Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Sep 1919, p. 6

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ltwiulay August 28. ~wm ultega Out today of the MW,4 Soid@Thurada yevening .,Q. 'w.âWare. vile of a mo.lor rx ti.For no appaçent 44i wonmmitookturee ih- :« Merury pilla. Io swaiID the pilla she 0I nt. ýthe. room where, ber ave taloen poison, aho ad war. tan ta a telephone aml 4 doctor. Mnr. waevidont- celt that t6e Pilla voDl verk fven au emetic and hurriol to ilteaL ufring olit c om-, - tÇ fte#-suges Obib racoverel d wiia able 15%-to her rOM.L ý Waft &Adbal the pilla with me dm Il vas learag. Gb. luO ýtemI PhilalphIa a iàs lie..-Mr. War. lImDored 115v 8« hepilasavay end lb 4*m4 thiat le thoaght aie dLaoe l ahe bal cnceal- *ro War 80k plio 1 lellvt idouilnw M - Ï* te b le @a: V e-f9ft., 7'i *à r« mu 1, râ7' amssna ii e., ce *8 au put tWl aid out. ýwèà aobftge4 0 -Pr.sut a. OP tasse OWIIgte the fallure 4"4;7"~ac te reolit -.for thé Non ae 40 mainy désirable ways $lgbWabkegsuthat these a ,flZ.ilali]os their, nln.l 1* rptate 0tka. They may ind 9 lt8031111 ZIBYSbora cheaper 80 *VelIo0ck Oposes Cube 70« g a" naine- Overlock buatlg trlilos HODiI $0I 3 si rhm tii. uIal rozuld à«4 surom hi ast u usth.SUn 1e lises. fflersme Morille. -87 t. M~t iu-t , homm001e. Dm1111bit ,~ ~aep~ ul bs' ig Wforced DOi et third. Coo* poppa ta Iloliocher aMd thi bit triait b», vo. scoaé Chicago IL13p A 'Ilolocersa0 4 Burberu t0 000a ,Merkl lb 2 2 81 Daly et -4O04 0- Friberl b 2 2 i 1 Rendrix rf 1 3 2 0O O7arrefl Baley p 0 00 2 Totals 6 10 27 9 WaukemauR H p A Flynn Sb3 2 0 Burk et 0 11 0 Jahnso If ID0180 Holdemalb 0 -1 9 0 flebusas 0 0 3 Cook 2b ô0021l Keenan il - 0 3 20 Erickmone l l61 l à Overlok p 0 00 2 Totals 4 10 27,1; Chicago 0l'O2 0 0l1.0-6 -Waukeg 0 0 a0 10 e01--4 prroru-$Nlberg, OTarrelI, Dubus.4 Twa-bae bta-Mage, Kdeflaa(2). Threbas. hits-olobn ark). 5P) HeDdrix (2). Flynn. Double la' Mages to fHallocher. Bases on halle -Off DalIey, 4. 4ffruck out hyi'Oe lok, 3 (Merkle, Baey 2); byBai." 3 (Overlool 2, 9m'ke). Nier, Sud Cramer. iuiai l~A&t$oolX. tbodIs *urty VUi* 'aa - mr n41A*t r och ceMetery. The leatb orf Mn. Wéb@r oloet CUMaelyaftar that of ber fathr. AI bort Chinanof Oklahora City, 011*. 'Ut ln a arted for Waukegan abolit sv veelI àap o 10 iait bis daughter. Ream vastllan vlle puasig thru VW1 atateOof -Miégouil nl Pasael avai. Tha daUbter neve, va, mP- Pràael0o1hmis181se 1U8 v a, fearel besjracSk'mlat1*ae 7r'v e mise. stature lohm.lted. fot onu Wstature as a vhole lober- lie&, but as, snd cran marse ceariy, asci Bégaient of stature. sncb s 111. Iesgtis of torse. 211gb snd foreletA" i 'Wle inbernsof th. iength of thege agmute foilows the.Ume lav as das the lengtb of stature go a viii.. ,er, au w or. ,oi~ T140e OP17i PUE$ENT ne olgiistl PU a ire.unl' ot AuT 20 , 04 eut Uwhut v». 