Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Sep 1919, p. 11

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TLBERtT-1i1INDE PENDENJ HQSDAY SEPTEMBER 4,1919. AT STAEPI Le Stock. Exhibits Are of Uji- usuatI4,999 nd Attract LIBERTYVILLE ON THE MAP Otto W. Lebniaan of Lakte Villa bail afieid day ln taking bine rtbbon, winaàing sepverai of the mont ccvOtad -,ri0%fllnte day an dnigbt sessions Ilite weanling f liy, Derothy 'Hunt, vas ttc sensation of the day andl critiera w crs unaulmoits tinpronouncrg lier 'tn tînest sadile taly ever seer. on ,te local grcjundq Ste won tw.o blues ýduriag tht' afta'r.,on. Mr. Lehina.n. tlarrard huaI w.-! the sged eaddlc fita'.lln ciscs at. Lis Daring DaP voi. tbe yesiin'c fily class. Ir. the even!ng Mn. LvinLn's nve c-atol- ýdis mu"e. Miidréd Star, tookc rl- bine .cra a trong fie.! 'In wviirlhii brai- ter her an entry. F'or thiecnhination five galteil clams a 1!i11 of f ifteen had heen nani- sil and ,i pt-vedthie bettest figlit of te year so far. Mrs. Combm' fino Ilane, L.a F-rantce, finatiy landed l n fîrst plaief.,wthBliiBirothers, Red Cross aa-ond. Weodrow Wilson, owa- ed t. (). Itlt rown et Bertia, N. H.. titird; S~un..hlnv. cwned by J. iCi Der- ; g of L.ake Villa, fourth. andl Belle "lId$, fiftb. la 4h.- hturnese tandem John R. bord, fourth on breeor'Young bodem ITI tird on calf bord5 fàÔrtlx'oo' Set of JLP1A k sire and Jersey special on Set of sire. 0. W Leman tÂJ(fonh i-TEIPON ff prizes on bil2years adudr bullh on bull clt il monîlis. tirat on! L~ EÂ IrA I bulcal f under 8 m onths., seeboad and eiglitb oà cow 6 years and ovor,' sec- ond on cow 4 yeara and tarder, fiftti Ede~ Croft, High in the air, on cow yeara and tarder, firet on "Pounds Out" Story for the hefr18 menthe andl undor, tourtit on" helf:r 12 monthos ad under, second Watkegan Daily Sun. and sixth on boiter oel under six asonths, second on dairy bord, third TELLS FLIGHT EXPERIENCE on breodora' Young berd, third on cait bor, szihon et < sreani flth When the big Lawson transconin on produceof ot1w. entai aIrplane 11oppeil Off" at Chi-. DORSET SI4EEP. cago gu»day lmoroing on ite, trial Samunel inse!, of Hawthorne tarm, ;jiht to Toledo. Ohio, preparatory 10 Libertyville, won third andl tourtit on JtjIighteto New York City, andI rani 2 years and over. fourtit on ram thence tri San Francisco, l carriail 1 year and under, third on ran, fourth as on« oflits passengers Edlgar W. on ram larnb, tourth on ewe 2 years Croftt the Sung~ Zion City correos- and over, fourtb on ove 1 yars andl dent who will *>nke the santi re tn p. under. third on ewe iamb, tirat on peu The fiet. passonger carryiag plane, ot Iambe breil and owned by exhibit- to attemtpt Sucb a long ligbt arrivôd et Toledo at noon after lying againat or, irt on Pen ot Iamibeoowued b>' a gaie. .While the' exhibitor, tiret on best peu et Iambe big plane lwas ityiag t1iroiSgh the air by exîibitor lu stafe. nt a terrifie s9peoil Mr. Crnfî was ln te poutry departmeat a third buuily engaged pouading away on bis premium wont to Elmwood tarin. Deer- typohriter whtch bobadcârried aioag field on sinale-onsbed