Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 28 Aug 1919, p. 9

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c: ~ -, ~' '¾- LJS.BERTY VILLE INDEPEND-ENT IÀK COLMTY IDEPNET Lake Cunvy'Big Weekly WAUKECàN W'EEKLY SUN VOL. XXVII,-No. 35 utiRi 'rwniTi,~rnv~ rAS 4-&W tutI>i32j 40, IZ'UAj EJUX riqlzlsU$1-0 PERiYEST IN 1D1Q !%01> DMRINISTRÂT-' OR SOON TO BE BACK ON JOB liERE AMAIN States Atty. Welch says John S. Clark Wili Be Asked to Resume Position. BATTIE THE LIVING COSI. If present plans are put hnoe!- fect John . lark. rlty supprlntend- ent of mchools, anld food adminIstrat- or of Waukegan during the war, i, b,-- baek t is nid po*t within a few dis' States Atorney Wech whe ]s dlrecting th,- drive' on profiteers ln Lake ('ounty, announred tnday that Mr. Clark ivoiiid Le urged to assume bis old poeillion as head of the fond adminitration ln Waukégan and take an active part ln establishing a sched- ulp of faitr prîcem for various comm ad- Ities. Llkpwise Mr. GrIdley of Liii- ertyville will be requested tn accept his oId position as leid of the food administration for Lai"- CounlY Out- aide of Waukégan.f *"We are going to makp a persist- ent drive," Mr. Welch said tnday. '"Wef are going ta carry ont aur part of the prograni whlrh Io ta Le tate wide ln lis scope." Accordinc ta the prosecutor the federalIinvestigators sttli are making a probe of aliegpd proNiteering ln sugar at Waukegan and stePq wil be laken ta punlah the gullty parties as soon as the report la made ta headqîîiarte-rs. WAUICEGAN LOCLS FIROT PICTIJRE 0P NEW GERM«A AEIYWFECM ER TO DANCES'S0 lHE . Fred Huntungton said Wife Ap- parently Preferred Dancing Rather than His Love. HE WANTS HIS FARM BACK Fred Huntington, a weil knnwn fariner living at Area, says he fîrst began ta suspect his wife when ahe p- rslsted In coming to Waiikegan te *darces, getting home at albfsavs of the night. Today In circuit court >' ILel èiet!a bill for divorce, chargig * tiat bis wl!. Lad Leen intimate witli man named Jar(-s. [nuiiington as L v e pieaded with Ls'1eta glv;t r p ber practie of attenidng danc,'s at Waukegan bit ps.ris she waîîid net listen ta hlm. lie, sase Lsfrecînent req 1,estaht sh iv~e up the pm-ctice=angeret] lie t. >uctian exleîît 'hat slie iift hilm dgeý20, 191'. The aiieged indi, gag cri-ion with Jai-es ta given as A-ig- BFRLIN.-Driiled In'the gentie art of flalne throwlng. these German saMdies Of the nev h utntnacrigt h army are prepared te deal bot ideath t0 Invaders or rebeliîus cou nrymea-or, people of otîter Te - nintr1,acodn ot. nations if ithe order te gîven. The use of liquid fi re ln warfare was one o! the. Inventions afi W L'l. %-re- mar' JuIy 20,.-1899. t Gerusan8. and one whicb tbey seem nlot dlsposed te drop wi tii.b "overthrow of militauisai. long ifterward, îîccording ta the nus- _____________________________- jband, hts wife Legan ta treat hlm - unktndiy. tmportnning hie te deed his BOA D G IL S 40 .EA S HORUS GIRLS fatas over ta her, saying tltat If Le BOÀRD 6RITRÂIN400 ACCEI c wQuId do so that site wudm h 1TRÀIMEN A CEPT home happy for hlm. He saya Le fi TAXEV DER H RE COMPANY'S 0FFER naiiY acceded to ber desires and it TAX VAD RS H REwas shortiy afler that. Le aays, '(bat LOCA S T MOR OWof 671 I2C AN IIOUR se.began te attend dances ai Wau- kO~n coe 14. 