Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 28 Aug 1919, p. 8

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'eu' e -~ s visIlsi Is 'e muS 'e hiel eb.o 1a 'ammi b ct~si vIêiei ui-sQ*de Pied Jmam *OOa# mupelaned me àl W 8jklhsoa. À-. '"W d luet. astierap Mdil XiICs J. . Bon atua . adr .~- 84 ci al.aeo, aMW satntlui et a xmk amidaugbMet, Rsd~ arts ami lire. ruphu rRshselWeiaeed" 1l me. sam o of huso, ai0 b«r gal, lira.XI.EL ,siVarpl Lys. to naa ba gama hos utS 'rian*hbai au I a 4;a. ail MWi co u eted; ertanlva bl*j Bbut u»0a1t.d; er.' lu Inm orsaeb", 5 *qoi ;buUdlrp9 mep d4 11 tborou-gbly À ilo om"m 1 ÀÀ m n'os * J te= or wo-am- I t 44 0T*@ff m bo s Ut*Um t 4.dlsmrlnpaae hwa stand. rehbïlvs, -X homa.mb bislewlIs ýS ci Rai Murray, m htertedfor M~au araing autlolpalteq a titbe river ezcdàds,, serions mlmhap visa iwo doge reuolatia liman md la Irrimgto t4. front vbaSlé 006 Wh gavse teales thirls atiattînag1la Oh *ore tirown ct m# & >mof theia beaui.-à iamodlatoly rolmuwi *onei Dr. aoComlck Il iember and as su Lois la Ses i ao Ousppoimid a nbolog mr Murray an m h.Uy. Mt Bandar viti Wal> a"y Baset anidau& im . . IX*&o. St D e i eka s el of Mr. amndlirà. 1. D. !Wea are o abusesme *0 M vhoae N"m.8 ante to as mtg ,a%» amç. uui amAY towaso Weleac ucbt=9Wu de mi 0g, tbat alof 1,ke ouffNýr liatth. Among tii. iatdm.eraoaan l- day vaaa iotbÙ « ot . $- Ml. stkte.seaeIrbo toot back tovari Ccwgo vit 10itadaougl cft t'Im- ýiar fliltb muPulY bsPeraoul <l MAO$t«a i t ta oluleotdis. Ifsat.ombueawaa piai WMcfIl vt qa. tep bSt It W4 dIeWtt f0g' lM to e p pae Se put tbha-momkej vivagi aL-er ti baihm beau a xaxa& 4qp -bai Do ide& 0ol lahl 4*Putd vu i on Oty or a-y otli dr7 tQrxtoar aMi led saite gat Nmer6W etàamo $ i ae my m ,f tu alealili vili at g ttrme W"ll bi eiaiars alost tAkClouuty. Ruamba bar«Y aguts ara dect les thm t b.y am..lifttakbç "tY ohasdeqi tu ilbpaelg of -thu hr. t* mmeO ai bw ttb *a brvarieu tb«Lthe se-para ma*iS trlsas.m Ir aMd as qmntafOrtbtic invo ffl tiat tuseaa ul &»n « thei wwlsbula la ache«u< ipt oamB m th Lwq i mba1,. P. W. eamup s . oKa& mme LuS ., . .« D1oe L. W. qOàoe*sX.8C. Pau. M@, lia0. ' stoaam Poela. .; n. pssmptu, vho'.b lui - ~s, havtmg' km >poratioS for aquiloN **l)~a lé doingial. ev.ll~ DsLoe~ pelucha gregatiomel chuspb ai I l~nday. lira. C. H. Jobnslc~ unanalot a tnlepidIa £5 ~Vadaeaday. Utile Lyl. Roct~Bhac~a. lcckeuliech i. daim0 utealj Part Iao.phiaI, laavlmg bai soti al :11 e~*âs~él »m stIi.home cdat ls4Wltsja ~ ~II1 45 asttmY gam- y-«d o oeiIotl& R vi& i tbe0-rP tp.U6le a m 91 i o.'eb P O q.UytrW Tpmu. J L s« waf toor oh st aar %, li jlai, we «» eig , bis a4 ittibriiq *u5l tuli.p tbe tamip 1ire G irs l g m k w 1'lilivauls, s»U wotbg caus prn idairse ô tgUstbt e, m Mr_ Mi d àti. iw » aia moto = ,r,. Fram Pes muon, ai tu 4 ea oei. * . A l b u e r s u . cat, p io 2 l g b ot e v s a t * u u ca cf""t- er -O54*s tbe mi. ittibr lme eot of DO,4 A. -R. le MWa p tluaaaWbled bs$voit OU"t@g 4W fl. Ubi . À Chlcagtaform1)i C.W obv-e4wb l m ems liwliý m ýlý - ft o. il .