Orplagton for the purpose. cCca lit thé dair>' product show, Pêter J. Peterson ot Round Lake0, vas award ed finit preaiium on tub of country butter, and second on prints of cri-amc-ry butter. Mmeî sas UTcha>'-. cf 's rw. Louela Le abe Northa Chicago' lsaplanning te on-' thf Kanuaaof Mm.hi r-h Lent' tombed.ganîze s tennis association. Soyons! o angw lite itiphwr br.nov players bave justauoved Ie tevu an -(ie a-o ai; . ram andI ntrrestIis renvia-g la te gante wbieh w-r,,Williamt E. lies*' Tht' Pne.lujyîêian socivty are taIký bleekm g.ti:îg fuurth. nofmkgacuronte vat Pive gatt'd caddie mares madIe au n- tmkn or ntrvcn Othr ur-aaaionî entetelven lot Jual soutb of te citurcit. If bealiwrner.àu.kIag p thte field. lirapae ..orbLbcg vi tv grpaete play la tue central section. Cembs' andu.rful bu)% marc Tiger At tenat meeting etfte Young Rose and t1wttir- ae owne's Betty Rar w.nelutcei fIrt Bil Ladiea Club etf lte Preshyterian Rar wfre flaed iniandsecond cbuncb Il vas deelderi te take up te etter te aanmokt' ot battît' liîd rollotI active vo te iefat]. Il vas gvea ave>'. wa.t, itit Bron.' Kentucky Mare out et the meeting thal oime et the' Bittër M, *îthird. Mn. Der-lags Sun- monthera o fthe society waa te bc ahîne fourth atnd Mars Hlda owUn lnarried la the near future and thai ed by E V %*Malit>' et Chicago. fourtit. a publie annotincemeat voulillie Mrm. Ja<k-.oa IK. Dcnlng madIe behoirade at ite next meetinig wbictî la te tiret aplearadel as an exbibitor la heid t te home of Miss Isabelle. ýte local ing vîit împ. eo raJackson. The club sîteudedthlite ie sund gave a .plendld demonstration. aî Long Lakte Lahur l>aY la a body>. .lIre. Coîîut.- won bis classevicit vas Bernardl Decks-r andl -aroldl Mar- for ladîcia larnesai hornt'. single,.lins. de>'. «ni uvakStr ýOwPea-are Batti Thompson, daugitter Mrq. lienrietta Yates andl son War- 0<f John IL Thompo-second, lins. ren have netrnaed ron Chicago Deing thiîui atndl rs. Wiicox founlt where the>' have been vlating Mra. ,drlviag Ebany (Ir]fer William E. Wlnifred Yaes Oroat. ýDe.' The North Ch icago scheeis open Mrc . Combe aise von the ladies el* ý dle 4<t0"4 vîtitNance O'Noil, 3. Dt-ring'q Diai t Bover îging sec- BIG PICNIC PROVES A GALA 'and nader tht' cleven bande of lire. FUNRHCEC Joe Barris of Chitcago, Ibird te lienteo T*ven>' Presbyteriga auto andtruckt Maid ovural b> E. J. lehmannandail reopresse I nto service lionda>' te riddea b>' ns. Gracie Brunit ef Spring- lutte the echireh andI Sandey acheel field. te Long Laite for thee hig pienie. The J. K. Dpring von the Pylna'l bar- big Tiffany' iteckvas engageil le tata apies ciasa vwthtbis lenavon FlI tte children. 40 voies toeeilavay vicitmade s sensalenai eshowvforln it for the firettiod. Rev. %lIr- "Billy" W;ittcen andl beatlng an un- soilf lth te Killian truckt tothet ý»ualy itrog fild.girls of te girls club andI a tee Ilsuai>' trengtieli. Iiaies vere aiioed te dangie titeit ln teé Belgian Honse Show. O. W. feoth ie hack end and thee itee Lebman ot Chexne>' FarDa, Laie Villa, oethé iMachine, Il %vas a viii rude Wün thîrd andI fifth lrizes on sitalbov but tite>'goltIhere juil the Rmre andI 4 yearq oid andI aven; aise special vere te iret on theo grounds. Over I)renultmma offt'ned on each h ytbo Aa-. 