1914, Mra. Hunting. ton, 'shile stili living with lber Lus- Demand of North Shore Rosi- E'in Remote POSSibility Of a band, started suit for divorce against dents Why Their Names are StieonNrh hr Ln charging1 cruelty. The suit in- Off the Tax Books. is Now Removed. cbiîdren, Neilie, aged 19, and Bud H., Mrs. W.J. Aile nanti Hrs. Ray P. MANY TAXES ARE REDUCED V' Lù.e 's-rt' vîilors ln ChLcago today.- Miss Ida Erb r'-lnrned aiter a Tva Lundred resideais of lligh.j Monttîs iait Witt, hler broîbers atiland Park, Lake Fore-st, .Ziîma City! Rive orsî.and other norîh short miinlcîpalilic, Miss fFlore-ncecKenne-dy of D 'Irnit lm vislîlng lit-r mother in Wîjki-g'în aPPeared efûre the members of îLe; for a few da) m. Lake County board of ravIe- t tsý A son was born tiLlamnnrlng ta moi-nlng and sunIttled ta a griil-! .Nfr. and %irs. Lester Loyd of 118 Bel- lng Rorne were- calied ln Lecait-3e vides-e treet. their naies dot nlt appear on thei The sale boat Wotan, cleared the perqonai tax records ibis year- nIL. b arbor ibis morning for Manste., ers wer,' call'-d in becanse îLe-jr lax ' Mlch., after discbarging iRs cargo, e-s for thii ycar Las-e Lee-n re-ducîý1. Miy-ne ,'nd VilahMyera Aliîke nuinbi-r 'sere- i-ummtînùd-t] . have returnet] ta their positiotsa ai lapîsear lefoi-e-tLe- board tbis alter- RiiLit'5 after a two weeks vacation. nooni. fitlm experled titat Judge Edwards Th,, indii-iial rass we-re disptos- sureiy 's-iladjoura the apeciai Jun, ed cd o!'s 1h a ditpich 'shi r i as cFur- terrn of court on Friday of tbis weî-k' pristng. Tht- tax îlî-itnqienls vere- ra- Tij e-re erosamany people on the eîutred-t] b nîsi-ce o;i tax scbeduie-s 1 sIre-et thîs aternoons that fti oaked beforetL ey iefî tic court Lotse.. Dire, circus day. It vas an account of Noices Law e en sent out ta riear- DolIar Day. -îi- six tîundre-d rt-eitte-nts o! Wauke- %"tciel Nalevay of Danvlloq, this gan ta appear hi-fore the. board tQ- We'll brlng 'eru te thefr nterncon tiok out a narriagt' 'I" morrow and Prit]av o eso tli kncea,..' mye Marie 1ressler. cense te yod Anna Gesly of Narth ar1lIi's-eltr-uedi e *Weii make 'em camne ta terme. lar a thse hicl reulte in il,,iTliey're net galng te abuse tihe (iîgccaling ln of Nuth Shiore residenîs. dn.vnîrodden Chorus girl any Miss Flla My-rBanad lber lrathcr 'In many Wsatîee-s the.e re,,t- longer." And Marie. being presi- D-avit] of Sheridan ('outrt iefl yester' de-asstire :j- to Maiame' jicauise tîjir - dent of the ncwiy tormed Charu day for a short visit at Escanaba, riantes do noîtaltîtt a on tLe tax Girls' Unie'. mes,alataho. aay Michigan. books biit-inrntaay rates 1 ani con- Tliere la a teachers' meeting At the vinced that lhev iat]ii-d teariss- Certrai scbaol. Teachera ro ators to redDEAt,.W IFE WITIIeir -parts o! the mcunty are attending.- taxe-s,"o.' i-i.r0 b or aî Tise iesstIon close$ Salurday. tot]ay. If the asqsasors 'soufti do Contractor FBlack loday atarte'd tbe Iheir's-cik tilorougbly it loid Le TR N street vesl o! tLe ctty limits. l i ii sasieir for tL. board ta complt-te their T U K ZdKAI' UN-' for a few uays altlîough wnrk nf pav- -Ing la' ta Le rusbed. I L DF OW I 1'fiire, le an indication thnt ic Carpenters snd ,Contractera vîilaf- the Kenosha yards of tLe North West- Juet their differences tonîorraw and ern. This is the Charge Again-st A. perjialis end the trike that Las Tîhe Kenoslia police chîledt] iie Lundstrom, aged 61; Wife rtîh.