Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Sep 1919, p. 1

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LIBERTY-VILL'E - - - - 'w- - d LAIKÊ courrry PEj>Dvu Lake Countv' Big Weekly WAUKECIAN WEEKLy SUN IVL V-O 7 TWECLVE PAGES LTBERMTIMjLE, LAKE COUNTY, HILNOIS, TUURSDAY, SEPTEMBEIR il, 1919. ONE TO EIG HT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVÂI Liber,,;rille, lSept . 5-With exhi. bit'i !rom> th,-farine of Samuel ln'uil Arthuor 'ti-iker, Thsomas Wilson of tlw nfoit h -Aiîîe and Cox ansi Cotixtra- ixan or Vil0 lte stxty-sixlb affluai luit- <oitnty tainriss& set a record b>' haita'ni.','itlargeal display 0f pure- lr#-d -s'rck lu ils eer. Ever>' stali tand stable is ffiled and Ivo buge t-nIa are belng uàed to bause thé stock wiixciî bas camtefronmal parts of the cocînt>'. Spécial intereet baa been dîsptayêd b>' thé rlch north phare me-n who bave groomed their stock and Espent much money bu their en- deavor tb vin thé ribbons. Fiying a Peature Latrry B3rava, île aviator bas beén glring same wonderfull>' fine exhi- bitions doing tire varlaus slunIs aboyée the tain groundls. Anotirer flyer bas heen taking up many pesseugers ai 115 a ride. Laary ba pérhaps thé beet known driver on the tracks Ibis year sud he drove Pster Manning te viclory lu thé 2.24 trot on Thursda>'. Tise offciais in tbe racés are: Starler-Mlagnus Flavu. Mters: Ed Brava. Liberty--lfle; X. W. liur.ue, Chicago; Charle ste. Time 2:164; 19%; .19%. 19%; 21 Phenson, ltîngwood. 23 OnyRc.$0 Judges John Shaw, Chicago; J. P. Saie Grettan------------..i 1 i Zdlean Esi Muisike, 0f1lbrtYfilllêTod d Bond ................2 I22 la. the basobial gaine Thursday Time 2:39V&; 2914 241/t lids Forest defeateci thé Autlociî % Mle Runnlng Race tea ninl an exciting game, score eigisî Oa Chld-1. ta live. Joe Benmatin--2 Thé address today' by Sénaton Ke- Time 1:03M, singer 0f Joiet, In rout 0f thé au- Tisé exhibé. ebng ihé novicInde ditorium Drov'ed eue of tbe Intenest- man>' Waukegan concernseand as a Ing attraction seof tiré grounds today, visole they are very interesting. The State's Atîorney James G. We'Cl h anc>' verk exWsbit la tire art bal Ie aiso gave~ a short addrees. Unusuali>' fine and as much cen be Olil Timner Present 551>1 of ever>' other lile of displa>' One of tise interesting cisaracters la thit ,c eh fouuS et tire Count>' Fair. thé Judges stand le F- W. IBurke wh0, Surel>' neyer à such a fine erra>' la ueventy-îirrce yvars oid. Mr. IBurke of Pigs. aheepi, cattle and horsea been la acting as one of te timers. Hé seen on thé Laljé Counîy Fais Stnnted cooîing to thxe Lake County rGounds. Itlai a treat 10 sec sucb a Fa5ir flfy-tbnee v ears ago or' vhen ho fair lut of pure ired stock and thé vas tventy yeurs (if ugo. lie atarI- count>' la cerlatul>' fortunate to havé éd huying stock througbout théesuch a fine lot of henda lu drav count>' and that attractéd bim ta thé from. fain. Hé declare thsî lni ail these akg adL e utypo years ho probabi>' bas no inIssed ten PWaShueganid e e un>' fai- or tn'elve count>' (airs in Lake i huf aruz iecot'fi ,Counta-. Tire lirt time he atîénded in, order 10 ieuni encouragement 10 a tain vas when il n'as ield la vhat théenranage-ment. There vas e tinie in cailed tire hollownfot ver>' far trom vbeu l a tthfair ofbatéisaIte thé presetit race track site. winl Wsfl rbbeta h F'on man>-y yuns Mn. Burke 1rove abnuai fain would hé abandouesi. lu races and h-id race homees hmsefif het ad laggecl ou h part of1 vhlcb took Part -n the races et Llb- exhibitors but Il certatul>' ias héen1 étyvillo and -i- o iii Chicago.r r ived nov because nover iras t.akc - Hia son, Ftank J. Burke, Irecemp Count>' bail sucb a vonderful lot orf qlte ear-ellînowri anîl coospxcixoiîtc etbits a.