7s=iv t$4hs e. tath. &nd att% 8iei s.ttua aacWho, e fibwu rsepietlwm bo ri« l pIo a1860. JohnStcI àoepi berh8ge.J&. tom wmhU Goums Utu P.c~ lte.x I , arbara Aines. » Wla 8 . Tila Mary I. ,set mmro, ul ho. J., Dietinsy,, JaumsIL.Tuoker, ad C. T. Esydeohoer. Th174-tolalog ver. présent viio tedoi the chool between 1400 Heydfcker. Mat P. Thofmm.n. W!?ý ireoua'1attiL 1 Tia et laiLa A a l~e tUnel And yoVli - Y» oaa. C" * ,ni Mare. »ut wmol g*tber ni tfe soscôlboa" Onuh if. sImd eusios dMr WitIi the geula tist Waqiel t. kuov tyaft.. Tho oamea-bave elimbe 'thse mouaùý tain. On-the 'vil, 80 'valtb and tarse And "lIers 5t-»M ara ahugilln.on t -vay, Our heaits, inl lave unlto, wvii cr betise same As viien me sss our Darling Nel- lie Gray." chorus- The following officara 'vere aiact- ed for the enatUlg îeer:. Pregent-C. T. Hleoker cf Win, kegan, m. 1. VIce Žrýsidatt-lGm& orl c Kenoaba, Wla. Eseculire Commtte"-,, . Dit' mneyer, lEmma iReydeok*, Edgsr The Re-union Ciosel iii inlu 'AmerlcL." by all .*6 ul i. and by unausimaus vote, en4&ar»ed ta meet again on Tbliudey. August 6.1980. Sa far as enu be asoertalno tmo' o! the descendants of ;"y 0f MI ftholara vu0 attende 21515 achoel bit lhefr livea ln the over-mas ser- vice o! thei1. country. KICKED IN FACE BY UtORSE FRANK( BROM LOSES dE'- Th-UT-ay Awm Uat. ank PrOvin, , prrietor o! >& ira- cery store at the corner of Eightb snd Lincoln stretew'us Icked in the face hy bis horse thie accu near the, entrance ta the.&mercaa Bloc) andI Wlre 11111& on state troat. Ue Wiii Probably losa the ight or onea oye.. TIse tiing veiglit and tope bal becomme langled trouai! lue omb legs andI Brom geSotutieVagan ta s'erovî it. As be wv a uing etai W top. the hors, kice e h.fflo biet Otrllclng hlm Iirectiy lu, tisa fta e doctor ln <barçe Mid that theé,110V ea raeled Brams artans"a "da 15*4 detroyel the aiglt la ue 4" The. other parts of bis .,eauce ye badiy braie, ab, veî a.ahaol aIu ta1 the bomi>itifrtsa ltila Ilion ofhl Ibtaurfs. ' Moist. Icade.Io il font lm te enter. 4" w- 44117 am ioedte 2 sêbottmanltru*ký 1 4*Wl aItih tifth pôjo 1Wt. 1111 Wp alon* on thi etot.* â *ot, ne*41hvol *Idtb« ~foiW5i ssia" the ~yS8OilNS5 oIitt* t4ai ho b ' dthe am- 51 aa tuWSa eusp mo.: P44 a bludiatio 1oni rn n<1e 4 . t t oba10 f0010 tai t f b lauge rock.,, 1tNith iders MW* tbi ort a 1. AI WPOA 4 Nthe bit coau boat yh b#.<the qpippliso ic 504ta,0'4ta omt* of 4bard coal dockod zt the usl4mrable Ur nsd tii. ulapl Of' ketl doc4 inestiatins W WAx6fpiau vallaicitiesz win jqstý a @%*e1,W emlne the. extani Of 8the b4P 29 W0<2 tUntil -lte 55vw=31.aMtIo I1Wr t 1thoveasel. One plate wý'siiltO b alie the tranthi;bsfl t.1 tard bàà lISîs.Pushed nfl t ind g~ ofum la te1irettventure into th .mail 1084 »Mabaly 18 t w as on. The. oder )JIn..It la declaro, hvvr PU4115i tte a 0 ork. andItliay that praticaB ll alordera acCepted Me p s aedi$ ta ïke fron Wahkasaa wvi i lle114 tit W5*Wu ftll reP&.aauosa h that alitnients have bt.s raare die e~ltlmag. the