110 Prosbytorians andI their fiendb erican AssclatIon et Breeders et Bel- mode the trip and eaJeyed the day gien huerses. Mn. Lehmnannaise von viticit vas as perfect as coulillhe tiret on oisllon colt, fourthirth, Matte. Andtheit dinner. It tock one simii and elgbtb and epeclal prises on big trUait te laite the food te thse lat, niar 4 yarsold r oer, ourh onaditlere lwe oroi>'12 asta tg h mare 4 yeandetelil mr oe, adfourth t UPitiler te toast vas over, *tn4ie ail hre mre. ad ouritMit oI>'accident Ihat bappeneil to Îail speclal premium on throe mares. Mar lte perfect do>' iappeued etai t Ia the aaddle cia-te O. W. Leitanu super vwha M. C. Docker. witlecest won final each on egttered qtalloi ing vetermolon got Reome vater on 4 yeara oltI on ever. 3 yeans oi sudte bsalu tbrossg4 hiies r. mnien antI I year aid sud uniler. .Aftfr lthe b%'g dîner occurreil thte E J. Lehmuann e! Laite Villa, ttret long horeideil bal games betveen te on mare 4 yearc; nid and ever aad O Beiciteviciti caplanolb>' 31. C r -Lehimannawon second on mare 2 IiOcIIOT"Ili t.e 1. *. W.$ ua4er titi ee id liandInutder, tirot on mare- eàdiÈltip ýo1 aptafin Henry' Braasciti Cean elil andI under andl tiret on îIi'y The0loeWn, "Ihevicld8e a.aaited1 ëf 1919.Captai 'n Docker la vinning tite '.t '919ggant: Mesuls. Elinot, bMd -Vlaek. la tht' standard-bred herses lun Bill 1tsjles a>oe, DavhIa,Élani breedlag chues, John R. Thempson etf itsrd, obasonanSd Rev. -.Marsoif. Th., LibeniyvIliit, von tiret ona tallion 4 1. W.-W,'s vole Mesans. Braesch, G. etir. oltI andI ever. ~- - lewitz, )1 Viei, 'Redford, T, Dock1 JEREY ATLE. ër, e, onry, Ntélearn, Kause antI M.1 W.K Bfrewerloa, et Titerabur> -Thé 1. W. W.'« put forti t Ielu vea scond nbéat efforts but vers ne matcit toi teri, Lubetyvilie, wnscod ot lts b*im'd BelchevlcUit uithe) buli 3 ycars eltI sud ever, feurth on t a'Ol ova bc defoat 1 te t ue et bu] 1 year olil and undor, totrth ont 10 10 2r>. Later la tho day two Out buii cait 6 mentsit.0<, third sud o e îe5m more organizedoue'n. alloim igth on cew 6 years oui andI ever; lte Red@ undei the, captaincy ot D)r. iret on ced .1 years ald and under, L. B. Joule> and1 te otite e tants irai an ceci 2 years 01<1 sud under; vitit Ex-mayor PetEr Citninen as, rf.untiton boîter lbSnontia ad -on an< iniTh*. eds-von tiId gants Ilr. teuntit on belter 12 menlts 'nd score il 13 9.. 111ulrTh Uiroseothe Brut gaimsbail m ieexth on beifer caif 12 montbs siajitnt olgn cOa aoe I second and I Bxtit onheiferit ni 6 ~bas is> ftiteir de- enG 6meatis; second on dalry clgialew er0 quostioneil. One dec-i- herd, second on grade bord, thirdon sion"calied forth autIOüî'm 0forproeot. reiders' Yo1ur hes'd, second on cait OW o e isuagets, ofte . W. W.,td >eon andl tht'< oniSet 0« ire. kiiocltd a,,bail fa te treesetrloti Mn. Brevertoit also took thetprerm- fieldl vbicit loilgeil la a big osit but arn on champion cov 2 years chi or was caugit b>' the Great Ehuent ho wer and nrgrad idiampban oow andI fore it struci thtei0gÀbe4? -l'hie bat er; isegrad campin piseln er vas calie ut hitcit vas perfect- ~ffor Ueogran chamion rise ly correct If Ithale odged lna s bld Jersey spécials on champion te- on>' tre ite btter *pufd have Ibeen loe soif on beltor oelS montite andl pate but as it bit mn.'