% ibis year.. Accordingly i driver anîl di ove" 1 , use iut Ubertyvillé Ib lltat la useded to lusuré thé vhnhé Ias ltie yeans e g.~ permanénc>' etoflcens b>'attendflng1 le Jmat tventy yeais agi tor leaSd patronlziug Uberaliy. drive bis race at l.ih(tviîte and hlii '1here ls to ho seen ou thé grounds father la spexsking of thé mater on titis t'éar ever>' eort ot an attractiont Thursday redalied bo e liseîtîî> e -tit tthe publie lotugs for. hére are1 loy hat! von second place ln tisatil sorts of gaines on 12' Midway, eveut, Ee'Aiu nomn" h thene ana euetertalnlng tMatunes for tiret bis son drové a race in Chica.tte chldren, tiseré la thé airshlp go ton a 8111lor5 and soldiers benellt <-nstaitir filng ove, thé cron'd, gfWhen 1i ar as but eleven years oid. # -here 1, tire fasiflallng progrem sund Thursday's Race.s toere is thé usuel exhubit oif mahcin- The liorse ractng Tburaday vaa ex- ery, etc. wiîci viii inlerest tise peo-i citiug aibhough thé 5l(,1> of racers pie generali>' ln thé ceunI>'. Peopes vaa sial. Thé résulta: v!îo -an not ho satlsfied vizir vbet1 2:24 Trot Purs. $M e the>' see aI thé lake County F'airi Vlclc Law'.............. a a*3 ibis t-car truaI surely behé ard tb Peter Mannlig .......... 1 1a 1 please. Carly On «.............4 4 4 4 The racing prograns for Saturda>' Virglnla Humbug .... 2 2, 1 2 luludes lire tollowing sets: tise 217%; 17yà; 21%j; 19 2:14 trot, purge $300; free for ail 2:18 pace-purse 'Ç» pce, $400; 2:20 pacé, $300; one Mile jack Grattan .......... 1 2 2 2 2 ru puresé$30., Miss Azef-------------..22 11 j PhArnile B ..............3 1 2S 3 (Continued on Pagé Pour.) id1 PANTS BUR4iLA VISITS TOWN 0F AREA; LOOT $245 1 1 - ýJeAURý ABVOCATE REFORM 0f DANCING AND 0F DANCE MUSIC Three Homes Entered ani Trousers Demoved; Gets $200 from a.Trunk. LEAVES TROUSERS OUTSIDI Two wceka ago certair resident of Highland Park bad te don bai rels when a pallia burgla,. enteret a number of homes. %Ionday nigt Arca vas visited by the pants burgli wbo stole masculine furnishlngi from three homes obtalning $245. Tbe bornes whieh the pante burgli entered Lra tbi.îe of iternian Zersen Tlieodore Zeraen, and W. D). Porteous At the lfermlan Zerseu borne bc aides maklng oit with Mr. Zersen' trous4ers bo opened a trunk and tooa $21)vwh>li hbad 1.een biddieinthere Mr. Tileodre Zer.sen forunately bad but iittie change in bis poeketa but tbc- LLier took that sanyway. At the W. D. Porteous home the burgiar was again lue;ky for lie ban> $45 in Mr. Porteoua' pallie. Nc cir-w tu the man's identity was abtaîîi ed atisîxy ut the tbree bouses. At eachi of the thrue hoaies the paints burgiar took thie trou-ers out. Oide of the home to rifle tbem Of tbeir contents. As occured in}Highland Park the men robbed found theli cloîhes near ttieir homes the boliowý lng morning. 