fIrot rock egirdlgas" the -demanda -male hi diM 'iii at h.known until the coal oth*r tiez for lncteaaalsuppie&a0f id, rese ved train the boat. the aff'u"P11food producta. The' uct211*8 the MonroeSmth Waubkegan may continue ta buyT fl n* two rocks in Waukega ue 100&flf-romhebgaverument 117 parce[ bur a.Itou reported tu Milwaukee. Puat artter Septeinher 25 , ausIlan* t 5expoolit the United sttaags DOUflOeDit le made that a great Xauriai.oaglnm.rlng oaie tiie a l vu orrmeaLt parcei poSt stare 8*11 b. rd a1e iala te attempta to anre ýojinedlnluChicAUansd ln thia store Matron dgacaobstacle. Thi a ltse h goveiunent vIII o08efor muis t thât a botanutari« V-ratic* alal o! 8h, kinds 0f f004i at*ksrock inlu.he rbor. lWaducti 21*8 vere offeed la the hSD*t he 'anê ,sbarh1. YOCet basud 18 la probable thés leio-utheothetbabai md ~'ohtprodecta iwib ciftred. bsv<. ~ O gblvj n allow places in WaUkeSSisPatron. vili ho, supplIid ue 4uOI 1>0 th15 la the. flrat jie frcl i 111 CjaO étore sud pgnose "y? 011.2001bas been uit. v01 bk arangel no that the coat of "Wliat jusak.sua .,patuly delilvry viiflot b. 'o gaqet as ta ab" l a te *the tact that the i. m akevulp I11nprst l came front dry dock 10 laya mgo e.1 le 1111bullauasamootiisas W*"NI "affl theskipper. 'Nov ve' té . e Udergo the mipefas MdaiYWA .bQ1hgln dry dock caca 1 attribu thet . act 8ha8 11the ot at%tul tieuler or vhatever 1 Wu^,'tua 20*Met hat the eV*'oth 1 tek 'b" % rn arkd .lIplahie il mu tee re.Y. lt la »W ILir a ooo bdw- 0average MlavuloS Xlà fb I04006dof. t»ie e Q Nft 24jgau, barboewtr O%,'lfuké oite W *t . mIta15 atlso h ifot1p~s1 pifmeat auIbo.11 1*10101 ta ti fa.toale evbislab p AWW ChiiI*f ,m oa Amant th oe ls MtO e Be old are tonLake »»Mira blatogl ORIN bscf 81e cl Ihduc ark VY lnudlng tige gaoets 2111001 anl.Gopher, BanderaI andpiseo@. ý, OTOCYUST Mor rAf£nton. Imam andl the M« MOTORCYLIStUOTTAKER u de Austria, the laut tvo Spaiilsb Police Of telia nom18*11ah«« Mare merlcan ivar prises; thé Montitor ensvrigta ai 0 W lie4w* mot«,. AmPlhirtllansd the o0av.rted yachts cYcle ridera in1the bdof 21114t iagl su ad Wabasi. mint rl Prevfle os iblerO. The Baiex, Yantic, Liopiier, [aie de bOry Of passlng éntoloté. Thla ae, Luneu, and *Da Juan de Âustrla haie tiOn la laken sa th1e rqmalt 0f an p..been- umad for anube' o ' ar a .cident ubich cu *nal-Tar. ~ t~u navs,-mlT a daY Mainng and 8ib scta 01 an21 laa.Teii.l u bery 41.1 fot t5kq 11.410thts e Il Zu a&lb on a d.Te Austri a or bal aiu the.earmarks 4f att.iDpt m aa t deti ar von In that direction. M--a dltug wit W. H* 1¶tch, cnctaI vliththe Lb. U113E a s'enov avattlng aie 148*118 Uivhersity luaObago 'wu% et Atatl*a ora drlvlng higautomole aouth iii Luire The Basas, Yarstlcand Ise de j'- Poreat about 4aur 0'clok'* hurmlay zou vere the' goverfiment boats sta- morning. As ha esciiol a Point Juit tionedln1 the local port durlng the 501th of 14k, Forent le f apll5104taleyvr s4 ua a tan lAt te rn 1e mwai, cf the lad. 