« - ,i uElo. m le tg ba -wi v our ratutaaI lon for "W ivar. nec MDOysaQf "b! trsi f ra . t oo sool ftue. Mag parade ta' Iby vartom de.Y o m BIS. -cr 16M ra tif 51 ilb«Seasatlnm bchrgea o< attioited MW Wrny ti oaaaeMtm aSti tie smui bré à"*i lay ZIon OW ty ee Md st WI icdl mt lu a deturflnsi aott be- ltmti tokoctu tlcaaltyprta 1 L&aalae 1 vIl w bavae .enust. go- c acradinsto zion à iIi ardualz Q*clie Strt to peentm i, ea iBmuglp ttaffld.,vv kmCmwaf 0 Poilice Thecore Beetar. of m Zon asseathat a tranger appresmia 4g ~ ~ ~ M idhl tbmdysu iswa a o '. U et uffelow b!b&s «Moeyam -s.pa0 v i cl et uS s menunmai1 Mnsa et $ou* tnicu tirouci tovwn," be 18 quted ffllpa.» beipre Who* tlié. à*émiuila Pt VnqvSous tawh uNstas vIli isiaiu ç> y«, $5,00U%~P Ir yc' Olsuilsa "tih ti. ases," lia sadi lwn alsbp say. tiay virVto tar tit bid the tma eou au tapabr. Tha RSolibeboIbo aiver iIatppeaW Igo to ts MslIt t naPIaaB e, a~mis~ a iba ouvç u tto t e.m u ilw e tile Stil par~ia u îuëlatcrte bm4mthe fs napiués sumic. trii cwea atmaion ta4foida U .Saul be. govesmt et thépcpa iiy the. peopla 4ifor hie peopl. Sme1 .TruowArstuatZijon Dospiwê-Effoet of Un* Sam MAY ABANDON THER ,EFfOI1T zsm Cltz. oekda0ol t treatqff mu > t aruet by tii.' roangZ aovri embse by cosatoelle DiOaperac là route a icleam froailsal »«Pi (&ok Imai@mm um 14 wmrddtot t. -look bow à .q .*be inbfsesei. y Mate 4* éff m $M laiwsssth Om". im m by fb i ir sowg "oS. mat vU 1» tun t 0 t fan,#ItV» *OMM"& i~ Ia ne'm-t »reuoui vtaas itat -I y l Sm@ta. otor trucks boww" ~And Uwmpt* àncY Welo~rekawwtb san qoox twL for tla r=~el.Taw5b qr as Som - à sia Id« ue rptir ~'terag vIhidiu viii be -la a' waek Mesahula utalmg viiibe donia to van trpiug ta roove, tus tmo or baur. Thebo. tbeal l,isoeitact drivers-As mt for mt, Pstdy.. bb apav e eg msp.wm.j;n 80 00rof aaie&4tonb méls of 1*ks Zurlelb D .sold e»ie &u"« mon the pramissa$ 2 p, la'. Sas 1 der, Sept. 8.Tb@. lad la mocidb"é jpwu. 80 mm s mPir apItb'ira, 40 4erm 4boh bo-4OzW &0 06W hqArm i !ip gloiu"0 p-, o-ro qciaxalu. Me'. LPlaus 01 oit*andt w ater 1Toneq-10% cash cm deyet gIe, bel ou& beforselisie*1, 1920; gMU tors 07»0 StQOCIKOP00008D AT PUBSLIC AUCTIqis., 'On accouatd ofthade*trof 1111 uabemi And haviag <wliaito, dflnomllali budlpus.. .1 *11*Ofer e abi uqel a #lthoô u esrv..t iystore At Qtossils S.eo, iab dres Ï1m o aihuliuoLae on Patlao beBaaivd ron Tk 80pStember 9, 1919, eomasulng- at- 12 OVcloa shVp. Tht. blg 4"iouko. *Ma o1Vdrygood.. bhaie lwr, 1birmen gouda.wI, rho tms.and bugg palpé, o0#oy andgicsevaqlitoei to uuru e mafento, Icoo» alr Wacpua bA *Po* - mater fu id he gisokuet 176aimi. o ; ~ ~ tlluoa5at Iî p'w CoPW ie..1tbi.ord.. otaered, bytias cemllmdicl" 09,Auguoit . 