ôoke troc the hd e r. ties sas> the batteto4'i lt. Botum- Ia the sans classes, J. IK. Driag o reavahe WLtssoanai aed .ale Vila won second on bull 1 >ear iag bupluuetus toila>'. DeYoe andl Dcci id an4- tndem', toait on- -bll pat'd ertampired the geeonnigénie and as iontitd, second on côv 4 years oid tboe ea* botit bigh eciesi mein tboy Ild under, 7t on cvuS9yoaa-d it Wet7 titt'ugh ititbetrIffl ie b'- expert 114under, second on cov 2 s earg od u.Thecday vas sent ln boat. nd nderio, feui'tb oi o* e S1 1 i &711WmJpdag sud -oLhr' athletk and udundor, tird du l 4< I*»* iiGtsevOtio'cWoclailasert. Mmtittsud under, asirSi ce .tq ile ii> louthé anS unde.t.hitut ds f t'.- ied* we'r U moatha Mo mdaea', fIh** 1c-- leI ralyrmakbl eI Redawn - t ial t'tped f ovard 5jt5e ~ ,yu, rides lte aIr. S I4VD0 BO. UP ir< JehasoSi enaelngiy. i1UI'.AI¶I 9:5,C. Juat passed tvo ena-il lali,-s IJAThnsaon vas bacited iIv n. h or our starboand aide. Piliat Cex! taIlin cf hePOidgNT. Athe w f andl Mn. iluranelli have titeir coats 1 T ON.4 5> 1 tr(,--si-,adagainat lhts stomch.Tv H n r off, wbicit uhqaethat te L-nipera- E' jA lune eft Lite,,cabla muet be caiufurt- "E 40 TS -thtr .aiion proceodeil te go t1ijiu ahie. KNF;hua porteuta. It ce bappenedai titiR T DA Juat paod- h on fNwJohnrson bai ltefî I,'. Purle ai hutnaepme ieton0 e E aS4LR T D Parls. There are severai la ae s ononi ucm fand ailbiabut fort>' cents Wtih in. Waica.S"t2 abord et us. We.are fooii te Jmsionsnag.'ea. et.2 Wabash railiead ver>' closely andI Daring Hold-up on Genesee lusvtknb'tetaslos A h'hnec n nlMs nni lcet'ping It on the star-board aide. We SretNov heal ut sud teep 'ouur inotIthBainloeunI>' street toila>' wuli oc- ha've ieavnao0 t t.irai e .aef tht- saIlri-inthe veddtog ofthem danabter thViaduct fth rilosl'ut O«wan viii "on o te a MisDoris' Belu to Mn. Charles Ha- tougit, for vo can laite short cuta "ers sUid, and ltvù w o et 0m bt-at f-,~0fln a r.G .Hfr andI dont bave te go apound tht' t HAPPENED SUNDAY NIGHT a asty retrear. a! r, eadng, l'radM&G .Hlr, cThv. h johoSon trot a 200,1look t mt hme 8i- -Irf.h.h 'ln rl-,)Un.~..e, man haneo ne te Bleep. Jmet went fer a stroililu Lite cahin. There ls some large river on' the sttr-board aide. W. are aow nun in g la a slrong iteail wind. Thfý tuaio la eontroiiing te big ship watil per- eet case. At present Mr. Cox i. p IlOting anld managtng te whetI with ano hand'. Englacer, NMr. 'Buranelli bais juât lnt.hed Inspectlng the reer ftimsHag truc,.i andl control leails. He repIou td to Nir. Lawsoa tat alilwaà n .-pipn- dii condition, WAUKEGAN LOC&LS liter. ta the dispatels which Mr. .The - oîîowîng fromt a lette-r trarii rCroft si-nIte hie Suit upen hi. arri-1 'Ill. and tirs. Clarksoa Piiciç tio Val nt Toledo: are on their way te Cali;u a aJi, "Tha stàry whch I arn naiiag you atiteir autiobile may be eofauII(.rcsu r aq wrtten hy 'ac duriag thefl itglit to readürs iut the Sun. 