'tg ahIPB for recrUits 'ett8h. Great Atti. marn tiu>07'vu 0101 011*2, s tation. The navMal tion isacI Of Jl ad tbUdtà, dr baI'rbonas Io sballov ta permit' the tion. ouspectia tii4t,,gg,,,itt@Mpt boua get lu. volIb, male ta. minetb . ltblOi Bids vill ho receiv ed at the mary legarde4 tes r,4 ider m 05lPartinent up ta nm orofSept. 4. Up theo punmuit ad rouulM aion 1w¶i u, Ar aswa back of hlm, oaa, boi4g on eah aile w vi A A1I 0f the, rosed. -*vi Fibteh bad a obeudi car and isatM- ,Od ta keep aheal cf the "EN DMrs 'n kePt Up the chame t.- thtecM b lmitse U D CII E 6 of Fort Sheidana. i'tch -'eet 10lthe guard hotu andmal !ate4 bis&e«D«r eùe AunarMel «nard vas fliowu Lw sB LE out but the. motortylé Oridea ois uAN>ISIUU mot b. 100*8e. .urent A~JFro M Engsh ~itciicontinai onM1big vay. : . inLake aoith i 0fthifothe m oton'yclti """Bysýlndôts'Lk viso bad ,vaded thé guad agmin»a. CO. Peopt' i Benefit. pearal back"o8 im n »'t llme Plteh -- -.«.ý aliWl > ' nt ,AN 7RP.OVER THERE Rrk. Hors soin, f" mdea ar #rM~i, Ié portt'Ise 888rt# e i I O.but tht Geof rge Podlck of Libertyvilie and mThe;cyugltn ao4ll taed IIIl. W*tlicmgnan ld If fth21e.- efthem ocas TIs te -ollri, 1811* 1 tiui ta Eniulte daim Ut wiii he have b> -thievoe lva as'etor a u UVi*appar.ntuy la ornise te *aim thmi and rob sar, u iste. K O X sOlPthe. des29of ndistant relative? ý and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ro uoap 8develôpa that rathar mystariona * -,communIcations have heeun omiing que OI tw ol"uWi lâsslY iynom ngiand ta Cocir, Pp. suhetid 'ae0Wabge abai The salutatur1,-- 0! Meus. W 1FaIdla olç' fg uer CI "«-outise 'Oiago fau*am Baotio I i a Llitpll. et rivedh ï M oss endIol cf Sdiou î Waot G ho Self, ael - te 'Wbs>atst- nu. uo coup ùuus mnor i faier, la ber VOLi Poe ~ i'totOêtoi, e vesIF. ore mlaun oi a o quset è.ovht- lie local met 1111v.e. v #otadoter- ;mIna, A00orllagly tbey arwiflaqW book vaiting tgsdefiil Wa4 ':ta *qrne &rM Ei«d aud 'bic vi ie thloa Oso Mt or-cf a«Ides sast0 lia amount of property lurdirel and ib. llcate to thoa *hethée tlsey wvul b, inatile la IScuuvng '21.. apouse necesaary te, mal thti tulp1Mt.a land. DO Y P120W The knowielgs that IoderaI1 gatrare laOIiiWakeÇn cecki.É Up chargea -or profiteertin luMur "aà bal 8the affect of knoohlug lie Propa ont tram lie provalilng higis pucees, according ta Statua Attororey James 0. Weicb vbo la ulricting lb. autî--rataerin (ZSlflDin iber.. "Thi lio0f the coinplaints i re' ceira arae'mii regard 20 augar,.' Ur Wech aid. «'I bar. rocoreci nm. Oui eomplalute that sugar vas bolug aold for <ra5 fourteen 80 alite. cents per pouni. Tolay 81*- Vouet complaint Vas 11.8 suear l mdl in bsse placesaSt'overtceta per Prom eleven tao vep sud usbsif tenta par lourdi wa a ait pries, aà- eminat. oMr. Walsh, and «Y prise. la ezeesoraat *la prateurt- aotmossrl au 2the Partet *11. le col dernIer