15 ENJOINED EUXO DOIN(i CONTRACTINII WORK AT LK VILLA A Writ is Taken out Today against Herman Meyer, weII Known in West'n Lake Co. - CHARGE BROKEN CONTRACT A temporary InJunction vas grant- ,ed lu Waukegan today by Circuit udge Edwards against Herman Mey- er, e wpil kflovn contracter et Leke Villa, restralnlng hlm ftr. entering lote contrecting vark of any kind within a radius of five miles of Lake Villa. Thte writ was granted on thse pIes of Messrs. B., C. B., Fred. T. al Frank Hamlin, doing a contracting business under thse firm. naine of E[âm. lin and Sons. The bill for injulictios, vas tlled by Atty. A. V. Simiths. j The pet ition relates that on Octo. >ber 16, 1918, theé iilns entered-in- te a contract wltb Meyer -whertsby. for a coasideratlon of $710 tbey pur,. cbaïed bis oontracting business and witb It bis gond viii and promis. to help tbem aiong in tvery vey po. sible. Tbé contract provided tisat 'MleYer was not to do contractlng vits- in a radius o!f f1e miles of tbevil. lage. Previaus to tbis It la related, Mey. er had done considerable vorn -on the Ernest E. Lebman estate on sagsd Lalie. Afler tbey purchased the huai. niess they recelved. this work and wimployed MeiYer as superintendent of the work. On Aug. 9, 1919, Key. er lefItbtelr employ and tbey un> titat underlthe Pretext tbat hllea slerintendent on tbe Lebman place 110w is engaged ln doing contractlnj; work. Tbey as;k that lie madie to live up to te ternis of the contract. BOARD 0f REVIEW "%GIENMORE TIM Tli lord of Supervisers beld a brlcf nierting tis afternoon but transacted luttle business. Tbey took an adjýirimpont to Thlursday wib tise understsndiag ibat at tbat trne tise mefetIng îolght be 4-anltinuetd oneéor two weeks. 0ne of thse .mette,., faken Ili) n'a.-> to gr.,nt an extension to tbe Huard of ttevjew to, continue BROiIHERS AND SIS- TERS ARE TO WED, That a brother and sister are to, marry a brother and sîster. waa sitown todait wben two couples frons Barington took out licenses and an. nonncod fitat tbere la to be a double wedding. Thse couples are Dale Ma- gît1 and Clara Miller.. George J. Ml.- 1er and Editb Magill. New Bates, propriétor of, the Queen of the West reetort et Petite Lalti vU ined $100 ad Océta tà police court Mion tndftv. 'l'e. tour micut ma- chines vbicb vere taken verslin- pounded and are 10 bo deutroyed. NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST Extended Tour Through Canada Over Canadian Pacific From WinniPeg to ancouver, Seattle and Portland 1 - 1 dommueL Il (Sy W J. Sith)ancing masters' Associa- <By W. J. Smîîe>il anticipation of the big Stampede to eouin Saturday Âuig. 23.-Wl, ýn 1fui Wik.tebe hé bd Ibere next weelc. It vas _____ E th Ntina Edâtoria aI stY Soule flperatigwit "ow-by"Pedi' ýDEC RY SHIMMY AND JAZZ. time ego said: "Your trip glts betier and «"phony" money used tuernake 1 lon rCm oiin e su ad better every day," imaux utifus, bets. Appropriate signs sdorned thq vica' larterCare heartiiy lu Sec- lr- vhc-n ve ba s scbfine enter taimnmfs valis and 0onedid fnot have teo m vce r d(:u-th b arrevolu tion 0fndanc 3d et Winnipeg, Edmonton and ot1,1r mucb on bis Imagination to i-i-tIhlilitriri- il xtback 10 ita former beauty it spots, feit that Bill vas puttîng it on self back iu the "wiid and wuîtyý r s tittie. But, be made goodo, th est" d artisticnes.s as pisnned b>' tbe 5 stte- sy atie nuth otiu stîflsoebidigh ii American National Aqsociation of haie proved not.oniy a, gcoîd saitho .residî,nces, flne rallroad andl go'.ern- \iNew YrkfDn. n eehl edb Irfrtbtin anme respects b(ttir. Sr- nient b)ufXiugs go to heip('aiga.