îit'mg several veeka. Wauke-gan autboriic-5 Tuest]ay ngi Too 111 to Attend Trial. Mrs. Ethel Babcock today filed a and at-kedth lem !a Le tan'satcb for -in bill for divorce agaînat lier Lusband, automobile wLich Lad Leen stolený Walter tL. labcnck, charging flmtinvth there Ç tracs of the car vas fouitd. BRUTAL CASE, SAY POLICE. -desrn e her and] her two children, Me-Iar E. Covinglin, Glefi tîlora and] W. .o~a the pavlng of Washington Lucas si-s, Waiîkegan, secursd a Il- WalîknAtig. 2,. 'onorrov evening a Aroup of girls cenis. in Chicago; Moadîiy aflernoon It Tii-illie, bcaI is wife 'stI a' frein the Paîriotie Leagus viii go taevet] Miss Metetibîs Pay-ne, 1S04 SiuhhLeavy lit-i!k sîrap< unail the bloot] Raviîîia te Lear 'M.Narha." Any tvho Shseridan Road, Waikeran. trickiet] town lier torii and rnised twigh te jui (hem may take thes ex- Arthuir Quigiey, four menthea old son 11mb'-, la tie charge Preferred againgt pesa isavlng Wasington and Genesee o! Mr. and Mrs. Grever Qîigiey of A. Luadersîroîn. age 61, of 211 --ai 6:13 'ciock. 91614~ Market strept, died T1uesdaY George aeu ioi en et L. W. Dnff Who des tatloolng, re- aight of. pneunmoaia. Funeral thts af- uridor bonds of flw1o. The police say -ported ta the police today that the ternoon 'stL Interment in. Oakvood I It ls0on of îLe atost brutal cases îthieves 's-L entere th Le barber sbop ce-îetery. ever cale taIL--jr attention. at 131 Southb1Geneseé sîreet last The lire depatnent vas callef nut l'liners'case smet for Learing ln nlght, stale tL. biggest part of ia Tuesday evcnlng ta extingutah a grass police cotir is norning bui- vas tfttaning autfie, H. siys is lot-s le lire aithîe end] o! Massena avenue cohtinuet] ho Septenber 6, vhen the S.fuIly $400. near the North Shore uine tracIez, The ptolice lcarne-d Ibat Mrs Lunderstroro Camsinssloasr McDemott says lie 1 ire 'sas extinguished by pteans of a vas ton ili frohîs tLe effecese ""~ saw the "gamneat kid" >ln ovnaglai hant] pnmp. terrilie ieain a be pret-ch'e. Sue night. A Yatanga29ter af ten years vas M'alter Wedell if 805 McAitter ave- la confinedt]at lier lied lîtider tLe came bit Ly a motoircyci, and is are feet lnue- ad Vaientine Reesnick of 301 of a physie-ian. wee ver. t,refusd ta give is naine Market sîreet, have reported te the The' warrant for the arrest cri tatb fier and sald he dîdn't vanti police'the theft if titeir bicycles. Liunderstlioi was avornsonît Tussday -yhlng danta _ entorcycle *rît] Tiere ae been a nmber of bicycless eforîtoee MagIstrate Taylor by n r b e u se Le f ait t i bt he im nlf st len her dur ng t e last few brother or M rs D i dstro in H s as -~ as eq ually ta bIlame months. t'- onie Whio gaveite de-lails of ILe Papering o! th.e lty offices a ~s be- Th(e remias of James Macek, a rel- :fliack on is sister. gun today. ait%,, of tte Macek famlly o! Wan- Ta île- tolc u ud .ihterstroin contidet] The yacht Arcadia vas lu Wanks. kegan and North Chicago, ver. re- ta isWf-isti]ntgtu nIi -gan harbor over nigbt. cos'ered fruti litet]rainîage carta] ln la1IWivwqdntg ipnte A coal boat bound for Relss lan-Cbcgo Tt tayaîcaona-ta ing hta is hrizîklast, and ç :Pany docks te over lue ive days. -o'clack and] vilILe Lýronghî ta Waîî- t,1e-hriyralrigtataî George 'Neetiy, deratnrage clerk o ea oiîl tefn-a i Ihattor e-ft iere bits w'sIss. the Narth Western raliroad returnet] held Fl'iday nsraiîîg ai len o'lock- «today frein a veeka vacation. . Isîl I-l aiFîil ' vclircli, *\'ortilî Cl cago, j Leaçla In Shoe Manufacture. B. Young and S. O'Neil, local yult iniernent in Pin0 'ie"s ceins' Lynni"a , M fi. îliie-r,100 !