'Siîidcay Ail traon Chicago te Toledo. h was writ-i-6utit 24 andl bere we are fl 1t11- wild. teu On a tYPc-writer whiie we wera bhis anal or Montana and 0iw ra a ftiig titrotgh te air at a great sped winds up and down for mile-d 1 lt to(tJ'luit typewritîng aisseani as milles but the. good olil Buick la gs.:)n We got oven Talado. which waa nt~ 12 gailantiy. W<, are nov hetuda-.î for nei. Billiags, Montana ansd expeci)~ îa. "We mae about four attempts te It tonight. Hle breakfast at Mile& land. but witbout sueeccos, as the lo Cityi tis morang. W. canotawrite cal ofiSlafis had neg)ecteil te cicar a wlile tie car ln ln moton andl s ten. Wlo elumber off the field. Once vawt' pcamp ve are tue, busy to write. strucit a villow brandi on the bsnk rh.ey bave sncb alce camping graunde ef the Maumie river. w@ *01, at-In la lr>ail the ovai flow. %%,, jucI tenîPtiax te land at the tUnt'. Pabsëd a car f roma Kéhosba, Wuscon- "We tinally landed ln a afield alie gin. I11111% front the' cit>. It vas a spien. A coronrs toquent vag'.ietd did< adiag. Tbunday aightt et the White andl -We expeet te remain here ovrIt-r Toin uaderîaking rooins in the ber DRY andl tien procee oil tevce- case of J. S. Harvey vite dicil as ti land. rsuit o! injuries received i aI hgs -The Lawson ship certainly beho- Ubeaitvviiic grevel Pits lesnt Mondai(, haved spiendidiy la thte air. Sbc rode Vite(n bts manoCir %Pck »vertunt& Ite buntp air with as mucb case ne a Atter heariag lte tcotimo * y the Jury big ecean lner ridies th as.- deielda te view the scene sud drove. The Log of the Trip t Lihartyvalile. The date of resumsna, tng the Inquet basnet yet been set. Foliowing la te $tory ofrte tarI, 'The evideace aboweil the accident, tuectier with a log of thetritp ai. took place ut as sbrp turc vhere tho (YPl by Mr. Creft vitetie ant noaj vas extromely nlakrow. airPiane waa on the way: Transfere Jus$ necordod show thal On board tbe t.awsoni Airiiner. 8:36 ?drs. Neilie Coprad bas *just takî-r a. m.-.eft the ÀAbburne Flying tttle te te elghti more acres et land Field., Chicago, at 8:30. On board in~ Marlon street oiiositeite south the' giant liner tbere are Lafred W. aide bal Palk and knawn sas the ci-. Laveon, captala; Charles Cox pilot. eus grouade. This land vas owuvd, Viageut J. Buraneli, Aeroaauttcal b>' Engene . Dady ' .t Ulth Dakota.' Englacer; Carl Schor>', mechanle Th considération . v -net mind -&ndrtw 5w-ml, meclusnc; Morrow kaown.» Nether ia It kaown vha Krun, rePres'enting thc Chicago Tri. Mrs. enrad l pans te do wit it i. butte: Samuel Blair, Chicago Exam- ,..Gnon" Wîard, formeaqy' a rqoident ciWauitegan. nflor'0fCOýorado, mner; Edlgar W. Crot, the Waukegan wbere be bas liveil s'l.n rare, le Dally Sun. and Raipli Digins, a- voli visitiag -lineds andI dlatlvè bose. in itnuwa Chicago filer. brother, Charles Wi. d, vbo dled The foiioving la a sort of ibips set ena! lears age, vaepfsa i s asy log ef the trip: fer et the' Final National enk. W'e are nov tacing ltee ast an George Coîgnove, vol? kaô' local