- l At iy the>' vere delightfuile' iexpni liack Up lita aim of beina 0one ut tre ofAtthe meeting of this organization of dancing teechers and dance ball e. aperators trans all venrltie Unted Stat' i firma stand vas teken against 'uflidLitl.- syncopation, shlinm% con- tnrtion, and seusual jazz music." It n'a5 agreed tiraI îhey 1sbouid attempt to reform the present practice of e dancing. il The toitoning resolution vhicb is '0 . Ked b>' the War Camp Conîîuînity1 a ~Service vas voied upon at the con-1 vention. t- ~RDSOLVED, That we stand united-i r ,ly for dancing tbat ls decent and be-t d ~yond any possible censure of church 1 ran>! municipal authorities. 1t W'e pledge ourseives te Improve. n'bere possible, the standard of aur protesion. We decry ail efforts made to Introduce jazz or other music that I tendis te degrade or sensuaiize danc- Ing. We believe In dancing as an art,t a social accompUsbhment, as relaxa- tien and as exercise. We consider dancing la tbe poeatry of motion and -a naturel expression of the delights of mtlslc. SThse association of dancing muters intends ta accompIlsis Ibeir abject hy: Ont of the Drive. Through Dwn Alver Park et Spokasne, Wath/ 1.-By establlshing an Information sien ini verds. reai cities of Canada., one vblch eaui bureau whene veltare 'vorkers, pri. We reachesi Calgary' trom Red D)eer dlaim mucb for the past and predbct vate Individuels or ibolice ollcials Frida>' noon and vere tgken over thé great things for the future. W. imy baut&Rf hcare a tcît>' ln autos. We env a meut beau- agreed that thé enthusiasm ianlfestéd formation regardIng propen--danclngF tirfai ity, one wvismépgeabllitles of by ts residents la flot basait on a and boy dance halls shouid be con- the future are most pnomhalng. Judg- slimpsy toundetlan but on e remali. ducted. ing b>' the0otbén citbes ve havé vis- lion tbat the location ofthe Cit>' vith 2.B ecie>copraigvt itpd and baslng concluions on vbat ia bts many advautages, Inaures e mistral- the police ln eboliablng the tbnga 3il store for Calgary, ls future le ai polis lu Ibis aine city, Calgary' tbeî bave made immodesty 1n tire 1 mont immeasurable, It la am broas a-4 Thé projection et the Canadien pbel-roons e popuar Pastime. the skies, for, bas l net ail tise ad- cille Railiva> made Calgary' accessble s vantages that a big City needa? There tto thé outstide world ln 1883, thé firet W BE la one sligbt critlclsm an outsider train over tbe lune arrlvbng bu Cagay SILA4EWIL i oses, hevever and ve toid it tae tor lu August of that year. in 1884 I Wood othesCalgary lad. It l thetradiing post ws Incorported as dlE TJN S are avalle on al sides of thé City' lion at litI ime vas estlmated at a:IUII and on vbicb people could bniid tiseir 500. UAL BUT LMIU ED e ohomes, theré is ton mucis of the 2- Catgatry grev In population and d foot-lot idea, vitb fine homes erecî-In commercialIimportance, Iu 1908 ar ed on sites vbich even in, a City jike, lire wholesale fSrms estahlished tirein. F ers Now Are Filling Their c Chicago vould be termed oongestéd. selvei,; ithin the cit>', the Population Silos and Find Quality Calgar>' viii iikeiy gét s.vay from b( iJni- 1timated at 10.000. The census Unusually Good. this practice. At lenat, Il should do so