îîctori.a. 3Wtchmneh ave accepteit positions la tery. - h edn he iYfltéwrd LaLclîdn io tyiitî sot - 8 aged 17, nOw in th1e navy. GET BACK PAY FOR AUGUST The hushand n01 oniy a ks for a dvrce but asks that t he dee abt 'sefor the farin, whicb Le Baya was iio! the uîlîra7o, North Shore andt]\llwaukee i-lt-ttrie ra;Ai 1*"] inclt.din., the conductors anti m0ltiraien. have accee'ted the coin- 1 ruinf,.e jarrrase ln wagea offer.d by i t! ,- f ltheroad, according ta at]. h-es r ýsetvud by the Sin today. IThis renov, a any remoIs possibility The wi,ge offer wbich It ta sait] ha.-, b'411n ;tt-rItd e-dia67% cents per t otir on tie -Ixais af a ten ane ont n:!t f!j ,tir !:i,.The men aI preseat are r,( , tn lOrIy-five and fIfît- ce-n p r r te-tir, ilte men on t), 'trul-rîti.ts ce(t îng the. Llghî-r wag'-. 1 tii. r th ene-w achedule lthe !enîplo' tt-.tîci' lwlocal rune will re- se-ire ilt e-tc.wates as tbesle on thel long rua,, 'rlîith-r. .îte ages la effechiv,' a; of Aîztîxî1--thte ime-n thus jl re- (C , îî kiyft îLe monh of Tue tLiaii' Witlitati asked for a wage of sve(t-l ir -tiv- an hour but hile coaiproinî t-Olir fcrth e Company waa l aY [1a11iten lite 8saine vage hein,, itaid the tirtlixti, in Chicago. Ap- Parently it w-as dî-îied Ly the train- -en on tLe Noîrth Share lins that tLe offerw., fair anli theY were Wllllng NAVAL DESERTER ESCAPES BY LEAP-i ING FROM TRAIN. (onstable Aih'ur Atwood nf Elivr.ot Iîtît, sta' ted 10 lîrtan H oward J. Mur- ray-, a nasý tlese-rter, back ta Great. ILakes on a train. About ilve miles froni GlEitI h'.Muirray re-<uestcd a cilgareI. 'llie conlstable giadiy gave IL. After lebaill smokpd ,awite, Mîirriav expliin. il the road vas fi,. lek 'v abolt asltesq "lIlI stel) oiit 10 the Plattorm and lhraw tîtis away. Lhe said. Atwnod was willing. Fifteen muinutes Jater the constable 90t worried. lile weiît to tb. plat-. form. The prisoner Lad eacaPed. SANTA MAY BRING TOYS MADE IN a GERMANY IN 1914t BOSTON. Aîîg 213.-Five hundred caqsaof Gerntan-mauie laya, Purchased hefore itle war, were bronglit bers ta- day by the freigliter Zuidsdljk. Thy have Leen in slorage at Rotterdamn sIne 19t4. The Candld Cobbler. Advertisement In Englîi bpaper-.I "AI.- plain work, aneh as sollng &rdl beeling, returneil bInone or two day& 0O Toe-cnpplîg iind viiping wiii tako L longer, as w-e (la lbem properIy.1-1 I Btoston Transcript. ai $TAR ANNOUNCER -Admirai" Kînguton, star au- nouncer at CUL park, Chicago. han a plan whereby four regutar au- nouncema wilt Le appelated. VII travel (rom City te City an*jî. an- higned JuIt as umpîres are. Ad- mirai Kingston has bees al it toS years. He fornseriy va&aasgbqn« at Loxing shows. He bas a wok. derful voie fer the. job &a,$ le pronaunces dlatinctiy and alovly tLe names of the piayer, la Such a way that ne on. bas te fu back obtained raudulatlYLiai t--.corne &aawaa obane]fruuinîy ecanclled. a gond thing I did." SEPARATE MAINTEN- MM- Mau I IF WARJANLIFT !feT WIFE'S ARREST TA NWIK The "kid parly', given Ly tIh. Am- 1i enican Ace Girls' Club proved Io LeMrc mela aNanwic Sek - - e a asosi ehjos-abie affair. The girls ail r.A ei annwe ek re- ilitheir douas, rattlcs and Separation fromn Man Who 1rntwth heprb abug, 0-Con.t othr tysandcae fr agod tme Made Serious Charges. iPresident viii lift wartine prohibton and] the-% i]] got wltat îîîey came for. In October, officis 9f tLe AutbGMabo.. Miss Be-sietire-an, la visiîing ber par- CRUELTY ALSO IS CHARGED leagne plan te offset