the sky overbead la brigbt and cdo5r veleran, bas taken a leb ns gatemait athiiough there are ClonqdaetrW for te electrie at Racine. - ahead et us. We are .151 l imiIM, argaret Kelly ot 'the Northwest- andl are et a liigbî 0« about 250 cm nfneitht office is away on a tva feot. Rflipit Dggina e ovo *liÏweek'e vacation. course pretty weii, snd ho la glving A numben of Waukegaa People St- Sente veny vaînabie information coq teaded fle claaing number «~ thé,op- ceraing te course. W@ have ît ora et Raviota park Monda>' eveniug. iticagô weii bohiail, and are speodins Wiliam Damater, rate clork of the to the caut at tbe ratset about 1h11 Nortluwostenn freigitt ofb.ce sçetII mles an heur. Aheail ef us, on the Sunila> and Labor Day at Racine. starboard aide, 1 can set a tain>' Wiscossin. largo river vindlug like a snaliu. Richard Steel and a party lorti ye- Titane are anili euis beaeath us, terds> un te yacht Seboomocit for Oad nov -Laite Michigan la dent! aileail a clnleo up L:tke Michigan. Again we are tacing th ienosai. sud MIds. Emil Johnason, 904 -M"hIster telloving tbe rivet'. It.l1 wod-u1 Ave.i dIed at 6 a. ni. Mode>' Sie te Lien te poctiiar secentire=ièb as ,been ailiag for a long imai lire, P0 t te river. We'ar loy gog J:llmnoswas litY-two Years old and IllOrh tllo«b te etod m.eouésha- Ws, tirendlstixlg' Irln %ir. BuranoUl 10 anove forvard in A dahater -vasrae etrdy4 the AbIP, 30 thatjito-eqtiiibmu sah raatA.sih:'lns. H. orye tsterdan ho equai. T"are are son, bed ooud-?r adP'stLBye f hria baiaks iheed'of %Is.d Wer0 mot Veut Ibrougit a big, clqp %L Chidester of the' Pre bytera andthre reIItil oher aet. it urpit la expected horne o:U pt. -S la aew 13 minutes past gine, and w fo m thainolasu 'Eaatn pn are beading due esat. Laite jiciti- MuIel tpy vntn pn gan 'là on the port aie. Tbeogq are Labo? Do>' vith lber uncle, J. N. Stu- ne tovua la aiglit. ie>'.1833Iloneee'Si. W0 bSve ,iteen Obiiged te: erne George E. Thayen bas returned te' Idowri te a lover altitude on accouait bis borine at Asbiaad. Wig., attar vis- Of Ilte leuils. Theteldas are !19% itlag bis son, Charles Thayer. lifting semewbat And wiscit ce. oer Thes council niet Monda>' nighut but va>' mucit- bottés'. ?h. il - 01Q. tits remsinodin session eni>' long onougb owen rigit.. vningnla tOsen. -il 18 ato adjournaunîi Ibis eveniag.; beautiful siglit toaee0 ltsetarmg i aTitçre are tva mea locited Up la. dearnaatt un, and nô iddo-t e1 'Lii. bar' ibely l. both cltarged Vîh i einï more are ggaileupn.ê t . ge. lnsise. ,Castes beiag ilivestigatod. HE, <,IS RAGE, Iç P.]c A Gd PRBILT, And w)b= you donee* a new#-battery lot us tell you a ' thtleTJI4L ETTER WILLÂRD with SUATýON., ceBaftery Co. James Johnson, empioyed at ('alla [han Ire creant tactery and livinz at 1. Belvidere street, report.i tlat haý was 'tild np andl robbed hby two salii ors whIie on bis way home Sindtay ilght at aine o'cinck. Thei*. evurî4 d roittery tock plice on tha tc t' 'treet viaduct. Jolnsoti sa.vs thal twa tîasqkv.,aii re ete le tmp ti nlm astliA at, waik-Ing acrosa the Structure, black- fng bis inogrvcs8. "Got any money wittt yu one'(,f te saniors denanded? Johnson rsplied that ',liad t.i "I dont betieve yen-la)u malau hure money," Lite sailor persisted, andI l a - -------;XlJUKII n si- i M. - s .taa.s een ln tilt' navy for' ers and 1tiiinks lie wotld be able te twenty-two menths and was re- rccflgnize t'aei if lie eveerlaw'tthei)i Oi#<i i aýt week, lie met Miss Bal, Iwhit attaclied ai (.reat Lakes. * again.v Miss Bain. sistpr of thMt bride wili be brides mai41 and Mr.