for 1 i 1*,siiorid a population of 56, e If It expecta t0 attract people as Ra I aloid the growtb since that trne POTATOES ARE A FAURE. t cit>' Sa located shouid. lia been rapid se tiret now 65,000 The ladies irad tea-Iu the atternoon w'.uld ho a conservratIve estimats. A tact of Interest regarding thé $1 crops of Lake ('ounty la given to thé ih DliiySnb>' George. Graham., veil g( knoyn fariner living nortbvest et P Waukegan, t-eesays that thse silagefi thIbs year viilbp.oft unususîl> goaiod Ouaitv but that there viii net hbia greai .aanoun t utfIL Thé todder raistîltlii %sar bliait adgood corn w bu it bt ba e giit tlkvr mach, thcert fore, tié 'total amouni ia which vwiII be put up by te various $4 fariner> if lis count>'viilo t be - compar aile witb ormer years. Haw ever, r, tut tiser>'1la of 'l lie declarés. viilbl, o! a sîxperior qualil>'. - Anribrope Wall on the Nlllwaukpc i Roald fitled his silo ;lturda>' vbilé Fiel D>cker fltled bis on Prude>', t' 0 Ohei (n thes nsl.gblorlioird are plan- T ning on litltng thir nsIlos Ibi weeok andîthlia issalit toeirethé case through 'a ouith,.i count>'. tio The ha>' crup this or a ioni>' vbet 0 ii ht bic t !iel fai r titroîîgloîît lake Ph -- -, .( C' nt, it 1 s nitliing to le-az aboi4t, cia 'i-t rifs8an aveýrage crîîp.19 t'ý,'rn lt t hi' po ri t tiris la eeld te lu Parhiament BuI!dinçy et Victoria, B. C., Where One cif the Busineus Sessions lib rierlnr v--ratildly and it 1& N of the National Editorial Association Wil Be Hand.salri t vIll gli,'abaut twî'nty-fivé ab at tire At"ritan Ciîunael's reaidence. ICal * Li Ita non' ovr r140 wbolésansiýi iilt 1 î,-ar.Wh ntco 1 lti d-.Larod is a rallihrnürit'iaosnue Rv In the evening tlb enhire party va> Lii,, ,. iore than 700 netali Stores,. this tt n iii'c-uu l 1viiibe oni> 'IR gîven a ins banquet at the lundson's! idit a ut otn>' manofacturing ès- anot a hall a crop gi% ngabout S Bay Corianys in,' apartmnent Store j ilîli itiilents. Fiftten large Canadien twentt fi%' bit.,t'ei> 1n the acre, ding hall. Il w us eiaborately ar lint -htave branche, In thé Cilty, théeWbeaî it Isshclîl 'theiacreodice aot rsnged and sera-cii and the vielitorsl huit, otearns baviiig ncreasad troe ftnbîin ll ute itte acre xiîi.îyar wpreitnregt(i lththeImprtan lu190 te 334663426 Ihe fariners ai-, worrled. Thé po- port thto liundson Bey anapan>' n0 1917.tato crois tlrougiotîîîîthé ceunI>'bas douhl piplys un the afflairs o! citlas - "ilil ioromaiproperI>' asessmeul bee afalure-n i!5 'oar eccording te lilce Cagary and o'bér places virere n iîle iity for t117 vas $78.737.283. Mr. Grahsam and! ho predicts that ci tbey opîrate storos andCotler buti. 'Tho' lfn:dian P'aciic RaIlyay main 1tithe are nul ve-r, 1>0111 farmners ainm nesses. ti iii lCalgary lange car stops, employ thé county who wiii ha able te Prie- >'j The viditor> wcreglven an idea in,- apiîroximately 1200 mvn. Th, duc@ enon.