il Ly demadiu e-nts, Nr. ad Mrs. George Brean of that cangres evy a prohibitive ta: Sheridan Rtoît(] Site wili visit ber. A suit for seliarale maintenance on beer and whiskty oustil Jas. 1I& for a lira- t ten ali. vili las jolned fiied in circuit court today Ly Mrs. 1920. Opposition ta tbla proposai *> bie hLut hiiandst]tey witlm Ibeir Amelia Lanaowîrs o! Tventy-aecond ready la Leing manifeted in con. t'sl'ri ci'dren 'sii]atove 10 asling-, atreet, North Chicago, againat ber greas, even amont prohibiion &A- ton stte. Lusband. Frank Lananovîca 0f ShLri. berents, A large cros-tI atle-nted the business dan Road, Waukegan, la saidtut, be The proposai, It bas boss Iesrned.Ja niens daace List ieveniag ai Lb. au- tLe nutgrowtb of the arrest nf thse that congres evY'a tax of $50 a toi. ditoriumî. vile on the isba'ud's warrant' some Ion on vhlskey and a ainillar tax ocm' The' yotsg tlait-s o! the Presbyter- lime aga. Mms. Lananowlcz la mepm- a bârrei of beer. tan cliarclit 'sli meet yuL Miss sented by Attorney J. S. Miller. WVaynie B. WLceier, legalrepresenta. Jeanne MeL-earn Tbursday evening of The Lananovicza have psot been ttve of îLe leagus Lare, refusedtet Ibis veek. living logether since December o! gir. figures, but admitted the tax plan, Mra. Leslie havis viit Hoyard and last year. Mrs. Lananovicz Las beenla ta b. tîreaset If it looks Hire ant the Ivias, La vi4iting in Piper City. conducting a rooming hanse. eariy pm-camatton (rom thei, We Mr. and Mrs. J. D). Sullivan are ce visiting la Milwauke, and] alLer Wis- About a month aga LananaviezHns consin points during Mr. Sulivan's caued the arrest o! is if. anda vactin.Gealdjonsthra ody orboardor nanied William Binski, cbarg- ORDERS BIRTHDAY OFALL va ot i . rl aisteiIo o ng them. vith a very serions offences EGOS STAMPED ON SHEL Mrs. Win. Scbumann la ving ia The]' er. gven a hearng in police R ockf rd. court In N orth 'Chicago vbre th e C m r n , 1 1, A g 6 - f Mils Caroline Tyrrel whio has heen cs a lmiadairth uin eing cheated Ly a Rocklerd Brin la t e g e- f mr. H . 0 . T ham p an failedt o r produce any evidence. - a g i a, n n e a b r a e t k u for sante lime, bas returned' ta hem lu ler iii (lied today the vîfe precautiîons so as Ioa maure the fresi. honte in Clilcago. charges lier huahand vith aslmerous Tiesa o! eachbLit ofIlben fruit. Ordr T he A n erican A ce U nit yull g ve act a et cruely , e s Isu -] i ddmht ev r g ýa Iawa part), next Tuesday svening rmuaI carrylisa date 0f uiht..p@d on Dr. Jolieys lava, t il vl be a Ç IJJD " upan the sheil ,And inspectas ahov - Jaaeeafi.MINE hJV'114141 1R been instructedto enat Into th ii.41 - HARBOR ONard tins. whbci have outtlIved their ME1ORE ps1'lod o! tîsefuineas. CANADA WILL PAYTHMSNWHI&F'é«' W'aukegan, Aîîg. 25. DIES AV The big mîine aveePer thgt en- Wld vas recelvet here tlday of il*0 SOLD1)1 RS $3 DY teret] Wtîîkegan harbor tva montlis deaîh of Steven Nevsham, feuiier et ago on ils va>- (o Chicago stopPedTh romas Nsvnham af North Cout Winnipe-g, Ang. 26.