tîniItt a woePk agra wa-i helti luntIi-rocins firo.e-ute.[ the case r I iii'cîty- cf Ilîyt anti Whltney nadti n s"couui; reaignatton sîîhmittei by Orvis -s areapied. Totiay filia c4ti sri1 board retunneti the-ir decI;Iion. I Preiably He Dld. 1 As biary cama runnîr na u ram) Two montîs a go anginte--r Georgeu- [ha otlîur day biue 'l't lier grau WVorthî filet a complaint agaînat On., ther, wbom t'iehalltut oas-r an b« vis. BttByr-on Orviîî ducdaî [o cou- 1antiwho bai] ni-ty long svhlgb tes! thîe case ant idtinet resiga. The! "Oh." site axcialintc-j sshi-n Se Civil service board ag-eild [o gis-e' hitti. ,do you keep tlii-,.m Ilitikerd the tiacitargeti man a huaring su lIts 1II (liea lim,naasen 'lr ugo case waa talion up ae eu-tf igu. Tes' he1u?" ize in the Construction "of ai £gui1dings HOUSES, BARNS, ETC. ýtes on your next job. omes ail over the state .k quicker, better and r. Our many years of Illinois enabies cheaper than the Iarry Bengston CONSTRUCTION CO. 1417 Prairie Ave., Hubbard Woods, 111. "THE automobile owners of the U. S. are MISSING their cars through auto thieves every day. Don't LINIKyour name to tirt loss column. We have FOUND a wayto absolutely protect your car AT a very reasonable cost, 'and it is 4he LAST step you wiIl have to take for absolute protection. TEMis 18YOUR INBURANOE POLIOY The Monarch Carburetor Loch shuts off 'your gas, which makes it imnpossible for your car to run more than one city block while it is lociled, and no one bas a Iey but yourself. Il pays for itself many times over in the saving of gasoline- as ail barburetors Ieak at times while standing stili, also eliminates sediment get- tg into carburetor as it bas a double sçreen filter, which is easu iy rernoved when necessary.- Thec Monarch Carburetor, Loch can be installed' on etny hind of automobile in ten minutes. Over 4,000,000 Cars Stolen During 1918 Price $ 19.100 Think Thiç Over A, Me.-BROWN Exclusive Sales mgr. TheMonarch Carburetor Locki Co. Lake CouUty, Mlinois - y %L'il»

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