1 o9, 4saa frhe foepagtén regardint fils mat. tqm" be b.d by OO&OUblm i8 Sso.tdy f U otmdmnt a psIng. field, aD A. a. BON%, #N 14RATES. To Pioemiror ina Caucaoo T%.a MOGN% VO*Pmy: Th usTom.Chca oTae me Co Paa bhm- by givas notketo .tii. publica tt tbua file *lt* the. PtablicUtiitheCoumia-. "ju of MiDio, oaduhak hlch ieb cbmp .th a tta.for local cchangaaMd ton! serVie. lnPrairie %'W mu f*oIlva 1. Make parmwa»t tii. Msmt4em- pormry rata. for exehanga maias Of au clamae.. Z Réatore tbt e rvceomi»etoa cergesm candgu. for movou ami che a uttici wm. lu afact dulm govearmilt contrai aMdinummaomds &. leate'tii. rata for prs.te pwoqvolutmmt, -ursamgger sa" 006M4 tonMimm lngdstam, memv W" i vrsiluefaect, durlg tii. ptal t gomen.t outol dmmd e. & iem a m od Ag t *0 P111tom bé â.i4@ h bymqy hmsnad W syai I s P UI.Vl- . laluh. cfe Mui nmiat dqrAagntl lU et th»abomr r e mi sut a ft hsnhg pc tii. muat t Iii.oe. of ta Cau.lmmeai175lW. lis.. Caia .th.e, m ter.d by tb, Casa~s os ugut 1.l, orw"yp forM Inornais qgrdlg tia aBs. ter umybu hd byadruoMug tht, sacretaty of tii. Cominmsamat Sprint- Rid, lubmole. CwOAGo TçpoNs NC4UPAN. A. IL 8ru, To PATEOIW op TmE CBIcAJOTcLraoNU CoUÈPANT: Tb@hiflgTalephone Conpeyher.-, by givea notice te tbe publicthat it bua ilsd 'vith the. Publie Utilities Commis- àm of, ilnois, sclahalaa ich 1 ll chup e ratas for local ezxaanga md toit service in Lubertyvifle pasflovu: "e lmePermanent the puisat tom- lioreryrates foi local ebanga service 4tb set e .mrvia@ coamactacu oia md, charges for wovean.d dhaneaw, hied. ve. Iluaffect dtarlag gworeruistcontrol snd er.auapande4 Aguat 1,11. à7 Resto?. theratas forparson te panon, appointnmt. mausnger. and me4ct, taI! mndlomg -distance seri.., wWbh ers lu affect durlng tii. perli, o -goaumant control and veress- peaded Aufuat-1, 1919. 4. Malte permanent lte Prumt tOtb- porryratio for talland -I anice r-7e uthe, ii State olrmt4L [es. A. IL Boisa, I Cotim~qIil Unsriala 85-t Ir fect ent or ol dire( Lake Mr. bis o admiu an ffi tapil n lt1em. admIr aide .11V ent di arc the B lni ts Act feder. a prc sugar bc tai as si taeadq. M r.e it; mnis monti Ï iver là Mii for a k 3fr. ni T he *hanbor M Il lat e surely teri o Dollar afternc cen.ic (B1i. ig Mima liavid day ft uera -parts Tlie c Conti atreet mot lb. for a f *Ing ta' Carpen lu.".t t Mrs. bill for Walter deïre i ,oni Ravibti wlsh tF pisa le ait 6:U3 ported thieves ait 131 tattooiti 54U1ys Cornu saw thi nlgbt.j bit by i w. ere cu te tlbe i ýanthln Sbect T as eqt Paper gun tod The gal gihai Acom ç pDany dc Oeorg the Nol ~today fi *B. Yq

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