-Canada la ta Lers yeaîeniiay for tb. second lime. street. %Ir. Neynaai died, et W&s hav th hihes pad sandng ryTh-Ir tdestinamton tIîs time la uniihome ln Medina. N. Y. HisasoB vWU lian îe the igbes adnstann - yknnwn. at bis Ledside sace laut Monday.wb.m la ncete bold miaccrlng adqa an The naîv * vve,,selislon lils ay to Le vas callet ta Medua Lya e tlohi'M notnceentLvmîltar hedqatrsChicago .oi gel a fluet of amunition teliing that is fathsr wviry 88*. - hoday. The PS> 0f private saldiera la barges httere vîmicliare ta Le takon Mr. Steven Nevaham wmlityea io lie lncre-asct] froni $É.10 a day- ta easi-. The mine aveeper tovet a aIt 8 yar $:3. large nîlînber af Larges froinChicago htecruiag offilcers have 10usd il tb, Iast ViltI it mat]. to thua ent of atîtossibîct. tagel men of gond char- the Great La~kes. Tii. sLip ceaieThsAere laSfens.anSuemoitie. t-ri cier antI pbysicaiîy it 10 serve ta miao Watik.gan isarbor about noon i f~ the ari nonunderiyîag vhat, at liraI siult Larmy for $1.10 a day vhen they ant] lefî sborlly aller. Il dncked la seema mereiy a superstition. Tai:%t. fU can make ftram $3 bo $10 iii olber vo- the celaI dock,.ntne i.Gtble msgteu tatians.At tlie invtation of tii. captain, liera, that a mine mueh frequfsted liV Nnrviive maaliîs of 1eruiting fer lai-bor Masi er, Nick Lairson inspect- mice la a iucky mine, ýW. know amW Le conipan'. aI Princesa Patricia toedethîe boat. that suce are pe'cuiiarîy susceptible te ie slalioaed liire Las resulled ln the foui toases, and the prseee fi vis nlistiileith of only touotesu men. uaualiy large aurib.-aof the»- hittI "Soern" Talkr. 00MAlInaltiierefere, proof positive dt New 011 Substitut.. JÏ'MMY ha benove payng i îLte absence of an-. -ýzr. Hemasce e A factary lins been started lla1 te Utle boy vho ad t m oit blu leget 'iuck." Bvedea for extracting nul froin achuat, across the street. IVLn h. came Lus aîinîg one moare ta the number home 1 asked hlm Lhoy Le likeu theNew te. cet 0&. )f substlttiies alrea'dY on Ie market. nov nelthbor, He repliet], "I l ike hum Practice yoursef.ferj« em Lrge qîîantl.sîio! alunin schilt are fine for gantes, Lui hie la îLe tiîikingest In ilîlie tizioga; ead tien.. aunt] lu tii, district, Yleliiing benzine kit yen ever Leurd."-Clîicago Trib. grenter.Ts ldcru]e oiis, T i atlsUvâ*w OWNERFQLCR FTIIEF YSIIUTm4 'Car is Stolen but Gas in Cu-~J buretor Takes Thief but >-ý Hait a Block. ABANDONED IN THE STREET le LePrecautons taken by one u tomobile owner frustrated theves or auto iyriders Tuesday nigt wbn te thleves falld ta make thefr lt-," away In a car althOugh they er, abiEÏ' 'oa get it started. Kart Huncker f ZMon City dtve Li@ flivver ta Waukegan Tuenday'r%.- ing and eft il standing In frostife the court ouse on Washington street whie e ent ta make a few 'ptu%, chases. Wen e retfrned the Mr 'A as gone. lie reported the. thef l 'lie police immedWlaey. "I don't think they wil lt frmi, ,,a te-yind ont how ta tum the. gasoine on again, 'e saad, "foi 1Y iurned the gas off before I left the. car and the nly gas available to rim on ta in te carburretur." f The Police ver. nottfled tuIo M.~ a seatch and at the same tua. JRue- ciker started out on a hunt of l#Wa wn. Haf an hur ater aaimwM drew Up la front of the police ota*lgà. and Hunleker atepped out. "I got my car back, "We anouaos, '4 "Found it In front of the. lft- Hlolel on W[Iphington a4reet. Thée~ thleves dreve It leas than a b when tbe gas gave out and tbsy ab. andoned lt eaving It tandig ament In tLe mdde f the. road.11 -Huncike1. lid a representative et Ih . Sun tat e as xceedngly g I d. to Set his car ack because It lau5»Ü and Le la suppoaed ta deliver It tq the new owner tonght., "I dont awayas shut off the. no *Iu.s ,, .ý -â"a ',LISE]i'I'YVIIiLE INDEPE»ENT. AUGLIST 28.1919. VnTTl?.,PAav-2 mi r-f% iiMlý %ý . - - . -- .

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