éh Potatocs 1 te tké e meh ot vbal a real ganiling place on lte Grnîl Trunk Pacillc and Canadien Na- of lisein 0w-n néedsaiat hanse. de western troutier ha. been like, for. tiiiil RaUlways ecch make Calgary a la afttr tbe banquet tse>' vere taken diiioni point, lu thé territjory adJa- n Kingale>', for mer Waukég D te a place vich itad béen prespared enét to Calgary' considérable ooal new8palier man, heu been asaued - b> a ChIlag pape, te ao<dompmn Preffident Wilson on bis cross40on.te (Contnueil on Page Thre) ta-> tour lai "over" the story fWor iiu N9 INDEPENDE-NT BIfiGER AND BET- TER FAIR PROMISE, FOR, NEXT SEAU,! Many who Exhibited at State Fair this Week wiII Exhibit ln Lake County. FAIR ASSOCIATION PLEASEjý The silcess which crowned the 46 forts of the5 Lake County l'ajr N so0ciation thils year, It vas eh* todav, means that the UÀbertyyjM fair next year wiii be bigger am4 hetter than ov er before, Âithoev' a ml f Inanclreport ha. adB, Y,,t been maude out it was statedUW] fair ofliciais tod ay tbat the fsair", 3ear woiftd show a net profit lnateu*5, of a delirît which bas become a fommon in tat e years, The stock exhibit at the fair tbb Ypar was pronounced to be the ýb@ ever seen there. Notvithstandb* titis fact W. E. Watklns, eqetey of the association, predicted t~~ that, the stock exhibît nelt yBr VU he even hetter. He said a5uurai» has bçeen given that xnany vho @Uh*ý' ited their live stock at the etat. t9r this year would exhibit at LAbertyyUb next year. Those vho emhlbltd t the Lake County fair thta Year 90a vpe satisfled and asrt thfat thqr' viii be back next year vith exhMWeý The renewed interest sbown in*' fair tbis year vas an agrteable io prisie to the fair omlciais and ntS, of abandonng the plan of hOIdý the yearly faire as Some have taIkl"l t wiii bec ontifnued. $2,O« MOUEON TUE LAK OJ# FAIR THIS 1rEAt Fair Big Finanosal Suooqqe Preliminary ýBalance Shows Today. WILL PAY PART 0F D«, Lake Coumty Fair. la once more suecess after thre "bMd years» lIt M found today wben a rouah balaus shomed that the fair asaooia*I.. would be able to pay 12,000 on tub debt. Tihe financial accountz as etlmm*4 are: collections at a»t 12,290, depotIW ed et Lake CouÙty Bank $302. u due $155. The balanse on hand GM 1vas $1,011. The grand total on lt" credit uide shows $7,758. l'or epqà nes, $2,100 were expended ferMW. -lums and $1,650 for the races.a, &l ed to other exrpenditures meUt a te. ta i of aobut 86,000. Wltýi the state apropriatlon $1,500 fi s conservatlvely estIMataW bhat thse fair wolild be $2.000 to t"e gond and Jt viii be possible to a> ulv this sum 10 th.olod debt. fte fnal itemiz(,d account will be publiabb. ed In a ,sek. rwas anorînced that the premlia rouid be Pald on Saturday. 'rite Fair Association indebtedn.g 19 $6.000, this may n0w he reduffedt $4,000.7 WILLIE MAUST LEARN NEW JOGERPHY AND HIST'RY Whpn the hunded, of Waokega m ouý,-ean their schoel seaM ueiosdzty thc'y fotrnd everytblng ab1e rq It vaq lmet y. ur, viti the ae@>e oofa strtl ng change In thse g. cr p y class es. 1{retofore ue ag r» . Phy and bistory ln the elementary asses led tht, 'rodent up to the yens 1900. Frons 1914 toý-91l the vorid waq to0 busy nîaking hiutory to reeord il. 0'w the chiidren wili bave to, lersm %bout l. Wilie. stand ut> and teh . y itezi Germany went nut of bbiainem- Right. And loy 'nany nien did Par- shing h.»> tinder hlm? Shake theHandshake or Flu ChIl May Shake You Sirke th, bndatke. Dr. John Pli! IRobertson. bumit cmmissioner of Chicago, aaMaI& May be nice and frIendly to,"iS ýur friends, biit It lsn't helthy.> g te weekiy bulletin losed by â spartment it l, said that l Olten conv@Yed in Ibis WaY. Doctor Robertson:1 1 Don-'t shakoe ver a zO 0hm#4 teuded aMd don't " lSt me ai a ~t 'n ýaý,

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