for bd may ha péiiag a blabe riaes ta eM" prao«»« vheiuair. but - *barste-15bffl le 01w* Wlho1*la paylug mm M dm~ **M Md the1 ltuUmthm thet. Une. I2 »e~.aIa su elr Mer wue »slgM& Mi fer dea* «w&é OPskhug-te houP ~itMI 1lofir prWe limité, Tht gbr um Moersymaulfer 01»a kim*« l kv thmaudn PesIs Of fiCi b"ch ad Ston sale ea ln.CQhaào. MW 0Mhas va oia* ped up là grty niantes. ,F DodolI, as 81 sats la mi. OUM te lavoivr a u ewsia»~15 Mach asu2th@ houas et bdhng dusemni 04 Crorna puat mm 1 Inogasse eaet M tbedegrse 0< oaamn&(aWnty t. hlm ulnlaht; for bis lm=ndaJ de. semndauftsam. ai mers ptrscu paraI ta suds of bis remota oe rt 03 cau trace thair origin to thair great * rogouitoR,, baec througb a ptriod et miULyara-ZhnMaciwh. mélght t 0 kalrat er. Obe m me mow« e4tp alaspe esaab tia w cm* bebg o « er go vliec b bobBtt vwheoxaid hha balUve4 2 Wo"a n ga4for têt yeara, vwu 8.1 tlwro imau tewpr.t.r vat the Uui hm,1 MWii* ne.admttal antheii gmi Cd4 al but mau that -bi s omg 11bauibMmped by a reosa hmo the chiu. 4"a1000, Imaffine an.1187* OU4 011114 MaIn5 uch a requmat," Aatmo 28. tto»nieDOn. eni 0.1 seowIulIy. 1ht eill Wbose Dama la vlthhil for obvim ens roaogt'on ber math. era bka. as thé toid ber story. Ochaeer nat 'a f0w fret away, hlm baad bOut farward, but It va, flot bo. eause of shame, hcaome ha appearal to ho abameleas.. thie mother or the. child glarel savagel, as th1e paamd Sebaefor. ob. ralaej' br hand threatenlngiy es If tQ Itrike hm-thon recansideral. "if 7011 evar corne near our place OW5IM111lilkill you w1th my ow* band&» th.he lbe4 at hlm. A"i thas. la the court room kfev that ah. mmeat *veV7 Word of h. Thora are several other Uie girl*, vhs Probahly Wl! 1 legiet whm tb811 case coumUp for trwa l i cuimt That Perfo ed for bl customrsby " Bcos-, Versatle Serantwatt. mg mwa aievery Iap socket. me goo1*y vu cost go - lise uaddoy sMd p- W. Sen Thom AUl Ilonthly Paymenta Public Servce Co.' of Nortlwm IlUnols [s afegua rded )nvestments- Paplng *0 12% usakua 8ta«§y tu esara money iaystemiatically snd tW acouulate high 0oin, eoritita paying good di*#dond retura and capable of large irsoreasea in valqse. Loet us explais thila plan to you. Tell un hov nsoh, you eau psy down aud boy mach yoD 0"15pBy monthly. - Tell us vha ah"riie yon have, if yoD haves amyse e îad as 80 tba'ir prenant valua, plability and future. W. viii maile up a speosal inveatment suiséO. lion for' Ybu saOorlusg'ta '*'at, YOu eaiford w invoît on tubs patial payment plnilsiher toi na 10-paymeut or 80.payment buit, Write to oar 1DPtpsruunt A-2 for our paper, 'Guaranteel InrastmOntal," wrving advie4 on the,- mawkoî oondltion-It vIU -intereat you. 10 Smuth L4ale 8*et CRICAG Wa It*. .an M. MISM agr. Dr. Ils ai 'Boi Ur. IMLL lad.,d L.k& Imnnau~gUmm" w~q~.P4uat. realent. W. 8. Smfth, Vic.Pmeaident. S .W.CiiurchllSeqrotary and Manager ýLEPHON 8I 1

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