Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Sep 1919, p. 12

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La LASTCL of New Fail Sit SALE,, Coats, Oresses,. 1 1 L . A Special Selling of- New Fali Dresses In Vahùea up to $25 at 18.75' ThIs sasormeat lucludes a varilty cd pretty new Faîl models in dr.ases of wooi panamas, aliks, serges and sllk paitiettes. These pailette dresses are wostk $4ff0. bat ail aises and colora. Othier Dresses-29.50 and $3.5 And then coflea those other wondrous creations ind 4risses of trîcotînes. marges. ~ ~ _q sais rcoets ool Jerseys and sik crepes in beaded, braided. Shlted. iiBfled and draped effecta. LAST C4ýLL SALE- Misse,'* 'Chidren 's L XEIO 12.0,7 Capes Lake co's. rnetsol-rrén Mat A speclal purchase 0f eblidrenas and m%.eW serge capes for schoçI vear lai clude s1xes froift 8 te 20 -Cut gond and fuli, $12 vaîbesat a89. $7 Sweaters Slipover and Buttoui Styles mia7at 2,98 N io f t e weatsra are ln the but- ton .,tyles whbelted hacka la alaIzes and the new hlgh collera. Other New Sweaters Priced at 5.989,7. 50, q75, 12.5 0 Mauy absoutely ne*' styles amre ahowu lu ibis'vsrlety 0f buttba and slip- over wood sweaters ln -a cotaplete range of coloriae and sires for women and And Nome Copiîès thé- Newest Fali Millinery 7*50 m,$10 12.50$h Smart drens bats, beautîful i'elvet, sollel and panne mataýrlals wth dalflty trtnunlngs of lùrnt goose. glycerine ostrlch. French flowers are readY ln a large election of the newest ehapes. Stylish New Suit flats, $6 te~ $15 Here are tailored velour, buttera' plush and cllpped beaver bats la every aew block of the season among which you will find thp ment charming of suit bats. Striking effects in velvet and Hatter's plush otreet hats priced nt $5 to 6.98. $5 fetticoats and Pettibockers L A speclal sale of womea'~ taffeta flouncon ila il colora petticoats and! pettibockers ~'Uand ases at this very low lirovides th 'se of luxury slk 3 04 Y pic and ilikoline tops with deep Pr C Quris' and Misses' %SMOCKS3 For Sohoal Wear Wnntpd istyles In lawns and h.-avler mlatLrîzls in whilte and ulorg ln ;d!i:,zes fiurn C *o 44 are reaely. Smocks to 2.50 et $1,098 Smocks to .98 et *$2»98 Some New Mus)in PETTICOAl S 1 1.49 and 1.98 Prettlly niade and trlmmpd ln a výýt move rapidly eit tlese prices. AI]l izes. of styles. thu-se mualin pettîcoats 8buuld white only. 198ôMU'slîn- -gowns -corset covers -chemises at 1.049 C'orset coyers of sllk. gown% and chemiise muslil. Values to 16.50 in a scie o!- Voile Waists 3e98 WeMus snd Misses$aions te scve will take advanlage of this unusaa event.- SMr ane a aqmber of the prettiesî lFrench voile and crsp organdi, walsta ln waated afflu e" moeauai lsa. New CounWaisis Thosee ew Wrthînore Walots ltat we MUl et $1.60 srp really woaderfni, in styl aud vaiue too. Tbey are sold here muluuively lu Wcnkegcn. SUR Waisis ta. $8 1-a45.49- Among theze pretty walsts you willl flnd nscny a becoming model lu .lik. georg.tte crepe and beav-y silk crepe de chine. Ah sî5zes. -Other Waisteaut 9.75,12.50, $15, 18.50,$20 Gre-at Last Cail Sale of Ail Cotton Dres Droe 1015ai .7.o75 Bnck great dres. values as ibis sensationai Last Call Sale offers are seldom avallable. The .ssortments lnciude eur prettlest nuambers la glnghams, voles, plain Md ftlgured ad those pretty cotton crepes. Sale qj 2.00 2.00 Hous.-Dress u.orsets In Ail Sixes Vlecmtl uunmb,r. lna ailmnited am- uwimmt tor lmmdlite clearance. *40c c$ETrs Ap .-rons. 149 Ugbt,. medlwumand! dark wclorIage la liouse-drsss-aprons of ail l5zpB;. 3.50 Hcuse Dre8ses - Glmgbam euS PerCale houa. dresseslu ms aey rtty styles "ud colorIage. A Sale ol Children's Apparel For School ,Wa shiDresses AUl &zes up to 14 Ï18, 2-98931-1 Neat, styllah, Iaexpezeslve wa.5h dress- es fer gWil froiu 6 to 14 are shown her. tu a Vidé 51155 of lever unew a.tyLeS.i Plaid, stiés and Pas acolora. $5 and 7.50 Girls' dresses for achool la fPOOl plaida, serges and wool and sllk combla- sUlons are being showu ln a nice array of nev styles at 16 to $7.50. Children's Wool, Sweaters 4.98- Nearly sveuy.,chlld tbing to se1o needs a warm wool sweater. These corne lnases from 30 to, 34 ln good coloriage and stylesud are reasonably priced at $4.98. Children'. New- FaiICoats Warm, snug-iaoking 'mats for the' younger folks £rom 6 ta 14 are ready lu the new style«. And fabrics. Maay are trlmmed 1h fur'o fur fabriead are elther belted, pieated or button trlmmed. Silk Hose to 1.50 -at '69c. Wome's'.11k and allât boot ho.. ln ail colora ln S9c, $1.19 and $1.Uê. "dunes tablentdlngansd .trlped. effeeia are utlced for clearancoe t Iiitroducing tfie most exquisite ot the New Pashiozs-in Women's Tailored Suls for Fail Many'Bave Fur Trlmming A facatlag varlety of .plrlted modela ln suits distinctive lInlUne, handsome lu fabric aud delightfulinl color. have been sssembled for your speelai beaeflt. Some of the jackets have blouse baa. flovel collars. narrowest of beits, fancy panel- Ing, unusual poclets. Colora ire navy, brown, beaver, etc. In the__.ý August Sale -c» fur coats, -f ursets and pieces, -plush codts and, -f tfabr* coati we offer à discount of 20% oto 25% Last Cail Sale of- Wash kirts Valueés ,f0 37- Values,-b 810- ,, ui thesei two loti thoreare mKtafly pret ty sklrt. of Cotton fabrîca as- wli as othel% s 1kil oplns, satinettes, etc.. mont, of thbm are wbite, à tu. aMeCOlOred. AU ases. New'Fali' Skirts9.50 tq 2 Waduiissu.. Dow BMteb jladstu richestat Cf oltlgsud aovefty éétgeM &euS ' » UW 'Mbgrt wý elourIerseys là stirt. of ,and' s; Dresses to 312 at- 4.98 te1 .T: tai atoi liam la a starl waes COD star Cour' a fa the whic erty' Hi drils, drov tath, Thur 10w even that 90tf, waa Pete varl: Vîrt

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