- New (M1 Substitut. Bert Mcàsnanman, wilit habet maný A tnctory fbns been sterted tua I'ooIIWing the ceciemon>' the' bride anme SwOden for extrncîiag *fi ren ehst bridogrom wiNle ave for a té ýWeeba' boneymnon. thus, adding onie more te lte numbr. Thvy wil!!raturn te Waukcgan te of suibttutes niresdy on the market tlct up their resideace. Large qunntîtîle of- aluni acllst are luunil la the <liitrie, yleldlng benzine-_____ and crudeo oua. How te cet On. Practice youtseit for beavenaesait. la ittie thîngas; and thecice pneceed ta gri-uter. Viîls la te edvice et Eieic tuki T'he CandiI Coitbler. AilvertiseMent - l dslab pape-a "Air plain woik. se&s te sing 1. hecliig, cotuylwt oil l aor twou g4 Toe-eapplng andI vsmptog Ul longer, as a-e do tbemni propesly,- Boston Transcript. - r 1194;ir WehaVe bean preparing for th! sae since ast May and now a îmowv ln a position to save you f rom 20% to 30%. A visit to oui store wiII convièce you. Ail we ask is that you compare our pricë gvalues-we know We can save you money... Ir-;~ ju Way ,Èg1e$sS prings- gka rantee-d 25 Y'ears,- at ' .. . . ........ - .. ý24.00 Double-ÇoneSpî'îng' -You'thibpk yotu are onua '-Feather Bcd $ 7 5 Speeial - $10,00 Link Spî'ing, Spe-' eial reinforeed lsy meiter. rail ~I CoYiplete Suîites INox -on display, lu walit, rnalîoganv and h ory, - 3pieeeuites75 as Jow as - $15.00 Continuous Post bed. Vernis Martin, - Cream, White and Wood finishes t9~ $4p00 Brass Bcd, Colonial style. Banded Satin finish on sale $94 Parlor Furaifture 3 and 5-Piece Sets in Furned and Golden Oak; leather covered. las $29.45 Special Dimsplay of Cane Velour Suites -have spring eusli- iofls- Big Reductions. $30.00 Felt Ibtresa, n- thing better iade, 50 to lit sold at 9 only ....- ..........s l $20.00 Feit Mt~44ex- cellent rnaterioi, .'41ne îv elear fet' l95 at only .-.-..... $12,00 ]Roll Edge Mattresâ eongÂnatioîî cotton, f.14., and wool. 100 to be sold at-....... Dimung R949 Furnitue Walnut, Fmrned,Gold-- en andJacobean Oak. Just received a fual car at last Januarv prices. Cerne in and firî-l out Iîow niîuch you - van save. ASellers Kitchen Cabinet Will Save Yo u Steps-No Kitchen- Complete Withiout One. Free Auto 'Truck Delivery In Lake County 500 Rugs on1 Sale 100 Libraî'y Tables at Spe' 'IPrieest We Specialize in the Construction of, -HOG HOUSES, BARNS, ETC Write us fr estimâtes on your next job.- Our many years oý bu#1dinq farm homes anl over the state of llhigois, enables us to d'o"y p r work quieker, better and cheapet than' the ordmnary cbntractor. Harry Benigston MASON AND BUILDER Col - Lsft4nce'honf UýITiONI Co- =

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